Situation Foxtrot (SAO/Foxhole) [COMPLETE]

Chapter 4 Helper Map Guide
I think the thread might be having a bit of a failure of geography ATM. I will provide a map.

the thread has been informed.

edit: this hopefully contextuallizes how Hooker plans a three-pronged assault on Weathered: one from Viper Pit, one from Clanshead, one from Morgen's. Since each axis of attack has a supply line terminating at a production center, it should work and supplies won't cut out in the middle of the operation.
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Huh. The old base would be better to support the operation from.

Should we hand off the newer base or hand off the old base?
I think we already handed off the base near The King (Clanshead). And no one is going to want the seigeworks for a bit since it is both a huge ass mess and right next to a goblin fortification.
[X] Plan Find Battle-Hardened Logimans
-[X] Gift, Assign, or Abandon a bunker base.
--[X] Morgan's Crossing Bunker Base (Barracks)
---[X] Offer Base to Bathroy if she'll take it.
-[X] Go and recruit more personnel
--[X] Picky recruitment: Get people who are at least as skilled as you are! (Recruits 2d10+2 Yellow personnel)
-[X] Requisition Material
--[X] Logistics Support: Flatbeds, Fuel, and other nicities.
-[X] Get in touch with another regiment that does something you need (Discovers and improves relations with one random regiment inside the search group)
--[X] Water Logistics
edit: this hopefully contextuallizes how Hooker plans a three-pronged assault on Weathered: one from Viper Pit, one from Clanshead, one from Morgen's. Since each axis of attack has a supply line terminating at a production center, it should work and supplies won't cut out in the middle of the operation.
Wait, I thought vipers was neutral?
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Also is assume this is hookers masterplan then?

Pretty close to, yes. The Vipers Pit brigade, under Tepes, is planned to hit Shattered Advance, with Frostmarch as a secondary objective. The Clanshead Valley brigade, under Orr, is expected to hit Weathering Halls and punch through to pressure Port of Rime. The naval landings, under Hooker, are expected to deny the coast road and conduct actions to break Rime once Orr has it pinned down.

I'm honestly just gonna use this map wholesale next update, it's really good.
Gona need a lot of rounds if we want to bulldoze through those valleys
[X] Plan more shells and guns
-[X] Gift, Assign, or Abandon a bunker base.
--[X] Give siegeworks to Kazoo
-[X] Go and recruit more personnel
--[X] Selective recruitment: Look for people who aren't clueless. The Logistics Union has a lot of folks. (Recruits 3d10+3 Green personnel)
-[X] Requisition Material
--[X] Logistics Support: Flatbeds, Fuel, and other nicities.
--[X] Artillery Systems: 40mm guns, and 'soft' upgrades.

I rather not abandon the second base for now, we might need it depending on how many people we get.
Greens to get manpower behind the lines, going to recruit yellows next turn then. And reaplcing lost guns and more logistics stuff for our new guys.

Pretty close to, yes. The Vipers Pit brigade, under Tepes, is planned to hit Shattered Advance, with Frostmarch as a secondary objective. The Clanshead Valley brigade, under Orr, is expected to hit Weathering Halls and punch through to pressure Port of Rime. The naval landings, under Hooker, are expected to deny the coast road and conduct actions to break Rime once Orr has it pinned down.

I'm honestly just gonna use this map wholesale next update, it's really good.

green: raw material going to a refinery (vipers is shit so it aint got one)
blue: processed materials or supplies going towards factories or log hubs
orange: MSR's for forces involved in the operation (I expect a lot of naval battles in the east)
red: Frontline and planned advances with the aimed for new frontlines.
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green: raw material going to a refinery (vipers is shit so it aint got one)
blue: processed materials or supplies going towards factories or log hubs
orange: MSR's for forces involved in the operation (I expect a lot of naval battles in the east)
red: Frontline and planned advances with the aimed for new frontlines.

If this is your key, you need to re-route scroop flows back through Viper's Pit, since a team haws rebuilt Port Tabasco in this quest. Likewise, Morgen's Crossing ships to a player port under Quietus' shore battery, where it ships to Great Warden Dam as the nearest refinery. For this war- with the exception of Basin Sionnach and GWD- no two refinery-holding tiles are adjacent, and every tile has at least 1 factory (which is just because I'm increasing the Foxhole population fourfold from peak, so supply use goes up fourfold as well). The rest of the production facilities- construction yards and garages- tend to be focused on logistics centers. Allsight, for instance, has a Garrage, a Construction Yard, and two Factories- but no refinery, Engineering Center (which will get a lot more important around turn 7). This is a large part of why you had so much trouble taking the town: the 99e Jaegers couldn't tangle with Fort November to cut BMAT flow into town.
Best Map of Frontline (4.1-4.2, planning phase for Weathered)
So scoorp flows upriver from port tabasco, the king and morgan crossing all towards GW and from there the processed mats come back down river?

green: raw material going to a refinery or port
blue: shipping lanes exchanging raw materials for processed materials and already cooked supplies
orange: MSR's for forces involved in the operation (I expect a lot of naval battles in the east)
red: Frontline and planned advances with the aimed for new frontlines.
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Now those are some real good maps you got there! With all that information in mind, I'll gladly support this plan.

[X] Plan more shells and guns
:D Nice, feel free to copy pasta any maps and use them however you want.
Btw Foxcatcher still has its refinery right?

Yep; that's why Morgen's can't have a refinery: that would break my rule of refinery adjacency. MPFs are a one-tile gap between units: so yours are Basin Sionnach, Howl County, and Callum's Cape. Garrages and Construction Yards, though, are mutually exclusive with MPFs, so they're in most logi areas that aren't MPF towns. Tiles with refineries have to have their tile's factories away from the refinery (ex: Weathered, Passage, Speaking) and tiles with MPFs need to have a transport caveat (Basin is the capstone tile so its furthest away from everything, Howl has the fact its naval access only, Callum's has the MPF across one-lane bridges from the seaport making traffic living hell, Godscrofts is Cliff Hell and will cause more vehicle casualties by bad driving than most anti-tank gunners, Drowned Vale has all its resources tied up in The Baths and, well, Baths. Abandoned Ward/Sunhaven is, meanwhile, probably the single most rancid city to fight in and has major choking issues. There's more MPF regions, but those are the big ones I need to make notes on for now.
I remember trying to run logi in Callum's after we lost Stonecradle.

Buckler Sound isn't great in terms of layout, but it's far better than Callum's Keep. If it weren't for some handy signs I doubt I would ever have driven out of that maze of streets.

We should try to base out of Therizó :V There's a city with real "less bad" potential! Nice straight roads, no bridges, lots of beaches for port operations. (When the Colonials took over Sunhome they left it such a wreck that it was known as Abandoned Ward and the region as Deadlands. When the Wardens occupied Therizó we built it into a mighty port city nestled against lush farmland, or at least didn't level the place...)