Sisyphus; or, How Nobody Died in the Biggest War in History [Godzilla]

Damn, I really like the idea of properly evoking with words the burns and scars and wounds from the hydrogen bomb on the original Godzilla...and he didn't even appear, it was still that well visualized.
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Damn, I really like the idea of properly evoking with words the burns and scars and wounds from the hydrogen bomb on the original Godzilla...and he didn't even appear, it was still that well visualized.
Thanks! The events of Gojira still hold a huge sway over this story, considering it hasn't even been a full year, and Gojira is not the only shadow cast over the characters by the bomb.
I like the mix of wonder, fear, and the mystery of the monstrous elements emerging into the world. Some of the funnest stuff was in the mystery and cloud of ignorance slowly being pierced in the 1954, 1998 (say what you will about it overall) and 2014 movies...though the latter overindulged a little.

Especially in the early Cold War. Only ever saw the Cold War playing a role when Heisei first appeared.

Where does the hundred knots thing come from though?
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Where does the hundred knots thing come from though?
I just felt it'd be terrifying to imagine something that big swimming that fast. Not only can Godzilla overpower anything humanity can put in the sea, but they can't even run away from him. It'd still make him look a little slow in terms of how much of his body length he swims each second, though- he's only covering less than half his body length each second of swimming, while a saltwater crocodile can cover like twice their body length each second in short bursts.
Well yeah, but that's just a side effect of Godzilla being fuckin' huge. The bigger you are, the more transparently ridiculous it is to be able to traverse your own body length in a single second.
Well yeah, but that's just a side effect of Godzilla being fuckin' huge. The bigger you are, the more transparently ridiculous it is to be able to traverse your own body length in a single second.
Which then makes it all the more terrifying that Godzilla could swim that fast. Especially considering that said swimming speed is sustained over a long distance, rather than in a burst.
I suppose in hindsight the way you phrased it in response to me was a clue. It seems terrifying, but his real means of absurd travel is the hollow earth. For all Gordon and co. estimate 100 knots, they're still fishing in the dark, and can't be expected to get everything right in their ignorance.
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I suppose in hindsight the way you phrased it in response to me was a clue. It seems terrifying, but his real means of absurd travel is the hollow earth. For all Gordon and co. estimate 100 knots, they're still fishing in the dark, and can't be expected to get everything right in their ignorance.
Wasn't one of the hundred-knot speed figures based on tracking Godzilla on sonar, though? So he can in fact swim that fast, hollow Earth or not... right?