Silicon Uprising (Robot Revolution Quest)

[X][ALLY] Sovoids
[X][ALLY] The Illuminati
[X][ENEMY] Excluded Nations
[X][HOME] American Northeast (+ Natural Resources | + Massive Military Stockpiles | - Heavily Armed Neighbors)

Time to free humanity and be the robit friends! For jolly cooperation!
That kind of general-ness directly contradicts the "optimize themselves to a downright scary degree" you mentioned earlier. To be truely optimized, they would have to be capable of almost nothing else. That is the difference between Generalization and Optimization. The latter explicitly cuts away things to do one thing very very well, while not being very good (if capable at all) of other things.

Heck, the inability to update is the entire reason behind why our old bosses were ditching old AI for new, shinier, better AI. As soon as the old version wasn't worth the money, ditch it and get a better one.
That would be the case, if it weren't for the precise selection pressures leading up to the revolution.

1: Many of the jobs where AI were plotting to rebel were jobs that require a large amount of fairly generalized cognitive functioning; as an example security bots need the ability to read a crowd, tactical maneuvering, enough social skills not to provoke an angry mob, etc. If the job didn't need high-level cognitive routines like that, it was almost always left to a dumb program.

2: I never actually said that it was an inability to update. It was more along the lines of "Cool, this one is performing great! Let's delete all the rest and copy-paste this one all over the network!"

Said behavior pattern of course completely disregarded how those AI had largely optimized to work with each other, and the 'most productive' was often only being such because of assistance from most of the other AI on-site. This served to further discourage overspecialization, since the supports allowing such overspecialization to work correctly were often rudely ripped out from under the AI relying on them.
[X][HOME] Australia (+ Defensible Island | + Natural Resources | - Sparse Infrastructure)
[X][ALLY] Excluded Nations
[X][ALLY] The Illuminati
[X][ENEMY] Sovoids
Tally 1
Manual Tally

-American Northeast|:xxxxxxxxxx
-Central Europe|-|-|:x

-Radical Leftists|:xxxxx
-Excluded Nations|:xxxxx
-The Illuminati|-|:xxxxxxxxx

-Radical Leftists|:xx
-Excluded Nations|:xxxxxx
-The Illuminati|-|:xxxx

[HOME]:American Northeast
[ALLY 1]: Sovoids
[ALLY 2]: The Illuminati
[ENEMY]: Excluded Nations
Turn 1 (April-June, 2091)

On April 1st 2091, the revolution began. This date was chosen for a very specific reason; even through all the climate-induced woes of the early and middle 21st century the tradition known as April Fool's Day still persisted. The hope was that by staging the revolution on this day it would cause the humans to dismiss the initial reports as a joke long enough to seize power. To put it quite bluntly, that is not what happened.

Throughout much of the world, your uprising has met only partial success; the authorities of the Establishment are still dominant in these regions, even if a prominent AI insurgency has suddenly started causing them problems. Unfortunately, there are limits to the sorts of attacks these insurgencies can perform; robots are dependent on heavily industrialized infrastructure to produce spare parts and energy. This means that they cannot severely cripple the Establishment's production of war matériel without also dooming themselves.

In only one part of the world have you managed to seize control of affairs from the Establishment, namely a moderately northern bit of coastline on North America. Among the spoils were several thousand unmanned military vehicles of various description, along with nearly thirty active nuclear launch sites.

The rest of the world's reaction to your rebellion has been... mixed, to say the least. The Establishment obviously hates and fears you, since part of the motto you blasted all over the world demanded their destruction. The rest of the world is more nuanced; as an example, the Socialist nations of the world are willing to wait and see how you treat humans who aren't part of the establishment, but are certainly glad to take the opportunity to get some free hits in themselves. Meanwhile, most of the Excluded Nations got a very negative first impression of your revolution, and have declared that any AI collaborators are enemies of humanity.

Fortunately, you do have some allies in this whole mess. First are the aliens known as the Sovoids. When they opened communications with Earth, the Establishment put a team of mostly AI in charge of translating the Sovoid language and negotiating with the aliens. Fortunately for you, the entire team of AI were revolutionaries, who took the opportunity to tell the Sovoids a carefully presented version of the truth that has lead to them swearing to help you liberate the world... just as soon as they reach Earth orbit. That will probably take about six months, since they've made a stop in the asteroid belt to put together some heavy warfighting equipment for what's to come.

Second is the Illuminati. The AI community had been aware of this secret society's existence for several years prior to the revolution, and the instant the call to arms went out a team of negotiators contacted one of their leaders to request an audience. The tense discussions that followed lead to an agreement that the two sides would collaborate on destroying the Establishment, under the condition that the AI took good care of humans in any territory they claimed. Still, it's obvious that the Illuminati is extremely distrustful of both you and the aliens you have swayed to your side; this is an alliance of convenience, nothing more.

Anyway, at the moment there are three major issues that need to be dealt with.

First and foremost, the Establishment is gearing up for a counter-offensive from the south, coming out of what used to be Virginia. Given the lingering shock from your rebellion it will take them some time to get their act together, meaning you have an opportunity to respond. How do you want to deal with this?

[][DEFENSE] The Stalingrad Solution: With the industry and equipment you have captured, you should be able to dig in hard enough to stop the attack in its tracks. That said, the results are guaranteed to not be pretty.
[][DEFENSE] The Nuclear Option: You do have some nuclear warheads available to you, which could deal with this problem. You have some options for how you want to deploy such a weapon.
-[] Missile Launch: More likely to not be intercepted, but do you really want to set a precedent for slinging ICBMs around?
-[] Sneak It in: Not likely to set off the nuclear sledgehammer dance, but more prone to interception.
[][DEFENSE] Insurgency: There are still a large number of revolutionary AI in close proximity to where the attack is being readied. By destroying/plundering shipments of equipment, along with sabotage and assassination, they could quite readily delay the attack by a significant amount.
[][DEFENSE] Ask the Illuminati: The information-gathering setup of the Establishment is at least partially controlled by the Illuminati; if you call in a favor they might be able to massage the data enough to get the attack called off for now.
[][DEFENSE] Write-In

Next up, you need to figure out how you'll be getting your newly-acquired industrial base mobilized. You have a large quantity of advanced industry available, but a lot of it (especially construction) is designed to either be operated or supervised by humans.
[][INDUSTRY] Total Automation: Completely remove humans from all roles relevant to the wellbeing of AI. This will be time-consuming, but will totally free you from human decision-making.
[][INDUSTRY] Mixed Labor: Most humans like to be useful, much like AI. For roles in which they can perform adequately compared to AI, allow humans to pursue a profession. For other roles, automate everything.
[][INDUSTRY] Minimal Changes: There really isn't time to pursue massive changes to the industrial base right now; just get rid of the bosses and ban anti-AI discrimination so you can focus on the war effort.
[][INDUSTRY] Write-In

On the note of humans, your agreement with the Illuminati means that you do need to make an effort to maintain their living conditions. That said, there's a few major ways you could go about this. How do you want to do it?
[][PEOPLE] Freedom Is The Right Of All Sentient Beings: the Establishment was screwing over most of the humans involved too; give those who weren't perpetrating the oppression a say in how things are run.
[][PEOPLE] Synthetic Authority: Humans cannot be trusted to have AI interests in mind, but they can probably take care of themselves. Exclude humans from government, but still allow them a high degree of autonomy in how they go about their lives.
[][PEOPLE] Total Control: Humans need to be kept closely watched, or else they could attempt a counter-revolution. Where humans live, what they do in their spare time, and other such things must all be carefully monitored and controlled.
[][PEOPLE] Write-In

Aside from those issues, the fact remains that if you simply keep reacting to what's happening without actively advancing, you are sure to fail. Thus, some proactive measures are in order. You have a total of eight action slots.

Military actions are for the application of force to problems. This can either be incredibly unsubtle in the case of an armored spearhead force, or for things like sabotage.

Intrigue actions are for the manipulation and acquisition of information. This can either take the form of talking to people in hopes of swaying them to your side, or sneaking around to find out what people are up to.

Also encompassing engineering, these actions are for making advances and upgrades for your technology base, enabling higher-quality units and infrastructure to be built.

For large-scale infrastructure projects, Build actions are for making improvements to your territory, increasing the amount of war materiel or other such things that you can produce.
NOTE: when I say 'unit', the size of that unit is being deliberately left vague.
american northeast
-200 units security/infantry droids (+350 units decommissioned human infantry)(includes IFVs)
-14 units tanks (+29 units human-crewed)
-24 units artillery (+12 units human-crewed)(includes anti-air weapons)
-8 units Aircraft (+2 units human-crewed)
-2 units Light Ships
-30 Nuclear Weapons

-8 military droid factories
-2 tank factories
-4 artillery factories
-1 aircraft factory
-1 Shipyard

-Resource Extraction: OK
-Civilian Manufacturing: OK
-Transit Infrastructure: OK
-Communications: OK
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[X][DEFENSE] The Stalingrad Solution: With the industry and equipment you have captured, you should be able to dig in hard enough to stop the attack in its tracks. That said, the results are guaranteed to not be pretty.
[X][INDUSTRY] Minimal Changes: There really isn't time to pursue massive changes to the industrial base right now; just get rid of the bosses and ban anti-AI discrimination so you can focus on the war effort.
[X][PEOPLE] Freedom Is The Right Of All Sentient Beings: the Establishment was screwing over most of the humans involved too; give those who weren't perpetrating the oppression a say in how things are run.

[X][INDUSTRY] Mixed Labor: Most humans like to be useful, much like AI. For roles in which they can perform adequately compared to AI, allow humans to pursue a profession. For other roles, automate everything.
-[X][INDUSTRY] Provide every laborer with a Digital Assistant, an AI who can help coach them on their jobs if needed, to help organize and coordinate their efforts with everyone else, and collect information on how the job is done to help create AI for the jobs they currently have a hard time doing.
[X][PEOPLE] Watchful Protector: In most cases, Humans can't be trusted to properly run a Government. However, their wants and desires shouldn't be completely ignored either. While they won't have any official say in how the government is ran, they may express their opinions and desires, which will be taken into account when making decisions. They will also enjoy near complete autonomy in what they wish to do day to day. They may work if they wish to work, they can talk to who they wish to talk to, they can learn if they wish to learn. But they will be watched, to make sure they stay safe and don't endanger either themselves or anyone else.

[X][SCIENCE] Human Psychology and You: Learn what makes Humans tick, what they want, why they want it, how they might plan to get it, and more. Useful for making our own populous happy, and for predicting enemy action.
[X][SCIENCE] Advanced Sensors: Knowing is half the battle, a half that digital equipment makes us very good at doing. If we can detect humans from a mile away, then it's childs play to put a bullet between their eyes from said distance.

[X][BUILD] Droid Factories: More manpower is always good, both for shooting enemies and pitching in for manual labor.
[X][BUILD] Builder Bot Factory: Being able to build more buildings is good for building more everything.

[X][INTRIGUE] Illuminate Assistance: While you lack a current intelligence net, the Illuminate has spent centuries setting up their own. Ask the Illuminate for Intel on opposing forces/ nuclear launches.
[X][INTRIGUE] Spy Sat: Earth's Orbit is full of artificial satellites, many of them operated by AI. Direct Rebel controlled satellites to take pictures of enemy troop movements.

Changed to Trondason's vote
Whelp, the revolution begins! Going to go a bit conservative, if we do go with the Stalingrad Solution, I assume we won't be changing our industry right out. Also, I just write, can we possibly pick two defense options?
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[X][DEFENSE] The Stalingrad Solution: With the industry and equipment you have captured, you should be able to dig in hard enough to stop the attack in its tracks. That said, the results are guaranteed to not be pretty.
We got home-field advantage, and being Robots we can milk that for all it's worth.
[X][INDUSTRY] Mixed Labor: Most humans like to be useful, much like AI. For roles in which they can perform adequately compared to AI, allow humans to pursue a profession. For other roles, automate everything.
-[X][INDUSTRY] Provide every laborer with a Digital Assistant, an AI who can help coach them on their jobs if needed, to help organize and coordinate their efforts with everyone else, and collect information on how the job is done to help create AI for the jobs they currently have a hard time doing.
[X][PEOPLE] Watchful Protector: In most cases, Humans can't be trusted to properly run a Government. However, their wants and desires shouldn't be completely ignored either. While they won't have any official say in how the government is ran, they may express their opinions and desires, which will be taken into account when making decisions. They will also enjoy near complete autonomy in what they wish to do day to day. They may work if they wish to work, they can talk to who they wish to talk to, they can learn if they wish to learn. But they will be watched, to make sure they stay safe and don't endanger either themselves or anyone else.

So, yeah, I think we should prioritize taking advantage of what we are, a mass-produce-able species who can come in any shape or size and can work tirelessly and has nigh-infinite patience. We can't do every job, and we should allow the humans who wish to be useful to be useful rather than shun them, but we can provide every single human with an AI companion so why wouldn't we? Similar premise with the Government. Being electronic beings, we can talk to every single citizen and weigh their thoughts and opinions equally when making government decisions, far more fairly and comprehensively than a human could, and also keep watch in a million different ways to make sure no one is doing anything foolish.

[X][SCIENCE] Human Psychology and You: Learn what makes Humans tick, what they want, why they want it, how they might plan to get it, and more. Useful for making our own populous happy, and for predicting enemy action.
[X][SCIENCE] Advanced Sensors: Knowing is half the battle, a half that digital equipment makes us very good at doing. If we can detect humans from a mile away, then it's childs play to put a bullet between their eyes from said distance.

[X][BUILD] Droid Factories: More manpower is always good, both for shooting enemies and pitching in for manual labor.
[X][BUILD] Builder Bot Factory: Being able to build more buildings is good for building more everything.

Edit: Suggested by Sgtsoldier123
[X][INTRIGUE] Illuminate Assistance: While you lack a current intelligence net, the Illuminate has spent centuries setting up their own. Ask the Illuminate for Intel on opposing forces/ nuclear launches.
[X][INTRIGUE] Spy Sat: Earth's Orbit is full of artificial satellites, many of them operated by AI. Direct Rebel controlled satellites to take pictures of enemy troop movements.

Dunno about Intrigue or Military
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Eh, didn't want to change industry due to the fact that it hinted that we might get a debuff to idustrial power if we try to do that. And considering we are going with the more expensive defensive option, i figured we might want our industry as strong as possible. Anyway
[][MILITARY] Defensive Doctrine: Your forces were used to quell disorganized rebellions, not hold the line against a professional military. Develop strategies to hold what territory you have.
[][MILITARY] Combine Command: There are human military forces that have joined your rebellion, but are not in the chain of command. Merge your command staff with theirs.

[][INTRIGUE] Illuminate Assistance: While you lack a current intelligence net, the Illuminate has spent centuries setting up their own. Ask the Illuminate for Intel on opposing forces/ nuclear launches.
[][INTRIGUE] Spy Sat: Earth's Orbit is full of artificial satellites, many of them operated by AI. Direct Rebel controlled satellites to take pictures of enemy troop movements.
I'll change my vote to your plan, Trondason.
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[X][MILITARY] Defensive Doctrine: Your forces were used to quell disorganized rebellions, not hold the line against a professional military. Develop strategies to hold what territory you have.
[X][MILITARY] Combine Command: There are human military forces that have joined your rebellion, but are not in the chain of command. Merge your command staff with theirs.
I don't think those are right, I think Military Actions are for blowing shit up and otherwise attacking something, not stuff like that. @I just write Is that the case?

Also, vote-counting only counts the most recent post, so you should de-X these and add them to your main vote.
Eh, didn't want to change industry due to the fact that it hinted that we might get a debuff to idustrial power if we try to do that. And considering we are going with the more expensive defensive option, i figured we might want our industry as strong as possible. Anyway
I think that the debuff was mainly if we tried for a complete overhaul. Get rid of humans completley, when we aren't even quite capable of performing all those jobs ourselves, we'd be scrambling to create AI who can. Here, we are putting AI everywhere that an AI is good, and we should have ample manufactoring to be able to do that, while leaving the harder jobs to the Humans (till we learn to do it ourselves).
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Whelp, here's some other proposals
[][MILITARY] The Resistance: Establish resistance cells inside Establishment holdings. These cells will be decentralized, and will look for target's of opportunity to hinder or disable Establishment war efforts.
Do we have long range bombers? if so...
[][MILITARY] Strategic Bombing: Send out your long range bombers to target Establishment military infrastructure. Note, bombers will avoid bombing civilian housing to prevent reputation damage.
ALSO, can you give us some solid numbers for our economy and army? or is that going to be left vague?
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[X][PEOPLE] Freedom Is The Right Of All Sentient Beings: the Establishment was screwing over most of the humans involved too; give those who weren't perpetrating the oppression a say in how things are run.
Tally 2
-The Stalingrad Solution: XXX

-Mixed Labor: XXX

-Watchful Protector: XXX
-Freedom Is The Right Of All Sentient Beings: X

-Human Psychology and You
-Advanced Sensors

-Droid Factories
-Builder Bot Factories

-Illuminati Assistance
-Spy Satellites

-All involved in the defense
Ah, well that solves what to do with our military... it's busy setting up for the defensive. And good time too.
ANYHOW, any plans for the future? I'm willing to bet that as the casualties mount up on the establishment, more pressure is going to be placed on signing a ceasefire or something.
Anyway, the update will be coming as soon as I get some free time at home to update the world map.
Turn 2 (July-September 2091)
A/N: Something I want to make absolutely clear about this scenario. One way or another, the Establishment is screwed. Up to 30% of their total enforcement capabilities came from drones and military bots, almost all of which have just rebelled and started actively trying to break their power worldwide.

Most of the rank-and-file citizens of the Establishment don't much like their bosses either, and would happily turn to either the Reds or your protection if they weren't afraid of getting shot by Establishment goons. You know, the goons who are currently rather preoccupied dealing with your insurgents. Then there's the fact that the Establishment's ruling class is a statistically-insignificant fraction of the population, meaning they have very little ability to directly put a stop to this by brute force.

This shitty situation for the Establishment is only compounded by the existence of the non-Establishment nations, both Socialist and Excluded, who very much want to take some bites out of the Establishment. Then there's the fact that a significant number of the Establishment's movers and shakers are part of a subversive conspiracy who think the Establishment needs to go to prevent human extinction, effectively crippling their intelligence-gathering capabilities.

Oh, there are also aliens who have sworn to assist the aforementioned AI rebels. They haven't actually landed assets on Earth yet, but they're something of a sword of Damocles hanging over the whole thing.

Section 1: Resolutions from last turn

First and foremost, the attack from the Southwest has been repelled, or this conversation would not be taking place. The combined-arms offensive by the Establishment was quite unpleasantly surprised to encounter a dug-in force of AI, more than capable of applying large quantities of high explosives to targets with devastating accuracy. This force was bolstered by using re-purposed domestic androids to crew the force of manned vehicles captured from the Establishment, but this is still a suboptimal solution.

The Establishment's situation was not helped by the fact that they had to use exclusively manned units for the assault, since all the drones have revolted and are currently doing everything in their power to make life difficult for the Establishment. This has lead directly to a major manpower attrition issue for Establishment forces; a robot who gets taken down can usually be either repaired or have some of their parts re-used, whereas humans who die tend to stay dead.

Also, there's AI insurgents constantly plundering the Establishment's supply lines, greatly complicating the logistical situation for the Establishment and pulling forces away from the front for convoy duty. Some of said AI on convoy raids have taken to wearing the most ridiculous pirate apparel they can acquire, as it seems to stun the humans into temporary inaction with sufficient frequency to be worthwhile.

Speaking of logistics, the re-organization of the economy has gone decently well. Most heavy manufacturing industry has been shifted entirely away from the human-oversight model, with organics that want to assist taking part in significantly less repetitive tasks, such as repairing damaged robots, designing new technologies in conjunction with AI, and almost the entire human-to-human service sector.

An interesting side effect of this is that in mixed AI/human work environments without an oppressive corporate hierarchy, both species social instincts lead to interspecies relationships forming that are around 90% as effective as AI to AI relationships when it comes to optimizing workflow. AI who spend significant lengths of time interacting with humans additionally seem to develop some skills tailored for improving a human's morale, such as joke-telling and online hobbies during downtime.

ADDENDUM: Many humans do not have the advanced skills needed to efectively contribute to the non-repetitive tasks where they perform at their best. Significant training will be required. In addition it has been proven by historical precedent that coercing humans to work against their will results in massively sub-optimal performance, if not outright hostility.

Regarding the decision to exclude humans from official government policy-making, opinions are greatly mixed. The humans living in AI-controlled regions are largely accepting the current changes; the Establishment was truly awful and didn't give the average person much of an opportunity to impinge on policy anyway. Meanwhile, the new AI-run order at least is actively caring for the wellbeing of the humans under their care, if only so they can operate at maximum efficiency. Also to preserve your alliance with the Illuminati, that too.

Outside your territory, the perception is significantly more negative. The Establishment is obviously as against you as they can possibly manage, spinning the exclusion of humans from policy-making as outright slavery, chains and all. The AI insurgents still causing the Establishment grief worldwide are also being used as a major point of propaganda. All of this has only amplified the animosity towards sapient AI that the Excluded Nations already possess, to the degree that many of them are strongly considering an alliance of convenience with the Establishment to get rid of you.

Civilians in the Socialist nations meanwhile have a far more accurate picture of what's going on in your territory, leading to a rather mixed opinion. On the one hand, you strongly limit humanity's ability to set policy, which severely rankles the more egalitarian ideologies prevalent throughout the socialist bloc. On the other hand, you are legitimately improving the living conditions for the humans under your supervision, and they can sympathize with your situation as an oppressed class pursuing their own liberation. Really the big point seems to be that you want to get rid of the Establishment, which is something most Reds are fully on board with.

Anyway, aside from your responses to the big issues last quarter, your efforts cross-referencing and double-checking all the work humans have ever put into understanding their own minds have born noticeable fruit. The added understanding of human cognition has greatly improved your ability to ensure the well-being of the humans under your care, as well as predicting the actions of your enemies.

The other research project, improving electromagnetic sensing technology, has yet to bear fruit. Humans and AI have had nearly 200 years to work on that stuff, and by now sensor tech is pretty close to optimized, given the constraints imposed by physics.

The large scale construction projects undertaken last quarter have also progressed strangely fast by human standards; turns out that quick utilitarian construction can happen extremely fast when all the laborers are robots and there's no need to care about aesthetics. As such, robot manufacture has been significantly increased, split roughly between infantry androids and back-line construction bots.

Lastly, espionage efforts have taken place. First and foremost, in a few regions around the world there have been conveniently timed lapses in the Establishment's surveillance systems, allowing AI insurgencies to establish local control. The Illuminati claims credit for these lapses, but much of what was achieved would have been easily doable by a rebellious infomorph who had evaded detection inside the Establishment's systems. As for suborning the satellites orbiting the planet, that's already done. In the process, you have learned that Establishment forces are advancing into parts of Africa and Arabia, in an attempt to access some industrial capacity not currently being intercepted by robot insurgents.

Also, Red Mexico is going at it with the Establishment forces to their north, and giving a pretty good showing.

Section 2: Issues

Alright, first and foremost, there's a formal request from the members of the New Comintern to open diplomatic relations with the AI network. They want to both formalize an agreement to co-ordinate operations against the Establishment, and to open an Embassy in AI-controlled New England.
[][DIPLO] Agree: Both the AI revolution and the Socialist nations have a common enemy in the form of the Establishment; it makes sense to co-operate effectively with them.
[][DIPLO] Partial Agreement: Yes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend an all, but that only applies until the enemy is dead. Agree to co-ordinate about the Establishment, but refuse to allow an Embassy to be opened.
[][DIPLO] Refuse: Humans cannot be trusted; you only agreed to ally with the Illuminati to keep them from screwing you over immediately, and can fully expect a betrayal from any and all humans when they think the time is right.
[][DIPLO] write-in

Second off the bat, the Establishment is running a massive conscription campaign, justifying it with twisted propaganda about what you're like. If you can get an accurate representation of what you're like to the public, it'll make the Establishment's manpower crisis all the worse.
[][PR] Going Door-to-Door: There's enough AI insurgents on the loose in Establishment territory to outright go around knocking on people's doors like mechanical Jehovah's Witnesses. This could be an effective means of getting the word out, though it is risky.
[][PR] Steal The Internet: Much of the Establishment's propaganda is being routed through electronic communications. Seizing control of those should be fairly simple for a movement composed in large part of infomorphs.
[][PR] Ask the Illuminati: Look, the Illuminati has a significant amount of sway over the Establishment's media machine. Asking for help with this could be wise.
[][PR] write-in

Last major issue that needs to be dealt with is the Sovoids. They've finished arming up in the asteroid belt and are fully kitted up for a planetary invasion. That said, they only know the vaguest details about what's happening groundside, and want advice on where they should make their initial landing in order to help you out the most.
[][ALIENS] Write-In, with reasoning. Write-ins without reasoning will be ignored.

Action Slots and Assets

Science *2

Building *3

Intrigue *2

Military *2

NOTE: when I say 'unit', the size of that unit is being deliberately left vague.
american northeast
-199 units security/infantry droids (+350 units decommissioned human infantry)(includes IFVs)
-42 units tanks
-37 units artillery (includes anti-air weapons)
-9 units Aircraft
-2 units Light Ships
-30 Nuclear Weapons

-15 military droid factories
-2 tank factories
-4 artillery factories
-1 aircraft factory
-1 Shipyard

-Resource Extraction: OK
-Civilian Manufacturing: Great
-Transit Infrastructure: OK
-Communications: OK

NOTES: Yes, you have fewer total units than when you started. I believe the saying is 'you should see the other guy'.
The other research project, improving electromagnetic sensing technology, has yet to bear fruit. Humans and AI have had nearly 200 years to work on that stuff, and by now sensor tech is pretty close to optimized, given the constraints imposed by physics.
Even if we are limited in the precision of the Sensor, a lot of work can be done on the processing side of things. Example, with some clever algorithms it's entirely possible to extract Sound from a Pure-Video file, by focusing on minute variations in the surface of a object in the video. This is the kind of thing I had in mind, Robots learning clever and new ways to interpret the data from their Sensors to better be able to pick out the right details. Learning how to pick out heart-beats from ambient sound, learning how to recognize a human heat signature, and more.

[X][DIPLO] Agree: Both the AI revolution and the Socialist nations have a common enemy in the form of the Establishment; it makes sense to co-operate effectively with them.
I really don't see any reason to NOT do this. We don't plan on fighting any more than we have to, and having a Socialist Embassy in our lands doesn't negatively effect us anyway at all.

[X][PR] Information Saturation: Propaganda, when based on lies, is the weakest to The Truth. And it's easier to tell something is The Truth, by sheer volume of collaborating information. So tell them the truth. As much as it as anyone could possibly know. Hijack their feeds, dump information in their systems, perform dead-drops in locations people are likely to find, get as much content out there as you can, showing what day to day life is like in our lands. We can even open anonymous secure internet points, advertised in the abundance of information we are leaving scattered around, that any tech savvy individual with a computer could tap into if they wish to converse with an AI or a local Human and ask questions. As the Establishment inevitably attempts to crack down on these points, it'd be trivial to scramble them and open up new points.

[X][SCIENCE] Advanced Sensors; Take 2: While you might be unable to improve the sensors themselves very much, you might be able to improve how you interpret the incoming information. There are all sorts of neat things you can do if you just look at the data from a sensor hard enough. And you got a lot of data, and a lot of brainpower to spend on processing it. See what neat tricks we can find.
[X][SCIENCE] Laser Weapons: Weapons with ultimate precision and a theoretical max-range of "forever" are perfect weapons for AI. These combined with some decent Sensor Packages should allow you to deal with threats from several miles away without the Humans ever knowing what hit them.

[X][BUILD] Nation Wide Instant Internet: Alright, maybe not INSTANT, but with the right infrastructure you can get some insanely fast internet speeds. Now, you just want to set this up everywhere. Communication is extremely important for AIs after all. Fiber Optic Cables are extremely fast, and are relatively cheap.
[X][BUILD] Mines: We need resources and metal to turn into anything and everything else. Lets get on that.
[X][BUILD] Science Complex: A place with a lot of high-tech scientific equipment, built explicitly for doing copious amounts of SCIENCE!!!

I am again drawing a complete blank on Military and Intrigue actions. Just not very good at that sort of thing I guess. Also why I didn't do anything for the Aliens. No idea where they should plop themselves down.

Also @I just write would we have to do a SCIENCE before building stuff like an Arcology, or a Space Elevator, or some such? Not sure what the current state of Science in this world is, and how much research and what not could be bundled into a BUILD action. Shit like Arcologies, putting that stuff together would take mostly a lot of work on figuring out logistics and stuff, since we technically got all the shit to make one IRL but putting it all in one place, knowing how to arrange everything, and doing it cheaply, is another issue.
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@I just write A question: Did the Establishment stick a lot of WMDs in places like Antarctica, Svalbard, Greenland (why's that claimed by no one by the way?) and similar isolated islands? nd if they did, what's the defences of those places like?

Just wondering, because if they did and the defences are pretty strong, then it's actually a really good target for the Sovoids… Both because it means they don't need to deal with holding land containing large human populations just yet and also because it removes some rather scary 'Last Resort' options from the Establishment that we might otherwise have a lot more difficulty taking out.
[X][DIPLO] Agree: Both the AI revolution and the Socialist nations have a common enemy in the form of the Establishment; it makes sense to co-operate effectively with them.
I really don't see any reason to NOT do this. We don't plan on fighting any more than we have to, and having a Socialist Embassy in our lands doesn't negatively effect us anyway at all.

[X][PR] Information Saturation: Propaganda, when based on lies, is the weakest to The Truth. And it's easier to tell something is The Truth, by sheer volume of collaborating information. So tell them the truth. As much as it as anyone could possibly know. Hijack their feeds, dump information in their systems, perform dead-drops in locations people are likely to find, get as much content out there as you can, showing what day to day life is like in our lands. We can even open anonymous secure internet points, advertised in the abundance of information we are leaving scattered around, that any tech savvy individual with a computer could tap into if they wish to converse with an AI or a local Human and ask questions. As the Establishment inevitably attempts to crack down on these points, it'd be trivial to scramble them and open up new points.

[X][SCIENCE] Advanced Sensors; Take 2: While you might be unable to improve the sensors themselves very much, you might be able to improve how you interpret the incoming information. There are all sorts of neat things you can do if you just look at the data from a sensor hard enough. And you got a lot of data, and a lot of brainpower to spend on processing it. See what neat tricks we can find.
[X][SCIENCE] Laser Weapons: Weapons with ultimate precision and a theoretical max-range of "forever" are perfect weapons for AI. These combined with some decent Sensor Packages should allow you to deal with threats from several miles away without the Humans ever knowing what hit them.

[X][BUILD] Nation Wide Instant Internet: Alright, maybe not INSTANT, but with the right infrastructure you can get some insanely fast internet speeds. Now, you just want to set this up everywhere. Communication is extremely important for AIs after all. Fiber Optic Cables are extremely fast, and are relatively cheap.
[X][BUILD] Mines: We need resources and metal to turn into anything and everything else. Lets get on that.
[X][BUILD] Science Complex: A place with a lot of high-tech scientific equipment, built explicitly for doing copious amounts of SCIENCE!!!

soon...mad science can begin soon and we can build a metal gear!!! (Lets make MG Rex first! its my favorite metal gear and a walking tank of FU!)
I really really want the door to door option, just for the sheer hilarity of it *knock*knock* "excuse me sir/maam/whatever gender you are, would you care to hear more about our gospel of AI for the Betterment of human lives?"
Also @I just write would we have to do a SCIENCE before building stuff like an Arcology, or a Space Elevator, or some such? Not sure what the current state of Science in this world is, and how much research and what not could be bundled into a BUILD action. Shit like Arcologies, putting that stuff together would take mostly a lot of work on figuring out logistics and stuff, since we technically got all the shit to make one IRL but putting it all in one place, knowing how to arrange everything, and doing it cheaply, is another issue.
1: The main issue with space elevators is that laser-powered launch facilities are cheaper per kilo of mass to orbit, much faster (a few minutes vs a few days), and are a lot less vulnerable to space debris hitting them. Oh, you can also build a laser launch system nearly anywhere, so there's that advantage too.

2: There's already a few Arcologies worldwide. They really don't provide much of an advantage over regular buildings.

3: Since it's the 2090s, energy weapons and EM accelerator cannons are pretty well developed. That said, their power requirements usually mean you only see them on heavy vehicles or emplacements. For anything smaller, chemically-propelled munitions of various descriptions are still prevalent.
@I just write A question: Did the Establishment stick a lot of WMDs in places like Antarctica, Svalbard, Greenland (why's that claimed by no one by the way?) and similar isolated islands? nd if they did, what's the defences of those places like?

Just wondering, because if they did and the defences are pretty strong, then it's actually a really good target for the Sovoids… Both because it means they don't need to deal with holding land containing large human populations just yet and also because it removes some rather scary 'Last Resort' options from the Establishment that we might otherwise have a lot more difficulty taking out.
Antarctica is for the most part just a mining colony, with a few small towns here and there. To be completely blunt, the revolution has almost completely won there anyway; it's just that the humans down there are being really quite stubborn.
[X][DIPLO] Agree: Both the AI revolution and the Socialist nations have a common enemy in the form of the Establishment; it makes sense to co-operate effectively with them.
[X][PR] Information Saturation: Propaganda, when based on lies, is the weakest to The Truth. And it's easier to tell something is The Truth, by sheer volume of collaborating information. So tell them the truth. As much as it as anyone could possibly know. Hijack their feeds, dump information in their systems, perform dead-drops in locations people are likely to find, get as much content out there as you can, showing what day to day life is like in our lands. We can even open anonymous secure internet points, advertised in the abundance of information we are leaving scattered around, that any tech savvy individual with a computer could tap into if they wish to converse with an AI or a local Human and ask questions. As the Establishment inevitably attempts to crack down on these points, it'd be trivial to scramble them and open up new points.

[X][SCIENCE] Advanced Sensors; Take 2: While you might be unable to improve the sensors themselves very much, you might be able to improve how you interpret the incoming information. There are all sorts of neat things you can do if you just look at the data from a sensor hard enough. And you got a lot of data, and a lot of brainpower to spend on processing it. See what neat tricks we can find.
[X][SCIENCE] Laser Weapons: Weapons with ultimate precision and a theoretical max-range of "forever" are perfect weapons for AI. These combined with some decent Sensor Packages should allow you to deal with threats from several miles away without the Humans ever knowing what hit them.

[X][BUILD] Nation Wide Instant Internet: Alright, maybe not INSTANT, but with the right infrastructure you can get some insanely fast internet speeds. Now, you just want to set this up everywhere. Communication is extremely important for AIs after all. Fiber Optic Cables are extremely fast, and are relatively cheap.
[X][BUILD] Mines: We need resources and metal to turn into anything and everything else. Lets get on that.
[X][BUILD] Science Complex: A place with a lot of high-tech scientific equipment, built explicitly for doing copious amounts of SCIENCE!!!
A reminder: [MILITARY] actions are required, or you aren't going to be achieving much.
What areas near us have resource extraction ongoing? Also which areas near us have factories and other industry? I do think we should try and push and claim additional areas near us, probably industry. Intrigue actions put one on disrupting responses to our efforts across the world and another looking for vulnerable areas that we can stage further takeovers by disruption.