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[X]- Lessons in Rhetoric

I for one, am not brave enough to take a suicidal risk, so let us all come under one house as one big, unhappy family, preserve our forces, and kick this can down the road. Until the food runs out, of course.
[X]- Targeted Assassination

We might as well take advantage of having a farseer, of their abilities are as reliable as they claim to be then we can take advantage of this. And clear out any opposition against our group to build up the foundations for our rebellion
I feel like this is rather out of place. The previous chapters had an excellent tone of "tensely humorous internal dialogue, brutal actual events". Bringing jokes completely out in the open makes a joke of the story as a whole, greatly to its detriment.
It's a Laplace story- 95% crack, with rare moments of solemnity and emotion mixed in, made all the more impactful by the usual total lack of solemnity.
[X]- Targeted Assassinations

Some of Zelung Deltamay may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
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Well this is a thinker. Either follow the Eldar advice and potentially set things up to hurt our base of support and long-term effectiveness or go with our gut and take a very significant, very real short-term risk in the hope that we can survive and then be better off than we would be otherwise. Certainly, we have invested reasonably into our naval forces: We've got two functioning cruisers, some fireships, a properly thought-out defensive plan, and some orbital macrocannon batteries to fight a Strike Cruiser and its attendant escort squadron. Certainly not more if we make them rush.

That should favor us, but probably not massively. Meaning that even if we win the battle, we likely can't prevent a planetary attack scenario, where it's potential Eldar support, a prepared trap, and bombardment hardening, including heavy AA proliferation, against a full company of Space Marines. In many ways, less than ideal. We've got the numbers for a conventional fight, but not so much the force concentration to fight Astartes without relying on Aspect Warriors, who are not necessarily a super-reliable rebel asset. Only around a hundred of them even if they all make planetfall successfully, though, so it could be worse.

There's definitely benefits to either option. Targeted Assassinations is much safer, for one thing. But honestly?

Honestly, Open Trap doesn't actually fix our rebel problem, I'm now realising. It exploits it to help us against the Space Marines, but we have plans for handling the Marines. Not to say that there aren't benefits from forcing the Marines to fight us early and not at full capacity, but I'd rather secure our backline.

[X]- Targeted Assassinations
[X]- Targeted Assassinations

Frankly, this is likely to make the general population very angry… at the imperium. Might be useful that.
[X]- Targeted Assassinations.
There's a fair lead so I'm closing the votes. The next few updates will deal with the Space Marine invasion.

Expect the update up this weekend or the start of the next week.
Scheduled vote count started by Laplace on Dec 1, 2024 at 11:53 PM, finished with 27 posts and 24 votes.
Voting is open