Worldbuilding ShyPersons Warhammer Home-brew

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As someone who greatly enjoys Warhammer Fantasy, particularly quests by some of the sites top talent, I have been inspired to do my own thing with the setting.

This is partly motivated by the fact that as a setting that has had multiple writers over its existence, there is little sense of cohesiveness across the setting as a whole, particularly in regards to the units described in the army books. Those entries in particular were something that my younger self thought were the coolest thing ever, but now i find myself dissatisfied.

As someone greatly interested in the sociological aspect of world building, I have decided to remedy this by writing essential my own entries, emphesising the units place in the setting beyond simply hyping them with overwrought description of how cool it is.

I may also use this thread in the future for other concepts I might think up, and expand to writing up named characters that i think have potential, but are let down by the books constantly emphasising their super specialness.