Shounen Fightin' Anime [Shounen Protagonist Quest]

Help, hes gone completely off the reservation and is holding us at gun point and making us vote here! Send re OH GOD WAIT PLE

[X] Omicron
[X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
can we get a tally
10 for Omicron, 7 for Minx, 5 for Guts Expy from the looks of it
Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 5:07 PM, finished with 65 posts and 31 votes.
Inserted tally. It isn't taking into account Stormwhite's vote for Omicron, so keep that in mind.
Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:50 PM, finished with 53 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] To Stand Against Heaven
    -[X] What do you look like?
    -[X] Parental Figure
    -[X] Betterment
    -[X] Pure Martial Artist
    -[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast.
    -[X] Melee (Defensive)
    -[X] Little Brother
    -[X] Childhood Friend
    [X] What do you look like?
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Cyborg
    [X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Alien Mentor (kinda)
    [X] Energy Manipulation
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Apperance:
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Get a Job! -
    [X] Esper -
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] Plan Small is STRONG
    [X] Apperance:
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] We were born looking as old school as her name. Our hair is black, reaching down to our shoulders, but looking wild, thick and unkempt. Our dark eyes are narrow, making it look like we're frowning a lot.
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven
    [X] Plan Punchyfist Run!
    -[X] What do you look like?:
    -[X] Parental Figure
    -[X] Revenge
    -[X] Cyborg
    -[X] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
    -[X] Melee (Offensive)
    -[X] Little Brother
    -[X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Mongrel -
    [X] Balanced and fair, adaptable and well-rounded.
    [X] Energy Manipulation
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
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[X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy

Not like we'll be having much more voters at this stage, and would much rarger prefer half alien, but w/e. One more vote for revenge might help get it in.

I'd recommend tallying by line, rather than by block, due to it allowing people to use snappy names for their plans :V

Like so
Adhoc vote count started by Lisafication on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:54 PM, finished with 57 posts and 29 votes.
[X] Lazy Minx

Yeah, alright, this is a vote specifically for high energy cybernetic kung fu exploiting non-human bodies of the combatants in creative ways.

If this ends up being "You punch with iron fist instead of fleshy fist" I am going to be salt.
[X] Lazy Minx


I really don't like that character design, but if I don't consolidate, we don't get cyborg at all.
Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 5:07 PM, finished with 65 posts and 31 votes.
Well I guess all these pics aren't needed anymore rip
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The only issue I have with calling the plan "guts expy" is that this is shonen, not a seinen murder hole. There's no way the plan as is would lead to Guts.
I realize that it might be too late for my plan to gain traction, but I still have to try. I like this idea too much not to try
[X] Plan Magical Showtime
[X] Destiny
[X] Parental Figure

[X] Favour of the Mighty
[X] Balanced and fair, adaptable and well-rounded.
[X] Energy Manipulation
[X] Little Brother
[X] Childhood Friend

Destiny and Favor of the Mighty seem like a very interesting combination.
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The only issue I have with calling the plan "guts expy" is that this is shonen, not a seinen murder hole. There's no way the plan as is would lead to Guts.
It can lead to a character who is based if the man, which is more than enough for me.
This isn't exactly shonen anyway- not with the likes of Shiki Tohno as inspirations. Plus, one of the power sources explicitly mentions being Guts-inspired, soo it isn't an impossibility.
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