Shounen Fightin' Anime [Shounen Protagonist Quest]

[X] "Good match."
And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a
You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.

Holy crap, this fight was awesome.
You were a planner, which was is why you would win.
Tense inconsistency.

That was's for how long you could maintain it, making your attacks stronger.
Tense inconsistency, phrasing.

The proctor then stopped you to explain what you would be doing in a week on Monday.
Missing capitalization.

revealing the scarred man who was your opponent, a jacketd on in place of his red robe

Just like that, he was in front of you again, eyes glaring down at you. For point one of a second, it felt like you were staring down a monster, his cybernetic eye glaring down at you, glowing brightly.
This one isn't an error, per se, but using the phrase "eye(s) glaring down at you" twice in as many sentences is a bit awkward.

[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
[x] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
what kind of shounen protag would we be if we didn't give props to a worthy opponent?
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
[x] "..." There's nothing to be said. He just lost a pretty important match, and he probably wouldn't be up to talk. A smile and a nod, maybe, but it was best to let him lick his own wounds. No hard feelings, but you didn't want to be rude about winning or anything. Best to move on.
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.

I suppose both options could be taken poorly depending on his mood, but showing basic sportsmanship seems like the best move.

Anyway, awesome fight scene.
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was afight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.

Fukutsu just did that shounen thing where fighters communicate with their fists (instead of talking like normal people) and saw that Miguel enjoyed the rush of fighting competition. Hell, both of them even started grining mid fight. Thanking him seems superior to pretending to be a cold fish to try and spare his feelings.
[x] "..." There's nothing to be said. He just lost a pretty important match, and he probably wouldn't be up to talk. A smile and a nod, maybe, but it was best to let him lick his own wounds. No hard feelings, but you didn't want to be rude about winning or anything. Best to move on.
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was afight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
Voting closes in two hours, or at 00:40 GMT (in other words, when my ass is hitting those bed sheets)

Next update y'all get and then get so spend some XP. Also for 100XP, someone find us a gosh darn opening song for this Shounen Fightin' Anime.
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Spending XP is fun!

Especially if we get enough to round ourselves out a bit without nerfing MAXIMUM TANK. If we don't get a chance to Hyakuretsken some goons in the near future, I'll be disappointed!
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was afight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.

This is very interesting so far. I look forward to our most likely ridiculous Shounen power ups to come.

EDIT: In regards to theme song, I'm gonna suggest:

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[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.

Another theme song suggestion!:D

And it's not a joke this time, either!:p

[X] "Good match." And you mean it. You had been in fights before, but that was a fight. You could feel yourself adapting and growing stronger with each blow, surpassing the limits imposed by his overbearing, relentless fighting style. It was a satisfying fight, and you bet you were going to thank the person who let you have that fight.
6: Endtroduction
6: Endtroduction

"Good match."

He stared at you for a good few moments… and then nodded.

"Nice move back there, kid" he admitted, allowing a slight smile. Miguel reached out with his cybernetic hand, accepting his loss with grace. You took his hand, a brief squeeze shared, before they both parted. "I won't be training for a couple of weeks because of it. Nothing intense, at least. That a pure defence style?"

"Mostly. There's a few schools, but the 'main' branch is dedicated to the perfect defence," you explained conversationally, smiling at Miguel warmly. You were glad that there was room for friendly competition in such a place. "I'm far from perfect, though." You nod down to your limp arm to highlight the point.

He chuffed, flashing you a wide grin. "Don't go down without a fight — that's what máe told me when I was younger, gonna take it with me to the grave. But… hopefully next time I won't go down."

"And when's that next time for you?"

"If all things go well, one year. I've had my first taste of the Ring of Heaven, now I know what kind of competition to expect. Means I got a year to psych myself up again." He chortled, the picture of a friendly combatant.

"That's a long wait."

Miguel shrugged lightly. "There's earlier opportunities, but I'll give myself a year to train up some more, put in more work. Doesn't mean I won't compete elsewhere, but for the Ring actual? I'll give it a year."

"I'll be sure to see you then, Miguel."

"We'll book seats!" Yoshitoki pipes up, poking his head out from beside you, giving the cyborg boxer a thumbs up. "I mean, assuming you get past this stage, which I figure you will. Only reason you lost was because it was my sister."

You elbowed Yoshitoki lightly. "Settle down."

Miguel laughed, taking no offense to your brother's statement. "He's not wrong. But what can you do, other than get better?"

Your thoughts exactly.

"You gonna be sticking around?" you asked.

The cyborg nodded. "A few weeks, maybe. Enjoy Japan while I can. It's… annoying, that the Ring's all the way out here, but it makes for a good excuse for a vacation!"

"In that case, feel free to stop by our place, if you're up for some training," you suggest, much to the surprise of your little brother.

"Uncle hates visitors~" he rightfully pointed out.

"He's a grown man, he can handle a guest or two," you retorted effortlessly.

Miguel, on the other hand, looked a bit more conflicted. "I would hate to intrude. I have been training with one of the gyms in the area, called Unbreakable. If you want, we could meet there."

"...Gyms?" you asked quietly, mostly to yourself.

"Dojo, basically. I mean, dojos still exist, but gyms are more like… multiple style dojos."

Your country hick was showing, as you blinked a few times, taking a moment to register the idea. It just went to show how isolated things could be, out there. "Oh. That sounds cool. Where do I sign up?"

"Just visit," Miguel said, waving off the notion of 'signing up'. "People make a big deal out of what gym they're representing, though. You can go to multiple, if it helps you, but it's sort of a tradition around here to rep one, I hear. Proof of quality for the trainers and senior members, and all that."

"I don't think I've heard of Unbreakable, though…" Yoshitoki said, rubbing his chin. It likely vexed him a little, given how he was a bit of a fighting nut.

"It's a… quieter affair. It's mostly for fighters who want to avoid the ego, I've noticed."

Unbreakable. You committed the name of the gym to memory.

With that, the fighters part ways — Miguel to consider his next move, and you to recover.

— — — — —

Granduncle Munemori regarded you with a look that caused your spine to lock up. Yoshitoki joined you in that, stopping mid-step into the traditional home, sweat rolling from his brow.

The old man's raw disapproving presence almost caused your heart to stop. Although well into his seventies, Granduncle Munemori stood tall and with a powerful build, his wiry white hair combed back, a long wispy beard extending from his mouth and chin to his upper chest. His eyes were set and angled like a hawks, cutting through deceit before them. While your eyes were dark, his were a bright silvery blue.

"Yoshitoki. You came home late last night," the elderly Ryuutei stated, voice calm, unmoving from his spot in the hallway, arms folded across his chest.

As if being released from some icy grip, Yoshitoki finished his step into the house, exhaling. "S-sorry, granduncle. I, uh — " he stammered, trying to find the words.

"He was picking me up," you finally say, breaking free of the crushing air surrounding your granduncle. "Sorry. The train came in late, and we needed food too."

"... As young Nao has informed me," Granduncle Munemori began, inclining his head to the stairs, up where Nao was most likely still sleeping. "I do not know why you saw fit to leave before greeting me, this morning. It would be impossible to avoid me, if you intend to stay within my home."

… Were you avoiding him?

A part of you was, you supposed. Family outside of your mentor, dad and Yoshitoki was a strange thought. Maybe getting past that thought was acting as a mental blocker — you had been taught that they can emerge in the strangest way.

"I apologize, granduncle."

You removed your shoes and moved to stand in the house actual, moving to your knees and bowing your head. "I did not intend to cause you any disrespect."

And you had not. You held nothing but respect for your mentor, and that should rightfully extend to his siblings. Although you had never met your grandfather and granduncle, it would inevitably extend to him too.

Granduncle Munemori blinked rapidly, unfolding his arms and exposing his palms to you. "Wait. There's no need to go to such extent! You are my grandniece, not my vassal!"

With that, you stood. Your family was very traditional, so deference to elders was to be expected. But naturally, you were not so respectful that you would let their ideas of what you should and shouldn't do with your life stop you from taking part in the contests of the Ring of Heaven.

You reach out, patting Yoshitoki on his shoulder. "Go check on Nao," you voluntold him, giving him a reassuring smile to back it up. He nodded resolutely, hurrying up the stairs, leaving you and your granduncle to talk.

He inclined his head towards the living space, turning on his heel and moving though, the sleeves of his crimson yukata flowing with the movement. You followed, eventually coming to sit across from him at the low table,

"... You're a novice, not yet an adult, and yet you wish to risk your well-being in a series of pointless battles, in an age where martial prowess is hardly required, and the last true war was over forty years ago. Let us cut to the heart of the matter, then. Why?" Granduncle asked, half-heartedly glaring at you with the sharp eyes which seemed to run in the Ryuutei blood. You stared back unflinching.

"Because it's what I enjoy. Because it's how I'll improve. Do I need any other reason?" you asked in return, speaking no lie.

"Yet you omit a truth," your granduncle said, as if reading your mind. "There exists competition outside of the Ring of Heaven, and one might argue that mastery can only exist outside of it. For sure, one can learn much of other fighters and their ways, but of oneself? That is a different matter. Why?"

"Because I want to compare myself against others," you began, narrowing your eyes. "Stand Against Heaven is an art dedicated to a perfection of defence. I don't think any style can attain perfection in absence of conflict — "

A stern glint in your granduncle's eyes caused you to paused. "Those are dangerous words, my niece. There are many who have spoken such words, some in this very household, who have fallen into ways unbecoming of one dedicated to perfection. That is the way of the Bushin, not the master." Granduncle exhaled, shutting his eyes momentarily. "The Ring of Heaven is not simply 'conflict'. There is vice in that place, greed and suffering for the sake of it. In the absence of war under the threat of worse, the Ring has become that conflict. There are few who can rise above it, even among the so-called Pillars. I know you know this. I can see it in you, you have your father's heart. Yet you clearly desire to press on. Why?"

Your hand, the one which remained responsive after your fight with Miguel, gripped at your thigh. The aches and pains of a lack of adrenaline was replaced with a pure silence as you considered your reasoning.

Why were you hiding it from him?

Was it because it could be seen an unvirtuous pursuit? The petty quest of a child? Maybe.

But there was nothing petty about it to you.

"She hasn't contacted us at all."

The admittance caused your teeth to press together, gritting against one another slowly. The summer air didn't feel so hot as the warmth left your body, recalling the night when you realized that another letter wasn't going to arrive from her.

The tension emanating from your granduncle seemed to dissipate ever so slightly.

"I want to become stronger because I have to. To me, it's the only way forward, because — " you stammer for a moment, breaking your usually effortless way of speaking, " — I've lived and trained in the full knowledge that everyone — everyone, was comparing me to her, a woman I barely know beyond the fact that she's strong. Granduncle, I cannot live like that anymore. I can't be the 'Little Ryuutei'. I can't be the lesser reflection of someone. There's no worse way to live, being looked at as someone else. I want to be me, granduncle."

The heat returned as you stared through your granduncle, your eyes wide with a barely hidden frustrating — a fury you kept deep within. It was not something you wanted your brother seeing, nor Nao, nor your father.

But if he wanted the truth, he would receive it. The kindness, the politeness — to you it felt like a mask to the very feelings you had just admitted to your granduncle. You felt like… a liar. A fraud.

Granduncle Munemori regarded you evenly.

There was no judgement.

"Stay for as long as you would like," he finally said after some consideration, his aged voice losing the coarse edge it once held. "On the conditions that you either undergo home schooling or attend a local school. A combatant you may desire to be, but an education is still important, and you will balance it alongside your training. Nor will I train you in the Stand Against Heaven: Violent Tengu, or any other form of our martial art — I am not my brother, and it is for you to discover. Those are my terms."

You had as much expected a refusal on his end to hold your hand, it was simply the impression your granduncle gave off. But school? Eh.

It would technically be illegal. Strange how it was perfectly legal for a fifteen year old to enter a combat arena without so much as a glance, but missing school for a bit to take part in that combat arena wasn't.

It was fine. You only really had one year left of it.

"I accept."

— — — — —

You have 300xp to spend as you'd like. Using a plan, please determine how you want it to be spent.
[ ] Write in.

During the week you have to prepare for the Gauntlet's qualifying event, you intend to visit the gym 'Unbreakable'. What do you hope to gain out of your visit?
[ ] To begin developing your grasp of Stand Against Heaven verses other, unique styles, martial arts and methods. Your focus remains to become stronger.
[ ] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters. It's one thing to train in a yard or forest, but you've never actually trained in an environment like a gym before. You're curious.
[ ] To observe potential competition. It's callous, but you could be going up against any number of the combatants in any of the gyms. Best to make a start in figuring out who's who.

From your fight with Miguel, you take away…
[ ] That your defence is far from perfect. You're really feeling those bruises.
During your week of training, you begin working on another defensive technique from the Stand Against Heaven school of techniques.
[ ] That Miguel's Stinger! hurt. It's out of the norm, but you could do with your own trump card like that — or at the very least start working on one.
In your free time, you begin delving into the world of forward aggression, and begin working on an offensive technique.
[ ] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it, none too dissimilar from the ki you make use of to resolve your body. You can learn from that.
You spend time in meditation, working on a technique involving Ki Enhancement. If you should choose to also train in Energy Release, then it can also be the beginnings of an Energy Release technique should you choose.

It's not all work and no play. You're new to the city, so naturally you'll want to spend time checking it out as well. You decide to…
[ ] Check out the sights with Nao. You're both complete tourists, but you're the one with the sense of direction. If she goes out by herself, there's a good chance she'll end up in Hokkaido.
[ ] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki. He would happily go by himself, but you figure you haven't had the chance to spend much time with him in the past year or so. He's already changed a lot — and on top of bonding, you'll be able to get a look at what fights in the Stairway are like in person.

Adhoc vote count started by Pangolin on Jun 12, 2019 at 12:54 PM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Victory in Motion
    -[X] 100 XP to Energy Release (Rises to Student)
    -[X] 200 XP to Ki Control (Rises to Adept)
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it,
    [X] Check out the sights with Nao.
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters. It's one thing to train in a yard or forest, but you've never actually trained in an environment like a gym before. You're curious.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it, none too dissimilar from the ki you make use of to resolve your body. You can learn from that.
    [X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki. He would happily go by himself, but you figure you haven't had the chance to spend much time with him in the past year or so. He's already changed a lot — and on top of bonding, you'll be able to get a look at what fights in the Stairway are like in person.
    [X] Plan Unmovable Mountain
    - [X] 200xp to Ki Enhancement (rises to Adept)
    - [X] 100xp to Melee (Defensive)
    [X] Plan Unmovable Mountain
    - [X] 200xp to Ki Enhancement (rises to Adept)
    - [X] 100xp to Melee (Defensive)
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
    [X] That your defence is far from perfect.
    [X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki.
    [x] To observe potential competition. It's callous, but you could be going up against any number of the combatants in any of the gyms. Best to make a start in figuring out who's who.
    [x] That Miguel's Stinger! hurt. It's out of the norm, but you could do with your own trump card like that — or at the very least start working on one.
    [x] Check out the sights with Nao. You're both complete tourists, but you're the one with the sense of direction. If she goes out by herself, there's a good chance she'll end up in Hokkaido.
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters. It's one thing to train in a yard or forest, but you've never actually trained in an environment like a gym before. You're curious.
    [X] That your defence is far from perfect.You're really feeling those bruises.
    [x] Check out the sights with Nao. You're both complete tourists, but you're the one with the sense of direction. If she goes out by herself, there's a good chance she'll end up in Hokkaido.
    [X] Plan Unmovable Mountain
    - [X] 200xp to Ki Enhancement (rises to Adept)
    - [X] 100xp to Melee (Defensive)
    [X] Plan: Gimme Dat Kaiten!
    -[X] 200xp to Ki Control
    -[X] 100xp to Energy Release
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
    [X] That your defence is far from perfect.
    [X] Check out the sights with Nao.
    [X] Plan: Victory in Motion
    -[X] 100 XP to Energy Release (Rises to Student)
    -[X] 200 XP to Ki Control (Rises to Adept)
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it, none too dissimilar from the ki you make use of to resolve your body. You can learn from that.
    [x] Check out the sights with Nao. You're both complete tourists, but you're the one with the sense of direction. If she goes out by herself, there's a good chance she'll end up in Hokkaido.
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it, none too dissimilar from the ki you make use of to resolve your body. You can learn from that.
    [x] Check out the sights with Nao. You're both complete tourists, but you're the one with the sense of direction. If she goes out by herself, there's a good chance she'll end up in Hokkaido.

Adhoc vote count started by Pangolin on Jun 12, 2019 at 12:55 PM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
    [x] Check out the sights with Nao. You're both complete tourists, but you're the one with the sense of direction. If she goes out by herself, there's a good chance she'll end up in Hokkaido.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it, none too dissimilar from the ki you make use of to resolve your body. You can learn from that.
    [X] Plan Unmovable Mountain
    - [X] 200xp to Ki Enhancement (rises to Adept)
    - [X] 100xp to Melee (Defensive)
    [X] Plan: Victory in Motion
    -[X] 100 XP to Energy Release (Rises to Student)
    -[X] 200 XP to Ki Control (Rises to Adept)
    [X] Check out the sights with Nao.
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters. It's one thing to train in a yard or forest, but you've never actually trained in an environment like a gym before. You're curious.
    [X] That your defence is far from perfect.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it,
    [X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki. He would happily go by himself, but you figure you haven't had the chance to spend much time with him in the past year or so. He's already changed a lot — and on top of bonding, you'll be able to get a look at what fights in the Stairway are like in person.
    [X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki.
    [x] To observe potential competition. It's callous, but you could be going up against any number of the combatants in any of the gyms. Best to make a start in figuring out who's who.
    [x] That Miguel's Stinger! hurt. It's out of the norm, but you could do with your own trump card like that — or at the very least start working on one.
    [X] That your defence is far from perfect.You're really feeling those bruises.
    [X] Plan: Gimme Dat Kaiten!
    -[X] 200xp to Ki Control
    -[X] 100xp to Energy Release

Adhoc vote count started by Pangolin on Jun 16, 2019 at 12:14 PM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
    [x] Check out the sights with Nao. You're both complete tourists, but you're the one with the sense of direction. If she goes out by herself, there's a good chance she'll end up in Hokkaido.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it, none too dissimilar from the ki you make use of to resolve your body. You can learn from that.
    [X] Plan Unmovable Mountain
    - [X] 200xp to Ki Enhancement (rises to Adept)
    - [X] 100xp to Melee (Defensive)
    [X] Plan: Victory in Motion
    -[X] 100 XP to Energy Release (Rises to Student)
    -[X] 200 XP to Ki Control (Rises to Adept)
    [X] Check out the sights with Nao.
    [X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters. It's one thing to train in a yard or forest, but you've never actually trained in an environment like a gym before. You're curious.
    [X] That your defence is far from perfect.
    [X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it,
    [X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki. He would happily go by himself, but you figure you haven't had the chance to spend much time with him in the past year or so. He's already changed a lot — and on top of bonding, you'll be able to get a look at what fights in the Stairway are like in person.
    [X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki.
    [x] To observe potential competition. It's callous, but you could be going up against any number of the combatants in any of the gyms. Best to make a start in figuring out who's who.
    [x] That Miguel's Stinger! hurt. It's out of the norm, but you could do with your own trump card like that — or at the very least start working on one.
    [X] That your defence is far from perfect.You're really feeling those bruises.
    [X] Plan: Gimme Dat Kaiten!
    -[X] 200xp to Ki Control
    -[X] 100xp to Energy Release
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Shocking truth!

Figuring this out, one sec.

Okay, here we go.

[X] Plan: Victory in Motion
-[X] 100 XP to Energy Release (Rises to Student)
-[X] 200 XP to Ki Control (Rises to Adept)

What this gains us? Defending is--in and of itself--not enough to win, not here in this place of superhumans--but I don't feel we've yet acquired the insights needed to bring our defense to the next level. We need to be capable of battling with the strength of an expert--and while having strengths and specialization is important--one must be capable of operating at a certain minimum standard to be considered a true expert.

This gets us functional control of our inner energies in battle, and a respectable ability to attack, to capitalize on our naturally mighty defenses. And hopefully lay the foundation for bringing the latter to the next level.

[X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
[X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it
[X] Check out the sights with Nao.
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You are continuing this!? Superb! I love this one!

Not sure on exp yet... So let's vote on other things first!

[X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters. It's one thing to train in a yard or forest, but you've never actually trained in an environment like a gym before. You're curious.

[X] The punch itself wasn't the issue, it was the power behind it, none too dissimilar from the ki you make use of to resolve your body. You can learn from that.
You spend time in meditation, working on a technique involving Ki Enhancement. If you should choose to also train in Energy Release, then it can also be the beginnings of an Energy Release technique should you choose.

[X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki. He would happily go by himself, but you figure you haven't had the chance to spend much time with him in the past year or so. He's already changed a lot — and on top of bonding, you'll be able to get a look at what fights in the Stairway are like in person.

Curiosity, power and family! All right!

.... Actually, should I vote by plan? And also, should exp votes be a part of that plan or separate?

I see! Then I think I will vote for... This!

[X] Plan Unmovable Mountain
- [X] 200xp to Ki Enhancement (rises to Adept)
- [X] 100xp to Melee (Defensive)

Build tall, then wide! Luckily we are not building buildings so this might just actually work!
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Yay, it's back!

-[X] 100 XP to Melee (Offensive) (Rises to Adept)

Do we already have 100xp in that? The usual amount needed is 200, and the number of current xp in that skill is missing on the character sheet

[X] Plan Unmovable Mountain
- [X] 200xp to Ki Enhancement (rises to Adept)
- [X] 100xp to Melee (Defensive)

I'd rather pick Ki Enhancement ahead of Ki Manipulation, since I feel it synergizes well with our high defense, while still being perfectly serviceable for offense. Self-buff isn't the most glamorous technique out there, but it gets results.

Starting to raise Defensive, Offensive will be easier to raise in one go later anyway.

[X] To find a place you can safely train, in the presence of fellow fighters.
[X] That your defence is far from perfect.
[X] Watch a match in the Stairway with Yoshitoki.
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