Shounen Fightin' Anime [Shounen Protagonist Quest]

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The world has come a long way. A joyous greeting from tomorrow.

When you were young...
Character Creation: Who Are You?


yes chef

The world has come a long way. A joyous greeting from tomorrow.​

When you were young, you would hear stories about the great contestants in the Ring of Heaven. An army unto themselves, they were warriors who had earned fame unmatched in the world. Magic, science, aliens and natural talent all met for the sake of combat, creating the greatest show in the history of the world. Godlike Gladiators, the Modern Warriors, Masters of the Martial Realms, Champions of Heaven—there's a million and one nicknames and titles bestowed upon those who fight at the highest levels of the Ring of Heaven.

But, among the titles is an official one: Pillars. Pillars of power, of humanity and its strength, of honour and glory. They are the ones who uphold.

To you, a young'un in the boonies of Japan, it may as well have been an entire galaxy away from your life. The glamorous arenas of the Ring of Heaven have never really had any bearing on your life. For as far as humanity has come in technology and with the discovery of magic, your life is still that of a young person in a backwater town. Everything you heard about these arenas came from those who commute to the capital from your village, tourists and other passerbys, and English teachers.

Still, although you've never actually experienced the arenas, you have nonetheless aspired to experience them. Not from behind a television, or from the stands, but as a contestant. It would be one hell of a leap, to go from the mundanity of everyday life in a small rural village, abandoning your prior life to go to the big city. You've never lived around many people, you've never even seen most of the higher technology available to man, and your life has never been particularly loud or exciting.

That would all change if you took that leap. You'd be out of your element, taking a shot in the dark towards the promise of supremacy. It wouldn't be easy, either. It would be akin to you climbing a ladder, only that ladder also happened to have angry gorillas hanging onto it, trying to beat you off with each step up you took.

Lucky for you, the choice to beat those gorillas is encouraged in the Ring of Heaven.

Character Creation P.1

You are Fukutsu Ryuutei, and you are fifteen years old. In a world where names like 'Gunner Aldebaran' are a bit too common, your name is comparatively old school. But, that is part of the rural experience. All the technological advances of man over the past eighty or so years have yet to really make their way to your home, the village of Ginkuni-cho. For whatever reason, you've always been a bit of a fight maniac, or at least that is how those around you would describe your nature. That isn't to say it's true, just that with how you've focused on your martial form it could very well come across that way to the ignorant spectator.

Really, there simply wasn't much else for you to do in your home village. Ginkuni-cho was the kind of place people went to retire, or where they sent those foreigner English teachers on their placements for a year. It was farmland and old buildings left over from the edo period, and it was the kind of place where everyone knew each other. If you didn't focus on your martial arts, then really, you would have probably gone mad or become the best football/tennis/baseball player in your region.

Because what the hell else were you supposed to do?

[ ] What do you look like?
Write in preferable.

There are other avenues beyond the Ring of Heaven when it comes to martial arts, much in the same way you can be a boxer without needing to go to the olympics. But, why exactly are you so fixated on the Ring of Heaven?

Choose two:

[ ] Destiny -
Nothing has resonated with you more in life than the idea of participating in the combat sports of the Ring of Heaven. Something in the very core of your being demands that you at least attempt to enter the contests, even if it ends up becoming a failed venture. The very core of your being is a fighter, and it cries out to face its peers in the arena. A mundane life simply cannot satisfy you in the way you believe the Ring of Heaven could.​

[ ] Parental Figure -
Your mother was a fighter. A rural woman, yes, but she trained to eventually become among the best. You were told that her talent was truly that of a demon and that after having you, she immediately went back to training. Like… immediately, the second you popped out. Of course, you don't actually know any of this for sure, because you don't actually know your mother that well. She entered the Ring of Heaven when you were incredibly young and only kept in touch via letters, money and the occasional gift from the city. A couple of years ago, those letters stopped coming, and nobody in the village can seem to figure out why. You want to enter the Ring of Heaven and seek out those who would know. Your mother had to have some friends among the contestants. And enemies too, probably.​

[ ] Fame & Fortune -
A simple, but understandable drive. To ascend to the highest levels of the Ring of Heaven makes you one of the most powerful individuals on the planet. Not only could you likely bench press ten times your body weight as a lowball, but you would have money, connections and followers. The peak of fame. To anyone who looks upon the Ring of Heaven, it is an ever-present consideration; 'If I was strong enough, I could become rich and powerful'. You will escape the rural country, one way or another.​

[ ] Betterment -
What better way to improve your fighting form than to fight against the best?! The Ring of Heaven and the contests it contains are a gauntlet where you must face an untold amount of challengers, each individual and unique in their own ways. You've outstripped all those who were once a challenge to you locally, and now you desire a more difficult quarry. This is no great call of fate, fortune or family. All this drive desires is self-improvement and martial supremacy, and the journey that comes with it.​

[ ] Revenge -
A powerful woman with lion-like hair and the eyes of a king, her hands glinting with the sheen of innocent blood. The image is engraved into your mind. Your home of Ginkuni-Cho is no more, as there is no one left to live there. Six months ago, she arrived at sunset with her followers, and they left at sunrise, leaving only you alive. She knowingly did so, merely casting you a look before she left, her very presence suffocatingly powerful, two words leaving her lips which continue to haunt you; 'How disappointing.'

In the time since you have recovered and rebuilt yourself in your ghost town of a village. Some people who were out of town at the time returned to find you, alone, the bodies of their family, friends and loved ones buried by you. All you know, all you care about, is that there is a woman who fights in the Ring of Heaven who matches that image in your head. You will find her.

After that… it is hard to say.​

[ ] Get a Job! -
You were booted out of your home by your father and told to get a job. Might as well go beat some people up. You've got to do something with your uncanny ability to clobber people, after all. This is not a drive you can have, if you are also driven by Revenge.​

A drive is nothing without the sufficient abilities to follow through with it, but one does not simply gain power from nothing. From where did your martial prowess sprout?

Choose one origin for your abilities:

Alien -
Visitors from the universe at large made themselves known just under a century ago, as mankind made its first steps to Mars and beyond. Treaties were signed, hands were shook, but ultimately not much really came from first contact. A few extraterrestrials visit Earth with some frequency, mostly merchants selling their wares for absurd prices on national and local levels. Fewer still have made Earth their home, and lesser yet are those who take part in the Ring of Heaven for the fun of it. But they can be encountered, and they have left their mark on the world, and maybe even on you.​

  • [ ] Mongrel -
    You are something of a rarity. Your blood is a mix between that of the denizens of Earth, and those from beyond it. A likely unintentional result of this union are the abilities which came with your mixed blood, taking you above the level of a regular human. This may or may not come with changes to your appearance.​

    (Inspiration: Zed O'Brien, Kekkai Sensen. Son Gohan & Trunks, Dragon Ball Z)

  • [ ] Alien Mentor (Kinda) -
    When you were young, an unlikely meeting occurred—well, more like two meetings. The first was with a giant boar, mutated as the result of something, and the second was your saviour. Although you held your own against the boar rather well for a child, you could not defeat it. It was when you were about to be rammed into a tree that he emerged, and not half a second later, the boar was dead, split cleanly up the middle.

    Your saviour introduced himself as a simple wanderer looking to pass the time between jobs. He had an almost insectoid likeness to his face, and his body was covered by a coat. Impressed by how you handled yourself against the boar, your saviour decided to show you a few of his own moves to better cope against something like a giant monster boar in the future. That day with your one-time mentor shaped how you fight, extrapolating from the bits of the art which your saviour showed you. You do not follow the rules of any fighting style found on Earth.​

    (Inspiration: Allen Walker & Cross Marian, D. Gray-man. Shiki Tohno & Aoko Aozaki, Tsukihime/Melty Blood)

Magic -
Just before the discovery of extraterrestrial life, came the unveiling of magic and the world surrounding it. It was quite sudden, and the incident was wonderous, but the awe faded quite quickly and that too became a matter of treaties and handshakes. Over the years that followed, magic underwent an integration process, and it eventually assisted in mankind venturing to the stars. Demons, monsters, wizards and ancient prophecies, oh my.

The greater truth is that mankind has never truly been completely parted from the world of magic. There would always be a crossover, and all the Unveiling did was further the extent of that crossover. This crossover, be it from many years ago when it was minimal, or from a more recent incident, left its mark on you.​

  • [ ] Inner Beast -
    There's something inside you that you cannot explain. It influences you, and in your times of need, emerges to empower you. However, this is a double-edged sword. This thing does not help you for free, as it desires freedom. You know, deep in your heart, that its freedom means the end of you. Such is the price. The thing makes you strong, but the more strength you draw from it brings you closer to the tipping point. You steel your mind and go forward nonetheless. You will not be broken so easily.​

    (Inspiration: Melodias, Seven Deadly Sins. Guts, Berserk. Naruto, Naruto.)

  • [ ] Favour of the Mighty -
    Something out there loves your dumb ass, and has seen fit to coddle you to some extent. You are blessed by something great, be it the fae, a demon, or a god. This blessing can manifest in a number of ways, such as a mystical weapon, or command over a technique of magic which you can integrate into your fighting style.​

    (Inspiration: Godou Kusanagi, Campione. Saber & other Servants, Fate/ series.)

Technology -
Towards the end of the 21st century, there was something of an upheaval in the way science was studied. The so-called upheaval ultimately lead to the Unveiling of the magic world, but the fields of science remain distinct from magic. Mankind can accomplish all sorts of feats which, at the start of the 21st century, would have been considered impossible in such a relatively short time-frame. Among such accomplishments are the environments have which were restored, pollution being pulled back and animal species returned from the brink of extinction. Of course, issues remain, but the future is bright and filled with hope.

While you are from a place which has yet to really feel the impact of such progress, you nonetheless find yourself marked by it somehow.​

  • [ ] Cyborg -
    You have been to the city once before in your life, and you don't even remember it. All you know is that you got hurt bad and you may very well have been dead were it not for the decisive action of your father. You were taken somewhere, a place where the people were equipped to save your life. Parts—if not most—of your body was replaced with advanced machinery, capable of maintaining itself to an extent. You've had visits from a few odd men and women of a scientific nature visit your home over the years to check up on you and do the necessary checks, but other than the rehab, your life has been relatively normal. What mechanical parts of you there are appear to be relatively well hidden, beyond artificial look behind one of your eyes.

    For whatever reason, the machinery that makes up part of your body can be, strangely enough, weaponized.​

    (Inspiration: Genos, One Punch Man. Alita, Battle Angel Alita.)

  • [ ] Artificial Human -
    Machinery perfectly meshed with flesh. A fusion of nature and science from the beginning. You were never truly a human, but you have always been a very convincing one. Stronger, faster, just overall better than your predecessor species, you were handcrafted to be the daughter of your parents, a superior design of your mother. How your parents came about acquiring you is unknown. For whatever reason, you have perfect memory… down to your seventh birthday. Before then, you simply cannot recall anything.​

    (Inspiration: Androids 17 & 18, Dragon Ball Z. Adam Blade, Needless.)

Natural -
Even among the regular humans of the world, there are those who hold the potential to excel. Although you are, on paper, nothing exceptional, your raw dedication and ability to work have begun to yield fruits. You are marked by your own status as a pure human, in a world where aliens and magic are accepted fact.​

  • [ ] Esper -
    You were born with strange abilities. This isn't too unusual, it has happened throughout all of history. These abilities are not inherently linked to magic, but they tend to often be associated with it due to some (understandable) misunderstandings. The ability to see ghosts, move objects, and manipulate one's own internal energies—these are only some examples of what Espers are capable of without any need for an education beyond training. To an Esper, these abilities are just another muscle in need of working. While natural, these abilities tended to draw a sceptical eye from your peers as you were growing up, a mix of jealousy and fear. To be born with such power, as a normal human, is both enviable and unfortunate. It is, in shorter terms, some X-Men shit.

    (Inspiration: Yusuke Urameshi, Yu Yu Hakusho. Mob, Mob Psycho. Mikoto Misaka, Toaru Kogaku no Railgun.)

  • [ ] Pure Martial Artist -
    No gimmicks here. You were born to your normal human parents in a normal human town. The only difference is that, as you grew up, you dedicated enough of your time to the martial arts that you have become skilled enough to compete with others of a more 'gifted' origin. You will always need to work harder than the guy who can split rocks by looking at them, but your power is your own, and your mastery of that power may very well have no limit. To be a master of the martial realm does not need to wield great power, only great skill. The power comes on its own. Maybe the other villagers were right... maybe you are a combat freak!

    (Inspiration: boy where do I even start. Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star. Bang, One Punch Man. Yamcha.)

As it currently stands, how would you describe your fighting style? Choose one:

[ ] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style
[ ] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
[ ] Balanced and fair, adaptable and well-rounded. You try to strike something of a balance between the above options. You treat each fight as an individual entity. Adapting is more important than relying on specific strengths.

Where do you personally believe yourself to be talented? Of course, I do not mean the natural sort of talent, but rather where you have put the most effort, and where you have the most to show for it:

[ ] Melee (Offensive) -
Naturally, one's ability to attack is important in a fight. None would blame you if this was where you focused your efforts.

[ ] Melee (Defensive) -
How does that adage go? The best offence is a good defence. Perfectly understandable, to be concerned with protecting yourself from attackers.

[ ] Energy Manipulation -
Quite the strange specialisation, this. You must have spent a lot of time meditating. No matter your origin, you will at some point likely need to draw out power from within yourself. Maybe it is wise, to focus on efficiently using it. No point in getting tired from it mid-fight, is there?

[ ] Energy Release -
Of course, efficiently using energy and your raw ability to release energy are somewhat different. How well can you utilize your energy as a weapon? Be in in the form of electricity based beams from cybernetic limbs, the release of magical energy, or even qi.

Into this new world of the city you go. You will find yourself accompanied by other individuals. A friend, a rival, a sibling—whatever they may be to you, you must choose.

Choose two:

[ ] Little Brother -
Be it by blood or not, you have a sibling. Yoshitoki Ryuutei is thirteen years old, and looks up to you as if you were the patron Saint of Sisterhood. For the past year, he has been attending school in the city, an opportunity you missed out on, and is eager to meet you again. When you were younger, you would try to teach him how to fight, but he never really caught on to what you were putting down, despite his determination to learn. However, he is notably book smart and city-savvy for a boy of his age. A year is a long time, when you're both as young as you are. It's possible that you've both changed, maybe too much.

While he has no real place in the Ring of Heaven, he would nonetheless be your biggest fan and supporter. Maybe he would even go out of his way to keep you informed on who to look out for and where you should be looking to ascend in the ranks. He always had a keen eye for that sort stuff, at least.

Background variable depending on other choices made in character creation.

[ ] Childhood Rival -
Raio "Darts" Hachiman
. An Esper. A delinquent. A fighter.

Darts has been in your social circles for as long as you can remember, and that is a bit of a problem. Darts, much like yourself, fancies himself something of a combatant, and similarly put time into practising martial arts and what not. While you were somewhat reclusive, he was more willing to go out and find a fight. Considered a ruffian among the villagers, he was the closest thing your home had to a bad egg. Still, even Darts was a community boy, it was hard not to be in Ginkuni-cho, and he spent time helping younger kids with their homework.

But, he's still an asshole and you think you hate him. He took every opportunity he could to start something with you in particular because you were the 'only challenge' in the village. While you have good reason to dislike him, due to the lengths he would go to start a fight with you. His prideful looks, big stupid pomp and fixation on the neo-Bōsōzoku subculture that popped up about ten years ago infuriates you to no end.

Yet, you also acknowledge his power. A skilled fighter, even without his Esper abilities, Darts is undeniably your peer in terms of abilities. In a way, you both fostered each other's abilities, allow them to grow. Darts' Esper ability allows him to shoot things from his hands at frightening speeds, and he has learned some interesting tricks with that ability. He intends to take them to the Ring of Heaven, much like yourself.

[ ] Childhood Friend -
. If there's one person more rural than you, it's Nao. In this weird and wonderful age, Nao comes from a traditional family of shrine maidens and priests. She and her family were secluded sorts, living off in the neighbouring mountain trails next to your village, only showing themselves around the town when required. Nao likely could have gone her whole life without being around other people for more than a couple of hours, until she had the (mis)fortune of meeting you. While hiking, you encountered Nao in a bit of a situation; she was thrown up into a tree by a bear. How true that is, you don't know, but you do know that she was stuck in a tree, and you helped her out. The poor girl was deathly afraid of heights, so it was only right for you, someone who didn't give a damn about heights, to lend a hand.

After that, you accompanied her back to her home. Every now and then, you would encounter her in similarly odd situations. After a time, it became routine, and you became friends with Nao. She will undeniably accompany you on your journey, to make up for all the times you've helped her out.

Nao is a talented healer, and she has an ear to the ground when it comes to things relating to the magic side of the world. Useful, for sure, but the girl would be totally lost in the city. With coarse people skills at best, and a poor sense of direction in a metropolitan environment, Nao and the city are simply not compatible. It would be up to either you or another to make sure she doesn't wander off or end up somewhere she really shouldn't be.

Nao will also try to keep you humble and be brutally honest regarding your choices. Her family most certainly interbred with a magical species very recently, from her appearance alone.

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Welcome to the Shounen Fightin' Anime. You know what this is. It's on the tin. I'm Pangolin, and I'm mainly a fanfiction author over on Spacebattles. This is my first foray into QMing, and up until now, I've only been audience to quests. Tips and advice regarding the running of a quest are appreciated.

This little adventure was inspired by my own fondness for shounen manga and the collective silliness of it all, some terrible enablers I call 'friends', and Omicron's Now You Feel Like Number None because holy moly that's a good quest. We'll be following an upstart fighter of variable origin in this Tournament arc of a mish-mash near-parody setting. While the classic Tournament Arc genre trope is the starting point (and will be somewhat everpresent), things will occur outside of your regularly scheduled hotblooded beatdowns, both mundane and every day and things that are more comparable to arcs in and of themselves.

First things first, similar to Number None, this will not be a stats-heavy quest, nor will there be any rolling. However, there will be rankings in order to track personal progression and to compare yourself with other contestants (if you happen to figure out their own respective ranks). XP will be handed out for completing arcs, at the end of fights, productive training, and so on. Basically, do impressive things and work hard. Feel free to ask questions, I'm here all day.

Incapable - Not technically a level as such, this will only show up on a character sheet in the rare event that some circumstance makes it utterly impossible for you to learn or use a particular skill.
Untrained - This represents the baseline, what you can accomplish without any focused training.
Student (100xp) - Having received some basic training in the skill in question, you have started down the long road to mastery. Acquiring this level almost always requires that someone specifically educate you in the skill in question, though future improvements can be attained through solo practice.
Adept (200xp) - You have supplemented your initial lessons with hard-won experience, and can now employ the skill with considerable confidence. Even the very lowest of contestants is adept in some form of combat.
Skilled (400xp) - Your proficiency in an area is of some note. If it is in a combat relevant area, then it will be noticed by your fellow contestants, but not necessarily by the audience. They expect talent and skill. Higher ranking contestants will merely consider you 'average with potential'.
Veteran (800xp) - Your prowess in an area is of note to a wider audience, external to how often you win or lose. Higher ranking contestants will begin to see a challenger in you. You may very well consider entering the more deadly and high-value contests.
Master (1600xp) - You are truly a force to be reckoned with, and others will seek you out for advice and guidance in improving their own skills to a similar level. With one area at this level, you have brushed the barest requirement for a Pillar. All Pillars are Masters in multiple areas.
Champion (2400xp) - Your skill is awe-inspiring, capable of sweeping aside those of lesser worth with minimal effort. With a single area at this level, you are likely to be noticed by national actors to take part and represent them in the more important aspects of the Ring of Heaven. With compensation, of course. A Pillar is likely to have one or two areas where they can be considered a Champion.
Legendary (3200xp) - You have reached the perceived pinnacle of a skill or area. There are few, if any, who can equal you in this area. Even among Pillars, to attain this level of power is rare. Nothing more need be said.
Character Sheet

Name: Fukutsu Ryuutei
Age: 15
Position: Unranked, Noncompetitor


Once, your body was a source of insecurity. Now, it is a source of strength. At age 15, you stand at 5 foot 8 inches, and you have blossomed under your rigorous training routine. Your build is wiry and your muscles well defined, like cords wrapped around your bones. Your eyes are a piercing blue, and you keep your black hair short for practical purposes. When not fighting, you enjoy the traditional garbs of your village, colourful and long robes or kimonos; but when the hour of the fight comes, you resort to modern sports clothing, always sleeveless - your style's emphasis on rapid hand movements and countering blows tends to get anything covering your arms torn away.

When you're in the zone and training, your expression has been described as turning 'oni-like'—see above. In more social settings, you tend to wear a rather relaxed smile on your face. You are often mistaken for being older than you actually are, due to your height and build.

Combat Skills
  • Melee (Offensive): Student
    • XP 0/200
    • The Stand Against Heaven school of martial arts is capable of attacking, but it is not intended to be used as a purely offensive style, not at a base level at least. You are capable of dealing out blows, but your training has not lent itself to you being a forward attacker.

  • Melee (Defensive): Adept
    • XP 0/400
    • A couple of centuries ago, your defensive technique could have been lauded as among the best in the world. However, the bar has been raised by an order of magnitudes since then. The average person has no hope of laying a finger on you, but you still have a long way before your defence can be considered 'absolute', further still before you can hope to defend yourself from the likes of the Pillars, or even those beneath them.

  • Energy Manipulation:
    • Ki Control: Student
      • XP 0/200
      • As a part of your training, you learned to identify and control the flow of natural energies within your body through meditation. It is a beginners technique and must be developed before it can be used effectively within combat. Effective ki control is important not only for Release techniques but also for empowering the body.
    • Ki Enhancement: Student
      • XP 0/200
      • The extent to which you can empower your body with your ki. Through moments of intense focus in the midst of combat, you may enhance your body momentarily for what would be the equivalent of a single blow, either as the dealer or the receiver. As powerful as the body may become, sometimes you need that extra kick.

  • Energy Release: Untrained
    • XP 0/100

Advanced Combat Skills

Special Techniques
  • Kawataihou: River Erodes Rock
    • A technique found within the Stand Against Heaven martial art, intended to finish off an opponent once they have revealed an exploitable opening to the practitioner. A three-hit combo consisting of two heavy blows to the body are used to set up the third strike. The practitioner draws their hands back, elbows sticking out behind them, palms open and the back of their hands turned towards the ground. The two palms shoot out, and strike the body of the opponent, usually the chest or mid-upper back depending upon positioning. Supposedly, the rotation of the arms as they shoot out, correcting themselves, is the key to this powerful dual-open palm strike. It is a relatively humble technique, difficult to learn yet easy to employ, but there is a reason it is among the staple techniques of Stand Against Heaven.

  • Parental Figure & Betterment
    • You were deprived of a parent for most of your life. Your mother was a practitioner of the Stand Against Heaven martial art, and so great was her dedication to improving her craft and testing herself that she left her family behind to do so. Your father never seemed to mind, at least not on the surface. You too feel the same calling, the desire to develop and grow as a martial artist and fighter, but in your heart you know that you cannot do so. The shadow of your mother looms over you, cast by the stories you had heard over the years about her prowess. In order to be wild and free, you must first surpass your mother. You desire to seek her out, face her, and emerge victorious—and then you will make her answer for leaving your brother—and yourself—to grow up without a parent. Only when that is settled will you be able to progress to even greater heights.

Mundane Skills:


End of Chapter 1, defeat Miguel: 300xp
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Six months surviving together in a ghost town. I'll find a pic in a few minutes.

[X] Revenge
[X] Alien Mentor (kinda)
[X] Energy Manipulation
[X] Little Brother
[X] Childhood Friend
[x] Omicron
Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:02 PM, finished with 21 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] What do you look like?
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Cyborg
    [X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Get a Job! -
    [X] Esper -
    [x] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [x] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] We were born looking as old school as her name. Our hair is black, reaching down to our shoulders, but looking wild, thick and unkempt. Our dark eyes are narrow, making it look like we're frowning a lot.
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Revenge
    [x] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [x] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Alien Mentor (kinda)
    [X] Energy Manipulation
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Apperance:
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Revenge
    [x] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [x] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven
    -[X] What do you look like?
    -[X] Parental Figure
    -[X] Betterment
    -[X] Pure Martial Artist
    -[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast.
    -[X] Melee (Defensive)
    -[X] Little Brother
    -[X] Childhood Friend
    [x] Plan Small is STRONG
    [X] Apperance:
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Betterment -
    [x] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
    [x] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven

Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:08 PM, finished with 22 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] What do you look like?
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Cyborg
    [X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Get a Job! -
    [X] Esper -
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven
    -[X] What do you look like?
    -[X] Parental Figure
    -[X] Betterment
    -[X] Pure Martial Artist
    -[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast.
    -[X] Melee (Defensive)
    -[X] Little Brother
    -[X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Alien Mentor (kinda)
    [X] Energy Manipulation
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Apperance:
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] Plan Small is STRONG
    [X] Apperance:
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] We were born looking as old school as her name. Our hair is black, reaching down to our shoulders, but looking wild, thick and unkempt. Our dark eyes are narrow, making it look like we're frowning a lot.
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven

Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:13 PM, finished with 26 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] What do you look like?
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Cyborg
    [X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Get a Job! -
    [X] Esper -
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven
    -[X] What do you look like?
    -[X] Parental Figure
    -[X] Betterment
    -[X] Pure Martial Artist
    -[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast.
    -[X] Melee (Defensive)
    -[X] Little Brother
    -[X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Alien Mentor (kinda)
    [X] Energy Manipulation
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Apperance:
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] Plan Small is STRONG
    [X] Apperance:
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] We were born looking as old school as her name. Our hair is black, reaching down to our shoulders, but looking wild, thick and unkempt. Our dark eyes are narrow, making it look like we're frowning a lot.
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven

Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:14 PM, finished with 27 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] What do you look like?
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Cyborg
    [X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [x] Plan Small is STRONG
    [X] Get a Job! -
    [X] Esper -
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven
    -[X] What do you look like?
    -[X] Parental Figure
    -[X] Betterment
    -[X] Pure Martial Artist
    -[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast.
    -[X] Melee (Defensive)
    -[X] Little Brother
    -[X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Alien Mentor (kinda)
    [X] Energy Manipulation
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Apperance:
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Apperance:
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] We were born looking as old school as her name. Our hair is black, reaching down to our shoulders, but looking wild, thick and unkempt. Our dark eyes are narrow, making it look like we're frowning a lot.
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven

Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:14 PM, finished with 27 posts and 18 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:15 PM, finished with 28 posts and 19 votes.
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
[X] Apperance:
[X] Parental Figure
[X] Revenge
[X] Pure Martial Artist
[X] Melee (Offensive)
[x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
[X] Childhood Rival
[X] Childhood Friend

Don't judge me. Guts and those like him are some of my favorite characters in any fiction. Even if I don't end up winning, I'm still voting this.
[X] What do you look like?
[X] Parental Figure -
[X] Betterment -
[X] Cyborg
[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style

[X] Little Brother
[X] Childhood Friend
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy

Surprised to see you start a quest, Pangolin. I'm voting because I really like your fics.

Knew it was you at a glance because of your taste in Kill Six Billion Demons avatars.

[X ] Destiny -
[X] Get a Job! -
[X] Esper -
[X] Melee (Offensive) -
[X] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
[X] Childhood Rival -
[X] Childhood Friend -
Editing vote to the superior option

[X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
Last edited:
Oh my. Someone inspired by my work to start a Quest? I am honored.

Let's see...

[X] To Stand Against Heaven

-[X] What do you look like?

You've always been too tall for your age, and there was a time when that bothered you - but once you found the way of the martial arts, you learned to embrace and glory in your body. You are a tall woman with a wiry build, muscles like cords wrapped around your bones. Your eyes are a piercing blue, and you keep your black hair short for practical purposes. When not fighting, you enjoy the traditional garbs of your village, colorful and long robes or kimonos; but when the hour of the fight comes, you resort to modern sports clothing, always sleeveless - your style's emphasis on rapid hand movements and countering blows tends to get anything covering your arms torn away.

You still wear the old iron-weighted shoes your teacher forced you to wear so you would learn to properly root your stance. You know you will have to give them up when you start fighting people who require you to use your full power, but for now they're a token of nostalgia. You've left the village, but the village hasn't left you.

-[X] Parental Figure
-[X] Betterment

To live in the shadow of your mother, to know that she was always better than you - this is the worst fate you can imagine. You are not seeking her because you are worried some ill fate befell her; your mother was far too strong, in your childish eyes, for you to ever believe she could be defeated. No, you seek her so that you can face her, take her measure for yourself, and surpass her. In the moment of her defeat, you will have asserted yourself as your own being, wild and free, and then you will demand that she answer for all these years spent without a parent. Once that past is settled, you will be ready to take on the heavens and prove that even in this world of the future, pure will is the strongest of gifts.

-[X] Pure Martial Artist
-[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast.
-[X] Melee (Defensive)

You remember a tale of your childhood. The greatest martial artist in the world stood at the top of the tallest peak in creation, in the middle of a storm. When lightning struck him, he caught it in his hands. This is what you aspire to be. The Stand Against Heaven school of martial arts aims at reaching the perfection of absolute defense, when even a falling star can be swatted away like a child's slap. You have a graceful stance, quick and strong hands, and your approach to a fight is to deflect attacks and throw feints until you have gained a complete understanding of your opponent's nature and can enter his field while his attacks slide off you like water off a feather's duck. Only then, when the enemy understands his own powerlessness, do you strike him down.

-[X] Little Brother
-[X] Childhood Friend

For all your skill and drive, you are still a teenager. And so, when you made your decision to go compete in the Ring, you left alone, under the cover of night, thinking it would be better if you did not drag your loved ones into the turmoil that surrounds the world's greatest battles. When you stumbled upon them on the road out of your village, they told you that you were an incredible idiot, and absolutely terrible at hiding your plans. No matter what you said, they ignored your pleas to stay behind. And so now, you have two hangers-on whom you love dearly, but whom you are really worried might come to harm in the big city.

It's no problem. Your style, after all, is one of perfect defense - yours, and that of those you love.
[x] Plan Small is STRONG
[x] Apperance:
[x] Fame & Fortune
[x] Betterment
[x] Pure Martial Artist
[x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
[x] Melee (Offensive)
[x] Childhood Rival
[x] Childhood Friend

[X ] Destiny -
[X] Get a Job! -
[X] Esper -
[X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
[X] Melee (Offensive) -
[X] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
[X] Childhood Rival -
[X] Childhood Friend -
Last edited:
Please, vote for my plan. It is the closest I will get to a Battle Angel Alita quest.

Oh no.

Pangolin is writing a quest ahhhhhhh.

Just... Just give me a minute, I'll see what I can dig up.
Gdmt Omicron.

[X] To Stand Against Heaven
I think the tallying thing has an issue with plans, using []username for plan works better
Adhoc vote count started by Elpis on Feb 8, 2018 at 4:11 PM, finished with 26 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] What do you look like?
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Cyborg
    [X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast. You have a talent for analyzing your opponent, identifying openings and fighting them according to your style
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Get a Job! -
    [X] Esper -
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven
    -[X] What do you look like?
    -[X] Parental Figure
    -[X] Betterment
    -[X] Pure Martial Artist
    -[X] Methodical and precise, agile and fast.
    -[X] Melee (Defensive)
    -[X] Little Brother
    -[X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Alien Mentor (kinda)
    [X] Energy Manipulation
    [X] Little Brother
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] Plan: Obligatory Guts Expy
    [X] Apperance:
    [X] Parental Figure
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] Plan Small is STRONG
    [X] Apperance:
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Betterment -
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [x] We were born looking as old school as her name. Our hair is black, reaching down to our shoulders, but looking wild, thick and unkempt. Our dark eyes are narrow, making it look like we're frowning a lot.
    [x] Fame & Fortune
    [X] Revenge
    [X] Pure Martial Artist
    [x] Wild and powerful, grounded and enduring. You like to think that you can make your own openings, and rely on raw physical capabilities to break down your opponents, rather than taking them apart piece by piece.
    [X] Melee (Offensive)
    [X] Childhood Rival
    [X] Childhood Friend
    [X] To Stand Against Heaven