"I wrote down eight Pfennig instead of nine last year."

Which seemed to exasperate the Weird, especially when she asked for Tsulogothulan to draw the ink out of the vellum so she could correct her records.

"I am a great and powerful weird! Bound to my truth and beyond mortal ken!"
"Right right so this should be easy yes? The accounts must be correct!"
"... Fine..."

Anyone remember what I said before of being more of a tyrant BECAUSE of the rules less than being bound by them? Right there is a hint of what I've noticed. Little inconsequential things mostly but she was just willing to use what most lords would look at as a source of great power, as a written backspace key...what else might she view as necessary to ensure all things are well and correct? What if she begins to think these gods she cannot interact with are something else deceiving her people? Hopefully this old fashioned phrase isn't too much for this forum but I can see her want to do right sending them all to hell in a handbasket from a misunderstanding. Strangest is it isn't even because of her power it's just the gods ignoring her in this case and her firm "law alignment", for you gamers, that would be the source of it all hahaha!

Edit: my entire post didn't show the first time somehow
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"I am a great and powerful weird! Bound to my truth and beyond mortal ken!"
"Right right so this should be easy yes? The accounts must be correct!"
"... Fine..."

Anyone remember what I said before of being more of a tyrant BECAUSE of the rules less than being bound by them? Right there is a hint of what I've noticed. Little inconsequential things mostly but she was just willing to use what most lords would look at as a source of great power, as a written backspace key...what else might she view as necessary to ensure all things are well and correct? What if she begins to think these gods she cannot interact with are something else deceiving her people? Hopefully this old fashioned phrase isn't too much for this forum but I can see her want to do right sending them all to hell in a handbasket from a misunderstanding. St
Worse what if she doesn't decide these gods are deceiving her people and instead treats them as very hard to understand equals, honoring her agreements with them to the letter, but fundamentally failing to understand the very human spirit behind worship.

Imagine if every Sunday, everyone received a cup of wine and a ration of white bread, with out regard to ceremony, ritual, or religious preferences.
…Was Brother Ordelain born in the dominion of the Lion? I sense bias in his opinions.
Yet, given his account of Marduk perhaps he might have a point…
As for the discovery…That suggests the Gods tiptoe around Jewel VERY carefully, I imagine because they don't want a face full of Wyrmfire. As for the Weirds and that being worth convening over…
I hope it's just Tsu going 'cripes I need a second opinion!'
Strangest is it isn't even because of her power it's just the gods ignoring her in this case and her firm "law alignment", for you gamers, that would be the source of it all hahaha!
Actually, I think they literally can't hear her in the same way that normal humans literally can't hear the plants and stones. They are beings of similar nature, but with diametrically opposed composition. Think less "Law and Chaos," and more "Earth and Air." The presence of one is an absence of the other.

Humans can interact with both the Astral and Foundational spirits because they belong to neither, however some may attune themselves (or be attuned) more strongly with one or the other. But not both. Never both. Thus, the obvious rift between the Priests and Wizards.

I wonder what the Priestly equivalent of a Weird would be like?
The Spirit of Valasect's tree had not been able to see her.

Likewise Jewel had been unable to hear it.
I wonder if Gem just out of hearing range, but could sense the gods? It mentioned that Gem and the rest of the children were kept away from the ritual so they wouldn't disturb the god. She was blessed by one. Veles was called to the wedding too and refused to show up, but he felt safe enough to bless wyrmspawn. Seemingly he didn't do it until after the wedding.

It is quite interesting to actually hear the voices of the attendants of Shialtza. Their voices are soft and rasping. More breath than timbre. They do not hum, but whistle and although beautiful to hear this makes their Kolkor very difficult to follow.

To be honest they make do with more gestures of the hand, raising of fingers for counts and nods or shakes of the head then words in dealings with my father.

Still it is a poor traveling merchant that would let a lack of language stop trade and good exchange!

With at least our side of the language understood by the attendants of Shialtza and assurance they do have the authority of the god wyrm to agree on price the work goes well and fast!

I can only assume that Shialtza informed his attendants after our departure more deeply of his exact interests because several items we had not mentioned yesterday drew surprisingly great prices.
Orion said in 1.i that his inner circle couldn't speak based off of Pythra's accounts. I guess he didn't consider this speaking. Pythra seems to say they spoke poor Kolkor.

Still, this shows that Shialtza's wyrmspawn did not speak because of his own will. They probably found reassuring Pythra and his father that they had the complete confidence of Shialtza amusing. Those prices they gave are interesting too. Shialtza doesn't seem to have been possessive of wealth. Whistling is done with the lips and tongue. Maybe his wyrmspawn were less adapted to speak human languages (or at least Kolkor) than humans and he himself was? It is entirely possible he (they?) just never figured it out though.

For this too the attendants paid well ten times over the usual price!

The generosity of our new host was inspiring some concern from father and he had after the third bag of simple wheat grain was offered a patriarch's ransom in gold insisted that he could not as an honest merchant accept such a bounty.

That had seemed to confuse the robed and veiled attendant we bartered with but after some nods and sibilant whistles between him and his fellows it was settled and they agreed to the far more reasonable price in Denari weighting.
Damn. Seems like every merchant coming through has milked Shialtza of all the precious metals they could get. I think a lot of people would say that an 'honest merchant' is a paradox! Other than that, I can't help but feel that part of it is that Shialtza is a wyrm. He doesn't seem to have been raised by humans, so he had even less understanding of human social etiquette to guide him and his spawn in barter.

His wyrmspawn don't seem to be able to communicate telepathically with each other. Or if they can, it is dimmer than it is without his presence.

I couldn't think of anything else to say about the Zodiac and the animal husbandry interludes. But Jewel seems to have thematic similarities to the three mentioned by Brother Ordelain.
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Actually, I think they literally can't hear her in the same way that normal humans literally can't hear the plants and stones. They are beings of similar nature, but with diametrically opposed composition. Think less "Law and Chaos," and more "Earth and Air." The presence of one is an absence of the other.

Humans can interact with both the Astral and Foundational spirits because they belong to neither, however some may attune themselves (or be attuned) more strongly with one or the other. But not both. Never both. Thus, the obvious rift between the Priests and Wizards.

I wonder what the Priestly equivalent of a Weird would be like?

I was referring more to how it seems she has potential to become the tyrant people fear of in a different way and cause problems for everyone that way. What makes me wonder if it isn't just lack of effort on the gods part though is that she was noticed by one just fine. That could just be different spheres or something though.
They could detect each other, yes, but they were unable to directly interact and had to use humans as an intermediary. Even while making an active effort to be understood, Jewel could barely tell that it was speaking at all. Again, like the plants and stones that she can hear but no one else besides the Wizards can, and even they can only listen to things related to their "Truth."

Also, didn't the label of "Tyrant Wyrm" mostly stem from that one guy who tried to go full Dragon-Emperor a couple hundred years ago? Seems like something of a biased study. And like the star-spirit said, She and she alone is the master of her fate.

Honestly, they should probably find a different name for her subspecies. Just calling her "Tyrant" over and over again might become something of a self-fulfilling prophesy. "Royal Wyrm" has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Especially if it turns out other wyrms instinctually defer to her, which is actually a real possibility should she ever come across one.
Also a possibility is an immediate attack to attempt to establish dominance over a potential rival invading its territory. It might not even be consistent from wyrm to wyrm. We may never actually find out.


Jewel considered the coming season as she broke fast with her household.
Bethica's prospective 'husband' was due to arrive this Grain Turn. There had been major delays due to weather poorly suited for cattle and something to do with the winds that impeded the journey between Cantor and Viznove.

Then the preferred road between Kaeketeh and Rochford had flooded deep enough a ferry had been set up for lightly burdened travelers.

But while good for small parties it was incapable of carrying even a single bull according to the messages by the bird. There were doves sent from Kaeketeh stating some of the Countess' footmen were acting as escorts along with the mercenaries hired before the caravan's arrival in Viznove and the peddler who had procured the bull.

The thought of the vile woman still left a sour taste but as long as she lived Jewel could keep her visits to Kaeketeh to single time per year.

Paul took up another scoop of his morning bowl while Jewel carefully scooped heaping dollops out of her own pot. She was trying to avoid needing to get another spoon, but she might have to commission one in a few more years if her appetite grew much greater.

Smithson was eating his porridge while Jewel's smaller self tried again to stomach a small portion. Alas it was still not settling very well and after even a few mouthfuls she had to return to the strips of pork that had been salted and seared for the purpose.

Jewel swallowed to clear her mouth before sharing some of her thoughts.

"The wheat fields are healthy, There is no more sign of the blight I smelled in the-"

Before Jewel could even begin to hesitate in recalling the family her husband was nodding and filling in for her lapse.

"Forest Side South Western field, Worked mostly by Elanor and Heironym's household, with some extra labor from her uncle come harvest and sowing."

Jewel snorted but nodded to her husband, taking the opportunity to scoop another glob of porridge into her mouth.
She always missed the years between getting a new spoon.

When Jewel was a few years old a simple one fit for her father's hand would spill out over each side of her mouth. Now one meant to scoop up portions for a man's serving bowl of breakfast didn't even fully cover her tongue.

Smithson finished up the last of his and then checked on her smaller self to see if she was just having trouble with the spoon or if the porridge still was unpalatable. For her part 'Gem' quickly shook her head and tried again to speak clearly. But mostly just mooked and squeaked trying to get the sounds to come out right.

Every meal eaten properly was a terribly dainty affair for Jewel's larger self. And a chore of trying to make her preference known as her smaller self at least when it wasn't stew.

Jewel refused to not swallow down that delicious medley of meat, vegetable, peas and almost gravy like broth Dariusz mixed up for supper most evenings. And while actually eating any of the vegetables or grains was best to be avoided Jewel's little mouth happily gulped down that thick broth and the tidbits of meat there in.

Her kitchen master was almost as good as his mother making up the delectable pottage!

Paul took the chance while Jewel was swallowing another spoonful of porridge to bring up how his own work was faring.

That was the rhythm they had settled in.

Plans for the future discussed in the evenings.

The labors of the past day shared in the mornings.

It happened somewhat by accident but at the same time Jewel liked the simple way of it.

"I've received word from afar, it was slow in reaching me but I have trust in the words written and by who."

Smithson started fussing over Jewel's smaller self to make sure that the bits of porridge and grease from her smaller portion of breakfast were cleaned up.

She had developed far more sympathy for her older brother's challenges in keeping food off of his brows when they were both younger. It was amazing all the places it could end up when your arms and hands were so rough and awkward in their motions.

"There are absolutely efforts being undertaken by lords within the Realm and beyond it to hatch their own Wyrm Eggs."

Jewel did not spill even a grain of her boiled porridge from her wyrm sized portions of course. Her larger self was held to a higher standard than that. But she did stop in scooping another dollop into her mouth.

She also did not summon her friend and confident wizard, Tsulogothulan had their responsibilities in the Rochford court. But she made a note to do so after breakfast.

Preferably outdoors where it would not disturb the freshly laid stones of her newly built home. It had been a few years since that happened but Jewel did not want to risk it.

She pried a little, gently of course Jewel and Paul mostly seemed to get along but they had not even been married a full year yet.

"Efforts undertaken but no successes?"

Paul shook his head and the tension eased out of her wings that had already begun to flare out at his news.

"No, and by the word I receive there are a great many who likely will not manage to even get an egg at all."
Jewel hummed and nodded along so she did not waste too much time that could be spent eating.

Paul's portion was almost done already. Despite the size of her mouth unless she was drinking her breakfast he always had a lot less eating to do then Jewel. Smithson and 'Gem' were however both quite finished and mostly just waiting for breakfast to be dismissed.

"Within the Realm the High King has had to trade some rather extensive favor to his vassals in order to elevate Gryphon Riders to the station of lords proper."

Jewel considered the way that would probably incense the Countess if he elevated either of her Gryphon Knights to a higher title. That made sense, her husband was really quite good with his network of doves flying too and fro through the air. During her flights and while Smithson and 'Gem' were out in the village she saw far more messenger birds in the air around Valasect than were flying through Rochford even during preparation for war.

"And bequeath them with the caring and 'brooding' of wyrm eggs. Which naturally he also had to pay quite heavy sums in gold from those vassals and lords of the realm who were not already Gryphon Lords."

Jewel took three spoonfuls this time to give herself a proper mouth full, or close to it. Letting the flavor and the gritty clumps of texture run over her tongue before she swallowed hard.

It was so strange, she loved her morning porridge. But her smaller mouth found it bland, sticky and disturbing. It lacked the nuances her wyrm tongue happily enjoyed and what flavors she tasted were so unpleasant.

At least cheese, milk and meat still were palatable.

And of course Dariusz's stews were something both tongues could agree on, although it hit far sharper and louder on the smaller palette. Then there were the numerous ways that food made its parting with her smaller self's body.

Or the fact that her larger self never seemed to 'relieve' itself of the food she ate. Jewel had never wondered where it all was going before.

But after the last three years of her experience as 'Gem' that question tickled at her.

Was all of it going into more growth?

Surely she ate more than that in her life? No, Something else must be happening.

Maybe wyrmflame?

Did it burn food the way normal fire burned wood?

Jewel was unsure.

But besides air, flame and 'Gem' where else could it have gone?

"Also not all of his vassals have been willing to part with their eggs for any price. Especially given the possibility that one day they might very well hatch and elevate them as you have Bathory."

Jewel paused at a horrific thought. If she kept eating so much would she lay another egg?

Was that how it worked?

She glanced down at the third left of her pot of breakfast, stomach suddenly feeling over full.

Jewel's smaller stomach made a threateningly loud burble at her discomfort which immediately had smithson lifting 'gem' up (gently) and rushing to the chamber pot. She was pretty sure this was not going to be another 'incident' but her squire was nothing if not attentive.

It had happened enough times neither Paul nor Jewel needed to mention his departure. Jewel didn't fuss, her smaller self was still nearly full from this morning on Wyrmflame. She signaled Adelyne. Her bonded servant was still not really past the competence of a child half her age. But she was improving.

After getting the girl's attention (and she was filling out enough that Jewel no longer thought the term waif applied).

"See that this does not go to waste, I'm feeling a bit less hungry this morning."

Paul's brow furrowed. But Adelyne was quick to heft up the cooking pot with a grunt and waddle out of the feasting hall.

Her husband spoke up after she left.

"Are you feeling alright my wife? I've never seen you not finish a meal."

Jewel let out a long sigh, looking to the passage that smithson and her younger self had fled down before turning back to her husband.

"I just had the thought that if I'm not careful with the portions of my meals I might have another daughter."

Paul startled at that.

"That can happen?"

Jewel let out another sigh. Answering her man the only way she could.

"I don't know that it can't."
A part of me wonders about Jewel basically airlifting the bovine to Bethica.
I imagine that isn't being done mostly because the bovine would highly protest such an experience.


Jewel spotted the peddler's caravan while she was ostensibly out 'with' Smithson on his rounds through Valasect.

But for most of this season she was rarely any closer than ear shot to her squire.

Instead she spent much of her time meeting up with the children of the village while they attended the duties of youth. And when the mood struck them took off as fast as their legs could take them for no other reason than the simple joy of it.

Running on two legs still felt like she was going to fall over at any given moment but she mostly did not anymore.

Yes there were in fact some tumbles but Jewel was not actually any clumsier in that regard then her 'peers'. It was while she was sitting for a breath with the pack of children she mostly could not place names too that she first spotted the peddler.


A quick shout reaching sharp and clear through the air not entirely unlike birdsong. Jewel found that for however stunted and small this smaller throat was, she was far better at bird calls then any other child in Valasect.

A quick glance around the valley showed that small faces were already turning to peer at her. The few children that had been resting with her were already paying attention when she had gone stiff and attentive.

Assured she would be seen and understood Jewel explained in the wide clear gestures of her Flight Cant.

It was mostly as the Gryphon Riders used with her in flight, with a few gestures and flourishes that she and the children had taken too where Jewel had simply not known a simple way to describe something.

"Caravan afar grounded."

She had never realized it before she started teaching the children but Flight Cant gestures were always done with the assumption of altitude.

Things like 'march' and 'walk' always came together with the gestures for below and grounded.

The same gesture without that always implied flight.

Which just came naturally when you mostly used it in the air.

Jewel was repeating her gesture as she scanned the valley. Making sure that everyone interested had gotten a chance to spot her waving.

Some signaled acknowledgements and turned away.

But most kept their eyes on her.

One of the better canters of the older children waved at her a question from across the fields where they had been checking a fence.

This one was a field canter.

If they were a wood canter it would have been harder to discern the gestures.

Those among the village youth who had practice in slings or even in one case a hunting bow had taken to Flight Cant with a will. The ability to gossip with any other canter silently while sneaking up on a bird or other game had made 'Gem' very popular among them.

But the hunters tended to not move as openly or widely as even the stiffest new Gryphon Rider.

This boy was not one of these wood canters, he signaled wide and open so you could tell the signs from each apart across the fields.

"Burdened Treasure?"

That one was awkward for Jewel, the children had declared the meaning to be treasure. And the way they used it and gestured it had shifted enough to be distinctly its own; it was not really the original signs she had demonstrated when one had asked for a word to something she didn't know.

It was closer to say that the gesture had been a mix of the signs for "Vital Target" and "Provision".

But then it became the two quickly made one after another.

Then later one of the kids started doing the two motions in a kind of mixed form with both hands.

And then it just settled together and like that Flight Cant had a new sign where before it had lacked it.

One that if you were sharp eyed you could see across the open spaces of Valasect's valley.

Unsure of the answer to the question she turned away to peer at the slow approach of men and beasts along the southern road.

Jewel squinted as hard as she could at the caravan. There were quite a lot of animals. At this distance though she was not certain of the kind.

At least eight were definitely mules carrying heavy packs and about that many great white beasts she assumed were cattle. But there was a muddled herd of smaller beasts she could not place as either.

Some might have even been sheep or maybe small horses. Jewel however was confident none of the beasts bore riders.

She hoped Bethica liked whichever of them was her new 'betrothed'.

But she could not even guess which one that was at this distance. Even if she knew what he looked like.

The horns on some of them seemed a bit silly compared to the bulls the wyrm spawn could currently remember having seen.

Even across the valley the sheer span of them was visible.

Easily further between the tips then her smaller body was tall.

She was glad neither of her selves had the misfortune to have horns that splayed out like that or that far. It would make it horrendous to pass through doorways.

After peering long enough to judge with an intensity that sparked mixed feelings of her memory of flying with the army Jewel turned back to her audience near and far.

She signed wide and slow in sweeping arcs that would be clear to the many faces scattered in their chores. Many of them watching her instead of seeing to their due labors.

"Possible Treasure, Heavy Load, Many Beasts, Burdened Mule, Armed Support"

And there certainly were armed men.

They were outfitted well enough for a questing knight who either expected mobility to trump solid steel in their mission or could not afford better.

Six, perhaps seven of them?

'Gem' had better eyes than most of the kids.

But they were nothing compared to the vision of her Wyrmself.

And unfortunately like her height they had stalled out in growing better this year.

Still it was enough.

The field canter signed assent and then warned.


Which was a gesture taken up by many around Valasect before youth were running to tell their elders of the approaching strangers.

Audibly, Dorota spoke up.

"tell ma 'n pa 'n betha."

Which Jewel could only nod agreement too.

With that the siblings and Jewel were off again, running far too quickly for Jewel's comfort.

And yet they were so wonderfully exhilarating in their speed she was soon joining them in their laughter.

Her own voice trilling and whistling like birdsong.

The moment of it so joyous she entirely forgot why they had been in such a rush until Bethica was there before them.

Jewel was so dizzy and joyous from her run she flailed at the uncomprehending cow before remembering with a shame-faced flush Bethica didn't know Flight Cant.

She was so distraught Albert had to tell the bemused cow the news.

"Your Bull's arriving!"


The arrival of a peddler was as popular an event in Valasect as it was in Rochford proper.

She could recall foggily in her smaller head the festival air that even a fairly small trade caravan could bring. News from well past Viznove might be carried on the stranger's tongue, and these tales could sometimes be of more value than whatever wares they peddled.

On more than one occasion in Jewel's life travelers would offer tales and songs from distant lands for a night's rest in the Rochford manor.

It was almost enough to make one forget the cheating greed that every peddler bore.

Almost, but not quite.

She was running back the way they had come to inform Bethica because now they were...

Well Jewel was not really sure why but the excuse to run just made it the thing to do.

Her greater self was making a bit of a parade of it herself. Jewel couldn't remember if that was planned beforehand or something her larger self must have decided in her absence. But there was presently much ado about her walking from the manor to the town square.

You could see the party of her household moving in something like a march. Smithson had already met up with them and she was supposed to return as well.

But it was hardly something to hurry overmuch.

Jewel was on track to come upon herself by way around the town, winding via the trails between the fields. The other children by silent and unsigned agreement made a game of it with her to weave and wind with the minimal disturbing of the crops.

To attempt the utterly impossible task of ambushing her greater self and her party.

It was a fool's errand, no matter how stealthy any of them were, her senses in her wyrm self were far too sharp.

But she did not spoil the game for that.

No one was watching her close enough to catch her signs even if she wanted to.

Jewel could spot the wings and head of her greater self over the fences and tall wheat well before she saw the rest of the party.

And though those eyes were not looking anywhere near the route the children took she knew that already they were all known to her greater self.

A single ear had flicked in Jewel's direction.

A subtle shift in the neck and wings.

Also the wind was at their backs and the scent had long since carried even though her larger self had not even parted her lips to taste the air.

Still she played her part in the game, feigning ignorance, black mane and shining scales on a neck tall as some of the younger trees along the road.

The sight was lost when the children dove into the towering heights of grains, still too green to harvest.

The rush of the tall heads of wheat swaying in the wind making the newly adopted game all the harder.

She and Dorota twisted and bent between the rising blades, trailing the slim clearance between the stalks. Moving as swiftly as they dared, slinking closer and closer until finally leaving the cover of fields for the shrubs and hedge, from here peeking around the leaves and branches Jewel could make out the rest of the entourage.

Her true wyrm self was walking with Muriel at her left and Smithson on her right.

Each fully armored for the captain of her footmen.

Paul, her 'husband' who confusingly also insisted on being her 'father' was a bit ahead of Jewel's greater self, dressed up in dark metal armor with equally black cloth and leather between.

It had a thin, sparse plate. Leaving much of him exposed to strikes to the side, leg or arm. It would be barely better than the heavy cloth maile of a Rochford footman in melee. Honestly not much different to what her Father wore on parade.

Armour more for showing the idea of protection then the truth of it.

There was something else significant about the armor but Jewel could not pull it from her tiny head.

She approached with those children that had kept up with her. About half had split off and were already crowding towards the square to get a first sight of the peddler and their wares. The time for their ambush was upon them, as one the children knew what they must do and Jewel was one with them as they all shrieked in delight and charged the party!

Jewel's short legs beat into the dirt as she ran to meet with her larger self, breaking through the invisible edge where she was separate from herself. Like leaping into a wall of warmest water her wyrmflame washed over and filled her frail body with a fortifying warmth.

She'd hardly lost any that was held tightly inside through constant focus and discipline, but to be enveloped in the presence of her true self was welcome all the same.

It let her relax her hold on the wyrm flame.

Released from the struggle as it came effortlessly now from the core of her greater self.

The sudden expansion of her senses and the unfurling and enfolding completeness of her memory brought a peace that soothed every worry that had plagued her diminished self.

As easily as she walked on all fours Jewel ran and collided with her larger self in a hug. Soon followed by Albert, Dorata and the other children and Jewel for her part feigned shocked surprise and theatrical groans of pain as they each landed on her sides with blows that were barely noticeable let alone incapacitating.

It had interrupted the conversation with Jewel and the rest of her party but the joy of the village children was worth the distraction and when the hysterical giggles and squeals were done she slid from her larger self and settled in beside her gracefully swinging tail. The band of followers, their fun at its conclusion, now dissolved back to their own duties.

A dozen of Valasect's youngest children lingered back to add a further trail to the entourage that was once more now ambling along towards the square.

But only Albert and Dorota were close enough to touch.

Jewel offered them a smile of thanks for joining her so close to her 'mother' that she knew still was a bit overwhelming for most despite the years she spent watching over them.

She wished to hold their hands.

And the impulse was action before she could stop herself and Dorota's hand was clasped tight in hers so they could swing their arms as one with the light jog that was needed to keep up with the rest of the entourage.

She could not afford to smile openly and widely with her larger snout, but 'Gem' beamed like the sun with all the welcoming that she had felt for the walk down here.

In the joy of the moment the rest of the walk into the village blurred away.

The memories of what she was going to do were there.

She was still talking with Paul and Smithson about it.

But all of that was for her larger self to worry about.

Jewel could simply enjoy spending time with...

Her friends?

Both of her stumbled at the thought.

But that's what the village children were.

They were her friends.

More friends than her larger self ever had.

It was barely a stalling moment, but where her larger self had to clamp down hard on that wondrously beautiful and somewhat distressing moment and press past it to the business that was coming?

As the smaller self Jewel could simply let the joy of it burst out of her chest and through her strange lumpy over-short throat to peel free from her lips and tongue in delighted trilling.

Laughter soon was joined by Albert and Dorota and a few of the other young kids.

And with the very same undeniable joy that Jewel could only express with her smaller self her heart took a sudden jealous turn and she bolted for the border.

Her friends joined her at a run already forming up into a new spontaneous game, probably some kind of chase or tag that would involve quite a lot of tumbling in the dirt.

They charged the invisible edge where she would stop having to be the stuffy lady of Valasect and the heir of Viznove and could just be-

Except Jewel felt her smaller self vanish past the reach of their shared experience.

She could still smell, see and practically feel the joy coursing off her.

She could tell that she had gained every single spark of joy and freedom she had sought.

It was as apparent as watching her own hands flex.

But Jewel was still here.

Having to be the larger self.

The 'true' self.

Left behind to wistfully watch the smug and slightly apologetic look, her 'lesser' form threw over her shoulder before tearing off around the corner of a fence and out of direct line of sight. Trailed by squealing youngsters shrieking in joy.

Jewel had to merely chuckle instead of scream in joy with them. Her own throat was far too long to let loose with the abandon her 'daughter' could afford.

Smithson laughed with her and picked up the conversation where they had paused when 'Gem' started squealing in laughter and running off to play some kind of chase game.

"Ah, I'm glad she's getting along well with the villagers."

Paul snorted and huffed with a similar sentiment.

But Jewel could only sigh and give herself a shake.

She never knew which one she was going to be when she parted from 'Gem'.

But this was the first time she wished she was the smaller of the two.

Paul Finally went back to business.

"Five Pfennig says that the foreign mercenaries actually draw their blades at the sight of Jewel."

Smithson shook his head.

"I'll match ya, I say the Countess' men prepared them better than that."


Jewel was going to have to deal with the peddler.

And not just any peddler but a foreign peddler.
She never knew which one she was going to be when she parted from 'Gem'.

But this was the first time she wished she was the smaller of the two.

This is actually reassuring to me, as I was worried there would be jealousy brewing. But if the identity merger is so complete as to give the feeling of swapping back-and-forth, grudges just don't make sense. Barring some disaster, Jewel can increase the separation time gradually as she gets a handle emotionally on it. Hooray for a healthy hive mind (?). I wonder if two spawn could share memories too.

Also, it's been a while! It was nice to binge through all that backlog.


Leandro knew the northern ways.

Not just the winding routes and roads that kept almost entirely to the sun facing high-passes as most could take. But paths that the old dynasties had carved and hewed from crevices in the deep earth. When their empire had reached over all the known world and its realms.

The dark under ways where the reliefs and signs still seemed fresh under lantern light.

He was not alone among the trade guild for this knowledge.

But his peers in this were sparse.

So when a contract came to see a herd of cattle through into the north in good time and paying especially good fees to the guild, Leandro was the only one available. Of course it was not only cattle that he would be taking.

His counterpart playing herdmaster up from the countryside had known this and eagerly had stocks to hand over for good silver and even gold now that his leg of the journey was done.

Leandro happily took the olive oil and some bundles of even further flung spices.

He would shuffle what crafts were fine for towns and villages.

Simple peddling en route for the final delivery.

But mostly he watched the cows.

And that business was certainly something familiar and wonderful. As a boy growing up with his father walking between the sun blessed pastures he always enjoyed listening to the wise philosopher bulls. Some folk would insult the beasts or dismiss them as such and Leandro pitied them for what their arrogance cost them. The Bulls did not speak to those without respect.

As a boy for the price of simple patience or a handful of grain he had heard epics of the kingdom of the solar dynasty, The Odyssey of Homer and from it the fall of troy. And wept at the sorrow sung for the sinking of ancient minos and her unnamed sister island.

Those that insulted the bulls were denied their wisdom and songs. Denied from attending their festivals and the feasts of their sacrifices.

Denied to eat the flesh of the wise.

Leandro had earned that, though he was not a priest or highborn child. Just a simple peddler's son. He earned by his patience and kindness the right to attend the feast of one bull's sacrifice. He'd been allowed by the command of the bull himself to be there. He'd watched as the knife struck and the blood spilled.

Witnessed the life end of a wise bull, and in his death calling forth the descent of a god in full daylight. Blood turned to light as it was supped on by the divine and then heart and organ further taken up in it.

Leandro ate the strip of sacred meat scorched and salted as the god of the harvest declared his life well lived and his strength a blessing upon the land.

And now he was here as an escort for another bull.

He could not even imagine what kind of price had been paid to the pastures for such an esteemed animal to make the journey so far.

"It is not my place to question you ver and your ways with us, but my patriarch told of a herd far north needing in the gift of wisdom. With but one last cow to speak for them. I am still young and strong enough to travel so far. Where others are too old and near their time to surrender to the gods."

The bull spoke like a priest, with the holy word of the old cantor as spoken in temple, not the common words of traders, court folk or villages. A language which opened doors simply by the knowing of it and could have gotten him a place as an apprentice priest if he'd wanted.

Another gift that Leandro the child owed them. For where else would a merchant's son have learned the language of the long dead empire?

And so this was what Leandro thought might be the most bittersweet journey he had ever made.

Leandro knew the northern ways. But he did not like them.

He was never overly pleased by spending two days in the dark of an underway, of the fiddling needed to never let the embers go out lest you suffer the consequences. To risk being trapped blind by utter darkness a day's walk underground. Even though on this road he knew how to find the blessed carved wall which even without light could guide an unfortunate traveler to sunlight.

Leandor was not overly fond of how the realm northward had a too shallow skyvault which made even the height of summer chilled and cold feeling. The way that night could bring frost even in autumn.

And he honestly detested the strange people with their suspicious eyes.

He hated their stories and rumors, of monsters in the dark woods. Talk of Children that were torn apart by their mothers. Of horrifying starvation where men eat one another, Of the tales of the deadly winter wind, the vampire, the zephyrvam which could roll down the mountains and slay men and beast where they stood.

He hated how mercenaries hired here would insist on carrying all their water for days of travel. How they looked at you if you did not. Like you were a man already dead for the foolishness of simply taking a drink.

The superstitious distaste they had of any unknown well. The way they would feed it to dogs or birds before daring to drink themselves.

The way they glared at him.

There was a lot to dislike about the cold, dreary, foreign lands of the Ridgetail mountains and the wide rolling expanses of forest and farm. Viznove's whores were practically priests or monks for how they hid themselves away!

Leandor had long years of familiarity with this northern route and he was wise to the pitfalls that other merchants from home might stumble into.

But that did not mean he liked it.

However the bull Celsus made this particular northern trip all the better. He had tales and poems to share, and thanks to the need to feed him mostly on grain rather than what grazing the mules found most nights (except in the underway when they were foddered like the mute cattle) on a diet of grain Celsus had far more time to speak then his kind normally spared.

Now though this long bittersweet journey which had taken Leandor back to his youth was coming to an end.

The wondrous animal which had been his charge was going to be left here.

In some random backwater village, surrounded by armed soldiers from the countess of viznove herself so even the errant thought of simply failing to make the trade was curtailed.

Celsus was going to live out the rest of his days here.

In a frigid sky smothered and star cursed land filled with literal biting winds and insane women devouring their own children. Leandor was going to have to abandon a wise, kind and far too noble beast as Celsus to join a herd of base cattle so that some noble barbarian could enjoy the novelty of talking beasts on their lands.

They probably didn't even have the proper gods to sacrifice the bull too when his time came.

Leandor schooled his face, focusing hard not to let his ire show.

Northern nobles could be mighty vicious even for nobles.

It was best not to insult this one when they arrived.

His hired swords bracing themselves drew his eye to the road.

It was time to do his job and make his silver.

But the sight of the looming beast trailing behind what was certainly the lord of the land in his oh so 'northern' black armor froze him to the spot.

Leandor felt a vague memory of news and rumor flutter loose from the edge of the fog of the forgotten.


So there actually was a Dragon!
Ha! Viznove the barbaric backwater and their strange, waterborne-curse-safety-measured ways. Zephyrvam really isn't any less edgy of a name than Blizzardwrath, is it?
As a boy for the price of simple patience or a handful of grain he had heard epics of the kingdom of the solar dynasty, The Odyssey of Homer and from it the fall of troy. And wept at the sorrow sung for the sinking of ancient minos and her unnamed sister island.
So this world is somehow connected to our own, but so distantly that only the star-blessed talking cattle still carry the knowledge, passing it down as oral tradition from one generation to the next.

This raises many, many more questions than it answers. For instance, it calls into question whether this is actually a world of magic and spirits, or if we have a "sufficiently-advanced technology" situation at work here. or potentially some middlepoint between the two.
A part of me wonders about Jewel basically airlifting the bovine to Bethica.
I imagine that isn't being done mostly because the bovine would highly protest such an experience.

That and likely isn't proper for a variety of reasons. Also...

Important stuff
Important stuff
And then suddenly at the end the adhd moments lead to THAT had me almost rolling


Jewel took an immediate dislike to the man that had ferried Bethica's bull from the sun lands of old Cantor to her own demesne in Viznove. He stank of fear and malice that hung in the air around the peddler like an acrid cloud. The bet that the mercenaries would be uncouth enough to draw steel at the sight of her was lost thankfully.

They were afraid and braced for violence because of course they were at the sight of Jewel. But what fear they held was of the regular sort, a shocked hum of the unfamiliar and intimidating. They did not hold ire for her, merely acknowledged her danger.

But this man?

When he looked at her she could smell fear, but she could also taste the hate as he averted his eyes to Paul. He put on a fake smile and even tried to squeeze his eyes in an honest way. But Jewel could still taste the air, she could hear his heart. She could see that he was tense around the cheeks in a way that honest joy never was.

His attention stayed on her husband in a familiar (if annoying) manner. Although she supposed his position at the head of their little party was not helping. But mother's words stirred inside her and reminded to not spend an advantage like this one frivolously.

"Ah my good lord! I am Leandro of Epirus. Merchant of the sunlands, and honored servant to have seen your charge here."

Jewel glanced at the Countess' guard and then her own footmen.

Everyone was standing straight and proper, Smithson and Muriel were decidedly not sharing a conspiratorial glance with her. But the scent in their sweat and the slight shifts across them reeked of humor. The unbeknownst fool for their amusement continued to blather on digging his proverbial grave.

"Ah! And is this the good lady of Valasect? To which my commission and final delivery is due of the good bull Celsus to his new pasture home?"

He turned not to Jewel with those words but to Muriel of all people.

Which finally brought a cough from Paul that took this peddler up short in his false courtesy. His fear filled out into an even wider cloud around him as Jewel glided from one step to another ahead of her husband.

Her fore claws sinking into the dirt of the road after she had barely brushed them before. Her coils slowly sinking out of the air as Jewel let her wyrmflame recede and drop the burden of her scales and flesh. The weight pressing away the road and bringing her closer to the stones beneath. The soundless voice of the mountain roots deep below stirring ever so slightly as she let herself press against it.

She coiled her head high, the movement well practiced to draw attention to her snout and lips for moments precisely like this.

"Good tidings to you Peddler Leandro of Epirus, I am Jewel, Shining Wyrm of Viznove and Lady of Valasect."

That brought up a hitching breath from the man who was standing utterly still now. Like a rabbit before the hunter. His fear was pouring out his pores now and Jewel offered a gentle smile in consolation for the mistake she was openly ignoring.

"I thank you for your service in seeing to the well-being and safe travels of the bull Celsus to my lands. Shall we see that he is settled properly on his new pasture?"

The spike of hate rose up again at the mention of the bull's name.

Jewel forced her face to the impassive soft mein of a benevolent lady but her flame roiled and fluttered in worry. Did this merchant understand the insult of formally referring to one of the esteemed poet bulls while leaving out his line?

Jewel had asked for the name. She'd tried to take every effort to be properly courteous but no one who knew his full pedigree had been able to be found. She only knew the bull's name at all because the peddler at least had mentioned him. Well she was the lady of Valasect!

Her station should partially soften the insult.

She stepped past him and over towards the milky white herd that had been brought to Valasect, cows and bulls she could tell by scent. And that mostly did seem to align with which sported the longer horns. Up close the sheer whiteness of them was something to behold. Like pale clouds pulled tight over prominent muscle and bone. Standing they were each of them nearly as high on the shoulder as Smithson was tall.

Against the peddler they were well over his head.

Despite the size though each of them moved freely and without a tether or rope. Looking around curiously on the village of Valasect, favoring those around them with their 'stranger's eye'.

Jewel could not even guess which of them might be Celsus but she nodded to them all and several nodded back. Although a few twisted their heads to ward off flies right after, confusing how much acknowledgement that was.

She glanced at the Peddler. The cow's trick probably could have worked for Jewel too. Muriel was a bit visibly old to be Paul's wife but it was not the most lopsided match she had read of.

Perhaps a jape she could play next time she had the opportunity.

Their little train of beasts, men and dragon made for a rather amusing farce of a triumph.

Jewel at the head of it with Smithson and Muriel. Paul lagging behind to speak with the terrified peddler, the line of blazingly white pelts that were the cows moving along amiably at no prodding or direction from anyone. Ambling along in a formation a bit better than green levies!

The rest of Valasect parted before them, following along and gossiping. A few of the women with larger plots of grazing available to them were eyeing the pale beasts.

Undoubtedly there would be petitions that Jewel acquire more of the herd for them then one bull.

Bethica had made her way further along the pastures from where Jewel first met her. Grass bitten down tidily where the cow had taken it up earlier in the year. She was not however pulling up more grass or chewing as they arrived. Her ears were perked and her eyes wide and searching as they came down the road. Nostrils flared.

Jewel could spot complementary attention from the herd of white beasts. The shortest amongst them was still taller at the shoulder than Bethica. The interest continued as they drew closer, but when finally they reached the road the herd stilled.

Bethica was approached by Jewel alone, while the rest of the cattle stilled to a stop mulling and groaning among themselves.

Finally a single bull stepped out beyond all of them.

His coat was white as the scattered clouds above and his eyes were pitch black. At the shoulder bone and his chiseled muscles brought him to almost a foot taller than Bethica. Jewel could see her friend's nostrils flare and there was something in her eye that the cow had never shown before. Her voice rolled free in a clipping and solid set of words that Jewel almost didn't recognize.

Only becoming clear when Jewel realized they were the written word as spoken. The text of letters brought to sound! Something Jewel had never realized even existed.

"I am Bethica, Daughter of Belora, who was daughter of Orthica, who was daughter of-"
Her friend recited every ancestor Jewel had heard as before, but in a speech Jewel had not even realized she knew. In a speech the wyrm was still grappling with realizing it could even be spoken as such instead of merely written and understood. The confounding reality that the written word was in fact a different language and not just a strange collection of rules for putting meaning to vellum!

When Bethica had finished her litany of ancestors the white bull dipped his head solemnly to her then turned so his stranger's eye was facing her as he raised it. Peering closely at her before he closed his eye and swung his face around in another dip before opening on her with the one meant for family.

Only after this acknowledgement did he begin to speak. And where Bethica's tone was deep and resonant and undeniably feminine his was sharp, refined, clear and solid like stone, yet clear and legible as air.

His diction made Bethica's words sound mumbling and mushy. In comparison, crisp as ice and yet not cold.

"I am Celsus, who was son of Quintus, who was son of Ennius, who was son of-"

And the bull continued, his words rolling in droning waves rising up and down with the names, like a song. A melody that made Jewel want to shift a little in a dance despite herself. To ride that wind and water she could practically feel in his sharply delineated words. He spoke for generations longer than Bethica had.

Continuing long enough the shape and sound of the names changed, their form going stranger. The word for son slipped past Jewel's grasp to understand somewhere in the chant. But still the meaning was clear, his declaration of names always had solid foundations.

Somewhere in the midst of his words the entire herd had begun to call with the names. Not speaking but their voices rose with his.

At least Celsus' lineage was coming to a close, Jewel could feel it and all the herd grew silent.

"Who was son of most beautiful Father Minos and the blessed Mother Pasiphaë"

Every head of cattle dipped low at that.

Even Bethica, who whispered hoarsely under her breath. So quiet Jewel was sure not even the bull could hear.

"blessed mother Pasiphaë"

Jewel had to focus on holding her every muscle to the graceful poise of a lady.

Celsus walked up as stately as a king and nuzzled at Bethica's own snout. Which she accepted although Jewel could smell how awed she was.

"I will have you"

Bethica barely managed to make it more than a joyous mewl.

"You will."

Jewel's wedding had been the stuff of ballads. There had been actual ballads written about it and her husband's deal with the heavens! It had been attended by kings and lords and other titles she still was not even entirely certain she actually knew the full scope and providence of!

But watching Bethica rise from her bow with her familiar eye on Celsus and all she could see and smell in her friend was making her deeply jealous of the wedding traditions of cattle!

Her friend didn't have to deal with gods or politics when she was married!


After what Jewel could only call the wedding ceremony (The intensity between Celsus and Bethica demanded nothing less)! The merchant settled out to something closer to the usual of merchants in villages. Adorján parted from the crowd to discuss with peddler Leandor and a few of the families that had been eyeing the herd of towering cattle.

It was beneath Jewel's station but she had to remain now that she had made the appearance. Her headman had the better grasp of families in Valasect than Jewel anyway. Although she was trying to get better.

Paul was talking to some of the mercenaries that had made their way north with the herd while Smithson had gone to collect 'Gem' who was making a game of avoiding him.

Jewel offered a smile that her smaller self mirrored before dashing around one of the sheepfold.

"These are prize Sun Blessed Epirus Cattle! That's forty Grosz in silver for the least of them! Nevermind what was paid for the seer!"

Sadly she was currently not her smaller self and thus could not run into the fields for freedom from the infuriating greed of petty merchants. Adorján was at least aligned with her against the scheming man. Thankfully Leandor's hate had mellowed after seeing Celsus accept Bethica.

Jewel considered the size of the beasts before turning to the merchant. Voice conciliatory and soft.

"Our pastures are only so large, and much of it is rough, spoken for by the shepherds. So we cannot take on the entire herd even if you were to offer a fair price. There is little point in taking on such fine beasts only to slaughter them come winter."

And that seemed to light something in the merchant's eyes and bring a straightening to his spine. He smelled sharp, like a hunter who caught sight of prey, like a soldier preparing for battle. The peddler's fear was faltering against his own will despite how much terror he reeked of when looking at Jewel. He finally spoke up with a fervor now that Jewel was unsure if it was genuine or merely a practiced act.

"That is the beauty of the fine Epirus hillsides, it is a land of warmth and mountains! Every beast kept there is made strong and sure footed among its rocks. Aside the need to accustom themselves to the winter they will take to these slopes as sure footed or more than your own sheep!"

That claim drew enough attention from the rest of Valasect and a wave of murmurs. Jewel's subjects prided themselves on their sheep! The challenge draws a shepherd's wife into the discussion. Jewel did not yet know her name but she smelled familiar and her voice was recognizable.

"Oiy then, let's see the giant lumbering things make a show of it on the pastures? The Northeasterly is not so grazed it can't afford a few extra hooves."

And that saw Adorján and a good chunk of the villagers parting to make way for the herd.

A few of them jeering a bit at the challenge. Although many more were already starting to make a more festive bent too it then already had come from the advent of a trade caravan. Jewel could already smell some of them bringing out their various house ales.

The noise of all of it building up around her so that Jewel almost missed the quiet gasp of her husband.

"I beg your pardon?"

Paul's strained voice, held just barely in check, drew Jewel's attention like the sound of a boar's snort in the woods. He was talking to one of the mercenaries dressed in more worn but far more protective armor then her husband. The man nodded along, having missed the distress entirely.

"Truth your lordship, I was brought on last year to do some extra guard work in cantor and it made news up and down the streets. In the pantheon with gods and magisters they did it."

Jewel held herself from reacting, but she could not stop her ears flicking at the words.

"Mighty proud they were too heard word of it from criers. Quite the prize to have cracked open a true wyrm egg. Was not a small or easy thing either by my reckoning, you could smell the sorcery and god in the air for nearly the whole season afterwards."

Paul spoke softly, awed enough in his voice for both of them. Although Jewel's mind was suddenly spinning in horror, her husband gave voice too.

"Then they have a wyrmling?"

Which got a laugh from the mercenaries and a shake of the head from his conversation partner.

"No, they were proud to have been able to force the shell open at all. But even with an entire council of gods and their priests and magister beside them they got nothing even solid from it. What I heard last though is that the yolk does something peculiar. Cantor is offering a king's ransom in bounty for more eggs."

The glance he offered Jewel made her hide want to shake off the sudden greasiness. It was an effort of will to avoid the shiver breaking free up and down her coils in revulsion. To help express some of her discomfort she flexed her wings a little and nodded to a question from Adorján.

There was greed and a calculation there that she did not need to imagine the reason for. Jewel was a lady, she was a Wyrm, she ostensibly would lay a true wyrm egg at some point.

But she definitely would not be selling it to some overlarge temple full of gods!

However Jewel could not linger to listen to more of the conversation. She needed to stay with her headman and most of the village. There was a contest to prove the honor of the peddler and his pride in the beasts of his homeland.

Jewel was almost certainly going to end up involved in that by stint of being the Lady of Valasect. Paul met her eyes with a firm nod. He would inform her what he learned tonight.

Jewel had to force her attention back to the nattering peddler.
"No, they were proud to have been able to force the shell open at all. But even with an entire council of gods and their priests and magister beside them they got nothing even solid from it. What I heard last though is that the yolk does something peculiar. Cantor is offering a king's ransom in bounty for more eggs."
If they were talking about anything else besides Wyrms, I'd suggest pre-emptively putting them on the Endangered Species list.

Even still, someone should keep a close eye on the situation. Fire-breathing death machines or not, there are few forces in existence more stubborn or cunning than a man in pursuit of money.
If they were talking about anything else besides Wyrms, I'd suggest pre-emptively putting them on the Endangered Species list.

Even still, someone should keep a close eye on the situation. Fire-breathing death machines or not, there are few forces in existence more stubborn or cunning than a man in pursuit of money.
The problem is almost certainly that by forcing sorcery and gods work into it they're destroying any Wyrm within.

What they might receive however is something similar that is just as dangerous but at the same time lacking in the immunity to Spells and the Divine… and also completely incapable of doing anything with a jewel be it in battle or in person.

Because I assume it wouldn't have any true Wyrmflame but rather merely some measure of magic and essence, and it'd be like a person with a lobotomy. Something vital would be missing to Jewel's senses.
I have a bad feeling about what Cantor did. I'm not sure what sort of consequences can be wreaked as a result of this, after all, the wyrm won't hatch. It didn't mention if the egg was from a tyrant wyrm, and it probably wasn't. Tyrants are the only wyrms immune to sorcery and divinity and and they're the only wyrms who are fully intelligent. But this still seems like a really bad idea. It's really ironic that the gods were involved in this act of hubris. The local gods didn't even want to show up at Jewel's wedding. I wonder if Cantor's gods would be similarly scared of Jewel.

Fizzbunches' cabal knew of this or if they might have even been involved.

It was really gutsy of that guard to imagine that Jewel would be willing to sell an egg of hers. I wouldn't want to mention cracking open a wyrm egg near a tyrant wyrm. Much less trying to put the idea of selling wyrm eggs to Cantor in the minds of her entourage.

What they might receive however is something similar that is just as dangerous but at the same time lacking in the immunity to Spells and the Divine… and also completely incapable of doing anything with a jewel be it in battle or in person.
I don't think that is necessarily true. Jaksa was affecting Jewel, until she noticed it and shut it down. I think they wouldn't get anything at all. Wyrm eggs might not have embryos and the body forms upon hatching.
I have a bad feeling about what Cantor did. I'm not sure what sort of consequences can be wreaked as a result of this, after all, the wyrm won't hatch. It didn't mention if the egg was from a tyrant wyrm, and it probably wasn't. Tyrants are the only wyrms immune to sorcery and divinity and and they're the only wyrms who are fully intelligent. But this still seems like a really bad idea. It's really ironic that the gods were involved in this act of hubris. The local gods didn't even want to show up at Jewel's wedding. I wonder if Cantor's gods would be similarly scared of Jewel.

Fizzbunches' cabal knew of this or if they might have even been involved.

It was really gutsy of that guard to imagine that Jewel would be willing to sell an egg of hers. I wouldn't want to mention cracking open a wyrm egg near a tyrant wyrm. Much less trying to put the idea of selling wyrm eggs to Cantor in the minds of her entourage.

I don't think that is necessarily true. Jaksa was affecting Jewel, until she noticed it and shut it down. I think they wouldn't get anything at all. Wyrm eggs might not have embryos and the body forms upon hatching.
Jaksa was affecting Jewel in the same way that a car backfiring affects you. You can hear it, you can notice it, but it will not effect you the same as a gunshot no matter how he's anyone tries to say it should. Jaksa was screaming at the essence of magic which Jewel could hear but she was not effected by it, Jaksa wanted it to still her heart but it had all the effect of someone whispering "die" at you from across a completely empty white room will kill you.

As seen with the gods, Jewel is not selectively immune but rather utterly inviolate regardless of her own will. Magic can no more affect Jewel than a bucket of water can melt her. It's a literal TRUTH of the world such that the stones of a castle and the air itself agree with the statement.

I imagine it's the same for the eggs, because if there is a spark of true Wyrmflame within them then they are participants of that Truth. However if there was a stillborn, or a dead egg, it might be possible to fill it with something like a Fauxflame which is what I assume will happen eventually.
Jaksa was affecting Jewel in the same way that a car backfiring affects you. You can hear it, you can notice it, but it will not effect you the same as a gunshot no matter how he's anyone tries to say it should. Jaksa was screaming at the essence of magic which Jewel could hear but she was not effected by it, Jaksa wanted it to still her heart but it had all the effect of someone whispering "die" at you from across a completely empty white room will kill you.

As seen with the gods, Jewel is not selectively immune but rather utterly inviolate regardless of her own will. Magic can no more affect Jewel than a bucket of water can melt her. It's a literal TRUTH of the world such that the stones of a castle and the air itself agree with the statement.

I imagine it's the same for the eggs, because if there is a spark of true Wyrmflame within them then they are participants of that Truth. However if there was a stillborn, or a dead egg, it might be possible to fill it with something like a Fauxflame which is what I assume will happen eventually.
Jaksa did not start out telling Jewel to die. He started out telling her to go to sleep, which had a limited affect until Jewel noticed the request and denied the effects. Then she traced it to Jaksa and moved to kill him for daring to command what was hers. He noticed that Jewel was very upset and told her to pass out.

Fortunately for Jaksa, Tsulogothulan moved in and saved his life. She told him that Tyrants are immune to sorcery, not wyrms in general. And Jaksa confirms that he personally has ensorcelled wyrms before. But we can read the chapter and notice that Jaksa's sorcery had a limited affect until she noticed it, and once she did she could trivially deny each request. It wasn't that she didn't get requests from Jaksa, it's that she denied them.

Jewel is completely out of the sight of the gods and she cannot see them right back. That is not the same as her interactions with sorcery.

Besides, it's obvious that the gods can affect wyrm eggs, assuming the guard's recounting of the tale of events was correct. They helped crack that wyrm egg. Tsulogothulan's words makes me believe that wyrms are resistant to magic, but immune when they chose to be. But tyrant wyrms are cleverer and can more accurately identify magic that they should deny. An egg obviously wouldn't have the same mental capacity of a tyrant wyrm.

Jewel shifted uneasily, feeling somewhat lethargic from dinner. Was that the wine finally getting to her? That seemed strange.

"The King would not have allowed you to adopt her either. Without me Jewel would already be a caged warbeast in the Capital's menagerie across three sky routes on the Canyon road from here. Clear on the other side of the world. You are nothing to the king, a mere provincial baron and an oversized Gryphon Rider who can't fly more than half as far as his peerage because he's twice again too heavy for his steed."

The Countess never raised her voice but Jewel could see how she knew just how to whip Father with every word. They landed like a lash made of steel chains.

She wanted to be angry, but still felt slow and sleepy.


Jewel felt her blood trembling in a sluggish tired way despite the thought that, wait... No it wasn't...

It wasn't her blood, or the wine or the food. She was fine.

Not tired at all.

But something was itching at her as if asking if she would just grasp herself with her Wyrmfire and slow herself down.


Then she found it.

It was in her Wyrmfire, tones and little twisting requests and something else?

She felt around in herself, and paid attention to the strange twisting requests. It was familiar after a fashion. She had felt hints of this before, never in her own Wyrmfire but out in the world around her.

It felt a lot like-


Jewel snapped her head to stare at the strange man with his straight black hair that hugged to his head down straight all around like some strange helm.


She had in truth moved to take up considerably more space then she normally would want and now was looming over the man in black and red as high as the ceiling would allow her to, wings splayed wide.

Jewel found that, in addition to that change of posture, she was also staring down at his wide eyes as he now held his hands up, empty of anything and yet flexing fingers in a way that twinged off of her Wyrmfire annoyingly.

The unvoiced silent pleas became so much more desperate. A begging not-voice whispering in near hissing urgency to Jewel to please stop her heart until she passed out if she would so kindly.


"Wizard Jaksa the Red. I am extremely disappointed, the circles speak very highly of your aptitude and even your sharp wit but this leaves me suspecting they have greatly over embellished your accomplishments and abilities! Cease immediately! You cannot ensorcell a Tyrant Wyrm!"
The now named Jaksa the Red finally stopped his voiceless nattering at Jewel and turned on Tsulogothulan and puffed himself out, the color of his skin returning to a more healthy hue as his face contorted in fury!
"How!? By catching them unawares? You idiot! She's not just some feral beast you can trick into your bidding if her mood and the stars align! She is a fully cognizant and aware Wyrm. She can Tell! What did you THINK was going to happen? Have you not read what happens to those that attempt sorcery upon the Tyrants?!"
"So it is true then? She is Immune to sorcery?"

Jaksa glared at Jewel. The silent not voice tried to tell her Wyrmfire to blink her eyes. She of course refused it and rumbled again in warning.

Then watched Jaksa the Red as his expression turned from consternation to confusion and then slowly to disbelief.

"B-but It was a myth! The misunderstanding of god botherers, hedge practitioners and primitive wizards! I PROVED that! The Wyrm are not immune to sorcery of the right sort"


Valasect had collectively ended up buying four more of the white giants that the peddler called Prized Epirus Cattle. Jewel and Paul's Dowery had been skimmed for the actual coin to pay the peddler of course.

These additions to Jewel's Demesne were then split between the families with grazing that had been too rough for anything but goats until now.

It had been impressive to see how sure the hooves were of such massive beasts on even rough terrain. The shining white of their milky fur over muscles flexed and showed the fitness of the beasts.

And the show of their agility and strength had stilled concerns from Adorján and the Shepherd's wife while delighting the rest of the village.

Jewel's main contribution to the exchange was to insist they share no close blood relations between the beasts. Now it was evening and Jewel needed to discuss what her husband had heard gossiping with the Mercenaries.

"I've sent birds to the farthest contacts I have to the south and west. As close to the under and over ways that lead into the lands of Cantor or its great sea as I can trust. We will need to make a tour to exchange birds for some of them. Their replies will be the last they can send."

Jewel sighed heavily before taking a long and savoring drink from her evening stew pot. Only just taking the time to actually chew and taste the meat and vegetables.

"The wings of the dove are already faster than I can fly. But what of the mercenary's word?"

Paul took a heavy breath there.

"I don't doubt his words, the other mercenaries and the peddler and minders speak similarly. My mother's men also agree that it's the same news they were spreading when they first made their way through Kaeketeh. Beyond that though I can't say, we don't get a lot of travelers out here in Valasect."

Jewel took another long sip of her stew. Focusing on slicing through the soft vegetables with her teeth, the flavor of the meat, the roots that had been cut up and cooked soft. The flavors of the pork fat and stewed marrow.

She was not certain but Dariusz' cooking might be getting better than his mother's! Which was astounding and something Jewel was intending to verify on her visit this Debt's Season.

"And none of them know what he meant. about the 'yolk' being something peculiar?"

Paul sopped up the last of his own stew with a piece of bread.

"No more than he himself had to say Jewel. I know you heard the same as me even before you went off to watch the bulls jump and vault along the rocks."

She sighed, her Husband could do much but there was little that could be squeezed further but the concern that somehow someone had found a way to force wyrm hatchings left her yearning to stay braced for danger. Her neck strained to twist back into a tight spring ready to bite or annihilate with her flame. Wings wanting to flex wide in preparation to lift her clear and away into the sky.

Jewel forced herself to relax, there was no immediate danger here. Nothing that she could do until messages arrived from afar. Whether by bird or rider or slow plodding foot she could only wait and all her panicked posturing did was cramp her muscles and ruin her sleep.

She took a heavy deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Very well, Were there any other messages that came late in the day? I must admit I was distracted by seeing such bulls frolicking like goats."

But before Paul could finish chuckling there was a sound!

A great and terribly wet sound like someone had sank an entire herd of the heavily muscled Epirus bulls into a cloying mire and then all as one heaved them up and into the air.

Water did not merely pool in the still freshly hewn stones of Jewel's feasting hall. It burst and squeezed and bloomed like some black sulfurous flower. Slapping wet and meaty strands of barely flesh like vines that scrambled blindly around before finding one another and binding close and tight!

The slick oozing sound was familiar and bizarre. Jewel had witnessed a far more careful and composed form of it many times. But this was not how Tsulogothulan had ever arrived before. The fierce immediacy of it coming on so rapidly Jewel had been completely caught off guard.

That it also took the Weird of the Uloghai Bog several seconds to fully compose into even their more casual and inhuman shape left Jewel in growing unease.

Paul was far less used to the comings and goings of her many year friend.

But she would forgive him the maiden like squeal.

After the great eye of the Bog Wizard had finished blinking open and rolled around to focus Jewel tried to ask what had Tsulogothulan in such a hurry.

But words burbled over in a torrential rush. Like heavy rains they came in torrents. Thunder on the horizon. Warning dire and ominous latent in the tone before Jewel even fully apprehended the other more mundane meanings.

"Countess Bathory is dead! Slain by one of her own footmen! They stabbed her through the heart, The people of Kaeketeh have torn her to pieces and are burning her remains on a pyre as we speak!"

Jewel only realized she had rushed forward through her dining table after it was already done. The frail wood rendered asunder under her weight and motion like a bundle of straw.

The sound of clattering bowls and spilled stew. The feel of it between her toes was slimy.

There was only one thing that filled her mind though.

"The Dungeon! Does Jaksa still secure the Dungeon!?"

Her friend shook their head in a way that made Jewel's flame go cold. The feel of it suddenly burning like snow when Gem had first played in winter.

"Jaksa the Red and all of his charges are already gone from Kaeketeh. He took them and fled as soon as Bathory perished. By his claim they will be gone from Viznove and all of the Realm of Cantor Reborn in three days' time."

Jewel felt a terrible fear ease ever so slightly.

Kaeketeh was not an abattoir of torn apart husks drained of every scrap of life. There was not an imminent army of ever hungering living dead running like the wind for the people of Rochford.

The sudden silence was disturbed by the strained voice of her husband.

"My wife, good wizard for those of us that don't speak whatever tongue that is, could you please explain what is going on?"

Jewel blinked.

Tsulogothulan stared at Paul then turned back to Jewel.

"Jewel, when did you learn to speak Uloghai?"

To which she could only stare back in absolute bafflement.

What was the Weird talking about?

"I didn't?!"
It sounds exactly like one of the powers a fabled evil ruler might have.

Tyrant Wyrm speaks in but a single tongue and that tongue is Dominion, whose words are understood by all regardless of their station and blood.

Jaksa knows Jewel despises his charges, so he knows this is in once real chance to prevent them from locked down utterly and forever of not outright destroyed. I assume he's heading to the south to also give a try at working with the eggs.

I am curious however as to what Bathory maybe have been up to… im thinking she's not actually dead and had Jaksa do some shenanigans to her to give her the ability to actually feed directly. Which also may mean she's now dead after getting found eating someone.

Oh I am on tenterhooks just waiting to see what happens!
…Jaska, keep a close eye on your charges. Please.
As for Bathory? Well.
Someone like that it was only a matter of time before someone did her in like that…
Actually, with Jaska's help it might have been assured…
But now…
…A part of me suspects Jaska FINALLY asked what was the difference between his charges and the Baroness, and acted…But I assume no, because then he'd have torched the dungeons if he had any sense.