It was neat to see Jaksa get a bit more characterization, and I like that he solved the problem with (what we'd consider) common sense about inbreeding rather than magic. He's still on the hook for trying to enchant Jewel on their first meeting, and for making the Countess' monsters, but I feel a little bit for him because it was so nakedly clear the Countess was willing to sacrifice him to Jewel if she took enough offense at being enchanted.
I also always have to appreciate when a fantasy work explicitly averts "bloodline purity" concepts because those just pop up so often and are so gross.
I also always have to appreciate when a fantasy work explicitly averts "bloodline purity" concepts because those just pop up so often and are so gross.

That's so baked into fantasy as a genre that it honestly does require explicit refuting in a work and its world building. We've not gotten to much of the underlying foundations I laid in that direction but it is absolutely there.
Oh yeah funny thing!
I know you imagine Jewel as haha funny noodle dragon, and I won't disagree in some ways but…
How to put it?
Sure if you make her stop short she's going to fold up like the Elephant Parade from the Animated Disney's the Jungle Book, but in other circumstances I can see her living up to the idea of 'serpentine grace.' Like in the forest-there I see her looping or at least perching her coils on branches and getting to distribute her weight instead of having to bob up and down to not extend through several hallways all at once, no doubt blocking passage until she is completely through!
But then again, that's me vaguely assuming she can in fact slither like snakes do. Which really makes me want to see her reaction to a sidewinder's dancing across sand dunes…
Oh yeah funny thing!
I know you imagine Jewel as haha funny noodle dragon, and I won't disagree in some ways but…
How to put it?
Sure if you make her stop short she's going to fold up like the Elephant Parade from the Animated Disney's the Jungle Book, but in other circumstances I can see her living up to the idea of 'serpentine grace.' Like in the forest-there I see her looping or at least perching her coils on branches and getting to distribute her weight instead of having to bob up and down to not extend through several hallways all at once, no doubt blocking passage until she is completely through!
But then again, that's me vaguely assuming she can in fact slither like snakes do. Which really makes me want to see her reaction to a sidewinder's dancing across sand dunes…
So Jewel can lift herself up almost like a balloon if she preps for it. But she can honestly pull off any of those ways of moving, the trick is that she has to decide which way she wants to move, and that takes practice, poise, attention, etc.

Jewel when composed is downright ethereal in how she swims through the air.

Jewel caught off gaurd could make a seizuring ferret look composed.
So Jewel can lift herself up almost like a balloon if she preps for it. But she can honestly pull off any of those ways of moving, the trick is that she has to decide which way she wants to move, and that takes practice, poise, attention, etc.

Jewel when composed is downright ethereal in how she swims through the air.

Jewel caught off gaurd could make a seizuring ferret look composed.
…Unless I am mistaken, that makes me speculate as to Gem and how she moves and handles herself relative to Jewel, and the precise function of Wyrmflame in how Jewel directs herself…
Like I've been assuming the Wyrmflame basically lets Jewel bypass things like having a working spinal cord, especially with the frequent description of her sounding like she's some kinda electric dragon, setting aside that Wyrmdoom, which sounds like something ELSE entirely…
Though maybe I should not be. The story will show me as it arrives…


The Guests had started arriving seven days ago.

At first it was the lords of Viznove, then it was the neighboring counts and their wives. Thurzó came of course with his son and wife although his daughters stayed home.

Jewel could not say she missed any of them.

Imre was proud and brave as Alexander at that age. Assured in his safety from a dragon, what else could he fear?

It was heartening to see the boy that had been so fearful possessed of valor partly because of her.

Thurzó's letters had said as much that his heir was even bolder and more assured than ever before with his talisman of saffron.

Count Fiebron of Zekhedge was there too, along with a woman Jewel suspected was either a recently married wife or a daughter. By sight she would have guessed daughter but her scent stood clearly distinct there.

It was strange to see the Count in something other than flying leathers. The Finery seemed less suited to the man than even Father and his prodigious height.

Furthermore if not for her nose Jewel might have mistaken him for someone else with his normally wild white hair and beard brushed and braided tight like that.

After those Jewel knew personally came the less recognizable of the counts.

Osterwick of the Eastward County of Grortovo was unknown to her, she'd not had him introduced to her in the Eyrie although finally seeing the man identified she recognized his face from amongst the milling crowd of Gryphon Lords.

He had thick black curls to his hair. Beard and mane both were trimmed short on him as many of the mere Gryphon Knights tended to. Face lined deeply as if aged and rough from harsh sun and wind.

Jewel had seen some peddlers pass through Rochford with faces like that but she did not know the meaning of it.

Grortovo was according to what she read and had seen from the air even more hill and mountain than Rochford or any lands in Zekhedge. Hugging up to the north and down south of the mountains of the Ridgetail rather than encompassing the valleys and forests of the other counties.

And after that?

Jewel had not even heard of many of the places that the guests started arriving from.

She was required as Heir of Viznove to attend and welcome them alongside the Countess Bathory, but was often left having to consult her parents after on just who she had met.

The Realm was vast, but even so some of the personage arriving for the wedding were not even vassals of the High King!

A Priest from the lands of Old Cantor itself arrived yesterday.

But the biggest upset was who stood before them now.

He had arrived with twelve fully armed and armored men as escort. Although Jewel had never seen the like of their garb or blades before.

Jewel heard murmurs among and around the court that this was only the men that had been permitted to enter Kaeketeh proper.

In the courtyard outside was another thirty!

And beyond the city itself was an encampment made beyond the outer periphery of homes and houses outside the wall!

He had traveled with an entourage of near to a thousand armed foot and attendant horse and servants.

His encampment had been settled on fallow fields.

And of the man himself?

His skin was rich brown with a hue that spoke of much sun. His hair was dark and shining.

He smelled of very rich oils and fine perfumes over the sweat of a long time riding by horseback.

He wore his beard in a mustache.

But set upon his head was a most absurdly round wrap of palest white linen.

Adorning it were chain links and medallions of gold. Set into them were red, green and blue gems that spoke of time in their setting and even longer in distant earth and stone from one another.

His other clothes were no less rich and intricate and strange in ways Jewel had never seen before.

Obviously finery for the craft of it but it shined in places that made her think it was proper gold embroidery but some of the fabric was so sheer in places Jewel could see well through it when the light was right.

And the patterns of his clothes?

Not even the High King or Bathory wore such intricate weaving.

She would have been very curious to know who he was if not for his announcement.

The Crier had announced him as "High King Murad the First of his name, Sovereign of Magarska, Conqueror of Orestias."


Jewel was not alone in shock over the announcement.

Although the Countess and some of her court were not surprised at all.

So apparently this had been planned for by some.

But still?!

The centuries long enemy of the Ridgetail Mountains! The very kingdom which had centuries ago forced the inclusion of Viznove and its neighbors into vassalage to the Realm of Cantor Reborn for aid in defense against their aggression.

The very realm that had supposedly injured the Countess' husband so grievously in war he eventually perished four years later.

The High King of the supposed sworn enemy of her family looked upon Jewel with the same eyes that High King Mathias had held for the awful thing from the Countess Basement.

But all guest rights were being observed, and he had entered with his own strange if obviously armed and armored footmen and possibly even knights?

Jewel was not sure how to judge the strange armor.

He smiled at the Countess Bathory as was polite but Jewel could see that it did not reach his eyes.

His words were clear if slanted strangely, rolling in an exotic manner.

"I come bearing gifts, well wishes and tidings of peace for our long time and honorable enemies in Viznove and the Realm of Cantor Reborn. May we share drink, bread and words on this auspicious and joyful day and the festivals to follow?"

Elizabeth Bathory, Countess of Viznove smiled at the man that might very well have slain her husband.

And where his smile was strained hers was nothing but joyful.

"Of course! For this grand wedding and a season after I grant passage in peace for you and your people. Let this be an opportunity for us to share words, food and song instead of blades!"
Jewel was not alone in staring at the ruler of the land. Who welcomed their hated enemy like a brother.

For his part Murad barely tilted his head to Bathory at her audacious welcome. Then he turned to Jewel and met her eyes with an intensity she was all too familiar with.

"May the warm stars of the south bless your wedding oh mighty Jewel, Shining Wyrm of Viznove."

And then he dipped his head to her!

Not a slight acknowledgement either!

But low enough his waist had to bend to follow his lowered head.

The gold of his absurd hat shifted and Jewel was sure even the courtiers could hear the metal for the silence that filled the room.

A man of rank with her own to be Liege.

Bowing to Jewel!

It took every lesson trained and honed by her parents and all her years to not flare her wings in shock.

To maintain the grace and poise of a lady.

But inside she could only scream.

Just What was the High King of their ancestral enemy doing at her Wedding?!
Last edited:
…Is this a Transylvania situation?
Where the recent violence done against Viznove opened the door for other powers to start sniffing around and seeing if this province would like to switch sides?
…Is this a Transylvania situation?
Where the recent violence done against Viznove opened the door for other powers to start sniffing around and seeing if this province would like to switch sides?
Recent violence showing a potential for a schism and more importantly the Wyrm as a vassal and powerful Lord to call to war.

If nothing else, this is a matter of the neighbor wanting to ensure that the Wyrm has not reason to escalate matters. Because minor border skirmishes tend to be common but if it's a matter of some soldiers getting into a bar fight or wandering into a town over the border that's usually half-ignored aside from saber rattling rather than as a cause for war. With a Wyrm however, and no available counter measure? The pretense of a cause for war would be enough for everyone else to accept the Wyrm annihilating a town from the face of the earth for its "assault on her loyal soldiery" ie a bar fight. Sure everyone would know such a thing is BS but the excuse would be enough for people to accept that there was a reason for it rather than it being unprovoked.

You want to keep your neighbors, even hated neighbors, pleasant enough to avoid normal events from spiraling out of control. Especially if said hated neighbor has a weapon you don't have a response to.

The Countess is I think mostly enjoying watching everyone who once looked down on her have to scramble and fall over themselves, both literally and metaphorically, to ingratiate themselves with Jewel. Because watching a hated enemy, the man who is responsible for killing your husband. have to accept your kindness, know they cant afford to be too rude, and that they are giving you gifts out of fear? That's priceless.


Jewel glared at Bathory.

For the last three years Instead of the Countess' office their private meetings had been happening in the main feasting hall.

It was possible for Jewel to fit into the smaller room. But the length of her coils was less of an issue than the span of her wings.

At greatest extension Jewel's wings were as far from the furthest tip of each finger as her coils were long from tail tip to nose.

And though she could furl and hold them tightly to her sides, a moment's inattention or stressful outburst could see them flaring wide and quickly pressing and possibly even cracking the bracing vaults of the ceiling.

It was substantially easier to ensure the feasting hall was empty and closed off than it was to get the necessary labor to repair compromised stone work.

She had gently asked for a chance to speak to the Countess in private as soon as the welcome feasts were done. But she had to wait until the next day to actually have the chance.

But what had been tomorrow was now today and Jewel could pose the question that had been burning in her wyrm flame.

"Why is the High King of Magarska attending my wedding?!"

Elizabeth Bathory, bereft of all guards, with not even her Wizard Jaksa the Red for protection, looked up at Jewel, a Wyrm so large that the danger of holding her in a smaller room risked the integrity of the keep.

The small, still youthful looking woman blithely smiled at a dragon in all her fuming anger with a serenity that assured she felt utterly safe.

And of that Jewel agreed with her. No matter how much she hated the woman.

To slay her now would do nothing but bring grief for Jewel.

Mother's lessons cut deep when wielded by another and she could see how the Countess was far more learned in intrigue then Jewel.

"I know you are the lady of the season, the betrothed and my heir but really? This is what you demanded a private audience to interrupt my incredibly busy days for?"

Jewel snorted, not with any wyrm flame. That would be a threat too far to risk. But she rumbled ever so slightly.

The countess was unbothered and continued as if her jewelry and the crystals hanging overhead had not rattled.

"The Reason my beautiful heir is because I and High King Mathias Invited Him."

Jewel huffed out hard enough to blow the woman's dress back. She felt her flame roil in her throat midway up but not even a spark of light touched her tongue.

"Of course you invited him Elizabeth! I'm not simple, I want to know why!"

Jewel turned away from the knowing grin on the woman's face, whether it was mockery or pride she didn't want to have to see either on the Countess' face.

She continued with a bit less heat to her tone.

"What reason could possibly make that a good idea!? Magarska has warred over our lands since the fall of the Tyrant."

The Countess laughed and spoke just as happily as always.

"And we have warred over theirs just as long Jewel. It is as much a great risk for him to come here than it is for us to host him. Even with his thousand knight entourage. To come here this deep into our lands was only possible by vows made by me and the High King himself to maintain his peace and safety. Vows made to seven gods trusted by both our people and his. That is the only reason he is here at all."

The wyrm shook her head and snarled. Voice breaking from the restraint she tried to hold so dearly most of the time.

The Countess however had a habit of bringing the more beastly tones out of Jewel whenever they spoke at any length.

"That just makes it worse! Why should we go through all that trouble of a vow to gods to assure his safety when any year now we will be at war again?!"

There was some reason, some sense to it, that was without a doubt. Bathory was going to benefit from this madness. It was going to serve her and maybe Viznove.

Probably not anyone else, but there was something to gain here.

But Jewel could not see it.

And if the High King was also with her on this?

That meant at the very least there were apparent gains for the realm and him as well.

Jewel could not see that either.

But just because she was blind to it did not mean it did not exist.

And that means she had to find out.

Despite how awful the insincerity of all of this made her feel. At last the countess either took pity on her, or grew bored of merely leaving her in suspense. Voice going slightly less jovial than usual.

"My Beautiful Heir, The time where you were a surprise unknown that could strike like a knife in the dark passed four years ago. The blow we made then together was a thing that could only ever happen once. And I spent that treasure the absolute best that I could."

Jewel refused to meet the Countess' eyes. She kept her gaze turned away, lashing her tail just close enough to brush the stones of the feasting hall floor. Seeking to ground herself and her temper at the reminder of the war.

The single battle really.

And all it had cost.

These were good stones, they had come to be close and welcome little joys over her visits to Kaeketeh. They knew the river well and because of it seemed a bit more aware of time then others.

Flowing water brought stones to a more wakeful state even at a distance. They knew the wind and water would be their end some day.

And so they lived more in the present.

Bathory continued, apparently having given up trying to prompt Jewel to speak.

"So Now? Now all the realm and lands beyond must be made sure of your power. In this the High King and I agree and we have called witnesses from every land of consequence under vows of truce if necessary. Under the peace of a Wedding and witnessed by all the gods in the heavens we and they risk less in this than any other time."

The countess walked but Jewel continued to refuse to meet her eye. She stepped as she spoke of the reason that hated enemies would be welcome like brothers. Jewel had read and been told more about the war with Magarska in the last three years than all that was written of the Tyrant Wyrm.
The Shining Wyrm of Viznove flinched, her skin rippling in shivers away from the gentle path of that woman's hand on the scales of her hip. And then the Countess was leaving, speaking in parting rather than properly dismissing Jewel and their audience.

"There will be tournaments and demonstrations of power Jewel. There will be boasts and great extravagant feasts. I and the high king will have drained considerable wealth in the coming days to show everyone just what you are."

Jewel still refused to look at the woman but she still could tell there was that infuriating grin in the way she sounded. The Countess could smile with her voice alone.

"So enjoy yourself dear, all you have to do is breathe a bit of that wyrmfire, stand at the right place, vow under the gods of Viznove for your union and spend a night in a bedroom with my son. The rest of us have actual work to do."

And then Jewel was alone in the feasting hall.

She was long enough to reach the ceiling if she wanted.

She could lick what she had learned was called a chandelier.

She had a demesne of her own.

She was going to be married in another four days. The celebrations and feasts were going to continue for days afterwards.

Soon she would have a husband.

She even had what everyone else called her daughter.

Jewel was supposedly a grown woman by any measure.

But she felt so small and far too young.
The game of thrones is played and measured… but be wary, for a dragon loves freedom beyond all else, and will not spend long on the puppet strings of another.
…But what of strings of her own making?
An Oath taken willingly is not easily shed, one's own pride demands a price be paid to break such a thing.
I do think, however, that this was a meeting Jewel needed to have with someone, and the Countess is perhaps the best teacher she could learn from.
I would also personally offer my praise, for being able to set aside her dislike for the Coutness to learn the lesson she did.
Don't be satisfied with that, Jewel! Bathory didn't actually answer any of your questions! She basically just told you to shut up and sit down while the adults talk!
Don't be satisfied with that, Jewel! Bathory didn't actually answer any of your questions! She basically just told you to shut up and sit down while the adults talk!
huh? I thought the Countess answered Jewel's question pretty completely?
Now all the realm and lands beyond must be made sure of your power.
Keeping what the nuke can do secret makes the nuke NOT a deterrent, so they gonna show off at least a bit of what nuke can do so people think at least twice before doing the war thing.


The first time Jewel saw her betrothed she felt a bit disappointed.

It was perhaps unfair to compare him to her brother, but other than Smithson who was years his senior there was little else Jewel could consider his peer.

She could hardly compare her betrothed with the peasant boys she had seen across Viznove and the rest of the realm.

But still even then he left less of an impression than she expected.

Paul Nádasdy was hardly much taller than his mother. But unlike the countess he had the awkwardness Jewel could see in her own brother. The way in which he did not even fill out the presence of his own height.

Making a diminutive stature even more unimpressive.

Furthermore he seemed slower in coming to age then the other young men Jewel knew in her life.

He could barely be said to be growing a beard where Jewel's own brother had the start of a mustache, and his face was really quite round.

It was in contrast to the figure his father cut in the portraits around the Keep.

He was dressed in finery enough for a Countess' son. Although after seeing the extravagance of the High King Murad even that was a bit disappointing. Simple black cloth with a fine stitching of gold and a few metal buttons to sparkle.

At least when he spoke, moved and stood it was with impeccably proper courtesies.

The first sight of him had been when he arrived in Kaeketeh. He was welcomed by his mother first and then Jewel as his betrothed, a chaste kiss to either of her cheeks was offered and that was only barely made awkward by how much of her snout the two of them had to maneuver to keep it graceful.

Neither of them had strayed a single word from the official courtesies for the situation.

But there was something at least to appreciate there.

He didn't stumble at all at the sight of her or pause in apprehending her immensity, or the quality of her voice.

Which was a poor measure of a man but one many others had failed to meet.

Jewel for her part obliged and responded with equal courtesy and kindness.

She strived to not do anything that might frighten a stranger over her appearance.

But it was at least in this respect that Paul Nádasdy impressed her.

He had as little fear apparent to her as Alexander!

If she was being honest Jewel saw and smelled more apprehension from the young man regarding his own mother then Jewel!

Which was a rare moment of what Jewel found to be an utterly correct reaction.

A thirty foot long dragon with an equal to that wingspan she might be.

But it was the Countess Bathory of Viznove who deserved immediate fear and wariness.

Even from her own flesh and blood.

Jewel did not have a chance to speak to her betrothed again for another two days. Although they did spot each other amidst the various persons pulling them through the seemingly endless preparations and court gossip.

She was congratulated by so many lords, ladies, counts, dukes, abbots, priests, low kings and even a wizard other than her familiar circle through all the hours of each day.

But now the two of them were set aside in the northern 'courtyard' for 'privacy' to speak and acquaint with one another.

Of course chaperones of footmen and the peculiar role of something the Countess called a lady in waiting were present to be sure nothing improper occurred (as if Jewel would ever even think such).

But ostensibly all said between them would be taken to the grave by those watching.

Jewel laid on the fine stones trying to keep her neck and wings relaxed and Paul Nádasdy sat stiffly on a stone bench staring out at the waters of the river.

Neither of them had said more than a brief greeting.

And that was long enough ago Jewel had been able to take note that the shadows had shifted ever so slightly from the sun's movement.

Her betrothed was sweating under his finery, but not nervously.

Just the unseasonable heat for his form of dress.

Jewel was uncertain what exactly she was supposed to talk to her future husband about.

The books and ballads had much to say on the matter but their situation hardly seemed to fit that. She knew some of the peasants sang to and otherwise sought the affection of each other. But that was a thing to do before a marriage was settled and inevitable.

What did she say?

The silence was filled with nothing but the distant sound from the shore and the water of the river lapping at the sheer stone walls that protected the keep's isle. The barriers rose sharp and true from the depths of the river and the sign of them sang out of sight to even jewel in the water's murk.

All to make climbing fraught with peril if an army should make the attempt at a crossing. Paul seemed content after a fashion to just stare at the water as it came southwards to meet them.

Though he did not exactly avoid looking at her.

He just did not turn towards her except when speaking.

After a moment longer of Jewel trying desperately not to fidget any inch of her coils or wings she finally grabbed the first thing that came to her mind as a topic, if just to fill the silence.

"I hope it is not rude to say but I absolutely detest your mother."

And suddenly her betrothed was convulsing!

He sputtered, choked, twisted forward as if he had been struck then shook and finally right before she or their chaperones could finish rushing to try and aid him she realized what had happened.

Paul Nádasdy, Son of the Countess Elizabeth Bathory was laughing. Not only laughing he was bent over double on his stool and wheezing for breath with the sudden fit of his mirth.

Tears were running down his cheeks and what was worse Jewel was not entirely sure what to do about it.

"My Betrothed! Are you alright?!"

Was he mad?




Jewel sensed no wizardry upon him but she'd been fooled before.

But he shook his head and waved her off.

Trying and failing to assure her with words between his bellowing guffaws.

Had she been irredeemably foolish?

No she did not think so, he had a looseness to his muscles between the spasms of laughter that certainly seemed at more ease then she had ever seen him before.

He smelled joyous.

But why couldn't he stop laughing?!

Every time he looked at her it just seemed to make it worse and Jewel's fussing over him eventually led to him leaning against her shoulder trying to get himself into some sort of composure.

Finally after what felt like hours of her soon-to-be-husband howling himself hoarse in mirth and seeming to go a little faint from lack of breath Jewel at last got a proper word out of him.

"Oh thank my birth stars and the mountain souls! Bless you, my wife-to-be. Bless you for being the first person in this entire accursed keep to outright say it."
Well okay somehow Jewel had done something right by not thinking at all? She may as well continue.

"Well I do not see the jest but I spoke only the truth. I cannot stand your mother. I hope there is no offense"

Her worry nearly started him to laugh again. But he mastered himself and only chuckled a few times, leaning back against her coils to keep himself from falling from his seat.

"She's barely my mother, I didn't learn to call her that until after I was six. For years I thought my nursemaid Gróa gave birth to me. That should say plenty about how little I saw the countess or care for her company."
Jewel could not say anything to that, it was not surprising but it made her heart ache to even consider how callously Elizabeth had been towards her own son.

"And no offense taken my wife-to-be, Jewel, No it speaks well to your character and all I've heard of you that she has so truly earned your ire."
He coughed and cleared his throat, Jewel could feel his heart through her scales with their closeness.

"In truth I heartily agree. I absolutely hate that heartless smiling fiend too. "

And it was at that moment Jewel felt a tension she had not even realized she was carrying loosen.

Her husband-to-be hated his mother.

Jewel marveled at the horror of her life that this so lifted her spirits.
It's always a little weird, as a person with great parents, getting to know and become intimate with someone whose parents (or parent, in Paul's case) are awful.


Jewel found herself so relieved that she wished for more time with her husband to be. Beyond their shared dislike of the Countess there was much they had in common!

It was a welcome comfort to dwell on as she stood like an oversized ornament amidst the mingling crowd of strangers that filled the courtyard of Kaeketteh.

To start the Bathory family's men were as martial as Rochford's own, and despite his mother's all but disowning of him Paul was still expected and trained to match that tradition.

It was in many ways much as Alexander had been raised.

Although instead of a position as a future Gryphon lord he was trained as a land bound knight and general of men.

It gave an interesting distinction, Jewel now treasured the memory of that discussion as she dipped her head to yet another lady's empty congratulations.

As was polite she returned their half hearted complement of Jewel's scales with some inane praise of her own for the shape of their eyes.

Which led to the tired dragging out of thanking one another for thanks before courtesy allowed them to part and another took the lady's place.

Paul was actually able to explain a great deal more of the details from the march and the important art of logistics there that Jewel herself had not known or read of. It made her proud that her assistance in the care of the greener levies was a praise worthy act of generalship.

A moment to brace herself against so Jewel did not sigh as one of the High King's other vassals managed to produce the all too familiar baffled empty stare when Jewel spoke more than a few simple words.

Really, they came to her wedding and knew less of her then most peasants in Visnove?


Mother would be ashamed of Jewel if she came to a foreign court so ill informed.

At least he didn't compound the error by approaching her just yet.

Again she mulled on what she had spoken to Paul about.

Apparently Gryphon Lords and as such Jewel's own training concerned themselves much more deeply with the art of surveying the battle from air and coordinating in the tumult of war.

Focusing more on the interference with marches then the planning of them.

She was surprised to learn that Gryphon Lords were, according to Paul and his tutors, viewed as relatively poor generals among the nobility across the realm. The sky giving them far too much distance from the common trials of the men.

Though Fearsome and potent forces when battle was properly joined, they were ill practiced in the vital art of the march. Less capable in the rank and file task of directing an army over land.

He had given a fascinating talk of the division and animosity that could come up between lords, soldiers and levy that were ground bound and those that rode in the sky.

Points Jewel herself had not even considered and promised to remember.

They had only just gotten into what Paul heard among his teachers regarding the concerns of the court towards Rochford and why there was such an animosity even in Zekhedge and Grortovo where their counts and lieges were gryphon lords when their chaperones had called for the two to part for the evening meal.

It was with much regret that they had not been given the opportunity to meet again. Or that propriety required they be seated awkwardly apart at their morning and evening meals.

Which Jewel thought finally gave her some sense of understanding what ballads and swooning peasant girls were talking about.

It was just so refreshing to have a peer near her own age to discuss things with. And for the first time since it had been announced she was genuinely looking forward to the wedding.

Paul was just such a relief all around to speak too.

She was glad of it.

He was to stand beside her as husband.

Not a servant below her or a brother simultaneously above her in age and below her in sense.

Not a confidant bound to her no matter how good she thought of smithson.

Paul at least so far seemed genuinely like someone she could spend her life with.

If only the rest of the attendees arriving for the wedding could be such a pleasant surprise.

She wished they had led with the sentiment against Gryphon Lords instead of being cut short on the discussion.

It would have at least better prepared her for this ordeal and the endless murmuring cloud of words.

"The poor boy, his mother must have gone mad marrying him to a war beast."

Jewel could hear them teeming in the crowd. She had heard them at the meals in the Countess proper feasting hall.

"I heard it could speak"

She heard them whisper down the now crowded hallways of Kaeketeh Keep and in those guest rooms set aside for the highest ranking of them.

"So what if it can speak? Plenty of things can speak. A beast is a beast, I heard she granted it a title and adopted it into her family."

Endless words of strangers judging her and Paul. Now all concentrated here like a bowl of piss set aside for the dyers.

"No it was that provincial lord who adopted it."

Judging Rochford and Father on hear say and lies.

"Oh the Gryphon rider? Of course it was one of those! They're all wrong in the head. No surprise."

Judging all of the Ridgetail mountains and the lands in their valleys in their blindness.

"I can't believe that they let them be Counts here. Filthy bird fuckers all of them in these mountains"
Jewel held her head high and with grace. She had learned from when she was a youth unable to contain her outrage.

"Isn't that the high king of Magarska!?"

She spoke polite nothings with civility to the faces of strangers that mocked and insulted her when they thought she could not hear.

"I believe the proper title is Sooltan actually and What of it?"

Jewel remembered the new lessons she had taken up with her mother on the nature of Court.

"Wasn't he at war with the realm Eighteen years ago?"

She listened and acted as if she did not hear all that was said by those too foolish to listen about the truth of Jewel for themselves and left their words free for her to gather up and hoard.

"Eh so what? We were fighting the free-lands sixteen years ago. I attended a wedding there in hay turn."

Stealing up all the filthy prattle and gossip of lords and ladies from all across the realm and more.

"How many weddings do you attend?!"

Jewel listened and learned and considered their every word. Outwardly she was serene and happy. She focused on how good her discussion with Paul had gone in their one meeting. It helped keep her smile true.

"Twelve so far, Some of us make an effort to attend proper events."

But inside Jewel's flame roiled in anger.

"How do you have time to do anything else?"

If it was just Paul she thought she might have really enjoyed her Wedding.

"Why would I do anything else?"

Yet with company like this she doubted she would.

"Well some of us have interests other than parties and feasts"

But despite what the Countess said Jewel had much of her own work to do here.

No matter how filthy it made her feel.
Oooh yeah.
Between Pegasus Knights from Fire Emblem, Gryphon riders in Battle for Westnoth, fliers definitely would have different ideas about bad terrain then normal soldiers.

The Countesses' court being this unpleasant is also kind of understandable, although I wonder about the implications that the Realm is kind of Like This. I'd like to say that it was culture shock on Jewel's part but some of them I bet genuinely were nasty sorts…


The day of the wedding broke with the Countess' ladies in waiting and her mother rising with Jewel.

'Gem' had to be excluded as she was in the care of Smithson and no men were permitted to see Jewel until during her procession in the ceremony.

Even if for the last twelve days she might have been in naught but her scales among the guests!

But now Jewel was a properly clothed maiden on her wedding day. Paul for his trouble was also being sequestered by his own staff to prepare him for their oaths at noon, and then they will be set away again until the evening vows pledged by husband and wife before the stars and gods.

Her sheer scale and shape required adjustments and compromises to be made for a wedding gown.

But shawls of darkly dyed linens thin and fine enough to see through were draped over her face and snout. Other shawls and drapes followed, just as delicately stitched together with bright and vibrant colors of Viznove, Rochford and Bathory in fantastic groves and spirals of flowers and leaves. A veritable transparent tapestry wreathed her flanks and even were tied so they could drape in expanses over her wings.

Joining the embroidered flowers in her family and bathory's colors were actual summer blooms. Carefully dried and preserved to retain their vibrancy and enriched with perfume via herbs and scented oils.

The hands of her mother and the Countess' ladies worked over Jewel delicately.

She had spent a solid evening shining her scales to their brightest luster with Smithson's assistance last night. Making her hide an almost golden metallic shimmer between the draperies and color.

Rich dark green, vibrant red, pale bleached white in just a few streaming accents. A bit of black. It was finery after a fashion, although Jewel thought that it draped over her a bit oddly.

But as long as she held a fine and dignified poise however it all fell well.

Her mane was braided with more dried flowers and even chains of silver. The entire ensemble took hours to assemble and they had to break their fast in private in the chambers that had been cleared for the whole endeavor.

During this late morning meal Jewel turned to her mother and smiled.

"I think perhaps I might fancy him. Paul that is."

Mother raised a brow at that.

"Oh? What makes you so sure?"

Jewel shrugged a bit, but only with greatest care, some of the fastenings were not as secure as they could be and if she moved too violently the entire edifice might come undone.

"Well I greatly enjoyed speaking with him, we have much in common. It is very nice to have someone who understands what we share."

Mother hmmed around the small portion of bread she was taking as their breakfast.

Bobbing Gwenn on her hip to keep the girl settled.

The last hour had been stressful for her sister and likely meant she would be set to sleep during the exchange of oaths at midday.

"What is it that you share with the son of the Countess Bathory?"

Jewel huffed a bit, blowing the linen over her snout out to billow in her breath.

This too she found had to be done very gently. Her own lungs could breath hard enough to tear the veil off of her head.

"We've both trained for war and martial matters, we both have felt the responsibility and obligation to defend our home and the honor of our families. We both despise Elizabeth, and it is comfortable to speak to one another and share on this. I think we can be happy together. He also does not treat me like a beast. Not even when he first laid eyes on me."

For some reason mother smiled in a sad way.

Jewel had seen that look before and it was when she had done something endearing but ultimately foolish.

"Ah, no Jewel that is not fancying the young man. It's a camaraderie and perhaps the seeds of a good friendship. But that is not the same as fancying him. It is not the same kind of love as a woman might have for a man."

Jewel frowned at that in confusion. She was fond of her husband, she looked forward to time with him. Surely that was precisely what everyone had meant when they said they fancied their spouse?

If she had not been betrothed Jewel could certainly see being quite obliged to her parents offering her in marriage to Paul.

"Is it not? But you and Father are much like that. You are fond and speak well of each other. You enjoy each other's company. Miss each other when you are away."

Mother laughed and shook her head.

"Dear daughter, what is your favorite part of your husband to be?"

Jewel considered a moment then answered clearly.

"His good sense. He sees me as a lady to be spoken to. And as a fellow child of a noble house."

Mother hummed and nodded.

"An important thing for certain, but what of his stature? His eyes? His calves? You there! What is the finest feature of the young Paul Nádasdy?"

The lady who had long finished her own small bread stuttered in surprise being called on before blurting out.

"His-uh his calves of course Lady Mother! Er-"

Jewel's mother snorted at that and bit off the young woman's frantic words with a tone like a whiplash.

"I am not that fiendish hag of a woman you call your lady. Tell us truly and honestly. What of the young Nádasdy is fine on the eyes?"

The poor woman seemed frozen in silent horror and Mother finally relented by turning her gaze to another of the ladies that had scarcely spoken for the hours they fussed and worked over Jewel.

"You, are you so cowed by that beastly woman to lose your tongue? Did she cut it out? We are alone here, no listening ears will tell on you, is that not right daughter?"

Jewel could only nod and offer a quiet affirmation.

"No ears but my own could hear us from where they stand outside."

Mother nodded, then her voice was gentler than before.

"My daughter is going to be wed today and she does not understand what it means to fancy a man. Please tell me what you find fine about her betrothed... Please."

The first woman finally spoke up in a whisper, soft and fearful as if she was admitting something to be guilty of.

"I like his cheeks, they're just so round and cute. He's the best of both a man and a boy."

Mother nodded then turned to another.

"I think his lips and the lines of his shoulders are just so good. He's lithe if you can catch him wearing tight shirts or even none at all."

The lady said the last with a nervous giggle and a stinking puff of fear.

A third spoke up bolder than the rest, not so quiet or ashamed.

"I also fancy his cheeks, but not the ones on his face. Mmmm pert those"

Another two nodded at that.

And Jewel could only stare at them, listening to them mention features that Jewel could maybe imagine were signs of fit or athletic action but didn't really seem particularly noteworthy.

Some of the ways they described Paul sounded more like they were describing a pig strung up for market to be butchered than a man.

A smell started to build up from some of them Jewel was familiar with but normally tried to ignore.

Until finally mother raised her hand.

"I think that's enough ladies thank you, so daughter, can you tell me truly is there anything you fancy about the man? Is there something you can honestly tell me you fancy about any man? Or woman for that matter?"

Jewel tried, she poured through her memory, she began to part her lips when she thought she finally had found it.

"Not admire for the mark it gives of their prowess, not appreciate as it is noble. Is there anything of a man or woman that you have seen or smelled or heard that made you want? That you truly desired to touch and know as you might hunger for food or drink? Is there any of that daughter?"

And in a sudden stillness Jewel found that she could not truthfully answer that there was.

the knowing sad look from her mother settled from the earnestness it had taken.

Jewel spoke.

Her words were quiet and soft. And as she spoke them she saw the sad look in the eyes of the ladies with her deepening.

A smell of pity that could not be for anyone but her.

"No, Mother."
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Not unexpected. Dragons and humans don't seem like they have much in common in terms of macroscopic physiology, so even if dragons have similar feeling of sexual attraction or arousal (which I'm honestly not quite convinced of at this point), the usual triggers for it might not be anything like what a common human's body might be equipped with.
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…I am not 100% sure Jewel is of Mental Age to understand this, on top of obvious physiological issues.
But maybe Gem will explain this to her!…
In like 10-15 years.
But if ever a topic could make Jewel feel like a Weird I believe this to be it.
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