Sheriff of Sunnydale

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It's Sunnydale, 1991. Five years before a certain Slayer is due to arrive. Mayor Wilkins rules the town, while below the surface, an ancient vampire slumbers. Every day, the good people of Sunnydale get up, go to work, and live their lives, but when the sun goes down, creatures of the night stalk the streets, and every morning there's a new name or two in the town paper's obituary section, the violent deaths blamed on accidents, animal attacks, and barbeque-fork wielding gangs on PCP.

With a recent surge of violent deaths and the prompting of scared citizens, the long-defunct County Sheriff's Office has been revived despite the mayor's resistance.

Enter Maria Torres, a retired Army MP, now living in town with her son. It was she who spearheaded the CSO's revival and has just now been elected Sheriff. Alongside her is Sam Bennet, a young man with a mysterious past and unusual abilities, and Blaine Croucher, a handsome stranger with a knack for deception. Together, they must navigate the dangers of Sunnydale while trying to protect the citizens from the darkness that lurks in every shadow. Will they manage keep the evil at bay, or will they fall prey to it and become the next name in the obituaries?