Hopefully they will focus on tearing out the added habitats from the wound.
It would serve two things.
1: Open the wound again for direct fire on the spine (can always show off the shattered remains)
2: Saves the habitat and everything in it, just needing to cut it up a bit more.
This would ad more computer systems and so on.

I'm quite sure the spin contains the primary power line, amongs things.
Might even contain the primary computer banks as well.
One thing is sure, reaking it's spine would let you rip it apart and that would let you to better study the unpowered part.
Cerberus where idiots, they never ever tried to shut down the power core, which should have been quite possible, even if by removing the fuel for the reactor/Eezo core system.
With no power, they would have been free to tear it apart into sections that would have been saver to study.

Some of that is stupid; some is typical Cerberus shortcutting; some is deliberate on the part of people who'd already been slightly indoctrinated. Ultimately, though, given that the mass effect core of the Derelict Reaper was still active after unknown millions of years, fuel-deprivation from a Reaper's heart appears to be a non-issue. (Perhaps they use some kind of zero-point energy? Not relevant, it's better as Terrifying Space Magic.)

As for the SR-2 Normandy, while a nice design, you can clearly see Cerberus used a potential partial completed SR-1 prototype design proposal, that was designed around the Turian reactor/eezo core system.
It's main twin guns are basically starfighter guns, mounted in a badly done Q-ship pop-out turret.
Same reason they hid the torpedo launcher deck and it's torpedo storage room on deck two, with a fake set of core look-in windows.
It's partially the reason for the weird elevator shaft shape.
And 1/2 of the reason the captains loft is not a firing range for strike teams, the other is to keep Shepard distant from the crew.

The Tempest her design, when combined with the SR-2 design, solves most of this, just needing some elements from the SR-1 in order to finish up the design.
Basically, combining the cockpits, widening of the neck (and adding of a shoke point and a toilet), removal of the com room so the elevator shaft can take it's place and open up room for two staircases upwards.
The lab having only one entrance/exit, with a airlock system in it.
Deck One having no elevator shaft, but having been expended with the back parts of the Tempest it's upper deck & com-room, thus placing two labs to the side of the Loft and the warroom beneed that Tempest com-room, while this com-room can then also act as Acturus Station it's hologravic trainings room, the wall to the warroom now also housing the doors leading to the staircases downwards.
Engineering getting a third engineerings deck with a cargo lift downwards, combination of the SR-1's and the Tempest one, can then also increase the core size.
Shuttledeck along the ME3 variant, but the ME2 location, four eight shuttles & four hovertanks.
As for the cockpit, a staircase downwards toward a Tempest styled captains room.
And while widening the neck, adding in two spinal guns, SR-1 style.
Plus the dropping of the carbage deposal system, since it's basically OMNI-gel & reactor fuel, which also explains where the toilets dump their loads into.

But that are my thought about how to upgrade the SR-2 design.
The plus part is that it gives a admirals room, a captains room and a first officer's room, plus three work station locations for them, the bridge, CIC and the warroom.
Since the SR-2 doesn't seem to exist here...

I may consider some of that; symmetry-wise, I don't intend for the Odyssey to be Shepard's ship for the ME3 equivalent.
Ask yourself where the reactor/core of the SR-1 Normandy ended up at.
Thats one of the things I've always wondered about, considering we DO find all the other pieces of the hull.
Not a single piece, it's completely gone.
Yet it did not explode, else you would not be able to find some of the other pieces.
But not a single piece???
I suspect theft, somebody out there, has a stealth drive to study & use.

As for the Andromeda armor, I believe the full plate covering armors, are military armors.
The only covering important sections of the body, I consider civilian armors that rely more on the shielding.
As a possible stopgap way of upgrading the armor, what about putting a couple of sizes bigger, civillian armor their actually armor parts ontop of the military one?
Just lose the civillian undersuit and it gives more room for shielding, then go from there.
A later more streamlined version could probably be designed, using sheets of Salamaris armor as a axtra armor layer.

Mmm, the Geth added cybernetics to Shepard, right?
What about recovering any biotic capable husk and seeing how they use the biotics?
Then perhaps using that medical reconstructive stuff to ad a natural styled Eezo layer to the armor & undersuit???
Hell, why was the Krogan Warlord artificial biotics option not added???
Death is death, so no problems of it killing her, just adding more work on reviving her.
Could still be locked down, though, since she is only using that geth core as a imput device, so any such biotics would more act as a passive sensor field that makes her more aware on where everybody is.
And knowing the Geth, they would have given every mayor Eezo nod, it's own (sub-)Amp-implant thats housing a few run times.
A potentially mist change, right there, unless the medical scanner of their current ship is not advanced enough to detect them, by the Geth having added the Normandy SR-1 drivecore principles to them.
Would also explain who might thus own the core of the Normandy, right now and even where it is.

Also, I would bet that Shepard now has not only that medical gel spreading system in her body, but also a similar OMNI-gel system for her non-biological components.
Does make me wonder, though, does she now have Geth OMNI-tools in her arms?
If her breast are currently bigger then they used to be, then you know where they placed the emergency storage containers (potentially of the inflateble variant, as well.
Say, can she give her stomage a break by using induction recharge plates on the inside of her armor, in order to power her non-biological parts on maximum power output and thus being not as draining on her own body???
The energy has to come from somewhere, so why not let the armor take the brunt of it, when possible?
Might mean Shepard would feel really good if such induction recharge plates where added to the seats.

Say, could they pick upsome Asari hovertanks or so?
Also, is the Mako out or not?
Because the Andromeda one could be fun, if you reconstructed it with Mako parts.
Though I still think the better frame is the good old Grizzly(?), if with the wheels changed for those three sets of those two hover wheels of that ME2 Cerberus hovertank.
Might give you the ability to ad in some of that Andromeda resource scanning/collecting stuff, while keeping the big gun.
Does help the Mako & it's Andromeda version, their parts could also help in upgrading this hover-Grizzly it's body a bit more.
And since you can find & recover lonely Grizzly's almost everywhere.....
Shepard DOES have Quarians with him, sure it are marines, but they ARE Quarians, so them not knowing how to refurbish military transports OR weapons...
THAT would be weird.
True, it would not be the best, more like a duck-tape(?) stopgap solution that works for a couple of years.
Somebody like Tali could most likely do way better, but the above stopgap solution would most likely help them streamline their design a bit faster, even if they are doing it all on the fly.
As for WHY I suggest the Grizzly frame as the platform of a hovertank?
It's a very modular frame and there are quite a lot of them around, so easy to get and quite cheap, with as bonus that you could then patent the hover upgrade to the frame and earn some money.
Money that might thus be needed for developing & constructing a new (stealth) ship, among things.

If they get EDI & EVA, they get Cerberus, if they can then get the Shadow Broker as well and they get quite the network.
Would need a shackled AI to run it, though, with the shackles being meant to prevent the breakdown of the AI it's morality.
But all the cover companies could be quite usefull, if properly managed.

One thing I would suggest is to construct a couple nexus(?) class spacestations with their attached Arc's, to act as emergency escape positions with the ability to run to Andromeda.
Main problem is the money needed and the time to construct them, perhaps a job for the True Geth?

I do think that if they can get a hovertank or two, they could do that Cerberus research station with it's Geth Control research, would give them a couple of Geth Cores to use.
On the other hand, could that Geth ship on which Tali is now being operated on, construct new platforms & dropships?
If so, then it can construct new Geth Cores.
Thus two possible options for them to take.
But that first one might hold the clue on Shepard talking back to the Geth on the Geth Network and that guy might liks a similar implant, so he can atleast walk around normally.

Oops, seems I let my thoughts get the better of me, what a wall, lol.
Well, hopefully it gives you some potential ideas.
As for the weapons, I find it more logical if the ME-1 weapons where introduced during ME-3, but they ain't.
Thus Shepard being angry Jack toke her pistol being about it using the old school sink system that always works?
Would Shepard thus be angry about the lack of trigger discipline and the right choice of weapons?
I mean, there is a sniper rifle that can act as a rifle and that president killing gun for one, can act nicely as a pistol as well.
Then you have a shotgun and a potential heavy weapon.
Meaning, you have one slot free.
So either another pistol option, a Asari Sword as a potential example or a looted weapons storage place.
Also, why do the ME rifles not include a granate launcher or bajonet?
It just means adding a OMNI-tool to the barrel and it would thus even give you a tech armor gun-shield to protect the guy(s) firing the gun.

In ME-1 you could ad powered exoskeleton systems to your armor, would this be needed to use that Widow sniper rifle?
Heh, that Mantis gunship wreck, could they use it for that hover-Grizzly I proposed a little back in this same post?
It would give them a added Eezo core, among things.
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...I consider myself not a stupid person and I can only understand like half of your babble. And everything husk-related is out, except for incinerator feed.
...I consider myself not a stupid person and I can only understand like half of your babble. And everything husk-related is out, except for incinerator feed.
Not even the research data already collected by Cerberus?
It could contain the needed info already.

As for the body armor, see it as wearing size S military and size XL civilian at the same time, for the added shielding & power systems.

The Nexus & Arc's are nice mobile fallback point, so having a couple around...
Well, that seems quite logical from a military point, that they could also act as forward bases with emergency cryo-ship to save mortally wounded people or transfer slaves or prisoners in a very controlled way...
And the best part is that they could be turned into full flung perminant bases/station, as well.
Just think of how they could have helped the Drell, if they had been around at that time.

Hope you liked the Grizzly upgrade idea to hovertank-Grizzly.
Or my wondering why the Geth/Cerberus-in-canon, did not use the Krogan Battlemaster it's artificial biotics for those Krogan without biotics to even become a Battlemaster, to give a non-biotic Shepard, biotics.
True, it has a high death rate for non Krogan, but Shepard was death already, so...

And what about my wondering why they never added the systems of a OMNI-tool to a ME rifle, in order to get a bajonet, granate launcher, tech shield and more, as added options for said rifle?
It would mean less switching weapons if somebody jumps you from the side or rushes you with a mob of heavily armored infantry.

I do hope you got the loadout covering of all weapons options and still getting a free slot, a very solid sword slot or a second pistol slot option for duel wielding (SMG's).
Or the critic about those throw away heatsinks taking more time to change than the ME-1 and that you can only take sooo many throw away heatsinks with you as well.

The ME-2 mission to that Cerberus research station that was researching how to control the Geth of that crashed Geth (drop)ship, could potentially solve several of their Geth Network problems at the same time.
But they would need a hovertank for it or risk their shuttles getting shot down.

The Cerberus owned companies could help with ggetting the next ship for the ME-3 part of this story.
Do hope you have that superweapon being a Reaper Trojan, the options look too much like indoctrination, husk (think Collectors, here) & death.
Getting the races to construct their own doom and getting them to choice which version they get?

Does this explains it a bit better, in the basics of what I meant?
All in all, in general all of this require either:
  • Research, which means you need more researcher or time. Which, if you don't notice, they don't have.
  • Manufacturing capabilities, which is limited to a single cruiser. Which keep lots of people with special needs.
  • More body modification. Which nobody, even geth, are comfortable in general.
  • New untested equipment, bane of professional soldiers.
Note: All those fragments of refined eezo you can pick up on the Alchera surface in ME2? Those -ARE- the drive core, what fragments of it are still left easily accessable, after the place has been visited by at least one team to retrieve Shepard's body.
One of my rules for this fic - and for when I run games - is that the viewpoint character isn't operating in a vacuum. In RPGs, that means something more like the tech advancement in Schlock Mercenary - one faction does something, and it gives them an advantage for an arc, and then it's normal and not a special advantage. UNS and Toughs typically wear the same style of armor because if tech advances in one place, everyone who can take advantage of it will. The Toughs do have a resident mad scientist, which helps, but that's really all the edge they get.

The same thing applies here. New tanks - those are built by teams. It does make a certain amount of sense that Cerberus would have tank research that Shepard could take if she found it, but only to an extent. And on the other hand, Shepard doesn't really need a tank. A new Normandy is another matter, since its stealth capabilities would be tremendously useful.
like the tech advancement in Schlock Mercenary
Love that Series.
Maxim 14: "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
describes Cerebus so perfect.

Shepard is more of a Maxim 6 gal: If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

A new Normandy is another matter, since its stealth capabilities would be tremendously useful.
That and the other top-class capabilities the SR2 has, even before the upgrade, between the Lab, the Gun, Armor the Normandy-2 is a silver bullet against much conventional opposition.
One of my rules for this fic - and for when I run games - is that the viewpoint character isn't operating in a vacuum. In RPGs, that means something more like the tech advancement in Schlock Mercenary - one faction does something, and it gives them an advantage for an arc, and then it's normal and not a special advantage. UNS and Toughs typically wear the same style of armor because if tech advances in one place, everyone who can take advantage of it will. The Toughs do have a resident mad scientist, which helps, but that's really all the edge they get.

The same thing applies here. New tanks - those are built by teams. It does make a certain amount of sense that Cerberus would have tank research that Shepard could take if she found it, but only to an extent. And on the other hand, Shepard doesn't really need a tank. A new Normandy is another matter, since its stealth capabilities would be tremendously useful.
It's not so much a new tank as refiting a salvaged one found on some planet.
Like say adding in that gunship it's systems to it.
Then some Andromeda style upgrades happening before finding that Cerberus hovertank.
That way they would have put in way to much work & money, not to upgrade it furture.

We both know that Hock(?) also had a gunship, so they could actually use the remains of several gunships to refit a Grizzly completely.
It's more bolting on, reīnforcing the frame and armoring it up, something the Quarians are quite good in.
Added to this, they have EDI & the Geth to run the calc's.
I also don't see it as something happening that fast, more as a evolution over time, like adding in some of the Mako jumping abilities.

I also find the Cerberus hovertank quite weak and very badly designed, the Grizzly would give a thougher hovertank by being more robust & bigger, like enough room to ad a second set of lifting grav/thruster-wheels, so that you can affort to lose one or two of them and keep going.
The gunship parts would only increase this.
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Probably spending too much time on QQ. Any breast enhancements the geth gave Shepard are between her, them, Ash, Mordin, Chakwas, and the Council.
Eeee! Schlock!

Let's not forget everybody's favorite Maxim 37: There's no such thing as "overkill." There is only "Open fire", and "Reload."

That is a good one when awesome is needed.
followed by Maxim 24: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a big gun

then considering how much Shepard loots in the gamea, Maxim 1 feels so fitting: First Pillage, then Burn
For Garrus: Maxim 64: An ounce of sniper is worth a pound of suppressing fire.
That is a good one when awesome is needed.
followed by Maxim 24: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a big gun

then considering how much Shepard loots in the gamea, Maxim 1 feels so fitting: First Pillage, then Burn
For Garrus: Maxim 64: An ounce of sniper is worth a pound of suppressing fire.

And that's the main reason Shepard doesn't have a tank. She's a lancet, a precision weapon, capable of walking through polite functions but also punching through an enemy facility.

This Ash is another matter. My Ash is good at small to mid-size unit tactics; she would be called upon for the kind of opposition that needs tanks, plural.
And that's the main reason Shepard doesn't have a tank.
not anymore, the Mako im ME1 was kind of a Tank, sadly Shep isn't that good with these, or Liara learned from the past and keeps all vehicles away from Shep's control :D

This Ash is another matter. My Ash is good at small to mid-size unit tactics; she would be called upon for the kind of opposition that needs tanks, plural.
so Ash is the shock-trooper to Shep's inflitraitor

Isn't that the philosophy of everybody? :confused:
nope, some guys are so battle-hungry they burn first! Then good luck looting the Ashes. (savvy officers send guys like that where nothing is lost when burning happens)
I will freely admit that my favorite part about Accidental Hero of the Galaxy is the scenes where Shepard is driving the Mako.
nope, some guys are so battle-hungry they burn first! Then good luck looting the Ashes. (savvy officers send guys like that where nothing is lost when burning happens)

I meant everybody on SB/SV. Yeah, you'll want to keep track of the trigger-happy ones and see who can control them the best. Pay them a bonus.
so Ash is the shock-trooper to Shep's inflitraitor

Soooo... One's cunning but brutal and the other's brutal but cunning?
I meant everybody on SB/SV. Yeah, you'll want to keep track of the trigger-happy ones and see who can control them the best. Pay them a bonus.
I recall that privates that smart get promoted to Corporal

Soooo... One's cunning but brutal and the other's brutal but cunning?
pretty much, with focus on their primary skill

Shepard seems to want to do that anyway. :V
ok. but Ashes are not really useful or have resell-value

I will freely admit that my favorite part about Accidental Hero of the Galaxy is the scenes where Shepard is driving the Mako.
remember the omake, where Shep drives intentionally weird to delay that guy who is to give a speech?