Shattered Empire: A Noble Warlord Quest (CKII)

Let us just hope the Okhrana don't turn on us at some point, because the Secret Police have a tendency to do that if things aren't going how they want them. And it would be just perfect if they did.
Well they might actually be vaguely loyal, as in they haven't tried to kill us multiple times yet, and given the dearth of that chances are they will be satisfied with just getting further and further rewarded as people we can count on dwindle. That power concentration is certain to be a problem down the line, but likely for our successor instead of us.
Well they might actually be vaguely loyal, as in they haven't tried to kill us multiple times yet, and given the dearth of that chances are they will be satisfied with just getting further and further rewarded as people we can count on dwindle. That power concentration is certain to be a problem down the line, but likely for our successor instead of us.
I mean, we did do a purge on them turn 1 to ensure their loyalty. But they're the secret police. All that means is they aren't an immediate threat. Tatiana does extend how long that loyalty lasts Id guess however. Or at least gives us warning when it's slipping.

Oh, and @inquisition you still need to update the explanation for Orbital Extraction districts to their new +10000 value we got... Last turn I think?
Damn nice to see this update but damn our supposed guard for rebelling on us at this point it's best to get rid of them all and start from scratch for our guard after this. Doesn't mean that won't hurt our guard is suppose to be an elite unit and that'll take time to replace.

But besides that one crit fail this was a good turn for us.
Turn 4: Late 2674 Shahzad
Turn 4
Late 2674 Shahzad

Social Report
Love: 3(1) (8-2-3)
Fear: 5(1) (5-2+2)
Fame: 49 (47-2+1+2+1)
See a detailed report HERE.

Report on Finances
Current Reserves: 113,305
Income per Turn: 74,290
See a detailed report HERE.

From the Ministry of State (DIPLOMACY)

Choose ONE:
[ ] Wedding Bells - Most Eligible Bachelorette: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a lord in possession of a good demesne, must be in want of a spouse. Whatever your personal feelings on the matter, there are dynastic and political concerns. You yourself have Massarde blood from your maternal grandmother Jacqueline, and the temporary alliance this secured proved vital for your grandfather and your mothers' reigns. Lord Pyotr will scour the width and breadth of the Empire for eligible bachelors.
  • Cost: 5,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: DIP difficulty 35
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: A list of potential marriage candidates for your perusal, potential Fame increase

[ ] Trade Agreements - House Al-Mufti: Trade already exists between Houses Rurikovich and Al-Mufti, though with your regime recognized and accepted by your neighbor, we can attempt to expand trade agreements with the lords and corporate forces of Al-Mufti territory.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: DIP difficulty 45
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: An increase to trade income from House Al-Mufti.

[ ] Trade Agreements - House Massarde: Trade already exists between Houses Rurikovich and Massarde, though with your regime recognized and accepted by your neighbor, we can attempt to expand trade agreements with the lords and corporate forces of Al-Mufti territory.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: DIP difficulty 45
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: An increase to trade income from House Massarde.

[ ] Embassy Matters - House Al-Mufti: Establishing a more secure political presence on Damascus would improve our relations with House Al-Mufti immensely and open further options when dealing with the House.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars; embassy upkeep of 500 dinars/turn
  • Difficulty: DIP difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: An increase to relations with House Al-Mufti; new options

[ ] Embassy Matters - House Massarde: Establishing a more secure political presence on Seine would improve our relations with House Massarde immensely and open further options when dealing with the House.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars; embassy upkeep of 500 dinars/turn
  • Difficulty: DIP difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: An increase to relations with House Massarde; new options

[ ] Shaking Hands - Other House: With relations reestablished with your immediate neighbors and with the Cult, the next step would be reaching out to the wider Empire. Some may reach out to us of their own accord, but if there is a House we would like to interact more with, we can reach out first.
  • Cost: None
  • Difficulty: DIP difficulty 25
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Diplomatic relations opened with the specified House, potential Fame increase

[ ] Write-In:

From the Ministry of War (MARTIAL)

[1] The Armies of Rurik - Officer Corps: Ivan's putsch has cost the Army a great deal. In particular, a large number of experienced and capable officers were lost - either as traitors, or wounded/killed during the brief groundside battle. Lord Kiril, as a result, has recommended a "crash course" of sorts for this new, young officer corps that will, if not bring them up to their old standard, at least cover the worst of the problems.
  • Cost: 15,000 dinars (2,000 dinars per turn in upkeep)
  • Difficulty: MAR difficulty 50
  • Time: 4 turns
  • Reward: "Brain Drain" effect will be removed from your ground forces; potential Ground Forces-specialization Hero Unit recruited

Choose ONE:
[ ] Modernization - R&D: It might be possible to use this disastrous loss of ships as an opportunity to modernize. The Ministry of War can draft a few options. Specify the class of ship you'd like to plan out. (Dreadnought, Battleship, Battlecruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser, Torpedo Destroyer, Frigate, Cutter)
  • Cost: 5,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: MAR difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: A list of potential designs for your perusal

[ ] Repairing Fleet Manufacturing - Traditional Methods: The destruction of Moskva's orbital shipbuilding during the battle was an unfortunate necessity - and now you have to deal with the aftermath. The best way to do it, while it is much more expensive, is to simply build new shipyards - the old ones were damaged far beyond repair.
  • Cost: 50,000 dinars (5,000 dinars per turn while building)
  • Difficulty: MAR difficulty 45
  • Time: 4 turns
  • Reward: Orbital shipbuilding infrastructure will be repaired, allowing for the removal of the Orbital Damage status; +1 to Military Shipyard in Moskva

[ ] Repairing Fleet Manufacturing - Seizing the Means of Production: The destruction of Moskva's orbital shipbuilding during the battle was an unfortunate necessity - and now you have to deal with the aftermath. You will, instead of pouring valuable cash into building new shipyards, seize and convert civilian facilities. It might be far less popular, but it will be far cheaper and notably quicker.
  • Cost: 35,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: MAR difficulty 40
  • Time: 2 turns
  • Reward: Orbital infrastructure will be seized from the private sector, much quicker than rebuilding it yourself - allowing for the removal of the Orbital Damage status; +1 to Military Shipyard in Moskva; Love penalty; Ongoing -1000 to income for economic costs

[ ] The Armies of Rurik - Rank and File: The casualties from the brief civil war have been high. Recruitment and training are necessary to replace the heavy losses suffered during the battle.
  • Cost: Variable
  • Difficulty: MAR difficulty 45
  • Time: 2 turns (Repeatable)
  • Reward: 1-3 legions of your choice (please specify); potential Personal Combat-specialization or Command-specialization Hero Unit recruited

[ ] Recruitment: Spend a variable amount of dinars to construct a specific number of legions. Costs and upkeep are below.

  • Cost: Variable
  • Difficulty: MAR difficulty 20
  • Time: Variable
  • Reward: Variable

[ ] Write-In:

From the Ministry of the Exchequer (STEWARDSHIP)

Choose ONE:
[ ] Fighting Corruption - Top-Down Audits: The biggest task that Egonova expects you to complete is to fight corruption in the Moskva government and bureaucracy. That's not to say she's requesting this out of the goodness of her heart - she likely expects her own corruption to be ignored - but it will still have a positive outcome. At the moment, the priority in this task will be to conduct a massive audit of the whole government to determine just how bad it is, starting with the Exchequer itself.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: STE difficulty 40
  • Time: 2 turns
  • Reward: You have an understanding of how bad the corruption in Moskva has become. Additional options.

[ ] Exploitation of the Letom System: Kyiv and its star system Letom are part of the Rurikovich demesne, but its mining and extraction infrastructure are woefully out of date. Still, a great deal of material wealth might still be leveraged from the youngest Rurikovich world.
  • Cost: 30,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: STE difficulty 45
  • Time: 2 turns
  • Reward: +1,000 to income; +1 Extraction districts on Kyiv; +1 Orbital Extraction districts; +2 building slots on Kyiv; new STE options

[ ] Fund Construction: Spend a variable amount of dinars to construct a specific facility, on land or in space. See the Demesne Screen's "Summary of Installations" for more information.
  • Cost: Variable
  • Difficulty: STE difficulty 20
  • Time: Variable
  • Reward: Variable

[ ] The Butcher's Bill - Rubble: Posadka was hardest-hit during the short sharp shock of a coup, but other cities across Moskva have suffered severe infrastructural damage. At the very least, it is necessary to remove some of the worst of the rubble in preparation for repairs and improvements.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: STE difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Small increase to Love, +2 building slots on Moskva, open other STE actions

[ ] Write-In:

From the Okhrana (INTRIGUE)

Choose ONE:
[ ] Chistka - Purge the Administration (Paranoid): Someone dropped the ball somewhere. What was supposed to be a simple investigation has spiraled off into an open uprising by the Guard. Does this mean we have traitors in the administration itself?
  • Cost: 10,000 Dinars
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 60
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Major increase to Fear, penalty to Love, the Administration's loyalties are assured for now

[ ] Chistka - Purge the Military (Paranoid): The Guard isn't the only threat. There are traitors in the ranks of the Army too - and this cannot be tolerated. Unleash the Okhrana's military police sections to scour the ranks and liquidate ay traitors.
  • Cost: 30,000 Dinars
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 60
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Major increase to Fear, penalty to Love, the military's loyalties are assured for now

[ ] Chistka - Purge the Senate: While the Senate sided with you for the most part, a number of high-profile members were part of the original conspiracy. Investigations here will be far more difficult, as Senators (both Lords and Commons) are granted special powers and privileges that mean your agents will have to tread carefully.
  • Cost: 20,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 60
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Increase to Fear, the Senate's loyalty is assured for now, -2 to PR with Dame Egonova

Intelligence Post Actions
Note: These actions can be taken in any fief with a functional Intelligence Post.

[ ] Infiltration: Information is power. Agents of the Intelligence Post will attempt to glean political, economic, and military information on the current rulers of the fief in question. Requires at least a Listening Post in the system.
  • Cost: 1,500 dinars
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 45
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Receive a report on the current situation in the fief in question. This will include military, political, and economic. May open up other INT options.

[ ] Recruitment: Recruit another Intelligence Post, a Hit Squad, or a Listening Post in the fief in question.
  • Cost: Variable
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 35
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: An Intelligence Post, a Hit Squad, or a Listening Post as specified

[ ] Sabotage: Agents from the Intelligence Post will attempt to wreak destruction upon a specified industry or location in the fief in question. Specify Political, Economic, or Military.
  • Cost: 5,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 55
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: A part of the victim's infrastructure is damaged or destroyed. The effect this has depends on the situation.

Hit Squad Actions
Note: These actions can be taken in any fief with a functional Hit Squad.

[ ] Abduct: The Hit Squad will be "spent" to capture an individual alive and bring them back to friendly territory. The difficulty of this action will be modified by the extent of Infiltration in a fief, the number of Intelligence Posts, and the status of the person in question.
  • Cost: 5,000 dinars, 1 Hit Squad
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 65 (with modifiers based on the individual)
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Person in question is abducted. Potential increase to Fear.

[ ] Assassinate: The Hit Squad will be "spent" to neutralize an individual with lethal force.
  • Cost: 5,000 dinars, 1 Hit Squad
  • Difficulty: INT difficulty 65 (with modifiers based on the individual)
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Person in question is killed. Potential increase to Fear.

[ ] Transfer: Move a specified Hit Squad to another location in the galaxy. The location must have either an Intelligence Post or a Listening Post.
  • Cost: None
  • Difficulty: INT Difficulty 0
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Hit Squad is transferred to the specified location.

[ ] Write-In:

From the Ministry for Sciences (LEARNING)

Choose ONE:
[ ] Distant Stars - Rediscovering the Periphery: The Rurikovich have always relied on the Periphery for many things, and with the conflicts in the Core heating up, perhaps it is time to leverage that. The Ministry will send out diplomatic and exploration ships to locate old allies and adversaries.
  • Cost: 5,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: LEA difficulty 50
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Possible new opportunities regarding Periphery planets and entities. Potential small Fame increase.

[ ] Research - Military: The military will always need new designs and technologies to stay afloat in this era of constant warfare. Task the Ministry for the Sciences with finding new avenues to pursue.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: LEA difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Research options are provided for the military.

[ ] Research - Civilian: As with the military, the civilian sector is always in need of new research options. This Action will open up new avenues to pursue in this vein.
  • Cost: 10,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: LEA difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turns
  • Reward: Research options are provided for the civilian sector.

[ ] Slipstream Research - Nasarov's Folly: Your Lord Minister for the Sciences has made it the purpose of his later life to study and uncover the secrets of the enigmatic Slipstreams that make travel across the galaxy and the existence of the Empire feasible. Greater minds than him have tried to understand them, of course, but who knows? Perhaps the answer lies out in the Periphery,.
  • Cost: 25,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: LEA difficulty 60
  • Time: 2 turns
  • Reward: ?

[ ] Khrabrost III - Dig Deeper: Discovering the secrets of this enigmatic Vault is of paramount importance. Lord Nasarov is practically beside himself, and has taken this discovery to be a confirmation of his long-held beliefs: that humanity is not the only, or even the oldest, interstellar intelligent race. Whether he is right or not, the Vault is certainly interesting.
  • Cost: 5,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: LEA difficulty 55
  • Time: 2 turns
  • Reward: ?

[ ] Write-In:

From the Grand Bishopric of Moskva (PIETY)

Choose ONE:

[ ] Bioticist Heresy - Who are the Bioticists?: The Temple of the Immortal Cell, more commonly known as the Bioticists, are a new but rapidly-growing religion in the Periphery who, from what you understand, worship life itself and reject the divinity (and the existence) of the Primus. Grand Bishop Panin has asked you if it might be possible to send representatives to Mikhail and Norilsk, where they have established large congregations, to further understand this new threat to the hegemony of the Cult.
  • Cost: 1,000 dinars
  • Difficulty: PIE difficulty 50
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: Information on the Bioticist Cult and its members; other options.

[ ] The Augurs - Request Funding: Now that you've achieved basic diplomatic relations with the Cult's leadership council, you have a number of new options available for your perusal. With enough persuasion, you might be able to convince the Cult to open its coffers and provide House Rurikovich with some funding - but you should be careful to use at least some of the money to invest in religious affairs.
  • Cost: None
  • Difficulty: PIE difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: Gain at least 50,000 dinars, more for a critical success; -2 to relations with the Cult, with the risk of more if it is not spent on religious initiatives.

[ ] The Augurs - Request New Staff: Now that you've achieved basic diplomatic relations with the Cult's leadership council, you have a number of new options available for your perusal. With these relations, you have the opportunity to request staffing support from the Cult, either on an individual level and on a bureaucratic level.
  • Cost: 10,000 denars
  • Difficulty: PIE difficulty 50
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: Gain a new religious-focused Hero Unit. With a critical success, +1 Piety initiative available per turn.

[ ] The Augurs - Pilgrimage to Windhoek: Now that you've achieved basic diplomatic relations with the Cult's leadership council, you have a number of new options available for your perusal. In this case, you can make a pilgrimage to Windhoek, the ancient holy city where Solomon Buthelezi penned the First Codex. It is a tradition for the devout, and one that could improve your relations with the various religious authorities of the Empire.
  • Cost: 5,000 denars
  • Difficulty: PIE difficulty 50
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: Bonus to relations with the Cult. Potential increase to Piety. Potential increase in PR with Bishop Panin.

[ ] Write-In:

Personal Actions

Choose ONE:
[ ] Supervise a Ministry: Choose one Ministry this turn and apply your full stat to the roll instead of half.
  • Cost: None
  • Difficulty: None
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: A much better chance at success.
[ ] Change Focus: Your Focus is currently set to Stewardship. You can spend some time shifting your priorities elsewhere. NOTE: This personal action cannot be selected for five turns once taken.
  • Cost: A few sleepless nights of studying (but what else is new?)
  • Difficulty: None
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: Lose your current Focus trait and replace it with the one specified.
  • Foci:
    • Diplomacy Focus: +3 Diplomacy, +2 Learning, +1 Piety
    • Martial Focus: +3 Martial, +2 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship
    • Intrigue Focus: +3 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue
    • Learning Focus: +3 Learning, +2 Piety, +1 Stewardship
    • Piety Focus: +3 Piety, +2 Learning, +1 Stewardship

[ ] Go Recruiting: The Empire is a vast place, and you are always in need of talented individuals to assist you in your bid to… well, you don't know yet. Choose one of the six stats, and depending on the roll you will receive a Hero Unit. The specialization will be random. NOTE: This personal action cannot be taken for five years once successful.
  • Cost: Variable
  • Difficulty: 40 difficulty in specified stat
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: A random Hero Unit specializing in the stat indicated

[ ] Secrets of the Tsarina: Clearly something was going on behind the scenes. Ivan may have been a greedy, treasonous, conniving little shit, but he was a puppet of someone your mother expected to be an enemy. She made some cryptic remarks in that vein before she died - perhaps there is something else going on. NOTE: Successfully completing "The Trial of Ivan Rurikovich" will lower the difficulty of this Action.
  • Cost: 1,500
  • Difficulty: LEA difficulty 50
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: ?

[ ] Improve Relations: More than anyone else, you rely on the members of your court and your advisors to provide good advice. If they are unhappy, you might have problems down the line. Spend some time improving your relationship with one character in your demesne.
  • Cost: Variable
  • Difficulty: DIP difficulty 40
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: +3 or more to PR with the selected character.

[ ] The Augurs - Replace Panin: Now that you've achieved basic diplomatic relations with the Cult's leadership council, you have a number of new options available for your perusal. With this comes the opportunity, should you so choose, to petition for a replacement of your Grand Bishop. This is a power reserved exclusively for the Cult's leadership, but with the right incentive, the Cult has been known to "accept recommendations." Of course, there is no guarantee that the Augurs will be willing to listen - Panin has a powerbase of his own, and even in a best-case scenario, you have no control over his successor's appointment. Tread carefully.
  • Cost: Variable (10,000 base, +5000 to lower the difficulty by 10)
  • Difficulty: PIE difficulty 80 (Can be lowered to a minimum of 30)
  • Time: 1 turn
  • Reward: Panin is removed. Large penalty to PR with Panin. A successor will be appointed by the Cult. You can make a recommendation, but there is no guarantee that they will be appointed.

[ ] Write-In:

Hero Actions

[ ] Major Tatiana Chernova - Write-In

[ ] Commodore Pyotr Chekhov - Write-In

[ ] Colonel Daria Varyanova - Write-In


Naval R&D: Choices

The Naval Board has presented several designs - three each for a new heavy cruiser and a new frigate. Choose one of each:

Heavy Cruiser:
[ ] Atlas-class
[ ] Murmansk-class
[ ] Orel-class

[ ] Nagumo Inari-class
[ ] Nikolai Amelko-class
[ ] Vladimir Istomin-class

Crisis: Preobrazhensky or Praetorian?
The revolt of the Preobrazhensky Guard is a very nasty surprise. Though their coup has failed, there is much to do to deal with their little temper tantrum... and the aftermath.

[ ] Attempt to come to a negotiated settlement with the Guard's remainder to avoid bloodshed.
[ ] Make a show of preparing for concessions and then liquidate them once their guard is down.
[ ] Roll in the Army, casualties be damned. These traitors can't be given leeway.
[ ] Hope the situation burns itself out and do nothing.
[ ] Write-In

And what shall our policy be towards any captured Guards, or against the Guard itself in the aftermath?

[ ] Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, doom on you. Kill them all - there is no other way to be sure.
[ ] The leadership must be executed and the Guard disbanded.
[ ] Execute the ringleaders of the revolt and disband the Guard.
[ ] Execute the ringleaders of the revolt but do not disband the Guard.
[ ] Put the ringleaders on trial.
[ ] What's a little attempted assassination between friends? Do nothing.
[ ] Write-In


There will be a moratorium on voting for 24 hours. Feel free to discuss in the meantime.
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Ok so again most of our options for this turn should be for repairing our realm from the war and once we've repaired said realm then we can start working on corruption and improving said realm. We should also really consider getting married the sooner the better a marriage would really help secure our throne.

For our new ships I'm inclined for the Atlas and Nagumo Inari classes personally. And for the guard damn they have betrayed us twice the leadership must be killed and the guard disbanded for what they have done we can rebuild a more loyal force later but after two attempts in such a short amount of time it puts too much doubt on them and we are well within our rights to do so.

After all the most important thing about a guard is both there skill in protecting us and there loyalty and well our current guard is missing half of the requirements for that.
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Damn it. I'm having trouble deciding on plan details.

From the Ministry of State (DIPLOMACY) Choose ONE:
Finding a fiance is a no-go. I say we choose one of the Trade options.​

From the Ministry of War (MARTIAL) Choose ONE:
Now we need to replace the Guard. So, let's let our surprise shipwright hero continue to modernize our navy, and focus instead on recruitment. Though I am unsure whether we should recruit replacement Elites or get started on The Armies of Rurik - Rank and File. I'm leaning toward the latter as it will take so long with only three legions at a time.​
From the Ministry of the Exchequer (STEWARDSHIP) Choose ONE:
Easy choice. Especially with all the Love we've lost. The Butcher's Bill - Rubble.​
From the Okhrana (INTRIGUE) Choose ONE:
I'm undecided here. Of the regular actions, I'd prefer the Administration purge as we need the Army right now.​
Otherwise, I'm hoping for an inspired write-in.​
From the Ministry for Sciences (LEARNING) Choose ONE:
Undecided. I'm curious in Slipstream research, but the Cost and DC make me real hesitant to try.​
From the Grand Bishopric of Moskva (PIETY) Choose ONE:
Give the Bishop his fact-finding mission OR try for a new Hero unit. Depends on our finances I guess.​
Personal Actions Choose ONE:
Either Supervise or Secrets.​
Hero Actions

[ ] Major Tatiana Chernova - Write-In
I don't know. But, I want her on the planet for now.​

[ ] Commodore Pyotr Chekhov - Write-In
Widely open to suggestions here. But, I am leaning toward either Rank and File or Modernization of the Fleet.​

[ ] Colonel Daria Varyanova -
Modernize our Cutters please Varyanova.​

Naval R&D: Choices

The Naval Board has presented several designs - three each for a new heavy cruiser and a new frigate. Choose one of each:

Heavy Cruiser:
[ ] Murmansk-class
A communications heavy flagship would be nice, but it feels like a waste of a workhorse like a Heavy Cruiser. And if we are getting in line battles, something has gone very wrong. So, I'm choosing the Chaser/Ambusher. Perfect for pirates and raiders.​

[ ] Nagumo Inari-class
The Almelko class sounded incredibly useful, but in the end, I'm going for the classic role. Maybe we can build our entire fleet around being fast? Who knows.​
Crisis: Preobrazhensky or Praetorian?
[ ] Roll in the Army, casualties be damned. These traitors can't be given leeway.
[ ] Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, doom on you. Kill them all - there is no other way to be sure.

It's going to be bloody, but I want this done clean and completely.
-[ ] Embassy Matters - House Massarde: Establishing a more secure political presence on Seine would improve our relations with House Massarde immensely and open further options when dealing with the House.
-[ ] Modernization - R&D: It might be possible to use this disastrous loss of ships as an opportunity to modernize. The Ministry of War can draft a few options. Specify the class of ship you'd like to plan out. (Dreadnought, Battleship, Battlecruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser, Torpedo Destroyer, Frigate, Cutter)
--[]Light Cruiser
-[ ] The Butcher's Bill - Rubble: Posadka was hardest-hit during the short sharp shock of a coup, but other cities across Moskva have suffered severe infrastructural damage. At the very least, it is necessary to remove some of the worst of the rubble in preparation for repairs and improvements.
-[ ] Write-In: Reestablish Intelligence Post on Al-Haq'ah
-[ ] Khrabrost III - Dig Deeper: Discovering the secrets of this enigmatic Vault is of paramount importance. Lord Nasarov is practically beside himself, and has taken this discovery to be a confirmation of his long-held beliefs: that humanity is not the only, or even the oldest, interstellar intelligent race. Whether he is right or not, the Vault is certainly interesting.
-[ ] The Augurs - Request New Staff: Now that you've achieved basic diplomatic relations with the Cult's leadership council, you have a number of new options available for your perusal. With these relations, you have the opportunity to request staffing support from the Cult, either on an individual level and on a bureaucratic level.
-[ ] Secrets of the Tsarina: Clearly something was going on behind the scenes. Ivan may have been a greedy, treasonous, conniving little shit, but he was a puppet of someone your mother expected to be an enemy. She made some cryptic remarks in that vein before she died - perhaps there is something else going on. NOTE: Successfully completing "The Trial of Ivan Rurikovich" will lower the difficulty of this Action.
-[ ] Major Tatiana Chernova
--[]Reestablish Intelligence Post on Meuse
-[ ] Commodore Pyotr Chekhov
--[]Modernization - Torpedo Destroyer
-[ ] Colonel Daria Varyanova
--[] Help put down the Preobrazhensky Revolt
-[ ] Orel-class
-[ ] Nikolai Amelko-class
-[ ] Roll in the Army, casualties be damned. These traitors can't be given leeway.
-[ ] The leadership must be executed and the Guard disbanded.


Massarde Embassy: I think boosting our relations with someone is more important than increasing our trade income right now, and of the two, I kinda feel more like going for Massarde at the moment.

Modernization: None of the other options stick out to me as particularly pressing right now, so let's keep modernizing our ships.

Butcher's Bill: Let's finish with the reconstruction, then we can get to work on dealing with our corruption issues.

Intelligence Post: Assuming the info post on the Ohkrana's assets is up to date, there are defunct Intelligence Posts on both Al-Haq'ah and Meuse. I personally feel that getting them up and running again would be a better use of our time than any of the other options currently available.

Dig Deeper: Let's try this again, shall we?

New Staff: 1) Hero Unit. 2) Potential to get an entire action. 3) None of the others seem pressing to me at the moment.

Secrets of the Tsarina: This looks important, even if I don't think it's a pressing concern at the moment, although I can be persuaded to swap this out in favor of Supervise a Ministry.

Chekhov: Not much for him to do right now as far as I can tell, so I'm putting him on this for now.

Varyanova: Let's make sure this goes well.

Orel-class: A nice, strong frontline seems like a good idea to me.

Nikolai Amelko-class: As it points out, this would be a great way to wreak havoc on our enemies's supply lines, making everything else easier.

Ending the Revolt: Options 1 and 4 are out of the question. There can be no negotiations with the Guard after what they've pulled. Option 2 strikes me as a bad idea since that will almost certainly give us a reputation for being untrustworthy, which is something we're better off without. As such, unless someone can think of a clever write-in, I believe we should just send in the army and get this over with.

Punishing the Guard: We need to set an example here, and executing the leadership should get the job done nicely. Giving no quarter, while tempting, will lead to a lot of unnecessary casualties, since then they'll fight to the death rather than surrender.
I feel like we need to make good on our diplomacy from last turn with trade deals, our income is still anemic.

We also likely need to crash raise some troops to fill the ranks.
Finding a fiance is a no-go.
May I ask why a fiancé is a no-go? We could very well use one to firm up our internal position with a vassal house or with an external lord to gain some trade.

And from my understanding in most CK games like this the longer we wait on getting a fiancé the harder it is to get a useful one for us.
May I ask why a fiancé is a no-go? We could very well use one to firm up our internal position with a vassal house or with an external lord to gain some trade.

And from my understanding in most CK games like this the longer we wait on getting a fiancé the harder it is to get a useful one for us.
We are weak, which means slim pickings or opportunists.
We are poor and weddings are expensive.
We are weak, which means slim pickings or opportunists.
We are poor and weddings are expensive.
Even if we are weak and poor we are still one of the High Lords no matter what else our prestige and domain alone will give us plenty of good picks. And honestly the longer we hold off on it the more discontent will grow since a healthy feudal realm often means having a son or daughter heir to continue the line. So marriage isn't something we can hold off on forever.
Even if we are weak and poor we are still one of the High Lords no matter what else our prestige and domain alone will give us plenty of good picks. And honestly the longer we hold off on it the more discontent will grow since a healthy feudal realm often means having a son or daughter heir to continue the line. So marriage isn't something we can hold off on forever.
To be clear, I don't want to go searching for a husband while we're still the Tsarina who is ruling over rubble and whose people keep trying to assassinate her.
In a perfect world, I would have liked a Guard loyal to us, but I'm not waiting the 4-12 years required to recruit and train that many elites.
Yeah no with there recent troubles rebuilding them will be a long term problem for us now best kill off there whole leadership and disband the rank and file to show at least some mercy. After that we start from scratch and start rebuilding them. Now onto the matters of new ship types I'm leaning to the Atlas and Inari classes myself your own thoughts on them?
Yeah no with there recent troubles rebuilding them will be a long term problem for us now best kill off there whole leadership and disband the rank and file to show at least some mercy. After that we start from scratch and start rebuilding them. Now onto the matters of new ship types I'm leaning to the Atlas and Inari classes myself your own thoughts on them?
I feel like a scout vessel and a communication vessel synergize well.
I just feel weird making a heavy cruiser a communication ship.
That said... 3 of our 6 fleets have heavy cruisers as the largest class. Making it the ideal goto command ship.
I feel like a scout vessel and a communication vessel synergize well.
I just feel weird making a heavy cruiser a communication ship.
That said... 3 of our 6 fleets have heavy cruisers as the largest class. Making it the ideal goto command ship.
Yeah it does sound weird for a Heavy Cruiser to be made more of a command ship then a brawler but they have played that role before and acted as command ships for Lighter cruisers of course now the down side would be our battleline relying more on other ships for fire power as our heavy cruiser wouldn't have as much. For the destroyers either of the first two would work since those are the roles they traditionally play so a scout would work there. And since in game doesn't have carriers and strike craft to counter fleet in being a scout destroyer would be an excellent addition for the fleet.
@inquisition Because it was specifically noted that the Atlas-class isn't outright replacing the older Avrora-class Heavy Cruiser, is it possible for us to specify that we plan to build a limited number of Atlas-class Heavy Cruisers as Cruiser and Independent Squadron Command Ships? Meanwhile using one of the other two modern designs as the bulk of our Heavy Cruisers? Because I think that the advantages of the Atlas are too good to ignore, especially as we're the Great House that's specifically meant to have a lot of squadrons roaming the Periphery where having an undergunned Heavy Cruiser means 99% of the time we've still got the largest guns in the region and the fact it's designed to command squadrons will be very useful in those situations.

But we also use Heavy Cruisers as our main combat ship I believe, because we're one of the poorer Great Houses and thus can't afford the large numbers of Battleships, Battlecruisers and Dreadnoughts that would otherwise replace them. So using solely the older Avrora's which are outdated and the new undergunned Atlas's leaves me dubious.
I'll note that orbital damage is currently disabling 2/3 of our Shipyards. By all odds, we can't start those modern ships. I'm actually considering just repurposing civilian Shipyards. The malus ain't that bad in terms of income.

Bigger problem is Love penalty, but who needs that?
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Social Report
Love: 3(1) (8-2-3)
Ouch, our Love has really taken a hit.

So many options to choose from, but we really need to at least take one of the 'Repairing Fleet Manufacturing', preferably 'Traditional Methods'.

For ships, our heavy cruiser should be either Atlas or Orel, and frigate either Inari or Nikolai Amelko.

And then there is what to do regarding the traitorous Guard.
As a side note, I belive we get a reroll for "Khrabrost III - Dig Deeper".

Our Advisor has a relevant trait.
Advisor Ability - Old Adventurer: Once per year (2 turns), when an archaeological Action in uncharted territory would otherwise fail, the die for the action can be re-rolled. This does not work if the die is a Nat 5 or below.

Weirdly enough, we fulfill the prerequirements with our fail. Still won't complete since it's a 2 actions project, but we will make some progress at least (if we win the roll).
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To these fossils, you are simply more of the same - and though they are polite, you get the sense that Bishop Panin's words about your mother's perceived impiety may have reached their years before you reached them.
UUpon rounding a corner into the mess hall

Glad to see this return.

Is there an estimate how much income we may expect from establishing a Trade Agreement with either of the neighbouring Houses? Our current trade is pathetic, which raises the question of whether it is because we don't have anything to offer, or because we have not tapped into this yet.