Alice Belobog
Age: 21
Level: 14
Class: Mage
Specialization: Plant
Subclass: <Locked>
HP: 110/110 [+1 HP per minute]
SP: 220/220 [+5 SP per minute if active, +20 if resting]
MP: 1000/1000 [+5.5 MP per minute]
STR: 20
DEX: 22
CON: 22
INT: 16
WIS: 17
CHA: 50
LCK: 32 (16 after World Debuff)
CP: 30
Medium Mana Capacity lvl Max - Your ability to hold Mana has increased enabling even greater staying power. MP x 2, MP Regen + 4
Focused Mind lvl Max - This allows the user to slip into a state of focus far easier and for longer than most. Choose one Skill and receive a 25% increase to its XP Gain and Effect. Lowers Perception by 90%.
General Skills
Perception lvl 11 - This encompasses more than just sight, hearing, and the like. This is a measure of how well you can grasp the world around you and its varied nuances.
- 10% + 1% per level chance to uncover hidden objects, see through disguises and detect bullshit.
Meditation lvl 10 - The ability to focus oneself and maintain a level head. This skill is an important foundation not just for Mages but for Martial Artists as well. In time it may even be possible to enter a meditative trance while doing other things.
- Passive MP Regen + 1% per level.
- MP Regen + 5% per level while active. (Must Meditate for 1 minute for it to become active)
- Active use gradually removes mental effects at a rate of -10% + 1% per level.
- Chance of taking action or any disturbance breaking the meditative trance 90% - 1% per level.
The Way of the Body [3/10] - This is a training process devised by one of the foremost masters of the body. With this the user can cause the formation of "pink muscle" capable of doing the work of red and white muscle even more efficiently. This serves as a solid foundation for most Martial Arts training. Unlike with normal Skills this is a trainable Perk completed at 10.
- Alters the distribution of XP for the Body Trinity to 80% gain for all.
- Increases Reaction Time by +1% per point of DEX
- Increases Explosive Strength by +1% per point of STR.
- Increases Resilience by +1% per point of CON.
Combat Skills
Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 11 – A good whack is nature's reset button. This skill covers the various ways you can make upright people lie prone.
- Attack Speed +15% + 5% per level.
- Damage +5% per level.
Bladed Weapon Mastery lvl 1 - This is a general skill for handling sharps without cutting off important bits in the process. Blades can inflict the Bleed and Severed Debuff.
- Attack Speed +15% + 5% per level.
- Damage +5% per level.
Magic Skills
Plant Manipulation lvl 19 – The ability to manipulate plants from the simple flower to the mightiest tree. This is a subset of Life Magic which also covers certain healing spells and physical recovery.
- Spell Costs are reduced by 1% per level (Max -75%)
- Spell Effects are enhanced by 1% per level.
- Spell Range is enhanced by 1% per level.
- Spell Duration is increased by 1% per level.
Metal Manipulation lvl 10 - The ability to manipulate metal of all types from the lowest bronze and up. This is a subset of Earth Magic which also covers defensive buffs and removes physical statuses.
- Spell Costs are reduced by 1% per level (Max -75%)
- Spell Effects are enhanced by 1% per level.
- Spell Range is enhanced by 1% per level.
- Spell Duration is increased by 1% per level.
Summoning lvl 20 MAX - This Skill is based on the research of Guy Dupont and covers the summoning and dismissing of various Spirits. Summons remain until dismissed or killed. A killed Summon merely returns to their natural realm. The more MP is used the more powerful the Spirit that is called.
- MP: 20
- Control: 10% + 5% per level. (This is based on Charisma)
- Dismiss: 25% + 15% per level. (This is based on Charisma)
Healing Hesperide lvl 3 - Conjures healing apples or apple juice, with some input from you.
- Cost: 4 MP
- HP Recovery - Must consume ½ lb or 1 pint for the full benefit.
- PWR: 1 (+0.1 per lvl)
- Amount of Food Created: ½ lb per lvl
- Amount of Drink Created: 1 pint per lvl
- Quality Modifier: +0.5% per level
- Active Time: 1 minute per level. (After this the magic healing is inert)
Husk Bolt lvl 10 - This is a variant on one of the most basic spells in a Mage's arsenal, Mana Bolt. It conjures up a seed husk based on a template and fires it at high speed. Simple and efficient. This variant has the potential to debuff.
- Cost: 1 MP
- Range: 175 ft + 5 ft per level
- PWR: 1 + 0.1 per level = 1.6
- Damage Type: Blunt
- Debuff: Capsaicin - The bullet sprays dust on impact which can get in the eyes and nostrils. Irritation and radius increases by 5% per level. Base Range: ½ ft Causes watery eyes, runny nose, and burning in the mucus membranes.
Shackle Seed lvl 1 - Looks like you sampled some nearby crabgrass. This special seed grows like a weed on steroids to entrap the target. It extends its roots into whatever crevices it can get a grip on. Non-invasive but it will seek to restrain them by as many points as possible. Quickly regenerates from harm until its limited HP runs out.
- MP: 20
- HP: 10 + 5 per level
- Target: Medium and smaller. Upgrades at tenth level.
- PWR: 5 (Upper grip strength)
- Number of Vines: 1 + 1 per 3 lvls.
Hungry Mold lvl 18 - A creepy fungus spell that turns putrefying flesh into a ravenous mold. All putrid flesh is consumed until nothing organic remains. After ten minutes with nothing to consume it dries out and dies.
- Infests 1 lb of flesh per level.
- Can be ended prematurely by the caster.
- Cost: 20 MP
Coat of Thorns lvl 5 - This spell is more than just a variant of Mage Armor, but also combines aspects of Flame Shield as well. The caster's garments are altered fundamentally to increase their toughness yet also add a bit extra. Any attackers in melee range trigger an immediate thorny reaction. This can be discharged immediately for an omnidirectional attack by casting the spell again.
- MP: 16
- Type: Defense, Pierce
- PWR (for thorns): 1 + 5% per level. (Stacks with Armor when triggered)
- Armor: 4 + 5% per level
- Duration: 2 minutes per level. Auto-renews unless dismissed.
- Reactive Damage: Equal to the Spell's Total Armor Value
Rumble Vine lvl 11 - You know the spell Plant Growth? Why waste time with that when you could have this? This spell affects an area around the caster that drives the vegetation into frenzy. It uses the surrounding nature to create an ad hoc Summon Circle to briefly call a horde of wild Plant Spirits. Vines rise up out of the ground and thrash anything that looks at the Caster crosseyed.
- MP: 15
- Number of Vines Summoned: 4 + 1 per 3 lvls.
- PWR: 4 per Vine
- Area of Effect: 20ft + 2ft per level.
Slime Suit lvl 7 - This just might be one of the oddest spells ever created in this cluster. The result of combining three very different types of spells has given rise to something new. Your Summoning Skill was needed to bind it all together. A Neutral Spirit has been Summoned into this unique working. Usually Slimes are considered generic, but this one has been infused with a purpose.
- Sustained Cost: 100 MP
- Armor Value: ½ Charisma
- Durability: Twice Charisma
- Heals the Wearer by 20 HP per minute + 2 HP per level
- Reduces Damage by 50% against Blunt, Fire, Acid
- Critical Heal: Sacrifices its Durability when the wearer is at 20% HP.
- Critical Retreat: Puppets the wearer's body to escape if the caster is incapacitated.
- Movement +30% + 5% per level (Negated by Heavy Armor)
Blood-Garden lvl 1 - The culmination of a sincere wish, a dream made real, the Blood Garden shall grow for as long as its roots run deep. Territories passively absorb ambient mana into a MP bank used for various functions.
MP Use: Territory MP is used as fuel for the defenses. Different Tiers require different amounts of MP to replenish.
Assembly Lines: These autonomous assembly systems can be used to mass produce whatever the caster can make. (100 units per hour for small, 50 units per hours for medium, 25 units per hour for large, etc.)
Material Assimilation: The Territory autonomously mines as it spreads deeper and acts to consume and repurpose any scrap it is given. Once its influence spreads to the surface, it will begin taking unattended junk for itself.
- Territory MP: 100/100 (+100 per level) 1% regen every minute.
- Maximum Defense Tier: 1 + 1 every 10 levels
- Stabilize the Earth +50% + 1% per level.
- Enhance Earth/Metal/Plant Magic by 10% + 2% per level.
- Assembly Lines: 3 + 1 per level.
- Material Assimilation: 100 lbs per hour + 100 per level
Territory Defense Tiers
- T1 (Minor): Tunnels, light grasslands of blades, and occasional turrets and light artillery. Min MP: 100
- T2 (Moderate): Thick forests, walls, patrols, moderate artillery, some fortifications. Min MP: 200
- T3 (Major): Rainforest density, fortresses, heavy patrols, massive artillery batteries, heavy fortifications. Min MP 400
- T4 (Extreme): Density of gardens approaches actual walls, terrain is begun to be modified to guide enemies in preferred directions. Min MP 800
- T5 (Ridiculous): You cannot tell where the plant ends and the metal begins. Walls the size of small skyscrapers. Titan-Guns and Teleporters are added onto the defenses. Min MP 1600
- T6 (Insane): The ground is more machine than earth. Defenses are layered like onions, every layer even more painful to fight, and everything in them is made to kill or protect at the same time. Min MP 3200
- T7 (Core Prime): All is machines. Down to bedrock, every inch is a weapon. Every corner is a gun, or a barrel of a gun. Fractal layers keep all manners of exotic tools hidden. Min MP 6400
Money: $7600.21
Smartphone (Great)
Dreams of Green Notebook (Poor)
ID Paperwork (Basic)
Apartment keys (Basic)
Crowbar (Good)
- Durability: 125/125
10 Rolls of Heavy Leather (100 lbs)
20 lbs Steel
1 lb Gold
1 Roll Kevlar
20 Rolls of Cotton (80 lbs)
Fishy Nun Outfit (equipment set, what she started with) (Good)
- Armor 12
- Durability 25/25
- Comfort + 25%
Vogue Frills Outfit (equipment set, the one she just got) (Basic)
- Durability 20/20
- Comfort + 0%
Shotgun (Basic)
- Durability 125/125
Ammo (6 shells)
Hero Phone
Hero License
Healer License
Hellish Whistle (Rare) - Forged from the despair of generations of railway workers and those who died building the rails. One toot on this is enough to send those of weaker wills fleeing in terror. When Mana is channeled through it this whistle can petrify a listener with fear.
Inflict: Terror, Petrified with Fear MP 10
Durability 5/5
Costume Gasmask (Basic) - This looks like a proper gasmask but in reality is fake. The lens blurs the edges of the wearer's eyes and general color to aid in concealing their identity. The mask has been enhanced further to conceal the wearer's hair under the habit and change it to something nondescript.
- Durability: 20/20
- Effect: Disguises hair color/hides hair perfectly
Casting Beyond the Veil (Excellent) - This tome was written many years ago by a scholar of otherworldly magic. The scholar, Guy Dupont, wrote this after translating a much older grimoire. Contained within these pages are the fruits of his labor. Teaches Summoning Magic Skill.
A Passion for Burning (Excellent) - This Guy Dupont really gets around, doesn't he? These are his observations on the inner workings of Fire Magic and how it interacts with other elements. Confers several benefits that require research to unlock.
A Flash of Brilliance (Excellent) - These are Guy Dupont's observations on Lightning and its unique place within the Wind Element group. Confers several benefits that require research to unlock.
The Deepest Darkness (Excellent) - Guy Dupont sought to find a connection between Dark and what he called "The Elements of the Earth." Confers several benefits that require research to unlock.
A Ray of Light (Excellent) - This details Guy Dupont's journey to discover a connection between Light and what he called "The Elements of Heaven." Confers several benefits that require research to unlock.
Soul Stone - This possesses a tiny fragment of death magic and acts as the motive force behind undead creatures.
- Minor x 21
- Medium x 3
- Major x 1
Shell Fragment (Samuel B Roberts) - This hunk of mystic metal has slain things mankind could never hope to face. When properly used it confers the blessing "Penetrator."
- Penetrator - This tells the enemy's defenses to fuckin' shove it. Critical hits are always possible, crits always deal some damage.
Tinkertech Baton - A high-quality self-defense tool advertised as the best on the market. It comes highly recommended by Toybox, but you don't care about all that. This thing is made of space-age materials capable of withstanding tremendous force, heat, cold, acid, and shocks. Your noodly arms will break before this bad boy. Your new toy can be set from 0 (no charge) to 11 (max charge). Max charge comes with backlash so please be responsible. Each charge is a 10% chance to stun or paralyze the target.
- Damage Type: Blunt
- Activated: Blunt/Electric
- Inflict: Stun/Paralyze
- PWR: 4
Shortsword - A basic shortsword. Well forged and simple to use. It was someone's homecraft as evidenced by a lack of discernible style.
Damage: Slash, Pierce
PWR: 6
Legacy of Nature (Excellent) - You hate nature, you are part of nature, nature has always fought and weaponized itself. There is no finest love letter to it than usurping its power. This armor is a declaration of intent to any who witness it: 'Gaia lives, and she hates you more than me.'
- Upgradable: Enchantment Slots 8/8
- Helmet - Allows the wearer to see clearly in natural darkness and extends visual range in power induced shadows. Alters the wearer's voice.
- Armor - Resist Environmental Effects -80%
- Gauntlets - Reduces the change of disarm by 80%.
- Boots - Freedom of Movement through natural terrain. Ignores difficult terrain.
- Durability: 276/300
- Armor Rating: 100
- Special Quality: Material Absorption - Absorbs materials to repair itself. Requires 1 lb of material per 10 points of Durability loss.
Staff of the Abyss (Mythic) lvl 1 - This mystic foci, forged in a place of hope and resolution, has been blessed by Greater Spirits and gifted to their chosen Contractor. This can change forms into any weapon the wielder knows how to use. It also serves as an aid in ritual magic.
- Grants the Metal Manipulation Skill
- Plant and Metal Spells benefit together.
- Increases the PWR of Plant and Metal Spells by half the weapon's PWR.
- Increases the effect of Plant and Metal Spells in proportion with the weapon's PWR.
- Decreases the MP cost of Plant and Metal Spells in proportion with the weapon's PWR.
- Living Weapon - Capable of growing in level with the Contractor. 5% to learn a new Spell of the Plant or Metal Types per level.
- PWR: 5 + 0.1 per level
Gray Valkyrie's Plate (Rare) - This armor was formed from the memories of one of the Empire's most notorious capes. Those who remember her fondly would see the wearer as one of their own. Of course those who hated her would gain instant enmity with the wearer on sight.
- Not Upgradable
- Durability: 150/150
- Armor Rating: 50/50
Special Quality: Improves the effectiveness of Metal Manipulation by 100%. Reduces the cost of similar talents by 50%.
A Child's Dreams of Green - Where did this notebook come from originally? It appears as fantasy but the principles within are solid. Are there other mages out there?
Rewards: 10,000 XP, Potential Mentor, Advanced Plant Spellbook
Failure: 1,000 XP. (Note: The only way to fail this quest is to give up.)
Miss Alice's City - Take a look around the neighborhood and familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Range: 1 square block.
Reward: 500 XP
Bonus: Continue exploring the city 1 square block at a time.
Bonus Reward: 500 XP
Failure: None
Note: Different areas offer special prizes!
Territorial Disputes - The E88 has recently fallen on some hard times due to circumstances. This is the time to strike while the iron's hot! You don't need to face them directly. Merely find a way to claim the neighborhood as your turf.
Goal: Establish the neighborhood as your territory within 30 days.
Bonus Goal: Do so with minimum to no bloodshed.
Rewards: 10,000 XP, +5 CP, Random Skill Book, Reputation Gain by 1 step with Public
Bonus Reward: 5,000 XP, + 3 CP, Random Equipment, Reputation Gain + 1 with Public
Failure: 1,000 XP, Reputation Loss by 1 step with Public.
Warning: This WILL lower your Reputation with the E88 by two steps
Putting Down Roots - Looks like its time to really work that high Charisma. Get out there and make even more contacts in your local community. This is a two part Quest.
- Part 1: Get 5 Contacts: No Time Limit
- Part 2: Get 5 Contacts to Friendly: No Time Limit
- Bonus Goal: Do it by the time your base is completed.
- Reward 1: 1,000 XP, Random Piece of Gear
- Reward 2: 5,000 XP, Belt of Steadfastness - This dragonhide belt made from a younger Earth Dragon grants the wearer impressive powers of physical resistance. +50% resist to stagger, stun, knockdown. Immune when both feet are on the ground.
- Bonus Reward: 15,000 XP, Mantle of the Leader - This fabulous mantle is capable of changing its appearance to always be fashionable. +50% Charisma for the purposes of inspiring others or exerting the wearer's will over another.
Accept: Y/N
Setting a Strong Foundation - Congratulations on Contracting the Termite Queen Deemak! I am certain she will be a valuable ally in many future endeavors. However, she can be an exceptional friend now. You wanted to build a base well here's where it begins!
- Goal: Build a Base from which to launch your future operations.
- Bonus Goal: Find a way to work your Staff's aesthetic and true meaning into the construction.
- Reward: 5,000 XP, Bronze Skin Skill Book
- Bonus Reward: 15,000 XP, Dungeon Core
Accept: Y/N
Recruitment Drive - What sort of Cape would you be without minions? A very lonely one. This is your chance to recruit some Minions, er, valued allies to your cause!
- Goal: Recruit at least 10 people.
- Reward: 5,000 XP, Leadership Skill Book
- Bonus Goal: Recruit even more! 10 more until you reach a max of 100.
- Bonus Reward: 2,000 XP
- Special 1: Complete Putting Down Roots (Part 1 & 2): 1 Elite Minion, 5,000 XP
- Special 2: Complete Setting a Strong Foundation: 1 Elite Minion, 5,000 XP
- Special 3: Complete Setting a Strong Foundation + Bonus Goal: 2 Elite Minions, 10,000 XP
- Special 4: Complete ALL Goals: 4 Elite Minions, 20,000 XP, Crown of Glory - This exquisitely crafted piece of headgear is capable of becoming whatever headwear the wearer desires. +50% Charisma for inspiring others. Can be called on to cast Command without expending MP.
A Mission of Mercy - The Union St Mission might be forced to close its doors leaving many people on the street. All because some hard hearted people can't open their wallets.
- Goal: Find a way to restore the Mission's funding.
- Reward: 5,000 XP, Ring of Plenty - A silver ring with a golden cornucopia in the center of the band. This ring possesses remarkable power when used for mercy. +20% healing effects, +50% healing effects when used to heal others, doubles the amount of conjured food.
Reputation Meters
PRT - Good
ABB - Neutral
E88 - Neutral
Merchants - Neutral
BBPD - Good
Public - Neutral
Union St Mission - Friendly