Crossover Shards of Power, Shards of Might (Worm/Pathfinder with Spheres of Power/Spheres of Might)

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QA has discovered the world of Golarion, and with it magic!
Unfortunately, QA is a Shard with no imagination or creativity. It doesn't understand magic, which is largely based on emotion and meaning. The advanced spells are too much for it, steeped in cultural and historical significance and made efficient by Golarion's cosmology. Thus, QA has resorted to mining out the most pure and primitive aspects. It has all the parts that comprise magic, but doesn't quite know how they fit together or how best to use them, so it leaves that task to Taylor. In times of great need and stress, QA will use the connection to shove some more power down the line- and because QA is a good and considerate Shard, Taylor even gets a choice in the matter!

If only ether of them knew how it worked...
Also present on Spacebattles!
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