For millions of years the ancestors and relatives of those alive today have spread across the globe, ignorant of their place in the universe and their probing into the darkness repulsed reflexively. For a handful of millennia those who have learned to leash the plants and the animals of the world and capture the voices of the dead in stone, clay, the skins of animals, and pulverized trees have pushed the boundaries a little further. Now, at the turning of a century by the accounting of the dominant culture, the map is being filled in, that which is in the deeps dredged up, and the heavens pulled down to earth.
That which has slumbered beyond the light of human understanding is being disturbed and woken up, and when it casts off its blanket of slumber, there is little hope for those that woke it. Little, but perhaps there is a glimmer that something of the naked apes might survive. If not them then maybe their children, better prepared for the stresses of a cold, uncaring universe. It is not up to the monkeys to choose whether or not the night comes, merely to decide how prepared for it they shall be.
Welcome to Shapers of the Apocalypse, something of a spiritual successor to Age of Strife, with also the intent to rework the system to make it better and more robust, something easier to GM going forward. The game starts in 1900 CE and is unlikely to go much past 2020, if that, with each main turn occupying a 1 year period, with sub-turns for more interesting events. The players will serve as a 'parliament' of sort that will assign NPCs to an executive council and set priorities. Eventually you are likely to be forced to play with a government or group of governments, but you shall begin as an independent organization fumbling your way into the deep end of the pool. The first choice is what sort of organization to start as. It is also possible but not necessary is to designate a sub-type, a narrower version of the broader overarching groups. Do note that while all groups start with some action options closed off to them, they can expand their operations with time and invested resources.
The Explorer's Society
A band of merry gentlemen interested in going to the far corners of the earth to plant flags and shoot rare, exotic beasts, the Explorer's Society is at its best when it is literally pushing boundaries. Their strengths are all oriented towards heading out into the world and finding something new. Of course when they are not launching expeditions - or their expeditions keep disappearing - their star quickly wanes. What use are explorers who sit at home and don't explore?
Pros: Improved capacity for sending expeditions, improved Influence bonuses for successful expeditions
Cons: Influence declines quickly if not sending out or making serious effort to outfit expeditions
Starting Action Types: Basic, Send Expedition, Research (literary)
Potential Sub-types: Geographic, Anthropological, Geological
The University
A place of higher learning, the university excels at research and at being the sort of place where anything could be going on and it wouldn't be particularly out of place. Be it studying old tomes in the library, esoteric physics in the lab, or outfitting an expedition to strange lands, much can be justified under the aegis of grants and thesis. However, this diversity of activity comes at a cost in terms of finances, and the open exchange of ideas can make it difficult to keep things best not let into open circulation out among the student body.
Pros: Research bonuses, almost all action types available from the start
Cons: Penalties to intrigue actions, increased maintenance costs at the start
Starting Action Types: Basic, Send Expedition, Investigation (all), Research (all)
Potential Sub-Types: Arts, Science, Medical, Engineering
The Hospital
Places of those considered sick in body and mind, the hospital is where the realities of the universe press up against humanity at their most personal level. While it is natural to wish to help those who are suffering, there are many ways to do this, of many shades of ethical colour. While limited in their ability to get up to direct action, there is a surprising amount of leeway that a director can get up to under the umbrella of 'public health, although drawing attention to what happens in the isolation wards can bring trouble if not handled correctly.
Pros: Excellent bonuses to medical and psychiatric research
Cons: Limited actions elsewhere, easily draws attention for misdeeds
Starting Action Types: Basic, Investigation (medical), Research (medical, psychiatric)
Potential Sub-Types: Asylum, Sanitarium, Hospice
The Closed Society
While often thought of as 'secret societies', the closed society encompasses most forms of 'old boys clubs' with closed, selective membership and the ability to hide the majority of their activities from the rest of the world. While this offers them excellent opportunities to move among the movers and shakers of the rest of the world while also brushing up against the darkness at the edges, this also makes it difficult for them to act directly. Often their contributions will come through providing funding and direction to other groups, or through subtle guidance. They often also cannot act even when they have capacity, for fear of drawing the ire of open society.
Pros: Improved intrigue actions, improved capacity to gather funds
Cons: Extremely limited actions, often can only act through intrigue actions
Starting Action Types: Basic, Intrigue (all), Investigation (local)
Potential Sub-Types: Occult Society, Businessman's Association, Legitimate Businessman's Association, Detective Cooperative, Veteran's Club
The shape of the organization we shall be...
[] Explorer's Society
[] University
[] Hospital
[] Closed Society