Shaman King: To Walk Among Spirits

I dont have a preference for which character as of yet. Both leading choices seem fun enough. I just wanna join in on watching the endangered animal that is Shaman King.
Okay I think we won't being getting any more voters around this time so I'm closing things around here and from what I can see the winner is Plan Creepy American is You!

Now give me a few minutes to get the next important part ready.
Interruption-The Build
Okay moving onto things I couldn't fit into the first part to explain, the mechanics! This quest will be using a d20 + stats to decide outcomes of certain things. The stats work as seen below.

Body 5
-Might: 2 (Might represents your physical power and durability)
-Constitution: 3 (Con is your overall health and endurance to pain)
Soul 7
-Will: 3 (This is your ability to follow through with your resolve and your emotions)
-Presence: 4 (Presence revolves around your spiritual talent and charisma)
Mind 3
-Insight: 1 (Insight is the wisdom you possess and your ability to understand others)
-Knowledge: 2 (Knowledge over all revolves around your intelligence and tactical prowess)

6 Remaining Points to Distribute

Traits - These can influence how your character acts and his actual physical body.

Now that we're here I'll explain why Brian's stats are a bit uneven. You see the options that you lot voted for ended up affecting your character due to his history. Being raised it a small town and adventuring through the woods gave him a plus to his Constitution and Will, the creepy kid gave him a point in Presence and took away one from getting him stuck with blank face silent protagonist syndrome, and finally due to "Living yet Dead" he gains another point to Presence along with some other effects you'll have to find out later.

You have three points, use these points to either pick a talent or add two points to one of the stats.

[] Modern Giant: Even now at the age of 14 your already tall enough to be confused with a young adult or older teen. That's not ever considering the fact your still not done growing.
+2 to the Body Stats and gain a Body Re-Roll Dice, -6 to Speed Rolls
[] Scary Face: It has always been so easy for you to scare others, just moving your smile a certain way and getting your head in front of some light has always been your favorite way to do it.
+2 to intimidation rolls and -1 general Charisma rolls
[] Wild Child: You always hated being cooped up inside, being outdoors and exploring the wild has always been able to set your mind at ease. Guess that says something about you huh?
+1 to Might and Will, -2 to civilized rolls
[] Lithe & Graceful: Your body had always been a bit to far on the thin side of things, but wasn't much helping it since the doctors could never find anything wrong with you. On the bright side it made it harder for others to catch you.
+4 to Dodge and Speed rolls, -1 to Con and Might
[] Iron Gullet: There's nothing you can't eat if it comes down to it.
+2 to Con and +5 to eating rolls
[] Gut Sense: You've always had this sixth sense that managed to get you out of some tight spots over the years. + 4 to instinct rolls
[] Prince Charming?: Despite your troubles at understanding others it has come up once or twice that it was never your looks that kept people away...or so your told.
+1 Charisma and another +2 Charisma when interacting with the opposite gender
[] Honest Heart: You've always had your heart on your sleeve and in turn the ability to read other's intent...even if it made you a little bit blunt. +3 to Empathy Rolls and +2 to Insight, -5 to deception rolls
[] Guarded Heart: Even when you don't consider your natural inability to connect with others it probably didn't help that you could never fully trust others enough to let them get close in the first place.
+3 to Deception and Restraint rolls, -1 to Will and -4 to Empathy rolls

Also a very important thing to note is that some traits have synergy with each other. An Example being Modern Giant and Scary Face, if you have these two then Scary Face will get it's effects doubled becoming +4 to Intimidation rolls and -2.

And the last thing before we kick back into the adventure of Brian Byers, what does the lad look like?

[] Insert Image

[] Plan: Example
-[] Stats
+1 Might
+1 Constitution
+1 Will
+1 Presence
+1 Insight
+1 Knowledge
--[] Traits
-[] Modern Giant
-[] Gut Sense
-[] Honest Heart
---[] Image
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plus getting him stuck with blank face silent protagonist sindrom
(Knowledge over all revolves around your intelligence and tactical poweress)
[] Lilith & Graceful:

Ok. We have two options for our build currently. We can shore up our weaknesses or focus on our strengths. Both choices have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Also, which stats do Instinct, Intimidation, Deception, Restraint use?
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Plan intimidating kid
[X] Stats
+1 Constitution
+1 will
+1 Presence
+1 Insight
+2 Knowledge

[X] Scary Face: It has always been so easy for you to scare others, just moving your smile a certain way and getting your head in front of some light has always been your favorite way to do it.
+2 to intimidation rolls and -1 general Charisma rolls
[X] Gut Sense: You've always had this sixth sense that managed to get you out of some tight spots over the years. + 4 to instinct rolls
[X] Prince Charming?: Despite your troubles at understanding others it has come up once or twice that it was never your looks that kept people away...or so your told.
+1 Charisma and another +2 Charisma when interacting with the opposite gender


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[X] Stats
+1 Will
+1 Presence
+2 Insight
+2 Knowledge

[X] Wild Child: You always hated being cooped up inside, being outdoors and exploring the wild has always been able to set your mind at ease. Guess that says something about you huh?
+1 to Might and Will, -2 to civilized rolls
[X] Gut Sense: You've always had this sixth sense that managed to get you out of some tight spots over the years. + 4 to instinct rolls
[X] Prince Charming?: Despite your troubles at understanding others it has come up once or twice that it was never your looks that kept people away...or so your told.
+1 Charisma and another +2 Charisma when interacting with the opposite gender
You might want to give that plan a name?
Also, which stats do Instinct, Intimidation, Deception, Restraint use?
Instinct falls under Body so it uses both Might + Con, Intimidation falls under Presence or Might depending on the action, Deception is Mind so same deal as Instinct, and Restraint is Will.

Also thanks for pointing out the mistakes and I'm thow out a tip the Guardian Spirit in Wyoming will work off of some of your stats so consider what you guys think it's going to be and how things work in Shaman King.
I say we buff our Presence and Constitution to make us into a proper zombie.

Maybe add Scary Face, Iron Gullet and lithe and graceful for the full zombie package?

[X] Plan: Fast Zombie Mode
-[x] Stats
+1 Might
+2 Constitution
+3 Presence
-[x] Traits
--[x] Scary Face
--[x] Iron Gullet
--[x] Lithe & Graceful

cant find a younger pic which fit. So yeah.

Edit: Is it me, or am i messing up the plan format? It doesnt look right to me.
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Well, I might as well provide the info dump for the uninitiated. Shaman King is a manga/anime series based around the concept of "Shamans," people who can connect with the world of spirits and gods. Generally, this manifests as the ability to perceive and communicate with Ghosts, Spirits and various other types of supernatural and paranormal phenomena. There are many types of Shamans, each with their own unique techniques and abilities. Some can contact spirits that have passed on. Others can predict the future to a certain extent. However, every shaman does possess a few baseline abilities once they reach a certain level of strength.

The first is the Mochirei, also known as the "Guardian Spirit" or "Guardian Ghost." They are the shaman's spiritual partner, often assisting them in a variety of ways. They can be anything from deceased humans to nature spirits and even gods. The power of a shaman and their guardian spirit is linked, as the shaman becomes more powerful, the stronger their spirit becomes, and vice versa. They are a necessary prerequisite to most of the techniques a shaman is capable of. The relationship between a shaman and their Mochirei is as varied as the different types of relationships between different humans. Some are treasured friends. Others are treated as slaves. However, in most cases, there is nothing binding about these types of partnerships and a guardian ghost can usually simply abandon their shaman if they wish to, nor is there anything stopping the shaman from possessing multiple Mochirei.

Furyoku and Reiryoku are Shaman King's power system, even if it's a somewhat rudimentary one. Furyoku, also known as "Mana," is a term used to determine the measure of sixth sense a person possesses as well as a catch-all term for the amount of spiritual energy a living organism possesses. Every single shamanic ability is dependent on the amount of Furyoku one possesses, including the basic ability to perceive and talk to ghosts. Having a higher than normal level of Furyoku is a prerequisite for becoming a shaman. While the amount of Furyoku that one possesses is predetermined upon birth, Furyoku can be increased through pseudo-death or near-death experiences, as it strengthens the shaman's connection to the world of spirits. Reiryoku is a term used to determine the spiritual power & strength that a ghost possesses. This power usually manifests itself in the form of various types of abilities, such as cryokinesis or telekinesis. The amount of Reiryoku a spirit possesses indicates how much furyoku a shaman must expend to use their abilites, the greater the Reiryoku of a spirit is, the greater the amount of Furyoku a shaman must use in techniques involving that spirit.

Oversoul, usually abbreviated as O.S., is the most widely used technique in Shaman King, and for good reason as it represents the ultimate form of Furyoku manipulation for a shaman. The Oversoul is the result of a Shaman placing his guardian ghost into an object that reflects them in some way, also known a medium, in order to create a powerful weapon or to manifest the ghost into the real world. By allowing their guardian ghost to possess the medium, the shaman actualizes the knowledge and memories of said ghost and allows their memories to manifest essentially as magical powers, allowing for feats such as spellcasting or paranormal effects. Oversouls possess durability and can be broken. Their durability and strength are reliant on how much Furyoku the shaman used in forming it, how well the medium reflects the ghost being used, as well as the shaman's level of concentration. The Oversoul uses up Furyoku when it is formed and when the shaman chooses to use more blatant supernatural abilities. More details about the Oversoul will be explained later.

The most basic form of the Oversoul is the Hyoui Gattai or the "Spirit Unity." Instead of using a medium to manifest the spirit into the real world, it uses the shaman's body and allows them to take over the body for as long as necessary. Because it is a form of possession and it doesn't manifest the spirits in the real world, this form of Over Soul barely uses Furyoku.

The Hitodama Mode, or "Spirit Ball Mode," is a universal form that ghosts and spirits take before performing any kind of Oversoul. When in this form the spirit takes the form of a small ball, sometimes with a fiery tail and only their faces and a few small details are present. Sometimes the Mochirei take this form even when they're not about to use Oversoul, most likely this is for them to take less space.
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you might wany yo have a [] in front of intimidating kid so its easier to copy past/type in

first ot was a a manga with a better storyline albeit marginally that ended with Team Ren and Yoh saving the earth from meteors
Plan intimidating kid
[X] Stats
+1 Constitution
+1 will
+1 Presence
+1 Insight
+2 Knowledge

[X] Scary Face: It has always been so easy for you to scare others, just moving your smile a certain way and getting your head in front of some light has always been your favorite way to do it.
+2 to intimidation rolls and -1 general Charisma rolls
[X] Gut Sense: You've always had this sixth sense that managed to get you out of some tight spots over the years. + 4 to instinct rolls
[X] Prince Charming?: Despite your troubles at understanding others it has come up once or twice that it was never your looks that kept people away...or so your told.
+1 Charisma and another +2 Charisma when interacting with the opposite gender


Also TimED Why do you want him to look like a Corpse I mean Zombies are literally Corpses Bailong got his individuality back via Fluke
this is time dor some metagaming and Instinct is prolly gonna be a key thing and we need all the presence help we can get without makng ourselves even more unsettling since shaman fight is in TEAMS usually also gaurded heart will likely apply to our Gaurdian Ghost meaning we stunt our ablity to bond with what will essentially be our best bro ever
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[X] Leek01

So glad that theres shaman king quest. When I was younger I remember watching it constantly when it aired on Jetix. Remember thinking Anna was meanes person ever and ephatising with Morty as I was a bullied kid back then.
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[X] Plan: Synergy
-[x] Stats
-- Might +1
--Constitution +2
-- Will +1
-- Presence +2
-[x] Traits
--[x] Wild Child: You always hated being cooped up inside, being outdoors and exploring the wild has always been able to set your mind at ease. Guess that says something about you huh? +1 to Might and Will, -2 to civilized rolls
--[x] Lithe & Graceful: Your body had always been a bit too far on the thin side of things, but wasn't much helping it since the doctors could never find anything wrong with you. On the bright side, it made it harder for others to catch you. +4 to Dodge and Speed rolls, -1 to Con and Might
--[x] Honest Heart: You've always had your heart on your sleeve and in turn the ability to read other's intent...even if it made you a little bit blunt.
+3 to Empathy Rolls and +2 to Insight, -5 to deception rolls

This was made with possible synergies in mind. "Wild Child" and "Lithe and Graceful" are almost given to be synergies, since that's how predators, especially feline ones like lions and tigers, are described in fiction. If that doesn't work, "Wild Child" and "Honest Heart" could synergize due to how they would both result in Bryan ignoring social niceties and politeness at times. Plus, the bluntness that Honest Heart and Wild Child gives us seem like a fun character trait that could lead to some fun moments down the line. I mean, come on, tell me I'm not the only one who wants to know how Honest Heart would work with Blank Face Silent Protagonist Syndrome?

We also get the "living dead" aspect of our character from our high Constitution and Presence: we have very high pain tolerance and we have a very strong connection to the spirit world.

Stats we'd end up with.
Body 8
- Might 3
- Con 5
Soul 9
- Will 3
- Presence 6
Mind 5
- Insight 3
- Knowledge 2

Also, question to anyone who'd like to offer their opinion, should I get Gut Instinct for the possible synergies with Wild Child, Lithe and Graceful, and Iron Gullet? Or should I just bump our Presence and Constitution up to 6?
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gut instinct since quite a few fighters are sneaky look at faust he tricked yoh big time their first fight

also are you including manga with more elemental spirits on par with SOF
Nice Plan @Birthday Although I do have some questions, first what happened to the 4 other stat points to distribute? I see two were use on Presence and Constitution, but were are the other four? Second why do you have four traits marked when there was only 3 points? Also finally by what you'd pick you forgot to take points off of Might and Con due to Lithe's debuff
Nice Plan @Birthday Although I do have some questions, first what happened to the 4 other stat points to distribute? I see two were use on Presence and Constitution, but were are the other four? Second why do you have four traits marked when there was only 3 points? Also finally by what you'd pick you forgot to take points off of Might and Con due to Lithe's debuff
Sorry, I thought we had 6 points to distribute between stats and traits. My bad. I'll fix it.
gut instinct since quite a few fighters are sneaky look at faust he tricked yoh big time their first fight

also are you including manga with more elemental spirits on par with SOF
If you mean the other four spirits than yeah they'll be a thing, but probably won't be involved for a long while.

Also while I have this up I'm surprised not a single plan uses Modern Giant for the Body Re-Roll it gives.
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