Shadows Of The Cold War (Supersoldier Squad Quest)

Prologue - Arming Up
(Character Sheet Updated!)

"Artillery huh?" ADROCKER remarks as he sweeps a hand over to the table laden with gear, "Okay, there's not much here, but you should be able to find something that you can use. I don't think I need to remind you, but you better grab a secondary and some body armor, otherwise you're not gonna last long."

The Sleeper nodded, short white hair shifting as ADROCKER went over the dossier in his head mentally.

Name unknown, hair color was a side-effect of the implanting of the alien tech that allowed for the creation of blocks of concrete-hard blocks of unknown material, code name was listed according to the dossier as...

[]Blue Hornet
[]Green Hammer
[]Grey Diamond
[]Write In: (Must be a color and a single random word that can be said in one breath.)

Every program has different code-naming conventions. ADROCKER is an example of an MKJESTER codename while Buccaneer is an example of a Nectar V codename. Grey Dust, in this case, uses the British military project naming convention of a color and a random word to confuse any intelligence-gathering efforts. Last Light simply uses a random word. Other projects will of course follow different conventions.

The Sleeper meanwhile, had walked over to the table and quickly found their primary weapon.

[]An RPG-7 with HE Rockets
-[]And HEDP Rockets
-[]They didn't grab any additional ammo.

[]An MSGL-40 Grenade Launcher with HE Grenades
-[]And Flashbangs
-[]And Canister Shells
-[]And Flame Cartridges
-[]And Tear Gas
-[]They didn't grab any additional ammo.

Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers where available and Shotguns are entirely reliant on what ammunition is loaded into them. All weapons come with infinite reloads to save on book-keeping. Ammunition for these weapons are an inventory item.

With their chosen weapon slung over one shoulder, they proceeded to grab a secondary weapon from the table which in this case was...

[]An Uzi
[]An M1014 Shotgun with AP Slugs
[]An M1911 Pistol
[]An AKM Assault Rifle

Always have a secondary weapon in case your primary/specialised weapon cannot be used safely.

The Sleeper also grabbed one of the spare Melee weapons ADROCKER had managed to bring down here before going to wake them up...

[]They grabbed a Combat Knife
[]They grabbed a Sword
[]They grabbed a Machete
[]They grabbed a Riot Shield (Can vote for another melee weapon or use with a pistol.)

Having a melee weapon will be good for emergencies.

"You good to go?" ADROCKER asked and The Sleeper nodded, "Okay, let's get the hell out of here before the hostiles box us in." Exiting the room, the two supersoldiers took off at a jog down the corridor, until they reached a fork, the sounds of gunfire coming from both directions as ADROCKER grimaced, "Shit, they must have bypassed the team. Okay, which way should we go?"

[]Go Left (Combat Tutorial)
[]Go Right (Powers Tutorial)

This really just decides which one I start off with first. :p
[X]Green Hammer
[X]An MSGL-40 Grenade Launcher with HE Grenades
-[X]And Tear Gas
[X]An M1014 Shotgun with AP Slugs
[X]They grabbed a Sword
[X]They grabbed a Riot Shield (Can vote for another melee weapon or use with a pistol.)
[X]Go Left (Combat Tutorial)
[X]Green Hammer
[X]An MSGL-40 Grenade Launcher with HE Grenades
-[X]And Tear Gas
[X]An M1014 Shotgun with AP Slugs
[X]They grabbed a Sword
[X]They grabbed a Riot Shield (Can vote for another melee weapon or use with a pistol.)
[X]Go Left (Combat Tutorial)
[X]Grey Diamond

[X]An RPG-7 with HE Rockets
-[x]And HEDP Rockets
[X]An Uzi
[X]They grabbed a Machete
[X]Go Right (Powers Tutorial)
[X]Green Hammer
[X]An MSGL-40 Grenade Launcher with HE Grenades
-[X]And Tear Gas
[X]An M1014 Shotgun with AP Slugs
[X]They grabbed a Sword
[X]They grabbed a Riot Shield (Can vote for another melee weapon or use with a pistol.)
[X]Go Left (Combat Tutorial)
[X]Grey Diamond
[X]An MSGL-40 Grenade Launcher with HE Grenades
-[X]And Tear Gas
[X]An M1014 Shotgun with AP Slugs
[X]They grabbed a Sword
[X]They grabbed a Riot Shield (Can vote for another melee weapon or use with a pistol.)
[X]Go Left (Combat Tutorial)
[X]Green Hammer
[X]An MSGL-40 Grenade Launcher with HE Grenades
-[X]And Tear Gas
[X]An M1014 Shotgun with AP Slugs
[X]They grabbed a Sword
[X]They grabbed a Riot Shield (Can vote for another melee weapon or use with a pistol.)
[X]Go Left (Combat Tutorial)
Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Gideon020 on Jun 23, 2017 at 10:47 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.
Prologue - Firefight
(Character Sheet Updated!)

The Sleeper quickly grabbed a grenade launcher and grenades before also slinging a shotgun onto her back with a sidepack full of AP slugs, clipping a sword to her waist before slinging a riot shield over one shoulder as ADROCKER looked on.

[]She staggered a little, she was clearly carrying too much equipment.
[]She shifted her body, the weight not bothering her. (Spend a Specialization Point to increase Max Bulk.)
[]She decided to dump a piece of equipment.
-[]Write In:

Pay attention a character's Max Bulk in their character sheet. Going over that weight limit in equipment will impose penalties if the weight is too high.

"You good to go?" ADROCKER asked and The Sleeper nodded, "Okay, let's get the hell out of here before the hostiles box us in." Exiting the room, the two supersoldiers took off at a jog down the corridor, until they reached a fork, the sounds of gunfire coming from both directions as ADROCKER grimaced, "Shit, they must have bypassed the team. Okay, which way should we go?"

The Sleeper pointed left, finally speaking in a quiet voice, "That way, it leads to an emergency evacuation tunnel, past the motorpool, if we cross the main atrium."

"Motorpool?" ADROCKER muttered as he keyed his radio, "Rocker to team, the Sleeper knows of an evac route in the atrium area, says it's in the motorpool past there."

"The sealed doorway...all right, we'll pull back to the Atrium and try and get that door open. Right now, focus on linking up with us."

"Got it, we're on our way." ADROCKER replied before looking at The Sleeper, "Okay, here's the plan, uh..."

"Green Hammer." The Sleeper replied simply, "Formerly of 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment."

ADROCKER whistled, "All right, so you know your stuff. Good to know, so let's get moving." Green Hammer nodded as ADROCKER took point, the senior operative checking his MP5, sidearm, and frag grenades, "Sorry about the lack of protection, but we're under the clock here and I wasn't able to grab any spare body-armor."

"It's fine," Green Hammer replied, "I'll be staying back and in cover anyway." Hefting the grenade launcher, she disengages the safety and prepares for the battle ahead.

Armor has two stats, the Base and the Minimum Value, represented as xB/xM on their gear stats. Base armor is the value used for defending against bullets and melee strikes while Minimum armor is used to defend against AOE effects such as explosions, and environmental hazards. All characters, when not wearing armor, have 2 Base/2 Minimum armor, which of course is insufficient to defend against a gun or knife.

-Battle Track: Skirmish-
The two supersoldiers exited the corridor into a raging gun battle taking place with a storage warehouse between soldiers in military uniforms and men and women dressed more roughly, marking them clearly as mercenaries.

"Shit!" ADROCKER spat as he took cover behind a shipping contained with Green Hammer, "The exit's across the warehouse if we want to reach the exit and reach the atrium, but there's no way we can just fight our way past these Octagon mercs and British troops."

"Wait, British?" Green Hammer spins towards ADROCKER who nods grimly.

"Some SIS-based group known as The Circus; they've only got one mission and that's to wipe out anything to do with the Pariah Treaty, including Sleepers like us. It was a lucky thing we found this place before them, otherwise you'd have been shot dead inside the cryo-chamber by now." He glanced towards Green Hammer who was shaking her head in disbelief, "I ain't lying. They don't think you're a loyal soldier of the British Army anymore, as far as The Circus is concerned, you're a deadly loose end that has to be eliminated."

"Bastards..." Green Hammer's hand clenched, "They told me I'd be a hero..."

"You will be, if you're willing to join up with us when we get you out of here." ADROCKER stated as he took another look, "Okay, I think we can-"

"Over there! Target One!" The two turned to see a group of soldiers taking up position, "Fire!"

Green Hammer dove behind a set of crates as ADROCKER ducked behind a wrecked forklift, "Dammit! Take them out!"

Tactical Assessment:
-Green Hammer

-5x British Royal Marines: Two marines (Marine 1, Marine 2) are three meters away from the remaining three at the back (Marine 3, Marine 4, Marine 5) with roughly 3 meters separating each group due to the tightly-packed shelving areas.

Combat Area:
Densely packed section of warehouse littered with crates and rundown machinery, providing a lot of cover.

"All right! Come and get it, you fuckers!" ADROCKER shouted as he fired off a burst from his MP5 at one of the soldiers. The submachine-gun rattling of a krakakak as he squeezed the trigger as soon as he got a bead on one.

Target: British Royal Marine 4

ADROCKER Rapid Fire Roll: [1d12+3] = 11+3 = 14,[1d8+3] = 8+3 = 11,[1d8+3] = 3+3 = 6,[1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10

-Critical Success!

ADROCKER Damage Rolls: [3d6] = 10,[2d6] = 8,[2d6] = 5

Special Wound Effect: [1d8] = 4

Royal Marine 4 takes 3 wounds!

Royal Marine 4 has dropped his weapon!

ADROCKER quickly dropped back behind cover as he heard a shout, "Bravo 7 is hit!"

"Dammit, where'd his rifle go?!"

"Cover! Cover!"

Lets take this step by step shall we?

Every player has two actions, a Movement Action and an Attack Action that are the mainstay of combat operations. You can only do one of each.

ADROCKER targeted Royal Marine 4 and used his Attack Action to launch a Rapid Fire attack, using the MP5's Rapid Fire Dice of 3 to launch additional attacks in the same turn in order to maximize damage against his target. Each of the attacks that hit then went up against Royal Marine 4's body armour, which has a rating of 4/3.

Because of this, Royal Marine 4 received three wounds out of a maximum of 4.

Furthermore, one of the damage rolls was an Odd Number, which prompted a Special Effect roll on 1d8, rolling a 4 which is a Dropped Weapon result. Royal Marine 7 is now badly wounded and has lost his SA80 assault rifle.

After that, ADROCKER used his movement action to move behind the cover of the forklift to deny line of sight to him, but this also means he has to expose himself to shoot afterwards.

Green Hammer wasn't idle as she checked her grenade launcher and took aim at the two Marines closest to their position, before firing the grenade launcher with a loud thunk as the 40mm shell flew.

Target: Royal Marine 1

Green Hammer Single Shot: [1d12+3] = 10+3 = 13

Result: Critical Hit!

Green Hammer Damage Roll: [5d4] = 10

Royal Marine 1 is wounded!

Royal Marine 2 is caught in the blast radius!
Royal Marine 3 is caught in the blast radius!
Royal Marine 4 is caught in the blast radius!
Royal Marine 5 is caught in the blast radius!

Blast Damage Rolls: [4d4] = 6, [2d4] = 5,[2d4] = 5,[2d4] = 3

Royal Marine 2 is wounded!
Royal Marine 3 is wounded!
Royal Marine 4 has been killed!
Royal Marine 5 takes no damage!

Royal Marine 3 suffers a special wound effect!

Special Wound Effect: [1d8] = 5

Royal Marine 3 has been Dazed! Overwatch action removed! Movement Actions disabled!

The explosion rips through the group of soldiers, knocking them down from the blast wave and Green Hammer sees that one of them isn't getting back up.

"Shit! Bravo 7 is dead! I repeat, Bravo 7 is dead!"

"Bravo 9's taken a bad hit!"

"Dammit, is he-"

"No sir, still breathing but he's not moving!"

"I...I can still fight sir!"

"Good man!"

All damage rolls cause 1 wound when they breach armor.

Weapons with the 'Blast' keyword such as rockets and grenades cause damage radiating out from the point of detonation. For every meter that other targets are away from the blast radius, they take reduced damage.

However, explosives and flamethrowers along with certain more advanced weapons use the Minimum Armor value to cause damage. Always be careful when engaging someone with such weapons.

Royal Marine 3 is now Dazed. This means that the marine cannot do anything but launch attacks, their overwatch action has been removed, and they cannot move without making a test to remove that condition. If they take another Dazed condition, they will become Stunned and thus be unable to do anything unless treated in the field.

Green Hammer quickly rolled back behind cover as as hail of gunfire was turned towards the two supersoldiers, bullets striking the metal crate and forklift.

Royal Marines Rapid Fire Roll: [1d10+2] = 9+2 = 11, [1d8] = 4, [1d8] = 8


Royal Marine Damage Roll: [1d10] = 10,[1d6] = 3

Green Hammer has been wounded!

Special Wound Effect: [1d8] = 5

Green Hammer has been Dazed!

"Gah!" Green Hammer shrieked as a bullet punched through the steel and slashed across the side of her head, knocking her over before she shakily forced herself back to a seated position, the world blurring and spinning from the wound.

What can happen to your enemies, can also happen to you. Thankfully, you can attempt to recover from Conditions like Dazed with a test against a particular attribute with a difficulty of 7.

Shaking her head, Green Hammer tried to concentrate and get back to her feet as ADROCKER shouted over to her, "Hey! Stay down!"

Recovery Attempt: [1d10+4] = 7+4 = 11

Dazed Condition removed!

Vision clearing and her legs feeling less wobbly, Green Hammer quickly recovered and took position. As she took position, she quickly slung the grenade launcher out of the way, pulling the shotgun into her hands and thumbing off the safety.

Swapping weapons and ammunition types is a free action.

Green Hammer and ADROCKER are locked in combat against 4 British Royal Marines in a section of the bunker's underground warehouse space.

They need to bypass or eliminate this group of soldiers in order to progress towards the exit while the Royal Marines and Mercenaries wage battle.

ADROCKER has an MP5A3, a Machete, Combat Armor, Three Frag Grenades and 2 Flashbangs.

Green Hammer has the grenade launcher with HE and Teargas grenades, shotgun, sword and shield. She has no armor.

[]Write In:

[x] Plan: Flashy Tears

[X] She shifted her body, the weight not bothering her. (Spend a Specialization Point to increase Max Bulk.)

[x] Write In:
- [x] ADROCKER is to switch to a Flashbang and throw it at the clump of Marines.
- [x] Green Hammer is to load or switch grenade type to Teargas and launch it at the Marines at the same time.
- [x] ADROCKER after taking cover and guarding against the explosions will switch to his MP5A3 and start shooting at the Bastards using Aimed Burst Shots.
- [x] Green Hammer meanwhile will switch to her Shotgun loaded with AP slugs and provide Overwatch for Murphy's unforeseen interference.
- [x] If the battle ends see if they can loot something useful out of the corpses, if not or pressed for time, GTFO.

@Gideon020 is this write-in valid? First time doing this.

Edit: if it wasn't for veekie, I'd forgot that we can change our Bulk gain. :oops:
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[X]She shifted her body, the weight not bothering her. (Spend a Specialization Point to increase Max Bulk.)
[X] Plan Stunning Barrage
-[X] ADROCKER uses Flashbang on marines
-[X] Green Hammer uses HE grenade on marines
-[X] While Marines are coping with the double impact, close in with shield for cover while ADROCKER uses the MP5A3

Looking at the stats, the weight is worth it for the riot shield, though we could drop a change in ammo.
[X]She shifted her body, the weight not bothering her. (Spend a Specialization Point to increase Max Bulk.)
[X] Plan Stunning Barrage
-[X] ADROCKER uses Flashbang on marines
-[X] Green Hammer uses HE grenade on marines
-[X] While Marines are coping with the double impact, close in with shield for cover while ADROCKER uses the MP5A3
[X]She shifted her body, the weight not bothering her. (Spend a Specialization Point to increase Max Bulk.)
[X] Plan Stunning Barrage
-[X] ADROCKER uses Flashbang on marines
-[X] Green Hammer uses HE grenade on marines
-[X] While Marines are coping with the double impact, close in with shield for cover while ADROCKER uses the MP5A3
Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Gideon020 on Jun 24, 2017 at 9:54 PM, finished with 6 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] She shifted her body, the weight not bothering her. (Spend a Specialization Point to increase Max Bulk.)
    [X] Plan Stunning Barrage
    -[X] ADROCKER uses Flashbang on marines
    -[X] Green Hammer uses HE grenade on marines
    -[X] While Marines are coping with the double impact, close in with shield for cover while ADROCKER uses the MP5A3
    [x] Plan: Flashy Tears
    [x] Write In:
    - [x] ADROCKER is to switch to a Flashbang and throw it at the clump of Marines.
    - [x] Green Hammer is to load or switch grenade type to Teargas and launch it at the Marines at the same time.
    - [x] ADROCKER after taking cover and guarding against the explosions will switch to his MP5A3 and start shooting at the Bastards using Aimed Burst Shots.
    - [x] Green Hammer meanwhile will switch to her Shotgun loaded with AP slugs and provide Overwatch for Murphy's unforeseen interference.
    - [x] If the battle ends see if they can loot something useful out of the corpses, if not or pressed for time, GTFO.
Prologue - Pushing Through
"New plan." Hammer spoke up as she reloaded her grenade launcher, "We need to get in close and engage."

"Sounds like a plan I like." ADROCKER replied, "Flashbang and HE to get them off balance, take a few more out?"

"Affirmative," Hammer nodded, "You engage with the subgun, I'll take them in melee." She indicated the sword at her side and ROCKER nodded, pulling the flashbang from his combat webbing as Hammer cocked the grenade launcher, "On my go." She waited for several seconds before shouting, "GO!"

ADROCKER Throw Roll: [1d12+3] = 8+3 = 11

The flashbang flew through the air as ADROCKER pitched it like a baseball in the midst of the four regrouping soldiers before it detonated.

Royal Marine Resist Rolls: [1d10+3] = 9+3 = 12,[1d10+3] = 6+3 = 9,[1d10+3] = 5+3 = 8,[1d10+3] = 1+3 = 4

Marine 1 is Dazed!
Marine 2 is Dazed!
Marine 3 is Dazed and Weakened!
Marine 4 is Dazed and Weakened!

Only a Critical Success can prevent a flashbang from taking effect. Gear and Bionics can only increase the chances of gaining a Critical Success.

Hammer shielded her eyes as the flashbang detonated with a blinding flash, the soldiers recoiling as they were rendered blind and deaf momentarily, but that moment was long enough for Hammer to sling the grenade launcher into position and let loose a grenade into their midst.

Green Hammer Single Shot: [1d12+3] = 10+3 = 13

Result: Critical Success!

Green Hammer Damage Roll: [5d4] = 10

Marine 1 is wounded!
Marine 2 is wounded!
Marine 3 is wounded!
Marine 4 is wounded!

The explosion, going off right in the middle of the group, knocks the four soldiers off their feet as Green Hammer slings the grenade launcher and charges forward, drawing her shield and sword while ADROCKER readies his MP5, cracking off a burst of gunfire at one of the soldiers.

ADROCKER Rapid Fire Roll: [1d12+3] = 11+3 = 14,[1d8+3] = 4+3 = 7,[1d8+3] = 8+3 = 11,[1d8+3] = 3+3 = 6

Critical Hit!

ADROCKER Damage Rolls: [3d6] = 10,[2d6] = 7

Marine 2 takes 2 Wounds!

Marine 2 has been killed!

One of the soldiers takes the burst to the head and goes down as Green Hammer continues charging forward, one of the soldiers firing his rifle from the hip.

Royal Marines Rapid Fire Roll: [1d10+2] = 6+2 = 8, [1d8] = 3, [1d8] = 7


Royal Marine Damage Roll: [1d10] = 9,[1d6] = 4
Royal Marine Damage Roll: [1d10] = 7,[1d6] = 6

ADROCKER takes 2 Wounds!

The spray of fire catches ADROCKER in the chest, the FMJ rounds slicing through his armour but his job is done as Green Hammer appears in their midst.

Green Hammer Melee: [1d10+3] = 6+3 = 9

The blade flashes as the British supersoldier aimed for one of the enemy soldiers.

Green Hammer Damage Roll: [1d8] = 4,[1d6] = 1

Marine 1 takes a wound!

Marine 1 has been Immobilized!

The sword, striking low, slashes across the soldier's leg and drops him as the man screams in pain, before Green Hammer turns to see another soldier charging to attack with the bayonet on his rifle.

Royal Marine Melee Roll: [1d10+3] = 7+3 = 10

The blade slides across the riot shield with a screech, Green Hammer expertly parrying before lashing out with the sword.

Green Hammer Melee: [1d10+3] = 6+3 = 9

It quickly finds its mark.

Green Hammer Damage Roll: [1d8] = 6,[1d6] = 5

Marine 3 has been wounded!

Lashing across his chest, the sword bites deeply, drawing blood as Green Hammer twirls the blade and backs away from the two remaining soldiers.

ADROCKER chooses that moment to get back into the fray, firing another burst from his submachinegun.

ADROCKER Rapid Fire Roll: [1d12+3] = 4+3 = 7,[1d8+3] = 1+3 = 4,[1d8+3] = 5+3 = 8,[1d8+3] = 8+3 = 11


ADROCKER Damage Rolls: [2d6] = 7,[2d6] = 7

Marine 2 Takes 2 Wounds!

Marine 2 has been killed!

The burst of gunfire mows down the wounded soldier as Green Hammer slams into the other soldier and levels her sword at his throat, "Stand down!"

The surviving soldier, faced with a sword against his throat, nods slowly and releases his weapon, allowing the two wounded supersoldiers to make a dash for the exist as the battle continues around them.

"Shit." ADROCKER grimaces, "Gonna need a medic to get these out." He mutters while feeling his chest, "How about you?"

"No problems here." Green Hammer responds, ignoring the bleeding gash on her head since the blood wasn't getting into her eyes, "This way."

The state of the underground storage facility was clearly visible from the cracks and plant life that had infiltrated, along with the rust developing on several doors as ADROCKER frowned, "This is a lot of space just for one soldier."

"It wasn't one soldier." Green Hammer replied, "A Grey Dust operative was supposed to be attached to the Royal Navy's program, codenamed LEVIATHAN MOON." ADROCKER could hear the capitals in the name as Green Hammer continued, "A company of specially-made supersoldiers made from medical data acquired from the United States based on an extra-dimensional alien entity known common as a Necroanimated Haemovore."

ADROCKER stared blankly at Green Hammer, who shrugged, "Vampires. The US Army had a catch and study operation known as The Initiative that was based around the capture, conversion and utilization of extra-dimensional aliens as well as extra-dimensional energies, what the uninformed would call magic."

"Last I heard, the Initiative was still running, but under a different part of the black budget." ADROCKER replied with a nod, "Vampires huh? I remember something like that. A town in California called Sunnydale was on a major dimensional tear, resulted in a lot of things showing up along with nastier beasties."

Green Hammer snorted, "Just like the Yanks to plug a hole and forget about it. Tears like that are the reason for the occurence of natural predator-empowered beings."

ROCKER nodded, "Slayers right? I guess Grey Dust being part of the SIS would know about them."

"Bloody feckless Slayers and their Watchers." Was Green Hammer's only response.

The pair turned a corner and immediately dove for cover as a tracked vehicle opened fire with a heavy machinegun, forcing the pair behind a collapsed column, ADROCKER cursing, "Fuck, they got a Warrior inside. Hey, any chance you can create some cover to give us a path?"

Green Hammer turned her head slightly, "You were brief on my capabilities?"

"Old records, stole them from the Circus." ROCKER indicated the armored vehicle and soldiers firing on them, "That's them by the way, covert wing of the SIS, uses the Royal Marines and Special Boat Service to find and eliminate people like us, practically a crusade."

"Blimey." Green Hammer shook her head, "I had a feeling we'd clean up after ourselves but this is bloody ridiculous!" She glanced to the side, "Okay, give me a minute to concentrate."

Powers can be used at any opportunity and depending on the circumstances may not even require a roll to use the power. Of course, being under fire means this need a roll. Green Hammer has the Matter Creation power, allowing her to create blocks or basic shapes of a concrete-like material that at maximum size weight 6 tonnes and can float in water.

Focusing on a nearby gap in cover, Green Hammer felt the alien technology implanted in her chest come to life after decades of being in suspended animation, and following the training she had been given after implantation, activated the device.

Green Hammer Power Roll: [1d10+3] = 3+3 = 6

A block of material silently appeared where the gap had been, and Green Hammer breathed out, feeling the power thrumming in her chest.

"Good job, we should be able to get over to that area over there." ADROCKER spoke up and with a nod, Green Hammer followed him past the low cover, the block of material she created blocking the shots from the heavy machinegun as bullets pummeled the rocky substance, breaking off small chunks before Green Hammer held up a hand.

"Hold up, that's a large gap there."

ADROCKER nodded at seeing the gap, "Think you can fill that gap?"

Green Hammer nodded, "I can, but I'm going to have to push it." As she said this, Green Hammer began running through the mnemonic routines that immediately began overcharging the device in her chest, an uncomfortably-hot thrumming sensation now running through her as she felt her heartbeat increase in speed.

Green Hammer Power Roll: [1d10+3] = 5+3 = 8

Without a sound, two blocks of material appeared, blocking off possible avenues of fire for the soldiers suppressing the two.

Powers can be Boosted, sacrificing a move in combat to use your power with an enhanced effect. In this case, two blocks are made on a success instead of one.

"Go! Go!" ADROCKER shouted as the armored vehicle shifted its weapons to stitch bullets along the pair's path, the soldiers tossing grenades before spraying the area down with gunfire as ROCKER and Hammer threw themselves through the open door, scrabbling to their feet to continue running.

"So, this LEVIATHAN GREEN you were talking about." ADROCKER spoke up after several seconds of running, "What was it made to do?"

"Utilization of extra-dimensional alien biology to create naval infantry capable of diving down to directly engage submarines with explosives or hijack them when they surfaced for resupply." Green Hammer replied, "Ivan made his own version soon after in order to counter them, and I heard the US Navy had some kind of robotics or cybernetics project in the works for their SEALS before I was frozen."

"Think they survived?" ADROCKER asked, "The tubes were empty before I found you and we received houseguests."

Green Hammer shrugged, "Fucked if I know and I don't give a bloody damn's worth, the whole sorry lot of them were a bunch of right arseholes."

ADROCKER snorted as the pair turned a corner, reaching a large space that connected several other corridors, Green Hammer shifting her grenade launcher when she saw a group run inside, before ADROCKER pushed the barrel down, "Stand down, those are friendlies." He waved at the other four soldiers, "Over here!"

The four ran over, with the one in the lead, a woman, smiling, "Good to see you two made it. Which way is the evacuation tunnel?"

Green Hammer walked over to a large stone decoration and pulled aside a section to reveal a keypad, "Right here."

ADROCKER blinked, before his hand rose up to his face, "Of all the...You suspected that the Circus was listening in, right?"

Green Hammer shrugged, "That is the job of the Signal Corps and other electronic warfare units, I assume." With a few taps the keypad beeped, causing the statue to slowly shift back to reveal a dusty staircase, "Anyway, down here. We'll come out into the forest and should be clear of any further hostiles."

"Ugh, finally!" Whined a younger-looking woman while the other two men just rolled their eyes, "Like, I dunno about you guys, but it's a serious drag being around all these Circus and Octagon lame-o's, so let's jet!"

Green Hammer blinked as the young woman casually headed down the staircase before shrugged, "Whatever she said."

The walk through the evacuation tunnel, thankfully lit by emergency power after the stone decoration slid back into place, was quiet and peaceful; it was the perfect opportunity for Green Hammer to get some answers.

[]Write In:

GM: Ask whatever questions you want and I'll fit as many as I can into the next update.
[X] Write In:
-[X] "What year is it and how fares the world in broad strokes?"
-[X] "Does your group still loyal to its oaths and ideals in its own way, despite the fracas behind us?"
-[X] "Has your group extracted people like me to safety?"
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I don't think that these guys are British bryan...

In fact, I'm pretty sure they are American... or at least, American backed. See the fact that they got confirmation from the CIA in the first post.
I don't think that these guys are British bryan...

In fact, I'm pretty sure they are American... or at least, American backed. See the fact that they got confirmation from the CIA in the first post.

Damn. I was channeling how British our PC is, and miscommunication happened. Let me edit it.

Edit: Done. Also, please vote too.
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[X] Write In:
-[X] "What year is it and how fares the world in broad strokes?"
-[X] "Does your group still loyal to its oaths and ideals in its own way, despite the fracas behind us?"
-[X] "Has your group extracted people like me to safety?"

Drawing a blank on questions unfortunately