Shadows in the City of Light-Occult Espionage Gumshoe (Not Recruiting)

So Green, what're you thinking for what we do next? The specialists sound worrying, and we've grabbed the low hanging fruit, so I'm leaning on leaving before they arrive and hitting the camera footage.
So Green, what're you thinking for what we do next? The specialists sound worrying, and we've grabbed the low hanging fruit, so I'm leaning on leaving before they arrive and hitting the camera footage.

Sounds good yeah. We're not CSI specialists, and we don't want to be stuck here long enough for someone to get suspicious about us.
Hm, can we spend Infiltration to sneak off before we get spotted by the angry half demonic llusionist?
And thus does Sancha conduct a dread necromantic rite to bring a semblance of life back to this deceased game.

Begin the rite of GM summoning.
I would be moderately interested in a resurrection ritual for this fallen game.