The Curious Fan
Perpetually sleep deprived
[ ] Nothing. You fought the first thing on your own. You'll fight this too. - Yeah, no. Prior experience with Zerban implies to me we need to make a serious commitment here, otherwise we're screwed.
"Adrian come in, the mission's scrubbed! Spirit activity's increased massively and we can't hold out forever! Tell us where you are and we'll come extract you!"
The newcomer pauses. Your commlink hums and buzzes as if about to tear itself apart. Your heart in your mouth, scarcely daring to breathe, you expose yourself by inches to peer around the corner. Hoping your camouflage holds.
"Adrian come in! Adrian we have to move before-"
...It's the others who will probably bite the bullet and get injured or killed if we take too long. We need to finish this quickly.
EDIT: On second thought, we'll probably also get fucked up in an unknown fashion by whatever this guy's about to hit us with.
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