Sensing Marvels: SV Version (A Marvel Quest)

Voting closed!

Winning Results!

[12] Since you found that old book. (Too bad you can only read a page out of it.)
[7] Check out the noise.
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Butting In
Butting In

You shouldn't, you know you shouldn't.

This was New York, you minded your own damn business. Especially when there was a way to high chance of being set on fire by someone in that alley, this was District X after all.... And yet there was this nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to go and check it out.

You reeeally hated how curious you were sometimes.

The alley, like most, smelled foul and echoed the sound of the argument ahead.

"-fucked up!" You hear, the words becoming clearer as you get closer.

"I said it wasn't my fault."

"You lost the damn package! You know how much this is going to cost us!? What Kaufman could do to me!?"

"I told you I didn't lose it! I know where it is!" A more feminine voice said, voice hollow sounding as if she were stretching her lips. "Besides, I told you I didn't want any part of this!"

"Tough! We need the money!"

As you advance you get your first look at the arguing pair, a man with glowing skin and a girl who's jaw looked like it belonged on a shark, and they got a look at you. First the girl with the wide jaw and then the glowing man.

"What do you want, get out of here!" The man shouted, his luminescent skin glowing all the brighter with his anger.

[] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[] But in some more to-
--[] Tell the glowing guy to back off.
--[] See if you can't help them find the package.

You finally made it to the park, things had gotten a little tense a while ago but that was over... for the moment. You weren't sure what would come from the decision you've just made but you decided to put it out of your mind for the a while. Instead you wanted to focus on what you had come to do.

To move a full at speed, to move freely, for the first time since you've discovered that old book at the thrift shop.

You've only really practiced the spell in your own room, watching your body move faster than it even had the right to... You've slammed a few too many times against the walls for your own comfort. You were hoping this open space would let you avoid any more of such accidents.

So, after stashing your backpack in what you hoped was a good enough hiding spot, you made you way to the jogging trail. It was smaller than you had hoped but it would have to do.

Stretching lightly you began to take in a bit of the world's ambient power and guide it under your own will and power. Twisting the energy into an action, into a function, into a word. "~Haste~"

A singsong version the word twisted from you lips with a foreign tone and pronunciation, and it lite the air around you with a brief white flare of power. A breath later you were racing down the paved road fast enough to beat the cars in the streets.

From what you understood in your book, what you could read anyway, you were now moving five times faster than you normally would. Five times faster than you physically could.

It was exhilarating.

Too bad it only lasted for thirty seconds. Something you remedied once you caught your breath.

Once you had your fill of running, mostly because of the sweat, you decided to head home.

What do you do once you get home?
[] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[] if you can improve your 'speed' spell
--[] if there is another spell you could work through
[] See if there's a site on the internet that could cover some of the basics, like a how to book or something
[] Try and see if there was a place in the city that could help you learn more about magic
[] other (write in)

SB and QQ hopefully up within the day.​
[X] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell

Faster now, more magic later.
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[X] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell
[X] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell
[X] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell

I want my super speed god damn it.
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[X] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell
[X] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if there is another spell you could work through

While getting more speed is nice, I want to try for Predestignation.
[X] But in some more to-
--[X] Tell the glowing guy to back off.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell
[X] But in some more to-
--[X] Tell the glowing guy to back off.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see.
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell.
[X] But in some more to-
--[X] Tell the glowing guy to back off.
[X] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[X] if you can improve your 'speed' spell
Voting Closed!

Winning results!

[6] This does not seem like something you want to be involved in.
[9] Try to read more of the book again to see
--[8] if you can improve your 'speed' spell
The Old Book
The Old Book
It was an old thing bound with leather that has cracked with age and it had instantly garnered you attention at the thrift store. You had the strange little hobby of 'Diary collecting' or 'Journal hunting' where, like the hobby's title suggest, you go out and search for other people's diaries. It was always a bit surprising how many diaries and journals you found at various used book stores, thrift shops and yard sales you went to but you didn't complain.

In fact you were thankful.

You've always thought that these collections of private thoughts and bits of daily life to be some of the greatest things you've ever read. Not only were they usually genuine and raw, when the person didn't think they were the next big fill in the blank, but you learned things. Some times it was as simple as a new way to remove a stain or a great little hole in the wall restaurant but other times... Let it just be said there were a lot history and science buffs out there.

There were also a lot of nuts out there. Which was why you saw all those strange symbols written over the pages of the journal you didn't bat an eye, in fact you got a bit of excitement over it. It was another coded journal to try and crack and those were always fun, like a great big puzzle book. Sure you didn't always figure it out but it was fun to try.

But this new book, the Old Book, was different. It's pages filled with a scrawled mess of symbols you remember from movies and history class. Egyptian hieroglyphics, Greek letters, Norse runes, and a few symbols from the far east you couldn't place. You honestly weren't sure where to start with the jumbled mess but... but the more you looked at some pages the clearer they would become.

Only little bits and pieces in most places, the bare mentions of a man's travels, but there was one page that you could read with crystal clarity. It was the page where you first discovered your magical potential and the spell 'Haste'.

It was also the page you had been staring at for what felt like hours hoping for some way to be faster, to increase your speed more than 5 times. Which was fast but you wanted to do better than out racing cars in city limits.

You simply could do better than that.

You thought you were making progress when that girl showed up, thinking that maybe she was a magical vision magic users were supposed to get, but you gathered nothing meaningful from your brief meeting. If anything it left you frustrated from that brief glimpse of hope she showed you.

So far the only progress you've made was learning that the journal's original owner thought, knew, it was possible to improve the spell but he wasn't sure how when he wrote that part of the journal. Which was irritating since you couldn't read the later parts of the journal yet.

*sigh* It's getting late, you can sleep on your problems and plan what you're going to do tomorrow.

What are you going to do tomorrow?:
[] Skip school and keep trying to drag more information from the book.
[] Go to school and after that
-[] Hang out with Julie and just relax
-[] Read the book some more
-[] Research more on magic via internet
[] Other (write in)​
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