Sensing Marvels: SV Version (A Marvel Quest)

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Welcome to a different kind of Quest, where your decisions here will effect the course in two...
Welcome to a different kind of Quest, where your decisions here will effect the course in two other quest and vice versa.

Your character is now psychically connected to two others, one being played on Space Battles and the other on Questionable Questing, and has to now navigate your way through an AU Marvel Universe that is becoming increasingly interested in you three. By working together you can survive but be warned there are beings out there who have become very interested in you three.

This Psychic connection between you three characters is based off of the Netflix series Sense8 where you can not only communicate with the people you are connected to but share emotions and skills, even has someone else take over the driver's seat to get you through a situation they could handle. Example of how this works below:

I hope we have fun!
It Begins!
Sensing Marvels​

It was the day of your 16th birthday and you had just seen something disturbing.

You weren't sure if it was some sort of nightmarish daydream or what but it left you feeling shaken.

What you had seen was a man, a teen really, dying before your eyes. Blood dribbling from his mouth as he met your eyes, surprised and resigned as he stared at you. His lips began to move, started to form words, but the world around the two of you began to blur. The scenery around the you began to shift around him at disorientating speeds.

Each change of scenery changing the man's position, and how you reacted for him. You weren't even sure what had happened first but the images came all the same.

You jumped when he appeared in the chair in front of you, making you spill your soup in your lap.
You ran towards him when you saw him hunched in an alley.
You paused in the crowd as you found him staring at you from across the street.

And then with a blink he was gone, in his place was a stranger. Two strangers. They stood to either side of you and every time you shifted your eyes from one to another your head started to spin.

Eventually, when your eyes settled, the three of you turned to each other and asked:

Who Are You?

[] Write in

[] male
[] female
[] other (write in)

City you live in(if the same power is picked by two sites the senior site wins)-
[] New York
[] Los Angeles
[] Houston
[] Chicago
[] London
[] Wakanda
[] Other

Powers (same as above):
[] Baseline/Average Human
[] Magic user
[] Psychic
[] Chi/Ki User
[] Genius
[] Other

If you have powers/abilities when did you get them:
[] Before the vision
[] After the vision
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[X] Vanessa Bonheur

[X] female

City you live in-
[X] New York

[X] Other
- [X] Luck

If you have powers/abilities when did you get them:
[X] Before the vision

An interesting concept for a quest, I enjoyed Sense8 so I hope this picks up. I can see a lot of interesting situations coming from this.
[X]David Dominic

[X] male

[X] New York

Powers (same as above):

[X] Other: Power Armor

If you have powers/abilities when did you get them:

[X] After the vision
[X] Vanessa Bonheur
[X] female
[X] London
[X] Magic user
[X] After the vision

Different skill-sets in each quest. I like it.
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[X]Tyler Davis

[X] male

City you live in-
[X] New York

[X] Other
- [X] Super Speed

If you have powers/abilities when did you get them:
[X] Before the vision

I've never seen a single super power quest were we get to have super speed and for the life of me i cant figure out why its an awesome power and i cant help but get excited when i think of all the things SV could do with super speed.
I've never seen a single super power quest were we get to have super speed and for the life of me i cant figure out why its an awesome power and i cant help but get excited when i think of all the things SV could do with super speed.
There is a disturbing lack of fics or quests wherein anything truly moves at sufficient velocity...
[X]David Dominic
[X] male
[X] New York
[X] Other
- [X] Super Speed
[X] Before the vision

Is the vote counted by plan or single choice?
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[X] Vanessa Bonheur
[X] female
[X] London
[X] Shapeshifting
[X] Before the vision

Shape shifters are awesome.
[X]Tyler Davis
[X] male
[X] New York
[X] Other
- [X] Super Speed
[X] Before the vision
[X] Aaditey Kharche
[X] Male
[X] New Delhi
[X] Other
-[X] Architecture and Constructs Alteration/Control
[X] Before the vision
[X]Tyler Davis
[X] male
[X] Houston
[X] Baseline/Average Human

Being the normal person in this trio could be interesting.
[X]Tyler Davis
[X] male
[X] New York
[X] Other
- [X] Speed Force
[X] Before the vision
[X] Vanessa Bonheur
[X] female
City you live in-
[X] New York
[X] Other
- [X] Luck
If you have powers/abilities when did you get
[X] Before the vision
[X] Wiess
[X] female
City you live in(if the same power is picked by two sites the senior site wins)-
[X] London
Powers (same as above):
[X] Chi/Ki user
If you have powers/abilities when did you get them:
[X] Before the vision

I had another character in mind but I can't remember it
Answer a question from QQ:

Question- Can they share their powers?

Answer- Abilities that are based upon skill, definitely. Everything else is a maybe/depends on the power.

Do you mean you found someone's power armor, kinda like Empowered, or that you're a genius who can make power armor?
found it
EDIT: Actually, scratch that. Make it ourselve
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[X]Tyler Davis
[X] male
[X] New York
[X] Other
- [X] Super Speed
[X] Before the vision
[X] Vanessa Bonheur
[X] female
[X] New York
[X] Other
- [X] Super Speed
[X] Before the vision

Super speed should be swell, and NYC is more well-known for those non-US SVers. :)
[X] Vanessa Bonheur

[X] female

City you live in-
[X] New York

[X] Other
- [X] Luck

If you have powers/abilities when did you get them:
[X] Before the vision
Last edited:
[X] Vanessa Bonheur
[X] female
[X] London
[X] Shapeshifting
[X] Before the vision