Selector Matched WIXOSS

"Yes, it wouldn't hurt to look around." Kina said. "However, I recommend that you do not fight another selector yet. While there is a reason the expression 'beginner's luck' exists, I'd rather you don't depend on it. Observe how a game of Wixoss is played, then play a few games yourself until you understand the rules and mechanics well enough. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions if you do not understand some aspects of the game."

The LRIG then paused for a few seconds, trying to hide a mischevious smile as she spoke the following words. "However, my assistance does not extend to classes. For that, you are your own Selector. Good luck!"
Momoka couldn't tell exactly how serious Kina was about that last part, but she almost swore she saw the LRIG's lips turned upward for a moment.

"Don't worry, I hadn't even considered the idea. I like to think I'm a fairly good student already, if I do say so myself," Momoka replied with, grinning cheerfully to herself.

"Anyways..." she began as her expression turned serious once more, "I'll listen to your advice. I'll try and watch someone else play, or at least practice using regular Wixoss before trying to find another Selector."
Miyako nodded to show her understanding. "Alright, it looks like the both of us are just going to need to keep out eyes open. Look, I'm starting to get into town, so do you mind if I put you away for now?"

Eris shrugged as Miyako made her request, indicating her general indifference and acceptance of the question that had been posed to her. "Sure," she agreed. "I could use the rest. Just don't forget about me if something exciting happens, alright?" Even if it wasn't a Selector Battle, half the fun was being able to see he stuff her Selector went thorough, after all.
Damn, I forgot. Sorry guys.
Masae's look deepened into a slight pout as she was greeted with Keiko's answer. "That seems silly," she pointed out as she took it in. It seems that she's a bit discontented by the news, but it isn't enough to get her down entirely. Even if she didn't know how long it would take, she would just need to work hard until she accomplished her wish.

The attempt to change the subject works a bit better as Masae stiffens momentarily, shifting away from where she had been sitting before and towards the edge of the bed itself, even while keeping her attention on Keiko for now. "School is going good, though I hope you haven't been sleeping through all of it," she answered. "It's a bit difficult juggling being a Selector and keeping up with my studies, but things aren't too bad right now."

Keiko chuckled at the mention of her favourite past time.

"Why would I not sleep through it? I'm a card. They don't accept card into colleges. Racism, I tell you."

Now that she thinked about it, Keiko'd never out much effort into learning about Masae beyond the absolute basic, perhaps now is a good time.

"So, tell me, do you have any friend at school?"
Eris shrugged as Miyako made her request, indicating her general indifference and acceptance of the question that had been posed to her. "Sure," she agreed. "I could use the rest. Just don't forget about me if something exciting happens, alright?" Even if it wasn't a Selector Battle, half the fun was being able to see he stuff her Selector went thorough, after all.
Taking Eris' compliance without a word, Miyako put her LRIG away. Now that she wasn't going to seem crazy for talking to her card, she started to head into the busier parts of town, actively seeking out people. One walk though a thick crowd, a few "accidental" bumps into some salary men, and she had a nice collection of new wallets filled with cash. Ducking into a back alley and making sure no one was there, Miyako quickly divested the wallets of their yen and tossed them into a nearby dumpster. For a moment she considered keeping the credit cards, methods of getting access to the accounts they were linked to flashing across her mind, but she decided that carrying around over five different credit cards, some from the same company, would be just as suspicious as carrying multiple male wallets if she got caught for some reason. Plus she didn't have the need or the resources to hack their accounts at the moment so the cards stayed in the wallets as the wallets went in the trash.

As Miyako exited the alleyway and began her search for somewhere to get breakfast, she thought about what she had just done. It hadn't been easy exactly, lifting those wallets had taken quite a bit of focus to get it right, but she had known what to do and how to do it well. So that meant training rather than natural talent. That still left the question if she was an actual thief or whether she just knew how to steal. There was a distinct lack of guilt so that probably meant that she was used to stealing and she didn't just pick it up on a whim or because she thought it was cool.

So it seemed that Miyako wasn't a very good person. She wasn't sure how to feel about that.
Momoka couldn't tell exactly how serious Kina was about that last part, but she almost swore she saw the LRIG's lips turned upward for a moment.

"Don't worry, I hadn't even considered the idea. I like to think I'm a fairly good student already, if I do say so myself," Momoka replied with, grinning cheerfully to herself.

"Anyways..." she began as her expression turned serious once more, "I'll listen to your advice. I'll try and watch someone else play, or at least practice using regular Wixoss before trying to find another Selector."

"That's good then," the LRIG answered. Her little joke aside, she was satisfied that her Selector had agreed to follow the advice she gave her. Hopefully the girl wouldn't take long to understand the basics and then they could start hunting other Selectors. Maybe there already were some in this school. Although, depending on how much they knew about the system, it could pose a problem but that was a risk worth taking.

"Is there anything else you'd like to ask me ?"
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"That's good then," the LRIG answered. Her little joke aside, she was satisfied that her Selector had agreed to follow the advice she gave her. Hopefully the girl wouldn't take long to understand the basics and then they could start hunting other Selectors. Maybe there already were some in this school. Although, depending on how much they knew about the system, it could pose a problem but that was a risk worth taking.

"Is there anything else you'd like to ask me ?"
"Actually... Today is the first time we've really talked with one another since we met. I was wondering if there's anything you wanted to tell me about yourself, or for me to tell you about myself? Since we're partners in this we should get to know each other better."
"Actually... Today is the first time we've really talked with one another since we met. I was wondering if there's anything you wanted to tell me about yourself, or for me to tell you about myself? Since we're partners in this we should get to know each other better."

Closing her eyes, Kina spoke. "Not really. My purpose here is to help make your wish come true by winning Selector battles. That and the fact that I'm, well, a talking card aside, there isn't anything else I can tell you about myself. "

With that said, the LRIG opened her eyes again and moved to the center of the frame. Hopefully the girl would be content with that answer.

"Now, about the second part of your question, I am willing to hear about you wish if you want to tell me about it. Although, it can wait later if it's not something you wish to speak of in public."
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Closing her eyes, Kina spoke. "Not really. My purpose here is to help make your wish come true by winning Selector battles. That and the fact that I'm, well, a talking card aside, there isn't anything else I can tell you about myself. "

With that said, the LRIG opened her eyes again and moved to the center of the frame. Hopefully the girl would be content with that answer.

"Now, about the second part of your question, I am willing to hear about you wish if you want to tell me about it. Although, it can wait later if it's not something you wish to speak of in public."
Momoka frowned slightly in disappointment at her LRIG's answer, but decided to let it go. If she didn't want to say any more about herself that was her choice.

"Right, I'll tell you about my wish later. It's... very personal. I'd rather not risk someone overhearing."
Momoka frowned slightly in disappointment at her LRIG's answer, but decided to let it go. If she didn't want to say any more about herself that was her choice.

"Right, I'll tell you about my wish later. It's... very personal. I'd rather not risk someone overhearing."

"Understandable. Although if it's something really personal, you can take as much time as you want before telling me. Or choose not to tell me at all. Either way, it's your choice and I shall respect it, no matter what it is."
"Ok then. As you might remember, we need to win enough battles in order for you to become an Eternal Girl. However, if we lose 3 times, the wish won't happen, ever, no matter how much you try."

"How many battles is enough?" There had be a set number, right? Kana didn't even want to consider the possibility of loosing either. No. With an opportunity like this; she shouldn't be so weak as to not take the chance. Even with those thoughts, it didn't really matter. Death would come the following year.

Win and live. Lose and die either way.

"You can quit whenever you want, just give me away to someone who sees me or don't fight, it's your choice."

"No. I'll do this."

With a sigh, "I'm going to go fetch a nurse. I need to get ready." Kana readily presses a call button. Soon, some overly preppy nurse arrives, squawks out the usual, robotic greeting 'How are you feeling, today, Onodera-chan?"

Snorting back, "Does it honestly matter at this point?"

". . . Would you, please, and kindly, help me get ready this morning? . . . I would like some fresh air today." Everytime Kana relied upon others this way; served to make her somewhat sick.

However, Kana is going to win and ultimately be better.

She has to be.


After the daily struggle was finally over and Kana herself had finally become situated, changed and seated. She couldn't help but be excited that she wasn't wearing patient drabs, but, real clothes! A black turtleneck, a modestly length tan skirt and, well, sandals. . .

Right, Yhana. Shooing away the nurses so that she may enjoy some privacy. Kana moved her wheelchair closer to the desk, "Sorry. I hope that didn't take too long. . ."

"How many battles is enough?" There had be a set number, right? Kana didn't even want to consider the possibility of loosing either. No. With an opportunity like this; she shouldn't be so weak as to not take the chance. Even with those thoughts, it didn't really matter. Death would come the following year.

Win and live. Lose and die either way.
"No. It will happen when it has to happen."

Or when Mayu decides to play with the poor girl, but that's another different thing. "As I said, you can quit-"
"No. I'll do this."

With a sigh, "I'm going to go fetch a nurse. I need to get ready." Kana readily presses a call button. Soon, some overly preppy nurse arrives, squawks out the usual, robotic greeting 'How are you feeling, today, Onodera-chan?"

Snorting back, "Does it honestly matter at this point?"

". . . Would you, please, and kindly, help me get ready this morning? . . . I would like some fresh air today." Everytime Kana relied upon others this way; served to make her somewhat sick.

However, Kana is going to win and ultimately be better.

She has to be.
... Ok, plans K to R, out. And all after S, too. All of those relied on make the Selector see what they had in their lifes and either convince to fight, or to stop. However... Kana's suffering was too much for those plans, and those would break her spirits, something that she didn't want... Not now, at least.
After the daily struggle was finally over and Kana herself had finally become situated, changed and seated. She couldn't help but be excited that she wasn't wearing patient drabs, but, real clothes! A black turtleneck, a modestly length tan skirt and, well, sandals. . .

Right, Yhana. Shooing away the nurses so that she may enjoy some privacy. Kana moved her wheelchair closer to the desk, "Sorry. I hope that didn't take too long. . ."
"... Not at all." Yhana said, keeping her composture. It was hard, but a princess had to know how to. "Now, we cannot start your road into an Eternal Girl without fighting someone else. I'm guessing the nurses won't let you leave the hospital, though..."

... Plan H it was. "If I have to guess, some other patients arround here must be Selectors. Us LRIGs always arrive to people with strong wishes, after all." And what better wish to be twisted for Mayu than the ones that would kill Selectors? That's why she targeted some hospitals, Yhana guessed; that woman was a psychopath.
After leaving the car and waving goodbye to my dad and sister, I sneak off to a corridor and pull out my deck. I then pulled Yori out. "Yori, I'm a little early, so maybe we can practice? What do you think?"

"Hmmm, that's probably a good idea. You're still new to this after all, so just go over the basics for now. If we can join with a WIXOSS club, that'll probably help improve your skills further. If we end up in a selector match before that, I'll do my best to help if you want to … oh crap I knew I was forgetting something!"

Yori's palm connected with her face " I knew I was forgetting something important. Listen, whatever happens, if you lose three selector battles, you'll lose your right as a selector, and I'll be passed on to someone else. It's kind of important, but…well, all we have to do is not lose, right?"

Yori looked out of her card at the Impressive building, letting out a small whistle. "So, this is your school huh? What's it like?"
"Hmmm, that's probably a good idea. You're still new to this after all, so just go over the basics for now. If we can join with a WIXOSS club, that'll probably help improve your skills further. If we end up in a selector match before that, I'll do my best to help if you want to … oh crap I knew I was forgetting something!"

Yori's palm connected with her face " I knew I was forgetting something important. Listen, whatever happens, if you lose three selector battles, you'll lose your right as a selector, and I'll be passed on to someone else. It's kind of important, but…well, all we have to do is not lose, right?"

Yori looked out of her card at the Impressive building, letting out a small whistle. "So, this is your school huh? What's it like?"
My face falls. "It'll suck to lose you, but I guess I just have to do my best, right?" I look up. "School's ... okay I guess. Mom and Dad say that I don't work hard enough because my grades aren't good enough. I've been trying, but they still get worse. And I haven't really made friends here. Still, maybe things will improve if I win. I guess joining a club would be good. I've seen other girls playing before. Should I go ... now? Or try working alone first?"

My face falls. "It'll suck to lose you, but I guess I just have to do my best, right?" I look up. "School's ... okay I guess. Mom and Dad say that I don't work hard enough because my grades aren't good enough. I've been trying, but they still get worse. And I haven't really made friends here. Still, maybe things will improve if I win. I guess joining a club would be good. I've seen other girls playing before. Should I go ... now? Or try working alone first?"

Yori rested her head on her hand, thinking. "Well, let's go now. It'll make things go faster, and if there's any problems, the other members will help us out. And who knows, you could even make a couple of friends there. If any selectors want to battle you, and you're still uncertain about you skill, you can refuse them."

"Oh, one more thing" she said "Less of the ' It WILL be a shame to lose you'. If you start thinking like that, you're already expecting the worst. Think 'It WOULD be a shame' instead. I mean," she posed, her manner obviously joking " It really would be a shame to lose such a talented, skilled and modest individual such as I… but seriously, don't worry about stuff like that, Okay?"
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"Understandable. Although if it's something really personal, you can take as much time as you want before telling me. Or choose not to tell me at all. Either way, it's your choice and I shall respect it, no matter what it is."
"It's only right that you get to hear what my wish is. It's what we're both going to be fighting for, after all," Momoka responded, giving Kina a warm smile.
Yori rested her head on her hand, thinking. "Well, let's go now. It'll make things go faster, and if there's any problems, the other members will help us out. And who knows, you could even make a couple of friends there. If any selectors want to battle you, and you're still uncertain about you skill, you can refuse them."

"Oh, one more thing" she said "Less of the ' It WILL be a shame to lose you'. If you start thinking like that, you're already expecting the worst. Think 'It WOULD be a shame' instead. I mean," she posed, her manner obviously joking " It really would be a shame to lose such a talented, skilled and modest individual such as I… but seriously, don't worry about stuff like that, Okay?"
I nod and steel myself. "Right. Got it. There's a card games club here. I'll go to their classroom and see if I can sign up. I guess I'll see you again soon."

I pack Yori and my deck away and head for the classroom.

"Haha, true. Hmm, do you have any idea on what's for breakfast?"

Miho was focused on the task at hand, at last finding some clothes to wear and shrugging them on with a bit of effort. Soon enough she was ready to go, and still eager for the day that was to come. It seemed that her natural energy held strong.

"I'm not sure," she muttered to herself before perking up. "Oh, maybe some pancakes! That would be good. Though, uh, I guess you don't have to worry about that sort of thing do you?" There was a bit of chagrin as she realized the impact her exuberance might have, but it didn't entirely fade away.

Keiko chuckled at the mention of her favourite past time.

"Why would I not sleep through it? I'm a card. They don't accept card into colleges. Racism, I tell you."

Now that she thinked about it, Keiko'd never out much effort into learning about Masae beyond the absolute basic, perhaps now is a good time.

"So, tell me, do you have any friend at school?"

For a moment Masae seems prepared to argue with this notion that Keiko had presented about the necessity of paying attention in school, but she quickly gave in to the point that had been presented. Keiko was a trading card after all, and even if she could talk it wasn't like she was ever going to need to learn stuff like math.

Lucky her.

"Good point," she noted with a sigh before addressing her other question, even as Masae herself stood up and prepared to get ready for the day ahead. Keiko's attempt to socialize was met with a warm smile, unexpected though it was. "I'd like to think I have at least a few friends. Emiko, Chisa, Yoka, to name a few. Though i am surprised. I think this is the first you've asked about my personal life beyond the basics."
For a moment Masae seems prepared to argue with this notion that Keiko had presented about the necessity of paying attention in school, but she quickly gave in to the point that had been presented. Keiko was a trading card after all, and even if she could talk it wasn't like she was ever going to need to learn stuff like math.

Lucky her.

"Good point," she noted with a sigh before addressing her other question, even as Masae herself stood up and prepared to get ready for the day ahead. Keiko's attempt to socialize was met with a warm smile, unexpected though it was. "I'd like to think I have at least a few friends. Emiko, Chisa, Yoka, to name a few. Though i am surprised. I think this is the first you've asked about my personal life beyond the basics."

A forced smile answered her, perfected from two years in the work.

I didn't really want to know who I'm screwing over, but I guess I'm too soft for that.

"I just wanted to know the girl I'm working with. " she lied smoothly." Your friends, they know about your talent, right? Recognize it?"

Why was she steering the conversation this way?
"True. But I wanted you to know that that option was also available." Kina answered. "Now then, is there anything else I can do for you, Selector ? Or will that be all for now ?"
"I think so. There's a lot of other people around, so it might be best if we stop talking for now," Momoka noted, glancing around to the crowd of students that were loudly making their way through the halls.
Miho was focused on the task at hand, at last finding some clothes to wear and shrugging them on with a bit of effort. Soon enough she was ready to go, and still eager for the day that was to come. It seemed that her natural energy held strong.

"I'm not sure," she muttered to herself before perking up. "Oh, maybe some pancakes! That would be good. Though, uh, I guess you don't have to worry about that sort of thing do you?" There was a bit of chagrin as she realized the impact her exuberance might have, but it didn't entirely fade away.
Azu winces slight at this, the reminder of her...current situation stinging her a bit, though she covers it up quickly with a smile and laugh that she hopes is convincing

"Haha! No, no, that sounds great...." was hard, knowing that the only way out of..this, was to trade places with Miho, Miho who didn't deserve this. No one did..

(( @Azecreth ))
A forced smile answered her, perfected from two years in the work.

I didn't really want to know who I'm screwing over, but I guess I'm too soft for that.

"I just wanted to know the girl I'm working with. " she lied smoothly." Your friends, they know about your talent, right? Recognize it?"

Why was she steering the conversation this way?

Keiko's card would be placed off to the side so Masae could go about preparing for school, quickly collecting her clothes and making sure her supplies were in her backpack. She wasn't going to leave homework behind if she could help it.

At the same time she answered another of Keiko's queries, wondering what had made her LRIG so talkative all of a sudden. "Well, I'm not that outstanding compared to everyone else when it comes to WIXOSS, if that's what you mean. As for my wish, they do as well. But they're my friends, it'd be silly if they didn't support me." Perhaps not something that everyone could say, but it seemed fairly obvious to her.

"Be right back." With that she exited the room, and soon Keiko would be able to hear the shower turn on from the nearby bathroom as she was left behind, to muse on what she had glimpsed from that brief interaction.

Azu winces slight at this, the reminder of her...current situation stinging her a bit, though she covers it up quickly with a smile and laugh that she hopes is convincing

"Haha! No, no, that sounds great...." was hard, knowing that the only way out of..this, was to trade places with Miho, Miho who didn't deserve this. No one did..

"Right." Miho recovered quickly from the gaffe and smiled anew, glad that her apology had been accepted and more than ready to get on with the day. "Let's go."

The door swung open, it would be a quick trip down the stairs, Miho holding Azu aloft so she could see where they were going as they soon arrived in the modest living room near the front door. "Here you go," she said with a smile as she propped up Azu's card against a decorative basket, allowing her to see the room and the nearby kitchen, which Miho headed to with a spring in her step. There she'd find her mother waiting for, and soon breakfast would begin, with Azu as the silent observer. And hey, she might not have gotten pancakes but she did get French toast.

I nod and steel myself. "Right. Got it. There's a card games club here. I'll go to their classroom and see if I can sign up. I guess I'll see you again soon."

I pack Yori and my deck away and head for the classroom.

Arriving at the classroom, Aiko would find that there was already a slowly congregating class there, most of them presumably unfamiliar to her. Not too much of a surprise honestly, given the nearing beginning of the school day. At least it had been easy enough to find.

If she lingered though she would soon find herself approached by the one of the boys already in the room, brown hair well taken care of and a light smile on his features. "Hey there, can I help you with something," he asked, standing next to one of the desks already there.
Arriving at the classroom, Aiko would find that there was already a slowly congregating class there, most of them presumably unfamiliar to her. Not too much of a surprise honestly, given the nearing beginning of the school day. At least it had been easy enough to find.

If she lingered though she would soon find herself approached by the one of the boys already in the room, brown hair well taken care of and a light smile on his features. "Hey there, can I help you with something," he asked, standing next to one of the desks already there.

"Er, hi!" I say. "Um, I see that you're all getting ready for class, but ... I was wondering ... This is the class used for the card game club, right? I was hoping to sign up. Do you know who I should speak to about that?"
