Selector Matched WIXOSS


Giant Monster All Out Attack
United States of America
In an unknown place, there was a room. It was bright, a bright white that was almost blinding in how intense it was on the eyes. When one had adjusted they would be able to see past that to the room itself, shaded in light blues, purples, and pinks. It was made of large cubes, all stacked together haphazardly to make the walls and ceiling.

There were a few other things of note in the room. The first was a pool of water created from an indent in the floor, crystal clear and purer than should humanely be possible. The second was a myriad of windows, many shuttered closed so that no one could see through them. They filled up one one of the walls, a peek into what was beyond.

Most importantly though was the woman in white who stood in the center of the room. She was practically a ghost, were it not for her red earrings to give some color to her. She stood with her gaze on the open window, looking out at the beyond and the events that played out by her own hands.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same, isn't that right?" The woman spoke to no one in particular, perhaps just to herself for the sake of talking to herself. "Even when they may not want it, they're still going to play."

Her lips curled upwards in a smile as her head bowed slightly, taking it all in. This was the most important thing to her after all, and she would make sure to enjoy it as best she could. "I wonder how far you will go, to what depths you will descend to make your dream a reality." It was sure to be amusing, for her anyway.

The decks had been shuffled, the cards laid out. But she wasn't the one playing, of course. No, she was merely the judge, and it was at her behest that all the players had been gathered. Without her there would not have even been a game, and it was that notion of power which thrilled her. All this for her amusement, and there was nothing they could do about it as they moved towards their own suffering.

"Well then, let the games begin," she said as laughter pealed through the room, her merriment rising to new levels of joy. "I hope we'll be seeing each other soon."

The sun rose in a slow ascent, casting the light of morning over Fukiware City. The morning heralded the dawn of activity as people rose from their beds and went to work, or school, or whatever else they had planned for their day. In that, Fukiware was the same as every other city in the world.

Fukiware itself is a coastal town, with a modest port on the east side of town. It might not be as big as some other cities, but a decent amount of business is done here. Naturally the gravitational center of town is the business district nearby, with a thriving nightlife where you can dance, hang out with friends, party, drink, pick up a date, or engage in more illegal activities if you're so inclined. As long as you've got the money, the sky is the limit.

The rest of the town is a bit more modest than that, with the port and businesses related to the port being the main driver of the economy. There is a decent electronics sector though, for what it's worth. The education system is fairly average, and most importantly, Fukiware has also been hit by the popular franchise WIXOSS.

Surprisingly popular with young schoolgirls, WIXOSS continues to be a visible presence, with a new expansion having come out recently and promoted by various figures within the media. Of course those rumors about there being a secret game still exist, but those are obviously just rumors, right?

But regardless of that, a beautiful Thursday morning has begun, With all that it entails. There's going to be a concert on Saturday with Arai Tamaki, an idol who has enjoyed a recent upsurge in popularity, performing, so that's something to look forward to once the weekend has arrived. And no word yet about a sequel for the WIXOSS novelization, much to everyone's continued disappointment.

What stories will begin today? Only time will tell.

@The3rdCorinthian, @DistorsionDrake, @Jhon, @TurtleDucks @Murderhobo of Nod, @Sereg

In a small bedroom, beeping filled the air as an alarm clock went off. That earned a groan from the nearby bed, heavy blankets shifting as an arm pulled itself free before coming down on the offender, silencing the clock itself and allowing abused eardrums to recover from the loud noise.

With a groan the now awoken girl rose from the covers, rubbing her eyes as she forced herself to some semblance of alertness. Her name was Masae Kanegawa, a sixteen year old senior high school student She had green eyes and blond hair, and she considered herself to be in shape. Her room was tastefully decorated, curtains pulled over the windows, pastel colored sheets, a desk off to the side, a small chest in the corner, and a dresser next to that with a couple framed pictures of the walls of various people and places that were obviously important to her.

Masae twisted in place to look over at the end table next to her bed where a red card sat propped up against some books. "Good morning Keiko," she said with a tired smile, still in the stages of waking up.

She had received Keiko a couple weeks ago, and since then had done fairly well as a Selector. There had been a few losses, but she hadn't been kicked out, and was currently sitting atop a couple wins. It seemed that when she got into it, the Red Deck that she used was pretty good. That just left the matter of her wish, as these things always came down to.

"Today is the day. I can feel it." There was a tone of certainty and anticipation in Masae's tone, her head tilted towards the ceiling. To have her wish granted, to have her talents recognized for once rather than ignored or seemingly not noticed, that was her dream.

Of course, she may have also said the same thing about the day for the past couple days. It was the thought that counted.


In another bedroom there was no sound of an alarm clock to disturb slumber. That was because the occupant of said room didn't need it, her internal clock good enough to wake her up when it was time for her to rise for school. She was Miho Kusunoke, a fourteen year old middle school student.

Her room was, well, it wasn't exactly the prettiest thing ever. Clothes and random debris were strewn about the floor in what she would insist was a coordinated mess. There was a somewhat banged up dresser with even more clothes and books piled on top of it, blinds that allowed sunlight to filter into the room, a small desk, and posters with various anime characters on them.

Having woken up on time it seemed like she was immediately ready to go, and Miho rose from her bed to walk over to her dresser where her LRIG was waiting on top of some of her clean clothes. "Good morning Azu," she said with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

She was a relatively new Selector, and had a couple wins under her belt thus far. She was sitting with a single loss, but she was confident that she could recover from that loss to have her wish granted. And to be able to see her best friend again, that was something she wanted more than anything she could think of.

"I have the feeling it's going to be a good day," she added with a confident nod, and an exuberance that was unfitting for how early it was. But, well, there would be no way of changing it.


In yet another bedroom sat a special WIXOSS card, one that contained an LRIG inside. LRIGs were avatars, the granters of wishes and the main mechanism through which WIXOSS battles were fought, both in the actual game and in these special Selector matches. Though that wouldn't be a surprise to Eiko Katsuragi, the Selector to whom this card belonged.

The card itself was of the Green variety, the picture of a forest in the background. The LRIG herself was named Selene, and one might be forgiven for thinking that she was part bird from the way that she looked. She wasn't sure what to make of her Selector at this point, but she supposed they would find out soon enough.

For the moment, the LRIG sat patiently and waited for her Selector to awaken

@Nervos Belli

The last character of this particular story was another LRIG, in another part of town. Not exactly a bedroom this time, but it was hard to fault Miyako Nakamura for that fact. You couldn't expect an amnesiac to know where her own house might be. Still, it made for an interesting time.

This time the LRIG was of the black variety, the name emblazoned on her card as Eris. Her background was fairly barebones as it stood, and she wasn't the most elegantly dressed either. But she was definitely proud of that axe, as was obvious to see. She hadn't decided how she felt about her Selector yet, but the girl was definitely interesting. Having someone looking for their memories promised to be a lot of fun for her.

"So boss, what's the plan," she asked as she leaned against the shaft of her axe.

Momoka Takagi's eyes fluttered open at the sound of a gentle knock from her bedroom door.

"Momoka! It's time to get up. You have school to go to," she heard her father's muffled voice filter in from the other side of the door.

"Okay, papa! I'll be down soon," Momoka called back in a soft voice, still thick with sleep. After her response she heard her fathers footsteps retreating away from her door. Momoka stifled a yawn as she pulled herself up in to a sitting position, her blue eyes blinking rapidly as she fought to clear her bleary, sleep-addled vision.

Gradually the world around her came in to focus, revealing her bedroom. It was a snug, cozy little room, mostly blue in color with its light blue walls, fluffy, dark blue carpet, and Momoka's predominantly blue bed covers. There were several large bookcases blocking the majority of the walls, all packed with, neat tidy rows of books organized in alphabetical order. Beside the single window in the room, through which soft morning light was now filtering in, sat a compact school desk along with a swivel chair. On the left side of Momoka's bed there was a midsized chest of drawers. On the right side was a spindly little side table on top of which rested a lamp, a flashlight, and a small stack of books she'd been in the midst of reading. And one more thing...

"Kina...?" Momoka asked hesitantly as she swung her legs off the side of the bed and set her sights on the little blue LRIG propped up against one of her books.

Hashimoto Aiko's cellphone began beeping, causing her to groan and shift in bed. She groggily sat up and turned her alarm off. She rubbed her eyes and thought about her dream. Normally she'd head off to the bathroom, but she wanted to think about the dream. It had felt so real. The previous afternoon, Aiko had done something rather out of character and bought a deck of WIXOSS cards. She had decided to go with Black as she decided it might be fun to play as a domineering colour, in contrast to her normal personality. She'd hidden it from her parents and after returning to her room following being yelled at by her parents again, she had opened it. She couldn't remember when she had gone to sleep, but she must have been particularly exhausted as that was around the time the dream started. Her LRIG had talked to her! And told her that she could get a wish! Clearly that was ridiculous. Even if wishes existed, a girl like her would never get one. Still ... it had seemed so real. She peaked between her fingers and slowly opened the drawer of her desk. She lifted the notebook to uncover her deck and opened it once more. She pulled out her LRIG and gasped, dropping it. It was moving!

Hashimoto Aiko's cellphone began beeping, causing her to groan and shift in bed. She groggily sat up and turned her alarm off. She rubbed her eyes and thought about her dream. Normally she'd head off to the bathroom, but she wanted to think about the dream. It had felt so real. The previous afternoon, Aiko had done something rather out of character and bought a deck of WIXOSS cards. She had decided to go with Black as she decided it might be fun to play as a domineering colour, in contrast to her normal personality. She'd hidden it from her parents and after returning to her room following being yelled at by her parents again, she had opened it. She couldn't remember when she had gone to sleep, but she must have been particularly exhausted as that was around the time the dream started. Her LRIG had talked to her! And told her that she could get a wish! Clearly that was ridiculous. Even if wishes existed, a girl like her would never get one. Still ... it had seemed so real. She peaked between her fingers and slowly opened the drawer of her desk. She lifted the notebook to uncover her deck and opened it once more. She pulled out her LRIG and gasped, dropping it. It was moving!

Yori had really been enjoying her dream. It hadn't been anything big or amazing. She'd been walking through a forest, simply taking in the sights and feeling the wind on her face. It had felt really, really meaningful for some reason.

And then the cellphone had started beeping. Shaken from her dream, Yori reached out, trying to find her phone, only for her hand to find absolutely nothing. 'That's odd' she thought, opening her eyes. And why was there a giant, awestruck face looking down at her-


...Yeah, she was still stuck here wasn't she?

Still. It was a new day, and tired as she was, she should probably start getting to know her new Selector. Even if she had to...Well...The point was that she wasn't going to start giving people the cold shoulder.

"Yo. You awake then?" Yawned Yori. "I'm going to be honest, you have really bad taste in wake-up times. I feel like I could still sleep for a week"
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Yori had really been enjoying her dream. It hadn't been anything big or amazing. She'd been walking through a forest, simply taking in the sights and feeling the wind on her face. It had felt really, really meaningful for some reason.

And then the cellphone had started beeping. Shaken from her dream, Yori reached out, trying to find her phone, only for her hand to find absolutely nothing. 'That's odd' she thought, opening her eyes. And why was there a giant, awestruck face looking down at her-


...Yeah, she was still stuck here wasn't she?

Still. It was a new day, and tired as she was, she should probably start getting to know her new Selector. Even if she had to...Well...The point was that she wasn't going to start giving people the cold shoulder.

"Yo. You awake then?" Yawned Yori. "I'm going to be honest, you have really bad taste in wake-up times. I feel like I could still sleep for a week"
"I-I-I'm sorry! I have to get ready for school! But-but ... you're real!? I didn't just dream about you!? .... You ... you're not a hallucination are you?" She switched to a whisper. "Mom said I was crazy. A lot. But I didn't think I saw things that weren't real. Can I really have a wish?"

"I-I-I'm sorry! I have to get ready for school! But-but ... you're real!? I didn't just dream about you!? .... You ... you're not a hallucination are you?" She switched to a whisper. "Mom said I was crazy. A lot. But I didn't think I saw things that weren't real. Can I really have a wish?"

"Hey, don't worry about it too much, I was pulling your leg. About the wake up call I mean."

Yori stood up and began stretching out her tired muscles, one of the few sensations she could actually experience in this place inside of the card.

"And yeah, I'm real. I'm pretty sure I'd know if I was a hallucination. Only you and other selectors will be able to see me though, to anyone else I'll just be a regular old card." She made a mental note of what she'd said about her mother. This might not bear well. "But what I said then it true, I can grant your wish. Well, within reason. So long as it isn't something really crazy like going back in time or being made Queen of the world, I should be able to do so."
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"Hey, don't worry about it too much, I was pulling your leg. About the wake up call I mean."

Yori stood up and began stretching out her tired muscles, one of the few sensations she could actually experience in this place inside of the card.

"And yeah, I'm real. I'm pretty sure I'd know if I was a hallucination. Only you and other selectors will be able to see me though, to anyone else I'll just be a regular old card." She made a mental note of what she'd said about her mother. This might not bear well. "But what I said then it true, I can grant your wish. Well, within reason. So long as it isn't something really crazy like going back in time or being made Queen of the world, I should be able to do so."
"Oh! Okay. Um ... If ... if I wished to be useful, so that other people would like me ... would ... would that be too crazy?"

"Oh! Okay. Um ... If ... if I wished to be useful, so that other people would like me ... would ... would that be too crazy?"

"Well...Hmmmm..." Yori proceeded to make something of an exaggeratted show of considering it, rubbing her chin and looking pensieve, before breaking into a wide smile. "Something like that would definitely be achievable. I guess that makes us a team..uh...Hang on, I didn't ask you what your name was yet."
"Well...Hmmmm..." Yori proceeded to make something of an exaggeratted show of considering it, rubbing her chin and looking pensieve, before breaking into a wide smile. "Something like that would definitely be achievable. I guess that makes us a team..uh...Hang on, I didn't ask you what your name was yet."
"My name is Aiko. I'm sorry for being so rude that I didn't introduce myself properly. Wh-what's yours?"

The last character of this particular story was another LRIG, in another part of town. Not exactly a bedroom this time, but it was hard to fault Miyako Nakamura for that fact. You couldn't expect an amnesiac to know where her own house might be. Still, it made for an interesting time.

This time the LRIG was of the black variety, the name emblazoned on her card as Eris. Her background was fairly barebones as it stood, and she wasn't the most elegantly dressed either. But she was definitely proud of that axe, as was obvious to see. She hadn't decided how she felt about her Selector yet, but the girl was definitely interesting. Having someone looking for their memories promised to be a lot of fun for her.

"So boss, what's the plan," she asked as she leaned against the shaft of her axe.
Miyako stretched out her sore back. Sleeping under a bridge definitely wasn't a five star hotel and it probably wasn't doing her head injury any good but Miyako had slept in worse places. If only I could remember what they are... She thought as she checked her head. Her wound was mostly healed, 95% at the very least, but that didn't mean she should take too many chances. Things seemed fine though, so next Miyako scanned her surrounding, making sure no one was around to see her talking to a playing card and thinking she was crazy. Of course, Miyako wasn't entirely certain she wasn't crazy herself but then again, what did she have to lose?

Satisfied that they were alone, Miyako finally addressed her LRIG. "Well, first I want so thing to eat, so we'll be heading downtown so I can get some money and then find a restaurant. Along the way you can explain this whole thing to me again. I'm not sure I caught it all last night."
"Nice to meet you, Yori." I bow. "I will do my best not disappoint you."

Yori smiled. Well, at least she wasn't going to have do deal with some kind of manipulative jerk as a Selector. Although, given the end result of the system, perhaps that would have been better. Still, she wasn't going to let Aiko down.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that you'll do just fine. Now, you said that today was a School Day right? It might be an idea for you to take Me and your deck along with you, because if we're going to get that wish granted, we'll need to get round to finding other Selectors. Have you played WIXOSS before Aiko?"
Momoka Takagi's eyes fluttered open at the sound of a gentle knock from her bedroom door.

"Momoka! It's time to get up. You have school to go to," she heard her father's muffled voice filter in from the other side of the door.

"Okay, papa! I'll be down soon," Momoka called back in a soft voice, still thick with sleep. After her response she heard her fathers footsteps retreating away from her door. Momoka stifled a yawn as she pulled herself up in to a sitting position, her blue eyes blinking rapidly as she fought to clear her bleary, sleep-addled vision.

Gradually the world around her came in to focus, revealing her bedroom. It was a snug, cozy little room, mostly blue in color with its light blue walls, fluffy, dark blue carpet, and Momoka's predominantly blue bed covers. There were several large bookcases blocking the majority of the walls, all packed with, neat tidy rows of books organized in alphabetical order. Beside the single window in the room, through which soft morning light was now filtering in, sat a compact school desk along with a swivel chair. On the left side of Momoka's bed there was a midsized chest of drawers. On the right side was a spindly little side table on top of which rested a lamp, a flashlight, and a small stack of books she'd been in the midst of reading. And one more thing...

"Kina...?" Momoka asked hesitantly as she swung her legs off the side of the bed and set her sights on the little blue LRIG propped up against one of her books.


Upon hearing the sound of the alarm and the voice of a man, Kina began to wake up. She didn't knew why LRIG needed to sleep but now that she was one, she was glad she that she wasn't unable to find rest.

That and because it made her feel like she was still human, despite being stuck as a piece of cardboard.

As she opened her eyes, the first thing Kina noticed was that the room she was in was predominantly blue, from the wall to the color of walls. She didn't know why her attention had been drawn toward such trivial detail. Perhaps was it because it matched her color as a LRIG ? Had her Selector chosen a deck that matched her favorite color ?

Speaking of the latter, it appeared that she was also awake. Hearing the girl call her name, the lavender-haired LRIG slowly moved the center of the card frame, so as to face her Selector.

"Good Morning, Selector", Kina said. "Is there anything you need me for ?"
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In a small bedroom, beeping filled the air as an alarm clock went off. That earned a groan from the nearby bed, heavy blankets shifting as an arm pulled itself free before coming down on the offender, silencing the clock itself and allowing abused eardrums to recover from the loud noise.

With a groan the now awoken girl rose from the covers, rubbing her eyes as she forced herself to some semblance of alertness. Her name was Masae Kanegawa, a sixteen year old senior high school student She had green eyes and blond hair, and she considered herself to be in shape. Her room was tastefully decorated, curtains pulled over the windows, pastel colored sheets, a desk off to the side, a small chest in the corner, and a dresser next to that with a couple framed pictures of the walls of various people and places that were obviously important to her.

Masae twisted in place to look over at the end table next to her bed where a red card sat propped up against some books. "Good morning Keiko," she said with a tired smile, still in the stages of waking up.

She had received Keiko a couple weeks ago, and since then had done fairly well as a Selector. There had been a few losses, but she hadn't been kicked out, and was currently sitting atop a couple wins. It seemed that when she got into it, the Red Deck that she used was pretty good. That just left the matter of her wish, as these things always came down to.

"Today is the day. I can feel it." There was a tone of certainty and anticipation in Masae's tone, her head tilted towards the ceiling. To have her wish granted, to have her talents recognized for once rather than ignored or seemingly not noticed, that was her dream.

Of course, she may have also said the same thing about the day for the past couple days. It was the thought that counted.

Keiko laughed at her Selector's enthusiasm. She like these types, otherwise everything would be so dull inside her prison.

"Of course dear, of course. Maybe we'll even hit quota today."

Maybe I'll be free today.
Yori smiled. Well, at least she wasn't going to have do deal with some kind of manipulative jerk as a Selector. Although, given the end result of the system, perhaps that would have been better. Still, she wasn't going to let Aiko down.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that you'll do just fine. Now, you said that today was a School Day right? It might be an idea for you to take Me and your deck along with you, because if we're going to get that wish granted, we'll need to get round to finding other Selectors. Have you played WIXOSS before Aiko?"
"No, but I've seen others play. It ... looked like fun. And I was hoping that it would be something I didn't suck at. I think I understand the basics, but I'll take your advice."

"No, but I've seen others play. It ... looked like fun. And I was hoping that it would be something I didn't suck at. I think I understand the basics, but I'll take your advice."

"Well, I'm not really able toplay myself. I'll be more of an actual fighter, while you'll be using that deck to support me. Still, you should probably get some practice in first before we actually start battling, just to make sure you've got it all figured out, ok?"
"Well, I'm not really able toplay myself. I'll be more of an actual fighter, while you'll be using that deck to support me. Still, you should probably get some practice in first before we actually start battling, just to make sure you've got it all figured out, ok?"
I nod. "Okay. I'll bring you to school and maybe we can practice in break." I look up at my cellphone and flinch. "I'd better finish getting ready! I'll be back"
In another bedroom there was no sound of an alarm clock to disturb slumber. That was because the occupant of said room didn't need it, her internal clock good enough to wake her up when it was time for her to rise for school. She was Miho Kusunoke, a fourteen year old middle school student.

Her room was, well, it wasn't exactly the prettiest thing ever. Clothes and random debris were strewn about the floor in what she would insist was a coordinated mess. There was a somewhat banged up dresser with even more clothes and books piled on top of it, blinds that allowed sunlight to filter into the room, a small desk, and posters with various anime characters on them.

Having woken up on time it seemed like she was immediately ready to go, and Miho rose from her bed to walk over to her dresser where her LRIG was waiting on top of some of her clean clothes. "Good morning Azu," she said with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

She was a relatively new Selector, and had a couple wins under her belt thus far. She was sitting with a single loss, but she was confident that she could recover from that loss to have her wish granted. And to be able to see her best friend again, that was something she wanted more than anything she could think of.

"I have the feeling it's going to be a good day," she added with a confident nod, and an exuberance that was unfitting for how early it was. But, well, there would be no way of changing it.

Ah, who was that..? Was it Jun-nee again...?
Ugh, she's always waking me early....
I yawn, strecthing my body to wake myself up a bit. 'Why's the bed so hard..?'
"..ergh, Jun-nee it's too...early.."

It's not Jun-nee, but a huge face.......right, I was a LRIG now, trapped in this danged card.... 'Plus I haven't lived with Jun-nee and the rest for a while now...'

As much as that put my spirits down, it was hard not to smile a toothy grin at my Selector. She was just so, cheerful it was infectious. Definitely appreciated that right now...
"Ah, Morning Miho, time for school huh? I guess I did, and by the way, did you finish off your homework last night?"
I'd fallen asleep before as she was doing it, didn't really have much reason to stay awake, so I was very curious. These things were important after all.

Heh. Still trying to act the "big sister" like back home huh?
.....Definitely don't deserve that title considering what I'm allowing Miho to get thrown into.....

Really don't think I could stop her though, considering how much she cared for her best friend....

"Ah, a good day, hmm?" Heheh, she always says that. "Like any other day, right?"
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Upon hearing the sound of the alarm and the voice of a man, Kina began to wake up. She didn't knew why LRIG needed to sleep but now that she was one, she was glad she could rest instead of being unable to find rest.

That and because it made her feel like she was still human, despite being stuck as a piece of cardboard.

As she opened her eyes, the first thing Kina noticed was that the room she was in was predominantly blue, from the wall to the color of walls. She didn't know why her attention had been drawn toward such trivial detail. Perhaps was it because it matched her color as a LRIG ? Had her Selector chosen a deck that matched her favorite color ?

Speaking of the latter, it appeared that she was also awake. Hearing the girl call her name, the lavender-haired LRIG slowly moved the center of the card frame, so as to face her Selector.

"Good Morning, Selector", Kina said. "Is there anything you need me for ?"

"Good morning to you too," Momoka replied, giving her LRIG a small smile.

"Actually, there's something that I wanted to tell you..." Momoka began somewhat hesitantly. She was looking upwards now, her gaze fixated on the ceiling while her feet swung back and forth against the bed in a slow, steady rhythm.

"Last night, I was doing some thinking about all of this. About Selectors and LRIGs, wishes and battles... Is it all really true? If you and I fight against other Selectors, will it make my wish come true? Is it... the only way?"
"Good morning to you too," Momoka replied, giving her LRIG a small smile.

"Actually, there's something that I wanted to tell you..." Momoka began somewhat hesitantly. She was looking upwards now, her gaze fixated on the ceiling while her feet swung back and forth against the bed in a slow, steady rhythm.

"Last night, I was doing some thinking about all of this. About Selectors and LRIGs, wishes and battles... Is it all really true? If you and I fight against other Selectors, will it make my wish come true? Is it... the only way?"

"It is true." Kina immediately answered, sounding a bit snappish. "Otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion."

While she knew that she couldn't blame her current selector for her disbelief, the lavender-haired LRIG couldn't help but feel irritated at having to deal with questions like this again. While it was a normal reaction, being asked the same things nearly every time and having to give the same answer was something she was getting tired of.

Still, now was not the time to let her feelings get the better of her. If she wanted to get out, she'll have to cooperate with that girl and making bad impression wouldn't help.

"As for your other questions, the answer is yes. By participating in Selector battles, you can indeed make your wish come true." The LRIG paused for a second before continuing. "However, you will need to fight. Is there anything else ?"
"It is true." Kina immediately answered, sounding a bit snappish. "Otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion."

While she knew that she couldn't blame her current selector for her disbelief, the lavender-haired LRIG couldn't help but feel irritated at having to deal with questions like this again. While it was a normal reaction, being asked the same things nearly every time and having to give the same answer was something she was getting tired of.

Still, now was not the time to let her feelings get the better of her. If she wanted to get out, she'll have to cooperate with that girl and making bad impression wouldn't help.

"As for your other questions, the answer is yes. By participating in Selector battles, you can indeed make your wish come true." The LRIG paused for a second before continuing. "However, you will need to fight. Is there anything else ?"
Momoka was silent for a moment, contemplating Kina's response. Eventually she seemed to nod to herself and turned her head to face her LRIG once more. Her expression seemed rather sad.

"I don't like fighting... But I don't have another choice, do I? I want to make my wish come true, with all my heart," she clutched the fabric of her pyjama top, just above her heart, "If fighting is the only way, then... I'll do it. That's the decision I've come to." Her voice was laced with an odd mixture of conviction and conflict.
Yhana woke up as usual, her little crown having fell down from her head and flung to her feet.

She sighed. She really had to learn how to control her sleeping habits. Seriously, being so disorganized while sleeping isn't the princess way.

Yes, she wasn't a princess, but she guessed it was matter of time until she got a princess Selector, and win with her. She hoped that she'd like battling...

By now, though, she had a new day, and her Selector should be waiting. So she fixed her hair, put on her little crown back and sat there, in a regal way, waiting for her Selector to wake up.

(@Murderhobo of Nod )
Momoka was silent for a moment, contemplating Kina's response. Eventually she seemed to nod to herself and turned her head to face her LRIG once more. Her expression seemed rather sad.

"I don't like fighting... But I don't have another choice, do I? I want to make my wish come true, with all my heart," she clutched the fabric of her pyjama top, just above her heart, "If fighting is the only way, then... I'll do it. That's the decision I've come to." Her voice was laced with an odd mixture of conviction and conflict.

While the blue LRIG was relieved to hear that her selector would fight, she wasn't exactly confident. Despite her words, the girl didn't seem entirely convinced, most likely due to her self-professed hatred of fighting. This could cause problems in the future, especially if…

No, there was no point in thinking about that now. If that ever comes up, she'll find a way to deal with it. Hopefully.

"Well then, if there is nothing else, I believe you have matters to attend to, selector." Kina said, recalling the alarm from earlier.