School was cheery, something Taylor could understand as it taught children what good and bad civilisations were, schools were part of good civilisations and bad civilisations didn't have schools so her living in America was a good thing, Taylor didn't know what she do if she lived in a bad civilisation.
Her best friend, Emma was being very clingy around her, probably because her Mother did die not too long ago and such a tragedy still stings at her heart and she would admit she did feel like crying alone somewhere at the loss of such a kind and loving person who further taught her what good civilisations were all about and how to tell good and bad one apart, she would never ever forget such a human being never ever.
Her Father was still unresponsive most of the time, didn't even have it in himself to drive her to school so she took the bus with her friend who she called before leaving home, Taylor wondered how long her Father would be the way he is and just what might get him functioning again properly, even after 12 years of life as a human she barely understood human emotions as they were so weird and unwieldy plus it didn't help her when she felt very sad and angry at her Father, something a child shouldn't feel to their sire or at least she thought they shouldn't Taylor wasn't sure on it just yet.
What she was sure of though was that if she left her Father like he is for too long then it wouldn't be long for uncle and auntie Barnes to come knocking on the door of her home and then she could tell her father would experience what it would be like to be a bad civilisation before being turned back into a proper human being.
Other than that school was cheery like she said, everyone wore bright smiles on their faces as they talked about, well her really, no matter who they were they talked about what she did in Iceland, about how she battled with Behemoth and took its head as a souvenir before enshrining it on a crane in the docks district like a trophy mounted upon a wall to be admired at. That did bring a smile to her face, it also made her wonder if Ares was still mad about her still having his sword, she'd have to find some villain representing Bad bad civilisation to test it on to see if he still hates her.
Again school was cheery and it like many other things blurred together much like with her waiting century's within the Throne of Heroes when waiting to be called upon to deal with a mission from the Counter Force or participate in Holy Grail Wars hoping to be granted that wish she now experienced here and now.
Though as school ended and she bided her friend farewell on her way home, Taylor could not find it within herself to go back to her own home knowing full well that all that was waiting for her was one desired person missing and the other simply not there at all, so Taylor decided to do what she did yesterday to make sure her city didn't become another bad civilisation only on a much smaller scale compared to what she did to Rome.
So her belongings were placed somewhere where she could find them easily again and then she grew from her small lava lie size to her White Titian form only not so titanic but human-sized so she wouldn't accidentally squish anyone fragile.
So she walked into the city looking for those who make her city of Brockton bay into a bad civilisation. She looked and looked all around downtown and couldn't find anyone doing some bad aside from pedestrians filling and taking photos of her while few brave enough walked all the way up to asking for an autograph and a selfy with her but once that was over and done a few more circuits around she went elsewhere as nothing bad was happening.
She walked down the boardwalk looking and looking for anyone who would be doing anything bad, she couldn't find anyone so she instead went to an ice-cream stand where she wanted to get her favourite scoop before they closed for the afternoon, the man didn't even accept her money for her treat, his name was Paul and Taylor decided he was part of the Good good civilisation and immediately became her favourite person to associate with.
Once her ice cream was finished it was getting dark as the Sun sank beyond the horizon but she was still committed to stopping the villains wherever they may be.
So she walked all the way to the train yard looking and looking for those who would be bad but all she could find was homeless men and women hoping for money, Taylor decided she would try to make something to protect them and come back more often so they wouldn't have to worry for becoming part of Bad bad civilisation.
She then walked down to the docks and warehouses and looked all over for anyone bad and much to her happiness she found two someone's who were maybe part of Bad bad civilisation and they were fighting people part of the new Good good civilisation, she recognised them as Glory Girl and Shielder, both young heroes were doing badly against those who called themselves Uber and Leet as they were dressed in costumes related to video game characters. a Link and Mario she wasn't sure on the names yet but Emma was very informative on such subjects.
The heroes had this golden glow on them and were fighting 8 multi coloured ghost squid things that would shatter into pixels when the heroes hit one enough times but then another ghost would appear again from a box thing that Leet had once he'd placed in some random material into the contraption and press a few buttons it would rumble and vibrate before the lid on it opened again spilling out another of those ghost squid things then it would join the fray again.
Taylor continued watching feeling entrapped by the game they played, though it was more so a gameshow for Uber and Leet and the heroes of New Wave were just unwilling participants, she didn't know why they were called villains when they didn't do anything to drag this city into bad civilisation nor did they try to make it a good civilisation, what she did understand is that these two people were having fun, they were laughing and smiling brightly at what they were doing and it was something that Taylor had to admit what they doing actually did look fun, as why else would she not involve herself when no one was being hurt by something bad.
Instead, resolving herself Taylor bounded towards the villains who did not notice the adult-sized White Titian slowly and calmly walk up behind them as both were still far too busy enthralled with their gameshow as they continued commentary on what they were doing with the members of New Wave, though for the said members they still kept the eyes on the two gaming themed villains with a lot of hatred and annoyance as both would very much want to be spending the night celebrating yesterday's events in the Endbringer battle victory party at their home, but no, they were out here dealing with these two idiots.
However, they soon bore triumphant smiles as they spied the End Slayer herself strolling slowly up behind the unaware duo who still holding up cameras live streaming the whole event not realising when they turned the camera to themselves the watches caught sight of the saviour of Iceland and started freaking out over the fact that Sefar was approaching them.
It wasn't until Taylor was right behind the comedic du that she spoke
"Hey," she said in a soft voice freezing the two gaming villains who then spun quickly around before further freezing in place going so rigid they imitated the perfect human statue while their eyes widened so far open you could see the whites and the small tremor roaring in their hearts.
Taylor didn't see any of this only concerned with one thing.
"Can I play?" she said in the sweetest voice she muster as to not seem petulant or dead voiced. The effect it had on everyone present and watching was what you would expect.
"Wot?" Leet replied dumbly as he and his partner's minds worked on the words spoken by this literal world saver.
"Can I play with you, this looks like fun?" Taylor said again trying to avoid pouting and seeming demanding.
It took a long drawn out minute before the two gaming villains huddled together muttering loudly and exchanging not so good words with each other all while the two heroes looked stumped and well stupefied and those watching began a furious debate.
But none too soon the two men faced her again before…
"Ladies and Gentlemen our third player has appeared" Uber and Leet announced out to the world loudly in the most showmen-like attitude they could muster.
Taylor smiled.
And the heroes paled.
The game began anew.