Seeing Red [PMMM x LoR]
Recent readers

When the Magical Girl of Courage falls in her bitter battle at the Library's heart, she finds herself transposed. The golden grace of true light in her heart is all she takes along into the city of Mitakihara. New acquaintances and experiences await, yet no friends. Never friends. Not for Courage, who remains ever detached.

But the clock is ticking. World's end draws near. The Magical Girl must redefine her purpose before that final moment. Her experiences will change her, as they are wont to do. For what makes us as people, if not the bonds we share with others? [Puella Magi Madoka Magica / Library of Ruina]
Setting the Stage
Spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Most of them not right now, but they will come up. No dedicated knowledge of either setting is necessary to participate.

The Library shook under the wrath of but one man. A crucible of the City's people, where even the mightiest went to die, now turned into a death trap for its Librarians. They fretted, they rallied, they fought, and the monsters they cultivated fought with them.

But by the time the Magical Girl of Courage fell, it was still not enough.

Love had been first to go, crushed underfoot by their enemy's enormous, distorted foot. Then went Happiness and Justice, drowned in a sea of steaming corpses that rose from the monster's melting flesh. The beasts spewed an insipid smoke as they went, meaningless on their lonesome but nasty in packs. Their coughs and barks only added to the symphony of violence that shook the Library.

If the Magical Girls had their full powers and real bodies, the result would have been different. Courage knows that. Yet she can not help but bemoan the fact she had to borrow a Librarian's body to manifest. The Abnormalities lost much of their power along the way. Now they were cut down like everyone else, for their opponent gave no quarter. No hesitation. No mercy.

She was last to fall, just as they brought the hulking beast low. Her mallet finally shattered its last kneecap while the legendary Red Mist sliced off its head in a final blow. And the man beneath coalesced into who he once was. Yet before she even realised that the battle continued, a pale white spectre ran her through.

Now Courage floats in-between, dragged along by currents of pink, purple, and gold. The everpresent anger ebbs and flows within, both at her failure to persevere and the fact they had to fight at all.

It was supposed to be over.

But alas, she should have known better.

Normally, she knows, she would go back to dwell in her book until the Library calls upon her again. Perhaps she could continue examining its structure to find a way to peek outside. But her book does not come, neither the familiar forest of her memories, nor the blank nothing of a container. Have they failed? Is Director Angela too distracted to funnel Courage back into her book?

The Magical Girl lazily turns around herself, more for lack of anything to do than any purpose. Something keeps pulling on her, not dissimilar to when she left Lobotomy Corporation behind. A party everlasting dragged her along the last time. This time, an invisible force takes her along on its ethereal stream.

Then she opens her eyes, sight the first sense to truly return.

Courage stares up at the clear blue sky, blinking slowly. The echo of voices she can not comprehend still sounds in her mind, only to quiet down as she begins thinking again. Her senses return one by one. She can smell a different quality to the air, feels blades of grass poke her back.

Sensations were always muted while she borrowed another's body to manifest herself. Now they feel real again, to the point she first thinks this wis a different book, perhaps a mix-up. Only in a dream could she feel like this, after all. But a quick spark of magic tells her she is not in a book; its viridian glow fades before anyone can notice.

Which leaves only one option: she is outside.

Courage sits up and looks around. She finds herself on a riverside, its length no less green than her own clothes. She arrived just shy of the slope. Highrise buildings reach into the sky on the river's other side, but turning her head reveals the same behind her. The buzz of crowds is audible, though she has yet to spot anyone.

Blades of grass tickle Courage's calves as she shuffles, a sensation that feels overall too real. They distract her from the surroundings for a time as she reaches out to touch her restored flesh. Her skin is warm to the touch, just like she remembers it being.

She is outside, and she has her own body. How did this happen? And how did she get here?

There is a number of explanations, but she has too little concrete information to even guess. In truth, Courage does not care to guess, either. It happened, and so it is. She understands that she had no true home since her own world was destroyed; it is a shame about losing those occasional conversations with Tiphereth, though. Or the tea parties with her seniors. But this is how it always would have ended.

In fact, considering the difference in architecture and far lower scale, perhaps this is yet another world entirely.

The thought comes unbidden, but Courage clearly notices the signs. It might still be The City, but even then she has to ask just why she is outside of the Library. Was she taken by a freak accident? By purposeful action? Or was she sent away, perhaps by Angela to save some of those under her care?

Courage can not tell. And ultimately, it really does not matter now. She is here, simple as that.

Confirming her situation is fairly simple, at least: a single teleport sends Courage floating a kilometre in the air, where she can oversee the area. And while the skyline is impressive from the ground, she knows deep down that it can not compare to any of the twenty-six Nests.

Neon skies superimpose on her vision, a writhing memory not her own that reminds her of recent events. Courage softly touches her chest where it sits, right below the heart. It is not a voice so much as a tangle of rage, oh so familiar yet oh so different. A final reminder of Roland, who once resonated with her in the Library. His wrath was true, which should have told her to anticipate how things turned out.

Sighing softly, she pushes the matter aside. If anything, the unprompted response gives her assumption credence. None of the Wings that rule the world she last lived in would have a realm this small, nor would they allow untended wilderness beyond their borders.

Then again, even a megacorporation needs farmland of some sort. Even if they somehow can create food through some of their unethical experiments, tending the land ought to be easier and create jobs.

Regardless of the reasonable argument against necessarily being in another world, Courage is fairly certain of her assessment. Something about this new place just feels... off. She still thinks it is some different quality of air.

The winds mussing up her poofy hair gets annoying by this point, so she teleports back to ground level. Nothing changed here, but Courage knows she can not be idle.

She may be out of a job right now and prefer reading over talking, but she still carries a lot of curiousity. What is this world like, assuming it really is a different one? How do the people compare? Are there people in need of a guardian? Is there somewhere she can hunker down and learn about this world?

She ambles around the area for a bit, getting a feeling of her new legs and her surroundings. Then Courage stops in front of a window, where she studies her reflection; a diminutive woman looks back, crimson eyes hidden behind her blindfold. She can see just fine even while wearing it. The rest of her facial expression can be described as aloof, or devoid of any outward tells. Her entire body is relaxed, clad in a tight green suit with inlaid, oval gemstones.

Just as she takes notice of the odd necklace she now wears, someone pipes up near her. Courage turns and finds a small teenage girl with pink hair, a little bit taller than Courage herself. She says something else, just as incomprehensible. So Courage clacks her fingers together and applies a translation spell.

"Come again?" she requests in her usual, soft voice.

"I said what's your name, weird girl?" the teen repeats, giggling a little over the nickname. The Magical Girl tilts her head ever so faintly, but does not comment on it.

"I am Courage," she says.

The girl tilts her head in turn, frowning thoughtfully. "So Yuki?" she asks back, making her wonder if something went wrong. "What Kanji do you use for that?"

She can only shrug, unaware what that even is.

The girl makes a face at that, but seems to shrug it off a moment later. "Why are you wearing that?" she asks next, pointing at Courage's face; specifically, her blindfold. "How can you see with it on?"

"I simply wear it, and I can see just fine," Courage answers simply. She has no reason to justify herself or her choice of dress.

The child seems enthused about her answer, though. She huffs and crosses her arms. "You really are weird," she decides with a little grin. "It'll be fun having you around."

Then she pauses and squints at the sky. "Ah, too bad. I'd love to chat some more, but I gotta run and look for mom. See you around, Yuki!"

So saying, she waves and darts away, leaving Courage behind to mull over the odd encounter. With how the sequence of events went, she figures that her name must have been translated along. The girl did not seem confused by the term itself, so 'Yuki' should be fine for a cover name.

Looking back at her reflection, Courage runs a hand about the two cross-shaped pendants dangling on that leathery necklace. Both are steel, but one bears a band of thorns while the other's T-section is lower and seems fluffy, as if covered in downs.

Shaking her head, Courage, now Yuki, strolls back to the spot she woke up in. There is no special meaning attached to it that she can tell.

What now?

[] Cross the channel to explore the sister city
weight: x1

[] Investigate the city you landed in
weight: x1

[] Stay where you are, let's see what happens
weight: x1

-Voting Unlocked
-Character Sheet Unlocked
-Dramatis Personae Unlocked
-General Notions Unlocked

Welcome all, and welcome back to some.

It has been almost two years since the curtain call on In The Name Of Love And Hatred. And after rereading it recently, I decided that this performance should be a step closer to ever-repeating. So we are doing it again, if with some important differences.

I am looking forward to this. Please stand by while I reserve three more posts.
MC Sheet

  • -Name: Magical Girl of Courage
    -Alias: Yuki
    -Age: ?

    The Magical Girl of Courage is a guardian at heart. A lawmaker, a scholar, and the highest judge in her dominion. Ever impartial, she seeks improvement for all. Her detachment is a great boon to the goal, but also a detriment; for she can not form attachments of friendship, lest the rabid beast in her heart awaken.
  • -Magic: Access to various kinds of spells.

    -Spark of Light: The seed took ten thousand years to finally sprout. Enables access to vote options.

    -Abnormality: Figment of the collective human conciousness. Immortal, unaging, revives upon death. Vote options are weighted with regard to Magical Girl of Courage's personality
    x0.5 widely disliked
    x0.75 disliked
    x1 neutral
    x1.5 favoured
    x2 heavily favoured

    -Servant of Wrath: Betrayal begets brutality. Kill. Them. All.

    -Expectation of the Meaning of Existence: The Magical Girl has her purpose, but she recently began to wonder if she must be slave to her own nature.

    -???: ???
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Dramatis Personae

  • -Name: Homura Akemi
    -Age: 14 ?
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Ambivalent, Wary

    Mysterious magical girl with unknown powers. Highly dangerous, but apparently with a neutral stance.

    -Magical Girl: Access to ??? magic. Connection to ???.

    -The Courage to Protect: Her will is indomitable. She will not stop.

    -___: ________________________________

  • -Name: Junko Kaname
    -Age: 35
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN
    -Current Disposition: Friendly, Intrigued

    A sharp-witted businesswoman. Fairly observant, smart, willful, and gentle at heart. Junko is a career woman who cares greatly for her family and friends. Close friend of Kazuko Saotome, who went through thick and thin with her.

    -The Eye Embracing The Past, Building The Future: Junko was not always kind studious, or hard-working. But she found her balance in time to rise beyond her wildest dreams. She fondly recalls the old days and took to heart the lessons she learned then. Now it is time to pass them onto her own children.

  • -Name: Kazuko Saotome
    -Age: 35
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN
    -Current Disposition: Friendly, Confused

    One of the teachers at Mitakihara Middle School. Kazuko is a loving woman with a big heart for her students and all the other people she meets. However, her expectations of others do sometimes run away from reality. Close friend of the Kaname family through Junko.


  • -Name: Kirika Kure
    -Age: 14
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Curious

    A fairly moody and awkward girl most of the time, Kirika only opens up with or around Oriko. She is slow to trust and even slower to open up, but her devotion to her friends can hardly be overstated.

    -Magical Girl: Access to ???. Connection to ???.

    -???: ???

  • -Name: Kyubey
    -Age: ??
    -Threat Rating: ALEPH
    -Current Disposition: Neutral

    Magical Girl mascot, contracts new magical girls to combat Witches. Surprisingly generous with their contracts.

    -Pure Rationality: No Emotions.

    -Death is but an Inconvenience: Can not be killed.

    -Creator of Contracts: In exchange for a wish, your Soul Gem will shine.

    -Alien: Is not human, was not human, and will never be human.

    -???: ???

  • -Name: Madoka Kaname
    -Age: 14
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN / ALEPH
    -Current Disposition: Friendly, Confused

    Magical Girl candidate. Friendly, bubbly, and host to a great deal of positivity. Currently uncertain what to make of herself in life. Possesses the most powerful potential ever seen in human history. Said to bring forth the end of the world.

    -Focal Point: Countless threads of ??? wind around Madoka. The weight of their existence is intertwined with her potential.

    -___: ________________________________

  • -Name: Mami Tomoe
    -Age: 15
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Hostile

    Currently holds all of Mitakihara as her territory. Extremely protective of humans and an enemy of all Witches. Highly skilled magical girl with great efficiency in her magic use.

    -Magical Girl: Access to ribbon magic and single-shot rifles. Connection to ???.

    -Those Who are Faithful and Trustworthy: Absolute faith in her role as a magical girl, protector of the people. Her conviction is that of diamond; trust once extended will not be withdrawn without consequences.

    -???: ???

  • -Name: Oriko Mikuni
    -Age: 15
    -Threat Rating: TETH
    -Current Disposition: Indifferent

    A refined young woman who has given up on ambition and her future. She follows her own desires now, certain that there is nothing she can do to avert world's end.

    -Magical Girl: Access to precognition and telekinesis. Connection to ???.

    -Nix: Formerly 'Expectation For The Meaning of Existence' and 'The Will To Stand Up Straight'. Oriko has understood her own insignificance and made peace with it. Now she enjoys what time she has left as best as she can.

    -???: ???

  • -Name: Ai
    -Age: ?
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN
    -Current Disposition: Friendly

    A teen that Yuki keeps meeting around Mitakihara. She appears easygoing and friendly, but occasionally reveals a nugget of insight that one would hardly expect of her.

    -???: ???

    -???: ???
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General Notions
General Notions

This section is specifically not titled "Rules". Rather, let us talk about expectations.

Required Franchise Knowledge
None, really. I will provide everything you need sooner or later. Being versed in PMMM or Project Moon lore is of course welcome.

This Quest will focus on Mitakihara, specifically mainline PMMM. Single characters from a spinoff may appear, depending on whether they fit into my plans at the given moment. Chances are they will not. Meanwhile, Library of Ruina's shadow will loom over it as Magical Girl of Courage experiences life in a different world.

No stats, no dice. You will be provided a set of basic character sheets to get an idea of the characters in play. This Quest is narrative.

In combat, you will be provided a Threat Assessment and a Threat Description. Description consists of a sentence or two to summarise the opposition. Assessment draws on Lobotomy Corporation's Abnormality classification and is Word of God.
ZAYIN: As safe as can be, almost harmless. (Example: most Witch familiars)
TETH: Decently dangerous toward the unprepared. (example: Izabel, artist Witch)
HE: Take care or be torn apart. (example: Elsa Maria, shadow Witch)
WAW: Death lurks at every step. (example: Charlotte, sweets Witch)
ALEPH: Abandon all hope. (example: Walpurgis, Kriemhild Gretchen)

On Voting and Updates
I am generally flexible where votes are concerned. However, my preference is for a general overview of actions to be taken. No direct speech, no micro.

You are allowed to do both of those anyway. Make votes how you want. However, and I can not stress this enough, doing so carries the risk I will discard parts of the vote. If direct speech is not actually in line with the character's voice, I will either adjust or disregard it. If a micro-plan becomes obsolete or runs into unexpected issues, I will discard it and go on in its spirit. If a vote goes too far against the main character's morality, I will veto it.

Updates are slated to happen once a week on Sunday, my time (CET).

  • Write-ins are allowed unless I say otherwise
  • Approval-Voting (i.e. voting for several options) is not allowed
  • In case of a tie, I pick the winner based on which option I feel leads to the most interesting outcome (this does not always mean the best outcome)
  • No trap votes. I will throw some curveballs at you, but nothing inherently unfair.
  • Voting is open for at least several days. More than that if the vote is highly debated.
  • Votes that benefit from detailwork or plans will receive a Moratorium, ranging between 1 and 24 hours for the players to figure themselves out.

  • The Quest crosses a bleak and a bleaker setting, but this does not mean everything will be gloomy at all times. Levity is neither forbidden nor frowned upon, as long as it fits the moment.
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1. Enter Cassandra
Investigate the city you landed in. Look for a library, it would be best to be familiar with the local laws so you may carry out your duties properly.

Yuki's eyes narrow beneath her blindfold.

Head turning left to right, she warily scans her surroundings for a moment. Only concrete, steel, and glass surround her. The grassy riverside is nearby as well, as innocuous as before. There is no one else in sight.

But despite her wariness, it still makes sense to her to take a look around. There is much to learn and much to see.

So Yuki starts walking, hands in her pockets. Her head begins swivelling in moments, trying to read all the countless signs she comes by. The street signs mean nothing to her, being symbols rather than writing; everything else comes easily because of her spell. Lots of advertisements for places and things she never heard of, though the types are familiar; tourist spots, events, products, food, even people.

For now she leaves it at a surface glance, though. An overview of this brave new world. Not that she has a chance to investigate further anyway.

"Hello there, little lady," a female voice says just as its owner bars her path. The other woman is a head taller than Yuki, decked out in a blue sort of uniform that reads 'Police' on it. Perhaps a Fixer, or the local equivalent. She seems fairly official, so a peacekeeper makes sense to assume.

"Hello," Yuki answers politely. "Do you need something, miss?"

"Hm, I was about to ask you that, little lady," the other woman answers, somewhere between concern and confusion. "Should you be out and about on your own? And with your eyes bound? Where are your parents?"

Yuki's head tilts at that. She has no parents, being an Abnormality. Perhaps Binah counts, the enigmatic head of Lobotomy Corporation's Extraction Department. But even she would be no closer than an aunt, and she certainly never cared for Yuki in particular.

None of this upsets Yuki, but she does have to answer the question. On a guess, she figures her small stature is the problem. As well as the blindfold, of course.

"My eyes are fine, miss. And while I am short, I am not any younger than you."

"I see," she says diplomatically, perhaps not quite convinced but willing to entertain the notion. "May I see your eyes then, just for my peace of mind?"

Yuki nods, seeing no reason to refuse. She takes off the cloth and looks the taller woman in the eyes; it is impossible to miss how hers widen at the sight. She is immediately caught by Yuki's piercing, crimson gaze, so unlike what her mild demeanour would indicate. Splotches of red almost gleam outside of her pupils, now dormant but almost tellingly inhuman. The human before her is captivated and scared in equal measure.

"T-That doesn't look healthy," she finally ends up saying. Yuki ignores the faint stutter she starts with.

"It's fine," she assures softly, binding her blindfold back in place. "My eyes were always like that."

A wordless, understanding noise escapes the woman's throat. She nods dumbly, but the broken eye contact helps her find her bearings in short order. "Alright," she allows, "I guess that makes sense. Do be careful walking around like that, though. It's only natural that people worry."

"Of course. Thank you for the warning."

"It's no problem. And my apologies for taking up your time, miss."

"You were just doing your duty."

Their pleasantries exchanged, the human woman bows at Courage, who mimics the gesture belatedly. Then she is on her own again, mulling over this new encounter. She is fairly certain this was a peacekeeper of some sort, if a benign one.

At the same time, she slowly becomes aware of the gazes straying her way. Be it her blindfold or the emeralds gleaming on her clothes, or perhaps even just the make of her clothes in general, she gathers looks wherever she goes.

Hence why, a number of streets after meeting the policewoman, Yuki weaves a second spell around herself. A momentary, viridian glow catches the attention of passersby, but the notice-me-not enchantment is already in effect by the time they actually look. Their eyes slide right over Yuki in search of the light source, then they simply move on.

This spell is useless against people who already focus on her, but for now it is perfect; Yuki is alone in the crowd, just like she wants to be.

And so her journey continues across the downtown area. Yuki even finds not one but two different libraries, but refrains from entering. It makes sense to go, but she has no duties that need doing right now; a guardian is not just one who declares themselves such, but one whom their people choose. Forcing herself upon them would be no different from tyranny.

Before learning the local laws, she needs to see what she is working with. And so those places of knowledge are remembered, but left behind for the time being.

Children and teenagers join the crowds some three hours into her exploration. From the shreds of conversation Yuki picks up, the local schools let out. Students in normative uniforms are suddenly everywhere, which notably make the streets harder to maneuver under her notice-me-not charm.

To avoid that sudden conundrum, Yuki slips into the backstreets. She could fly, but she does not want to risk her enchantment breaking; there was no magic anywhere so far, nor the ability to fly of one's own power. Something this outlandish would garner attention, charm or no.

But that aside, she wanted to go there anyway. A society's true face is seen by the rot it tries to hide. That thought is only half Yuki's own, belonging more to the memory of Roland in the back of her mind, but she agrees with it regardless. And so her odyssey continues.

Where downtown was sprawling with people, everyone going everywhere yet nobody interacting with each other, the backstreets are quiet. Calm in a way the rest of town was not. Less people, less energy, but perhaps more interaction. Seedy deals happen on one corner or another, shifty looks go every which way. Yuki is actually noticed on occasion, but warrants no more than a double-take. In fact, once an individual even up and advises her to get back to more well-treaded streets.

"I appreciate the warning, but I am fine," Yuki assures the well-meaning man. Curious though, how even the less reputable elements seem to look out for others.

The other thing she finds, and in no small amounts, is graffity. Especially in the industrial area, people have spray-painted countless walls; some with mere slogans, others with entire murals of one form or other.

Yuki stays for a full five minutes to appreciate one in particular, which is a well-crafted portrait of a dinosaur prowling an antediluvian forest. Whoever created it has clear talent and passion.

After some thought, she allows it to persist. The slogans, especially the ideological paroles and frankly insulting comments, are wiped away by viridian waves of magic. Everything that is not at least somewhat artful follows, but the rest she leaves.

A wave of cleaned facades would mark the path she takes through the area, were anyone to look for her. As is, a number of people will simply wonder what happened the next time they come by. Then they will figure it was some government activity and put the matter aside.

It is late afternoon by the time Yuki leaves the industrial district; the area she enters next is more sophisticated, meticulously cleaned, and sees overall less traffic. Buildings are primarily singular houses with sizable yards.

Apparently, she found where the upper class lives.

While Yuki's feet carry her along the roads, she studies the architecture; it is a little less homogenized than it was downtown, where each skyscraper looks like the others. The people pay no attention to her as before, busy with their own affairs. The cars look fancier, bigger at times too. They are polished to a shine, just like the gardens are tended with attention to the most minute details.

Yuki appreciates all the effort that goes into cultivating and maintaining these images of perfection, but the sights themselves grow stale before long. They are artificial, a product of civilisation and regulation, rather than free growth.

Which is why the one house that is different easily catches Yuki's attention. Flowers dot the haphazardly mowed lawn, the hedges are growing as they wish, and ivy crawls up the walls. It is not a total decline just yet, but certainly notable.

And so is the graffiti on the outer wall.

Yuki stops in front of the property, head tilting as she reads the denouncing messages. The claims of 'traitor' and 'go die' do not tell her what actually happened here, nor why someone saw fit to vandalise the place. Beyond the obvious, that is.

Her curiousity roused by the vague information, Yuki tries to push open the front gate. Locked.

Next she simply floats over it, softly setting down on the other side. There are still signs of life, of someone trying to maintain a semblance of order here and there. But there are no sounds beyond the tap-tap of Yuki's shoes on the cobblestone path, precise like clockwork. An absent flicker of magic clears the graffiti away, just like before.

She studies the place curiously, both the property itself and the house. Yuki begins circling around to get a better idea of the place, during which she soon finds the owner in the backyard.

She is a young woman, perhaps high-school aged. Blonde hair runs down her back in waves and sharp, green eyes are on Yuki before she even rounds the corner. The owner of those eyes wears comfortable but still elegant clothes, a silk blouse and ankle-length skirt. A teacup hangs limply on her pointer finger while she sizes Yuki up.

The two stare at each other across the yard for a long moment. Then Yuki overcomes her momentary surprise and speaks up, voice carrying in the silence.

"Greetings, and my apologies for entering uninvited."

The other figure stirs at her garden table. The cup is lowered onto its saucer with only the faintest click, then she curiously taps a gleaming, egg-like gem next to it. Her gaze wanders back to Yuki and, after another moment's consideration, she offers a polite if empty smile.

"That is quite alright. Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?"

A polite offer for a polite face. Yuki nods, more out of curiousity than any desire for tea. Although she does feel peckish after walking around for hours; Abnormalities may not need to eat for the most part, but she and her three seniors all enjoyed the practice on occasion.

"Thank you kindly," she says on the approach, then climbs into the seat opposite to the young woman. A cup of green tea is poured, not quite piping hot but still pleasantly warm.

Neither speaks for the moment as both take a sip, sizing each other up from up close. That gem is still shining for some reason, too. Its owner seems well put-together despite the partially wild garden; her back remains straight, posture immaculate and eyes alight with life. There is a certain wariness to her, though.

"May I have your name?" she finally opens, as is the host's right.

"Yuki," the other woman obliges with a faint nod. "May I have yours as well?"


A delicate brow is raised in faux surprise. "I thought it were self-evident, but perhaps not. I am Oriko Mikuni. If you have not come to harass me, then why did you enter my home without permission or announcement?"

Her assessment is calm and, perhaps, a little blunt for what one would expect from her. But Yuki acknowledges the questions as valid nonetheless. "Curiousity," she admits with a motion toward the front. "The property's state stands out enough to warrant interest. You said you're being harassed?"

Her question prompts a faint nod, but no more. Reading Oriko's feelings on the matter from her face is impossible. "I believe the messages written all over the walls are clear enough," she quips sardonically, then takes another sip.

"Clear in intention, but fairly vague in the actual accusation," Yuki comments. After taking a sip of her own, she adds onto that: "I took the liberty to remove them all."

That gets a reaction out of the girl: surprise. Her mask only breaks for a moment, but Yuki notices. Oriko quickly schools her features and nods, then wordlessly pushes a platter with scones over for her guest's perusal.

"That is quite thoughtful of you, miss Yuki. Thank you. Although I am afraid it hardly matters."

"How so?"

Oriko offers a faint smile at that.

"Even if the hooligans will not simply return in a few days," she begins, then pauses to offer a dainty shrug. "Well, the world will end soon. So you may as well not have bothered."


Yuki can not help but arch a brow in turn, even if her host can not tell beneath the blindfold. That is a rather sudden revelation.

Exhaling audibly, Oriko taps the gem next to her cup again. "I can see the future," she explains gently. "And in six weeks time, everything just ends. There is nothing beyond that point. I know the reason and I know there is nothing I can do. Any attempt I could make would end in failure, regardless my intentions."

"You seem oddly composed for such a circumstance," Yuki notes. Oriko is fairly well put-together for such a fatalistic stance, almost suspiciously so.

Curiously, the girl shrugs again.

"I was devastated for a time, in truth. But before long I realised that there is no need to fret. My actions do not matter, and neither do anyone else's. Which means I might as well do as I wish with what little time I have left."

Her controlled mask slips to reveal a fragile smile. She is not as unaffected by her own insignificance as she pretends, but she did make her peace. And Yuki can respect that, even though she does not believe the world will end. No future is set in stone until it becomes the present.

"I see. Unfortunately, I can not agree with your worldview. There has to be meaning in my existence, and I will do what I can to assert it."

Yuki pauses to munch on a scone, considering her next words. Oriko seems amenable thus far, so she may as well try to get more information.

"Will you tell me why the world faces its end?"


A soft hum follows. Oriko idly pours herself another cup, then does the same for Yuki. The empty pot is put aside as she steeples her fingers in thought. "I doubt you will change anything, but then again... I have never foreseen you before this moment, miss Yuki. A moment, please."

She closes her eyes, brow scrunching up. The only change is that the gem by her side grows notably darker, its gleam suddenly muted. Five minutes pass in silence, then Oriko shakes her head with a sigh.

"Like I thought, no change whatsoever. But you may feel free to try anyway, it is your time to waste."

Yuki is about to answer when a shrieking blur dashes around the corner. An unintelligible babble follows, only to cut off at the sight of the two women. Oriko makes a surprisingly swift, almost blurry motion, and the blur stops dead in its tracks. Then it stumbles forward from its own momentum; it slows down to reveal itself as a black-haired girl in a crisp black suit, bearing an eyepatch and wicked-looking steel claws on either hand. She catches herself in a roll and comes up right in front of them, utterly confused.

"Wha?" the new arrival makes, awkwardly pointing at Yuki with her left claw. She looks to Oriko, who huffs in fond exasperation.

"Peace, Kirika. This is Yuki, our guest for the time being," she introduces, then motions for the other girl. "And this, Yuki, is Kirika Kure. My dear girlfriend."

"Uh, hi?"


The two stare at each other, one eye to no eyes. Only Kirika finds it awkward, Yuki studies her with academic interest.

After a few seconds, the black-haired girl holds up her palm in a bid for time. Then she slides next to Oriko and whispers at her, loud enough to be heard easily: "Oriko, why do you have tea with a Witch? And better, why's there a Witch outside?"

"Why, I am just as stumped as you," Oriko admits almost cheerfully. "I thought it would be rude to ask, so I simply accepted the matter as fact. That miss Yuki is not hostile is more than enough for me."

She knows just as well that Yuki can hear every word. But because this is not her conversation and she has no idea what a Witch is supposed to be, she does not respond. Another term for her to look up later.

"You were saying?" she prompts instead.

"Ah, of course."

All business again, Oriko draws her cellphone and swipes to a picture of a girl. Pink hair done in pigtails, a cream-coloured sweater and checkered skirt. Yuki saw the same school uniform earlier. The girl seems the gentle sort at first glance, attentively writing something in her notebook.

"This is Madoka Kaname, and she will end the world," Oriko announces. Her attempt for gravitas is sabotaged by scraping sounds as Kirika drags another chair over the porch to sit. She winces when her girlfriend throws her a look, then mutters an apology.

"I still don't get how she can be the one," the other girl admits while scratching her cheek. A faint gleam of light follows, after which her outfit fades and leaves the same school uniform behind. "She's in the same year as me and, like, the most average girl in the entire school. Sweet like sugar, though."

"You talked to her?" Oriko queries, curious. "I thought I asked you to leave her be?"

"Kinda. Just got curious, you know? So I went to school and talked to her and her friends the one time, like last week or so."

That sounds like a discussion for another time, at least in Yuki's opinion. She memorises the girl's features as best as possible in the meantime, though she finds them vaguely familiar.

"I will do my own investigation," she tells Oriko. "Especially important matters are best verified more than once. Thank you for telling me this."

The young woman shakes her head. "Not for that, please. Like I said, it will be futile... actually, a moment please."

She falls quiet and in trance again, leaving Yuki and Kirika in silence. The black-haired girl quickly presses something palm-sized against the darkening gem, which expells a black cloud in response. The gadget absorbs it wholesale.

After that, they are back to staring at each other.

"So, uh," Kirika finally starts, still a little awkard. "You're a Witch, right?"

"Can you define the term for me?"

"Sure. Like, big ugly monster that eats people? Usually hides in those barrier thingies, and drops a Grief Seed like this when killed." She waves the black steel thing she used on Oriko's gem earlier for emphasis. "Makes our Soul Gems glow like that if one's nearby?"

She points to said gem as well. Yuki barely acknowledges the gesture, already sorting through her knowledge. She is fairly sure she is not a Witch by that definition, but if these 'Soul Gems' only react to them and also to her, they might be similar existences? Curious.

"I am neither big nor ugly," she starts reasonably, and just as reasonably ignores Kirika's snort. "Nor do I eat people. Nor do I hide in a barrier of any sort, or turn into a Grief Seed. I am, however, not human. If these gems react to me like they would to a Witch, even if the other characteristics you named do not apply, that is worth considering."

"I mean... fair?" Kirika leans back, hands clasped behind her head. Then she tilts her head at Yuki and leans in again. "Okay, I gotta know: why do you wear a blindfold?"

"Why do you wear an eyepatch?" Yuki asks back, finding the answer self-evident. Going by her understanding hum, Kirika gets the message as well. Some things, people just like.

"I got a bunch more questions, any chance you'll answer them?"

"Later," Oriko interrupts primly. Her eyes are open once more, that polite smile back in place. "Miss Yuki, like I said, neither of us can change anything about the end of the world. But if you want to do something regardless, you should head to Kazamino, Mitakihara's sister city. There is someone you can save there if you go before nightfall."

Glancing up at the sky, it is beginning to tint orange. That is a rather tight schedule. But then again, is Oriko telling the truth?

"Who exactly would I be looking for?" she asks, but receives an enigmatic smile.

"Now would that not be telling?"

Her half-teasing response annoys Yuki, but she drops the matter. It certainly raises the point whether Oriko's words should be taken at face value anyhow. Even if she thinks she is truthful, which Yuki would have to confirm first, she may very well not have correct information. 'A vision' is hardly concrete evidence. Checking on this girl, Madoka, would be the most prudent choice. But if she does speak the truth and has correct information, then investigating her lead into Kazamino is just as worthwhile.

At the same time, Yuki is curious about the pair before her. Oriko and Kirika stand out to an extent, particularly for being the first to notice her inhuman nature in some form. And for overcoming her notice-me-not charm without any trouble, come to think of it. Doing research on these Soul Gems sounds worthwhile as well, even if it requires interacting with people.

And then, of course, there is her own research as well. She has found libraries across town and is very interested in perusing them, but is uncertain whether to prioritise that over what she just learned.

While Yuki mulls it over, Kirika annihilates the remaining scones. Oriko seems content to finish her tea in the silence.

What should Yuki do?

[] Stay with Oriko and Kirika for a while
weight: x0.75

[] Go to Kazamino, like Oriko indicated
weight: x1

[] Check out Madoka Kaname
weight: x1

[] Do research at the local libraries
weight: x1.5

-Unlocked Character Sheets: Mikuni Oriko, Kure Kirika
2. Meet Cute
Go to Kazamino, like Oriko indicated

Yuki mirrors Oriko's posture for a time. She has a number of options, each of which are relevant. But the support of a seer would be quite helpful; confirming Oriko's words and spirit are just as important as potentially saving a life. If she lied, it is better to know her nature now.

"You are a seer," Yuki opens after a time, prompting the two girls to look at her with a semblance of interest. "Have you foreseen your own death before?"

Kirika bristles at that, but a faint motion from Oriko has her calm down. The blonde inclines her head minutely, expression unchanged. "Many times," she offers. "I have no plans to interfere in anything beyond this point. But you will return, miss Yuki. I have foreseen it."

"I could tell you that without any prophetic abilities," Yuki quips back drily. There is a binary option here; if Oriko is truthful, Yuki might ask her counsel again. If she lied, there will be harder questions asked.

"Unless you do not wish me to return?"

"Do as you wish. I will do much the same. Although, please do not return before tomorrow morning. I have plans for the night."

Yuki simply nods, satisfied with that answer. Kirika becomes attentive, though. "Oh, are we going out? Where to?"

"No," Oriko chirps, "rather the opposite. We will stay in, and you will catch very little sleep."

Yuki does not need to see the black-haired girl blush and let out a startled eep to catch the euphemism. She rolls her eyes under the blindfold, half tempted to ask if Oriko foresaw that too. But she swallows the remark with her last sip of tea and stands.

"Then I will get out of the way of your lovemaking. Good tidings, Oriko, Kirika."

"Until next we meet, and good luck."


Yuki absently returns Kirika's embarassed wave, but pays the two no further mind. Whatever they get up to on their own time is not her business.

Once around the corner, she stops and leans against the wall. Eyes closed, she can just about make out the conversation they pick up. Kirika remains flustered for a minute, though she also drops something curious once the subject changes.

"Did something else come up in Kazamino? You just sent me there yesterday."

"No such thing as making sure, my dear," Oriko answers enigmatically.

Yuki makes to actually leave on that. She mulls over what she just learned while hopping over the gate; despite her words, Oriko does seem to have involved herself in things before now. Whether she just reached a point where she decided to stop or will keep doing so in the future is up in the air.

Shaking off the thought, the magical girl glances back up at the sky. She is somewhat pressed for time now, so she decides to forego walking. While there is a sizable bridge connecting the sister cities, getting there on foot would be too slow. Likewise, she has no money to afford transportation.

Meaning, she teleports on top of a skyscraper. The winds up high ruffle her clothes and hair, trying to pull at her as she floats atop its roof. Yuki closes one eye and peers into the distance, careful not to jostle any antennae. Then she forms one hand into a tube in front of her open eye to aid her study.

By all accounts, Kazamino seems a little... older than the city she is in. Mitakihara, if she understood Oriko right. The name certainly sounds like nothing she ever heard before. To name a city in the first place would require having several, so it makes sense there is no such practice in The City. It needs no more a name than the world if it is the only one a people knows.

After scoping out the slightly smaller city on the canal's other side, Yuki decides on a landing spot and teleports again. Green light shines brighter than before, only to vanish as quickly as it appeared. Her previous perch looks small from the alley she arrived in.

Now if only Oriko had told her anything beyond 'be in Kazamino'.

Yuki's brow twinges in annoyance, her expression growing a shade grumpier about the lack of information. To anyone else, the change is too minute to even notice. She pauses a moment to listen, but no convenient directions are given. So, after heaving a soft sigh, Yuki begins to walk again. She figures that if Oriko gave no further instruction, she will eventually stumble over whomever she is meant to find.

In the worst case, Yuki loses a few hours of time. Although she is starting to get tired, the feeling is easily pushed aside.

Unfortunately, nothing presents itself at first. She strolls around Kazamino for a while, thankful for her notice-me-not enchantment. It still holds, though she will need to refresh it in a few hours. Yuki can walk the streets unaccosted, peek into nightclubs and retreat from the wall of noise greeting her. People dance the night away in short order, inhibitions are lowered by alcohol and other substances. Yet there is still a certain order to the nightlife.

Yuki soaks all these impressions up like a sponge; they are not what she came here for, but they might be useful later.

An hour after the last rays of sunlight caressed these streets, Yuki stops in a somewhat dilapidated alley. Looking around, she frowns and climbs onto a brick wall to rest her feet, wondering if she missed the person. Did Oriko lie, or was her information simply incorrect? Or did Yuki somehow mess something up, which she can not be blamed for due to lack of information?

Maybe, she reasons, she will meet whomever it is later into the night. There are still copious amounts of people about. The danger may only stalk these streets after a certain time.

As she follows her idle thoughts and kicks her feet, Yuki almost misses the soft thud of boots hitting stone. Her gaze rises to the side, where a girl with a gleaming red gem on her collarbone peers down at her. Its light barely illuminates her features and only gives faint impressions of clothes, casting long shadows.

"Now what do we have here?" the newcomer drawls playfully, brandishing a spear that shines in the light of her Soul Gem. "A little Witch out of her barrier?"

"I am not a Witch," Yuki retorts stoically, unimpressed with the attempt to intimidate her. "Do you need something?"

The cold response gives the girl pause. Her motions falter for just a moment, confusion warring with surprise. She balances easily on the wall Yuki also sits on, but her expression remains cast in shadow. The way the shadows dance when she draws back her weapon are easy to spot, though.

"Yeah, actually. How about you turn into a Grief Seed for me?"

And the spear lashes out on the last word, like a vengeful serpent ready to bite into her flesh.

Yuki bats it aside with the back of her hand. The sheer force of her motion sends the other girl stumbling off the wall, though she catches herself and lands on her feet. Her sudden glare is hardly visible, but its intensity can be felt.

"You do not want this fight," Yuki tells her, still seated. Even as she says it however, her hands clench into fists. Familiar anger works its way up her throat like bile, ready to turn physical on a moment's notice.

The newcomer growls back, brandishing a newly created spear.

"Oh, believe me, I want it," she hisses.

Then she leaps forward. Yuki pushes off the wall just before chains and heavy morningstars pulverise the spot she just sat. Quick steps carry her aside, eyes trying to discern how that spear actually moves. The light is too low to see more than shadows. And worse, her enemy pursues with the ferocity of a beast, constantly stabbing forward and forcing Yuki to dodge.

Curiously, the spear does not segment again. Her opponent's stance seems experienced, offering as little surface area to Yuki as possible. She tries to harry her and Yuki allows it, studying her motions as best as she can in the dark.

Then she manifests her mallet, almost in the shape of an hourglass, and shatters the girl's spear with a firm strike. Metallic ringing gives the redhead pause, surprise evident in even her shadowed expression. She recovers in moments, flinching back before Yuki can get in her face. The smaller girl could extend her reach with her mallet, but she is not trying for lethal yet.

"Stop," she orders, not that her demand is heeded.

And so their dance continues in the darkness. Only the gleam of a crimson gem illuminates the pair, rapid breaths and the occasional clang of clashing weapons the only noise. Yuki is not as good a fighter as Happiness, but she is not unskilled. She knows her reach and has no interest in killing right now, so she fights defensively.

Unfortunately, something has to give. Yuki tries her best to give no openings, but her assailant is skilled and swift like a viper. From one moment to the next, a heavy boot connects with her chest and sends her flying out of the alley. The girl in red pursues, spear at the ready.

Yuki arrests her momentum and turns it into a backflip, coming to stand in the glow of a streetlight. Her frown has grown minutely, the bile becomes more caustic in the back of her throat.

And the approaching enemy... pauses.

She stops just outside the circle of light, staring at Yuki. The two magical girls size each other up for a moment.

"Are you for real?"

The question comes unexpected. Yuki tilts her head ever so faintly, but has no further answer. She does not even know what that girl is talking about. She does not seem willing to elaborate, either.

Yuki just opened her mouth to ask when her attacker shakes her head and steps forward. A wild, red mane of hair flies this way and that, barely tamed in a haphazard ponytail. Her spear glints in the streelight, the crimson gleam of her Soul Gem now casting a less ominous glow.

"Is it really that much to ask for a straight fight, no mental crap? Just this one time? Nooo, of course not."

She grunts in displeasure and lunges. Her spear segments again, slicing up the ground as much as the streetlight's pole. Cast in shadow again as the light shorts out, Yuki leaps backward and barely escapes the grinder. Heavy chains follow, swinging heavier weapons that somehow hid in the shaft.

Suddenly, she has to face a sobering realisation: the yet unnamed girl was playing before. Like a cat with a mouse.

Now she is not playing anymore.

Concrete and steel are torn up in their wake, Yuki barely ahead of the berserking spear wielder. Yet for all the chaos in her style, the redhead never loses sight of the fight or Yuki. She follows her like a bloodhound, passing street by street and leaving them all damaged in her singular desire to take her down.

It takes all her skill to not get skewered by that spear. Yuki has no time to think, no time to act; she can only react to the next attack, constantly giving ground as she retreats across town. She does not know where they are, nor where the next abandoned corner is to take their fight. She barely has a thought to spare on the innocent people who might get dragged into this.

And within, she has to wrestle her own anger. It comes far more readily today than it ever has before, demanding she fight back. Demanding that she kill.

She does not even know why this is happening.

"Last chance," Yuki growls as she rolls under another morningstar. She tries to grab the chain, but a flick of the redhead's wrist takes it out of reach. That same motion hammers another iron ball into her side. It barely hurts, but the force sends her flying and the damage will add up if she lets it.

So Yuki realigns in mid-air, lands in a backflip to bleed off momentum, and turns toward her approaching enemy.

One dainty foot rises up, then stomps down onto the ground. The concrete shatters underneath as she pushes off, but the redhead stumbles from the sudden shake. Yuki darts forward, right into the girl's guard, and slaps her into the wall.

Dust and stone chips fly from the force of her impact. She almost bounces back, still off-balance from the sudden retaliation.

Yuki stands in the sudden lull, panting. Her flat palm slowly curls back up, eyes focussed on the momentarily stumbling spear wielder. Yuki barely held back her full strength in time, else that head would be off now. Almost incandescently bright, green acid pools in the back of her mouth.

Rather than try to capitalise, she quickly teleports onto a nearby rooftop, then further away. That moment of distraction was not enough for a killing blow, so she might as well cut it short before that girl gets really hurt.

After disengaging all the way to the canal, Yuki takes a minute to breathe deeply. She then clears her throat and spits out a glob of acid, which sizzles its way into the concrete by her feet. The noise provides focus in the now quiet night. Her anger slowly recedes, going back to a dull thrum rather than a roar.

Yuki is tired now.

But after looking to the neon lights of Mitakihara's skyline, she turns back to Kazamino. Hyper-aggressive redheads aside, she still has something to do here.

And so she walks back into town.

She does not meet anyone else that night.

With the first light of dawn, Yuki gives up. Her eyes are drooping, her feet hurt from walking all night, and she just wants to curl up into a ball somewhere. The anger gnaws on her insides, an everpresent tickle of annoyance.

Knowing that there is danger for her in Kazamino, she returns to Mitakihara. Whether or not Oriko lied, Yuki can not quite tell yet. She needs clarity to think, so she can not return there yet. But she also has no funds to stay anywhere.

Looking around as she hovers along the streets to spare her poor feet, Yuki eventually settles down on a park bench. Hands folded in her lap, she leans back against the cold wood and nods off in seconds.

When she wakes after dreamless slumber, the sun stands high in the sky.

Noise filters in from all sides, though none of it registers with Yuki yet. Drowsy though she may be, her attention is taken up by the girl peering at her from up close. She is young, perhaps twelve, and snow white hair rolls down her shoulders. The child bent forward a little, peering hard at Yuki. As if she meant to look into her eyes through the blindfold.

When the magical girl stirs, the human girl pulls back a step in curiousity. "Why do you wear a blindfold?" she asks innocently.

Rather than answer the now-familiar question, Yuki allows herself a big yawn, mouth covered with her hand. The child giggles, coming closer again.

"And why do you sleep on a bench? I tried sleeping on the floor once, but it was so hard!"

Yuki shrugs, unperturbed by the curiousity. "I was tired, so I slept," she says simply.

The girl nods sagely, as if it made perfect sense to her. "I wish I could do that," she gushes, beaming. "But didn't you have school? Skipping isn't a good thing, you know? You need to learn a bunch so you can get a good job later."

"I already graduated," Yuki lies. Explaining her actual age is more trouble than it is worth, and this is close enough to the truth.

"Wow, really? That's amazing! What do you work as?"

She wants to heave a sigh, but refrains just barely. Children are full of questions, it seems.

Before Yuki can actually start thinking of an answer however, her stomach growls audibly. It is a gurgle more of roiling acid from last night, but the girl in front of her perks up at hearing it.

"Are you hungry? I got an extra big lunch today, so I can share some with you!" She almost vibrates in place, excited at the prospect. Then she offers her hand with a big smile. "I'm Nagisa Momoe, nice to meet you."

"Yuki, a pleasure," she greets the child back.

The moment she takes Nagisa's hand to shake, Yuki is pulled forward and dragged along to a set of picnic tables. Nagisa does not have the strength to force it, but her current victim sees no reason to free herself. Before long, the two sit next to each other and Nagisa pulls open a half-empty lunchbox.

"I'm still stuffed from earlier, so you can have the rest," she explains happily before pushing the box at Yuki. "Auntie always makes way too much."

"I see. Thank you."

Yuki has little else to say beyond that. She studies the pair of wooden sticks Nagisa gives her; translucent memories of eating like that in Lobotomy Corporation return as she does. Chopsticks are among the more curious means she recalls using.

And the food is good, too. Omelets, small but cooked sausages, tomatoes, lightly salted rice, each piece is nice and flavourful. Yuki methodically eats her way through the entire thing, almost disappointed when she reaches the end. Nagisa fills the air with idle chatter in the meantime, talking about her classes and what friend so-and-so has done recently.

"You live with your aunt?" Yuki interrupts during a rare pause, curious despite herself. Nagisa mentioned the woman several times, and she does recall the mention of her having made that lunch as well.

Her question prompts a moment of sullen silence. Nagisa nods, eyes dropping to the table. "Yeah. My mom's in the hospital, so she can't look after me. But auntie's got it covered, don't worry! She's super nice!"

Yuki nods her understanding. A sickness that makes one unable to care for their own child must be severe indeed.

"But nevermind that, let's go play!"

And just like that, Nagisa keeps dragging Yuki along. Yuki herself is less enthusiastic about it, having other things planned, but figures she can spend some time entertaining the girl. Pushing Nagisa on the swings even is somewhat fun, though the other girl returning the favour is less so; if one can fly unassisted, a swing just loses most of its mystique.

Yuki still manages to enjoy the experience a little bit, though.

By the time Nagisa realises she should get home and runs off with an enthusiastic "Bye Bye, Yuki!", the sky has once again turned orange. Yuki raises her hand but does not wave, mulling over what to do next.

After a minute, she turns resolutely. It is time to hit the books.

Retreading her steps until she finds one of the public libraries, Yuki makes sure to reapply her notice-me-not charm after realising that it wore off. Then she builds herself a small nest of books in a corner and begins to read, wiling away the hours as she learns about history, politics, and the state of the natural sciences in this world.

Apparently, she landed in a country called Japan, situated on the continent of Asia. Japan is an archipelago and industrial powerhouse despite its comparatively small size. Interfacing with the internet over the offered computers, Yuki is sure to gather outside opinions on the country as well; there are many more than just the one, this world's population far more decentralised than in The City.

The subjects are fascinating, each and every one. Japan markets itself as a polite and future-oriented society, though there are clear cracks in that facade. Yuki does not have time to investigate in-depth just yet, not with the number of subjects she wants to study, but she can tell there is much room to improve. Perhaps not as much as what she reads about happening in other countries, but still.

She also learns a little more about Oriko in her time at the library. Apparently, her father was an influential politician who was caught in something highly illegal. And who then committed suicide, leaving his teenaged daughter to fend for herself.

Yuki pours over those newspaper articles for a while. While the elder Mikuni's deeds were clearly wrong, the sins of the father are not the sins of the child. She does neither understand nor like the way people were vandalising her home even after her father's passing.

"May I have a minute of your time?" a high-pitched voice inquires as she puts the article aside. Looking up, Yuki is about to decline when she spots something clearly inhuman staring at her.

They look feline, if with a second pair of ears sprouting from the first. Pink markings run down the white fur on their back, and equally pink eyes stare at Yuki unblinkingly. Yuki stares back in a similar manner, head tilting ever so slightly. The creature mimics her motion in turn.

"What do you need?" she finally asks. "And who are you?"

"I'm Kyubey," they introduce themselves with a bounce of their fluffy tail. "And I want to ask about you. Are you aware that you spent seven days and seven nights in this library, neither eating nor sleeping?"

Yuki blinks and stares at a nearby clock. Has it really been that long?

Now that her focus is broken, she can actually feel how tired she is. A yawn sneaks its way out of her.

"I was not," she says, frowning ever so faintly. "But it is not that unusual for me to lose track of time while I read. That aside, what are you?"

Kyubey traipses forward until they sit right in front of Yuki, almost on eye level with her. "I contract and support magical girls to fight Witches," they explain readily, the pitch of their voice not changing in the slightest. "Can I assume that those terms are familiar to you?"

"I heard the term 'Witch' before," Yuki answers. She does not take her eye off Kyubey. "And that I apparently ping as one. The person who told me so also spoke of a Soul Gem reacting to me, and a Grief Seed that Witches drop. Does that fit into your role?"

"It does. In exchange for a single wish of her choosing, I provide a magical girl with a Soul gem to cast magic. She then has to fight Witches, who spread curses upon the ordinary people across the world. Which is why your case is rather odd; Witches that leave their barriers are known, as are peaceful specimen that can coexist with those around them. Finding both of these qualities in the same entity is an anomaly."

"That is because I am no Witch."

This is the third and likely not the last time Yuki has to repeat herself on that. At least Kyubey does not seem to doubt her word, seeing how they nod.

"I figured something like that. May I take a scan of you for further study?"

Yuki's eyes narrow fractionally. While she has no issue agreeing, she is still a little wary.

"What exactly does that entail?"

"A simple procedure that is safe and requires no further input from you, Yuki. All I need is a minute of physical contact."

She nods minutely, offering a finger for Kyubey to press their paw against. Her mind is awhirl with ideas and questions, most focussed on the being in front of her. She can feel the energy being released into her body, slowly rolling over every fibre of her being. It pings back on occasion, delivering data of some form. But at the same time, it feels familiar; calling to her essence, as if to embrace it.

Yuki follows the instinctual reaction and reaches out with her most inner self. The Abnormality's very being rises from the depths and touches the probe.

And Kyubey drops dead.

The probe fizzles out, confusing Yuki for the moment. She sits a little dumbly, then lifts the limp body by the waist. Staring at it curiously, she mulls over what she just learned; Kyubey is involved in making warriors to fight these Witches, which she has yet to find any of. Kyubey knows her name despite never being given an introduction, which means they were observing her beforehand. And apparently, Yuki spent a whole week cooped up in this place.

As much as she wants to read more, she has to stop for now.

"Apparently," another Kyubey says as they climb onto the table, "something within your nature prevents me from taking accurate readings. This is another characteristic you share with a Witch. Do you happen to have any insight in why that is?"

Yuki hums in thought, absently hugging the dead bunnycat to her chest. "My being an Abnormality, most likely. I do not know the scientific process of creating beings like me, nor our greater purpose. What I know is that we are not human and can not be killed permanently."

She wisely keeps quiet about the energy generation and the potential to drive humans insane. Kyubey does not need to know that at this juncture.

"Thank you for clearing that up," they say, or rather transmit telepathically. Their mouth has yet to move. "Can you point me to where exactly these Abnormalities are created?"

"Not in this world," Yuki deflects. "I am from another world. And no, I do not know how I got here."

"I see. Again, thank you. Unfortunately, the data this last body obtained is contaminated with the cognito-hazard that infected the node itself. Would you mind deposing of that body for me?"

Yuki looks down at the corpse in her arms. She took to petting it without realising. The empty eyes stare up at her, at least until they dissolve in a small ball of acid. Yuki looks back up to Kyubey, who watches the display with interest.

"So you are capable of casting magic as well? Is there a limitation?"

"I can, and no. I might grow tired sooner or later, but there is no limit. Why do you ask?"

Kyubey's head tilts the other way, as if the bunnycat were confronted with a particularly interesting riddle. "You certainly are closer to a Witch than a magical girl, at least by this world's terminology," they muse. "Regardless, while you are already aware that your presence is similar enough to a Witch to make a Soul Gem react, you seem unaware of the implications. Not only are magical girls contracted to seek out and destroy Witches, they must do so. Only a Grief Seed can clean the stain that using magic leaves on a Soul Gem."

"And why is that relevant?"

"Why, if the gem turns completely dark, the magical girl ceases to exist."

They say it so nonchalantly that Courage almost snorts. That at least explains why Kyubey asked about a limit to the magic she has at her disposal. So with what they say, these local magical girls will try to kill Yuki for a hypothetical Grief Seed, which she does not drop. Like that girl in red last night... or rather last week.

"So I can presume most magical girls will be hostile as a matter of course."


With that, Kyubey rises to their feet.

"If there is nothing else, I will take my leave now. Call for me if anything comes up."

Is there another question Yuki should ask?


[] Ask about the girl in red
weight: x1

[] Ask about Oriko
weight: x1

[] Ask about Madoka Kaname
weight: x1

[] Write-in
weight: x1

[] No further questions
weight: x1

-Unlocked Character Sheet: Kyubey
3. The Hidden World of Magic New
Ask about this world's magic

After a moment of consideration, Yuki leans forward. Her academic interest was woken and drives back the tiredness.

"Tell me more about this magic," she asks. "Why is it finite, and where does it come from if it is?"

Kyubey's head tilts faintly at her, then they hop into Yuki's lap. She allows it and begins petting the bunnycat once they start their lecture.

"Human magic, in this world, is bound to emotion. The specifics are still a point of some contention and require further study. Overall, the magical abilities of a human correlate to the strength of their emotions. The phenomenon does occur naturally, which the people of this world call psychic abilities, but can not be focussed enough for any meaningful effects. Party tricks, effectively."

Yuki nods along, cataloguing the information. She is reminded of The Library's workings; emotional turmoil was required to draw out as much of a person's essence as possible, before it could be condensed into books.

"And you give this magical ability focus with a Soul Gem?" she queries of Kyubey, scratching behind their ear. They nod.

"Yes. The exact specialties a magical girl obtains depend on the wish she makes, but a certain set of core abilities is always present. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, magical girls only have limited amounts of magic at their disposal. The current working theory is that the taint that slowly fills up a soul gem is a residue left behind by the use of this same magical energy. It keeps adding up until it is cleansed."

"By a Grief Seed," Yuki finishes thoughtfully. "Why is it that Grief Seeds can clean the dirt out of a Soul Gem? Them being able to absorb this exact energy makes an odd coincidence."

She looks down at Kyubey, whose gaze never wavers from her own. Although their tail keeps wagging. "It isn't," they admit easily. "Witches are beings of curses, so they are drawn to these negative energies. Witches and magical girls are opposites of each other, in effect."

"I see," Yuki murmurs, then gives Kyubey one last pat. "Thank you for taking the time. I think I'm going to take a nap now."

The bunnycat hops from her lap and stretches out, then gives her an understanding nod. "Have a good night then. If you need me, just call," they transmit, then scamper out of view.

Yuki spends a few minutes returning the books and newspapers she read, then she curls up underneath the desk. No thought is spent to what she learned just yet, nor the murmurs of people around her. Night is about to fall regardless, meaning she will have quiet.

A minute later, she is out like a light. Her dreams are dominated by gentle, golden light and antediluvian crimson. Both are familiar yet distant, observers much like she herself. Their glow soothes Yuki even in her slumber.

By the time she wakes, the library already opens for business.

"So much for a nap," Yuki murmurs to herself, then lets our a jaw-rending yawn. Shaking her head to get rid of the sleepiness, she blearily looks around. Tiphereth is nowhere to be found, nor are her seniors.

A moment later, she remembers that this is a different library. Tiphereth may well be dead, considering the battle Yuki herself fell in. But that her first thoughts went to the spirited young woman gives her pause; attachments are to be avoided, so why is she feeling tender at the memory of Tiphereth?

Shaking her head again, Yuki reapplies her notice-me-not charm and heads out. The first few minutes under the morning sun are spent carding through her voluptuous hair; it usually curls back into shape on its own, but she prefers to help it along. Her blindfold remains in place, unruffled by sleep or motion.

Rather than aiming for a particular place to go, Yuki wanders around town for a while. She now has fresh eyes and new context to study Mitakihara, as well as Japanese society. There are a great number of social niceties to be observed, unwritten rules of behaviour that an outsider could easily get wrong. Yuki only has a very basic overview and few books could teach her these.

The only person she can think to ask for information is Oriko. But considering her bad intel, Yuki will keep her distance a while longer until she knows what to do. There will definitely be questions when the time comes.

And then there is the information about magic she got from Kyubey. They were quite helpful in understanding the primary difference between Yuki and the local magical girls; specifically, that she has unlimited magic. Meaning that she can win any battle by attrition.

"Would you look at that!" a familiar voice calls out, disrupting her thoughts. "Heya, weird girl!"

Yuki looks aside, having ambled around near the harbour. Now a second person walks with her; it is that same, pink-haired girl she first met. She waves at Yuki with a fanged smirk, once again dressed in black shorts and top. But she also carries a hockey stick with her, which Yuki takes notice of.

"Haven't seen you in a bit," the pinkette greets amicably. "Yuki, right? Your head's in the clouds, pretty much, isn't it? Something on your mind."

"A few things," Yuki admits, then motions for the stick. "What do you have that for?"

"To play hockey? Duh?"

She swings it for emphasis, producing a satisfying whoosh each time. Then she shoulders it, more like a weapon than equipment for sports. The girl's stride is confident, as if she owned the streets. A soft breeze ruffles her hair.

When Yuki just nods, the stranger's grin widens a little. "Anyway, what are ya thinking about? Anything happen?"

She could say she was attacked, but the existence of magical girls is obviously a hidden truth. And with how this particular person has yet to even say a word about Yuki being a Witch, she reasons that one is not involved. But conversation is a give-and-take, so she has to give her something.

"I assume that I was scammed a few days ago," she finally settles on. "But I can not say for sure. It may be that the other person shared bad information without knowing. I was mulling over when and how to approach them about it."

"Yikes. That sucks."

She makes a face, then gestures with her stick. "If you knew you'd been scammed, ya could just whack 'em good. Are you sure that other person wasn't in on it?"

"I do not know, hence why I need to think it over," Yuki retorts, then motions for her companion. "That aside, what is your name?"

This time the other girl pauses in surprise. She blinks at Yuki, then frowns into the middle distance. "Huh, I really didn't say," she mutters, then huffs. "Sorry 'bout that. The name's Ai, nice to meet ya."

"A pleasure," Yuki returns, cataloguing the name alongside her face. She does look familiar, just a little bit. Now that she actually examines Ai, Yuki realises it is the hair; Ai's is almost the exact same shade of pink as Madoka Kaname had in the picture she saw. Only where the supposed bringer of the end wears hers orderly and in pigtails, Ai's is a little wild and flows down to the small of her back.

"Anyway," Ai breaks the momentary silence with aplomb, "you're not getting anything done by overthinking. I say you should go there now and clear the air. Don't be like my mom, Yuki."

The suggestion is noted and put aside. Yuki shrugs minutely. "Rushing ahead without thinking it through is just as detrimental as overthinking," she says. "I plan to get it done soon. Is your mother prone to overthinking?"

"Something like that, yeah."

Ai makes some vague motions, huffing again. She does not elaborate, but rather changes the subject back in clear curiousity: "So, let's say you were scammed. What's gonna happen then? Do you need help whacking them?"

Thinking of Oriko and Kirika, Yuki is uncertain. She knows her own abilities, but a seer and an unknown magical girl make a potent combination. Then again, she will certainly not pull a bystander into it, if she even plans to make good on her threat.

"If I was scammed," she reasons, "then it was not debilitating enough to invite bodily harm. I will simply be aware of the issue and avoid that person in the future. That is that, and this is this."

"Oh? That sounded pretty cool there," Ai comments cheekily. "But it also sounds pretty dismissive. If someone's done you wrong, that shouldn't stand."

Yuki shrugs at that. She truthfully does not care much, beyond that no real harm was done. "I heard it from someone else," she explains absently. "And I concur, in a sense. Denying the impact everything has on you is bad for you. But there are some things one simply does not care about. I expect nothing from others, so I am never disappointed to begin with."

"Meh. Doesn't sound like a good way to live for me."

Ai bounces a few steps ahead and turns around, walking backward now. Her eyes glitter with mirth, despite the subject matter and despite her serious tone: "I don't wanna live a life where I can't expect anything from anyone. There's gotta be a reason we're all here, right?"

"There is," Yuki agrees, unable to suppress a faint smile. "But a meaning to our existence is not equivalent to finding meaning in other people."

Ai gives a thoughtful hum in response. "You're not wrong," she admits, rejoining Yuki's side. "But I still don't like it. People are great, even if they suck a lot."

"Is that why you skip school?" Yuki quips, which prompts a laugh from Ai. Guilty as charged, apparently.

The pinkette does not actually give response beyond that, though. Silence descends, and an oddly comfortable one at that. Yuki does not mind it much, so they keep walking side by side; their strides are almost even with each other.

At some point, Ai begins to hum a tune. It sounds nothing like the few songs Yuki knows, yet it evokes a buried memory; not of herself, but of Roland. She shudders faintly as that unforgettable melody reverberates through her mind for a moment. Then she pushes it back down.

That song is better left buried.

"Why are you out here?" she finally asks Ai, who makes a noncommittal sound.

"I like being out and about, is all. So much stuff to do, so many people to prank. What about you?"

"Curiousity, mainly. Seeing a place for yourself is a much different experience than reading about it, or seeing pictures."

Yuki has heard the bit about pranking people, but decides to leave it uncommented. What others get up to in their free time is their business, at least as long as nobody gets hurt. Ai seems to think much the same, seeing how she drops the matter.

Rather, Ai bounces forward once again, another cheshire smirk on display. "I gotta go again," she says with a little wave. "Still got stuff to do. I'll see you around, Yuki."

"Alright. Until next time."

She returns the wave and watches Ai dash away into a side street. Only in retrospect does Yuki wonder how Ai could see through her notice-me-not charm; she reapplies it just in case, reasoning that it must have given out earlier. Not that she minds, the occasional conversation is nice enough; Ai is an intriguing character, too.

But now that she is on her own again, Yuki keeps on walking. She makes her way through the industrial district again, faintly unamused to find that the graffity is back. It only took a week for that to happen. An absent wave of magic has it erased, once again sparing the more artful renditions.

Around noon, on the way past an abandoned building, she hears it. A faint whisper at the edge of her mind, beckoning her for just a moment before shying away.

"Leave," the voice comes louder now, a faint gurgle to it. "I don't want any others near. Leave."

Yuki pauses and looks around, but there is no one to attribute the voice to. It is different from Kyubey's telepathic message, more like the wind carried it to her ear.

"Who are you?" she tries, but receives no answer beyond another demand to leave.

So Yuki does the exact opposite and follows the voice. Its tone grows more agitated every other minute, but Yuki pays it no mind; she flicks her fingers to produce gentle waves of viridian, mapping out the surrounding area for traces of magic. She finds some, though they are a little older. Nothing fresh.

"I told you to leave me alone!" the disembodied voice growls eventually, just as Yuki stops to study an abandoned six-story building. "Is it that hard to understand?"

"I understood you fine," Yuki says, still scanning the area. "But I would like to talk to you properly, first. Is that acceptable?"

She has already found a stronger source of magic in the building, if weirdly. The signature wobbles and wavers, as if it were only half there. Yuki keeps in place for the moment as she waits for a response. She wants to give diplomacy a chance, but she will not waste the opportunity to speak with what might be a Witch. And even if they are not that, they are clearly an irregularity.

In the end, an answer does come: "Hmpf, fine. But only if you promise to leave afterward. I don't want anyone around but my roses."

"I can accept that," Yuki says, which is implicitly not the promise she was asked to give. The other person does not pick up on the deception, either. Or if she does, she says nothing of it.

"Then come on up. Anthony will see you in."

The voice vanishes and Yuki begins ascending the stairs. There is some more graffiti on the walls, which she leaves for the time being; casting more magic right now might be taken the wrong way. These letterings are just gloomy, talking about abandoning all hope and that no gods will answer one's prayers.

Once she reaches what should be the source of the magic, Yuki is faced with an empty room. After casting her gaze around aimlessly for a moment, a gleaming disc of light becomes visible at the far wall. Runes glitter along its rim, spelling out 'Gertrud' with little floral patterns.

Yuki approaches cautiously, half-expecting a mirror image of herself or some sort. But on the other side stands a rather more unusual entity; even 'stand' is not quite right, as its feet are a butterfly absently flapping its wings. A stick thin body follows, only to run out in a puffball of a head that makes up a third of the creature's size. Yuki can spy no eyes, only a prominent, black mustache.

"A weed!" The creature crows, brandishing a garden shear. "The mistress invited a weed!"

"Your mistress still invited me," Yuki counters evenly, to which there is no response. Thankfully, what must be Anthony does not try to attack her either. It flutters backward, bending this way and that as its center of gravity shifts.

When Yuki steps into the odd space, her senses try to tell her that up is down. The entrance flickers out behind her, becoming a wall overgrown with ivy. Nothing looks quite right in this enclosed space, Yuki notices; faintly distorted, just enough to catch the eye.

She is still inside, though not the same building as before. She knows well how teleportation works, so this is more likely a pocket space of some sort. A lair, not unlike the book Yuki was living in for a time. The corridors seem endless, only to suddenly terminate at circular doors and portals leading to other areas of this twisted space.

There are more of Anthony, too. They go every which way as if patrolling, an orderly chaos of fluttering wings. With how they all look the same, Yuki reasons that they are not individual entities; going by their whisperings about her being a weed and green, she also determines they can not be very smart. Declaring her function in life based on her favourite colour is silly.

Eventually, after what could be a minute or an hour, they arrive at a sudden drop. The floor gives way into a cavernous room, where a small cohort of Anthonies is busy tending magnificent, red roses. They grow free and wild, carefully pruned.

And on a couch the size of a house, overseeing her minions, sits the person she came to meet. Even Yuki has to pause in surprise at the sight of her enormous body. The flesh-coloured slug barely fits onto that couch, a pair of colourful butterfly wings folded on her back.

"Finally," she grouses, her gurgle now more pronounced. A thick head of mossy green sponge tilts this way and that, then leans forward. A dozen eyes not unlike the roses she cares for point at Yuki from across the room.

"Come here and get it over with. Mind the roses."

Yuki nods back and takes off the ground, floating a few centimetres. She is the guest, so following her host's request is only good manners. The Anthony stays behind, idly clacking its shears before fluttering away. Not a single one of its compatriots so much as turns to look when she passes by them over the flowerbed; they merely flutter around her, just like they avoid each other in their work.

"I guess this is an opportunity to do this socialising thing," Gertrud says when Yuki stops before her. She leans down so far that her head is right atop the magical girl, their colours curiously similar. Yuki has to crane her neck to meet her gaze, but is otherwise undaunted by the sheer difference in mass.

"You do not seem the type," Yuki answers evenly.

Gertrud nods, almost hammering her guest into the ground with the motion. "I don't," she agrees. "But you're small and don't take up much space. You don't talk a lot either, not like the others I met. That's good. I'm Gertrud. So what do you want to talk about?"

She is getting mixed signals here. Maybe actually minding the roses helped soothe Gertrud's defensive attitude? Regardless, Yuki keeps meeting her gaze; Gertrud clearly sees her with those roses she has for eyes, though there are no visible pupils or anything.

"I am Yuki and I never met a Witch before," she said. "So I was curious what you were like. This is not quite what I expected."

Gertrud's head tilts minutely, which is a massive shift from Yuki's point of view. "I don't know what a Witch is. If you mean another like yourself, then I'm surprised: we aren't that rare. I came by at least two others when I moved in."

"So you would say we are the same?"

"You definitely feel the same. Or... hm. Hold on."

Gertrud leans closer again and inhales, the only indicator of which is that a sudden draft tries to pull Yuki upward. She keeps herself at the previous height and watches the slug-Witch lean back. Her rose-eyes shrink in suspicion.

"Your smell is very similar, but it could be different" she judges. "So if you don't think you're my kind, why did you want to meet me?"

Yuki is unaffected by her sudden distrust. "I met others who said we're one and the same, but I know we are not," she answers. "At the same time, that does not tell me why others think us the same. We certainly look nothing alike."

"None of my kind look alike," Gertrud comments with another gurgle. "And if you aren't one of us, then what are you?"

"An adjacent existence, most likely. Our general abilities and attributes are similar, but some of the specifics vary."

"Okay, and? Why does it matter what we are and aren't? You can't grow roses from knowledge alone."

"But you need knowledge to grow roses," Yuki counters simply. Gertrud harrumphs and falls silent, sizing her up from above.

The more she speaks with her, Yuki comes to understand that one primary property of Abnormalities is also true here: Gertrud has a one-track mind, caring primarily about her roses and little else.

"How do you grow those roses, anyway?" she tries instead. Kyubey said something about Witches preying on humans, which means she needs to gather more information.

Her host perks up in response. Some of her hostility bleeds away again as she sways from side to side. "Oh, it's quite the elegant process," she gurgles with something approaching happiness. "Each of them grows from a seed, you see. I only pick the very best of each batch, all the rest get to become Anthony or Adelbert. They're much better for tending the flowers' delicate needs, so I oversee and teach them. And once a rose is fully grown, I have them take it from the field to plant in a nicer spot near the surface, where they can get sunlight."

She keeps on babbling about various methods to tend the flowers, more than Yuki honestly wants to know. She dutifully absorbs it all, though.

"Oh, and fertiliser is important, too! I usually make my own, but it isn't high enough in quality."

Saying that, Gertrud shudders and casts a flutter of magic toward the wall; it vanishes a moment later and she turns back to Yuki. "I hate, hate, hate those little creatures from outside trampling through my home. They resemble you a great deal, come to think of it. But they're overall dumber and far less pleasant. But they make great fertiliser, especially their energy. My roses gobble that right up, taking on this vibrant shade of scarlet you see over there."

And there it is.

Yuki tenses minutely, but forces herself to relax. Perhaps, she reasons, diplomacy may win the day again.

"Are you aware that these 'creatures' are people like you and I?" Yuki tries. "Killing them for minor reasons is not acceptable."

Gertrud harrumphs in response. "Bah. What greater purpose could they serve than feeding my roses?"

"They each have their own hopes and dreams. Much like your roses, those things are to be cherished, not to be trampled."

"Do I look like I care?"

Yuki pauses there. She tried to make a moral argument and it failed. Will any others actually yield better success? Much like an Abnormality, Gertrud seems beholden to her nature. Even Lobotomy Corporation, a mega-corporation, could only mitigate the death toll its Abnormalities caused their trained handlers.

Should Yuki spend more time on this, or take the final measure?


[] Diplomacy is worth another shot, perhaps another track will help
weight: x1

[] She clearly can not be reasoned with. Destroy her for the good of the people outside.
-[] Use her roses against her
-[] Leave her roses alone
weight: x1

-Unlocked Character Sheet: Ai ???

Gertrud, the Rose Garden Witch
-Threat Assessment: HE
-Threat Description: She is large and seems fairly durable, but also cumbersome without limbs. Her minions are plenty. But her roses are an obvious weak spot, if one wants to risk her wrath in attacking them.
4. Battle of the Roses New
Diplomacy is worth another shot, perhaps another track will help

Yuki's eyes narrow beneath her blindfold. She is an advocate of resocialisation over harsh punishment, but she also knows the unchanging nature of Abnormalities. She has to see things from Gertrud's perspective and find a lever to use her own logic.

"Tell me more about the gathering process," she says. For now she needs more information about how this Witch thinks.

And Gertrud is happy to oblige. She begins swaying back and forth again, speaking at length of the various methods she came up with to extract energy from humans; Yuki gathers that this is likely their life force, sapped directly from their souls. Efficient, if nothing else.

Much like she expected, Gertrud is mono-focussed on her roses. She does not care for people or her surroundings, not even her own minions, beyond the benefits they offer her flowers. She only dives into populated areas when the roses lose their luster, then retreats once she took enough people to sustain them. The number is surprisingly low despite that.

"Just one or two at a time?"

"Indeed," Gertrud gurgles. "Those 'human' things are like sacks of energy, so I usually just need one or two. That much energy lasts me a fortnight, sometimes less if I make more seeds."

Yuki nods her understanding; this is still bad, but less so than she anticipated. "And how do you extract the energy, exactly?" she prompts next.

"Oh, I just snag and squeeze them. Without actually touching them, of course. Yuck. They don't even realise if I pull out their essence, but there's only so much I can take while they're alive. So I have Anthony cut them to size or something for the rest."

After what may have been an hour or two of gardening and useless avenues, Yuki finally sees an opportunity. She is starting to get tired of this dance, fingers twitching with unspent energy and very real anger. Gertrud's near-constant, callous comments do not help her mood.

"Your resource management is inefficient," she says, blunt as ever.

Gertrud stops wiggling in response and leans closer. "Oh? And how do you mean that?"

"While it is true you get more energy by wringing a human dry, you can still siphon some off without harming them. If you only take this much and let them go afterward, then you can take it from the same human again at a later time. Something like milking a cow. It keeps the population stable, no matter what."

Gertrud's head tilts further and further sideways, until she almost falls over. She eventually bounces back in the other direction, an almost hypnotic sway to her body. "Intriguing," she murmurs, glancing over to the vibrant roses still tended by a dozen minions.

"But the human population is stable anyway, isn't it? There are so many of them, they're everywhere and get anywhere if you let them. So why would I waste time extracting energy from more of them when I can just take it all? Not like one or two matter to the population as a whole."

Yuki's head tilts in tandem with Gertrud's, her countenance clearly unamused. "If we assume two humans per fortnight, that makes one human per week and thus fifty-two per year. A single human requires roughly fifteen to eighteen years to reach their physical maturity, not including the nine months' worth of gestation in the mother's womb. So in one generation of eighteen years, you will kill over nine hundred humans. Which makes nine hundred less who can themselves procreate, thus lowering the overall number of births in the following generation."

There are some more intricate considerations Yuki leaves out here, such as the ages of the victims in regard to having children. But she wants to get a point across, not write a thesis. The numbers seem to give Gertrud pause, if nothing else.

"Are they really that difficult to grow?" the Witch asks, a smidgen of curiousity shining through. "Even when there's so many of them?"

Yuki nods. "They are. And now imagine, for a moment, how you would feel if you spent so much time and effort to grow a rose, only for someone to walk by and trample it without regard."

Gertrud stills, shaking in barely controlled anger at the mere thought of it.

"I would be furious," she whispers.

"And you would go and kill whoever dared to do such a thing," Yuki continues, earning a bobbing nod. "Which is why only siphoning off some off their energy is in your best interest. Humans are a social species; a guardian will come sooner or later. But you can save yourself that hassle by not agitating them unduely."

She stops there, waiting for a response. Reading Gertrud's body language is difficult because she lacks familiar features, but the erratic flutter of her wings indicates that she mulls it over. Yuki dares to hope she got through to her when the silence keeps lasting.

Which is when she hears it, barely audible. A gunshot. Then another, and another.

And they are coming closer before suddenly stopping.

Yuki's gaze slips to the entrance, only to return to Gertrud when she speaks up: "You might have a point. I will have to think this over more carefully. To that... hm?"

Her head turns to the entrance as well, as does Yuki's once again. The sound of a voice is audible now, announcing three figures stepping into the opening. Two wear school uniforms, flanking a young woman in fancier blouse and skirt, with a dark corset to match. A yellow Soul Gem gleams on her beret, which crowns a head of golden hair that runs into elegant ringlets.

"It seems we found the Witch," she says to her companions, grabbing onto an ornate club that the girl to her right holds. She slams it into the floor, which creates a semi-translucent dome of light around the other two. "Please wait up here while I deal with her."

"I am better at this than Oriko," Yuki mutters to herself as she stands, hands at ease. Of course a Magical Girl would show up just as she mentions them. Now she has to disarm this somehow, lest all her work go down the drain.

"Mind the roses!" she calls up, just as the blonde girl is about to hop down. Hearing Yuki's voice startles her badly enough to buy a moment's time. "She will do her best to destroy you if you harm those."

"They have an actual language?" Gertrud asks, even as she pulls her mass together in agitation. "Whatever. Tell them to go away."

Meanwhile, the girls up above have a whispered conversation Yuki is not privy to. She gazes up at them momentarily, already suspicious of the conclusion they will reach. And before she can say much of anything, the blonde confidently leaps forward, clearing a fifteen metres drop without trouble.

Right into the flowerbed.

Yuki winces. The way that girl crushes a handful of roses under her boots seems deliberate, the confident smile she bears unwavering. And the barrier around them shudders.

"My roses!" Gertrud shrieks, flapping her wings in agitation. Her voice echoes from every wall, even the various plants around them start wailing. "Anthony! Adelbert!"

Even as she calls to her underlings, she lurches, catapulting her couch toward the intruder. Yuki ducks under it, wondering if Gertrud even realises she just threw that at her own roses. It does not matter either, seeing how another gunshot cracks loudly and the furniture's center explodes. Shreds of dark yellow ribbons fly every which way, as does the eldritch wood and cloth.

Gertrud utters another gurgling roar and rips into her own minions' essence, transforming a number of them into thick, sturdy vines to strike at the magical girl. She dances out of the way with grace that speaks of experience, forming flintlock rifles in each hand as she does. The hammers fall and bullets rip into the vines, debilitating them. But more come while Gertrud flutters high on her wings, nimbly evading the barrage.

Yuki slowly steps aside, unwilling to interfere; she already suspects all her work will go down the drain after this, but she has no stake in this fight. If anything, a magical girl is similar to a guardian of this city; interfering with her work is the opposite of what she should do.

Then a bullet shrieks right past Yuki's ear, tearing off the skin. A singular drop of blood pools at its very tip. And when the blonde looks her way again, Yuki knows this was no accident.

She moves before the next gun is fully pointed, crouching low. The bullet misses and the girl pushes off. Soft soil crumbles beneath her feet as she surges forward, straight at the surprised blonde. Viridian chains emerge from the ground to entangle her on Yuki's order, but are matched by golden ribbons. Her opponent leaps high to dodge her charge, where a vine snaps around her leg and slams her into the wall. Magical stone shatters on impact, hanging limp in the surrounding vines.

Twin shouts of shock sound from above, but Yuki knows better than to think someone that confident defeated. Theoretically, she could team up with Gertrud now. But, as the voices from above just reminded her, that will doom those civilians.

So she rather pulls back and floats up to the entrance, masking her ascent as a jump. The blonde from before is revealed to be fine and cuts herself free; just as her companions notice Yuki, she manifests a massive cannon, so large she can barely hug the handle.

Gertrud could dodge this, if she were not bound by a myriad of miniature strings that emerge from the bullet holes.

"Tiro Finale!" she calls gracefully, and the hammer falls a final time. An ear-shattering roar follows as Gertrud is swallowed by flame and smoke. Her lair wavers, quickly losing coherence.

Yet it seems that in her spite, Gertrud wants to deny the magical girl what she can. Her Grief Seed, a cage of black steel with gleaming core, bounces off the ground at a naturally impossible angle; away from the landing girl and right into Yuki's hand. She does not even notice because she poses, daintily sipping from a teacup she summoned from nowhere.

They are back in the regular world, the area bathed in dusk's orange light.

"Who are you, anyway?" the blunette of the civilian pair asks suspiciously, only to be surprised when the magical girl cocks another gun. "Mami? So she's bad?"

Yuki stares down the barrel without flinching. Her gaze flutters to the young woman holding it, then she clenches the Grief Seed harder. A flare of ribbons is countered by her chains this time, the green steel wrestling the cloth aside. The other two girls leap away with worried yelps.

"You should stop while you are ahead," Yuki advises calmly. "I have no reason to fight you yet."

The girl's brow ticks up the faintest bit. "A likely story," she retorts. "Every Witch is an enemy to the innocent."

The response causes more shocked gasps from the peanut gallery, which causes Yuki to roll her eyes after all.

"I am no Witch."

She clearly does not believe a word Yuki says. The still gleaming Soul Gem on her beret may be related to that.

"Um, are you sure, Mami?" a more timid voice chimes into their standoff. It belongs to the last member of the trio, yet another pinkette. "She doesn't look weird at all, not like those Witches or familiars, right?"

Yuki's head turns further once the colour registers. She studies the regular girl momentarily, already aware of whom she faces. Even if she did not look exactly like the one in Oriko's picture, there is a palpable aura around her. An invisible pressure that covers the girl's surroundings like a blanket.

Madoka Kaname. The apparent cause of world's end.

A gun barks and Yuki reacts too late; the bullet takes her in the shoulder, tearing through her suit. The girls shriek in surprise.

A flash of pain runs through Yuki as she bleeds off her momentum in an involuntary backflip. The bullet dug into her flesh, if not deeply. It wiggles and writhes in there, at least until her blood turns corrosive and dissolves the thing.

"I assure you, miss Kaname, this thing is a Witch masquerading as a human," the blonde says evenly. "Her appearing so non-threatening is part of the trick."

"And next I chose green as my colour because it has a calming effect to deceive my enemies," Yuki grouses, the familiar anger once again bubbling up. She swallows it for now as she inspects her shoulder. The arm still moves without trouble and the bleeding already stopped.

She ducks under the next bullet.

"You realise that, if we are to fight here, those two will become collateral damage?"

She motions toward Madoka and her wary friend, prompting Mami's eyes to narrow. So she is aware; this is probably why there were only singular shots and ribbon traps so far.

Yuki's shoulder knits itself back together; even her suit quickly mends. The scarlet of fresh blood is swallowed by even fresher viridian.

"Why did you bring them into danger in the first place?"

"That is none of your business," Mami answers, her voice almost as even as Yuki's. Her feet are still planted firmly, but the lack of further attacks conveys her uncertainty better than any words could.

Then the sound of footsteps echoes into their stalemate. An even clack-clack that draws the attention of both non-combatants, though neither Mami nor Yuki take their eyes off each other. Madoka gasps in surprise, her friend snarls.


"Transfer student."

The blunette almost hisses, clutching her club tighter. "So you're behind all this," she declares, as if she solved the world's greatest mystery.

A soft voice answers belatedly, toneless: "I never met this person in my life, Sayaka Miki."

"And why, exactly, did you reveal yourself at this point, miss Akemi?" Mami asks pointedly.

Yuki's brow arches at that; did this other person follow them?

"It's clear that the two of you are at a stalemate right now. Something has to give sooner or later. Regardless of what happens, I will ensure that Madoka Kaname and Miki Sayaka remain unharmed."

"Yeah, as if!" the blunette, Sayaka, grouses. She pushes herself in front of Madoka, barring her from view. Yuki spies Kyubey on the pinkette's shoulder now, though; she wears them like a scarf.

"Alternately," Yuki speaks up to get the newcomer's attention, "you could arbitrate between the two of us."

"Or," Mami counters, "we could destroy this Witch together, miss Akemi. I would be happy to have you."

Yuki's grip on Gertrud's Grief Seed tightens further. The metal gives ever so faintly now. She tries not to spit acid at someone. Children are so annoyingly difficult to deal with once they made up their minds. And Yuki has precious few options now; she could bargain with Gertrud, so these girls may not be lost causes, but time is running out.

She could get out of dodge with teleportation. They have no idea she can do that, but using it will reveal the ability. Suddenly being somewhere else can be devastating in a fight, especially so when the other side never sees it coming. That approach is a last resort in Yuki's mind.

She could try to appeal to this Homura character, somehow. Perhaps that Grief Seed in her hand can even be used to bargain with one or both of the magical girls. Or she can break the stalemate first and attack Mami, banking on Homura protecting Madoka and Sayaka instead of interfering.

Or she could simply... walk away. And hope the arrival of Homura keeps Mami occupied long enough to get away. But that will only belay the problem.


[] Wait and see what happens
weight: x1

[] Break the stalemate, attack Mami
-[] (optional) Write-in a battle plan
weight: x1

[] Try to bargain
-[] With Homura
-[] With Mami
-[] (optional) write-in a bargain strategy
weight: x1

[] Leave
-[] Just walk away
weight: x1
-[] Teleport
weight: x0.5

We have a six-hour Moratorium. Please do not vote for six hours!

Tomoe Mami
-Threat Rating: WAW
-Threat Assessment: Highly skilled, experienced, efficient, and cautious; her greatest weakpoint is her limited magic.

Akemi Homura
-Threat Rating: WAW
-Threat Assessment: Calm, composed, confident. Her powers are unknown.
5. Clashing Personalities New
Try to bargain with Homura. Point out that if you had wanted to hurt Madoka and Sayaka, you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on your nature, since it knows it already.

"Homura," Yuki begins, never taking her eyes off Mami. She can see the blonde tense up fractionally.

A simple "Yes?" is the answer, bearing but a trace of curiousity. The other person, whom she still can not see, is at least attentive.

Yuki faintly motions toward Madoka and Sayaka. "Seeing that you seem to be the only other person here who is concerned about those girls' safety, I should note that if I wished them harm, I had ample opportunity to inflict it inside Gertrud's lair."

"As if you ever had the chance," Sayaka barks back, still standing protectively in front of Madoka. The pinkette peers over her shoulder, perhaps curious.

"I understand," Homura says simply. The lack of inflection to her voice gives Yuki some trouble with gauging her mood; whether the girl does it on purpose is anyone's guess.

"Are you truly believing the words of a Witch, miss Akemi?" Mami adds pointedly, though she also keeps her eyes on Yuki. Any attempt to stare her down fails due to Yuki's blindfold, though she makes a good attempt. "I am likely the most concerned for miss Kaname's and miss Miki's safety out of all of us, as you should be aware."

A moment of silence follows. The two magical girls remain in their tense staredown, though neither commits. Mami may even speak the truth, but her feelings do not match her words.

"Is that so?" Homura questions, the faint clack-clack of her steps passing by. "Then why exactly would you take two uninvolved girls into a barrier, Mami Tomoe? If their safety was your priority, you would have left them outside. Or rather, you wouldn't have taken them along to begin with."

Mami twitches. Her trigger finger remains calm, but the girl herself was clearly affected by the assessment. Yuki's opinion of this Homura rises higher; she is capable of being rational, much unlike the child in front of her.

"And Kyubey," Yuki continues before her opponent can formulate her response. The bunnycat perks up, now also peeking over Sayaka's shoulder. "Why have you not cleared this up yet? You already confirmed I am no witch."

This time she actually startles Mami. It is impossible to miss when they pay such close attention to each other; Mami's composure cracks for but a faint moment, then smoothes out as she pretends it did not happen. Madoka gasps in surprise at the side and Homura's steps falter.

Kyubey, meanwhile, hops forward onto Sayaka's shoulder, as if to oversee the situation. "This is correct," they say, this time startling Sayaka as well. "However, we both confirmed that you are a similar existence to a Witch. Even if you were not, you certainly possess the power to inflict harm on others. Intervening during a high point of tension would have distracted Mami in a crucial moment when your intentions are yet unconfirmed; while you appeared reasonable so far, Witches are indeed capable of appearing harmless. Seeing that I lack conclusive evidence in either direction, I can't advise Mami on a correct course of action. Therefore, I keep to an observer's role for the moment."

The tension relaxed slightly from before, mainly through the longer pause caused by Kyubey's explanation. Mami remains wary, but her finger inched away from the trigger. Yuki's muscles relax fractionally as well and she casts a look to Kyubey, mulling over their words.

"That is... a fair assessment," she allows. "I do have the power to cause harm, and you have no indicator of my nature."

And, as the burning feeling in her gut attests to, Yuki carries a lot of danger within her body. If the Servant were to escape her bounds in Mitakihara, the whole city would crumble.

Naturally, she does not say that.

"Exactly. I appreciate that you understand my position."

With their piece said, Kyubey scrambles back to Madoka. She in turn clasps her hands hopefully, stepping halfway out behind the wary Sayaka.

"But she hasn't done anything bad, Mami. Can't we try to talk to her first?"

"I'm not so sure about that," Sayaka mutters, that bat still in her grasp. She eyes Yuki warily, then takes a step to the side. "And there's still her, too."

Mami herself is clearly torn. Her brows are scrunched up in thought, even while she holds her musket steady. Then she nods to herself more than anyone and lowers the weapon, taking a step back.

"I am willing to entertain a conversation," she offers an olive branch. Then she makes a faint motion toward Yuki. "I would like to request that Grief Seed first, though. As I was the one who killed the Witch, I am entitled to it."

Yuki looks down at the black bauble she still holds. Gertrud is completely inert, not unlike the eggs a killed Abnormality turns into. Yuki saw it happen a number of times when she helped Lobotomy Corporation's agents in their suppression work. She wonders about the similarities and differences; really, what she wants is to study this Grief Seed herself.

Rather than answer, Yuki takes her eyes off of Mami for the moment. Now that the immediate danger passed, she allows herself to look at the other girl, Homura.

When she lays eyes on her, Yuki is taken aback for a moment. Not by anything physical or magical, but by the air around that one.

Mami is elegant and bright in appearance, yet also firm. Homura is dark and almost plain in comparison. The only parts standing out in her outfit are the diamond-patterned tights, the buckler on her left arm, and her high-heeled shoes. She wears muted colours, grey and black and a splash of purple. Silky, black hair openly falls down her back in waves, splitting around the height of her waist.

Mami gives off an impression of authority. Homura, however, is quiet. She does not have the air of someone to be respected, nor of someone who seeks respect. She stands quietly, almost dissecting Yuki with those lilac eyes. Like a puppet moving on strings, yet with an underlying tension and laserlike focus.

Mami is openly dangerous. But Homura, Yuki can tell, is the far greater danger. She waits for a sign of attack, which she will punish at once and without mercy.

The way she stands, the look in her eyes, it reminds Yuki of Roland. And that reminder is why she knows Homura is dangerous. This is the look of someone without any expectations left, yet who keeps on moving for a purpose known only to her. And if Yuki gets in the way of that, she will be killed.

She barely manages not to shudder at the reminder. Foreign wrath mixes with the pool of anger in her gut, turning it black for a moment. She feels it eat through her stomach, thankfully kept inside by her flesh until her body regenerates and flushes the acid out.

"Is something the matter?" Homura asks, her voice controlled. At first Yuki thought she was just taciturn like herself, and maybe that is true. But now that she saw the girl, no, that woman, she can tell it is rather a tight control of her emotions. Who knows what lurks beneath?

Yuki considers asking what her goal is, but disregards the idea. "You remind me of someone I knew," she says instead, absently grasping her forearm. "And I do not know what to make of that, is all. Thank you for being reasonable."

Homura simply nods, and that is that.

Then Mami clears her throat. She gives Yuki an expectant look, reminding of her previous demand. The shorter magical girl tilts her head at the blonde. She meets her gaze evenly, then tosses the Grief Seed toward Homura, who catches it without trouble.

"I do not take kindly to assault, and even less so to demands made after the fact. The next time you want something from me, consider asking nicely."

Mami's expression hardens, not that Yuki cares much. That well is about as poisoned as it could get through no fault of her own; she will not kow-tow to the girl just to maybe make her ease off.

"I see how it is," she murmurs, though she does not raise her weapon again. Then however, she almost drops it when Gertrud's Grief Seed comes flying her way after all.

"I have enough to last a while," Homura says, hands now empty. "You killed this Witch, so the Grief Seed is yours."

Yuki rolls her eyes at that, safely hidden as they are. She meant for Homura to keep this, but it is just as well. Losing the Grief Seed is unfortunate, but she can get another; cultivating good relations with the one magical girl who did not attack her on sight is a good trade-off.

The tension keeps bleeding out of the situation now. Mami studies Gertrud's seed thoughtfully, her weapon dissolving in golden motes of light. Sayaka and Madoka stand silent, observers more than anything.

Then Homura flips her hair and turns to walk away. She says no more, and then is heard no more as she vanishes from sight. Yuki lets her go, certain they will meet again before long.

"I will have to think on this," Mami murmurs, then firms up again. She offers Yuki a polite if frosty nod and returns to the other girls. "We should get going, you two."

This confuses Sayaka. "Wait, what about her?" she asks, pointing to Yuki. "Kyubey said she's dangerous, right?"

"That bat in your hand makes you dangerous as well," Yuki counters, approaching the trio for her own reasons. Mami tenses up somewhat, but is ignored. Much the same goes for the bristling Sayaka.

Madoka, now, squirms a little under Yuki's attention. Perhaps she can feel the weight of her gaze. "Ah, is something wrong?" she asks timidly, then gets distracted by Sayaka interposing herself. Yuki studies her a moment longer, still uncertain. She appears as gentle as her picture implied, there is not the tiniest bit of aggression or anger in her expression or stance. Yet the power emanating from her is palpable; it comes in waves not unlike a beating heart, a constant ebb and flow.

This is the one who will destroy the world.

Ordinarily, one could just disregard Oriko's words. Yet with the aura that girl has, Yuki is inclined to at least entertain the notion. Madoka holds such power, and humans are perfectly capable of committing atrocities without meaning to.

But acting on any of this would be premature. So Yuki leaves it at that and offers a nod to the girl.

"No, I was just curious about your aura. Be safe."

"Oh, okay?"

Madoka looks after her when Yuki turns to leave as well. Absent nods of goodbye are offered to Mami and Sayaka; the blonde returns it frostily, the blunette scowls and clutches her bat.

"Ah, wait!" Madoka suddenly calls, making Yuki stop to look back. "What's your name?"

She never introduced herself, did she?

"Yuki. Though I can not say it was a pleasure."

And this time she is not stopped from leaving. Yuki makes sure to take even steps. Her heartbeat slowly calms, the anger receding in full. She somehow got out of this without a fight, which is just about the best possible outcome. Battling inside a Witch's lair would at least not destroy the environment.

She only fully untenses by the time she leaves the half-abandoned industrial district. Nobody followed her, nobody attacked her. She honestly met no one at all, which is in itself eerie. But that can be blamed on the sky turning dark; night falls and people congregate around the downtown area instead.

Yuki does not feel like touring there again, but she has nothing else to do. She is not particularly tired after that twelve-hour nap last night, either.

Just as she passes through a park to breathe the clean air, Yuki's ears pick up on a sniffle. She pauses, then changes course. Returning to the cobblestone path, she follows the soft noises to their origin.

What she finds is a woman, somewhere between her twenties and thirties. Her coat is rumpled and her head hung, hands lying listlessly to either side of her on the bench she sits on. She is not crying so much as staring into nothing, sniffling every once in a while.

Yuki stands in front of her for a time, uncertain what to do here. Her magic hides her from being noticed, not that the lady is attentive at all. She seems dead to the world, wallowing in her own misery.

"Are you alright?" Yuki finally asks. Her voice breaks the spell and makes the other woman startle. She quickly wipes her eyes and pretends at nonchalant, but pauses at the sight of her.

"Oh, don't you worry," she babbles back. "I'm perfectly fine."

The little sniffle right after the end of the sentence makes her claim even more unbelievable. The two stare at each other for a moment, then Yuki sighs and plops down next to the woman.

"I have time, so tell me."

Confusion warrs with reason for a scant moment, then her composure breaks. Yuki can smell the alcohol on her breath from this close, so that is probably why she crumbles so easily.

Despite the many words that flow out of her mouth however, the actual problem is a banal one: her love life. Apparently, her new boyfriend broke up with her over a triviality. Yuki doubts that somewhat, but she can hardly ask him about it. She just sits stoically and lets the flood of words collapse over her, making a noise on occasion to indicate she still listens. If nothing else, this woman certainly seemed to be in love. She keeps on gushing and ranting in equal measure, sometimes immediately falling from one into the other.

By the end of it, the other woman has her head buried in her hands and sobs. Yuki awkwardly rubs her shoulder.

"What I do not understand," Yuki wonders once she calmed down, "is why anyone would quit a relationship over the exact preparation of an egg."

"T-That's what I wanna know!" the woman slurs, nodding ferociously. "Who even does that?!"

Her voice rises somewhat in agitation, though nobody is around to notice. Yuki slowly shakes her head, though. "That was not what I meant. Are you sure that is why he broke up with you?"

"Of coursh!" she insists, voice somehow growing less coherent. She took Yuki's shoulder, shaking her lightly. "Everything w's great until then! And I, I put allll my love into it, too! And he still said he wants it diff-ff-fferent!"

There are a myriad of reasons for why this happened; they range from this boyfriend having sought an excuse to break up over a host of unresolved expectations that either of them never voiced. Yuki decides to drop it here; not like discussing it with a drunk woman and nobody else will be productive.

"I think you should sleep off the alcohol," she decides, standing and gently pulling the other woman up. "Come on, I will walk you home."

For some reason, that makes her tear up again.

"Ohh, you're sush a good girl!" she coos even while leaning on Yuki. "And sho strong, too!"

What follows is an arduous trek through town, accompanied by a cocktail of thanks, praise, and recollections of lost love. Yuki truly appreciates that she does not drink, and that she has never been, nor will ever be in love. This is just miserable. Even if she does not mind the occasional headpats.

By the end, Yuki unlocks the door to a modest flat after the drunk kept fumbling with the key. The other woman is quiet now, focussed on getting to bed. Once her shoes are off however, she pauses to peer at Yuki from up close.

"What about you? Shouldn't you be home already?" she asks, sounding lucid once more. Only the smell on her breath still belies her state.

Yuki looks back at her. "I do not have anywhere to go," she says simply. It is the truth after all.

And it made the lady tear up again.

"Oh no, that's horrible!" she calls, then brings Yuki into her arms for a squishy hug. "Such a sweet girl like you shouldn't be homeless! Come, you can stay the night. I'll go, get, futon."

Yuki bears this stoically as well. Once released, she wordlessly guides the woman to her bed. This 'futon' is already forgotten, whatever it is. Her unexpected host shucks off her coat and blouse, then climbs under the covers without further prompting.

Yuki just grabs a spare blanket, carefully takes off her jacket and shorts, and curls up on the couch. This is fine.

Her thoughts are filled with the day's events.

Meeting Kyubey and later Gertrud made it clear that Witches and Abnormalities are definitely adjacent existences. What Yuki still does not know is whether Witches emit Enkephalin as well, or some other sort of energy. They are certainly beholden to their nature, yet a little bit flexible within its bounds. This tracks with her own experiences.

Mami's interruption was unfortunate, but ultimately no great loss. Yuki came out of it unscathed, even if she made an enemy of sorts. She got to see a number of her potential opponent's abilities without revealing any of her own. Likewise, Homura, the second person not to attack her after Oriko, seems to have a neutral stance at the moment. And Yuki made contact with Madoka Kaname, to the point they might even be somewhat cordial.

Thinking of Oriko reminds her that she has to pay the seer another visit soon, too. Probably tomorrow.

Yuki falls asleep on this thought.

She wakes with the morning sun and sits up in her accomodations. The couch was serviceable, the blanket was warm. She has no complaints.

After dressing herself, Yuki sits down again to think for a minute. Muted birdsong sounds from the outside, peaceful much like her own mind after a good sleep. The break might have been necessary after yesterday.

Now that she found her center again, it is time to go see Oriko. And if the seer gets surprised by her appearing so early, that is not Yuki's problem. A minor inconvenience feels quite deserved after the thing with Kazamino.

Yuki stands and makes her way to the door.

[] You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.
weight: x1

[] Keep going
weight: x1

Unlocked Character Sheets: Tomoe Mami, Akemi Homura, Kaname Madoka
6. Candid Conversations New
You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.

Yuki's hand pauses right atop the door handle. Her eyes narrow beneath the blindfold as she stands perfectly still in consideration. Then she lowers the hand and turns on her heel.

It is true that walking out without another word would be impolite. And while she does have things to do, none of them are time-sensitive. But at the same time, she wants to do something with her regained energy.

So Yuki begins puttering around, intending to keep herself busy with chores; the place is fairly clean, but a little magic helps drive out the dust and the occasional candy wrapper. Empty bottles in the kitchen are sorted and a single used dish is washed.

For someone who lives on her own, this woman is fairly meticulous in her cleaning. Yuki approves.

By the time a soft groan sounds from the bedroom, Yuki sits at the living room table with a book in hand. She has little interest in Romance as a genre, but it is the only type she found on the shelf. And a fairly smutty sort at that.

"Good morning," she greets once her host shambles in, prompting the other woman to stop dead in her tracks.

Her hair is short and chocolate brown, Yuki can now tell in proper lighting. The hazel eyes behind her glasses come into focus, then grow wider. Memory returns as she blinks down at Yuki, who looks up at her.

"Oh. Ah. Good morning," she greets back, another host of confused noises swallowed back down. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thank you."

A beat.

In the silence, the other woman slowly takes a step back. "I, um, I need to take care of something. You just, uh, do what you're doing already, okay?"

Yuki nods and watches her flee the room. Then, after waiting five seconds, she puts the book down and floats up to listen from behind the door. Her motions are completely silent, not that she has to make much of an effort; her host is clearly distracted.

There is quiet beeping noise, followed by rushed words.

"Junko, I need- yes, I know it's early, but I need help! There's a girl at my place and I don't know what to do!"

"What? No! Not like that, and stop laughing! Now isn't the time! She said she doesn't have anywhere to go, and she has her eyes covered too!"

"I don't know! Help. Me!"

Yuki's brow scrunched faintly. She is not sure what she feels about this beyond exasperated. Her host makes a number of understanding noises while the person on the other side tells her something. Whatever they talk about, it takes long enough for her to decide she does not need to know the rest; hence why she sets back down at the table and picks up her book again.

It really is not that well written. Yuki is no expert, but even she can tell how the action contrives to reach the act... again. She still reads it though, if just out of curiousity whether the book will subvert her expectations.

After another few minutes, her host returns with an attempt at a soft smile. "Apologies for taking off like that," she says, clasping her hands together. "You must be hungry, so how about I make us breakfast?"

Yuki started looking at her when she spoke, now she nods. "That sounds good," she offers in response. "May I know your name, miss?"

The other woman was about to turn away, but stops at hearing the question. "Of course, how rude of me to forget. I'm Kazuko Saotome," she introduces herself with a genuine smile. It falters a little in the face of Yuki's unchanging expression.

"I am Yuki. A pleasure."

"Well, alright then. Hold on, what are you reading? Ah!"

With a squeak, she quickly pulls the book from Yuki's hand upon remembering which it is. Yuki strangles the disappointed noise in her throat.

"I was not finished," she tries. Neither was the main character, at that.

Kazuko just flushes and replaces the book in the shelf, never realising it always stood far too high for Yuki to reach. "That isn't something you should read. Here, how about this one instead?"

She quickly pulls out another book and offers it to Yuki, who takes it with a suppressed sigh. She really has to address this sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, Kazuko already bustled into the kitchen.

Yuki wordlessly puts the new book back and gets the other one from its higher perch. Kazuko never notices, even though she sticks her head through the door to check on her every few minutes. She seems happy enough that Yuki is still there, if oddly ill at ease the whole time.

Breakfast is served a quarter hour later; toast and fried eggs, together with some greens. Kazuko places a cup of coffee next to her own plate, then fills a glass of orange juice for Yuki. She likes the tart flavour, but this is just another reminder she needs to say something soon.

"Thanks for the food," Kazuko says, then frowns a little when Yuki only echoes her belatedly. It seems to be a form of manners.

The clatter of cutlery follows for a minute.

Yuki slowly slices through the egg, sunny side up and seasoned nicely. It looks appetizing and, she learns upon taking a bite, also tastes good. Another point in favour of this being just an excuse to break up with Kazuko. Who, she realises, is watching her.

"Is it good?"

Yuki nods, chews, and swallows. "It is," she says. And now that the silence was broken, she can finally bring it up.

"There is a misunderstanding, Kazuko."

Something about her words takes the other woman aback. She blinks at Yuki, tilts her head the faintest bit, but does not say anything. She just nods pleasantly and motions for her to continue. "What is it, Yuki?"

"I am twenty-four."

Kazuko freezes up. Yuki keeps meeting her utterly befuddled gaze, even though her own eyes are hidden. She made up the number because she has no idea how old she actually is. Neither 'I do not remember' nor 'older than you' are good ways to appear legitimate.

Although saying anything at all apparently broke Kazuko. She just sits there, staring owlishly at Yuki.

"O-Oh. I, are you sure?" She giggles softly, trying to hide her embarassment even while her ears burn hot. "My, I'm so sorry. I thought you were younger than that."

Yuki does not react beyond a nod. She keeps on eating, allowing Kazuko to calm herself; the other woman's eyes slide up and down her frame, no longer led astray by her height. Now that she actually looks however, the other glaring oddities jump to her attention. But she is too polite to bring up the blindfold at this point. Or her gaudy suit.

They sit in silence that is awkward for only one of them until the doorbell rings. Kazuko perks up, some leftover tension bleeding out of her body. "Please wait a moment," she bids Yuki, then quickly darts into the hallway.

Yuki finishes her food in the meantime, wondering where this is going.

Hushed voices sound from the other room, then Kazuko returns with another woman in tow. This lady has deep purple hair in a fairly short cut, much like Yuki's own if less voluminous. Her stride is confident even in casual clothes, expression relaxed but eyes sharp.

"Good morning," she greets with some pep, unbothered by Yuki's monotone response. "I'm Junko Kaname, nice to meet you."

"Yuki. A pleasure."

She offers her hand, which Yuki shakes after standing up. Her grip is firm, though the fact Yuki can return it at equal strength seems to surprise her for a moment. Kazuko dances around the table a little awkwardly, offering coffee and juice. Yuki takes another glass.

"Well then," Junko begins, "from what Kazuko tells me, you are homeless right now. Although she originally said something about a child, which I'm fairly sure you aren't."

Kazuko offers an embarassed giggle at the side. Yuki's head tilts faintly, but she nods. "I am an adult," she reiterates first. "And I do not have a place of habitation at the moment, that is true. Is there a problem with that?"

Junko makes a bit of a face, though her expression quickly smoothes out. She glances to Kazuko, who taps her fingers together.

"It's just, you were very kind to me. And I guess I misunderstood a little bit. But I still want to help if I can."

Yuki looks from Kazuko to Junko, who appears more put-together than her even at a glance. Junko herself nods as if she figured as much, then leans in with interest.

"So what's the problem? Do you have trouble finding a job?"

The thought occurred to Yuki before, but was summarily discarded. Even if she wanted to spend large amounts of time held up at some kind of workplace, her chances to get anywhere without qualifications or identification are zero.

"Among other things, yes."

Junko waits for a moment, likely expecting an elaboration. When Yuki holds her silence, she delicately arches a brow. "And why is that?" she prods gently. "Your eyes, perhaps?"

Yuki shakes her head. "My eyes are fine," she says, wondering why a virtual stranger would even bother digging this far. "I only just arrived in Japan a few days ago. I lack the cultural knowledge, the certifications, and the papers for just about anything."

Both women have visible reactions to that. Kazuko gapes in surprise while Junko's eyes narrow. There is suspicion there, but also wonder.

"What about your ID from wherever you came from?"

"I never had one."

At this point she can tell that at least Junko is primarily suspicious. Yuki knows full well that her answers are not adding up, but she will not just make up a whole backstory. Twisting the actual truth beyond making herself look like an illegal immigrant is hardly possible.

Junko rubs her cheek in thought, absently sipping her coffee. Then she firmly places the mug down.

"I think," she announces, pointing at Yuki, "that you aren't telling us the truth. And while I'd love to help, I can't unless you're honest with me."

Yuki herself frowns, this time visibly. She has two options here; Junko is too smart and clearly too invested to be held up with half-truths. Which means Yuki can either end the conversation and leave, or she can reveal the actual truth and see what happens.

Considering she is already here, she reasons that nothing will change if she does not look for opportunities. So Yuki nods and pulls down her blindfold.

Whatever Junko might have expected, being all but nailed to her chair by gleaming red eyes is not it. Her breath hitches at the sudden aura of power emanating from Yuki, though it disperses a moment later. Kazuko's eyes widened to an almost comical degree by now.

"I am not from this world," Yuki explains succinctly. "I do not know how I came here, nor how to return from whence I came. And above all, I am a guardian of people, not a grocer or office worker; it may be arrogant to presume myself above others in that regard, but my duties lie elsewhere."

Junko is still looking owlishly. Her coffee stands forgotten as she rubs her eyes, then stares at Yuki again.

"That... is hard to believe, I hope you understand. Is there anything you can-"

She cuts herself off because Yuki wordlessly floats from her chair. Now airborne, she gently glides over the table until she can gently grasp Junko's head with both hands. Their noses almost touch, the magical girl lying at eye level in the air atop the table.

"I am also a magical girl."

Junko's eyes are blown wide and her cheeks steadily grow warmer. She swallows and wets her lips.

"I'm a married woman, you know?"

Yuki's brow scrunches while Kazuko makes a strangled noise in her throat. Junko manages a little grin while Yuki lets go to float back into her chair.

"Then get your spouse over here and I show you both some magic," she shoots back in that same monotone, derailing the other woman's mirth. Kazuko doubles over in startled laughter, though.

Their current host has time to get a hold of herself while Yuki binds her eyes again. By the end of her episode, she wipes a tear from her eye and sighs contendedly, head still resting on her arms. "Oh, I think I needed that. Never heard anyone clap back at you like this before, Junko."

"Oh, shut up."

Glancing between the two as they banter, Yuki is struck by how different they appear. Yet they seem to be fairly close at the same time.

"How did you two meet?" she asks, curious despite herself.

The other women interrupt themselves, suddenly reminded of her presence. Kazuko fields the questions this time, a little smile on her face: "Junko and I met in kindergarten, actually. We went to school together, and then we even picked the same university afterward. But that last one was an accident, I think. Just shows how in-sync we are."

She giggles, as does Junko. "She's right. Kazuko and I go way back, thick as thieves we are."

After saying that, the purplette grows serious again. "But that aside, this is... a lot. Magic, you say. I think I need some time to really think this through." Here she awkwardly scratches her neck. "I admit I thought this would be an easier one to solve, if I even can."

Kazuko nods along. "Yeah, this is kind of more than I expected, too."

Yuki nods at them and stands. A casual flick of her wrist and a surge of viridian energy clears the crumbs and wipes the plates clean. Then she bows at the once again stupefied pair.

"Then I will take my leave now, so you can speak. I have some business of my own to attend. Shall we reconvene later today?"

Neither of them seems opposed. Junko and Kazuko stand as well and lead her to the entrance. On the way however, Yuki makes a short detour to place the book she borrowed back in its spot. Kazuko averts her gaze, awkwardly clutching her skirt.

At the door, Junko offers Yuki a reassuring smile. "How about you come back, let's say around two?"

She spied the digital clock saying 11:03 just now, so that makes roughly three hours of time. Yuki nods her agreement and bows shallowly, which the other two return.

"Until then."

So saying, she turns and walks away without looking back. The door clicks shut behind her, though she walks out the building and around several corners before stopping to consider her options.

As much as she would like to listen in on their discussion to get an idea of their intentions, Yuki has no good means of getting back. Even if she teleported back into Kazuko's flat, she has no idea where the two women are; revealing that particular power to them ought to wait until she has their measure.

So far however, both of them seemed genuinely interested in helping. Now it depends on what they make of her alien origin and magical powers.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, Yuki gathers her power and focusses. Then, in a flash of light, she vanishes and reappears in another section of town. Just a street away from the Mikuni residence.


And Oriko stands right in front of her.

Her blonde hair is tamed into elegant curls, the girl herself dressed in a long, dark skirt and a cream-coloured blouse, and she wears an impish grin.

Yuki looks up at her, momentarily surprised but overall unimpressed. So her return was foreseen.

"I have returned. And I have questions for you."

"I know," Oriko says, then motions toward her home. "Please, come on in. I prepared a fresh pot of tea and sent Kirika on an errand, it will be just us."

Yuki snorts, the sound barely audible. But she does move, presenting her back to Oriko; if the seer wants to stab her from behind, now is her chance. In fact, a part of her hopes that Oriko will try; her pretensions of superiority already soured Yuki's mood on top of the bad intel. She would love the excuse to let it all out on her.

Alas, Oriko gives her no such chance. She gently closes the gate behind them and opens the door for Yuki, who barely notices the new wave of graffiti taking up half the front wall. Then she is already inside, being led into a rather bare sitting room. Some furniture looks like it was brought from elsewhere and does not fit together, the table has one leg less.

And now that she looks, Yuki notices tears in the carpet and wallpaper.

"Did somebody ransack your home?"

Oriko inclines her head as she sits down, Yuki now opposite to her. "I am afraid so," she says conversationally while pouring a cup for her guest, as if it meant nothing to her. "The hooligans waited until I left for school one day and broke what they could. It devastated me at the time, but I no longer care. If anything, cobbling together what I could from the spares in the attic gives it far more character than it used to have."

Yuki takes this in with furrowed brows. This reminded her that, despite her mature appearance, Oriko is still a teenager. A young woman at most. She is orphaned. And she has to live near people who wish her harm.

"What about attacks on your person?" she asks. A trace of worry wells in her heart, but Oriko dispells it with a soft shake of the head.

"Not before I made my wish upon Kyubey. After that, I had more than enough physical strength to fight back and make that man regret his life choices. I believe he died yesterday," she adds nonchalantly. "A freak accident involving a piano, I heard."

There is something malicious about her nonchalance, but Yuki can not say if that is just her impression. The way Oriko said it implies that she was involved, but it may well just be satisfaction about karmic justice.

She ultimately puts the matter aside and takes a sip of the tea. Black tea, far more bitter than the green.

"Is it to your liking?" Oriko asks while Yuki savours the first sip.

Her guest inclines her head. "It is," she agrees. "I never had black tea before, but I like this blend."

"Very good. Now, I believe you had questions?"

"Yes. You lied to me. Or at the very least, what you told me to do led to nothing."

"That is not a question," Oriko counters, tittering when she sees Yuki frown. She takes a sip of her own tea, eyes crinkling as she smiles. "Please consider, for a moment, what happened that night."

"I was attacked. That was all."

"Indeed. So it was not nothing that happened, no?"

Yuki's expression tightens further. Oriko seems to like playing the knowledge game; she clearly implies that the girl in red was the one Yuki supposedly saved. Or that her meeting that girl saved someone else.

"Speak clearly."

Unsurprisingly, her demand has no effect beyond widening Oriko's smirk. "There is still much in flux. I can not tell you more than that you succeeded in what I sent you for. It is not done yet and until it is, I prefer to keep my cards close to the chest. I think you understand that?"

As much as she wants to growl, Yuki does understand. She is the exact same after all.

"If something like this happens again, you will warn me," she chides; letting the girl off with a warning should be fine. She is young and deserves at least that much lenience.

Oriko nods her agreement and the pair falls into contemplative silence.

Yuki sips her tea, feeling faintly like Binah as she mulls over something or other. The tangy scent and bitter taste on her tongue have something grounding to them. Its heat pools in her stomach before the tea loses some temperature. If only she could read people as easily as the patron librarian of the floor of philosophy.

"Where is Kirika, exactly?" she asks after some time. "I would expect her here for this."

Oriko slowly shakes her head at that. "No, her being near would do more harm than good," she muses. "At least for now. She is, well, fairly protective. And you hardly mince words."

"Have you foreseen this, too?"

It was supposed to be sarcasm. But the way Oriko closes her eyes implies Yuki is right. The blonde puts down her cup with a soft click, then meets her gaze evenly.

"Yes. I had to watch you kill her a number of times. And because I already know you prefer people be up-front with you, I will reveal that I know your abilities by now. Hence why the last thing I want is a confrontation."

"But you are willing to play with my patience."

Oriko huffs and empties her cup. "Oh please. You are not that erratic. But it is a good example," she continues with an idle motion. "Had Kirika been here, she would have taken offense to the implied threat you made there. And then it would have escalated from there."

Yuki nods slowly. She can see the point, even if it annoys her.

"I still do not trust you."

Oriko wordlessly refills her cup, then does the same for Yuki. A platter with cookies is also pushed over, though they fail to bribe Yuki into being nicer.

"Then how about I give you something more concrete this time?" the seer offers genially. "You simply need to follow my instructions, and you will fairly obviously save a life today."

Yuki snorts in response. "I want the details before I decide," she orders.

Much to her annoyance, Oriko keeps her mouth shut. She barely raises a brow when Yuki downs her entire cup in one go to display her annoyance, scalding her throat in the process. It regenerates in minutes while they stare at each other.

After some time, Oriko produces a crisp sheet of paper, folded only once, and gently pushes it over the table. Yuki picks it up to peruse, eyes narrowing as she looks over the contents.

This is not an explanation, this is a list of actions to be taken. Walk down that road at dusk, greet the fifth person coming the other way, kick a rock lying between two buildings, and so on. A series of steps to undertake, but not why.

The seer says no more than that, even when Yuki looks at her again.

"You are playing a dangerous game," Yuki finally says. The air seems to drop in temperature, but even that is not enough to coax another word from Oriko.

Seeing this, Yuki speaks.

"In the world I come from, there is a group that receives similar instructions and turned them into dogma. Because the Prescripts know all, they see themselves free of responsibility for their own actions. Be it benign nonsense or heinous acts, the zealots of the Index commit both with equal enthusiasm. The Will of the Prescripts, the Will of the City, whose true goals none can discern."

Yuki slams her flat palm onto the paper. Both teacups jump, yet not a drop spills.

"You already know what I just told you, yet you still want me to blindly follow such a Prescript?"

This, at last, cracks Oriko. She slowly shakes her head.

"I did not know. There are too many futures I studied to retain much individual information. I knew you were from another world already, but not about this group."

She closes her eyes for a minute, breathing deeply. When they open again, her gaze is hazy.

"I know a number of things that will happen. Good things. But they are inextricably tied to bad things, Yuki. And if I warn you of the bad, or even reveal the wrong bit of knowledge, then none of the good will happen."

Yuki's eyes narrow at that. "And you believe the good worth the bad?" she questions. "Despite professing no longer caring?"

"I can not save the world," Oriko agrees solemnly. "But I can at least maximise happiness with the knowledge I have, for the little time left. Call it a bit of leftover pride. Will you allow me this one bit of trust?"

Yuki frowns. She does not trust Oriko at this juncture. And so, regardless of what these orders are for, she does not want to follow them.


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[] Do it.
weight: x0.5

[] You're right. Don't.
weight: x1

-Unlocked Character Sheets: Saotome Kazuko, Kaname Junko
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