Sigh another non-disclosure SI. To be frank, I'd be tempted to just go to Cauldron, then instruct them on how to fix all the messes they've created, kill Scion, and install Pax Draconis, with most of the details being handled by as many thinkers or masters are needed to bootstrap one's way there. Yes, they may be directly or indirectly complicit of countless atrocities, but they still have the greatest tools to prevent upcoming atrocities. Which you become indirectly complicit in if you allow to happen when you had means to prevent it. If you really can't suck it up, then you can just recruit Tattletale to recruit Eidolon to recruit or neutralize Contessa, then work on defusing Cauldron first, or somesuch.
While normally I'd be disinclined to say you have responsibility to fix things you never broke, a scenario where you can solve cosmic level issues is one I'll make an exception for. Screwing around with street level stuff is only marginally better than relaxing on a couch eating cheese poofs. Every second, the clock ticks to the next S9 massacre, the next Endbringer attack, Golden Morning, as well as the ongoing deluge of pointless shard induced conflict. Tick. Tock.