Eidolon, earlier on, got the nod from Mike that the S9 had no reason to be kept alive as they wouldn't contribute anything to the final battle against Scion. As such, he went out and tested if they were worthy opponents. He get banged up a little but was fine and one more proved his masculinity and justified himself!
That said, great chapter. You've been a little slow in your writing of late Ack, is everything ok?
As for Glory Girl, she REALLY needs to be slapped in the face with reality.
She needs to have it pointed out she was mastering her sister into loving her and possibly altered her sexuality. That brute force is NOT the answer every time and that actions have consequences.
Looks like this will be happening sooner rather than later.
The problem with slapping Glory Girl in the face with reality, is that Glory Girl REVELS in the delusional state that her aura creates for her. That everyone that is 'good' should automatically fawn over her, and that she's always right. And that anyone that is 'bad' will automatically out themselves in her presence by screwing up and 'revealing' that they've been bad all along. Since her aura is omnipresent and can never truly be turned off, just turned 'down', she literally can only view the world through the aura.
Which is one reason Mike tweaks her so badly - he's OBVIOUSLY a bad guy, considering how he acts around her - never instantly kow-towing to her or idolizing her, or any of a number of things that would show "I'm Mike, and I'm a good guy!". Instead, he brushes her off and is increasingly immune to her aura. What's worse is that everyone around him is AGREEING with him, even though, or more accurately, ESPECIALLY though, many of them are Vicky's closest friends and family. To her, he's not just borderline bad, he's actively turning her closest allies against her.
Hormone driven teenagers are bad enough with mood swings and thinking either they're on top of the world, only to swing into thinking the world is out to get them. But then add in Vicky's aura which is badly distorting her worldview?
Its no wonder she outright rejected what Amy was saying and constantly kept going about Mike this, and Mike that, and then completely snapped.
Of course, to make matters worse is that Vicky's aura is going to make things VIOLENTLY worse with Carol's views towards Amy, as Carol literally cannot even conceive that Amy isn't going to go villain at the drop of a hat. So with Vicky flaring her aura into open hostility at Mike, plus rejecting Amy, it might just push Carol into doing something......rash.
With her aura, she almost actually -is- mastering people. Just that its really insidiously subtle in that everyone believes that she can turn it down 'low' enough that its non-existent, and/or blindly believe that constant exposure to it 'immunizes' them. As we all know from Amy's suffering, no, it doe NOT immunize them. In fact, it makes matters far far worse.
Frankly, if there's anyone that needs the 'killswitch' hypodermic shot that Riley used recently, its Vicky. Would be a very VERY large eye opener for her to realize that the world doesn't actually revolve around her, and that her attitude/actions aren't making her many friends.