Volume 1: The Unification wars: Chapter 18: Cahare
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 1: The Unification wars:
Chapter 18: Cahare

Around the time Caskah was defeated, came to Raptonia Nahcome, a Utahraptor lieutenant and frontguard of Kele, landed on Mukin returning after a serie of brilliant operations in Euroria. He anticipated his travel to compete for the position of Gamm and, once elected, favour a new election of Kele as Alfa.

He reached the first objective with the votes of the commonrs, but found himself alongside as colleague Chasera, representative of the most die hard conservatives, which, after the victory over Caskah, believed they had become the owner of the situation once more. They didn't understand why they should support the ambitions of Kele, who in reality didn't ask for anything better than becoming their champion. If they chose him as such, they would have saved themselves, or at least delay their defeat, considering the prestige Kele had. But the majority was envious of him, of his richnesses, of his success, and thought they didn't need him.

Once again a single voice in the council become the definitive factor, supporting Kele: the one of Cahare, who too was a Gamma. The discussions were heated that day. Cahare, destined to be bandished alongside Nahcome, was saved by the common people which came to protect him and intended to rise up. He, alongside Owen, calmed them and sent them home. For the first time the council realized that this young raptor showed something and welcomed him back to the council.

Cahare was 27 years old at the time and came, just like Siklya, from a poor aristocratic family that originated from the times of Nuhjpe , but who, after these old ancestors, did not give important characters to the Raptor history. There had been some Gamma's, Beta's, and even Alfa's. But they were of normal administration. Their home watched over the Blarth, the popular and notorious neighbour of Rahonia, and some says he was born in 816 A.N, others in 814 A.N.

We know nothing about his childhood, except that he had as a teacher a Guanlong called Gan, which, alongside both Raptor and Kartun languages, taught him more useful stuffs about his kind in the Eurorian continent. It seems that in his puberty he suffered headaches and epilepsy, and that his ambition was at the time becoming a writer. He lost the feathers of his head young and, ashamed of it, tried to recover by gluing his feathers back. He wasted much time every morning for this operation.

Segenam said that he was tall, robust, with pale feathers, lively and black eyes. Owen describe him as skinny and mid sized. Perhaps both are correct. One describe him when he was young, the other as a mature Raptor, around the time Utharaptors tend to become more robust. The long periods of military life must had toughtened him up. Since he was a young raptor he was an excellent hunter, and could ride any sort of creature without moving his arms. But he walked a lot in front of his soldiers, slept on the ground, ate soberly, his blood always ran cold and his brain was lucid. He wasn't that pretty. On that massive vulture like head, there was a robust lower jaw and arched and bitter mouth, with his lower teeth emerging. However he was always lucky with females. He mated with four and had a pletora of lovers. His soldiers called him "Gredly (Quetzalcoatlus) Wakan (adultery)" and, when marching on the streets of Raptonia celebrating a thriump, howled: "Look out Raptonia! Hide your females! The scavenger in heat is back!" And Cahare was the first to laugh.

Contrary to some legends potraying him as a serious and solemn character, Cahare was a raptor of his time, galant, elegant, unprejudiced, with a good sense of humor, capable to take others insults and responding with a deadly sarcasm. He was patient with others faults, because he needed others to be with his. Owen called him "the husband of all wives and the wife of all husbands." And one of the reasons the aristocrats hated him so much was that he regurally seduced their mates, which in reality fought each others to be seduced. Alongside them was Sunika, sister in law to Chasera, which also because of this he was extremely hostile to him. Sunika was so loyal that he presented him her daughter Tadewu, which replaced her when she become too old. Cahare repaid the generous mother giving her several of the goods of some elders at a price which was a third of their original price. And Centawa even invented a word pun, saying that that sellout was a "Third grace". Kele himself, despite being prettier, richer and, at the time, more famous than Cahare, saw his wife mating with him, causing him to repulse her. Cahare was forgiven, when he presented his daughter to him.

This extraordinary character was as such, regarding his morality, a Raptor of his times. As a m,atter of fact he begun hs career not in the prettiest of ways. After finishing his studies when he was 16 years old, he departed alongside Tsolay the Dilophosaurus who departed for Euroria in one of the many wars. Returning to Raptonia when he was 18 years old, he was convinced by his father to mate with Choca. But when he died, he repulsed and replaced her with Chosposi, daughter of Ciqula And as such he reinforced his position as a member of the democratic party.

Siklya, when becoming Alfa, ordered him to repulse his mate. Cahare, despite being used to change mates just as he changed feathers, bravely refused. At first Siklya intended to kill him off, but then he decided to send him into exile. Cahare called Siklya for this act of mercy "A fool". But he was mistaken. Siklya perfectly knew how much of a "fool" he was: but perhaps he had a secret simpathy for him.

When the Alfa retired, Chahare intended to return to Raptonia. But a ship of Afikle, a continent south of Euroria, captured him in the sea and asked for randsom 20 Meflunian, something like 40 million dollars. Cahare responded insolently that the price was too low and that he preferred to gave them 50. He sent his workers to get them and killed time writing doggerel who he read to his kidnappers. Cahare called them "Barbarians" and "Morons", and promised them he would have killed them. He kepr his word, because, once fred, he ran to Koan, hired a fleet, chased and captured these criminals, took back his money, which were the ones of his creditors (who he never paid back) and killed them.

He himself wrote in various lettersto his friends about thus adventure, but we should not totally trust him. Cahare was not yet the sober and dispassionate writer of "Eurorian Tales", which, having won many actual battles, did not need to novelise them. He was a mouthy, arrogant and raffish young rascal which, having returned to Raptonia on 848 A.N, presented himself as the position of Gamma, covered in debt. He took them with Chuchip after having seduced his mate Tsiklik. With this loan he bought the votes, he was elected, obtained an army to be sent on Earth 1, fought in Guatemala, and returned to the Raptor empire with the fame of conquerer.

On 851 A.N he presented himself for the next elections, he was elected as minister of spectacles and rewarded his supporters with spectacles never seen before. Three years later he was sent to Earth 1 once again. His creditors united and asked the government to not let him go until he would have paid. He himself recognized he owned them 25 millions Looaku's. And Chuchip, as usual, gave him a loan. Cahare returned in Central America, erased all the Kartun settlements in the area, and brought back to the Raptor empire a loot so big that the council gave him a thriump. And it was after this campaign that his great political action begun.

Conservators hated Cahare who defended Caskah and presented himself as defender of the commoners. And couls had easily stopped him by using a Raptor of prestige such as Kele, who was instead disappointed by the, as we already said, because they were jealous of his victories and his richnesses. They were so big that he had his own army: the one which landed on Mukin returning from Euroria. Kindly, Kele returned to Raptonia alone to celebrate his thriump with the regular Imperial army. Brave in battle, Kele was shy in political responsabilities and never intended to challenge the authority of the government. The council knew this, taking advantage to treat him coldly and refusing to distribute land to his soldiers that he promised. Cahare saw an opportunit to attract him to his side alongside Kele.

It was the birth of the first triumvirate. Kele and Chuchip put their influence, which was massiv, and their richness, which were even bigger, at the service of Cahare to be elected Alfa. He, once in power, would have distributed the lands to Kele soldiers and give Chuchip positions that he aspired for.

As such the "Holy Alliance", the alliance between the bourguesie and the aristocracy created by Centawa, was broken down. The latter, who saw in Kele and Chuchip their legitimate representatives, joined Cahare commoners. And the aristocracy, stupidly and arrogantly believing they didn't need help and that they didn't have to share anything to anyone, remained isolated. It presented as a candidate an insignificant Nicktoraptor under the name of Oseone, which was elected. But he could not stop the election of Cahare.

Cahare kept his duties to his allies. He proposed the distribution of land and the ratification of Kele measures in Euroria. The council opposed him. And as such Cahare brought the project of laws to Owen. It was the same thing the Gomdas did, losing their lives in the process. But times had changed. Oseone opposed him by declaring that Mutilator, when asked about this, opposed the plan. Owen almost hit him with his spear believing it to be a joke and a commoner nearly killed him. The project were approved with a crushing majority. Kele become son in law to Cahare by mating his his daughter Noya, bourguesie and commoners stroked eac others noses in sign of friendship, and for months they enjoyed life in a new Raptor empire.

In this atmosphere of popular approvation it was easy for Cahare to perform his econimic and social reforms, which were identical to the Gomdas. The council contrasted them everytime sending Oseone to Owen with him saying that Mutilator did not approve. Owen did not care about Mutilator and everytime his aim got better and better until Oseone shut himself home and never came out again.

On 858 A.N. The successorof Cahare were Gagii the Coelophysis and Pakani the Megaraptor, which ddaughter become the fourth mate after his third one, Shimasi, was divorced.

With Gagii and Pakani protecting his back as Alfa's; with his friendship with Kele and the financial support of Chuchip; with the council forced to agree with each and every one of his decisions; Cahare could go away from Raptonia to gain what he lacked: military glory and a loyal army.

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Volume 1: The Unification wars: Chapter 19: The conquest of Asichi
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 1: The Unification wars:
Chapter 19: The conquest of Asichi

When Cahare came in there on 858 A.N, the Eastern portions of the Eurorian continent separated by the rest by the Crescana mountain range was for the Raptors just a name: Asichi. They only knew of some mountain passes regions, the ones they vassalized to assure the possibility of new conquest. What there was further east, they ignored it.

Further east there wasn't something we would call a nation. Scattered in the various regions, lived various tribes that passed time declaring war on each others. Cahare, which was also a great journalist and had the gift of observation, saw that each and every one of these tribes was divided in three classes: the nobles or Ngouchei (Ngou, meaning rider, and chei, meaning beast) which had the monopoly over the army, the priests or Luon (meaning "divine worshipper) which had the monopoly over religion and education, and the commoners who had the monopoly over hunger and fear. Cahare thought that to dominate these tribes he just had to keep them divided, and to keep them divided he just needed to oppose Ngouchei against Ngouchei. Each one, to fight the other, would bring a portion of the commoners. There was just one problem: that the Luon understood each others and built a spiritual centre of an united nation. And for this he needed to have them all on the Raptor empire side.

Cahare had a simpathy for the Asichians for two regions: for starters because one of them was his first teacher, and then because they were in a way brothers to the Eurorians which the Raptor empire had already subjugated and that made up his best infantry. If he could manage to extend this subjugation to the entirety of the Eurorian/Asichi continent, he would had found a neverending mine for his armies.

Cahare did not have the necessary strenghts for a conquest. They gave him, for this entire portion of a continent, just four armies, no more than 30.000 Raptors. And around the time he took comand, 400.000 Oviraptors were marching risking to submerge a large portion of Euroria, and 150.000 Velociraptors marched from the northern portions of the continent to the central steppe to reinforce their comrade Attaku that had put his village there 13 years ago. The entirety of the terrified Asichian continent asked protection to Cahare which, without warning the council, enlisted with his own money four more armies and called Attaku to discuss an offer. Attaku refused and Cahare, to affirm his prestige to the eyes of his new subjects, had no choice but war against him and the Oviraptors.

These were two reckless and dazzling campaigns. Defeated, despite their enormous numerical superiority, the Oviraptors asked to retreat to their homeland, and Cahare allowed them only if they accepted to become vassals of the Raptor empire. The Velociraptors were annilihated near Oska. Attaku escaped, but died shortly after. The disgraced and indebted womanizer revealed himself, in the battlefield, a formidable general.

Taking advantage of this success that left the entirety of Asichi speechless, Cahare asked them to unite under his command to avoid further invasions from the northern regions. But the Asichians were ready for everything, except working alongside one another. Many tribes rebelled and asked help to the Yutirannus, which came to support them. Cahare defeated them, then defeated who called them, and communicated to the Raptor empire, rather early, that the entirety of Asichi was submitted. The commoners exulted, Owen hailed, the council made a crooked mouth. Cahare smelt that the conservatives were preparing something bad for him, return in the Charmenian continent, and summoned near Lewaood Kele and Chuchip to reinforce with them, in commondefense, the triumvirate.

The Raptor empire as a matter of suffered convulsions, since Cahare left his position of Alfa. The champion of the aristocrats was Chasera, a rather blunt reactionary, but a gentleraptor none the less. Perhaps he would had have more open ideas, if he wasn't related to his grandfather Chowi, which had shut ones. This ancestor ruined him, forcing him to play an act which he probably didn't believe in. He always criticized the new ways of the empire, just like his grandfather, but the latter mixe to these grumblings with candid and bubbling laughs and prickly sarcasm. His grandchild had a feisty face, a reddish angry color, and a sour mouth. Perhaps he annoyed every one because he too was annoye, to play the act of a party pooper moralist. But he was also a moralist on his own ways, which found nothing to object, as an example, that his wife Magagascar, which was bothered by such an annoying mate, had for a friend Okodaca, the rival of Centawa, which was beautiful and elegant. As a matter of fact, when he realized it, he told him: "You want her? Ill lend her". Not only that. When, shortly after, Okodaca died, Chasera took her back in his house and lived as nothing happened.

This curious individual had his qualities however. He was, for starters, honest. And this explains why, in an era where everything was on sale, especially elections votes, he never went further than Gamma. The elders, who he defended the political monopoly and did not care about honesty, would had preferred that he fought with more efficient weapons on the general corruption and the enemy it found against: Chantawa the Herrerasaurus, a close friend to Cahare which, after his departure, had become the ruler of Raptonia and, among other things, had received from Owen the possibility to send Chasera in the Afikle West Coast. Chasera obeyed, and the conservatory found themselves without a leader.

Luckly for them Chantawa was, rather than a great politician, a great demagogue, and as such he didn't know when to quit. In his blind hatred for Centawa, which he developed hafter a false trial, he persecuted him so hard he was forced to run to Akerica, seized his assets and razed his palace in Raptonia to the ground.

Now, Cahare was not in Raptonia what Cahare thought he was. But he still represented a national institution, and Kele, Owen and Cahare were the first to disapprove these measures. But Chantawa remained still on his path, rebelled against his two powerful masters, enlisted a gang of unters and started to terrorize the city. Quanah, Centawa brother, which asked Owen to recall his brother, was almost killed. But for his request to be accepted, Kele had to send a gang of criminals under the comand of Muata, a poor and mercilessMegaraptor aristocrat.

Centawa, welcomed back with great celebrations, became the lawer of the triumvirate that saved him, supported their cause to the council, obtained new funds for Centawa troops in Asichi and Kele full powers for six years to solve the Charmenian continent food issues. But on 859 A.N Chasera returned from Afikle after having brillantly ending his job and, under his lead, the conservators started their fight once again against the triumvirate.

It was for this reason that the triumvirate reunited on Lewaood, where it was decided that Chuchip and Kele would had presented themselves for the elections once again and, after their victory, they woudl had reaffirmed Cahare government on Asichi for five more years. Once their term espired, Kele would had controll of Afikle and Kele Akerica. And so, all three, would had controll of the army.

The plan worked because the richnesses of Chuchip and Kele, increased by Cahare contirbutes that now had control of the Asichian wallet, were enough to buy the majority of the votes. And so Cahare could return to his provinces, where meanwhile a new Yutiranus invasion was on its way. Cahare masscred the invaders, then he marched south with a small army, surpassed the Oakrane straits, and marched on the Welr island. We don't exactly know why he did it: perhaps he just wanted to see what was there. He remained a few days, took some notes and then came back. But the following year he tried again with bigger forces, defeated the native Balaur king Cheauka, and conquered the entire island, until in Asichi news of a new revolt came.

Cahare at first believed it to be an episode of normal administration. Landing back on the continent, he defeated the Guanlongs that had took the revolutionary initiative, and left in the southern provinces the majority of his army, to return with a small army in Euroria. But he barely got ther than he learnt that the entirety of Asichi was in turmoil, and for the first time united under the order of an able commander, Vohkinne the Dinlong. Cahare knew him: he was a warrior from the Hsia region, a land of robust and mountainer soldiers, son of Chokopi which aspired to become Seakar of all of Euroria/Asichia, or Eurorasichia, and for this his kind killed him. Perhaps this young fellow had the same ambitions as his father and had hoped to get them by Cahare, which was a friend. Disappointed, he rebelled. But, more judicious than the others, called for a national sentiment and assured the support of the Luon, which gave him a relifious santion.

Nown Vohkinne had large forces bewteen Cahare north and his army south. The situation could not had been worse. Cahare faced it with his usual audacy. With his army, he marched again the Cescana mountains to go on Asichi, an enemy region. He walked day and night, leading his soldiers, between the snowy fields, pointing at the enemy capital. Vohkinne ran to defend it. Cahare left his comand to Askook and, with an escort with some tank animals, infintrated enemy lines toward the majority of his forces. He united them, defeated separately the Velociraptors and the Guanlongs, pillaged their cities, but in front of Hroln he had to retreat, chased by the Dinlongs.

He realized he was alone, one to 10, in an hostile land, and believed himself defeated. Betting everthing on a last ditch strategy, he moved to Ashota, where Vohkinne had ammassed his army, and put it under siege. Suddently, from all Asichi everyone came to support the latter. They were around 250.000 against the Raptor four armies. Cahare ordered to create two defensive walls against both Ashota and the enemy forces. After a week of desperate resistence on both fronts, the Raptors were starving, but the Asichians were in a state of anarchy. Cahare told that if they had pushed for one more day, they would had won.

Vohkinne personally came out of the town to aske for mercy. Cahare conceded it. Cahare remained for one more year to deal with the rest of the revolt. He did it with a strictness unusual of him, which usually was generous with the defeated enemy except if he was a Kartun. But, once the necessary punishment was infilcted on the leaders, he returned to his usual ways of mercy and cemprehension. As such, balancing both the iron fist and the velvet glove, he made the Asichians some of the most loyal subjects of the Raptor empire.

Chuchip, meanwhile, had departed for the northern Afikle, had leaded his armies victory after victory until the battle of Chanta, where the Deltadromeus general killed him. Cahare would avenge him later. But in the meantime Kele, instead of going to Akerica, had remained in Charmenia. When Cahare questioned the motif, Kele called him back to Raptonia: something fishy was occurring on Earth 1. Raptor spies told of Operation Columbus, an operation to recapture the America's. It was a two way attack from both South America and the European continent. The situation was serious: if the Kartuns captured back North America, the Raptor empire could came under threat from a very pissed united Kartun force.

Cahare wasted no time to organize a new army to be sent against Earth 1 as a preventive attack. It was time to eliminate Earth 1 as a military threat.

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Volume 1: The Unification wars: Chapter 20: the Atlantic
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 1: The Unification wars:
Chapter 20: the Atlantic

Cahare's hesitations before crossing the Atlantic have delighted many writers and the fortune of an Ocean, which would have been lost by name in comparison to the myriads that the Raptor Empire will encounter in the future: the Atlantic Ocean. It separated the Old World from the New, which the Raptors were subjugating; and it was on the American east coast that historians describe Cahare brooding and gnawed by doubts. But the fact is that by the time Cahare got there, he already made up his mind or, rather, the military capabilities of the Kartun had already imposed it on him.

The plan that the Raptors proposed was to subjugate entirely South America, and then to prepare to face an Eurasian invasion in the entirety of the coast of the new world. But Cahare had learnt of various other times coastal fortifications failed to protect against better organized offensive forces. He noted that the strongest forces on the planet at this point were the European Union, the People's Republic of China and Russia. If the Raptors wanted to eliminate Earth 1 as a threat, they needed to bring the fight to their home in the old world. As such, Cahare went against the council orders, prepared a fleet, and prepared to march on the old world.

He called his favorite army, the 13th, and talked to his soldiers, calling them not "soldiers", but "pack members". He could afford to do that. He was truly their comrade. It was 10 years of him leading them fatigue after fatigue and victory after victory, alternating intelligently indulgence and strictness. These veterans were true war professionals, they knew everything about it, and knew how to measure their commanders. For Cahare, who rarely had to resort to his authority to affirm his prestige, they had a respectful affection. And when he explained them how thigs were and asked if they felt they could take on the Old World in an attack probably largely unsupported by the Raptor empire, they all accepted. Only one of them refused to follow his orders and decided to invade South America: Liwanu the Adasaurus. Cahare considered him his most able and loyal of his lieutenants. He gave him a portion of his army to wage this invasion, supported also by Kele.

On 10 Koi 867 A.N he "started the hunt" has he himself said, and sailed to the Atlantic Ocean with his army of 6.000, soon to be reinforced by Kele 60.000 that he sent to support his comrade. Halfway to the Atlantic he was reached by his 12th armym and later on by the eighth. More soldiers ran to support him from the entirety of the Raptor empire, not having forgotten Masichuvio and seeing in Cahare, his nephewn, his successor. "Entire cities enlisted to seve him as he was a demi god", Centawa would later write.

During this traverse to the Old World, Cahare asked several times for an apology for disobeying orders and for reinfocements. But without waiting for any responses, he landed on the Azores.

The United Nations, surprised by the boldiness of Cahare, was largely unprepared to bring the fight to their home. In the meantime, Kele had finished cleaning up South America and rushed to support Cahare, by landing on the Moroccan coast. A curious tactic, for a general who supported Cahare. But he said he wanted to distract European froces from the mainland.

Cahare landed on Pinheiro da cruz on 16 Nuzipe, and marched north toward Lisbon. He conquered it in a few days. After that, he asked for the title of "Grand Alfa of the Army", one of the highest title in the Raptor army, and the council accepted. He asked for reinforcements, and the Council accepted. He asked for a fleet to send the treasure he had accumulated so far, but the Council refused. Cahare said: "If the council was this kind when I was in Asichi, the conquest would had last a week.". Soon, there were three theaters of operation for the conquest of Europe: Kele would invade Spain from the south, Chasera would march in North Africa and land in the island of Sicily, and Cahare would traverse Spain, conquer large portions of France supported by Kele and later on land on the British isle while the latter continued his wild ride in mainland Europe. They intended to turn Europe into a massive Kartun graveyard. Chasera attacked with two armies, conquered the North of Morocco, chased the United Nations armies in Tunisia, attacked them without the right preparations, was defeated and died in battle, asking for forgiveness for all the wrong he did to Cahare. The latter conquered the rest of Portugal in one swift move and marched for Spain. He believed the Spanish forces to be weaker than in reality, and found himself in difficulty. But Cahare showed his best while in trouble. One day, as he was besieged, he deviated the Esla river and become the besieger. The enemy capitulated, and soon Iberia was under Raptor controll. His soldiers showed no mercy on the local population: in less than two years, Iberia would be depopulated by Kartuns.

With his usual rapidity, he continued his advance in northern France. Then he organized his army on Brest, embarked 20.000 Raptors on his 12 ships, and landed in Cardiff to conquer England, which remained surprise by the capabilities of the Raptor navy. Why the British government didn't attack this bloodthirsty opponent, it was never known. But the Royal Navy did sink Cahare squad, forcing them to return to France. On his ship, however, Cahare shouted to his terrified sailors: "Do not fear: you are carrying Cahare and his star!". But the Royal Navy destroyed many of them and, if the British government took action, they would had not be a threat to Britain.

In support of the demoralized Cahare troops came Aditsan the dromaeosaurus, the best of his lieutenants, with more soldiers and supplies. Cahare initial attack had little success. His veterans realized that the battle went poorly because they didn't put enough effort and asked to be punished. Cahare refused and they begged him to resume the attack. He instead sent them in the Benelux to regain strenght by eating the local population.

In mainland Europe, Kele thought of sending reinforcements to Cahare. But the latter refused, and instead suggested him to continue his advance, which was reaching the Rhine river. Kele which, out of ideas, followed the one of the others, moved against the United Nations forces in Strasbourg. He had 50.000 soldiers and 7.000 animal tanks; in England on the other hand, Cahare had 22.000 soldiers and 1.000 animal tanks. On the eve of battle Kele pitied Cahare, while his lieutenants prepared feasts in the sight of a certain victory. Cahare ate a deer with his soldiers, in the mud of the trenches.

Kele won the battle of the Rhine losing 15.000 raptors but conquering Bavaria as a reward, while Cahare only lost 200 raptors, while inflicting 35.000 dead on the Kartun side, and celebrated victory on the Buckingham Palace. Kele kept his advance going ignoring the Alpine regions and marching for Berlin alongside his trustworthy lieutenants, alongside Askook, of which Cahare asked multiple times to Kele if he was dead. He was the son of the old lover of Cahare, Sunika, sister in law to Chasera, and was probably the father. He sighed in relief when he received a letter from him, asking to join his forces in England to finish the British off.

Cahare gladly accepted. In the meantime Kele kept his advance rolling, conquered Grudziądz and then stopped to create a defensive line.

Raptor advance in the old world so far

After this incredible advance in Europe, the Raptor empire found itself unable to expand further. Plunged by supplies issues, they could on the other hand defend their new land with their strenght and power. The Imperial Raptor Air Force, later on the Raptor Air Force, was reinforced with faster Pterosaurid creatures, and the navy, up to that point made out of wood, was reinforced in steel, both in Raptonia and on Earth 1. It was the true expansion of the Raptor Navy, one which would play a critical role in the fight against Earth 1.

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Volume 1: The Unification wars: Chapter 21: The first days of Spring
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 1: The Unification wars:
Chapter 21: The first days of Spring

After Cahare and Kele returned to the Raptor empire following the successfull campaing in Earth 1, Kele turned to Afikle to restore order in the kingdom of Eshaeraud, a vassal to the Raptor empire, which it was administrated thanks to his young Seakar, Tokota, a Spinostropheus. He was an half degenerate and half stupid lord, at the mercy of an Velki, a rogue and bland prime minister: Panti. He was tired of Raptor dominance, and decided to eliminate the threat of Kele immediately. Kele was killed in battle and his head decapitated as a threat to the Raptor empire.

Cahare decided to avenge Kele and to reorganize the kingdom, which was ruled by anarchy for a long time. Tokota should had, under the testament of his father, divided the throne with his sister Chlui, after marring her. But Chlui, when Cahare came, was not there: Panti confined her and reclused her to enjoy his power. Cahare called her in secret. To reach him, she hid herself in the bedsheet that her serf Abozarine would had brought in the rooms of the illustrous guest in the royal palace. He found her when she was going to sleep: a particurally good moment for a female like her.

She wasn't pretty, but filled with sex-appeal, of golden feathers, with green eyes, a master of cosmetics, a melodious voice that didn't match her greedy and calculating character, smart enough to keep a conversation up, and unaware of anything that could represent modesty; it was just what a womanizer like Cahare needed after all these months of trenches and abstinence. Because when dealing with females Cahare remained the same as before: for him, what was left was lost.

The following day he restored harmony between the two brothers, which meant he gave full powers to Chlui damaging Panti, which went in exile and organized a revolt. Cahare and his soldiers turned the royal palace into a fortres, sent a messanger to Euroria for reinforcements, destroyed his fleet so that it could not fall under the hands of the enemy, and with his own claws after he swam, took controll of the small island of Biglan, where he waited for reinforcements which came from the sea. Tokota died fighting the rebels, and it's very likely that the cries of pain of Chlui were actually true. After the rebels were dealt with, Cahare put her on the throne.

He remained nine months with her, enough to have a clutch of eggs, of which the older one was called, to confirm his heretiage, Cahariane. But, when the news of a Kartun counteroffensive came, he ran back to the Raptor empire, where he was welcomed by Centawa, Owen and other members of the council, surprised to see him alongside this foreign female and a small chick running between his legs. His own wife was not shocked by the female, considering how much she was used to it. But she did notice her nostrils were a bit longer than usual.

The situation in Earth 1 was not pretty. From the alpine regions and scandinavia, the United Nations were pushing back the Raptors. Cahare was forced yet again to deal with the Kartuns. His soldiers fought with extreme bravery in the Alpine regions on 870 with a 80.000 strong army.

Once again he was outnumbered one to three. Once again he "came, see and win" a decisive battle. The entire Italian peninsula was depopulated of people, and the local fauna did not have it better.

After a brief stay in the peninsula, he finished up the last United Nations armies in Northern Germany. They were anniihated near Aarhus, and finally he could dedicate himself entirely on the opera of the reorganization of the state. He essentially had the same powers as Owen as the council at first gave him the title of Alfa for 10 years, and later on for life. Then Owen brought him to the red Frenesium Crystal, granting Cahare semi immortality. Despite the support of Owen, he needed a leadership for his great undertaking, but he didn't have it. He invited his old aristocratic enemies, which were more competent, to collaborate with him. They responded with sarcasm and plots, pulling out the legend of the projected marriage with Chlui. Cahare could only count on a small group of loyal friends, which were unfortunately incopetent regarding administrations, and as such he formed some sort of ministry: they were Moki the Chirostenotes, Aditsan, Una the Quipalong, Otetiani the Austroraptor and so on. Owen was on his side. The council power was reduced further, after it increased from six to nine hundred with the immission of new elements chosen from from the Raptor empire bourguesie, the province and his old officiers.

This manouver aimed to restore order to the empire. Cahare realized that there wasn't anything to hope for the Raptors of the charmenian continent, which had become soft, bastardized and incapable to give anything but shemers and deserters. He knew that the only positive portions of the Raptor empire came from the province, where the family was solid, the costimes healthy, education harsh. And with these provincials of hunter or small bourguesie origins he intended to reform the burocracy and the army.

This was his true revolution, and he tried to realize it through the great hunting reforms planned by the Gomdas. To succede, he called for collaboration the industrial and merchant high bourguesie, which financed the operation. Great capitalists such as Moki and Ahanu become his bankers and advisers. Cahare explained he needed the same energy he showed in battle as a general. He wanted to see everything, know everything, decide everything. He didn't admit wastes and incompetence. And to exclude both, he never had enough time. The tittle-tattle against him from his enemies, instead of irritating him, amused him.

He listened to them by others and later he would tell them to Chosposi, to witch he had returned after his small story with Chlui. He was, on his own terms, a good husband which repayed his mate of all the betrayals he committed, with thousands of attentions, a deep esteem and an affectionate camaraderie. He always had something to tell her, after returninf from his office, where he treated collaborators and subjects with stately detachment of which he was used to. He did everything with elegance: even the gift of forgiveness to who offended him. As a matter of fact,he preferred to, if possible, chew them up. He dreamed new achievements: to expand in Afikle, to finish up the Russian Federation, the Raptor empire biggest direct enemy in Earth 1, to reform definitely all the Charmenian society on a level of a provincial hunting mittle classmore vigorous and adherent to the ancient customs. Owen dreamed even bigger: he dreamed of space conquest. He knew that Earth 1 was not a bottomles pit of resources, and if the Raptors kept this spending up, they would not end much differently than the Kartuns themselves. To keep their lifestyle, the stars were the only option.

On Chunta of 872 A.N he was redirecting the plans for these campaigns, when the United Nations prepared Operation Brutus, the elimination of various high ranking Raptor identities within the empire.

On the evening of the 15 of Nuzipe, Cahare was having lunch with some friends and Askook. Under the old Raptor custom, he proposed a theme of conversation: "What death do you prefer?". Each one said their favorite. Cahare called for a rapid and violent end. The following day Chospisi told him that she dreamed him covered in blood and begged him to not go at the council. But Cahare did not listen to her and reassured that everything would go as usual. On the road a fortune teller shouted at him to be wary of the first days of Spring, the first days of Nuzipe. "These days are already here", Cahare responded. "But they have yet to end", the other responded.

He just got in the room with Askook and Owen, when Russian agents started firing. Adistan was dealing with some Chinese agents. Cahare was shot several times after putting one hell of a fight, and felt on the feet of the statue of Kele, which he had built there and bowed whenever he entered.

Askook launched a cry of anger and sadness and went on a murdering frenzy against the agents. Owen remained shocked and truly said "You too, Cahare?". It would take him centuries to forgive Kartuns from all the pain they had caused to him. Centawa, the great lower, remained for the first time of his life speechless. Adistan entered the room in a hurry, saw the corpse with Askook lying on the ground beside him, and everyone expected a cry of vengence. Instead the "loyal one" remained silent and lied down to Askook to comfort his comrade.

The two, the following day, had a magnificent speech to rally the population for vengeance against the "Kartun scum". It would be the first time that the term "scum" was added to "Kartun". And it would not be the last, by a longshot. Then Adistan then went to Chosposi, destroyed by the pain, and received the testament of Cahare. Returning to the council, he pronounced an allocution of Caharian balance in which there was already a program of government and aimed to relaxation. All of Cahare projects were ratified by the council. Askook was granted a governorate, and had dinner with him.

On the 18th he was appointed to pronounce the praise of Cahare on his funeral, which was the most solemn ever seen in Raptor history. The Dinlong community, grateful to Cahare for the friendly treatment they received, followed the masses mixed to the veterans who sung its ancient and solemn hymns. The soldiers threw their weapons on the coffin. For the entire night the entire population remained around the tomb.

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Volume 1: The Unification wars: Chapter 22: Adistan and Chlui
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 1: The Unification wars:
Chapter 22: Adistan and Chlui

Amongst the ones who were to avenge Cahare was Okemos. Other than his closest home friends, who saw him as a teenager, no one in Raptonia knew him, who would become the greatest statesraptor of the unification wars. He was the grandson of Pavati, Cahare sister, who mated with a provincial of Zlaccester, of peasant origins but rich. His father made a fair career and ended up becoming a governor in Namid in Akerica. As for him, the chick, grew under an harsh discipline, studied with profit, and his uncle Cahare which, being without legitimate chicks despite all the mates he had, took him under his wing, and grew fond of him. He brought him along in the Northern Europe campaign, when he came there on 871 A.N to defeat the last UNited Nations armies in the region. And in this occasion he admired the willpower of that frail young raptor, who still had down instead of feathers, in facing disproportionate efforts to his health. In fact, he suffered from colitis, eczema and bronchitis: ailments that became increasingly acute over time. He didn't drink alchols, he ate small portions, had a phobia of drafts, but faced his enemies with the coldest bravery, and he did not act, even for the most ordinary things, without first carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Cahare, the brilliant daredevil and wide-sleeved improviser, with an unreflective generosity, sharp words and a lively gesture, had to take him in sympathy for the sake of contrast. He followed his studies, he routed him to the ones of strategy and administration, and once 17 years old he gave him a small army against the Balkans so that he could practice his military skills. It was there where a messanger reached him at the end of Nuzipe with the news of the death of his uncle. He ran to Raptonia, where he was greeted coldly by Adistan, who asked him rudely "I am not in the mood for jokes. Where is Okemos, chick?".

He did not get angry and simply responded "I am Okemos.". Suddently Adistan attitude for the "chick" changed, and the two become friends with time. Okemos asked quitely if the money Cahare left to the citizens was actually distributed. Adistan replied kildnly that there were far more important matters, but that he could check any time. Okemos checked and confirmed that the money were distrubuted. The veterans started to look with simpathy this "chick", who seemed to know what he was doing.

After that, Adistan requested him to join his crusade against Earth 1. Okemos gladly accepted. He organized two armies, merged them with the two Alfa's in charge, Istaqa the Santanaraptor and Nashashuk the Microvenator, and alongside Adistan he marched against United Nations forces in Białystok.

He was just 18 years old, at the moment, and as such the Council was on his side. The aristocrats feared greately Adistan, who seemed to want to follow his commander steps. In these few days of power, he depleted the Imperial treasury, taking 15 millions of dollars for his campaign against Earth 1 and occupied Kele's palace. The council realized that, to replace the dreaded Cahare who they secretely wanted dead, there was to be someone far worse. And as such the supported more Okemos, a "chick" that seemed less imposing.

Meanwhile on Earth 1, while Adistan faced Kartun forces in Białystok, Okemos faced the United Nations in Kalingrad. And luck helped him so much that he was the last general standing: Istaqua and Nashashuk fell, and later on Adistan merged his armies with the ones of Okemos to march on Vilnius. After a while the "chick" and Adistan returned to the Raptor empire, went to the Council and impose his position as Alfa alongside Adistan. The Council, who thought that he could use him as a puppet, was indignant and resisted. In the meantime, Okemos declared the Second Triumvirate with Herrerasaurus lieutenant Todi, showing that he learned from his uncle. The council was forced to bow and fund the next campaign against Earth 1.

The target: the Russian federation. And revenge was brutal. After a short campaign in Belarus, cities such as Smolensk, Kursk, Tula and many others were erased from the face of the earth. From every city burned the Triumvirate brought back to the Raptor empire 25.000 Dryhona, around 10 million dollars. Centawa himself participated this mass murder of Russians. They didn't advance as near yet as what the Germans did in the Second World War (a massive conflict that occurred on Earth 1 fom 1939 to 1945), but had committed just as many casualties at the height of Operation Barbarossa.

Then Askook, having recovered from his depression, went to join on the genocide. Ukraine, Moldovia and Romania populations were erased from extistence. Entire populations, especially if they had any relations with Russia, were turned into meat for Askook soldiers. His anger caused entire cities to commit suicide rather than becoming his next victims.

A major battle occurred on Volvograd on Istqua 874 A.N. Askook broke the Russian formations, and Adistan broke another one near Krasnodar. Okemos was in his tent, suffering another feaver caused by Russia cold weather. Askook and Adistan patiently waited for him to heal: they weren't going anywhere without the nephew of Cahare. After a serie of adventures in the Caucasus, they marched on Moskow, the capital of the Russian Federation. After a long and bloody fight, the capital felt to the Raptor forces.

With Moskow felt a considerable portion of Russia. The Raptor empire decided to stop for the moment. Everything West of the Volga river was under Raptor controll. The "Four Alfa's", Askook, Adistan, Okemos and Centawa, returned to the Raptor empire as heroes and avengers. Adistan and Chlui even become mates, and later on she too would participate in further attacks against Earth 1. She, alongside his new mate and Okemos moved against Iranian forces in Tabriz, and marched up to Kuwait in the Middle East. Then they marched west and cleared up the rest. Then Scandinavia become the next target.

After these campaigns on Earth 1, the Four Alfa's decided to clean up the rest of Raptonia, the name of the planet that the Raptors decided to give to themselves. Afikle was fully conquered, Adistan conquered the southern most continent of Raptonia, Agitantica, turning it into a vassal. While this was going on, Okemos reorganized the state and brought prosperity to the empire. And then, Owen plans for outerspace campaigns were finally possible: machines capable of traveling to space were deviced and mass produced, gears to breathe in space created and the army expanded. The Raptor empire was ready to sink its claws to the universe. Let the genocide begin.

Map of Europe on Earth 1. In Red are Raptor occupied areas/hunting grounds, in blue are United Nations members

The Raptor Empire, Raptonia, at the end of the Unification Wars.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 1: Okemos
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 1: Okemos

With Raptonia having been fully conquered by the Raptor Empire, it was decided to look at the stars for new territories, as Earth 1 was being slowly comsumed by the jaws of the Raptors. The beginning of the space age for the Raptor empire began with the conquest of the nearby moon of Papesh. It would take many more years for the Raptor Empire to be able to colonize the relatively hostile and oxigen lacking moon. That didn't mean, however, that the moon did not bear life: something that would increase Raptor interests in the moon. The very first official planet conquered by the Raptor empire was Mallus, which belonged to the Raptonian system, the same solar system of the Raptor empire. Three more planets would be colonized by the Raptors at the eve of the "Five Alfa's Deal". It was decided that Askook, Adistan, Chlui and Centawa would gain controll of these planets, while Okemos would had remained Alfa of the Raptor empire. In exchange, whenever the four had a request, it was Okemos duty to influence emperor Owen to grant them their desires. They, on the other hand, would support Okemos elections with the richnesses of their conquered planets.

Owen was declared sole emperor of the Raptor empire. There would be no more "Second Emperors", and the only way to become one was to defeat him in battle according to ancient Raptor traditions. But barely ever tried to do so. None dreamed of the position of Emperor. The Raptors only demanded order, new hunting grounds, good administration and an healthy economy. And Owen gave it to them.

With the treasure gained on Earth 1 the "Fives" liquidated the army, half a million Raptors for each of the Fives and costed too much, and kept 200.000 of them during peace, proclaming themselves "Apex", a purely military title, and the rest become hunters in the new planets; Okemos cancelled the private debt to the state; and begun the creation of the great public works. The Zoofilium was moved to space and greately expanded; 2.000 Kartuns, 1.000 of which were males and 1.000 females, would be the remaining Kartuns from Earth 1: the rest was to be exterminated. It would be a practice of the Raptor empire for every planet they conquer: the selection of 2.000 individuals of a specie, sentient or not, to be placed in the Zoofilium, so to prevent the total extinction. It was their way to play God. Alongside Earth 1 Kartuns would be all living beings one Earth 1.. But these were just the first steps, the easier ones. Just like Cahare, Okemos aimed not only to administrate, but also for a gigantic reform aimed to improve all society under the model of his uncle. To do so, he needed a bureocracy, of which he was the inventor. Around himself he formed a sort of ministerial cabinet, composed by technicians, of which he had a lot of good options. There were great organizers such as Annawan the Microvenator, great financiers such as Maza the Tanycolagreus, and various generals, such as Adistan son Tuari.

As they all belonged to the high bourguesie, and the aristocrats complained that they weren't involved, Okemos chose 20 of them, all Powa's, and created some sort of "Imperial Council", which slowly and steadily become the spokesraptors of the Council and bound their decisions. Owen still talked to the Council of the Elders, but with less frequence and his decisions were never contexted. Okemos ran for Alfa for 13 times, and naturally he won as many times.

Okemos never really abused his power. He lived in the palace of Onadon, which was beautiful, but for his personal flat he made a small room on the groundfloor with an office, humbly furnished. Even when, many years later, the building went in ruins because of a fire and he built an identical one, he intended to recreate perfectly that room. Because he had fixated habits, was sober and punctual. He worked hard, considering himself the first serf of the state. and he wrote everything: not only the speeches he had to pronounce in public, but also the ones he had at home, with his mate and family members.

But things weren't going to be quiet for long. On 884 A.N., United Nations forces seemed to be preparing a new attack on Earth 1. Askook, Adistan, Chlui and Centawa, busy on extraterrestrial bureocracy, declared that they didn't have the time or resources to aid Okemos at the moment.

He found himself in trouble. Luckly, an United Nations attack never came, as they didn't have the strenght to go on the offensive, contrary to Raptor reports. Once Okemos had enough strenght, he sent an army on Earth 1, leaded by himself.

The first phase of the war was a desert one. The Raptors clashed with the Kartun armies at Zouar in Chad. And the Raptor forces, leaded by Annawan, despite inferior in units, defeated the Kartun ones, who where forced to retreat southward. Okemos did not chase them. He knew that the African armies were not a threat to him. He crushed the Kartun armies in Teheran and conquered Iran. He marched on Pakistan and subjugated the Indian Subcontinent. Then he marched on South East Asia, defeating the mainland nations present there, in an attempt to isolate China. Then he moved to Central Asia, where he received two messages from Russia and China, requesting a cease fire. He didn't respond to them, and simply continued his campaign.

With the boldness of desperation, the Chinese launched an attack and gained a partial victory at Turfan, which did not stop Okemos to march on the interior of China. The People's Republic had already lost many of his best soldiers in the previous fights, and by now it was fighting with whatever they had left. The following day the Tibet region was completely under Raptor controll, and soon the Chinese lines were broken down. Soon China felt into chaos with thousands trying to escape to Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, New Zealand or Russia. This massive income of people disorganized the Kartun forces even more, and soon Asia and Oceania were fully under the controll of the Raptor empire.

Okemos was 35 years old at the time, and did what no other Raptor general on Earth 1 could do: fully destroying Earth 1 civilization. The last bastion of Kartun resistence was Chanty-Mansijsk in Russia. Then, after the fall of the city, the Kartun civilization of Earth 1, with the exception of the 2.000 of the Zoofilium, was declared extinct. The cheers of the Raptor people echoed for days, and the treasure gained from the conquest would finance further space expansions. Very late in Raptor history, many resourced used for their expansion in space were still from Earth 1 Okemos conquests.

Meanwhile, on Mallus, Adistan continued his campaign. His two sons, Nosh and Tuari, become generals at 20 years of age. The Raptor empire had funded a small colony in the Mallus continent of Lustria east of the local city temple of Hexoatl. They soon funded relation to the local inhabitants of the planet, the Lizardmen, which would be renamed Kartalo (From "Kar", meaning Tree, and "Talo", meaning Temple). Adistan was quick to vassalize the city by promising it to expand under the name of Lord Mazdamundi. The two declared a dual monarchy, and Adistan decided to expand both in the South against other Kartalo's, and North. The Southern expansions were the most pacific ones, and often required little to no fighting, with many temple cities gladly accepting, but with the Slann, the highest rulers of the Kartalo, strongly opposing them often. Despite that, Adistan knew well how to play his cards, and if diplomacy was not possible, he didn't esitate to use his superior equipment on the insubordinating Kartalo's. But the North was an entire different story. Generally speaking, neither Owen or Okemos intended to expand that much in the galaxy. It was the first "Pax Raptonica". As such, Adistan had limited manpower for his conquests. That being said, the Raptor empire did send troops to defend the borders of the empire, constantly threatened. Bordering Lustria was the northern continent of Naggaroth, where the Dark Elf resided, old enemies of the Kartalo. Nosh and Tuari were soon sent there to pacify the Ironsand Desert and the Petrified Forest. Nosh, his favorite, pushed the borders up to the Pitch Flow to make the border more secure, defeating brillantly the Dark Elfs. But during a fight he was greately injuired. Tuari, who adored him and was busy dealing with the Vampire Coast in Lustria, ran for thousands of mile without stopping to reach him and came just in time to close his eyes. Adistan was shook from the death of this happy, dashing and expansionist chick. By now this meant war. Perhaps out of mercy, Okemos decided to send an army to his old friend.

They were under the controll of Annawan, which was also the minister of war which, after giving him victory at Zouar, became his most trustworthy and able collaborator. A great gentleraptor, a great soldier, a great engineer, he would pacify Quintex and the Kraken lake, then he would help reorganize trade, build roads, and was the only big guy of which no one whispered of betrayal or speculations. After a while, the Dark Elfs sued for peace, which Owen, who had come himself to discuss with the leaders of the Six Cities, their major strongholds. The Raptor protected Hexoatl kingdom would expand up to the Bleak Hold Fortress on the East, and the Southern Portions of the Witch Sea in the West.

Still, Adistan realized that the Slann were a true torn on his tail, always criticizing his work and threatening a rebellion with the support of the population. At the same time, he realized that, with his authority, Adistan was the sole individual capable to kept Lustria united. And he intended to show it. On 889 A.N suddently he gave all powers to the Slann, proclaimed the creation of an independent Kartalo Confederation and declared he was going to enjoy private life. We find hard to believe that this warmongerer was this smart to play a game so dangerous. There must had been the help of Okemos. None the less, after a few days, the confederation felt into chaos, the Dark Elfs attempted to take advantage of the situation and threatened the capital of the confederation itself, Hexoatl. Adistan returned only when the Slann begged him to return, even under the conditions of having him as supreme ruler of the Kartalo. He accepted with a fake sad look. It was a perfectly acted scene from both sides and showed how much the Raptor Empire, in such a short ammount of time, had its talon deep in outer space: by now even the proud Slann preferred a tyrant over chaos and the Dark Elfs. They were quickly beaten back, and a white peace was signed. Then, the Kartalo Confederation was reorganized as the Kartalo Protectorate under the rule of Adistan himself.

These were just some of the expansions the Raptor Empire undertook in outerspace, and in the following chapters we will discuss them. But for now, Okemos was on the verge of death. Colitis and fevers gave him no respite, and he did not take a step without his personal doctor, Migisi the Luanchuanraptor. He had become meticulous, suspicious and cruel. For an indiscretion, he almost killed his secretary Tse the Austroraptor. More skeptical and bitter because of the suffering, he was starting to see the failure of his opera of reconstruction. Sure, there was the Pax Raptonica, and Askook thanked him for the troops he lended to defend his Lizardmen in the war against the Sorcerer King on the planet Sepulnoter. But near the Swirling Swamps in southern Lustria Makya the Pyroraptor was butchered alongside three armies by Morvael, the border had to be retreated to the Southern Sentinel region, and Okemos understood that beyond that region, hidden in their cities, the high elfs were preparing for the worst. Sure, trades reorganized by Annawan reflourished, and the economy, fixed by Maza, was safe. The bureocracy worked. The army was strong. But the great cultural reform had failed. The Charmenian element of society had almost got extinct. The last census revealed that three quarters of the Raptor citizens weren't from the Charmenian continent. Thousands of new temples were built, including the Kartalo ones, who were considered demigods, but inside there were no demigods because no one believe that there were. A morality can't be reborn without a religious basis. Okemos tried to reanimate the old faith, without sharing it, and the people faked to adore him as a demi god.

He was 76 years old when he died. On that morning he worked just as usual, from 08:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M, he signed all decrees alongside Owen, responded all letters, as the perfect functionary he was. He called his mate, Lomahongva, and greeted her lovingly. Then, as a true Raptor, he turned to Owen and everyone in the room and said: "I leaded my pack on a successful hunt. Let me leave the spear, my comrades, with thousands of howls of victory."

The Powa's brought the coffin on their shoulders on parade on the entirety of Raptonia, before cremating the corpse. Askook, Adistan, Chlui and Centawa came too, alongside Mazdamundi, Xlotc, Adohi-Tehga and various other Slann leaders.

Map showing the Kartalo protectorate on planet Mallus

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 1.1: Adistan wild ride in Mallus
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 1.1: Adistan wild ride in Mallus

For ages, Lustria was a hidden continent, a nigh-impregnable realm whose forbidding jungles deterred almost all invaders. But the jungles were a joke for the Raptors, who lived in a similar envrionment back in Raptonia, and were more than able to colonize these new territories. Adistan, while a brilliant commander, lacked the ability of observation of his comrade Okemos, which he gained from his uncle Cahare. As such, he had at first some trouble in how to organize this new nation of which he was essentially the ruler. Okemos helped him in administrating the region by sending loyal scientists and explorers. Adistan was quick to learn about their society: he might had been a bad observer, but he was a good listener.

The Kartalo were all ruled by the mystical Slann, the most intelligent and powerful of the Kartalo. It was they who rule the other Kartalo as a sacred caste of powerful magic-users, each one bearing the title of Mage-Priests. The Mage-Priest were in all practicality, the political and religious leaders of their entire civilization. All of the Slann living to this very day belong to this sacred caste, because they all possess the ancient intellect and magical powers bred into their race by the Old Ones of a halcyon age.

However, all of the Slann that are alive today are only the descendants of those that have seen the Old Ones in person, the ones who are said to have modified the planet to make it inhabitable. Those that actually came with the Old Ones are already long dead and their relics lost to time. Within the hierarchy of the Mage-Priest caste, the oldest of the Slann are the most powerful within their caste, each of which are divided into five spawnings in descending order in relations to power and importance.

Those of the First Spawning were the greatest and most powerful of them all. Unfortunately, all of them have since died out, leaving the Second Spawning to claim the title of Lord Mage-Priest. There are only five Lords left in existence, and each one ruled over one of the great and major Temple-Cities of the Kartalo "Empire". The Slann of the Third Spawning, known as Master Mage-Priest, are twice as many in numbers and ruled the lesser Pyramid-Temples within the Kartalo realm. The Slann of the Forth Spawning are known as Mage Champions and served as the generals and leaders of the Kartalo army in times of war. The Fifth Spawning is the most numerous and were the most energetic and alerted of them all. They also occupied the lowest position within their caste and only carried the simple title of Mage-Priest.

In short, Adistan understood that the Slann were essentially highly religious Seakars, each one ruling over a small kingdom known as a "Temple City", in an highly federalized state. With these informations, he had managed to manipulate the Slann to accept his position as absolute ruler of the Kartalo, imposed Mutilator as "the one God", but allowed for religion freedom. He expanded the various cities to new colonists and Kartalo citizens and prepared for war once more against his neighbours. He even found a native Raptor community under the name of Autegore (Cold One), under the rule of Chief Chu'A. They could be recognized from regular Autegore for the presence of four grasping fingers instead of three and the ability to use tools. They were granted a reserve and welcomed in the administration of the Kartalo protectorate.

An Autegore from the Petesclarum tribe, in the centre of Lustria

With the support of the Slann, he took many of the jewel-encrusted statues of purest gold and sent them to Raptonia. He kept some of them as trophy to furnish his Palace. Others were sent into museums to be preserved. And the rest funded the constant conquests of the Raptor empire, especially his ones. Soon only the Raptors were tolerated as foregners, as they were the only ones who didn't try and harm the Kartalo traditions and temples. Slann lost their earthly powers, but become priests and teachers in the Kartalo society. They become missionaries to other planets, spreading the world of the one God Mutilator. It's hard to believe that these once prout Priest Kings are limiting to these roles now. But as they once said, the world was changing.

Encounter between Dark Elf and Raptor soldier in Northern Lustria

The biggest enemy of the Kartalo Protectorate were the Dark Elves of Naggaroth. Using their far-seeing ability, the Mage-Priests had watched the civil war on Ulthuan and discussed it to Adistan. To the Mage-Priests, these twisted creatures were scarcely distinguishable from any other of their kind. At first the Slann hoped to gain insight on the Elves' intentions. There had been a war between the two, but maybe peace could be achieved. But Adistan, who came from a society of raiders, pillagers and warmongers knew that the Dark Elves would not stop at any cost. He declared the Dark Elves an enemy of the Kartalo Protectorate, and heavily militarized the border between the two nations.

The Dark Elves however took the Raptors by surprise since their discovery of the Black Way, an underground network of subterranean rivers and seas that stretched all the way from the cold lands of Naggaroth. Armies of Dark Elves had been using this route to emerge in the heart of Lustria, allowing them to avoid the lethal dangers of the jungle. A massive state of was was declared in the aftermath of the desecration of the Monument of Izzatal and the Elven attempt to capture the Skink Priests from the floating temple of Chotec, but perhaps the most damaging of the Dark Elf assaults was the theft of the Star Stela of Quetli.

The stelae are stone slabs inscribed with eldritch symbols and the Star Stela was an especially prized artefact, for the stone held the secrets of star alignment. Even as the Dark Elves hauled their plunder through the Black Way, the Mage-Priest Tepec-Inzi was startled awake, roused from a decades-long trance. He sensed the ramifications of the Star Stela in the wrong hands. Adistan knew he would need time for Raptor Empire reinforcements, and hastly mobilized an army to be sent on the Ashen Coast — intercepting the Dark Elves as they emerged from the Black Way.

The battle that ensued was remarkable for its ferocity, for the Dark Elves had no intention of being cheated of their prize, while the Raptors showed a certain ferocity the Kartalo had never seen before. If only they knew what they did to an entire planet suffering overpopulation, now reduced to barely 2.000 in the Zoofilium. Adistan gave the command of his army to the Saurus leader Gor-Rok. This Saurus, one of the strongest fighting force in the Kartalo society, had become the favorite of Adistan, who teached him about strategy, military tactics, technologies, but also grammar, mathematics, arts, poetry and so on. Given the order to 'retrieve', Gor-Rok met the Dark Elf assault head-on with the support of Adistan Air Force and Animal Tanks. He famously used his massive stone shield to smash the opposing commander's chariot into splinters. When stabbed through the chest, Gor-Rok refused to die, instead pulling his assailant towards him by drawing the iron lance through his own body until he was close enough for his jaws to rip out the Elf's throat. Steadily, the Kartalo and Raptors forces slaughtered the Elfs. Only after the battle had ended and Gor-Rok had retrieved the Star Stela was the Dark Elven weapon removed from the mighty Saurus' blood-slicked form. He was immediately greeted by a Raptor doctor, who declared him "A marvel of natural strenght. A creature which was supposed to die, but kept on fighting out of sheer loyalty. The Star Stela was returned to its rightful place in the temple-city of Itza, where henceforth it would be protected by the Temple Guard, supported by Imperial Raptor soldiers, lest any attempt to steal it again. Adistan prepared meanwhile an army composed principally by Kartalo's and Autegore to march on Naggaroth.

But while Adistan leaded his army for revenge against Naggaroth, new visitors came to Lustria. The first humans to land upon the coasts of Lustria were from Norsca, powerful Kartun sailors who raids and pillage everything in their path.. Led by an infamous Norscan adventurer, Losteriksson, Northmen crossed the seas and ransacked an overgrown ruin they found near Lustria's coast. Heedless of the blasphemy they had just committed against the Old Ones, the men loaded their longboats with golden artefacts and sailed for home. It was not long before word of their riches spread throughout the growing realms of Men, and many ships sailed west to find their fortune. Few survived the perilous journey and most that did were slain in the jungle — eaten by enormous reptilian creatures, swallowed by sentient quicksand or overcome by tropical disease.

The Norse, however, led by the returning Losteriksson, succeeded in establishing a settlement on the isthmus — a colony named Skeggi. Fearing what might lurk in the hinterlands, Losteriksson forbade his followers from entering the deep jungle, instead concentrating on building a stockade fort and collecting the gold and precious stones from the ruined watch posts along the coastline. Not all of his followers listened, however, and one reckless band probed the thick jungle, stumbling across a site of great riches that was guarded by the Kartalo and the Raptors. The humans were killed on the spot. And for the first time the Kartalo had the chance to taste Kartun flesh. It would not go well for the Kartuns of the planet.

Losteriksson only discovered what had happened when an angry looking Raptor walked to his settlement with an army and coldly shot him on the head with a gun. The settlement was erased from the face of the map, all its inhabitant killed for meat, and all the resources pillaged to increase Adistan personal treasury and to fill the annual tribute to the Raptor empire.

None the less, more and more Kartuns were driven by the smell of gold into exploring the region. It was not only greedy treasure hunters that the Northmen brought with them to Lustria when they established their settlement of Skeggi. The fierce tribal men carried with them their warlike gods - erecting crude idols and performing barbaric ceremonies in their honour. The names attached to these deities by their human worshippers had not been previously heard upon Lustria, but the continent had felt their power before. Strange stirrings not sensed for millennia disturbed the meditations of the Mage-Priests. This greately worried Adistan: he had never seen them in this state. The Slann informed Adistan to finish the war as quickly as possible against the Dark Elfs, as a bigger threat seemed to aim at Lustria: Chaos.

He did heard about Chaos worshippers and, most importantly, about Chaos. Chaos was a force of supernatural disorder and the antithesis of the natural world it invades. In perspective, it is akin to the ocean, a constant roiling force of emotion-fuelled change which constantly batters and invades the plane of the physical universe, which unlike Chaos is constant and stable, its existence defined by the rules of physical law and natural order. Like the ocean, Chaos' power waxes and wanes.

What awakened the Slann to the re-emerging threat of Chaos was the tragedy of Lord Zhul, the master Mage-Priest of Xahutec. Lord Zhul was especially steeped in the lore and study of the Old Ones and his wisdom was legendary, yet during his few waking hours, he began to issue irrational orders. When Adistan, after having returned successfully against the Dark Elfs and having subjugating them, considered his latest words, it was observed that he made contrary pronouncements only during certain stellar phenomena's. The alignment of certain stars, as tracked along the geomantic web, passed directly over the ruined pyramid-temple of Tlencan. Suspecting this might be the root of the confusion, an expedition in strength was launched to discover what marred the tranquility of Lord Zhul's thoughts. Adistan understood little of what was going on, but prepared his army none the less.

The overgrown ruins of Tlencan were located on an island off the Scorpion Coast. Led by Adistan himself, the Kartalo and Raptor force travelled quickly, mighty Bastiladons armed with Raptor cannons crushing paths through the jungle while a flight of Terradons scouted the path ahead. Once there, an investigation of the vine-covered ruins ensued. In the uppermost chamber, in the holy pool of power reserved for Mage-Priests, there slumped a vile Daemon Prince, one of the greatest and most powerful servant of Chaos. Adistan saw that a blade of Elven forging transfixed the creature, its innards glowing like lava. The wounded Daemon had followed the lines of the geomantic web, hoping to leech the power to restore itself.

Before Adistan could even consider challenging the beast, the Daemon had called upon its patron. Balefire spewed from the pyramid and a swarm of iridescent and crimson Daemons emerged from out of the air itself to do battle. They were met by a storm of javelins barbed darts, machine guns, assault guns and cannons and, though many fell, the Daemons pressed home their attack, tearing through the Skink cohorts and crashing into the Saurus/Raptor lines.

So fierce was the Daemon attack that they cut down half the Raptor/Kartalo warriors and would have swept them away altogether were it not for a timely charge by the Bastiladons. Thick armoured plates protecting them from harm, the enormous beasts waded through the Daemons, crushing more with every stride of their trunk-like legs. But what really did was the Raptor Air Force, which decimated the Daemon forces.

At the very moment the Daemon Prince succumbed, Lord Zhul gave a feeble croak and perished. The mental duel to keep his thoughts pure had finally defeated him. His body was prepared with resin and bedecked with gold to rest within the crypt of the Great Pyramid. He would later be buried in a Raptor tomb in Raptonia itself.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to like (if you like), comment (so I can learn your opinion) and...follow I guess.
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 1.2: The hunter versus the sorcerer
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 1.2: The hunter versus the sorcerer

On Sepulnoter, Askook, his 200.000 strong army and several colonists funded a growing colony in the continent of Elajaid. His colony was near the Great Lake, a large body of freshwater which lied in the northern portion of the Great Forest of Tob and the southern tip of the Azerlisia Mountains. There he met the Lizardmen, humanoid lizard similar to Kartalo's Saurus, although far more primitive living in tribes rather than cities. Askook, being the bastard son of Cahare, had similar observation skills, and was quickly able to understand how to either subjugate or put on a state of protectorate the Lizardmen, under the Raptor name of Shyiya (From "Shy", meaning Swamp, and "ya", meaning hunter). The Shyiya were organized in a stratified social structure that sets the chief at top of the tribal hierarchy. Below the chief were other tiers that assisted the chief in maintaining order throughout the community. After the Chief was the Council of Elders, followed by the Warriors and, at the lowest, the Tribesmen. Other social classes were the Druids, the Hunters and the Travelers. The Druids, led by the Elder Druid, were magic practitioners who assisted tribal life through the use of magical cures and weather forecasts to predict dangers. Druids were distinct in that they decorate their bodies with body paint. Just like their Raptor Asichi Luon comparision, they were also the holder of knowlege in these tribes. The Hunters were composed of rangers and were not only responsible for hunting and fishing, but also gathering timber from the forest. They were given most autonomy as collecting resources from the forest is hazardous, but still acquiesce to the chief's control. And finally, there were travelers. A unique class which was separate, but served to be an integral part of Shyiya society. These are Shyiya who leaved the tribe to venture out and see the outside world. Those that wished to become travelers were rare unless forced to under certain conditions, food shortages. etc. A Shyiya was distinguished by the burn mark on their chest which was branded when one chooses to leave the tribe, signifying they were outside the jurisdiction of the tribe. Most travelers never returned, because of misadventure or found a new life. Those that did return, however, brought back news of the outside world and with it, new ideas. The information brought by these wanderers were a treasure to be evaluated and judged that could aid their tribe. So while Shyiya were mostly avoided out of respect and stigma, they were still prominent beings regardless. Indeed, it was thanks to a traveler, Zaryusu Shasha, that Askook become aware of the existence of the Shyiya.

A typical Shyiya tribe

With a combination of superior number and technology and excellent diplomacy, Askook united the local five tribes of Green Claw, Dragon Tusk, Red Eye, Small Fang and Razor Tail under a Raptor protectorate, with Zaryusu as personal adviser of Askook. When he asked the reason of this kind act, Askook responded "I intend to rule your people, not butcher them or its costumes.". Askook showed himself a great ruler, who improved the Shyiya living conditions and showed admiration for this primitive society, which resembled so much the ancient Raptor society long before the fundation of the Raptor empire, hell even before the Rahonian kingdom. Having reorganized the Shyiya protectorate and having received some resupply, he decided to extend his protectorate to the entirety of the Great Lake. The toadmen, or Shyway ("way means engineer in Raptor language), who had previously defeated the Shyiya thanks to their superior equipment, were among the first targets. It was a short war, lasting a few days, thanks in part by the Raptor air force completely dominating the territory alongside the use of animal tanks in the battle, but the campaign was mainly won on Shyiya bravery and Raptor ferocity. Askook plan for expansion aimed to target the main features of the Great Lake region: the Great Forest of Tob and the Arserlisia mountain range. The Great Forest of Tob was the first target for their timber and hunting resources. The Raptor and Shyiya forces were easily able to deal with the far more primitive races in the area, and even moved outside of the forest to conquer the small village of Carne. The attack of the village would later cause problems with the local Re-Estize Kingdom. But a more direct threat came to the Raptors when two small humanoid creatures came with a message.

It was just one normal day in Askook administration of the Shyiya protectorate. The campaign in the Tob forest was doing good. Carne village was easily taken. The naga domains were conquered after the death of Ryraryus Spenia Ai Indarun. Guu and his troll forces were erased from the face of the planet by advanced Raptor bombing squadrons. There were some seatbacks in the northern regions of Carne village, as reports of scheletrical creatures facing the Raptor armies reached the new capital of the protectorate, Markhabir, the once Green Claw tribe village. This worried Askook, as he could not afford, unless dealing with immense threats, for reinforcements. He didn't have a chance to observe these scheletons, but from reports of his soldiers, they were Kartun scheletons and had their same weak spots, without muscles supporting them. But there were some defeats, still. In particular, one army was obliterated, and two were heavily damaged. He pondered in his office for the next plans of action. "Is something bothering you?" a voice came from outside the open office door, the voice of Zaryusu Shasha, personal adviser to Askook, who had become a friend to the Utahraptor. Askook glanced at the Shyiya with an unsurprised look. "You could had talked earlier. Rather than waste three minutes of your life" he jokingly responded. Before Zaryusu could question how did he knew he was there, Askook responded. "I saw you walking on the window. You took the left. For your kind of profession the left part of the capital offers few possibilities, and your gaze was sligly pointed at the door of my palace. As such I deduced that you, my friend, aimed at the door of the palace and, as such, my office." Askook was known for his insane observation skills, being capable to understand entire situations or political systems from the movement of a serf arm. Zaryusu sighed, almost feeling like an idiot for asking. "So, what's wrong?" he then asked. Askook stopped smiling and looked at the window to see the capital, filled with movement of any kind. "Tell me Zaryusu. Why am I here?" he asked simply. The Shyiya raised an eyebrow confused. "To....expand your empire I assume?" he responded simply. Askook motioned his hand to show his advisor a map, which showed the Raptor conquests in Elajaid. "You see that map, Zaryusu? That is the world which I created for both my empire and your pack. For five years, I have conquered, spilt blood, expanded the empire. But I cannot continue this fight. Not without reinforcements." Askook explained in a worried tone. Zaryusu looked shocked at the Raptor. "This must be an exaggeration Askook! Your army is mighty! No one can face your flying beasts! No living being can stand against your beast tanks!" Zaryusu exclaimed trying to show Askook that the situation was not as bad as it seemed. Askook shook his head. "5000 of my troops have died in the north. 3000 died in border skimmerishes in the Tob forest. Half of the Razor Tail warriors have died Many more died in the previous campaigns. All I have left are 70.000 soldiers, 10.000 of your soldiers, 300 animal tanks and 400 flying beasts. They are not enough for a world conquest. They are barely enough for consolidation of our territories." Askook rationally explained. Zaryusu sweated a bit at the news. "And the Raptor empire cannot send reinforcements?" he asked. Askook shook his head. "They are needed at home or for next colonizations plans. Okemos is trying to influende the emperor for reinforcements, but so far, we're not profitable enough or in enough danger. I however am aware of the dangers outside our territories, but that's not enough to convince the emperor." Askook explained to his Shyiya friend. A moment of silence followed. Up to now, Askook was known amongst the Shyiya as the "lightning general", for his speed, wit and strenght, which allowed the Shyiya to expand not only to the Great Lake, but also to the Tob forest, a territory they never fully explored. And to see his friend in difficulty, was a new sight. Zaryusu, after what seemed like an eternity, was the first to speak. "I will convince the chiefs to increase the conscript rate. They will follow you to the end of the world. You must not underestimate our loyalty to you." The Shyiya said with a determinated tone. Askook was still skeptical, however. "How big are the tribes, really? They do not have enough resources. Even if the hunters were conscripted too they would not make a difference. Even if I tamed all the beasts in the Great Lake it would not make a difference. I need Raptor reinforcements. Raptor animal tanks. Raptor air reinforcements." Askook explained. But Zaryusu was not giving up easily. "Even so-" he said, before being interrupted by the tail movements of Askook. In his time serving the Utahraptor, he had come to learn several of the body signals of the Raptors. When a Raptor tail stiffened and was raised in the air, it was a signal of alert. Something was coming. Then, out of the blue, a dark yellow flying creature flew just above the roof of Askook palace. Then, it gracely landed on the main plaza of the capital. Zaryusu widened his eyes in shock. Askook remained calm as ever. "Come with me. Call the guards. We have visitors." he said slightly angry. His powerful sight saw two small humanoid creatures on the back of the large creature. Kartuns.

After gathering his personal guarda, Askook marched leading them alongside Zaryusu, looking angry. He had not forgot these creatures killing his father, Cahare, long before the age of space conquest. He had little patience for them. Getting off the large creature were the two Kartuns. One had dark skin and pointed ears, golden hair and heterochromia, its left eye blue and right eye green. It wore reddish-black dragon scale leather covered by a white and gold vest. Below it, it had a matching set of white trousers and gold plated shoes, and around its neck was an acorn necklace emitting golden light. The other figure had too dark skin and blonde hair, and its eyes were blue on the right and green on the left. It wore a blue dragon scale leather full-body suit, covered by a white and gold vest and a forest green-leaf cloak. Below, it had a matching short white skirt exposing its thighs, and on its neck was an acorn necklace emitting silver light. Its slender hands were donned with shiny white silk gloves and it wields a twisted black wooden staff. Most of the watchstanders were shocked at the entrance of the two creatures. Askook was just pissed. "It would be a good idea for you Kartun scum to explain why are you in my territory. Little chicks are killed when trespassing the territory of larger adults from where I came from." he calmly but angrily said. The first figure sighed at the Utahraptor. "Greetings. I am a servant of Lord Ainz Ooal Gown, Aura Bello Fiore. Your "territory" has sent some rude guys to the land of Lord Ainz, the great tomb of Nazarick." the Kartun, a female judging by its voice, said with a loud tone. Askook narrowed its eyes. "So it would seem like this "Ainz" is the filthy Kartun scum who butchered my soldiers. Really, I'm glad to know, now I know who to turn into lunch when I will come to erase your tomb from the face of the planet!" Askook shot back angrily at the Kartun, causing her to step back a bit in fear. Still, she regain her composure, gritting her teeth angrily at the Raptor. "Listen. Lord Ainz is in a bad mood. And now me as well, you overgrown pigeon. I came here to warn your people. If no one comes to apologize, your country will cease to exist!" Aura exclaimed angrily. "Here's a better deal. How about you and your sexually confused twin brother get your asses back to Nazarick and tell your alfa to stop sending men to my northern frontier?" Askook said cockily. The male Kartun remained shocked at the affirmation of the Utahraptor, and before he could say anything, Askook spoke first. "First, you two are identical. Even a braindead chick could tell your're from the same clutch. Second, for crying out loud, get a bigger skirt, I can see your testicles from a mile!" Askook shouted at the male figure, which covered its lower parts embaressed. Aura gritted her teeth angrily. "First of all, rude. Second, he's not sexually confused! It's a Nazarick tradition!" she shouted with her face getting crismon red. Askook spitted some mucus from his nose to the ground. "My sincere apologies, little chick. It's just that I get rather upset when some little Kartun chicks come to MY capital dictating threats coming from some weakling with charisma that had settled his position without any effort." he mockingly apologized to the Kartun. Her once comically embaressed face turned into an intimidating glare, her smile going from ear to ear. "How about a little demonstration, then?" she said with an intimidating tone, for her size. Askook raised an eyebrow at the affirmation of the girl. The latter turned to her brother. "Mare, if you please" she said with a friendly tone toward the male, who raised his staff without esitation, only to hit the ground below.

Suddently, the ground started to shake a little, and cracks started to pop up from where this "Mare" hit. Suddently, large cracks started to form around the small square, with many Raptors and Shyiya falling. The attack had largely damaged the square, but Raptor losses were low, as the one who fell started to climb back thanks to their claws. Zaryusu was shocked at the power that the little boy carried. Askook merely observed the scene. He then turned his gaze to Mare. "Nice little trick, chick. Now fix it." he said with a cold, unamused tone. The twin Kartuns took a step back shocked at the calmness of the Raptor. "So, you made a hole in the ground. Was this supposed to impress me? Hell, was this supposed to show the power of this "Ainz"? So far I observed the boy being capable of using this power. What if he's not capable of such feat? What if he surrounds himself in strong people and manipulates them to do his bidding?" he asked logically to the twins. The two, even the shy boy, glared at the Raptor for its insolence. "Return to your "lord". Tell him that there will be no apologize. This is the territory of the Raptor empire, and if any of the troops of Ainz will trepass it, they will be killed as such. He's even welcomed to declare war. I'll be waiting." he contined serious.

"Then war it is. Be ready to face the strongest force on this world, Askook of the Raptor empire." Aura said coldly. "I'm counting on it." Askook grinned. Then, before the twins could realize, the Utahraptor leaped forward, jumped over the space created by the cracks and grabbed Mare's arm with its powerful jaws, slamming the body of the small Kartun against his sister. Then, he tossed the boy on top of the dragon, only to pick her sister and do the same. "You know you could had just waited us to leave!" Aura protested. In response, Askook simply jumped on the dragon and started to slash its sides. This proned the twins to flee even faster. After having got down from the dragon, he let out a mighty roar which resounded on the entirety of Markhabit. Then he jumped on the other side, grooming his arm feathers casually as nothing happened. Zaryusu ran to him annoyed. "Askook! What was that!?! Are you out of your mind!?" he shouted at the Utahraptor. Askook simply shrudded his shoulders. "I know, I know. I should had just killed the girl and bring the boy to the verge of death. It would had been a better response to this Ainz" he said casually. Zaryusu gritted his teeth. "You just said earlier that you don't have enough soldiers! How are we going to deal with this "Ainz" without an army!? Have you seen what that kid just did!?" the Shyiya shouted back. Askook simply grinned at the words of his friend. "Heh. I've seen reports of stronger creatures in other planets. Besides...this is a blessing, really." He calmly responded. At the confused look of Zaryusu, he continued. "Now the empire will finally respond to my reinforcements request. And I just know what to ask for." he said, looking at the sky, his teeth clearly showing and his arms open, showing its impressive wings.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to like (if you like), comment (so I can learn your opinion) and...follow I guess.
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 1.3: The hunter versus the sorcerer, part 2
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 1.3: The hunter versus the sorcerer, part 2

In the aftermath of the failed "negociations" between the Great Tomb of Nazarick and the Shyiya protectorate, a state of war was immediately declared between the two nations. Askook was promised reinforcement from Mallus itself, composed both by regular Kartalo and even some Slanns to fight in the campaign, but they would require time. This, however, did not worry Askook, as in his observation of the messangers he deduced that lord ainz ooal gown had greately underestimated the Raptor forces. Also deducing by the equipment of the Nazarick troops he faced up to now, he knew that they were at best on medieval levels. Askook mostly lacked manpower, not guns or equipment. As a matter of fact, he had a surplus of guns and ammunitions which would easily arm the Shyiya. On top of that, Okemos had promised, no guaranteed, that the reinforcements would had reached Sepulnoter in less than a month: not even an entire pack of "Mare"'s would had been able to crush Askook that badly. He calculated it would had taken at least a thousands of these little Kartuns to fully subjugate the protectorate, and this if Nazarick was desperately in a hurry. However, several of his spies confirmed his theories: lord Ainz had greately underestimated Raptor forces and was in no hurry at all. It would had taken years of a war of attrition to subjugate the Raptors if lord Ainz kept this up. Askook only needed to hold them off for a month.

On Alahmoot 15th, Lord Ainz "Army of the Dead", numbering 5000, arrived near the Raptor settlement of Hatthampter in the Great Lake, under the command of Nazarick general Cocytus. The garrinson in the settlement was of 2000 Raptors, who were however better armed, better positioned and better trained. Askook had well guessed that Lord Ainz had underestimated his forces, but he didn't realize of the limitations that the lord had placed on Cocytus. The first limitation was that Cocytus was forbidden from setting foot on the battlefield. The second rule was his elder lich he was given to command the undead was to be used until the end. The third rule he was to think independently on this campaign. Cocytus keeping these directives in mind directed his orders via Message Scrolls and gave the order for his forces to march on the attack. Askook would later call the campaign "one of the most embaressing military action I've ever witnessed. By not being allowed to set foot on the battlefield the Kartun would not had been able to see the battle in anyway. It's hard to find such a lazy, poorly planned, poorly led invasion."

After the garrinson was held, Askook attacked Cocytus army flank with at least 30 animal tanks and 9,000 soldiers. The flank of 1000 men was reinforced by further 3000 undead, which were removed from the main assault.

On 18 Alahmoot, Zaryusu Shasha led part of the army to attack the rear of Cocytus army. This meant that the Army of the Dead was essentially surrounded. On the very first hour of the encirclement, 500 skeletons lied shattered on the swampy terrain, while Askook and Zaryusu suffered no casualty. Cocytus watching from his station was astonished by the display as the Raptors had crushed his expectations. Understanding that the skeletons and zombies would probably only serve to sap the oppositions' stamina, the outcome of the battle would still be in favor of the Raptors. Having only an effective troops of 300 Undead Beasts, 150 Skeleton Archers, and 500 Skeleton Riders the weight of numbers were now against his army even more. Seeing that the state affairs were not good the Floor Guardian made a decision to draw out the battle to wear the Raptors down. Using a Message Scroll, he sends out a command to the army's commander.

The skeleton riders began to move en masse, only to be massacred inflicting, once again, zero casualties. Skeleton archers finally managed to inflict some casualties on the Raptor forces, but they were far too few, and they would not had changed the outcome of the battle. In the entirety of the battle, the Raptors enjoyed air superiority, and the archers were often harrassed by Pteranodon and Green Dragons riders.

At this point, the only undead left on the battlefield still active were the zombies, with all of the skeletons beaten to the ground. Cocytus's command eventually reached the zombie beasts that began to flood the battlefield in a huge uncoordinated formation. The attack from below was unexpected by the Raptors and was the only one which inflicted "decent" casualities, as Askook would later write.

From afar, Cocytus saw that Nazarick would lose this battle if he did not act. He realized that not only he was outnumbered, but also outgunned and forced to command an army with no true military strategy. He still had a way to turn the tables from this, but before he implemented it, he used a Message scroll to contact Nazarick Floor Guardian Demiurge for his insight. Cocytus asked for his advice to avoid a disgrace.

Seeing the report of the battle, the demon realized that Nazarick had indeed underestimated greately the Raptor armies, and had no way to counter the combined air and tank animal forces of the Raptors. After ending the message, Cocytus pondered on how to proceed, though he hastened to act after seeing Entoma Vasilissa Zeta, an observer for this confrontation, using a talisman to communicate to Ainz. He ordered the Elder Lich Commander, Iguva=41 to enter the battlefield.

The undead magic caster upon receiving its order commanded two Blood Meat Hulks to kill the attacking Raptors. The monster obeyed, but were easily slayed by the Raptor animal tanks, which included Crichtonsaurus and Xinjiangtitan. "So far, the battle has been nothing but a serie of disappointments" Askook famously said after this occurence. Then, as he grew tired of the magic caster throwing fire balls at the Raptor positions, he charged with astonishing speed, unexpected by the undead, and quickly subdued him to the ground, ripping its head off, swallowing it whole and launching a howl of victory which resonated to the entire lake.

Raptor Xinjiangtitan animal tanks equipped with 370 mm cannons

The battle was a humiliation for Nazarick. Lord Ainz greately underestimated the Raptor capabilities, and realized that these creatures from space could be a true threat for his plans, hell even the world. Cocydus received stronger forces and prepared for another engagement.
From the beginnign of the war, the Nazarick Army was unable to advance in any of the territories of the Shyiya protectorate. Askook then began to transfer regiments to the forest of Tob, which he believed Nazarick would attack next as a possible shortcut to avoid the majority of the Raptor forces. Askook left Hatthampter on Alahmoot 24, arrived at Carne village the following day, and established headquarters at the former village hall. Askook had sent his second-in-command Zaryusu ahead to Carne Village to establish the village defenses.

Zaryusu remained in Carne Village until Askook sent him to the northern Great Lake region; construction of the village defenses was left to General Waquini, an Duriavenator. Troops were in limited supply, so Askook found the defenses incomplete, but he had concluded that in any case it would be impossible to hold the village if Nazarick forces had learned their lesson. He reasoned that the defenses should be located with the ability to inflict heavy casualties upon the Nazarick forces if any move was made to take and hold ground. Meanwhile, the Kartalo reinforcements were nearly there.

Carne village, the site of battle between the Raptor army and the Nazarick Army of the Dead

At 21:00, the Undead moved out. No one except Cocydus knew of the plan. Cocydus led a crack brigade of skeleton, followed by undead beasts. The army consisted of 10,000 undead who stretched out over two miles. Three native Kartun farmers from Carne Village led the column toward the village. The column headed southeast until it reached what later became the northern portion of Carne village, when it headed directly south.

The column had yet to run into any Raptor troops when they reached Tokala Tavern, just a few hundred meters from Carne. By dawn, the Nazarick troops entered the village. At 09:00, they fired their arrows to signal the goblin troops to begin their frontal assault against Shasuryu Shasha soldiers deployed on the two hills flanking the village, while Cocydus troops simultaneously flanked the Raptor positions from the east.

Hilly terrain where fighting between Raptor forces and Nazarick undead occurred

At about 23:00 on Alahmoot 26, the first shots were fired in the Battle of Carne Village. Raptor soldiers from the Australovenator Hevovitastamiutsto Agitantica mob fired upon two Nazarick undead.

Around 01:00 on Alahmoot 27, the Nazarick troops approached the vicinity of the centre of the village with 200–300 troops. The Raptor troops fired upon the Nazarick troops; after firing and charging at the Nazarick troops, they fled away from the village in an attempt to lure Cocydus troops inside, only to have the army encircled and defeated, just like in the previous engagements. However, this failed, resulting in the biggest defeat of the Raptors in the campaign. Waiting for reinforcements, Askook leaded a campaign of guerrilla warfare counting on their hunter abilities and the lack of intelligence of the undead. The Raptors would often wait in forests and pick on the last undeads or Nazarick servants in the rear of a column without the group realizing. Then, finally, on Nokosi 15, Kartalo and Raptor reinforcements reached the capital of the Shyiya protectorate. They were composed of Bastiladons, Stegadons, Skinks, Saurus, Dread Saurus, Carnosaurus, Salamanders, Terradons, Ripperdactyls, Austrosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Pteranodons and Ornithocheirus. This Raptor army was commanded by Lord Xlotc, but overall the combined Shyiya protectorate and Kartalo/Raptor forces were under the command of Askook.

On 21 Nokosi, the 14 Kartalo Mob supported by Bastiladons animal tanks from 45 Herd and the Shyiya moved in to capture the areas around the Nazarick occupied forest of Tob. The move was a surprise, taking Cocydus extremely unprepared. He had expected a counterattack in the Great Lake, not in the forest. Nazarick immediately retaliated with more undead soldiers supported by Dark Young, which were summoned after 14.000 local Kartuns had been killed. Retaining the soldiers and the anti tank guns in a defensive position, the Raptor animal tanks were sent forward to ambush the oncoming Nazarick charge. In the next couple of hours, the Raptors attacked ferociusly the Nazarick forces who couldn't pinpoint the source of attacks due to poor visibility on account of fog and the forest terrain. Undeterred, Nazarick Dark Young and undead were thrown into an offensive against the Raptor defensive positions. However, the attack was repulsed by the Raptors and resulted in heavy casualties for the Nazarick forces. The Raptor military had employed not only Raptor equipped Bastiladons, Stegadons, Dread Saurus, Carnosaurus and Salamanders animal tanks, but also Edmontosaurus and Austrosaurus animal tanks which were superior than Dark Young thanks to their cannons (such as the M.3 mt "Thunder" cannon, a 300 cm caliber cannon, which would later be replaced by the M.9 mt "Emperor" cannon, a 900 cm cannon and the best anti tank gun of the Raptor empire) . All 11 Dark Young were destroyed. Raptor, Kartalo and Shyiya troops faced little casualties in the battle.

Nazarick Dark Young charging at Raptor positions

The battle coming just weeks before Nazarick full mobilization came as a surprise. Victory in this and other battles like the Second Battle of Carne Village ensured that the Southern sector of the Nazarick kingdom was virtually in the hands of the Raptors, the Kartalo and the Shyiya before Lord Ainz could take seriously the threat. Admiring the Raptor spirit and believing he could find an ally in these anti human beasts, Lord Ainz sent a message to Askook, declaring that if he managed to defeat Cocydus in battle, Nazarick would be willing to stop the war. Askook gladly accepted, although he would had preferred a fight against Ainz, as it was tradition in Raptor societies that it was chiefs who were to fight for the right to rule, not generals. However, he also interpreted the fact that he himself, technically, was a general of the Raptor empire and simply went along with it.
At dawn of 25 Nokosi Cocytus awaited the Utahraptor. To start the impending duel, the Nazarick Elder Guarders start clanging their weapons and feet in a rhythmic beat. Askook watch as Cocytus easily slashes several trees. "Finally, some decency" Askook commented.

As Askook charged at Cocytus, the Floor Guardian uses [Frost Aura] attempting to encase him in ice, underestimating the Raptor speed. Then Askook, to the surprise of the Kartun, managed to injury him with his sickle claw. Cocytus was protected by a shield, and thus, immune to his attacks. Raptor claws however could cut through toughter things. A serie of clashes between Cocytus blade and Askook claws and knife occurs.

Then Askook jumped on Cocytus, slashing his body with his claws. The Kartun however managed to push him off with his free arm. Askook then attempted to stab him with his knife, but the now angry Guardian catched the blade with his arm. Cocytusthen attempted to use his tail to swat the Alfa away, but instead he gets his arm ripped off by the mighty jaws of the Raptor.

Afterwards, Askook attacks Cocytus again, but this time to no avail. Angry, in pain and suffering blood loss, Cocytus uses [Piercing Icicles] and attempts to kill him. Dodging the attack, Askook almost decapitates the Kartun when he jumps on his back and bit the back of the head of the Guardian, who luckly managed to shake him off. Cocytus then tried to slash the Raptor multiple times, onlu for the Utahraptor circling around and dodging the attacks of the Kartun. Askook, however, noticed that the warrior was getting better at parring and countering his attacks. As such, he reasoned he needed to immobilize the Kartun. Aiming at the fee and partially digging the mud under Cocytus, he forced the warrior to sink in the swampy terrain. Then, he jumped on the back of the warrior, finally ripping the head off the guardian and letting out a mighty roar.

General Cocytus before being killed by Askook

On 16 Skah 900 A.N.,Lord Ainz Ooal Gown received a visit from Askook, Zaryusu, Mazdamundi and Owen himself, and a treaty was signed. In it, the Raptor empire would wirdraw from Nazarick territories if lord Ainz dropped all claims on the Great Lake and the forest of Tob, alongside Carne Village. The Raptor empire also guaranteed its neutrality to any Nazarickian conflicts as long as Nazarick did the same. Over 93,000 Nazarick undead were killed in the war, compared to the 4000 combined Raptors, Kartalo and Shyiya. In the aftermath of the war the Shyiya protectorate sought to interact with the other nations, but came into conflict with the re-estize kingdom, the old owner of Carne Village. The Baharuth Empire, ancient enemy of the Re-Estize kingdom, was quick to start trade with the protectorate. However, this did not mean by any chance a military alliance. As soon as he had the chance, Askook would had dealt with the empire, as well as all other nations in Sepulnoter. The trades with Baharuth were simple opportunism, "Like a Quetzalcoatlus feasting on the kill of a Carnotaurus after leading him to a herd of herbivores", as Askook said.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 1.4: The Lawer in the Empire
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 1.4: The Lawer in the Empire

While Askook went against the hordes of Nazarick on Sepulnoter, and while Adistan unified continents in Mallus with his Kartalo, Centawa, the "Lawer of Raptonia", was busy in the conquest of the planet Reikoku. In particular, he had landed in the continent of Taireich, where he created a small colony city in the Marg Plateau, a large high plateaux at about 1000–1200 m above sea level, above which domed summits (the eroded stumps of once much higher mountains) rise to around 1300 m. Many of the summits had tors, free-standing rock outcrops that stand on top of the boulder-strewn landscape. Like many other Raptor colonizers, his first thought was of searching Raptor communities within the Planet itself. As other Raptor colonized had proved, there were several tribes within all the planets, waiting for be united with the Raptor empire. And in this planet too, he met Raptor tribes. They were made of sentient Marg Don, which formed several tribes within the plateau. However, when Centawa decided to challenge the chiefs of the various tribes in order for a swift unification, he was surprised that they were actually under the controll of someone else. The Raptor empire wasn't the only empire which had unified the Raptors. Turns out, the various tribes were all vassals of a powerful chief, who resided in the northern lands, freezing territories homeland of the Libodons, four armed four winged black feathered Raptors which had greately expanded in this world.

Which is weird, considering the fact that these lands were de jure under the controll of the "Empire", a massive nation which had an almost complete controll of the continent. But things weren't as easy to understand as they seemed. The empire, filled with corruption, was in a brutal civil war with the Revolutionary army and various other ethnic groups that had no intention to suffer under Imperial boot. Among them were the Libodons. To be fair, they didn't really suffer under the Empire. As a matter of fact, there was no contact with the two factions. However, leaded by chief Lachtaire, the Lihonod tribe, later the Libodon tribe, had managed to expand on the expense of various other Raptors. From what Centawa could gather, Lachtaire too was blessed by the red crystal (the Raptor name for the Red Frenesium), and had gained incredible strenght. And while the Empire tried its best to stay toghether, the Libodon tribe, later the Libodon kindom, managed to expand without the Imperials noticing. All attacks on Kartun forces were regarded as Revolutionary Army actions, if the corpses of the dead could be even found. De facto, large swats of the Empire were under Libodon controll, and they were expanding even more within the Empire lands. The Marg Plateau was just the latest of their conquest. Centawa knew that the best way to gain the support of these Raptors was either defeating Lachtaire or letting him in power. So when he reached the capital of the Libodon kingdom, Niall, he made a proposal to the Libodon: either become a part of the Raptor empire, or become an ally, but he could chose only if he defeated him in battle. Lachtaire, a strong traditionalist and powerful warrior accepted Centawa challenge. The fight lasted three days, but in the end, Centawa was victorious.

However, rather than just taking controll of the Libodon kingdom, he made a proposal: Lachtaire would be the ruler of the planet, while Centawa would be the Alfa and, as such, his influencer. Centawa intelligence would prove important for the future of the Libodon kingdom, now the Libodon Planetary Province, but Lachtaire was smart enough to have his own decision. In the end, it was a perfectly democratic system, for the Raptor empire. Okemos and Owen, jubilant to the news of the finding of a Raptor state ruled by someone blessed by the red crystal, were quick to send more soldiers to the planet. Adistan sent several of his soldiers to protect Libodon territories, mostly Kartalo's, and in the aftermath of his war against Nazarick, Askook too sent a Shyiya army to support the Libodons. Owen himself came to meet someone just like him. While he would not accept him as Second Emperor, the two would become close friends (A position they hold to this very day).

However, all factions were rather tired of the constant harrassing by Imperial and Revolutionary forces. Constant border conflicts were draining resources to the Libodon Planetary Province, under Lachtaire. In particular, several allied Marg Don had died in conflicts in the southern borders of the Libodon territories. Owen decided that enough was enough. This "Empire" would recognize this new Raptor aquisition, whenever they liked it or not. And he just had the weapons for the case.

The capital of the Empire

In the busy streets of the capital, in the main merchant plaza, a young man takes a sip out of a small bottle. He had shoulder-length green hair that covered his left eye, green eyes and red goggles on top of his head. He wore a long green jacket with a fur-trimmed hood over a white and red ringer shirt and blue jeans with brown shoes. His name was Lubbock, a member of the Night Raid, a covert divisions of the Revolutionary Army. Night Raid's main function was to handle reconnaissance and assassinations within the capital of the Empire, often operating at night, hence the name. « Jeez. » he thought to himself, « These streets are like a maze. ». He kept on walking forward, his hood covering his face. While he was unknown to the empire, it was best to keep a low profile. « Time to gather as much information as possible. Wonder if it will help score some points with Najenda. » he pondered in his mind, laughing silently at the thought of his boss, an ex general of the Empire and a rather...attractive individual. For a Kartun.

But as he walked, his thoughts were interrupted by something. A noise, a strange presence which he had never felt before. His body tensed up: did someone recognize him? Did the Empire found him? No, there was something different about it. When he turned, he saw what he felt. A small creature, no taller than his knees and alike to a Marg Don, but with white feathers. The creature looked at him with a stare far more intelligent than an animal. « Could it be... » he thought to himself, before the creature hissed at the Kartun, ony to run at the opposite direction seconds later. If he knew the Raptor language, he would not had liked what he said. "Kartun scum.".

But as the young man started to walk again, he heard a loud roar coming out from the opposite direction. Then, a small flock of small reptilian flying creatures, with sharp beaks, flew on his direction, with one scratching his cheek. « Ok. Just what the hell is going on. » he said annoyed out loud. Then, he noticed that the crowd was ammassing on the direction of the roar, and he could hear shock, fear and confusion. Curious, he decided to go and investigate just what was going on. More of the small flying creatures that flew on his directions came, screaking not verly loudly. After walking in the crow, he finally saw what the commotion was about. And saying that he was shocked was an understatement.

Argentinasaurs owenseni, the largest creature in the Raptor army

Massive, 40 meters long titans walked on the Capital streets, armed with massive cannons on their back. In a way, they were similar to some Imperial cannons, but were far bigger than anything he had ever seen. Every step they made caused the ground to tremble and a loud sound could be always heard. Escorting the giant beasts were bipedal, large carnivorous beasts with massive jaws and sharp claws. Riding in what seemed to be cavalry were also weird reptilian creatures, some resembling in a way humans with crocodile heads, the other having nothing human. He even recognized some creatures: Marg Dons, armed with some sort of rifle, far more advanced than anything the Empire could produce. Suddently, one of the bipedal creatures walked toward the crowd: it mounted a pair of what seemed to be machine guns, and a Marg Don was riding it. The people were actually afraid of this display; what was he gonna do?

Then, the bipedal creature let out a powerful roar, which scattered the entire crowd. It even attempted to bite some of the people. Then, it returned back in formation. Leading these beasts were a multi-headed snake with the legs and body of a rhino, a massive crocodilian and a creature which resembled the giants, but was smaller and beared horns. On the top of one of the giants, the leading one, was a small creature, with green skin, an esile body form, large yellow eyes with a disgusted look and sharp claws. Alongside him was a feathered creature, similar to the first one, but with four arms and wings, which resembled the one of dragonflies, and was black in coloration. It looked amused at the shocked people.

« Do you think it will be enough, Owen? » he asked with a friendly and inquisitory tone. Owen raised an eyebrow. « What. You wanted more? » he asked sarcastically, gaining what resembled a smile from the four armed Raptor. What the Kartun population of the planet just witnessed was the first deployment of the "Imperial Immortal Army", an army composed of 10.000 Argentinasaurus and various escorting large theropod creatures. It will be the pride of the Raptor army: whenever an Argentinasaurus dies, it is quickly replaced by another one. The message was clear: the Raptor territories would be recognized.
After some more marching, the Raptor army finally reached the Imperial palace. Walking forward was Owen, who leaded his group, composed by Lachtaire, Centawa and Zaryusu on the left, and Adistan, Askook and Mazdamundi on the right. Alongside them were several Kartalo, Shyiya, Libodons and Marg Dons, equipped with both modern and relatively ancient equipment.

The palace guards ran toward their directions, their lances strongly gripped. Owen raised his hand as an halt. « We demand to see your Alfa, or "Emperor" as you call them. » Owen declared solemn. The guards seemed to be prepared for a charge. « If you don't comply, we will erase this pathetic den of yours from the face of the planet. So make your next move carefully, Kartun scum. » Askook then declared, voice full of venom. « My, aren't you a friendly fellow. » a feminine voice came, coming from a was a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also had a tattoo on her chest. « And who you might be, Kartun? Are you the "Emperor" of this territory?» Owen asked in a tone that explained that he had little to not time to waste. « General Esdeath of the Imperial Army. If you wish so hard to see our emperor, how about you drop your soldiers outside the palace. » she said smiling, clearly not afraid. She was indeed the strongest general in the Empire, but, to be fair, she never felt the power of the claws of a Raptor. Owen let out a small hiss, and the escorting soldiers exited the palace, some of them attempting to bite the guards out of amusement more than anything else. Next the Raptor group was escorted by the general and more guards. Soon they reached the main hall, where the Emperor would hold the reunions to check the management of the empire. The Emperor was there for different reasons than a meeting, alongside six mennext to a red carpet. Their eyes were widened by shock and fear. They probably were functionaries or high nobles with enough power to discuss with the emperor.

Who disappointed Owen greately.

Because ruling this massive empire was a young boy, no older than 11, in Raptor years he would not had developed a full plumage. When he saw his eyes looking at him with great curiosity and confusion he saw in those iris just foolishness, inexperience, innocence and, over all, weakness.

« Is this some kind of joke? » Owen asked rudely. He then turned to Esdeath. « I demanded to see the emperor, not this...chick. He looks like he can barely stand. No, it looks like it has never left his nest! » he exclaimed angrily. « Forgive them, Owen. You know too well that Kartuns are willing to let the weak rule as long as they have the right reasons. He would not last a day in Raptonia. » Adistan told his emperor. « What a pathetic excuse of a specie. How did you even manage to become this planet dominant specie with this...thing as your alfa. » Askook then commented as he spit some muchus on the ground.

Everyone in the room was shocked. No more than five minutes and their beloved emperor, no their specie as a whole, was insulted by these invaders. They were not going to stand for this. « How dare you, you filthy beast! » an officer exclaimed, gaining the attention of the group. « You are speaking to the Emperor himself! You should be grateful we haven't decided to execute you on this instant! But then you had the guts to insult the greatest nation on this world- » the officer was interrupted by Owen spear headshotting him, the strenght of the throw powerful enough to rip the head off the officer. Owen then turned his eyes to the young emperor. « I have little time to waste with you, brat. You give me what I want and this empire will live another miserable day polluting this planet with its weakness. » Owen said coldly. The boy narrowed his eyes angry. « I would reccomend you moderating your tone, "Owen". It would be bad if something was to happen to you. » he said angry.

This did not impress the Raptor. « Do you have a map? » he asked without a care. The Emperor motioned his hand to a serf, who brought a map of Taireich. Owen walked forward and, with his claws, marked a sizeable portion of territory within the Empire. « Your packs are entering the territories of my Alfa Lachtaire. I want that his territories are recognized by your nations. In short, I want this land. » he said with a demanding tone. He did not stutter. His terms were clear. The boy widened his eyes in shock and outrage. « What!? This is an impossible consition! I will not- » his outrage was stopped by the hand of a man, who helped him regain composure.

« Forgive the Emperor outrage, although it is perfecly justified giving your...conditions. And, of course, your arrival to the capital. » he said with a polite tone. « Who are you? » Owen asked serious. « I am the Prime Minister of this country. Now you do realize that this is a rather hard decision to take, Mr. Owen, was it? » the Prime minister asked. Owen raised an eyebrow. « First of all, Alfa, it's Emperor Owen for scum like you. » he said, gaining a glare from everyone in the room, « Second, you don't have a choice. You either accept or die. I have no intention to negociate with pathetic agriculture weakling like yourself. » Owen declared.

« I must ask, is it possible to have at least a deadline for this...deal? » the Prime Minister asked. Owen pondered for a second. Surely they saw what his empire could bring on this planet if they didn't meet his demands. He turned to his comrades on the background, most specifically the Slann. These creatures were extremely smart, smarter than the average Raptor. Mazdamundi gave him a nod. Owen then sighed. « Three days. » he said, «You have three days to completely wirdraw from the Libodon territories. Any Kartun in the area will be treated as nothing but a prey. If you do so as to refuse my more than generous offer, this planet shall become an hunting ground for the Raptors. » he said coldly.

The Prime minister sighed. « Very well. Where shall we meet for the territorial discussions? » the filthy Kartun asked. Owen then pointed a small location in the Northern Frontiers of the Empire. « This is the capital of my Alfa, Lihodon. I expect you to be punctual. » Owen demanded. The Emperor did not speak. Owen looked at the boy disapponinted. « Might as well give up your position to your Prime Minister, chick. » he said with an insultive tone. Not being able to take any more of the insults, the boy went to exclaim curses at the Raptor, only for his throat to be grabbed by the jaws of the Troodon, and the boy being slammed on the floor. Owen spit some muchus to the ground. « Kartun scum. » he hissed. To believe his old friend Tokala died to these scums. All the guards and Esdeath ran to the emperor frail form, while Owen and his group exited with impunity. « And remember, primates, » Centawa said to the angry Kartuns, « We have the bigger herd. So plan your moves accordingly. ». After a while, they were out of sight. The Prime Minister helped the young Emperor getting up. « Do not fear, your majesty. We will give nothing to these beasts. » he said with a kind tone. « As a matter of fact, » he grinned, turning to Esdeath, who was grinning as well, «We are going to take from them. Everything, that is. ».

If only they knew the mistake they were going to make.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 1.5: The defeated empire
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 1.5: The defeated empire

The Imperial government, in the aftermath of the Raptor uninvited arrival at the capital, decided on an immedient military action to deal with the Libodon province. The sole reason behind the Emperor lack of action in the royal palace was the fact that the Raptors had their entire tank animals guns pointed at the palace itself. On Skah 900 A.N., the Raptors came into conflict with the Revolutionary army in the city of Romari. Units of General Hemi and with the support of Night Raid member Chelsea were badly defeated, and the city was taken by the Raptors. The Imperial army however occupied the Marg Plateau, a major centre within Lachtaire territory. On Koi 901 A.N., Esdeath army went on to defeat Zaryusu in the Battle of Mt. Fake, forcing the Shyiya to retreat north.

By late 901 A.N, Imperial forces had advanced somewhat deeply into Raptor territory. On 7 Skah 901 A.N., Gor-Rok, Centawa and Askook commanding a larger and technologically more advanced Raptor herd of Zaryusu vanguard annihilated a sizeable Imperial unit at the Battle of Joyou. The Imperials were then forced to withdraw to more defensible positions back in the Marg Plateau, where the two main armies faced each other. By late Chunta 902 A.N., supplies on the Imperial side were running low. General Esdeath, commander of the Imperial forces, knew the Raptor forces had been living off the land, and once the territory resources were exhausted, Lachtaire's army would begin to melt away. However, her desire for combat insisted her to act.

Herrerasaurus deployed on Reikoku

The Imperial army consisted of 14,923 effective combat troops. While the army included elite Jaegers, a large proportion of the troops were inexperienced conscripts recently drafted from regiments from all over the Empire.
As Askook observed : "They [the Imperials] had inadequate maps, old-model weapons, poor communication equipment and inferior gear for the rocky ground [Raptor claws were more than enough.]. Morale was low as the veterans considered it yet another pointless war for an Empire they despized and the newcomers were too inexperienced to have any esprit de corps. There was a shortage of basically anything. Esdeath counted too much on her and the Kaegers strenght rather than the army itself. It was mistakes such as these that marked the end of the Empire from this planet."

On the night of 29 Chunta and the early morning of 1 Nuzipe, three Imperial brigades advanced separately towards Marg Plateau over narrow mountain tracks, while a fourth remained camped. Zaryusu stated that the Imperial battle plan "called for three columns to march in parallel formation to the crests of three mountains – Liver commanding on the right, Nouken on the left, and Esdeath in the center – with a reserve under Seryu Ubiquitous following behind Esdeath. The supporting crossfire each column could give the others made the 'soldiers as deadly as razored shears'. Nouken's brigade was to set the pace for the others. He was to position himself on the summit known as Temisboro Mountain, which would give the Imperials the high ground from which to meet the Raptors."

However, the three leading Imperial brigades had become separated during their overnight march and by dawn were spread across several miles of very difficult terrain. Their sketchy maps caused Nouken to mistake one mountain for Temisboro Mountain, and when a scout pointed out his mistake, Nouken advanced directly into Lachtaire's position.

Esdeath Army

Unbeknownst to General Esdeath, Raptor forces had already observed the Imperial strategy and were preparing to ambush her forces with new weapons which were to be tested on the Empire. Lachtaire summoned the separate armies of the Kartalo and with Centawa beside him, ordered his forces forward. In the meantime, Space Lipleurodons, Lipleurodons which were equipped with space gear to fly in space, begun a bombardment of the disorganized Imperial soldiers. The Empire soon felt the power of the Raptor Anhanguera Javelins, Anhanguera equipped with a strong suit and metal sharp beaks to shred the infantry. Gor-Rok commanded the right wing with his troops, alongside several Dread Saurus, Askook charged with his Shyiya, Centawa with his Argentinasaurs attacked the center, and Lachtaire commanded the north side leading his cavalry. While the Argentinasaurus and their escorting Giganotosaurus/Carnosaurus butchered the Imperials, the Raptor infantry positioned themselves on the hills overlooking the Marg valley, in perfect position to receive the Imperial forces, who were exposed, weakened and vulnerable to crossfire

Nokuen heavily outnumbered forces held their position for two hours until Nokuen death, with the rest of the army destroyed. Esdeath and Seryu brigades beat back the Raptors who repeatedly charged the Imperial position for three hours with gradually fading strength until Askook released his reserve of 25,000 Shyiya and swamped the Imperial defenders.

Shyiya forces in Reikoku

The Imperials suffered about 15.000 killed in the battle and subsequent retreat back into the nearby region of the Capital. Esdeath, Liver, Seryu and Nokuen were amongst the dead. Raptor losses have been estimated at around 4,000–5,000 killed and 8,000 wounded. In their flight to the Capital, the Imperials were constantly harrassed by air attacks. As Centawa noted, "The Imperial army had been completely annihilated while the Raptor one was intact as a fighting force and gained thousands of supplies from the fleeing Imperials." Many were the records of the corpses of thousands of soldiers eaten like cattle by the Raptors.

Public opinion in the Capital was outraged. Prime Minister Honest offered a panoramic overview of the response in the Capital to the news in his diary, shrtly before his death:

"When news of the calamity reached the capital there were street demonstrations in most major districts. Militias were called out to disperse rock-throwers in front of the Imperial Palace. In some districts, crowds built barricades, and the Revolutionary Army was quick to charge at our weak positions."

But the Raptors, when reaching the Capital, had little to no intention to share the territories with the New Kingdom, as the new administration was called. The New Kingdom was defeated too, and the Imperial territories, including the various tribes in the region, were submitted unter Raptor rule. The Capital was erased from the map, and its richnesses either transported to Raptonia or to Lihodon. It would be the first time in Raptor space conquest that a Kartun civilization was conquered so quickly, with a campaign lasting barely an year. Other campaigns were relatively quick, but they never ended with the total annexation of a major planetary power.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 1.6: Atepa and Levati
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 1.6: Atepa and Levati

After having returned victorious from his campaing on Earth 1 which fully destroyed the Kartun nations, Okemos found, waiting him at Bralo, Maza with a young Nedcolbertia poet, Dohate . He was the son of a Charmenian state manager, which got his small hunting grounds in which he invested his small savings sequestred by the Army. The chick came to Raptonia, published a poetry book, "Swindler With Vigor", which had been successful, Maza protected him and wanted to turn him in an instrument of propaganda to Okemos, and as such he presented him to the Alfa. Okemos had the author read "The Troodon of Fire", still unpublished, and showed simpathy for two reasons which have little to do with the arts, of which he didn't give a hoot: first of all because Dohate was just as sickly as he was and as such he could discuss as much as he liked about bronchitis, tonsillitis and colitis; and then because in these poems he celebreated the pleasures of the life of the hunter, something that Okemos wanted everybody to become once again. In reality, as Shiriki the Genyodectes would later say, Dohate described the countryside with the tone and tastes of someone who lived in the city, and as such under a fake note. But Okemos did not have the artistic intellect to notice it. What mattered for him was that Dohate poetry had some didactic qualities. He repayed the author returning his hunting grounds. Dohate did not return because he preferred to write about hunting grounds by staying in Raptonia, but remained grateful to Okemos and composed in his honor "Raptonia", aimed to celebrate his victories. He wrote slowly, with high diligence and style scruple, dedicating to his works the majority of the day because the revenue of the hunting grounds and the generosity of Maza were more than enough and knew no other distractions. He didn't mate because of health issues, and his friends in Clulta, where he sometime went to winter, called him "Little virgin". Okemos was patient to see his work finished. Dohate every time read him a piece, but never reached the conclusion. On 897 A.N he interrupted the drafting to reach the Alfa at Awinita, got himself a heat stroke, and on the verge of death at Bralo, where he had been transported, he asked for forgiveness for not having finished his work. Okemos did, and to celebrate this poet, he decided to finish the work under Dohate name.

Okemos concerns for literature did not stop with Dohate, but extended to many other writers, including Atepa the Condorraptor and Wanahton the Atrociraptor. He met them with Maza, which was their manager and become the term for the Raptors who protect the arts, thereby making up for the bad lines that he himself tried to compose. But this attitude was was already widespreaded amongst all rich Raptors, which had become sensible to "culture" even when they didn't have any. After Ahanu first publishing house, many more were born, giving birth to a thriving trade. Editions of five or ten thousand copies were sold out in a few months, at one or two thousand dollars per copy. The book had become an obligatory garnish in every respected house, even if it was not read afterwards, and orders fell from the provinces.

This fashion had a somewhat large impact on society which, despite remaining a warrior like, become more parlor and literary. And as such Okemos saw in it an instrument of moral reform. Even in his old age when pain and old age made him touchy and cranky, he always showed himself tollerane even for the epigrams and satires that hit him personally. He built public libraries, always warned the other four Alfas to refain from punishments and to beware of censorship, and once he composed himself some verses which he gave to a skink that every day waited him at the entrance of his palace to read his works. The skink repayed him with a bag of coins and a kind letter in which he apologized, giving how poor he was, that he couldn't pay him better. Okemos took simpathy for him and granted him hunting grounds, 10.000 Looakus and a position of ambassador.

However the writers and poets disappointed the hopes of the Alfa and the Emperor by giving the state propaganda the worst of their production. Generally speaking, despite being called the First Golden Age, Okemos era didn't see a literary and artistic flourishment to be compared to other Kartun civilizations, including some human ones such as Renaissance Italy. Under this bourguoise Alfa, a bourguoise taste was developed which preferred what was average, and what is average is often mediocre. Moderation and restraint, seasoned with a certain good-natured and homely skepticism, were the most appreciated qualities. As a matter of fact the true writer of the time was the one who perfectly represented it: Atepa.

He was the son of an Akerican tax agent, who wanted to make that chick of his a lawyer and a politician and, at the cost of Mutilator knows sacrifices, sent him to study first in Raptonia, then in Awinitia, then in Hexoatl and finally in Re- Estize, capital of the kingdom of Re-Estize. There he met Askook, which was preparing for the battle of Katze Plains, took simpathy for this chick, saw in him the stuff of a capable commander, witnessed his strenght, and nominated him commander of an army. After brillantly leading an army, he he didn't march alongside his soldiers, but instead occupied the Re-Estize Royal Palace to write a poem in how sweet and noble is to die for your fatherland.

He became an influential writer in the Shyiya protectorate, and even in the Slane Theocracy and the Sorcerer Kingdom. One day Zaryusu Shasha read his book and expressed his enthusiasm to Askook, who was already impressed by this writing commander. Askook liked this rude, greedy, proud and shy Akerican, and proposed to become his secretary. But Atepa refused what seemed to be a Mutilatorsent: partially because he feared he would enter in competition with Zaryusu, something that he didn't want, in part because he wasn't ambicious, and mostly because he didn't believe that the protectorate would had last long with this warmonger having such aggressive attitudes towards all of his neighbours. Zaryusu would explain to him that their "niches" were completely different, with him being an advisiors, not his secretary. And then Askook, in order to have him more comfortable in his literature works, gave him a villa near E-Rantel, with good hunting grounds. It was turned into a public building on 2838 A.N., and gives us an idea about how generous Askook could be...as long as you weren't a Kartun. It had 24 rooms, a huge front porch, three bathrooms, a wonderful garden and five hunting grounds.

Now that he was an even wealthier landowner, Atepa could fully throw himself to his artistic vein, which was the one of the moralist. His "Creatures With Sins" are a precious sample book of the most common Raptor characters of the time, from both Raptonia and the other planets. He picked them off the streets, not from history or palaces, and represented them with lighthearted detachment, making a "charater" out of each and every one of them. Sometimes, in order to have the government on his side, he wrote some sincere rethorical praises, which was vary flattered and asked him to write something that could celebrate his victory against Re-Estize. Atepa accepted sighing and with no inspiration. He had to deal with glory, fate and destiny, all subjects bigger than him of which he had no sympathy. He finished this ugly poem the best he could, exhausted and bored, after having interrupted it many times to write "Quetzalcoatlus And Warriors" to his friends which remains, alongside "Creatures with Sins", his masterpiece.

He became more and more sedentary because of his healthy which forced him to a rigid diet. Zaryusu tried several times to invite him to touristic travels. But Atepa preferred to remain at E-Rantel, especially his villa, where he would eat a snake or two, a piece of meat and a fruit. He had a stoic respect for virtue, an epicurean sympathy for pleasure, but he could not practice either that or this for heartburn, rheumatism and liver failure.

He didn't fool himself regarding the society decadence and attributed it rightfully to religion issues. But he didn't have the strength to prop it up also because he didn't believe in anything himself.

The anguish of death clouded his final years, during which he didn't even want to go in E-Rantel. His letters are swollen with it. "You did, ate, drank wnough, now it's time to leave" he often repeated to himself. But it wasn't true. He would had preferred to do, eat and drink some more, without his stomach aches.

He died at 56 years of age, giving his proprieties to Askook. What Okemos era didn't give to the arts and philosophy, it gave with history thanks to Levati, a Rapator born in Pruddiff. He too, according to the intentions of the family, should have been a lawyer, but he preferred to study the Raptor Empire in antiquity due to the disgust that inspired him by the contemporary one. Unfortunately, he didn't leave anything written about his personal advantures; he was too busy telling the ones of Nujhpe and Ahusaka, which filled from the funding of the Rahonian tribe 152 books. It was an immense job, especially when doing it like he did, that is, without stopping. As such, its easy to understand how, when he was at the Kartun wars, he was exhausted and wanted to stop. It was Okemos who pushed him to continue.

After all, it was an anthem to the austere customs, and as such the Raptor "character", and it was this that Okemos liked. We doubt the exact accuracy of Levati, especially when they spoke words that they probably never said. His is a story of heroes, an immense fresco in episodes which serves to exalt the reader rather than inform him. The Raptor empire, if we take his work litterally, would had been populated solely by selfless warriors and conquers, which conquered the world and now are conquering the cosmos to improve it and enstrenght it. All living beings are divided in good and evil. Raptors were only good guys, while Kartuns were the bad guys. Even Kartuns such as Nathaniel Taylor, which were the ones who allowed the Raptor empire to become such an advanced civilization, become no different than some puppet tyrant.

But we must not ignore the fact that Levati story, which cost him 50 years of fatigue to an author that wrote nothing else, is a great literal momument. Perhaps the biggest amongst the mediocre ones erected under Okemos.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 2: Tuari
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 2: Tuari

Tuari wasn't born under the brightest of stars. Adistan always preferred his brother, Nosh, who was loud, nice, overbearing, impulsive, while he was shy, reserved, thoughtful and sensitive. Tuari could had developed some sens of grudge and envy. Instead he lovingly admired Nosh, risked his life attempting to save him when he was injuried in Naggaroth, and his death was a true tragedy for him. He escorted the coffin, from Mallus to Raptonia, ant took him years to recover from the pain.

He had studied intensely and with profit: when he was given the task to colonize another planet which resembled Earth 1 in some manners, hence the name Earth 2, he leaded his armies victory after victory against fierce and insidious enemies such as the Neuroi; after he conquered said lands, he put them in order with competence and integry. At 20 years of age, they already called him "old Alfa" because of his serious attitude. He dedicated his few hours of rest to refresh his Kartun speech, which he perfectly spoke, and in astronomy. He did not go to the salons or the circus. Perhaps the first female he knew was his wife Ooljee, daughter of Asoomse, a females of great virtues and a female of homely habits like him.

He was a stoic who was serene in his semplicity, kind to his friends, more uncompromising towards himself than towards others. He was loved in the battlefield, and respected at Weving, capital of his possession on Earth 2, situated in the territories of the republic of Inuitia, too busy being occupied by the Neuroi to notice the new colony. Even when scolding he knew how to be loved. As for his relation with his father, he preferred to be valued than loved.

He faced the Neuroi with great skills. He then expanded to the nearby Ternulis arcipelago, and consolidated his conquest in the Republic of Inuita territories. Without even knowing, the nations of Earth 2 assumed that the giant island was under Neuroi occupation. Indeed, it was under alien rule, but not the Neuroi. But his position could not be held hidden forever. Sooner or later, he would had been discovered. And discovered he was.

Tuari intended to use the resources of his new territories as best as he could, and begun using the island Cryolite for the production of aluminium and pesticides to be sold to the Raptor empire. In exchange of the Cryolite, his father sent him a sizeable Kartalo army and Owen gave him further reinforcements to defend the territory. He was 56 years old when the Kartuns and Neuroi begun sending military expeditions against his forces. United States of Liberion USCGC Northland was sent at first, only to be attacked by the Raptors once near enough the coast. Its parts were to be reused in the defence of the colony.

While the expeditions continued, Tuari sent various expeditionary forces in the interior of the island in an attempt to search for more resources. Among these he found various wildlife and mining resources. From an agriculture point of view, there was no need to worry: Raptors did not practice it.

As both the Neuroi and Kartuns were at war with each others, attempts of conquest against the Raptor colony were few and insignificant. Under his rule, Inuita become more flourishing and rich...for Raptors. The Kartuns on the other hand were all exterminated. The tacitent Dromaeosaurus ruled all Raptors with equality and shrewdness.

USCGC Northland, sunk after coming into contact with the Weving colony

No longer keen on just playing defensely, he intended to bring the war on the Kartuns. He sent Heammawihio, Nosh son, in a lightning was campaign on the island of Ingoland, which belonged to the Naorei occupied Baltland Kingdom. He was a great chick, smart, lively, brave, that was liked everywhere in the Raptor empire, his uncle especially. Reykjavík was easily overrun, and soon the island came under Raptor domination.

Tuari strategy was to solidify his position in his territory, aiming at the conquest of the entire Artic region at first, followed by a possible campaign in the Atlantic ocean.

Deployed against Raptor forces were the Witches, previosly deployed against the Neuroi

The next objectives were Faraway Land Eastern Coast, mostly the island of Qiki. Witches Strike teams came upon Kartalo Terradons and Raptor Ornithocheirus. Iqaluit was the location of fierce fighting between the Kartun armies and the Kartalo. Slann A'etztuc leaded the land battle with his powerful magic. The main aim was to thrust deep within the island and cutting it off from Faraway Land forces. Given the proximity of the island to Faraway, it should had been an hard task, but the Raptors, far better suited to move in low supplied territories, managed to conquer the island easily. Up to this point, with the support of a powerful air force, the Neuroi continuing their war efforts and the Raptors generally being far more ferocious than their Kartun counterparts, the war was going smoothly. Small issues occurred over Orussian northern coast, but it proved manageable, until the Orrussians pushed them back from the mainland. Finally, on 893 A.N, a peace deal was reached between the new Aedemon province, the name for the territories Tuari controlled, and the United Nations, the Kartun forces which had come to an agreement against the Neuroi. The Aedemon province got to keep the island of Qiki, Inutia, Ternulis, Ingoland and Nozema. In exchange, he would not bother Kartun forces during the Neuroi war.

Map of Earth 2 after the Raptor-Kartun war. (Original map made by RavenZero-One on Deviantart)

In the aftermath of that war, Tuari maintained peace, improved administration, gave both his province and Raptonia a great loot. The Empire grew stronger by the day. Soon, the galaxy, and then the universe, would know of its powers.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3: Chito
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3: Chito

When the planet Zonulari was discovered by the Raptor empire, it was decided to send a Liliesternus under the name of Chito as the ruler of the new colony, which would be funded in the vicinity of Koan Forest. He was nicknamed "Little boot" because of the color of his feet and anckles, which resembled a military footgear. Alongside him was Saurus Kroq-Gar. Ironically he was meant to become the leader of the new colony, but was defeated in battle. Still, the Kartalo had a decent influence over Chito, and was his best friend.

The new colony grew in size quickly...because of Chito peculiar strategies. Suffering several mental illnesses, he would often go into killing sprees against the Kartun villages in the area on his own. Entire communities had been depopulated by the claws and jaws of this madman. Whenever he was on a killing spree, his eyes glowed red, and red saliva came out of his mouth.

One morning he declared that the nearby village of Coda had spoken badly about him, and decided to exterminate all of its inhabitants, all on his own, and the survivors were fed to his animal tanks. He then targeted Italica, exterminating the city again on his own, only to have some soldiers alongside him to enjoy some well deserved Kartun flesh. Only the young countess Myui Formal survived, as she was escorted some time before the attack to the capital when rumors of a dragon attack circulated. Not knowing who to hunt next, he moved away from the Empire and attacked the northern provinces of the Elbe kingdom, because he believed that "these Kartun bodies do not fit with these heads.". And he definitely hated the local gods. He called them fake and liars, and ordered all statues to be destroyed. They were also to not be included as Demi Gods.

One day, he killed the royal family of Toumaren and announced its presence to the local Kartuns, once again taking over the kingdom after slaughtering the entire capital. One must wonder what was the Raptor empire thinking when sending this madraptor, later nicknamed the "Red Headed Mad", to become a ruler of a province when Kroq-Gar was a far better option. That's because Kartun propaganda greately exagerated Chito conditions. Sure, he was mad. Utterly insane. He often awoke in the middle of the night screaming for help, especially during storms. Big and mighty, athletic and sporty, he often spent hours in front of his mirrow making grimaces which he could do easily thanks to his popping eyes and his bald head. But he showed an insane and violent personality only when dealing with Kartuns and when going on these solo missions. And the Raptor empire did not mind that at all.

In other situations, which meant the majority of the time, the government considered him "insane" only when he wanted to create a more democratic system for Raptors in the colony, with a council of the elders with far more power than the one the Emperor had. For the rest, as long as you weren't a Kartun, he was a great leader. He was kind to the poor and an excellent commander. While alone he was an insane beast with little to no reason, when leading armies he was a skilled, valiant and earnest warrior, with his blood always running cold.

When sane, he was likeable, cordial, witty, he had an easy going sarcasm and a quick resolve. When a Kartun called him a "monster", he slaughtered him and the entire village. But when a Skink called him "utterly insane", he responded: "Damn right. So why don't you do something to stop me?". He was right. If he was so insane he was unlikeable, they should had just got rid of him. Instead they applaud him and followed him everywhere.

He felt in love with Kartalo civilization, and attempted to recreate it in his colony, welcoming many Slanns, Saurus, Skinks and so on. De facto, Zonulari was a Kartalo colony. He partecipated in non violent clashes in the arena, and blessed his mount, a Mallus Carnosaurus, for which he built a marble stable and an ivory crib. He was also a cordial brother. He invited his sister, Lomahongva, in the administration of the province, and even welcomed a marriage to his other one, Onaiwah, to Kroq-Gar, and become both the Bestraptor and Godfather. He himself mated with Chepi, a average looking Liliesternus to which he remained eternally devoted and faithful.

Ironically speaking, he created an empire all by himself. But soon, he was discovered. While the Kartuns would never realize that he was responsible for all the destruction, they were still annoyed that the Raptors had took over lands that they owned for many centuries. Against the Raptors came the Empire, the League Principality and alien Kartuns from another world similar to Earth. As such, their planet was called "Earth 3".

Kroq-Gar, general and friend of Chito

Kroq-Gar become a major commander under Chito, aiding in the following three years of war against the Kartuns. He personally leaded a charge against Kartun forces (From the Elbe Kingdom) in the Schwarz Forest, which had gained an initial victory and eliminated several Raptor packs. Along the northern front, Nakai, a Zuolong commander, proceded and conquered various Imperial coastal regions, reaching the Seth Lake and various valleys. His push was however stopped by the Imperial army. Kroq-Gar response did not wait, and he decided to put pressure on Alunga, forcing the Empire to redirect troops from the North.

The Kartuns from Earth 3 called themselves Japan Self-Defense Forces, or JSDF. These were far more advanced than the other Kartun civilizations from Zonulari, with weapons which resembled the ones from Earth 1. But the days of Kartun superiority over the Raptors were long gone. For Kroq-Gar, it was just target practice. He declared that the operation would be carried by Kartalo only. His first action was a massive bombardment by Terradons. With the enemy weakened, he refused to follow Chito order to "push them out of the planet", but rather he intended to encircle the Earth 3 forces on the planet itself. With the help of his Skink priest Tu'ak, he encircled the entire Japanese forces in the vicinity of Alnus Hill. In the meantime Chito had submitted Alguna. When the small kingdom fell, the entire Japanese force on Zonulari was exterminated by Kroq-Gar powerful jaws, claws and armies, and their skulls carried around casually. When the army was crushed, Kroq-Gar entered the portal, or "Gate" as the Kartuns from Earth 3 called it, from which the JSDF came from. Ginza felt quickly, followed by Tokyo and then by Japan. Kroq-Gar was nominated ruler of the Earth 3 colony by Chito, and he himself emerged a statue in his honor for the campaign.

Map showing Raptor expansion in the Zonulari continent of Falmart

In red, Kroq-Gar territories

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.1: the Tilean Campaign Part 1
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.1: the Tilean Campaign Part 1

Back in Mallus, the Slanns had requested Adistan to not further advance into the world. It was mostly because of problems of administration, mostly regarding the Naggaroth continent north of Lustria, which had been conquered and was now under the complete controll of the Kartalo protectorate. Adistan, although a warmonger, knew that he could not wage another offensive war if his territories were not secured. A certain Empire of his knowlege would perfectly know this...if it wasn't being consumed by the jaws of Centawa colonists. Lord Mazdamundi, once far less active when Mallus was untouched by the Raptors, had become an important figure comparable to the one of a Pope, but also an ambassador and an Alfa to Adistan. The Old Ones, the gods venerated by the Kartalo, had become Demi Gods, and as such the Kartalo were declared "Grandsons of the one God Mutilator". Mazdamundi and other Slanns had teached about the Old Ones to large portions of the Raptor empire, and even the Shyiya, who once didn't believe in such things as "Gods", become great followers of the cult of the Old Ones. For many years, a period of peace followed, alongside consolidation. Cities such as Hexoatl become jewels of the Raptor crown, combining both Kartalo and Raptor architecture. Great works were made to improve the average Kartalo life, whenever a Skink or a Saurus alike.

Even new Kartalo communities were found, the Skunk Skinks, furry Skinks which had remained hidden within the mountains of Lustria in a primitive state, but that were quickly welcomed to become new members of the Kartalo protectorate. They would become the main alchemists and toxic warfare experts in the conquests of Mallus. But peace with the Raptors isn't eternal.

On several occasion, a Kartun from the Old World peninsula of Tilea under the name of El Cadavo, had established a colony called Cadavo in the Isthmus of Pahuax. Up to this point, Adistan gave little to no care about this little settlement, because each and every time, it was erased and its people killed. It was solely to avoid a full confrontation. But now that the protectorate had been consolidated, Adistan was tired of peace, and believed these incursions to be a perfect casus belli against the Kartuns. With the support of Tylosaurus submarines, several scouting units revealed that the Kartuns came from the Tilean peninsula. And Adistan decided to pay the Kartuns a visit.

The Kartalo protectorate in its current state

On 14 Gotha 905 A.N., the Raptor fleets sailed from the Bay of the Ziggurat of Dawn, and after three weeks they reached Sartosa in southwestern Tilea, where they landed. Adistan then left Sartosa under Lord Huinitenuchli, and turned to Aldente: the Raptor army advanced along the southern shore towards Luccini, but were halted for a few days. The Raptors recommenced their advance soon after, and laid siege to the city. The besieged suffered from lack of supplies as well as the outbreak of a disease in spring 906. When a Kartun army arrived, the Raptors were taken by surprised and pushed back. Thwarted, the Raptor army burned its ships and retreated over land in the plains of Luccini, which were conquered after three days. The Kartun army which stopped the Raptor invaders came from the Empire of Man, a powerful Kartun nation in the central Old World. "These Kartuns can be so prepomtious. How many of them think they are so grand they call themselves "Empires"? At the very least these Kartuns have the decency to add a second name to their nation." Adistan would comment annoyed later.

Map of Monte Castello, location of fighting between Raptor troops and Luccinian forces

After the plains of Luccini were conquered, the Raptor army divided in two: one part took the Republic of Verezzo in the west, while the other attacked Monte Castello. In spring 906 A.N., Lorenzo Lupo sent a new army leaded by himself. Lupo marched his army to Monte Castello, where the Raptors were continuing the siege. He was defeated in the subsequent battle, but was able to find refuge in the fortress with most of his men. The Raptors now became so confident of victory that they struck their first coins on the Old World. Shortly after that, Lupo managed to reverse the situation: he led a charge that routed a Raptor raiding party and then defeated the main Raptor army on the next day, killing 1,000 soldiers and pursuing the rest up to the Raptors' fortified encampment, which he placed under siege. The Raptors tried to break out in a night sortie, but Lupo was expecting such a move and routed them in an ambush.

The remains of the Raptor army once again sought refuge in the plains, waging a guerilla war against Lupo forces. Lupo' successes were big but were far than completed, however: in early summer 907 A.N., another army, this time better equipped and armed leaded by Mazdamundi himself reached the peninsula. Lupo did not confront them, instead waiting for Imperial reinforcements. Once again, the Raptors continued to advance, and the Slanns made considerable damage on Luccini infrastructure. The fresh Raptor army then torched the city of Pugno, and Lupo was killed among the soldiers.

Meanwhile, Chakaxlaid laid siege on Lorenzini. The city held out for a year until Istqua 908 A.N. The city suffered greatly during the siege; all inhabitants were brutally killed and eaten. The fall of Luccini marks a decisive step in the Raptor conquest of Tilea: the Raptors gained not only an important military base, but possession of the city allowed them to consolidate their control over the southern portion of the peninsula.

Mallus on 907 A.N. (Map by RoyalPsycho on Deviantart)

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.2: the Tilean Campaign Part 2
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.2: the Tilean Campaign Part 2

The southern half of Tilea fell relatively quickly into Raptor hands, but conquest of the northern portion of the peninsula was a protracted and haphazard affair. There is little evidence of large-scale campaigns or pitched battles, and warfare was dominated by repeated Raptor attacks on Kartun cities, coupled with raids (hunts) in the surrounding countryside, aimed at killing as many Kartuns as possible. In this type of warfare, the western portion of the peninsula suffered comparatively more than the more mountainous and inaccessible eastern portion.

No operations are reported in Tilea for the first two years after the fall of Luccini. The Raptors were probably preoccupied with organizing their new province, while the Tilean states and the Empire were too weak to react, and could not expect any reinforcements: the Empire faced mounting pressure furthern north, where the Skaven Clan Pestilens launched repeated invasions of the Imperial lands and threatened to march on Middenheim until they were defeated by Mandred von Zelt.

The struggle during the next few years focused on Monte Castello, which became the main Kartun stronghold in western Tiela. In early 908 A.N., Adistan campaigned against Monte Castello, defeated its garrison in the field and forced it to withdraw within the town's fortifications. In spring, the garrison sallied forth, but was again defeated and driven back. In 909 A.N., Adistan again raided western Tilea, and defeated the army under an Imperial general that opposed him. After his success, Adistan sentChakax in a raid against the southern portions of the Border Prince Confederacy.

The Saurus displayed great energy: immediately after his arrival he led a raid in the Black peninsula, and then another into the central regions of the Confederacy. The Kartuns marched out to meet them, but the Kartalo withdrew to a mountainous and thickly forested area where the Kartuns could not pursue. After waiting in vain for the Raptors to accept battle, the strategos turned his army back, but was ambushed by the Raptors who put his men to flight. The Raptors seized most of the Kartuns' arms, equipment and animals. However, the long-awaited Imperial reinforcements arrived. The Imperial army forced the Saurus out of the Confederacy; the Imperials however could not prevent it from reaching Raptor territories, and were driven off by a squadron of the Raptor Air Force. At the same time, Raptor animal tanks reached the southern parts of the Empire around Kroppenhalgen

In 910 A.N., Chakax launched fresh attacks. A Raptor force seized the fortress known as Kell, but were driven away by an Imperial counter-attack. The Raptor army, under Spinostropheus general Molimo, raided the Tobalo and seized a number of forts on the western portion of Tilea.

Ancient portrait of Mandred von Zelt

In 911 A.N, a Raptor army under Lord Huinitenuchli attacked Miragliano, but was defeated by the Kartuns. The Raptors responded by reinforcing their position around Miragliano, which they placed under siege. During the following winter, one of the besiegers discovered an unguarded path leading to the town, allowing the Raptors to take the entire lower town.

Mandred now undertook a serious effort to relieve Tilea: he assembled a large army in an attempt to completely crush the Raptors. Mandred arrived in the frontlines in spring 912 A.N., in time to relieve the fortress of Trantio from a Raptor attack. Mandred scored a number of successes against Raptor raiding parties. Lord Huinitenuchli required fresh troops to Tilea, where the Raptors regained the upper hand: in 913-914 A.N., the Raptors captured various fortresses.

In the same period, the Raptors also established footholds in the Skaven territories. The Raptors were able to destroy various Skavens territories in 913 A.N., but then they sacked Augen and seized it in 914 A.N. and Heisenberg in 921 A.N. Until well into the 950s, the Raptors would launch destructive raids along the southern regions of the Empire until the threat of Chaos came once again.

In late 916 A.N. or 917 A.N. the Raptors conquered Miragliano. In 918 A.N., various other fortresses also fell, while the Imperials, now that the Skavens were no longer a threat, received reinforcements. The two armies met in the Irrana mountains, where the Imperials suffered a crushing defeat, losing about 10,000 men. In the wake of this disaster, the Imperial position deteriorated rapidly: Chakax took the Confederacy by a ruse in 920 A.N., and the fortress of Monte Castello followed in 922 A.N., when its garrison was forced by severe famine to surrender to the Raptors, who razed the fortress. At about the same time, an attempt by the Imperials to reinforce the peninsula failed.

Mallus on 922 A.N.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.3: the Tilean Campaign Part 3
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.3: the Tilean Campaign Part 3

The Kroxigor Nakai came to Tilea on 931 A.N. He was able to capture a few Imperial fortresses, despite suffering a defeat in battle at first. In 932 A.N., Nakai attacked the Cavaroc region, but he was defeated by the Wood Elves and forced to retire. In Chunta/Nuzipe 934 A.N., however, the Raptors captured Tal Mara and Atylwyth. In 935 A.N., Nakai led an expedition against Yuatin Doakin but again he was defeated in an ambush, losing 1,000 soldiers.

In 936 A.N., Nakai marched once more against the Cavaroc region. From there he marched towards the north. Nakai also captured Tal Stornos and a few other regions. In the summer of 937 A.N. Nakai led his army towards Cavaroc and the Halls of Equos again.

In Istqua 937 A.N., the Kartun forces were reinforced by the Kingdom of Bretonnia, which decided to join as a preventive action against the Raptors. The new nation was more energetic than his comrades, and the fact that the Empire was on their side in the conflict against the Raptors allowed them to immediately turn their full attention to the south: in 938–939 A.N. Damoiselle de Guerre Repanse de Lyonesse was sent to relieve a Raptor siege of Steingar. Another army was dispatched to Athel Loren in spring 938 A.N., but the Bretonnians were heavily defeated by Nakai in battle, after which the Raptors freely raided the southern portions of Bretonnia. Then Nakai launched a raid against Fort Carcassone.

Then in Koi–Chunta 939 A.N., Nakai led an attempt to capture Drùne Fell, but although a small Raptor pack gained control of the lower ground, Nakai tarried to arrive with the main army and the pack, fearing to be defeated, abandoned the site. A month later, Nakai launched an attack on Yn Edryl Koiran, while Paronychodon general Keezheekoni raided around Tal Cullon. The Elves, however, sortied from the region and defeated Keezheekoni soldiers, inflicting heavy casualties, forcing Nakai to turn on Tal Cullon himself. He reportedly laid siege to the region for a few weeks, before turning back towards Raptor occupied territories in Gotha.

After that, his most famous campaign occurred, the capture of Karak Norn. The dwarves resisted successfully at first, but in 940 A.N. Keezheekoni sent an army from Athel Loren to the Grey Mountains, and Karak Norn fell on 29 Alahmoot. The hold was plundered—Cruxicheiros general Hemene reportedly took along the local structure many columns to decorate his palace—and its fortifications razed. The fall of Karak Norn had important ramifications for the defence of the southern Bretonnian lands: the Raptors now had easy access to Bretonnia in the south and could circumnavigate some Imperial defences.

The fall of Karak Norn to the Raptors

From 942 to 947 A.N. there was apparently a period of calm. This was probably chiefly due to internal turmoil in Raptor occupied territories, with six alfas reported as having taken power during this period, as well as small Chaos incursions in Naggaroth. In the Imperial and Bretonnian southlands, Raptor raids continued, but the Imperials had a major success in 947 or 948 A.N., when they took possession of Tar Cullon.

Nakai began his second campaign in 947 A.N., raiding the Bretonnian territories and occupying some outlying forts around Castle Quenelles, before settling down to besiege the fort. The Raptors, well supplied with modern weapons and with heavy air support, launched incessant attacks on the city's defenders, but Castle Quenelles received scant reinforcements from Bretonnia, where the bulk of the army was occupied by an Ork attack. During nine months of siege, the Raptors gradually occupied the outer defences, and finally, on 21 Machakw 948 A.N., stormed the city. The population was massacred and the city thoroughly looted over two months.

Mallus on 948 A.N.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.4: the Tilean Campaign Finale
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.4: the Tilean Campaign Finale

Despite the major success of capturing Quenelles, the Raptor province in the Old World now degenerated into internal strife. Nakai briefly held the position of Alfa, before the appointment of the Slann Zhul. Zhul renewed the campaigns against the Kartuns in the northeast, especially Ubersreik, in 949–950 A.N., but without success. Indeed, the Imperials were able to launch a limited counteroffensive in 950 A.N., when the Imperial General Aldebrand Ludenhof defeated a Raptor army in a daring night attack in Reikland, and then proceeded to raid Raptor territories in the Grey Mountains, before defeating another Raptor army at the Battle of Meissen. In 951–952, Ubrersreik was again the target of a determined Raptor attack, but held out, and a Raptor army under Gobivenator general Teetonka was annihilated by the Imperials at Wissenbourg, causing large scale Kartun revolts. Over the next years, the Raptors launched several raids. These expeditions were successful hunts as they yielded sufficient booty or tribute to pay the army, but failed to capture any Imperial strongholds. The same period, 955–956 A.N., also saw a resurgence of Bretonnian strength, where Alberic de Bordeleaux won a string of victories against the Raptors.

It was in this climate of military failure that the discontent among broad sections of the Sicilian Muslim population, hitherto kept in check by successful raiding, erupted into open rebellion. In Skah 956 A.N., the people of Luccini managed to push the Raptors out of the city. Adistan appointed Mazdamundi, who single handly recaptured the city on 958 A.N.

In the next year, Adistan returned in the Old World, with fresh Raptor troops, and launched yet another failed attack on Ubersreik. However, in Nuzipe 960 A.N., another rebellion broke out in the Raptor territories. Coupled with a major Chaos invasion in Naggaroth in 964–965 A.N,, this put an end to Raptor raids against the Kartuns, and resulted in the conclusion of a truce in 965–966 A.N. During this period, various locations which had been occupied by the Raptors managed to inflict major damages on their new overlord.

The Kartuns tried to take advantage of the revolt, and began assembling forces. Adistan, however, did not tarry and as soon as he had suppressed the rebellion, marched against the Kartuns, ravaging the Midden Moors and launching an unsuccessful siege of Carrobourg before returning to winter in his occupied territories. In the next spring, he resumed his attack and assaulted Bogenhafen. To disrupt the Imperial preparations, his forces then crossed the southern Imperial lands. Loningbruck was captured on 10 Lansa, and was subjected to a savage sack; a vast booty was collected, over 15,000 of its inhabitants were massacred, and very few escaped.

In early 972 A.N., in an act that broke the long-standing stalemate on the Old World, Adistan and his soldiers advanced on Ubersreik, defeated the Imperial garrison before its walls and laid siege to it. Left unsupported by the Imperial government, the town fell on 1 Alahmoot . Adistan then capitalized on his success by sending raiding parties against various strongholds in the vicinity. Indefatigable, Adistan now crossed over into the southern Imperial cities, where cities as far as Worden began to prepare to resist his attack. Although the Empire and Bretonnia managed to maintain their independence, it was the beginning of the end for the Kartuns of the Old World.

Ubersreik itself threw off Raptor control soon after 972, and it was not until 1032 A.N., possibly in the aftermath of the successful Raptor incursion into the Northern Chaos wastes, that the Raptors retook the town, following a 30-week siege.

Mallus on 972 A.N.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.5: the fall of the Re-Estize Kingdom, part 1
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.5: the fall of the Re-Estize Kingdom, part 1

Askook territorial conquest had been minimal at the moment, limiting itself to the Great Lake, the Great Forest of Tob and portions of the Arserlisia mountain range. However, Askook could not count on massive reinforcements needed for bigger campaigns until the Nazarick, which allowed for the arrival of Kartalo and Raptor reinforcements greately needed for the campaign. Now that he had a stable and solid Kartalo, Raptor and Shyiya force on his side, he believed that expansion was possible against the protectorate border enemies. In particular, Askook looked with great interest at the Re-Estize Kingdom, a definition of a failed state, suffering from a near-constant political disorder and civil unrest, which also had sent several soldiers attemting to reclaim Carne Village from the Raptors. Askook saw in them both incompetent enemies and new hunting grounds. Just as he was preparing his armies, his Chamaleont Skink spies warned him about the possibility of an alliance between Nazarick and the Baharuth empire, one of the Shyiya protectorate biggest trade neighbours.

Askook knew that Nazarick would had not tried to attack the Shyiya protectorate. But he knew that lord Ainz had expansionistic plans against the Re-Estize Kingdom just like the Baharuth empire. He believed that he could use this knowlege to his advantage. Why having to fight three Kartun nations when you can use two as puppets to do your bidding? It was a necessary evil. He just needed to play the right cards.

Flag of the Re-Estize Kingdom

Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix, ruler of the Baharuth empire, had been pondering in his carriage. He had been forced to go into the so called "Sorcerer kingdom" to apologize for an "invasion" of the kingdom territories. The two little elf children sent as emissaires had proved themselves incredibly powerful, causing an earthquake in the middle of his palace. He knew that if children of this so called "Lord Ainz" were so powerful, it was best to accept his ultimatum. He had indeed required help for the "Alfa" Askook, the ruler of the Lizardmen tribes, or as they called themselves, the "Shyiya protectorate", but his response didn't arrive as of yet. "Perhaps he didn't even read the letter." he thought to himself. After all, Askook had always been ambiguous regarding the possibility of an alliance.

"My lord, we have arrived." one of his Imperial guards said, as the carriage stopped. Alongside the young emperor was his Imperial Court Wizard, Fluder Paradyne. Greeting the Imperials were two beautiful Kartun maids, one of which had some animal characteristics, such as wolf ears.

"Greetings", the more human Kartun like said, bowing politely, "my name is Yuri Alpha, and the woman on my side is Lupusregina Beta. We are loyal servants of the great one, and welcome you to Nazarick."

She then raised up from her bow. "First, we shall correct this unacceptable weather." Yuri then said, gaining a surprised look from all the Imperials. Suddently, what seemed like a vortex in the sky formed amongst the clouds, and soon, what was at first a cloudy day turned into a beautiful sunshide filled day.

"Amazing!" Fluder exclaimed with awe at the sight, "Controll weather is a six tier magic! I believe this is magic on an even higher level! That's amaz-" he then said, before being interrupted. "By the love of Mutilator you Kartun scums are easy to impress." a voice full of venom came from the left of the group. Both the Imperials and the two maids turned their heads in surprise at the voice. Askook was walking forward alongside his trustworthy companion Zaryusu and what seemed like a yellow skinned giant toad on a floating throne. Behind the trio was a small army of Shyiya, Kartalo, Raptors and large Dinheirosaurus armed with cannons. "Then again so were we. But we opened or eyes. Your kind is not that impressive." Askook then said, spitting some muchus on the ground.

The Imperials looked at Askook with confusion, the two maids with ire. "Alfa Askook? What are you doing here?" Jirvic asked confused. "Good question. Has your empire already betrayed our treaty?" Yuri then asked with venom in her voice. "Because if that's the case, we won't go down as easily as last time." Lupisregina then said, in a combat stance. "Calm down. I don't want to hunt you down as mere prey at the moment. I just came for a visit. Just like blond fur over there." Askook responded, looking at the emperor. "How dare you address his highness that way!? And how can you not be impressed by what just happened! This magic is beyond six-tier! Beyond anything the Empire, no, any human nation is capable of!" Fluder exclaimed.

"The Great Plan has granted my fellow Slanns such abilities. We do no resort to use such power as much, as the daily climate of our lands has been designed by the Old Ones. To alter it would be an insult. An heresy." the toad like creature spoke. The old Kartun widened his eyes in shock. "Is it true!? An entire race capable of performing magic beyond six-tier!? This is amazing! I need to meet them! I need to learn their powers! Are you among the ones who can-" Fluder exclaimed excited at the Slann, before Askook hit him in the head with the tip of his snout. Zaryusu knew what this was about: Raptor parents often use this same tactic to calm their chicks or to discipline them. He then turned to the maids.

"While on the discussion of weather, I'd appreciate if you turn it back. It's supposed to be the raining season, and you just interrupted a very important event in our land ecosystem." he then said serious. He had become more than capable to contest other magical being in his travels alongside Askook, and was no longer afraid of these magic casters. Yuri sighed. "Very well. After this meeting is over, we shall allow the rains to return once more" she then said.


Once inside the tomb of Nazarick, while Jirvic admired the richness of the main hall, Askook looked around annoyed. He wanted to impose his territorial aims against Re-Estize and get out. Once they reached the throne room, Jirvic and the Imperials were shocked to know that Lord Ainz was an undead. Askook just tapped his sickle claw annoyed. Lord Ainz looked at Jirvic with an ire look. "Care to explain why is Alfa Askook here?" he demanded. None in Narzarick had forgot how he killed the floor guardian Cocytus. "Calm down. He came for different reasons. I came on my own will." Askook explained casually. Jirvic recovered from the fear he felt from Lord Ainz gaze, and summoned an Imperial guard. "This is the head of the foolish noble who sent intruders into your land" Jirvic explained in an apologizing tone. The head was contained in a pot, which was handed to Lord Ainz, who simply grabbed it and examined it. "What to do with it I wonder?" the undead pondered. "Eat it. Use its skull as a cup. I don't know. I have better things to do." Askook said with a casual tone, gaining a glare from all the inhabitants of Nazarick and one from Jirvic. "Damn pidgeon. He's going to blow this meeting with his attitude!" the emperor cursed in his mind.

Lord Ainz looked at Askook irritated, before turning the head of the count into a black liquid substance, which slowly turned into a mighty undead warrior. "And what are these "things" that you speak of?" he asked. Askook walked forward. "I want to conquere lands fro the Re-Estize Kingdom. You want to conquer lands from the Re-Estize Kingdom. And blond fur over there also wants to conquer lands from the Re-Estize Kingdom. In short, we want the Re-Estize Kingdom dead. You do the rest of the thinking." Askook explained.

The once irated undead loosened his expression and immediately showed interest in the Raptor. "Go on." he said in what resembled a smile. "You have a map?" Askook asked. With one motion of his hand, Lord Ainz ordered one of his subordinates to bring a map of the New World. In it, were all nations on the continent. Askook was annoyed that the Shyiya protectorate was not in it.

"You better update the map soon, Kartun scum." Askook hissed at the undead, who glared at him. "In the matter of a conquest of Re-Estize, Nazarick has always had an interest for the city of E-Rantel. I'm sure that such simple request is not too hard for the Raptors." Ainz said in what was supposed to be a request, but in reality was a demand. "The Raptor empire is also interested in E-Rantel. So I'd say we already reached a disagreement." Askook said pissed. "Perhaps we can reach some sort of agreement? The city of Charvaley can be under Askook controll, and E-Rantel can be under Nazarick one. They are both important cities and are not that far from each others." Jirvic tried to reason with the two.

Askook then smiled. "I have a better idea." the Utahraptor said. He marked the map with his claws for the division of the Re-Estize kingdom. "Charvaley, the Katze plains, E-Libera and Re-Estize can become part of Nazarick. I will conquer E-Rantel, E-Pespel and Re-Lobell, and you can get what's left." Askook proposed. Ainz pondered at the idea. Jirvic widened his eyes in shock. A full partition of Re-Estize?

Ainz then sighed. "Very well. E-Rantel itself is meaningless compared to what you offer." the undead spoke. Askook growled. "Good. It seems we reached an agreement. Finally." the Raptor said annoyed. He then turned to Jirvic. "What about you? Do you accept? Or are you just going to keep staring at us like a Mutilator damn fish?" he asked rudely. Jirvic regained his composure. "Yes. I will. Re-Estize has been a thorn on my empire side for too long." he responded.

"If that's the case, today is the birth of a great alliance." Ainz proclaimed. "Let's not get crazy. You two are co-belligerent at best." Askook then said. "Now open your little portal. We're getting out of here." he then demanded. Ainz glared at the insolent Raptor for a while, but realized that it was not worth it. He knew he could not try anything funny with these Raptors. Better to keep them friendly, rather to make them an enemy. And as such, he moved his hand, generating a portal which leaded to the outside of the tomb.

On their way back, Jirvic walked toward the Utahraptor. "With all due respect-" he was interrupted by Askook. "Speak freely. Know that I will do as well." the Raptor said casually. The emperor sighed. "You really need to pick up diplomatic skills. You almost blew this meeting with your sassy attitude." he said with a calm, yet irritated voice. Askook glared him with intense hatred. "Let me tell you something, Kartun scum." he said, causing the emperor to take a few steps back. "I don't need you for this invasion. You are merely expendable paws I can use to not mobilize all of my people. I don't controll much. Fucking skeleton lord doesn't even have my territories in a map. But I'm not the leader of my empire. I'm merely the ruler of a protectorate. My nation has consumed the flesh of millions of your pathetic beings. It rules the stars, it conquers planets, and subjugate gods. You are nothing more that one of the millions of pathetic excuses of nations which should not exist, because you are all so weak, so pathetic and so inept in doing anything without your technology you should had become prey of the native predators of these lands long ago. Yet here you are. So if you think that Alfa Ainz is a threat, you're greately wrong. I'm the danger. And there's nothing you can do, except remaining in my good side. Remember that.".

And with that, Askook was off. Jirvic collapsed on his knees. Some Imperial guards helped him getting up. "Are you all right, your highness?" one of the Nazarick maids, Yuri, asked, clearly instructed to treat politely the Imperials. "We've allied a monster." was all Jirvic said. Yuri remained silent. Because despite how much she detested to agree to such a lowly scum without the approval of the great one, because despite the fact that he might imply that Nazarick may not be able to stand up to this "Raptor empire", something that should be considered an insult to Lord Ainz itself, something that she could not forgive, something that would be enough to turture for eternity the fool who would utter such heretical thought.....

He was right.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.6: the fall of the Re-Estize Kingdom, part 2
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.6: the fall of the Re-Estize Kingdom, part 2

In the aftermath of the Nazarick, Baharuth and Shyiya ultimatum to the Re-Estize Kingdom, the kingdom realized it was in a precarious situation. They immediately invaded border territories in order to secure their position the best they could. The three leaders of the anti-Re-Estize Coalition (Askook, Jirvic and Ainz) immediately mobilized against the enemy forces.

The three decided that Jirvic would remain in Baharuth, while Askook and Ainz, aided by Imperial soldiers and generals, would moved to Katze plains with their best troops, a total of 28 armies and herds. They were able to march their armies in the area and sent out a scouting force of eight packs, commanded by Hevovitastamiutsto and Waquini with the aim of searching for the Re-Estize's army. Hevovitastamiutsto and Waquini passed the town of E-Rantel and took a strong defensive position.

Re-Estize did not wish to engage in a decisive battle, but rather to attain a good defensive position to bleed the invading force, in the same way they did in the previous Annual wars against Baharuth. They gathered in the Katze plains with all soldiers they could master. With their numerical superior forces they were able to outflank Hevovitastamiutsto and Waquini, who had to abandon their defensive position and retreat west of E-Rantel. This meant that Re-Estize had now time to fortify their position. Gazef Stronoff positioned his camp to the north while Marquis Boullope was on the east. Askook arrived and positioned his army east, while Lord Ainz and Natel Inyem Dale Carvain put their armies north.

Askook offered battle several times, but the Re-Estize forces were not lured into leaving their defensive position. Askook tried to secretly outflank the Re-Estize's position through the border regions of the Slane theocracy in the south. With great effort he was able to cut a passage without being noticed by the Slanians, throwing up a causeway over them. This manoeuvre was finally noticed by Boullope, who countered by moving part of his army south. This brought about a general battle on 3 Otoahhastis 914 A.N.

Lord Ainz Undead Army

Askook ordered a charge against Boullope, aiming at the weaker fortifications which had not been fully built. At the same time, Stronoff soldiers, provoked by the Coalition army, rushed against Carvaine's army. This surprise assault had complete success: Carvaine's troops were put to flight and pursued up to their camp, which was captured by Stronoff men, led by Climb. Lord Ainz was not at the sight of the battle.

Kartalo forces in Katze plains

However, on the other side of the battle, Askook was able to storm Boullope' fortifications. Then he easily took Boullope's camp, which was defended by only a few men. It seems that part of Boullope's army had advanced south: when these men tried to come back they were easily repulsed by Askook.

Apparently the battle had ended in a draw. Askook had lost 8,000 soldiers , while Boullope had about 16,000 casualties. The battlefield was very large and clouds of dust made it impossible to make a clear assessment of the outcome of the battle, so both wings were ignorant of each other's fate. Boullope moved to the top of a hill, but could not see what was happening on Stronoff side. He was later killed by a Terradon bombardment.

With this, the first battle of Katze plains ended in a draw, with no side having really gained victory.

On 13 Otoahhastis the second battle occurred. The Re-Estize Kingdom arrived on the battlefield, bringing in their Royal Army comprised of 245,000 soldiers. Standing at the front lines for the army were Gazef Stronoff once again and the nobles who acted as the commanders such as Marquis Raeven. On the side of the Baharuth Empire, six legions of the Imperial Army were brought to confront them. Askook was there too. However, even before Re_estize could send their forces in the area, he placed an army in their rear, ordered to hold their ground at the moment and to attack only when said so.

Due to possessing superior numbers, most of the nobles of Re-Estize believed that victory was within their grasp. However, King Ramposa III truly felt that the high morale within his forces did not inspire his confidence about the war. In hoping to turn the tide to their favor, the king bestowed Gazef with four of the five National Treasures of the Re-Estize Kingdom. The Warrior Captain possessed the following items; the Gauntlets of Vitality, granting the user endless stamina, the Amulet of Immortality, providing regenerative abilities, the Guardian Armor, resisting lower-level Death Magic and Razor Edge, a magic-enhanced blade that can cut through armor.

Before the Re-Estize forces could reach the enemy opponents, they were soon bombarded by Space Liopleurodon's Anhanguera Javelins, while the Raptor air force begun to harassing the enemy force. So far, neither the Imperial or Nazarick forces made any moves, and the Raptor army remained unactive. Then, as the lines begun to break, Lord Ainz summoned 5 Dark Young, while Askook sent Carnosaurus, Dinheirosaurus, Shyiya and Kartalo at the now fleeying forces.

The Royal Army were left paralyzed, with such mighty forces opposing then. Eventually, their commanders managed to order them to ready their weapons and form a spear wall to attack. Dinheirosaurus cannons disintegrated the wall, and once in range they used their tail whips, while also stomping the Re-Estize forces. The Dark Young also stomped and destroyed anything in their path with their tentacles. What was once thought to be a battle turned into a massacre. The Kartalo, Shyiya and Raptor forces took advantage of the situation to attack the flanks of the retreating army. Only then the rear army was ordered to advance in a pincer manouver to kill all of the Re-Estize forces.

The Empire watched the slaughter, trembling in terror. They no longer cared that the Re-Estize Kingdom was their enemy and only begged for Nazarick and Askook forces to stop. While Ainz had decided that the slaughter was enough, Askook did not stop his soldiers until all of the Re-Estize forces had been decimated.

Both Raptor and Nazarick forces then moved against the Re-Estize camp, showing no mercy on anyone. King Ramposa III was among the dead.

The Result of the Massacre

The battle was a decisive, total victory on the Re-Estize kingdom. Neither the Empire, nor the Shyiya or Nazarick suffered any casualties, while the Royal Army suffered 245,000 casualities. The nobles who fled were later killed by the Raptor air force. The Katze plains remains to this day Askook hail mary. In just one battle, he had destroyed an enemy Kartun force as a threat while suffering no casualties.

Reports came back to the Baharuth Empire. Jircniv was horrified by what he had learned. He had severely underestimated Ainz Ooal Gown and Askook. Ainz's spell and Askook weaponry and tactics had single-handedly crippled an entire kingdom to ruin and the news will spread throughout the other neighboring countries who will be highly reluctant or too frightened to stand against the two. The Empire would later become a close ally of Nazarick, seeing in Ainz the lesser evil. "At the very least the Sorcerer king is from this world. He might have some sort of mercy.".

Unknown to all participants of the event, the Slane Theocracy had a minor involvement. They had one of their agents sent there to learn more about the Sorcerer King and the Shyiya Protectorate and discover any secrets they could use to counter against them. It proved futile as the agent returned, unable to talk after having been scarred from what she had seen.

The new world after the fall of the Re-Estize kingdom (Original map by u/Aluconix on Reddit)

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.7: the Faraway Land war
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.7: the Faraway Land war

When Tuari had fully consolidated his hold on Earth 2, he believed that it was time to expand once more. The next objectives were his nearest neighbours, most specifically Faraway Land. A considerable buildup of military bases in Qiki supported an invasion of the Nuvat arcipelago, followed by an invasion of Faraway Land itself.

Raptor forces in Faraway Land

On Alahmoot 900 A.N., Tuari sent general Tachiraptor for an invasion of the Nuvat arcipelago. He conquered various coastal regions of the Nuvat arcipelago, while Tuari forces landed in Iglulik in mainland Faraway Land. Small skirmishes occurred in the mainland, while in the arcipelago every city and settlement was burnt to the ground. Shortly after, the entire Nuvat arcipelago was under Raptor controll.

During autumn and winter, Iglulik was besieged by Faraway forces attempting to recapture the city. Then the Raptors charged in, pouring men into the mainland, pushing in the cold lands that made up Faraway Land alongside the coast. Winnipeg was the main goal of the Raptor forces. Rankin Inlet put up a good resistence, but was ultimately crushed by the Raptors. Suddently the Neuroi weren't seen as such a big threat compared to the Raptors.

On Machakw 901 A.N the Raptors reached Winnipeg, surrounding the city. All citizens were slaughtered by combined Raptor air force and superior weaponry. Their flesh would feed the Raptors for the next campaigns. They were briefly cut off by Liberon forces, but managed to get out of the encirclement.

In the fall of 901 A.N. 1500 Raptor soldiers charged in Minot in Liberon. They would continue to harass Liberon forces while they continued their march westward. They attacked Kugluktuk in the coast and advanced westward with their aim the Arkengian territory of Liberon and the remaining Faraway territories in the west. They hoped to isolate Kartun forces in the region from the more developed territories. In 902 A.N., the Raptors traveled to Paulatuk.

At this point the war began in earnest with Raptor attacks all over the New World Coast in order to disrupt the trade with the old World.

The Old World Nations decided to become directly involved in the conflict. Tuari had an estimated 25,000 to 30,000 soldiers. The united nation forces technically outnumbered the Raptor ones. During the summer of 904 A.N., there were several small skirmishes between Raptors and the Neuroi, but a more significant battle occurred in 905 A.N. when a Neuroi squadron attacked Raptor positions in Inutia. They succeeded and inflicted high casualties on the Raptors. In the meantime, the Raptors continued attacking the Farawaians themselves. The Raptors moved into the Anderson River Delta, attacking and conquering Inuvik. By 907 A.N., they controlled the area from Igluit in the east up to Inuvik in the west. In the west, the Raptors had pushed the Farawayians out of the Yukon Territory and seized control of the Arkengian territory as far west as the Yukon River. In Koi 923 A.N., the Raptors invaded Anchorage and took it in a storm. In Istqua , they proceeded down the Matanuska but were unable to find a Kartun army, so they burned their cities and took their resources. Many Kartuns died from starvation when not killed outright by the Raptors. During the following years, the Raptors strengthened their position.

Witch fighting Skink mage priests in the battle of Fairbanks, Machakw 923

Raptor raids were not constant, but they terrified the inhabitants of Liberon and Faraway Land and some of the heroes of Faraway-Liberon folklore are individuals who stood up to such attacks. Elizabeth F. Beurling, for example, died in Machakw 923 while resisting a Raptor attack force at the Battle of Fairbank.

Later on, the Raptors sent 1,000 newly armed Saurus through the woods to Britannian Columbia territory with the onset of winter, and they launched a devastating attack into the heart of Britannian Columbia territory, destroying several key cities and killing many of the inhabitants. The surviving Farawayians fled the region to seek assistance from Liberion. The Liberion army tribe temporarily halted Raptor expansion further south, but the Raptors controlled a prey-rich region.

Elizabeth F. Beurling was one of several Witches killed during the Raptor attacks into Faraway Land

The Raptors attacked Vancouver and they completely conquered the region, exterminating all in sight.

They then marched in Liberon, but with less success. The campaign lasted for two years, and the Raptors destroyed the Liberon forces by 925 A.N. The Raptors were greatly outnumbered by the enemies that they subdued, but they achieved their victories through their ferocity, air force and Kartalo magic.

The Raptors easily consolidated their territories, raiding the border cities in Liberon. In Machakw 925 A.N., a Raptor force of 160 soldiers attacked Seattle. The following year, 250 soldiers attacked various other regions. In 926 and 927 A.N., the Raptors made several raids against the Liberons. The Liberon army leaded a major offensive against the Raptors, but the Raptors attacked them when they ventured into the countryside. Only 29 of the Liberons survived and escaped.

With the Liberons pouring reinforcements in the area, and with now enough land for his tastes, Tuari decided for a second ceasefire with the Kartuns. With the Neuroi threat still pressuring the Kartuns and with the Raptors receiving fresh new reinforcements of Kartalo and Elite Libodons, and rumors of the arrival of Lord Mazdamundi on Earth 2, one of the most feared Slanns within the Raptor empire nicknamed "The Alfa Slann", they were forced to surrender to the Raptors. Once again, more territories were integrated to the Aedemon province, and the Raptors didn't even bother to confirm their neutrality in the Neuroi-Kartun war. However, with the Neuroi threat being slowly pushed back, some hoped that they could launch a second offensive against the Raptors and recapture lost territories.

Earth 2 on 930 A.N.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.8: the Raptor conquest of Farsha, part 1
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.8: the Raptor conquest of Farsha, part 1

After the war against the Empire, its vassal kingdoms and the Kartuns from Earth 3, Chito had consolidated his conquest, fully using the natural resources of his territories. However, he believed that expansion was once again possible, not against the Empire, but rather against the far weaker Farsha peninsula nations. Starting from the small kingdom of Moorcaprus, bordering the Zonulari province South East territories.

The campaign begun on 901 A.N. The kingdom and its capital were attacked by Kartalo foces supported by Libodons. The Kartuns fled either to the Empire or to the neigbouring countries, booty was taken and Chito asked for other Kartalo to join from Mallus. The majority refused, but many volunteered and wold later tell their brothers about possibly lucrative military service in Zonulari. Chito sent emissaries to Mallus to bring back soldiers.

Later on the Raptors attacked the Hawklaide Theocracy and burned its temples with little to no mercy. They then marched along the coast of the Farsha peninsula, capturing and destroying all cities they met.

Kartalo forces in the Farsha peninsula

On 9 Machakw 910 A.N., an insurrection erupted in La Hurstwiness against the Raptors. Led by Nelia, a local Kartun, the revolt quickly spread to other cities. Late that year (or early in 911 A.N.) the Talos general Chowilawu, was killed in battle. In Nuzipe 911 A.N. his successor, Dracovenator Mahkah, arrived with reinforcements and besieged the rebels in the city. The Raptors managed to infiltrate the defences and forced the Kartun leaders, Neila and her brother-in-law Olus, to flee. Mahkah entered the city on 11 Gotha 912 A.N., reestablishing Raptor authority. All leaders captured were killed. Mahkah died on 917 A.N. in battle.

Aorun General Kangee arrived as Mahkah's successor in Machakw of that year. After Mahkah's death, the Kartuns revolted again. Chito sent an army, led by Kangee, against the Kartun coalition. Raptor and Kartun forces met on the Katun at Port Whittaz; the battle was a victory for the Raptors. Kangee then led his forces into a second encounter near Fort Puedu. This second battle was a victory for Kangee once again. A third battle (a decisive victory for Kangee) took place at Great Nant; the region from the Katun to Quinrnardbridge was in his hands, and in Istqua he had almost secured the region once again.

The rebels would gain a decisive victory in the battle of Labe; only ten Kartalo survived from a contingent of 250. After the battle, Saurus Brut (one of the Kartalo survivors) become leader of their company. The Kartuns protected their gains by building a fortress at the Jeffers Hollow pass, guarding the entrance to the Pine Valley. In 919 A.N. Port Priseters was taken by the Raptors. Thus ended the Kartun revolt.

In 924 A.N., Raptor forces under Gasosaurus general Dadgayadoh besieged Port Elkvern. In 926 A.N., after an 18-month siege, Port Elkvern surrendered the entire city eaten. During the next few years the Raptors continued their advance along the coast.

In 929 A.N., Daghayadoh and Brut captured Merhel. In early 930 A.N. Chito gave Brut controll of some territories. Raptor reinforcements alongside some native animals turned into animal tanks and flying beasts swelled Brut numbers.

In 937 A.N., Raptor influence was further solidified. In 938 A.N. Brut invaded Withterside, expanding his polity into one of the largest in the Farsha peninsula.

Askook sent 300 Shyiya from the Shyiya protectorate.

On 16 Nuzipe 941 A.N., near the Darya Raptor forces defeated a Kartun army. On 4 Machakw 941 A.N. the Raptor army, led by Heyuannia General Attakullakulla, defeated the Kartuns again in the Battle of Conmarsh.

On 3 Istqua 941 A.N. at the Battle of Conmarsh, the Raptors defeated Kartun general Egria. Raptor forces began the conquest of Esi End in 944 A.N., and built the castle of Tupidula. Brut was less successful in Moose Ashahea, where he was defeated in 945 A.N. near Inbla by Jipreius.

Map of Falmart, the continent where the Raptors had landed, on 941 A.N.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.9: the Raptor conquest of Farsha, part 2
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.9: the Raptor conquest of Farsha, part 2

In 946 A-N. Attakullakulla entered Grand Royallein and defeated general, Albertus Valentinian, near South Elneots while his brother Harkahome took East Lynash. Also that year, Saurus E'attecl arrived with 400 Saurus from Mallus and Shyiya Okomi arrived with other Shyiya from Sepulnoter.

In 947 A.N. Chito forces advanced south and east. He granted various Kartalo prestigious positions, gaining the blessing of Tehenhauin, prophet of Sotek. In 948 Chiton commanded an expedition into Chaigbury via the valley of tundrilla, near Irthlgeon. He was further reinforced by 2000 Raptor soldiers from Raptonia. In the meantime, the situation with the Kartuns was not the best: "The hatred of the Kartuns for the Raptors has now reached such a pitch that they are no different from a wild animal to be hunted and eaten." Chito reported to Owen.

The stone castle at Sett was constructed by the Kartalo where no fortress had previously stood. It was build in a manner similar to the temple cities of their homeworld.

On 18 Gotha 953 A.N., Chito led the Raptor armies against the combined forces of the Farsha peninsula. At the Battle of El Leighberthe Raptors destroyed the kartun army. Chito conquered Bowlfo, Mseyrnavy, and Nchonorth by the end of 955 A.N. The previous year he had captured Klinfieldclay.

During the 950s and 960s A.N., there were two centres of Raptor power in Zonulari: one in the original province and another which bordered the original region and served as a base of operation in the Farsha campaing. Archaeornithomimus general Rowtag pushed back the southern states of Farsha peninsula until the city of El Farnhen, which was taken after a long siege. Then he immediately besieged Werburn. The Raptors were actually repelled some times by the Kartuns, such as in the 966 A.N. battle of Culntage. However, the city would be taken some time later.

In 977 A.N., the Raptors began the conquest of the western side of the peninsula coast. Gojirasaurus Heneral Gad conquered the Kartun county of Haydamsbrookton and stormed the castle Eldford. He then conquered the Kartun county of Northstock and besieged Mingxe, which became the goal of Raptor efforts in that region.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.10: the Raptor conquest of Farsha, part 3
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.10: the Raptor conquest of Farsha, part 3

After having consolidated large portions of territory in the Farsha peninsula, Chito believed that the arcipelagoes nearby his colony would be an easy grab. These islands had a thriving trade network and were known in the Kartun world as a luxurious and decadent place. Chito believed that these Kartuns would not put much of a fight, and sent Luanchuanraptor general Chochmo in the conquest

He first invaded the Escoino arcipelago in Machakw 961 A.N., besieging the capital Safre. With his wits, he managed to surprise the Kartun army at night. The attack was largely unopposed. The city was fortified against new possible attacks. He then landed into the largests of the islands. They took Landnix and the Colégeux valley, encountering resistance to their assault of Hoshall. Dauxstortown fell quickly, and Chochmo brought his army to Klinprewyn. Although the garrison was defeated the citadel did not fall, and with winter approaching Chochmo returned to the mainland. Before leaving, he built a fortress at Newwoot (the first Raptor castle in the arcipelago). Chochmo returned in late 961 A.N. and captured the citadel. In Gotha 963 A.N. he defeated a Kartun army at the Battle of Zalembourne, securing the Raptor foothold on the arcipelago.

Raptor scout in the Escoino arcipelago

In 977 A.N. Archeoraptor general Lonan landed in the Isleel acripelago. By hunting everything he saw in the biggest island, the local Kartuns were forced to surrender. In 979 A.N. Rynber was besieged, and in 981 A.N. the island of Escoillo was taken in another surprise attack. With the fall of Esquenclave island, all Kartun islands east of the Farsha peninsula were taken.

A Raptor palace in Zonulari

Meanwhile, in the mainland, the cities of Augle and Nemespame felt to the Raptors. By summer 976 A.N., constant Kartun raids forced Chito to lead an army in the west; his first objective was the city of Kaspa. Although King Telestis of the Xan kingdom ordered his citizens to store two years' worth of food, he confiscated enough of it to starve his subjects. On 13 Skah 976 A.N., the city was taken; the king and his retainers retreated to the citadel, which fell in Machakw 977 A.N. Chito then attacked Nkportmo in 997 A.N., but was repulsed.

Chito would die before seeing the city become under Raptor controll, and would not see the Raptor conquest of Farsha. He died of old age, and was succeded by Saurornitholestes Megedagik, who had followed his campaign closely and was a powerful fighter. After the campaign in Farsha, there was a period of consolidation for the Raptors, with little to no conquest. But, this was far from being the last military action of the Raptors in the planet.

Map of Zonulari, 1000 A.N.

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Volume 2: The First Steps in Space: Chapter 3.11: Earth 3 Korean/Manchuria campaign part 1
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 2: The First Steps in Space:
Chapter 3.11: Earth 3 Korean/Manchuria campaign part 1

After Kroq-Gar had finished with the majority of the Japanese home islands arcipelago, he decided to target the nearest area within Japanese territory. One such territory was the Korean peninsula, which was divided between a Communist government in the north and a democratic government in the south.

On Machakw 23, 902 A.N., the First Pack of the Raptor invasion army, consisting of 7,000 men led by Saurus Giszcix, left Tsushima in the morning, and arrived outside the port city of Busan in the evening. Korean naval intelligence had detected the Japanese fleet, but Sun Nam-Seon, the Right Naval Commander of Gyeongsang, believed it was a rouse. A later report of the arrival of an additional 100 Raptor vessels raised his suspicions, but the general did nothing about it. Giszcix took the city of Busan by storm. Saurus U'ayox then attacked the nearby district of Gangseo the next morning. The Raptors easily annilihated the enemy force. Pang Yeong-Sik, the Korean commander at Gyeongsang was killed by a Raptor bullet, and with his death, Korean morale collapsed. In the meantime U'ayox took the city of of Gimhae, where under heavy volleys of supporting fire, the Raptrs were able to advance. Giszcix and the First Pack then turned north, marching to take Seoul. The fearsome Raptors charged and massacred anything in their path. On the morning of Machakw 25, 902 A.N., the First Pack arrived at Taegu. The resulting Siege of Taegu lasted twelve hours, killed 3,000, and resulted in Raptor victory. The Raptors killed everyone at Taegu, civilian and military, even killing all of the cats and dogs of Taegu. The Kartuns themselves were often the only supply the Raptors ever received in the fight.

After taking taegu, Giszcix took Jeonju, which he followed up by taking Daedeok-gu, which surrendered without opposition as the Koreans were concentrating their army further north.

Saurus Tlo'alxip Second pack landed in Mokpo on Machakw 27, and Saurus Chechauilmicl Third Pack, west of Pohang, on Machakw 28. The Second Pack took the abandoned city of Gwangju on Machakw 28, and captured Jeonju on Machakw 30. The Third Pack, upon landing, captured the nearby city of Gyeongju by keeping the defenders under pressure with Solar Engines. By Gotha 3, the Third Pack captured Cheongsong, Andong, Yeongju, and Jeongseon. Meanwhile, Giszcix's First Pack captured Cheongju on the afternoon of Machakw 26. The First Pack secured Cheonan in the next few days, and destroyed the city of Suwon. By Gotha 3, the First Pack took Incheon.

Upon receiving the news of the Raptor advance, the South Korean government appointed General Maeng Jun-Seo as the mobile border commander. On Gotha 4, General Maeng deployed a force of less than 1,000 men on two small hills to face the approaching First Pack. Assuming that the sight of rising smoke was from the burning of buildings by a nearby Raptor force, General Maeng sent a platoon to scout the area; however, as he neared a bridge, they were ambushed and eaten on the spot. The Korean troops, watching them getting eaten, were greatly demoralized. Soon the Raptors began the Battle of Seongnam with their animal tanks; the Koreans replied with their tanks, who were defeated by the new Raptor tactic of bite and shoot: a carnivorous animal tank like a Carnosaur is to grab the main gun of a tank with its jaws, immobilizing it, with the other animal tanks, such as Bastiladons, using their bigger guns to take out the immobilized enemy tank. The Raptor forces, having been divided into three, attacked the Korean lines from both the front and the two flanks; the battle ended with General Maeng Jun-Seo's retreat and 700 tank casualties. Seoul was taken by storm, and the Raptors moved to their new target, North Korea.

On Gotha 5, 902 A.N. the First Pack of approximately 18,000 soldiers led by Giszcix left Seoul and reached an abandoned Kaesŏng by nightfall. The next day, the First Pack arrived at Changpung in the early afternoon where they faced the Korean tank unit at the Battle of Hwanghae. Giszcix divided his forces into three and attacked with animal tanks from both flanks as well as the front. The bite and shoot tactic once again proved successfull, and General Noe Jong-Su's counterattack failed. The Second Pack led by U'ayox arrived at Kosong, with the Third Pack camped not far behind.

The two divisions began the race to capture Pyongyang on Gotha 8. Giszcix arrived at Pyongyang first on Gotha 10. The First Pack easily overcomed the weak, but fanatical, city defences. U'ayox Second Pack arrived at the capital the next day (having taken the same route as the First Pack), and the Third and Fourth Packs the day after. Meanwhile, the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Packs had landed on the Chinese coast, with the Ninth Pack used for the conquest of Taiwan. Soon the entirety of the Korean peninsula was in Raptor hands.

The First Pack under Giszcix proceeded northward, and sacked Dandong, Zhuanghe, Dalian, Yingkou, and Anshan along the way. At Shenyang, the Third Division under Chechauilmicl joined the First, and continued to the city of Changchun. A total of 10,000 Chinese troops guarded the city against the 30,000 advancing Raptors.

At night, the Chinese silently crossed the river and launched a successful surprise attack against the Raptor encampment. However, this alerted the rest of the Raptor army, which attacked the rear of the Chinese positions and destroyed the remaining reinforcements. The remainder of the Chinese troops then retreated back to Changchung.

The next day, using what they had learned from observing the retreating Chinese troops, the Raptors began attacking various strategic locations. On Lansa 20, 902 A.N., the First and Third Pack entered the deserted city of Changchung.

The Fourth Pack under the command of Saurus Nolxiqur set out eastward in Lansa, and captured a series of cities along the eastern portion of Manchuria from Yanbian to Chabarovsk. The pack then turned inward to capture Jiamusi, Harbin, and Songyuan, and settled down at Baicheng.

Tlo'alxip, leading the Second Division of more than 20,000 men, advanced along the Amur river with a ten-day march, and swept north along the eastern coast. Among the cities captured was Dzhaore.

Then he landed on Sachalin, and fought a battle on Alahmoot 23 against the Russians under the command of Yakushev Potap at Tymovskij. A Russian tank division took advantage of the open field, and pushed the Raptors forces into the cast. There the Raptors fortified themselves, and successfully repelled a formation charge from the Russian forces with their animal tanks. While the Russians planned to renew the battle in the morning, Tlo'alxip ambushed them at night; the Second Division completely surrounded the Russian forces with the exception of an opening leading to a forest.

Russians who fled gave alarm to the other garrisons, allowing the Raptor troops to easily capture Nogliki, Ocha, and Južno-Sachalinsk. The Second Pack then turned back to the mainland. On Alamooth 30, 902 A.N., the Second Pack entered into Chlya.

In red, Kroq-Gar territories

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