Volume 1: The Unification wars: Chapter 18: Cahare
- Pronouns
- Dinomaster
History of the Raptor empire
Volume 1: The Unification wars:
Chapter 18: Cahare
Around the time Caskah was defeated, came to Raptonia Nahcome, a Utahraptor lieutenant and frontguard of Kele, landed on Mukin returning after a serie of brilliant operations in Euroria. He anticipated his travel to compete for the position of Gamm and, once elected, favour a new election of Kele as Alfa.
He reached the first objective with the votes of the commonrs, but found himself alongside as colleague Chasera, representative of the most die hard conservatives, which, after the victory over Caskah, believed they had become the owner of the situation once more. They didn't understand why they should support the ambitions of Kele, who in reality didn't ask for anything better than becoming their champion. If they chose him as such, they would have saved themselves, or at least delay their defeat, considering the prestige Kele had. But the majority was envious of him, of his richnesses, of his success, and thought they didn't need him.
Once again a single voice in the council become the definitive factor, supporting Kele: the one of Cahare, who too was a Gamma. The discussions were heated that day. Cahare, destined to be bandished alongside Nahcome, was saved by the common people which came to protect him and intended to rise up. He, alongside Owen, calmed them and sent them home. For the first time the council realized that this young raptor showed something and welcomed him back to the council.
Cahare was 27 years old at the time and came, just like Siklya, from a poor aristocratic family that originated from the times of Nuhjpe , but who, after these old ancestors, did not give important characters to the Raptor history. There had been some Gamma's, Beta's, and even Alfa's. But they were of normal administration. Their home watched over the Blarth, the popular and notorious neighbour of Rahonia, and some says he was born in 816 A.N, others in 814 A.N.
We know nothing about his childhood, except that he had as a teacher a Guanlong called Gan, which, alongside both Raptor and Kartun languages, taught him more useful stuffs about his kind in the Eurorian continent. It seems that in his puberty he suffered headaches and epilepsy, and that his ambition was at the time becoming a writer. He lost the feathers of his head young and, ashamed of it, tried to recover by gluing his feathers back. He wasted much time every morning for this operation.
Segenam said that he was tall, robust, with pale feathers, lively and black eyes. Owen describe him as skinny and mid sized. Perhaps both are correct. One describe him when he was young, the other as a mature Raptor, around the time Utharaptors tend to become more robust. The long periods of military life must had toughtened him up. Since he was a young raptor he was an excellent hunter, and could ride any sort of creature without moving his arms. But he walked a lot in front of his soldiers, slept on the ground, ate soberly, his blood always ran cold and his brain was lucid. He wasn't that pretty. On that massive vulture like head, there was a robust lower jaw and arched and bitter mouth, with his lower teeth emerging. However he was always lucky with females. He mated with four and had a pletora of lovers. His soldiers called him "Gredly (Quetzalcoatlus) Wakan (adultery)" and, when marching on the streets of Raptonia celebrating a thriump, howled: "Look out Raptonia! Hide your females! The scavenger in heat is back!" And Cahare was the first to laugh.
Contrary to some legends potraying him as a serious and solemn character, Cahare was a raptor of his time, galant, elegant, unprejudiced, with a good sense of humor, capable to take others insults and responding with a deadly sarcasm. He was patient with others faults, because he needed others to be with his. Owen called him "the husband of all wives and the wife of all husbands." And one of the reasons the aristocrats hated him so much was that he regurally seduced their mates, which in reality fought each others to be seduced. Alongside them was Sunika, sister in law to Chasera, which also because of this he was extremely hostile to him. Sunika was so loyal that he presented him her daughter Tadewu, which replaced her when she become too old. Cahare repaid the generous mother giving her several of the goods of some elders at a price which was a third of their original price. And Centawa even invented a word pun, saying that that sellout was a "Third grace". Kele himself, despite being prettier, richer and, at the time, more famous than Cahare, saw his wife mating with him, causing him to repulse her. Cahare was forgiven, when he presented his daughter to him.
This extraordinary character was as such, regarding his morality, a Raptor of his times. As a m,atter of fact he begun hs career not in the prettiest of ways. After finishing his studies when he was 16 years old, he departed alongside Tsolay the Dilophosaurus who departed for Euroria in one of the many wars. Returning to Raptonia when he was 18 years old, he was convinced by his father to mate with Choca. But when he died, he repulsed and replaced her with Chosposi, daughter of Ciqula And as such he reinforced his position as a member of the democratic party.
Siklya, when becoming Alfa, ordered him to repulse his mate. Cahare, despite being used to change mates just as he changed feathers, bravely refused. At first Siklya intended to kill him off, but then he decided to send him into exile. Cahare called Siklya for this act of mercy "A fool". But he was mistaken. Siklya perfectly knew how much of a "fool" he was: but perhaps he had a secret simpathy for him.
When the Alfa retired, Chahare intended to return to Raptonia. But a ship of Afikle, a continent south of Euroria, captured him in the sea and asked for randsom 20 Meflunian, something like 40 million dollars. Cahare responded insolently that the price was too low and that he preferred to gave them 50. He sent his workers to get them and killed time writing doggerel who he read to his kidnappers. Cahare called them "Barbarians" and "Morons", and promised them he would have killed them. He kepr his word, because, once fred, he ran to Koan, hired a fleet, chased and captured these criminals, took back his money, which were the ones of his creditors (who he never paid back) and killed them.
He himself wrote in various lettersto his friends about thus adventure, but we should not totally trust him. Cahare was not yet the sober and dispassionate writer of "Eurorian Tales", which, having won many actual battles, did not need to novelise them. He was a mouthy, arrogant and raffish young rascal which, having returned to Raptonia on 848 A.N, presented himself as the position of Gamma, covered in debt. He took them with Chuchip after having seduced his mate Tsiklik. With this loan he bought the votes, he was elected, obtained an army to be sent on Earth 1, fought in Guatemala, and returned to the Raptor empire with the fame of conquerer.
On 851 A.N he presented himself for the next elections, he was elected as minister of spectacles and rewarded his supporters with spectacles never seen before. Three years later he was sent to Earth 1 once again. His creditors united and asked the government to not let him go until he would have paid. He himself recognized he owned them 25 millions Looaku's. And Chuchip, as usual, gave him a loan. Cahare returned in Central America, erased all the Kartun settlements in the area, and brought back to the Raptor empire a loot so big that the council gave him a thriump. And it was after this campaign that his great political action begun.
Conservators hated Cahare who defended Caskah and presented himself as defender of the commoners. And couls had easily stopped him by using a Raptor of prestige such as Kele, who was instead disappointed by the, as we already said, because they were jealous of his victories and his richnesses. They were so big that he had his own army: the one which landed on Mukin returning from Euroria. Kindly, Kele returned to Raptonia alone to celebrate his thriump with the regular Imperial army. Brave in battle, Kele was shy in political responsabilities and never intended to challenge the authority of the government. The council knew this, taking advantage to treat him coldly and refusing to distribute land to his soldiers that he promised. Cahare saw an opportunit to attract him to his side alongside Kele.
It was the birth of the first triumvirate. Kele and Chuchip put their influence, which was massiv, and their richness, which were even bigger, at the service of Cahare to be elected Alfa. He, once in power, would have distributed the lands to Kele soldiers and give Chuchip positions that he aspired for.
As such the "Holy Alliance", the alliance between the bourguesie and the aristocracy created by Centawa, was broken down. The latter, who saw in Kele and Chuchip their legitimate representatives, joined Cahare commoners. And the aristocracy, stupidly and arrogantly believing they didn't need help and that they didn't have to share anything to anyone, remained isolated. It presented as a candidate an insignificant Nicktoraptor under the name of Oseone, which was elected. But he could not stop the election of Cahare.
Cahare kept his duties to his allies. He proposed the distribution of land and the ratification of Kele measures in Euroria. The council opposed him. And as such Cahare brought the project of laws to Owen. It was the same thing the Gomdas did, losing their lives in the process. But times had changed. Oseone opposed him by declaring that Mutilator, when asked about this, opposed the plan. Owen almost hit him with his spear believing it to be a joke and a commoner nearly killed him. The project were approved with a crushing majority. Kele become son in law to Cahare by mating his his daughter Noya, bourguesie and commoners stroked eac others noses in sign of friendship, and for months they enjoyed life in a new Raptor empire.
In this atmosphere of popular approvation it was easy for Cahare to perform his econimic and social reforms, which were identical to the Gomdas. The council contrasted them everytime sending Oseone to Owen with him saying that Mutilator did not approve. Owen did not care about Mutilator and everytime his aim got better and better until Oseone shut himself home and never came out again.
On 858 A.N. The successorof Cahare were Gagii the Coelophysis and Pakani the Megaraptor, which ddaughter become the fourth mate after his third one, Shimasi, was divorced.
With Gagii and Pakani protecting his back as Alfa's; with his friendship with Kele and the financial support of Chuchip; with the council forced to agree with each and every one of his decisions; Cahare could go away from Raptonia to gain what he lacked: military glory and a loyal army.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to like (if you like), comment (so I can learn your opinion) and...follow I gues.
Volume 1: The Unification wars:
Chapter 18: Cahare
Around the time Caskah was defeated, came to Raptonia Nahcome, a Utahraptor lieutenant and frontguard of Kele, landed on Mukin returning after a serie of brilliant operations in Euroria. He anticipated his travel to compete for the position of Gamm and, once elected, favour a new election of Kele as Alfa.
He reached the first objective with the votes of the commonrs, but found himself alongside as colleague Chasera, representative of the most die hard conservatives, which, after the victory over Caskah, believed they had become the owner of the situation once more. They didn't understand why they should support the ambitions of Kele, who in reality didn't ask for anything better than becoming their champion. If they chose him as such, they would have saved themselves, or at least delay their defeat, considering the prestige Kele had. But the majority was envious of him, of his richnesses, of his success, and thought they didn't need him.
Once again a single voice in the council become the definitive factor, supporting Kele: the one of Cahare, who too was a Gamma. The discussions were heated that day. Cahare, destined to be bandished alongside Nahcome, was saved by the common people which came to protect him and intended to rise up. He, alongside Owen, calmed them and sent them home. For the first time the council realized that this young raptor showed something and welcomed him back to the council.
Cahare was 27 years old at the time and came, just like Siklya, from a poor aristocratic family that originated from the times of Nuhjpe , but who, after these old ancestors, did not give important characters to the Raptor history. There had been some Gamma's, Beta's, and even Alfa's. But they were of normal administration. Their home watched over the Blarth, the popular and notorious neighbour of Rahonia, and some says he was born in 816 A.N, others in 814 A.N.
We know nothing about his childhood, except that he had as a teacher a Guanlong called Gan, which, alongside both Raptor and Kartun languages, taught him more useful stuffs about his kind in the Eurorian continent. It seems that in his puberty he suffered headaches and epilepsy, and that his ambition was at the time becoming a writer. He lost the feathers of his head young and, ashamed of it, tried to recover by gluing his feathers back. He wasted much time every morning for this operation.
Segenam said that he was tall, robust, with pale feathers, lively and black eyes. Owen describe him as skinny and mid sized. Perhaps both are correct. One describe him when he was young, the other as a mature Raptor, around the time Utharaptors tend to become more robust. The long periods of military life must had toughtened him up. Since he was a young raptor he was an excellent hunter, and could ride any sort of creature without moving his arms. But he walked a lot in front of his soldiers, slept on the ground, ate soberly, his blood always ran cold and his brain was lucid. He wasn't that pretty. On that massive vulture like head, there was a robust lower jaw and arched and bitter mouth, with his lower teeth emerging. However he was always lucky with females. He mated with four and had a pletora of lovers. His soldiers called him "Gredly (Quetzalcoatlus) Wakan (adultery)" and, when marching on the streets of Raptonia celebrating a thriump, howled: "Look out Raptonia! Hide your females! The scavenger in heat is back!" And Cahare was the first to laugh.
Contrary to some legends potraying him as a serious and solemn character, Cahare was a raptor of his time, galant, elegant, unprejudiced, with a good sense of humor, capable to take others insults and responding with a deadly sarcasm. He was patient with others faults, because he needed others to be with his. Owen called him "the husband of all wives and the wife of all husbands." And one of the reasons the aristocrats hated him so much was that he regurally seduced their mates, which in reality fought each others to be seduced. Alongside them was Sunika, sister in law to Chasera, which also because of this he was extremely hostile to him. Sunika was so loyal that he presented him her daughter Tadewu, which replaced her when she become too old. Cahare repaid the generous mother giving her several of the goods of some elders at a price which was a third of their original price. And Centawa even invented a word pun, saying that that sellout was a "Third grace". Kele himself, despite being prettier, richer and, at the time, more famous than Cahare, saw his wife mating with him, causing him to repulse her. Cahare was forgiven, when he presented his daughter to him.
This extraordinary character was as such, regarding his morality, a Raptor of his times. As a m,atter of fact he begun hs career not in the prettiest of ways. After finishing his studies when he was 16 years old, he departed alongside Tsolay the Dilophosaurus who departed for Euroria in one of the many wars. Returning to Raptonia when he was 18 years old, he was convinced by his father to mate with Choca. But when he died, he repulsed and replaced her with Chosposi, daughter of Ciqula And as such he reinforced his position as a member of the democratic party.
Siklya, when becoming Alfa, ordered him to repulse his mate. Cahare, despite being used to change mates just as he changed feathers, bravely refused. At first Siklya intended to kill him off, but then he decided to send him into exile. Cahare called Siklya for this act of mercy "A fool". But he was mistaken. Siklya perfectly knew how much of a "fool" he was: but perhaps he had a secret simpathy for him.
When the Alfa retired, Chahare intended to return to Raptonia. But a ship of Afikle, a continent south of Euroria, captured him in the sea and asked for randsom 20 Meflunian, something like 40 million dollars. Cahare responded insolently that the price was too low and that he preferred to gave them 50. He sent his workers to get them and killed time writing doggerel who he read to his kidnappers. Cahare called them "Barbarians" and "Morons", and promised them he would have killed them. He kepr his word, because, once fred, he ran to Koan, hired a fleet, chased and captured these criminals, took back his money, which were the ones of his creditors (who he never paid back) and killed them.
He himself wrote in various lettersto his friends about thus adventure, but we should not totally trust him. Cahare was not yet the sober and dispassionate writer of "Eurorian Tales", which, having won many actual battles, did not need to novelise them. He was a mouthy, arrogant and raffish young rascal which, having returned to Raptonia on 848 A.N, presented himself as the position of Gamma, covered in debt. He took them with Chuchip after having seduced his mate Tsiklik. With this loan he bought the votes, he was elected, obtained an army to be sent on Earth 1, fought in Guatemala, and returned to the Raptor empire with the fame of conquerer.
On 851 A.N he presented himself for the next elections, he was elected as minister of spectacles and rewarded his supporters with spectacles never seen before. Three years later he was sent to Earth 1 once again. His creditors united and asked the government to not let him go until he would have paid. He himself recognized he owned them 25 millions Looaku's. And Chuchip, as usual, gave him a loan. Cahare returned in Central America, erased all the Kartun settlements in the area, and brought back to the Raptor empire a loot so big that the council gave him a thriump. And it was after this campaign that his great political action begun.
Conservators hated Cahare who defended Caskah and presented himself as defender of the commoners. And couls had easily stopped him by using a Raptor of prestige such as Kele, who was instead disappointed by the, as we already said, because they were jealous of his victories and his richnesses. They were so big that he had his own army: the one which landed on Mukin returning from Euroria. Kindly, Kele returned to Raptonia alone to celebrate his thriump with the regular Imperial army. Brave in battle, Kele was shy in political responsabilities and never intended to challenge the authority of the government. The council knew this, taking advantage to treat him coldly and refusing to distribute land to his soldiers that he promised. Cahare saw an opportunit to attract him to his side alongside Kele.
It was the birth of the first triumvirate. Kele and Chuchip put their influence, which was massiv, and their richness, which were even bigger, at the service of Cahare to be elected Alfa. He, once in power, would have distributed the lands to Kele soldiers and give Chuchip positions that he aspired for.
As such the "Holy Alliance", the alliance between the bourguesie and the aristocracy created by Centawa, was broken down. The latter, who saw in Kele and Chuchip their legitimate representatives, joined Cahare commoners. And the aristocracy, stupidly and arrogantly believing they didn't need help and that they didn't have to share anything to anyone, remained isolated. It presented as a candidate an insignificant Nicktoraptor under the name of Oseone, which was elected. But he could not stop the election of Cahare.
Cahare kept his duties to his allies. He proposed the distribution of land and the ratification of Kele measures in Euroria. The council opposed him. And as such Cahare brought the project of laws to Owen. It was the same thing the Gomdas did, losing their lives in the process. But times had changed. Oseone opposed him by declaring that Mutilator, when asked about this, opposed the plan. Owen almost hit him with his spear believing it to be a joke and a commoner nearly killed him. The project were approved with a crushing majority. Kele become son in law to Cahare by mating his his daughter Noya, bourguesie and commoners stroked eac others noses in sign of friendship, and for months they enjoyed life in a new Raptor empire.
In this atmosphere of popular approvation it was easy for Cahare to perform his econimic and social reforms, which were identical to the Gomdas. The council contrasted them everytime sending Oseone to Owen with him saying that Mutilator did not approve. Owen did not care about Mutilator and everytime his aim got better and better until Oseone shut himself home and never came out again.
On 858 A.N. The successorof Cahare were Gagii the Coelophysis and Pakani the Megaraptor, which ddaughter become the fourth mate after his third one, Shimasi, was divorced.
With Gagii and Pakani protecting his back as Alfa's; with his friendship with Kele and the financial support of Chuchip; with the council forced to agree with each and every one of his decisions; Cahare could go away from Raptonia to gain what he lacked: military glory and a loyal army.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to like (if you like), comment (so I can learn your opinion) and...follow I gues.