- Location
- A Better Future
To: The Argonian Assemblage, Windhelm
To those who would seek a future beyond the walls of Windhelm, you are invited to come to Winterhold. I offer unto the Argonians within your walls a new course. Those who wish to travel to our city will be offered equal rights with the Nords of our Hold, with the right to establish an Argonian Settlement of your own. Those who chose to assist in the establishment of this settlement will find their taxes excluded for three years from the date of arrival and a position on the Jarl's council for the representative of this township. Though hard labor will be needed in it's founding, with your aid wealth shall follow for Winterhold and all its citizens, Nord and Argonian alike. Those first to arrive and offer fealty will find favor in my eyes, but none shall find their reception by myself wanting. But let it be known to those who travel to Winterhold, skooma is banned within our borders. Those who use it will risk exile, those who deal it court death. Safe travels to those brave souls who make this trek and fair fortune to those who would remain.
Kyne Guide Your Way
Jarl Korir of Winterhold
A few dozen Argonians decide to make the journey to Winterhold, but the rest remain in Windhelm. It's already cold enough in Windhelm, and the Hist-children were not made for such a harsh and unforgiving climate.