Makes me think of a fic idea I've had for a kind of angra mainyu Taylor-they have a similar kind of 'bear all the sins/sacrifice' backstory vibe.

Yeah, I did think of Angra Mainyu a bit, but I'm not super familiar with Fate, so it was mostly in passing. If this was gonna turn into an alt!power, it'd probably end up feeling a bit like Angra Mainyu though. With the whole... saddled with the sins of others and all that shit.

Oof. I can see why you wrote that (and I always enjoy poking fun at the Worm fandom) but that's dark.
The next step is seeing it unironically shared on r/Wormfanfic as an example of how Blackwell acts by people who haven't read canon Worm :D

Lol. It wouldn't surprise me if there's readers out there that would buy into it. The same crowd that unironically go for like... abusive civilians in Naruto or whatever. I would hope we're past that point in the fandom, but... there's always a few that still go for it. Or maybe I just drop those fics and forget them?

Like I mentioned, the genesis for this idea was a thread in the subreddit a couple days ago about whether Winslow staff were actively malicious, or just incompetent. I got to thinking about if they are malicious then why, someone commented about the thought behind that fanon being that Taylor is basically a lightning rod for Sophia's aggression, and it morphed into this acid trip.

I've followed your profile since seein' your Pokémon fanfic. You can write, so I'm not going to cry or make demands about what setting you work from. Thanks for this trippy horror show, my heart just dropped when you said "Her sister's hands hold her…".

Heavy stuff. Plus, with your comment at the end… I feel bad for enjoying JinglyJangles' Burn Up fanfic now. We do… overindulge in fanfic protagonists' anguish.

My muse is a lazy brat that doesn't respond to requests. Hence why I've got 20k words of unfinished BNHA fic sitting for months, and then popped this out in one sitting.
But yes, you've been here for a long while, and I really appreciate that. It's funny you mentioned Noblesse Oblige - that was another where I worked my ass off on those chapters and struggled hard to get them out, and then lost momentum when I realized the story I was planning was some massive, 400k word epic in the vein of Worm. I've always been sad I didn't continue it, but also... I'm glad I didn't? I'd rather stop early on than lose momentum halfway through.

Burn Up is one of my favorite fics in the fandom. Maybe of any fandom. Top 10, at least. It's just so good. I do feel like Burn Up understands what a lot of bad, angsty fics don't - that the anguish is not an end to itself. Hurting the protagonist is not a substitute for... well, progression, growth, story... A lot of things. Too many people internalized not just the dreadful "queen of escalation" meme, but also "Being Taylor is Suffering."

And I think maybe we're all guilty of that at one time or another. There's a catharsis in watching characters have bad things happen to them, but it loses meaning without the contrast of something to balance it out. But a lot of bad fics just go "okay, we'll have her suffer and the rest will fall into place" and they just... don't work.

Anywho, thank you to everyone who commented. The reader reaction to Azazel has actually made me like it a bit better, honestly.
Does Your Skin Hang Low? (SV Lyric Game 2021 Contest Entry)
My entry for the SV 2021 Lyric RPG contest:

Does Your Skin Hang Low?

...if you're like me, and had never heard of Lyric RPGs before this contest, and you're not sure what they are... Well, judging from all the ones on, they're sort of dreary, sort of tongue in cheek games about being a queer creator creating a sort of dreary rpg. I say this with maximum hypocrisy, being a queer creator submitting exactly that sort of game to a contest for money to spend on rpg gamebooks.
My entry for the SV 2021 Lyric RPG contest:

Does Your Skin Hang Low?

...if you're like me, and had never heard of Lyric RPGs before this contest, and you're not sure what they are... Well, judging from all the ones on, they're sort of dreary, sort of tongue in cheek games about being a queer creator creating a sort of dreary rpg. I say this with maximum hypocrisy, being a queer creator submitting exactly that sort of game to a contest for money to spend on rpg gamebooks.
Wait wait wait. You read tabletop rpg gamebooks? Please share!

I'm currently reading a demo of Machina and Magic (drivethruRPG) and Legends of the Wulin (scribD) (plus the fanmade 1.5.2 fix for LotW). I could talk about them for a LONG time. I also have dozens of posts/analyses on mechanics for various systems. Check out if you're a proud nerd.

Good luck with the contest!
Wait wait wait. You read tabletop rpg gamebooks? Please share!

I'm currently reading a demo of Machina and Magic (drivethruRPG) and Legends of the Wulin (scribD) (plus the fanmade 1.5.2 fix for LotW). I could talk about them for a LONG time. I also have dozens of posts/analyses on mechanics for various systems. Check out if you're a proud nerd.

Good luck with the contest!

Sure do, bromigo. I get about 1 game of DnD a month with my friends, and I've amassed a nice little collection of gamebooks over the last couple years.

Off the top of my head:

-About 5 DnD Books (I get giftcards for donating blood, so anytime I donate, I spend the card on DnD books. My next appointment is next week, and I'm aiming to get Strixhaven then.)
-Never Going Home
-Maid The RPG
-Golden Sky Stories
-Fantasy Friends
-Monster of the Week
-Rod Reel and Fist
-Flying Circus (from an SV alumn!)
-Fire on the Velvet Horizon
-Tactical Waifu (I ran a oneshot of this about saving Santa from Krampus and his army of Communists last Christmas!)

I was really hoping for Deep Carbon Horizon: Remastered for Christmas this year, but my brother let me down there. The overall look and vibe to a lot of the LotFP rpgs is absolutely my shit. I also love Nechronica, though it's definitely a niche taste. I came very close to running a game of it a while ago, but ended up doing the Tactical Waifu one instead.

Winterfest is the first time I've done anything with actually designing an rpg, so it was a really fun change of pace. I'll have to check out the subreddit.
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