Scion of the Blue [Worm/Warcraft]

I'm not a fan of time dilation. If it was just a one of shift with Taylor being moved backwards in time and Earth and Azeroth run on the same time that'd be good. That's how it has happened in WoW in the past.
I previously gave it two thoughts on how the timings would work: time dilation with the Twisting Nether or everyone's favourite Bronze Dragon intervention. At this time I really have no preference for one over the other. The problem arises in that I have a rough outline from whenever we're at now to Legion and even into BFA and Shadowlands, and for perspective, the end of Legion is 33 years after The First War, the start of World of Warcraft is 8 years prior to that in year 25 after The First War.

That being said, I do like the narrative of her being sent back with just one disruption in time and continuing from there, as that was honestly not something I considered. It's far simpler and cleaner than any of the dilations and bronze interventions. Just keeping it simple. :) I'll give it some thought going forward, as we're still a bit away from having to worry about that particular problem :p
Honestly I'm just happy to see any kind of story involving dragons and Taylor Hebert regardless of potential time dilation issues or Taylor becoming some form of reptile... granted Lizard Taylor is a bonus IMO. :D
She isn't? The Spellweaver, that is to say, Malygos, is the one moping.
Tarecgosa using the word 'moping' is at odds with her demeanour, she is an ancient dragon and part of that is her vocabulary, she doesn't land and say "Hello Champion" She lands and says "Greetings Champion". Added to that is the reason Malygos is mourning is one that she can empathise on, it is unlikely that she disrespects the Aspect even if she disapproves of his actions.

If I can segue into IRL comparisons, despite Trump frequently posting on twitter throughout his term the news did not start talking about presidential rants or temper tantrums for a significant period, merely referring to him as being angry or expressing his displeasure. This was because of the respect to his office and professionalism, not because of personal feelings.
translations are provided in the AN more as a courtesy since they can be found externally
I tried that and occasionally they didn't work for some words or partially translated the sentence. Not sure what was going on.
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I tried that and occasionally they didn't work for some words or partially translated the sentence. Not sure what was going on.
That's mostly me applying some creative modifications to give a semblance of grammar to the direct translations. The site isn't perfect, and sometimes you have to be creative to get something that works.
Tarecgosa using the word 'moping' is at odds with her demeanour, she is an ancient dragon and part of that is her vocabulary, she doesn't land and say "Hello Champion" She lands and says "Greetings Champion". Added to that is the reason Malygos is mourning is one that she can empathise on, it is unlikely that she disrespects the Aspect even if she disapproves of his actions.
Ah, so that's what you mean, my mistake :) Good catch, then. I'll give it another pass on that once I get time (right now work is keeping me really busy and my schedule is packed until the weekend is over). It is something I try to be conscious about, differences in how characters speak and how they articulate :)
So... why can Taylor see in the dark, if only in greyscale?
Humans can actually see rather well in the dark if there's just some light. The reason to why she could see so well was mentioned in Chapter 2:
Then a thought struck her. It wasn't that she could see in the dark, the cave was slightly illuminated. She stood up and walked over to one of the cave's walls. The gashes were glowing, ever so slightly. A faint, almost unnoticeable, cyan glow, but enough to light up the cave, ever so slightly.
So... why can Taylor see in the dark, if only in greyscale?
All humans have sensors for color (cones) and black/white (rods). Cones require quite a bit more light to generate a signal, so when light is very low all you get is black and white images. It wasn't completely dark, just very dim.
She jots up, wide awake.
some minor issues like jot not jolt
Finally, the Oculus being the various discs and platforms floating in the skies high above the Nexus.
This sort of exposition is best delivered by or to an ignorant character, it's more natural that way. People tell a protagonist stuff in what would otherwise be infodumps but because they're to such a character it's a natural thing to exposit

In general it's fine, no discernible hook yet and perhaps a situation where starting in media res would be effective, but essentially inoffensive so good job for getting it on the page
The Other Perspective



[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Invalid handshake identifier.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Sleeping...


[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated.
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Invalid handshake identifier.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Sleeping...


[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Insufficient agitation level.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Sleeping...


[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated.
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Invalid handshake identifier.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Sleeping...


[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Invalid handshake identifier.
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Invalid handshake threshold reached.
[INFO][Host Observation Analysis Protocol] – Initializing...
[INFO][Host Observation Analysis Protocol] – Initialized, re-evaluating prospective Host aptitude...
[ERROR][Host Observation Analysis Protocol] – Host no longer valid candidate for Data acquisition.
[INFO][Host Observation Analysis Protocol] – Requesting Host Renewal...
[INFO][Host Observation Analysis Protocol] – Host Renewal approved...
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Resolving new Host...
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – New Host found...
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Reallocating resources for new Host observation...
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Request simulation for prospective Data.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Simulation received. Updating parameters for new Host.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Access granted for new Host observation. Relinquishing control to Handshake Protocol...


[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Insufficient agitation level.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Sleeping...


[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Insufficient agitation level.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Sleeping...



[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake initiated...
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Agitation threshold achieved!
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Building handshake packet.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Handshake packet complete.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Sending handshake packet...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet latency is higher than expected.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet received.
[ERROR][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet is corrupted.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Resending acknowledgement packet...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet latency is higher than expected.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet received.
[ERROR][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet is corrupted.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Analysing acknowledgement packet corruption.
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Unknown signature attached to packet.
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Requesting root hub analysis of unknown signature...
[INFO][Root:Administrator~] – Request to hub denied...
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Requesting processing resource allocation from internal databanks to study unknown signature...
[INFO][Root:Administrator~] – Request approved...
[INFO][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet resent...
[WARNING][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet latency is higher than expected.
[ERROR][Host Handshake Protocol] – Acknowledgement packet timed out.
[INFO][Root:Administrator~] – Standby for analysis...



[INFO][Root:Administrator~] – Standby for analysis...




[INFO][Root:Administrator~] – Standby for analys...


[Host Connection Protocol] – Host disconnected.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Reacquiring target Host.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Connection restored.


[Host Connection Protocol] – Host disconnected.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Reacquiring target Host.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Connection restored.


[Host Connection Protocol] – Host disconnected.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Reacquiring target Host.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Sending connection reinforcement packet.
[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Connection restored.


[Host Connection Protocol] – Host disconnected.
[INFO][Root:Administrator~] – Sleep Host Connection Protocol for 500 cycles.




[INFO][Host Renewal Protocol] – Reacquiring target Host.
[CRITICAL][Host Renewal Protocol] – Connection failed.
[INFO][Root:Administrator~] – Standby for instruction...
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A little thing for some... perspective. I said previously that everyone's favourite Shard did make an appearance in the previous chapter, and here is that perspective. Sort of :whistle:

And I just realize a bunch of formating broke. Joy. Lemme fix that.
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There is literally not enough to go on, I wanted to leave a informative but until we see something, I'll just wait for more. Warcraft yas. 👍 🤗 🤗 🤗
Mmm... this really didn't tell me much. If you want to write a shard's perspective, there are better ways than that.
QA can't connect to Taylor for some reason? There appears to be a third party breaching the Shard Network? Or at least dumping data on it?
It looks like Taylor completely failed to trigger. Like, she started too, then things went sideways (ie she went to Azeroth), then QA had severe difficulty, and eventually QA gave up for a while, and then QA couldn't find her anymore. Also, Zion asleep at the wheel, as normal.

So... non-parahuman!Taylor? At least so far.
Hm... so was the pain Taylor felt also partly due to QA being disconnected and trying to re-establish the connection?
Little bit of both that and magic having an adverse effect on her for now

QA's presence in Chapter 3 is extremely subtle.
She could feel something pushing against the pain, pushing against this overwhelming pain. She tried to follow the foreign presence, only to be abruptly cut off from it. It felt like a part of her had gone missing, and with it, a renewed wave of pain washed over her.

So... non-parahuman!Taylor? At least so far.
So yes, this is a non-parahuman!Taylor story. That's not she won't gain other ways to impose her will upon the world. As it stands right now, this is the last appearance of QA that we'll see. Probably. It may change, but at the very least Taylor will not get a power from QA.

If QA does make an appearance, it'll be as an overly excited, [DATA] hungry Shard who wants to analyse this foreign thing known as Magic. I have some thoughts on how I could go about this, but honestly this would be so far down the line it's not worth the effort to really consider it it more than these initial thoughts.

Heck, it may be a peeved QA who's annoyed [Projected Best Host] is doing so much interesting [DATA AQUISITION!] that she'll only be able to catch brief glimpses of. Although timeline hijinks also come into some play there, and I'm not sure how that'd go about, so it's easier just to exclude QA on that part. Thinking about it, depending how this goes about, QA's presence there may already be a plot hole... I must consider this.
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I love warcraft crossovers, though I do hope that you don't include the absolute failure of storytelling that was the Nexus War. That whole conflict made no sense to me. I mean everything was looking up for our boy Malygos, he had a few years prior found a massive hidden cache of eggs and Tyrygosa had restored his sanity with the power of the Netherwing. And then one of the wisest and most intelligent creatures in the world decides to strip the world of magic and assault the forces trying to stop the Litch King from killing everything. Such an utterly moronic storyline and a waste of a perfectly good character.

However that rant aside I am very happy to see Tarecgosa get some more love since the whole succession of Malygos was a pretty good storyline. Now I wonder what will happen to Taylor. Will she become a mage? Perhaps become a Dragonspawn or a Hiver-style dragon transformation? Given that Taylor apparently has no magic It seems to me that something drastic will be required.
I definitely think that Taylor will become a mage. I'm pretty sure Taylor will become Tarecgosa's apprentice, and that will probably take up a good portion of the story.
I'm not sure about a dragonspawn or dragon. Unless it's solely used as a powerup, both represent Taylor choosing Azeroth and the Blue Dragonflight over her father and Earth Bet , and her humanity. Because being transformed into a dragonspawn is a reward for service to a particular dragon or a Dragonflight, from what I remember.
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Tiny nitpick, why didn't Tarecgosa just give Taylor something to write with? Neither of them thought of it. Or she decided that magic would be more direct. Other than that the story is great.

Idea: Did Taracgosa just think Taylor was too stupid to know how to write, cause if so, I blame Dragon pride.
Tiny nitpick, why didn't Tarecgosa just give Taylor something to write with?
Simple oversight, really, and when you have the knowledge of the Blue Dragonflight at your disposal, I think it's natural to think of that first. Which is really what I did :p That said, I think the literacy on Azeroth is fairly high, which is why I had Tarecgosa bring a ton of books for Taylor to look at. What conclusions Tarecgosa drew from Taylor not being able to read them is a separate matter, but they weren't getting anywhere with the books themselves. Being of the Blue Dragonflight, the natural choice is to make use of magic. At least, this is my reasoning :D
Other than that the story is great.
Well time dilation is a real thing in warcraft. If you assume that the Twisting Nether is a omnipresent dimension that covers Earth Bet as well as Azeroth then it would even make sense for time to be all sorts of funky as it is explicitly stated to mess with time flow. For example Argus is roughly four times faster than Azeroth and the Army of the Light spent centuries fighting after the end of Warcraft 2, without the Human members aging that long normally.

So yeah, the Twisting Nether throws temporal consistency out the window. Also I really like this story and hope that you continue to write it as frankly there are too few good warcraft crossovers. Although, I do hope you don't end up nerfing the Champions as they are in lore what they show in game, namely that they are able to fight near armies on their own and there is word of god from the developers of the game that there are thousands of army killers upon Azeroth at this point.

Hell, the Legion is going to be hilariously upsetting to find out about, kinda puts things in perspective when you learn that there is a demon army that is large enough to begin cutting away infinities.
Idea: Did Taracgosa just think Taylor was too stupid to know how to write, cause if so, I blame Dragon pride.

writing comes after reading, and even in the jumbled up steampunk fantasy land that is Azeroth, I imagine that literacy rates aren't terribly high among the commoners. Even in modern times, we're only at roughly 86% literacy globally. Go back 150 years and it probably closer to 25% than 50%. Lack of knowledge to read/write is a valid concern.

In other news, excellent story. Little sad that QA is getting sidelined, but I look forward to where you go with it.

I'd love to see a fix or omake where Taylor "saves" Earth Bet at the head of an army of Ahn Qi'Raji or Nerubians.
Heh, it wasn't until World War 1 that the British Army had regiments where everyone was literate, decades after education became compulsory and free in what was arguably the richest and most advanced country in the world at the time. Now folks that try to make to see the Blue dragonflight probably have a higher than average chance of being literate, but I haven't seen any of the Warcraft fluff to know the literacy rates of Azeroth. That said, I wouldn't be surprised for game reasons that they haven't come up for some explanation of high literacy rates there.