School Principal Quest (Nanoha)

[X] Yes, like a normal cram school.
-[X] Have it cost money for them to attend. (+2 income)
Vote locked.

[X] Yes, like a normal cram school.
-[X] Have it cost money for them to attend. (+2 income)
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Aug 30, 2018 at 6:05 PM, finished with 97 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
    [X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
    -[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.
    [X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
    -[X] Also teach them how to read manuals.
    [X] fire Gempachi
School Starts II
AN: Keeping track of all the students is strictly optional for this quest. I, of course, will be tracking all of it as I am writing it. In any case much of it will still focus on Hayate and administrative shenanigans. Also sorry for the long wait, but also I don't plan on ending this quest if you are worried and if I do end it I will (eventually) say so unless I literally die. Right now I have several ideas for the next few updates, so if it weren't for school and being exhausted it'd be pretty fast; the drag with this chapter was the scenes hated me and didn't want to exist.

Class 1-A: Homeroom

"It is time to choose class president. You will decide between yourselves who will get the privilege," Signum says to the class. She motions for them to discuss, then remains silent, watching.

Koji jumps into the air and pumps his fist. He is so ready for this! "I volunteer as tribute!"

"Ew, Koji? You aren't good at anything mister average child." Masa, a girl from his elementary school says from across the room. 'Child' is the meaning of his name; some kids used that to bully him at his old school, so he took martial arts to defend himself. Not that it helped against words.

"I'm not going to be the average kid anymore. This is a magic school! I'm going to be the best!"

"Give it a rest, man. They're never going to choose you," Eisuke says from the seat next to him.

"We should all calm down. There is no point in arguing," says a blonde haired girl with a soft voice. "We should choose the most qualified person."

"Yeah! Yuriko should be class president, she's the best!" Another girl shouts.

"Well, I wouldn't mind," the blonde girl says. Koji presumes she is Yuriko.

"She's so smart she gets a hundred on every test! And she works at a homeless shelter helping people."

"Ugh, I'm never going to win against her," Koji mutters to Eisuke. She probably isn't all that great anyways, he thinks, but no one would believe him.

"Just don't try." He leans back in his seat. "Can't beat 'em."

"Please Sakura, don't brag for me." Yuriko says. "Is there anyone else who wants to be class president? I don't want to stop anyone from volunteering." There are a few murmurings of negatives, but no one speaks up. Koji is about to stand up again when Eisuke just shakes his head. He frowns, but gives in to his new friend. Yuriko seems pretty popular already, and Koji doesn't want to become a loner or something like that.

"Meh, class president is too many responsibilities. Everyone knows that," Eisuke states.

Koji slumps in his chair as everyone in the class agrees for Yuriko to be class president. He should've known he couldn't compete with the rich popular girl. Well, he assumes she's rich. TV has prepared this knowledge for him! His genre savvyness cannot possibly be wrong!

Class 1-B: Homeroom

In another part of the school, Otsu frowns at the boy Yoshitake as he begins to speak. "I, of course, am the most qualified to be class president. If anyone disagrees, I would agree to hear them out of course, as I fully believe in discussion."

"Well in that case I would like to be class president," Yoshe says. She is a beautiful girl, and has an assertive voice. "You are far too crass to be."

"Oh? I apologize if I seemed that way. Though truly, a beauty such as yourself would know." Yoshitake smiles dazzlingly.

"Well, maybe I was wrong about you," Yoshe responds in an annoyingly high pitched voice. "You might be a great class president." Otsu frowns. That was a remarkably fast change in opinion. Like, she completely changed her mind in about five seconds.

"Yoshe, did you really change your mind in about five seconds?"

"Yes. I reserve the right to change my opinion whenever I'd like, Otsu. Stubbornness is not a positive trait."

"That's-" Technically not wrong. "Just doesn't happen."

"Yes it does. It just did."

"Well if no one disagrees then I'm class president!" Yoshitake strides up to the teacher. "Mister Zafira, I believe we are all decided."

The Belkan man grunts. "Does no one disagree? Alright then." He peculiarly doesn't write a note down. Otsu scowls at the exchange. He bulldozed right through everyone, and didn't give anyone a chance to put themselves forward.

Class 1-A: Period 2, PE

Koji stands outside on the school field. The one teaching this class is that girl who looks younger than any of them, Vita.

"Ugh, I hope we don't have to do anything. Gym class is the worst. So is gym not-class, now that I think about it." Eisuke says.

"Oh, come on." Koji rolls his eyes. "You have to work hard to get anywhere. Didn't you tell me you took martial arts too?"

"Yeah, but only so I could tell people I did."

"You're the worst kind of lazy."

"Listen up!" Vita shouts. "Magic can be very grueling work, as you saw yesterday. Therefore, I'm going to get you into shape. We'll start with five laps around the school. Go!"

"Ugh, laps? This is the worst. She isn't even doing them." Eisuke complains.

"Don't talk so loud! She'll hear us." Koji shushes Eisuke. He doesn't want to get in trouble already!

"Alright Eisuke, you don't want to do the laps so bad? Fine. You can do double." Vita says to him.

"How does she know my name already?" Eisuke whispers to Koji, who shrugs. She is a teacher after all. They just know things. Even when they look like little girls.

"And if anyone else wants to complain about me not doing laps, let me put your minds at ease. I don't need to do them." She pauses for a moment. "Did I say you didn't have to start? Go! Anyone not finished with the five laps in twenty minutes has to do double with Eisuke." The girl starts running on the path, easily many times as fast as Koji sprinting despite her shorter legs.

Koji blanches and quickly starts to run, following her with the rest of the class. She quickly runs out of sight, and by the time he has finished the first lap she is standing at the beginning, looking not even a bit out of breath and bored.

Fifteen minutes later Koji pants and falls to his knees.

"So… tired…"

Masa passes him on her fourth lap, rolling her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, idiot."

"Get up! You finished early, but overworked yourself." Vita looks slightly down at him. "Do not do that. Unlike what many on Earth believe, overworking yourself just leads to injury."

"Yes ma'am!"

Class 1-B: Period 5, Magic Theory

Otsu blinks in surprise as the teacher for the class walks in.

"Oh look, we're being taught magic by a fairy," Ryo whispers to her.

"I'm sure you are all wondering what I am," the teacher begins. "After all, it's not every day that your teacher is six inches tall! Well, now it will be. I am what is known as a Unison Device, a Sapient AI designed to boost and help control a mage's magic–specifically Hayate's."

"Terminator! I mean, uh, I'll be quiet now," a boy says. She thinks his name is Kenzo.

Reinforce pauses for a moment, then laughs. "I am in no danger of killing everyone, don't worry. Now let's begin!" A screen appears in front of the wall, and it quickly becomes apparent this is going to take the place of chalk boards. They really do have the newest technology for this school. Unless if it's magic? No, it would look more magic-y then.

After class Otsu notices Poemu has a pensive look on her face. "Poemu? What's wrong?"

"Reinforce didn't know what the Terminator is."

"Uh, yeah she did. Duh, she made a joke about it," Ryo mocks.

Poemu frowns. "No, she paused before saying anything. She's an android so she was looking it up."

"I think you're looking too much into this," Ryo says.

"Yeah, so what if she doesn't know about it anyways? It's not like it's that weird," Otsu says. "Maybe she just doesn't watch American movies."

"But-whatever. That wasn't my point," Poemu mutters.

"Gerietgns sdtuntes*," a puppy says as he walks into the room. "That's Midchildan for 'hello class'. Midchildan is the most common language used in the Time-Space Administrative Bureau, the largest confederation of planets in the dimensional sea. That is why I will be teaching you it."

Yoshe raises her hand. "So you and the other teachers are from other planets? You're aliens?"

"Don't steal my cows," Kenzo mutters in the back of the room, getting a few laughs. He probably thinks he's funny.

"Except for Reinforce and I, we are all humans, and only Signum, Shamal, Vita, and I are not from Earth."

"Will we get to see the planet you're from?" Otsu impulsively asks.

"No. It is impossible to go to Belka. We will go on a field trip to Midchilda, the capital, once I feel you are all proficient enough in speaking their language."

Yoshe raises her hand again. "Why can't we go to Belka? Is it dangerous?"

"Belka got destroyed through their foolish experiments and wars. It does not exist anymore." The puppy stares at Yoshe grimly. The class goes quiet for a moment. A grim puppy telling horror stories: Otsu can't help but giggle at the sight, causing a few raised eyebrows sent her way.

She should, uh, make sure people know she isn't laughing at a planet being destroyed. "I wasn't laughing at that! Planets being destroyed is bad." There, that works. "It's just–" she can't talk about him being a puppy, he's the teacher. "Um. Yeah."

Principals Office: After school

"Hayate! This is unacceptable." Gempachi, the industrial arts teacher, walks up to Hayate after school with a scowl.


"Where are the black boards? How can I teach without anything to write on to show the students? I have to just lecture with no demonstrations? Ridiculous."

"We don't have any. We're teaching students how to use magic, we're hardly going to use ordinary Earth materials. The packet addressing how this school is different than normal should address how to use the video projector." When she researched modern schools she found video projectors are already well in use. The Midchildan ones are easy to use as well; her Wolkenritter tested them out and found it easy.

"Those instructions don't make any sense! I don't know how to use any technology except typing on the computer. It's not just me either; I've talked to Omezo and Masayoshi who agree we are in dire need. We do things traditionally here in Japan. You're really not showing knowledge on how to lead a school." He patronizingly glowers at Hayate.

She tries to stay professional. "You should've brought this up earlier. Even if I order it now they wouldn't arrive for weeks."

"Bleh, use your space magic to figure it out. You have that alien technology right?"

"That's–well. I'm not quite sure…"

"Get sure, then. Or I will."

Hayate frowns. That seems like a threat. She'll have to somehow deal with that as well. These board appointed teachers feel like more trouble than they're worth.

[] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
-[] Optional: Write-in how you will get them to the school and installed as fast as possible.
[] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
[] Tell him to figure something out.
[] Write-in

*As Midchildan is represented by English, and this is written in English, when people who don't speak it hear it, it will be represented by having the middle of words jumbled around. If you can read it anyways have some air cookies. (They're >99.9% air!)
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Aug 29, 2018 at 5:30 PM, finished with 94 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
    [X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
    -[X] Also teach them how to read manuals.
    [X] fire Gempachi
    [X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
    -[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Sep 3, 2018 at 7:14 PM, finished with 115 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
    [X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
    -[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.
    [X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
    -[X] Also teach them how to read manuals.
    [X] fire Gempachi
[X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
-[X] Also teach them how to read manuals.
Last edited:
[X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
-[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.
[X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
-[X] Also teach them how to read manuals.

Freaking Luddites....

[X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
-[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.
I do also like this one, however.
Sure, why not

[X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
-[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.
[X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
-[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.
[X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
-[X] Also teach them how to read manuals.

Give not one inch; bastard is just trying to score points, so let's not play his game.
[X] Teach the other teachers how to use the Midchildan video technology.
-[X] Also teach them how to read manuals.

Give not one inch; bastard is just trying to score points, so let's not play his game.
While this is my preferred way to handle it just because he's being a dick, I wouldn't be opposed if "order only one board and make the teachers rotate through it" wins just as a way of showing that we can be reasoned with.
While this is my preferred way to handle it just because he's being a dick, I wouldn't be opposed if "order only one board and make the teachers rotate through it" wins just as a way of showing that we can be reasoned with.
Strictly speaking, neither would I. But he was not very reasonable; he was rude, demanding, and incompetent, because he - as pointed out - could have told us this earlier, or simply requested and/or taught himself to use the technology provided. Instead, we get this posturing piece of crap, which I have very low patience for.

And part of the charm of make-believe is that I can go for the less pragmatic, more entertaining option when dealing with douchebags.