Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)

Another thing I found kind of damning about Houndog is that it felt like he had already decided what was wrong or at least enough of it to try something without ever talking to her before.
Ok. I said I'd write a more detailed post about a few things that have been bothering me with how this story has been progressing and this is that post.

Part of the reason I've been struggling to actually write this post is because I don't want it to come off as a giant pile of criticism, since those are rarely appreciated or particularly helpful, so I'd like to preface everything else by saying this isn't meant as a knock on the story or the quality of your writing —I wouldn't bother with this type of post if I hadn't been enjoying Schnee: Hero or Huntress— and a lot of what I'm going to say is subjective.

Rather than starting by talking about issues, I think it'll be more productive to look at things in the context of the four types of stories they suggest:

  1. A What-If style story that explores how Weiss's presence could change the world and canon plot of MHA.
  2. An adventurous story about Weiss's quest to return home or, failing that, her struggles to build a place for herself in a strange new world.
  3. A fluffy slice-of-life where we enjoy the small triumphs and trials of Weiss's new daily life in a world where she's surrounded by genuinely good people and humanity isn't confined to fortress cities besieged by a sea of monsters.
  4. A deeper story focused on the psychology of a girl who finds herself alone in a strange land, after suffering repeated trauma, the opportunity for healing that allows, and the effort required to heal or the effects of failing to heal.
You could easily write a story that only does one of those things. —For example, a story that focuses on Weiss's quest might relegate the canon plot to the background, despite happening alongside it, so a lack of any meaningful changes wouldn't matter, because the focus isn't on those events, and a slice-of-life story might cut out most of the fighting all together, because it's less important than day-to-day interactions between characters.— Similarly, you can write a compelling story that mixes the four of them in almost any combination. Where you run into trouble is when the story awkwardly flirts with all four, while not consistently executing on any of them or presenting a new basis for engagement, and that's the scenario I think Hero or Huntress increasingly finds itself in.

Let's go through them one at a time.

The What-If style is probably the most obvious with this story's setup: If Weiss were to show up on MHA Earth, what would happen? Unfortunately, while Weiss has shown up, we're not seeing that second part. There's been some cross talk between the story of MHA and the story of Weiss on Earth, but it's mostly been on the level of flavor details. People talk about her music and she's the class rep, instead of Ida —not that it's stopped him from filling his canon role, up to and including announcing the alarms were caused by reporters after launching himself into the cafeteria's exit sign in 6-4— but canon's story doesn't hinge on details like who's the class rep and what music does everyone listen to. Similarly, the context for some events in Weiss's story might come from canon, but it's not providing anything unique, to the point where I'd wager you could swap MHA for Sailor Moon and still have most things play out the same way, just by swapping some minor details.

To an extent, this can be excused, especially early in the story. Nothing about Weiss's initial appearance on earth would necessarily change the events of early canon —though there's also nothing preventing her from causing more immediate ripples— and there's actually quite a good argument for keeping things mostly on the rails until class 1-A is established, since that gives you time to establish Weiss's place in the world and a good foundation for the rest of the story. I think the USJ arc is where the lack of change really starts becoming noticeable, because that's the first part where the story has set up the potential for major changes without following through.

While it's from a semi-canon side story, on SB, the idea of Weiss training Yu opens up the possibility of her pre-USJ fight going differently and either removing the need for All Might's intervention or changing his arrival time, in some way. It did neither. More importantly, despite Weiss cutting through her group fairly quickly and arriving in time to aid Aizawa, reducing the pressure from the lesser villains and cutting off Shigaraki and Kurogiri's ability to interfere, things end roughly the same way. Even Weiss's ability to hold off the Nomu and aid All Might didn't really have an impact. Aizawa still takes roughly the same injuries, including the damage to his eye, and needs to be carried out by Deku and Asui; All Might still ends the fight by going past 100% and blowing the Nomu away; and the main villains still get away. Sure, Shigaraki lost the tip of one finger and has an extra reason to hate Weiss, but it's hard to believe All for One and/or the doctor won't be able to fix his finger almost immediately and the extra hatred is, at best, set up for another future change, not a meaningful change on its own.

This wouldn't be a problem if Weiss was proactively doing her own thing, but she's been largely passive, without any major goals, for most of this story. Technically, she set herself the goal of becoming a successful singer, and did just that, but this isn't a story about Weiss's burgeoning music career or the burdens of being an Idol in Japan. She was immediately successful in her efforts, with almost every character we've seen having heard of her and enjoying her music, and she dismisses overly pushy fans with the same easy disdain she does almost every other social encounter. Beyond that, she's already given up on trying to go home, never showed any interest in trying to figure out how she got here, and hasn't even considered looking for anyone else from Remnant. She occasionally chafes at being treated like a 15 year old, despite being somewhere between a college freshman and graduate, but she never does anything about it and mostly goes along with that treatment. She's constantly complaining about the quality of the people around her, or at least her perception of it, but never does anything to change that situation or seek out people she can trust and rely on, despite having much more control over that part of her life than she did back on Remnant.

This is Weiss's story, but it seems like she's along for the ride as much as we are. The girl who ran away from home and smuggled herself out of Atlas, while it was under military lockdown, has shown no interest in controlling her own life.

It's a bit trickier to talk about the slice-of-life aspect, but the issue here mostly boils down to us just not seeing much of cast's daily life, outside the classroom and the events of MHA canon. Just as importantly, Weiss's internal monologue is dominated by a continuous refrain of contempt for almost everyone around her, it even breaks into moments that are supposed to showcase her trauma.

Which leads us into the psychological aspect. For the most part, I'd say the primary problem has been a lack of consistency, both in terms of how things are portrayed and how they line up with what we know about Weiss and Remnant. I think the most jarring example of this was Weiss breaking down and needing to rationalize the villains as dying from their wounds, rather than as a result of her actions, despite previously not having trouble thinking about their deaths or acknowledging that she had likely caused the indirect deaths of numerous members of the White Fang during the train ride from Mountain Glenn and the Fall of Beacon. Those scenes felt like they would have been more appropriate coming from Bakugo, Deku, or Todoroki after finding out a villain they thought they had only disabled had actually died from their injuries —which isn't hard to imagine, given the kind of firepower they throw around— not someone from Remnant, who was training to be a huntress, and who had already been through everything Weiss has.

On that same note, the idea that the only tool she has for dealing with emotional trauma is halfhearted repression doesn't really make sense. As others have noted, Remnant is big on self-expression and Weiss is no exception to that, with both her music and interactions with others showing off her willingness to express her honest opinion unless something is actively stopping her, and sometimes even that isn't enough. More importantly, grimm are attracted to negative emotions, not the outward display of negative emotions. Just putting on a mask and bottling everything up is very likely to make things worse, so I'd expect it to be actively discouraged on Remnant, even in Atlas. Remember, Mantle's policies weren't just about keeping your emotions to yourself. Their bans were meant to eliminate things that would engender strong emotions in the first place, so there'd be nothing to repress.

Beyond the inconsistencies, there has also been a certain ham-handedness to how these topics have been addressed, which is a major problem for a story that wants to put a strong focus on the experience of psychological trauma and the process of recovery. The hallucinations have been intrusive and inorganic, to the point where I have previously wondered if they were meant to represent PTSD or some sort of external interference and judged the later more likely, despite more recent scenes suggesting that they were supposed to be the former. If the portrayal of trauma makes it unclear that it's supposed to actually be trauma, it becomes hard to have a discussion about its effects or treatment.

At the same time, the treatment portion has been mostly non-existent and now that it's been brought up explicitly, I'm even more concerned. In a story that didn't want to focus on mental trauma, the last chapter might have been fine; just a one-off meeting with an awful school councilor that gets played for laughs and then blown off with gusto. Unfortunately, this story wants to take psychological trauma seriously, which means we need to take its treatment seriously, and that means we were just treated to a scene where Weiss was coerced into seeing a mental health professional who showed no respect for her as a person, any trauma she may have been sent there to discuss, and the very real signs of distress she displayed on entering. Regardless of how it gets followed up, that scene was wildly uncomfortable and kind-of gross.

TL;DR: I have four major concerns about the direction of this story:

  1. Everything of any significance is going according to canon, even when the story has set up potential changes.
  2. Weiss has shown almost no personal agency, nor has she set any meaningful goals for herself. She has mostly allowed others to determine her course, even when she wants to do something else.
  3. We don't see enough slices of life for the story to function as a slice of life and Weiss's internal monologue is, more often than not, caustic for little reason.
  4. The treatment of mental and emotional issues has been extremely inconsistent and somewhat ham-handed. This has, on occasion, been extremely uncomfortable.
Only the last issue is really a problem on its own, but when taken together they make the story start to feel pallid. Even if most of the individual chapters remain enjoyable, the overall experience has become less so.

As I said at the start, most of this is highly subjective and despite everything I've written there's still a lot to like about this story. Still, I felt compelled to post my thoughts on the matter. I hope you find them helpful or at least informative as to how some of your readers might think.
Everything of any significance is going according to canon, even when the story has set up potential changes.
I appreciate your concerns, so I will confirm some things that may or may not ease them.

1. Changes to canon will happen after the Sport's Festival or even during it.

Weiss has shown almost no personal agency, nor has she set any meaningful goals for herself. She has mostly allowed others to determine her course, even when she wants to do something else.
2. That shall start once said changes happen
We don't see enough slices of life for the story to function as a slice of life and Weiss's internal monologue is, more often than not, caustic for little reason.
3. Very understandable. Adding more slice of life chapters would clog up the storyline I have in mind, so I try to add a chapter here or there in the main story, while adding more as canon omakes.
The treatment of mental and emotional issues has been extremely inconsistent and somewhat ham-handed. This has, on occasion, been extremely uncomfortable.
Also understandable. I'm not a professional when it comes to dealing with mental issues.

You make plenty of valid points, and I'm glad that you're still reading despite the many mistakes in the story. I'm an average author at best, and I enjoy reading constructive critiscm because it helps me improve my writing, so thank you.
3. Very understandable. Adding more slice of life chapters would clog up the storyline I have in mind, so I try to add a chapter here or there in the main story, while adding more as canon omakes.

I figured it was something along those lines. I mostly included it because there have been some elements of slice of life—which have been enjoyable— and because it's the style that, to my mind, most easily fits the current ... let's call it "go with the flow structure" of the current story. I agree that trying to add more to the main story would likely be detrimental and canon omakes or the occasional pressure release chapter are a good place for them.

1. Changes to canon will happen after the Sport's Festival or even during it.

2. That shall start once said changes happen

These two statements, however, are more concerning. While I am glad to hear that things will start to change, and that Weiss will start to do more, waiting roughly 8 arcs and more than 100k words, by the time you get there, to start having things change and to start having the main character show more agency is a bit problematic. Like I said, it makes sense to start things slow, but you shouldn't take it too far and it's not like you haven't given yourself plenty of opportunities to make Weiss drive things off the rails before now.

That said, this discussion is probably more relevant to future planning and future stories, rather than this one. Maybe consider having Weiss start to chart her own course, or at least start questioning what she's doing and the decisions and events that have brought her here, sooner rather than later. After all, she already has a ton of internal reasons to do that, even without whatever inciting incident you have planned.
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Time passed by rather quickly, and soon the day of the Sports Festival arrived. Weiss spent her time after school and therapy, which primarily consisted of card games that Mr. Inui was teaching her, finishing up her new weapon, the paperwork that allowed her to use it being approved, and practicing as best as she could without Myrtenaster, which felt a bit weird, but it was doable. Myrtenaster would stay at home for now, locked away in the case next to her bed. Wielding a weapon that wasn't her beloved sword felt weird, almost as if Weiss was cheating on Myrtenaster. She lifted the blunt replica of Myrtenaster in her hands, swinging it softly as its unsharpened edge tore through the air.

Dolt's steel wasn't as durable as Myrtenaster's Atlesian steel, but her aura should be able to reinforce it. Sadly, Dolt's Dust chambers would remain empty today, instead of being filled to the brim with various types of Dust powders and crystals. She didn't need people looking into the fact that she could literally light Dolt on fire, and sprout ice from the ground with the flick of a switch and with some help from her glyphs. Using Dust back at the USJ was already a huge risk. Thought, perhaps she should bring some electricity Dust, just in case she needed to use time dilation. It wasn't as obvious as the other kinds. Weiss grabbed a vial and slid it into her blazer's pocket.

"Are you ready to go Weissy! I'll make you walk to school if you aren't!" Yu shouted, her voice faintly carried by the artificial wind that their AC unit created. Placing Dolt into the new case that Hatsume had helped her build, Weiss gave the unworthy weapon one last look, her eyes scanning each rune that she had personally etched.

"I'm coming!" Weiss closed the case, securing the locks before easily holding over her shoulder, her backpack also securely in place.

"You better not disappoint me, Dolt." Only then shall the imitation be able to gain a worthy name,

"I'll be outside patrolling with Shinji and Death Arms. UA's checkbook is pretty decent when they want to hire security." Yu gave Weiss a wink. "I'll be cheering for you from the steamed bun stand." Life had taken an abrupt turn, with Yu's career as a hero steadily rising. She was famous now, and had more money thanks to her endorsements and commercials that she filmed. Life was good for the gigantification hero.

Patrols and endorsements took up most of her time, which seemed to have combined with Weiss' busy schedule, resulting in the two hardly seeing each other anymore, which made Yu feel bad.

"If you keep eating all of the free samples, you're going to rip your costume." Weiss said dryly, her eyes focused on the road ahead of them. She formed a smirk.

"Good thing it stretches." Yu shrugged as she pulled up near the curve. A crowd was already starting to gather, with reporters attempting to interview any student that walked past. Biting her bottom lip as Weiss started to unlock her seatbelt and the door, Yu reached out a hand and placed it on the younger girl's shoulder. "You know, I'll be proud of you no matter what happens, right?'

Weiss only gave her a small smile and a slight nod. "I know, thank you, Yu."

Yu smiled back, patting the tsundere on the shoulder gently. "I'm sure you're going to kill the competition." Weiss flinched softly, but Yu squeezed her shoulder just barely.

Hopefully Weiss didn't take that literally.

Weiss kept her back straight, feeling Dolt's weight distribution that had taken weeks of preparation, with Hatsume's help of course. The eccentric girl had wanted to outfit Weiss' new weapon with dozens of new additions, all of which Weiss denied. She didn't have time to make any additions to her fighting style, and was already handicapped without using her Dust crystals. Electricity would serve only as a last resort. She would actually prefer if she didn't have to use, as hard as they were to reproduce.

"I still find it unfair that you can bring a sword." Kaminari said, his eyes aimed at Dolt. The entirety of Class 1-A were loitering in their designated room somewhere inside the Sports Festival Stadium. Her friends were scattered around the room, with Mina stretching and Kyouka seated next to the electricity boy.

"This sword is a core element of my quirk, allowing me to control it." Weiss lied as easily as she breathed. "And I don't remember you filling out the proper paperwork to bring in a piece of support equipment." She narrowed her eyes.

Kaminari raised his hands defensively. "Chill out Ice Queen, I'm just saying. I'm just saying that it's a bit unfair " Even if he was saying, Weiss was not amused.

"Ha! Ice Queen! Do you get it?" Hagakure laughed from her spot at the plain table seated in the middle of the room.

"He is right." Ojiro spoke up from his spot near Mina. "They didn't let us wear our costumes to keep it fair."

"Then Aoyama shouldn't be able to use his belt by that logic." Weiss scoffed, motioning her hands towards the feminine blond. "But he also filled out the proper paperwork in order to use it, so it's not against the rules."

That seemed to shut the tail boy up thankfully, who went back to stretching silently.

"You're not wrong Weissy, but you could have used a different tone." Kyouka finally spoke up with one eye open. Was she taking a nap?

Weiss shrugged as she finished doing her last minute checkup of Dolt.

"Alright everyone, it should be about time for our turn to enter." Weiss said loudly, marching towards the middle of the room. The room's atmosphere turned a bit darker, which was understandable. The moment the festival began, they would all be rivals for first place. "I hope you're ready to give your best."

"Schnee!" A calm voice said from off to the side. Hm, this was the first time Todoroki spoke directly to her. Was he finally tired of staring at her? The rest of the class stared at the two of them nervously, minus the dog who glared at everyone like an idiot.

"What is it?" Weiss narrowed her eyes as the taller boy walked up to her slowly.

"Looking at this objectively, you're physically stronger than me, faster too." Of course she was, Weiss had been in life or death situations. Todoroki's voice was monotone, as his eyes hardened.

"Whatever you're saying, spit it out." Weiss tightened her fingers into a fist.

"You may be faster, and stronger, but I have more firepower than you. Even though you may be a distant family member of mine, I won't be holding back." Todoroki said, his monotone voice filled with conviction. "I'm going to beat you."

Those five words started a loud commotion, with most of the class shouting in agreement.

"Same here!"

"You're going down Schnee!"

The rooms atmosphere immediately lightened with fierce determination, with the majority of the class having serious looks on their faces, from Iida to Midoriya. That only seemed to make the dog scowl even more. Weiss smirked as she flipped her ponytail off of her shoulder.

"I hope you all put your money where your mouth is."

Wait, what did he say about family?!

"I can't believe that you're so shameless." Kamui Wood sighed as Yu happliy ate the free takoyaki she had been given. Give a guy a few nose bleeds and a blush and he'll do whatever you tell him too. Her costume being skintight certainly helped as well, plus her killer body.

"Don't be jealous, I'm hot. Old Midnight has nothing on me." Mt. Lady took a bite of the fried food.

"We aren't jealous." Death Arms grumbled. The trio wandered around the festival grounds, officially working as security, indicated by the lanyards and IDs that they wore.

"Whatever you two say." Yu finished the takoyaki, dumping the cardboard container in a nearby trash can. "Let's get some coffee before the games start. I don't want to miss Weiss kicking butt, and I want to get rid of the onion taste in my mouth."

Shinji gave her a blank stare, and sighed for the hundredth time that day. "That sign says Baked Alaskan coffee, buy it there so we can find a decent spot at a monitor around here."

"Too bad Nighteye's already taken, cause that would've been the perfect hero name for you Wood." Mt. Lady grinned as she walked through the crowd, thankfully without any perverts attempting to touch her. "Do you two want anything?"

"Just get your coffee." Death Arms said tensely.

"Alright alright, no need to get your tighty whities in a bunch." Mt. Lady waved him off as she walked up to the stands counter. A rather handsome man wearing a bowler hat and an eyepatch stood behind it, with a little blonde girl with a top hat sitting next to him.

"Why hello there. Are you a bank? Cause you certainly have my interest." The coffee man blinked, not being able to wink with only one eye. The blonde girl scowled, but remained silent. Blushing softly, Mt. Lady wiggled in place for just a second and placed a hand above her rather generous bosom.

"I'll take a small americano please." Yu said sweetly. Coffee man nodded with a smirk.

"That'll be five hundred yen." Coffee man said as the blonde girl finally got up and started playing with the coffee machines.

"Oh, I'm not sure I have that much. You know how girl pockets are the worst." Mt. Lady wiped a fake tear from the corner of her eye. She could feel Kamui Wood and Death Arm staring at her. Coffee man gave her a blank one eyed stare.

"Himiko, cancel that order."



I told you all that I would be back on the 20th of this month. Updates will be slower as I bounce between this and Not an Egg, my Sonic/Worm crossover. I managed to start that and update Lore Khepri during my short break, so congrats to my worm readers!

On another good note, Schnee H or H has surpassed Chimera as my most viewed story on FFN despite its four year head start with over 226,000 views in just a few months! Thank you all for your support!

Question of the day:

Didja miss me?! Or more specifically, the story?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
Awwww yis. It's back!

Also these children are pretty antagonistic to someone with with a confirmed kill count. Like I kinda remember that it was covered up but I absolutely do remember her showing up covered in blood and being like "Don't worry none of its mine"

Absolutely in character. Just a weird thoight.
"EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" The image of Present Mic screaming appeared on the giant screens that were carefully placed around the stadium. The sold out stadium roared to life, excitement and curiosity filling the air, along with the smell of sweat. "PAY ATTENTION LISTENERS AND VIEWERS HERE IN PERSON AND AT HOME! THIS YEARS RODEO IS ABOUT TO BEGIN! EVERYBODY, ARE YOU READY?!"

The crowd started screaming again, everyone's combined voices sounding like thunder. Many even clapped along. Present Mic's grin never left his face.


Weiss was used to large crowds, thanks to her concerts back on Remnant and the few that she had here. Being such a well known figure also allowed her to become rather comfortable with stares from thousands if not millions of people. Schnee's did not get stage fright, Father made sure to beat that out of her from a young age. Walking onto the field with her classmates would be the easiest part of today's events.

"T-There's so many people." Mineta mumbled as he waddled behind her, his voice just barely being heard over the screams and shouts from the crowd.

"Thank you for stating the obvious Mr. Perceptive." Weiss grumbled as their class formed up. Class 1-A were the first ones out on the field it seemed. The other classes soon started emerging from their respective tunnels.

"PRESENTING THE CLASS WITH WILLS OF STEEL, THE NEW STARS WHO FACED OFF AGAINST VILLAINS COURAGEOUSLY, CLASS 1-A!" Present Mic shouted, his excited form visible on large screens for everyone to see. A bandaged Mr. Aizawa sat next to him, not even moving an inch or showing an ounce of excitement.

"WE LOVE YOU WEISS!" A rather loud shriek came from a row of white haired individuals-wait a minute. Were those wigs? Weiss' eyes widened slightly at an entire row of people wearing her merchandise, all while chanting her name. A rather muscular person, Weiss couldn't tell their gender from how far away they were, even holding up a large poster with her face on it. Well, as creepy as that was, at least she had more people than just Yu rooting for her.

Forming her idol smile, Weiss waved in their direction. There were too many cameras here to ignore them. "Thank you!" Her fans' screams were drowned out by the roars of the rest of the stadium. This was starting to remind her of the Vytal Festival, minus the invasion of Grimm and the White Fang attack.

Shutting her eyelids tightly for just the briefest of seconds, Weiss took a deep breath. This wouldn't be like the Vytal Festival, no one would die, they wouldn't lose, not on Weiss' watch. Opening her eyes again, they turned to her fellow classmates, many who seemed nervous by the large crowd.

"THEY HAVEN'T BEEN GIVEN MUCH SCREEN TIME, BUT CLASS 1-B IS JUST AS TALENTED." Present Mic continued introducing the other classes, from general studies to the support and business course. Hatsume would be causing everyone quite a bit of trouble with her 'babies', but that was their problem now. With all of the first years now gathered upon the field, Weiss slowed her breathing.

It was time to win.

"It's time for the player pledge!" Midnight the R rated hero held a weird cloth whip in the air. Her costume was more risque than most heros, just as her theme indicated. Yu hated her, with the two women often fighting over the sex appeal fanbase. Weiss didn't particularly care about their squabble, but there was something about Miss Midnight's voice that made her sound familiar.

"That's not an appropriate costume for school." Weiss mumbled low enough to ensure no one could hear her think out loud. Sadly, Mina's giggling next to showed that Weiss failed. Damn it.

"Representing our first year students is Weiss Schnee from Class 1-A." Midnight dramatically moved her arm with the whip to the side. Weiss could sense the lecherous stares from most of the men and women that populated the stadium, students included.

Holding her head up high and with her back as straight as a board, Weiss walked through the spaces in between a few taller students, making her way to the stage. Whispers were already starting from her fellow classmates, with a mixture of boos and cheers coming from the ravenous crowd. Popularity didn't always mean love, Weiss knew that she had her own fair share of haters that wouldn't be pleased no matter what she did.

"Schnee? Well she did place first in the entrance exam."

"Nah, it's because she's an Idol."

"She's so hot."

"Meh, a bit too flat for my taste."

"Step on me-"

Weiss forced all of those whispers out of her mind, narrowing her eyes as she formed her signature idol smile. She had to play nice for now, especially since she would be singing for the halftime show once the third years started competing. Walking up to the microphone stand that faced the crowd, Midnight adjusted it quickly since it was set up for someone that was a bit taller, which led to a few seconds of awkward silence.

"I pledge that no matter the results of today's competition, anyone can be a hero, anyone can do good, provided that they have the will to do so, because good isn't something that we are, it's something that we do. If you have the will to win, to do good, then don't back off, fight to the very end." Weiss' narrow eyes didn't match the smile on her face. "A narrow victory is still a win, no matter what course we're from. Even if we lose, if we push past our limits, I call that a victory." Weiss bowed her head politely and took a deep breath.

"PLUS ULTRA!" Weiss raised a fist in the air, the shouts of 'Plus Ultra' from the crowd drowning out the boos. Was Yu watching?

Hopefully the news station got her good side.


The original pledge by Weiss would have been an adaptation from the lyrics of Fear, but I decided to cut it to save the song for a better moment. It's why this chapter was a bit delayed, aside from updates already being slowed down. Big changes will be coming very soon.

Now I need to get unstuck on Not an Egg's new chapter, I might need to rewrite it and change the POV to someone else for now.

Question of the day

How do you think the race will go?

Till next time on Schnee Hero or Huntress!
"My my, what passionate students we have." Midnight started speaking after Weiss rejoined the waiting crowd. The familiarity of her voice and the way the R-rated hero sent an uncomfortable shiver down Weiss' spine. The rest of the class flashed determined stares and grins, with even that idiot with the purple hair from the other day giving her an unsure look. "Let's get started! The first game is a qualifier. Every year without fail, many taste the saltiness of their delicious tesrs. Now here is the first game!"

Midnight swang her riding crop in the air, and a holograph of a spinning box appeared. Weiss held her head high as her eyes scanned her fellow competitors. While she knew the capabilities of those in Class 1-A, and a few from Class 1-B, the rest of the first year student body were essentially unknown, an advantage that most would surely use. Meanwhile, thanks to the USJ attack, Class 1-A was mostly exposed, or would be the first to be targeted by the other classes. Jealousy worked that way.


The boxes stopped spinning, landing on a square that had English and Japanese words. An obstacle race? There had to be a catch somewhere. Midnight continued speaking.

"All eleven classes shall participating, with the course being the outer circumference of this stadium, about four kilometers." Midnight formed a sultry grin as she licked her lips seductuvely. "Since UA's selling point is freedom, as long as you stay on the course, anything goes!"

There it goes, no fair play. Weiss' fingers immediately tightened around Dolt's handle. Performing well would make Yu proud, and hopefully the rest of Team RWBY, wherever they were. Mina and Kyouka would want to win by their own strength, not just because Weiss helped them, which was understandable. Unless they were on a team, it was every person for themself, similar to Beacon's initiation, up until they ended up with a partner.

Thanks to Weiss' lack of freetime, she should perform well in today's activities. Whenever she wasn't studying for class, writing new songs, performing for an audience, or forcing Yu to train without weapons, Weiss spent a decent chunk of her time training her aura.

Weiss' skill with a blade was a hard one to match, her style being refined down to the smallest step.

"Now take your positions! Show us your strength! Show us your skill! Show us your virility!"

Midnight really needed to touch some grass.

Not even five minutes later the crowd of first years found themselves staring down a large red entrance, with three green lights flashing. Anything went right? Weiss' eyes darted around the students in front of her, not daring to look behind her lest she lose her concentration. Who would be the first to do something dirty?

Weiss placed her right foot forward, her hand hovering over Dolt's handle. A smirk formed on her pale lips. Midnight never said that they couldn't go above. Her height would be detrimental if she tried running, and gliding on her glyphs could work, but there were too many people in front of her.

The green lights started disappearing. Weiss could smell the tension in the air, and the apparent lack of personal hygiene of some of her fellow students, or was that just their nervousness bleeding through.

The final green light disappeared as Midnight yelled, "Start!"

Instinctively a glyph formed beneath Weiss' feet, launching her into the air as hundreds of students started running into the narrow stadium gate. Weiss made it past the wall, when a stream of snow and ice blasted through the corridor.


Avoiding the large chunks of ice that formed with more glyphs, Weiss couldn't stop herself from grinning as the creepy boy started running on the side, with various members of Class 1-A hot on his heels, along with a few other strangers.

"Yang would have loved this." Weiss murmured to herself as another glyph launched herself forward, flying last Mina and Tokoyami. Her eyes briefly met eyebags, who was being carried by a few of his classmates. What exactly was his quirk?

Sadly, Weiss was too occupied to continue that train of thought, avoiding a laserstream from Aoyama the pretty boy. Another glyph launched her ahead of Todoroki, ice no longer covering the ground.

Hm, this was too easy, where are the obstacle-

Weiss avoided a large metallic fist, using another snowflake to change her directions, this time sending her straight up in the air. They brought back the faux villains from the entrance exam?

That was kinda disappointing.

"IT'S TIME FOR THE FIRST BARRIER YALL! WELCOME TO ROBO INFERNO, I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!" Present Mic screamed, the speakers stationed in and around the stadium amplifying his voice. "WITH WEISS SCHNEE IN FIRST PLACE, LET'S SEE IF SHE'LL BE ABLE TO HOLD ON FOR LONG."

Weiss darted forward, using various glyphs to avoid the strikes from the former faux villains. Whatever happened behind her didn't matter, especially after the ground froze again and a loud thud sounded out. Enjoying the now chilly air, Weiss pressed onwards. She didn't even need to use Dolt yet. Fighting the robots didn't matter, they were just there to slow them down.


Weiss' grin disappeared as easily as it came, a weird feeling from her gut. She felt rather disappointed. Was this truly the best obstacles that they could come up with?


Weiss' lips formed a thin line.


Very disappointing indeed.

"You know, I'm not even sure why the UA Festival needs security, they have their entire staff here and a police presence! Their third years are basically sidekicks, only an idiot would plan an attack here!" Mt. Lady ranted as she watched a large screen set up on the fairgrounds outside the stadium. Oh how she wanted to be in there cheering Weiss on! But money was money, and UA was paying handsomely for security.

Yu didn't need Weiss lending her anymore money.

"Its not that." Kamui Woods interjected himself. "I believe its about sending a message, to show the world that we are here and that we won't cower before evil!"

Mt. Lady and Death Arms gave him a blank stare.

"That how we know you're a UA alumni." Yu muttered as she turned her attention back to the screen.


Yeah, nothing bad was going to happen.


Next week I'm going to be busier than ever so I decided to make some time to write this. If all goes to plan, I'll have a writing schedule back up by August 8th. I hope to see you all again very soon!

Question of the day:

Did you enjoy Ice Queendom?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

Weiss had quite a lead thanks to her glyphs, deploying them to avoid turns to continue launching herself faster. The Fall was essentially an extremely large hole with rock rowers of various heights and widths connected by cables. Sighing softly, another glyph launched Weiss through the air, forming another to continue her flight as the air behind her continued to drop.

Todoroki was performing well, but that did little to stop Weiss' boredom, especially since she didn't even have to adjust her current strategy. Forming glyphs on the top of several rock towers, Weiss landed perfectly, using them to launch herself across the large ditch. Hatsume's 'babies' should be useful for the insane tinker. The time Weiss spent with the pink haired girl wasn't for nothing, her eccentric tendencies aside. She managed to create several pieces of support equipment all while helping Weiss develop Dolt. Another shiver went down her spine. Mina and Hatsume meeting could spell the end for Weiss' mental health.

Still, at least that wouldn't be as boring as these 'challenges'. Perhaps Weiss was being too unfair, she did train much longer than someone her physical age should have, and she had more experience when it came to using her aura and semblance in combat.


"Stop picking favorites and announce correctly." Mr. Aizawa's bored voice followed.


Weiss stopped paying attention to the screaming, and flew past a pair of signs. This part seemed even more disappointing, with the clear ground. There must've been something hidden for this to look that easy, which meant landing on the ground would be a bad idea. Thankfully, Weiss' glyphs meant she never even had to step foot on the muddy ground. She didn't even have to use time dilation.

"-NEE'S OUR FIRST PLACE WINNER!" Present Mic's rather annoying shouting prevented Weiss from doing another internal monologue, his voice barely drowned out by the screams of the crowd. When had she crossed the finish line? She hadn't even noticed. Causing her glyphs to disappear with a dramatic wave of Dolt, to keep up appearances of course, Weiss landed elegantly, and gave the crowd a polite bow.

Time to see how the rest of the class did.

"Miss Schnee's worth is going to rise." Blue eyes with bags underneath scanned the lone first year student waiting for the rest of the competitors to arrive.

"While possible, there are still two more rounds to complete, if she throws a tantrum her worth could drop as easily as it could rise." Sharp red eyes stood next to the taller red blond. The second year business students were busy scribbling their notes into whatever notebook or tablet they were using.

"So far she hasn't thrown one, and she's not particularly known for that. With her current popularity, Miss Schnee could be a top ten hero a few years after she graduates, if she manages to keep the public's attention. The head of her own agency with multiple branches even." The taller student pushed a few strands of blond hair to the side, preventing them from obscuring his view.

"The public's attention is such a fickle creature, she would have to firmly establish herself between now and her third year." The dark haired girl fired back.

"She's already being called Japan's Ice Princess, and her albums sell out as soon as they are released." He handed her a tablet, the screen showing the sales of multiple artist.

"She's just a popular trend, if she manages to establish herself as a legitimate artist instead of an idol by her second year I'll have to agree with you." The girl shrugged, when a third figure walked up to them, holding a bucket of popcorn.

"What are you both talking about?" The new girl said, a smirk on her rather unassuming face, a small bow in her pink hair. "Oh! Oh! Did you guys place bets like Ishigami?" She stuffed her face with a handful of popcorn.

"How cute, you should know that such bets are illegal, Miss Fujiwara." Shinomiya Kaguya turned to the pink haired girl. "Isn't that right Mr. President?"

"It is, and as members of the student council, it is our duty to be examples for the rest of the student body." Shirogane Miyuki nodded along. Fujiwara frowned, but said nothing as she shrugged.

"You guys are no fun."

Weiss spent the next five minutes watching the rest of the race unfold from one of the many large screens located around the stadium. It turned out that the last unassuming open space was actually a minefield, which would have been a minor challenge, if Weiss didn't use her glyphs without touching the ground. After several rather large explosions, the runner ups were revealed.


Huh, the green boy managed to make it? With that self destructive quirk of his? Todoroki and the dog must've let their guard down for them to lose to someone so untrained. As much as Weiss disliked the dog, she had to admit that he had some skill. Not Beacon or even combat school level, but decent enough among UA students.

"SEVENTH PLACE, IIDA TENYA, EIGHTH PLACE MINETA MINORU." Speaking of Weiss' number one fan, the short purple ball boy stuck himself to the back of the class secretary. As entertaining as that was, Weiss was more interested in seeing if any of her friends made it, her eyes scanning the other other students that started arriving, many of them staring at her in awe, or throwing nasty glares. That last one mostly came from the dog, who seemed like he was going to explode any second now. Mina ran into the stadium, with Yaoyorozu following quickly behind her, her gym uniform unbuttoned showing her assets for everyone to see.

Weiss turned away and shook her head. She never thought that Yaoyorozu would be so brazen, not that loving one's body was necessarily bad, but the whole event was being broadcasted live. Who knew how many perverts were watching, ogling minors? She received her fair share of messages on her social media accounts. Mina usually blocked them straight away.


Weiss loosened her grip on Dolt, but that didn't mean she lowered her guard, the last time that happened Vale fell to the White Fang and the Grimm. She sensed someone standing behind her.

"You were awesome, Schnee! I didn't know you could fly."

Angling her head slightly, Weiss' blue eyes met the green eyes that reminded her so much of Ruby. Midoriya flashed her a smile, with determination rooted in his expressions. Standing a few feet away was Uraraka, who was staring at the two of them. What was her problem? Did she have a crush on the green haired idiot?

Weiss' lips formed a thin line. "Tsk." Without another word, she walked away, aiming her feet to the small circle the rest of Class 1-A had gathered.

Winning the festival was all that mattered at that moment.

"The top thirty two students shall move onto the next round." Midnight smirked as she scanned the crowd. Weiss felt the older woman's gaze fall on her, just for a few seconds. Yeah, that was as uncomfortable as it sounded. The holographic screen behind her showed a list of names, along with a number beside them. Naturally, Weiss ranked first, with Kyouka, Mina and Yaoyorozu also making it to the next round! "Don't worry if you didn't make it!"

Midnight continued speaking. "We've created other chances to allow you to shine." She licked her lips again as she lightly tapped her riding crop into the palm of her opposite hand.

Forget touching grass, Midnight was going to need a whole field! Even Yang would be blushing at this point.

"The real competition begins now, so make sure to give it your all!" The screen changed, showing the spinning box from earlier. "What could it be, what could it be!" Midnight posed dramatically, well more risque than dramatic but Weiss' point still stood.

The spinning box stood still.

"I hope you're ready for dodgeball!"


I know I said the next update would be next week, but I couldn't help myself. Weiss winning the obstacle race is the only option with how fast she is, as seen at the Battle of Beacon and being a bullet timer.

Fun fact of the day:

Early drafts had Summer Rose being the other person from Remnant to arrive, decades before Weiss. That was cut because while interesting, would take the focus off of Weiss, plus Roman could be a fun foil despite their many differences and lack of interactions.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
Dodgeball? Never heard of it, and that was with Weiss' balanced education growing up, not that she was allowed to play sports outside of ice skating and fencing. The body must be as sharp as the mind Winter always said, so any free time she had outside of her studies were dedicated to ballet, fencing and skating among other things. These had served her well, bruises were often a wonderful teacher. But dodgeball? Yeah, Weiss was going to need more information than that.

If the game went by its name, then it sounded rather easy, another disappointment. Pushing down the urge to shush her whispering classmates, Weiss forced her eyes to focus on Midnight. Hopefully she didn't look like a pervert.

"Let me explain how it will work! There shall be eight teams of four, with the top four teams advancing onto the second round." Midnight practically bounced on the stage as an example video played, showing All Might, Present Mic, Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen holding red balls.

"However! Just because your team may lose doesn't mean that all is lost! Should you perform better than someone on the winning team, a panel of judges chosen randomly from the crowd may choose who to advance." Midnight bit her bottom lip. "You may choose whoever you want to be on your team, however unlike normal dodgeball, you are allowed to use your quirks."

That seemed simple enough, Weiss could recruit Kyouka, Mina and Yaoyorozu to her team. Mina's athleticism would work well here in synergy with Weiss' glyphs.

"A team is out when all members are taken out, or whichever team has more team members standing at the end of ten minutes. In the event that two-and-two are standing, the students that still remain shall move on." Fair enough.

Weiss' eyes were already scanning the crowd beside her. Where were her friends? Hopefully she didn't end up with any undesirables-

"And to make this more of a challenge! The student that ranked first in the obstacle race shall be worth more! Should they be taken out, their opponents shall advance no matter how many are standing on their team!" Midnight's eyes met Weiss' own, the risque woman flashing Weiss a wink. As soon as the words left that insufferable woman's lips, Weiss felt the gaze of everyone on her.

Well, she did kinda ask for this. Still, at least that could make this dull affair interesting, as unfair as it was for her potential teammates. With her skills and experience, Weiss was sure that not even such a handicap would be able to do much. Her glyphs would be able to grant her victory.

"You have fifteen minutes to form your teams!"

Perfect, that would be just enough time to-

The space around her had suddenly become barren, with most of her fellow first years avoiding her eyes. Were they that afraid of a challenge? Of losing? If they were afraid of losing, then they didn't deserve to be called 'heroes'.

Smiling as she finally found Mina, which was rather easy with her pink skin and hair, Weiss' smile disappeared as soon as it came. Kirishima, Seto and Tsuyu were already with her. Damn, her eyes darted around, only to find Kyouka with Sato, the dog and Kaminari. Even Yaoyorozu was in a group with Todoroki!

They were all traitors! Weiss released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Well, there went her entire plan, and team. As much as Weiss disliked it, she didn't fault them for having other friends, and to show off their skills without her overshadowing them.

Weiss stood there silently as most teams formed, groups of four standing away from the others. Stragglers were still trying to find their own teammates. Suddenly, Weiss sensed someone standing behind her. Turning her head slightly, Weiss felt the urge to punch someone.

"I am at your service, my Queen." Mineta bowed politely again. Well, he did well during their hero vs villain exercise, so he would have to suffice for now.

"NO! I shall serve you my Goddess!" The weird blond guy from 1-B jumped in front of Mineta, an insane smile on his rather average face. "It shall be an honor to fight alongside you! To show you that you truly belong in Class 1-B, and not those thieves from 1-A!"

Uhh, these guys really needed therapy if they viewed her that way. Placing a hand on her hip, and using the other to rub her forehead, Weiss started to grind her teeth.

Why did she always end up with the weirdos? Still, at least she didn't end up on the same team as the dog or Midoriya. Ignoring them for a second as her eyes darted around the remaining students, Weiss sighed for the millionth time that day.

"Fine…you're both on my team now, I guess." Weiss muttered, earning her a barrage of praise from the two psychopaths. Now all she needed was one more person. Turning away from her new 'teammates', she nearly slammed into another familiar pink head, this one with dreadlocks.

"White! Team up with me! I need to show off my babies and everyone's going to be looking at you." Hatsume grinned as she invaded Weiss' personal space, her face inches away from Weiss'.

"Back off you fiend! None are worthy to touch the Ice Goddess of Japan!" Blond guy shouted, with affirmations from Mineta. Hatsume, for her part, didn't even bother turning to look at them. She was covered in her support gear from head to toe. Hm, this could work, as eccentric as the inventer was, Weiss had dealt with worse.


She couldn't be as bad as Nora on coffee.


A short chapter that should set up the events of the next one. Updates won't be as often as they were earlier this year, but I plan on updating once or twice a week AT LEAST. I really enjoy writing this story, and I have ideas for others. Ice Queendom really has helped me regain some inspiration, and I decided that I want to include some elements, but thats for another day.

I hope my writing is still enjoyable despite being out of practice!

Fun fact of the day:

Early versions of the first chapter had Mirko or Endeavor finding Weiss instead of Mt. Lady, but those were scrapped and deleted.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
Did Weiss trust her teammates? If someone had asked her that back on Remnant, the answer would have been an undeniable yes. Weiss trusted them with her life, which sad to say, ended rather tragically at Haven. Did she trust her dodgeball teammates?

Weiss didn't even trust Mineta to reach the top of a shelf, though he was good at following orders. Mineta did well during their hero vs villain exam, but Monoma and Hatsume's combat capabilities were essentially unknown. Monoma was in Class 1B, their hero sister class, which meant he should be useful, somehow.

Hatsume on the other hand was from the support course, and Weiss knew that the eccentric girl had next to no experience fighting, unless she counted dodging Hatsume dodging Power Loaders wrenches-

Never mind, they should be fine. Hatsume was going to be extremely useful here.

While the three would not have been her first picks, they were definitely going to win. They had Weiss on their team after all. Only a few minutes remained before the first matches started.

"What's your quirk?" Weiss turned to Monoma, who was basically groveling at her feet alongside Mineta. Hatsume's quirk wasn't exactly built for combat, her eyes being able to see far away. That would be useful if she had a gun and a vantage point to shoot from, none of which was useful at this moment. Coming up with a plan was always Ruby's job, but that didn't mean Weiss was a slouch.

"Your Majesty, I can copy any quirk as long as I touch them." Monoma said, bowing his head. A quirk copier? Weiss discreetly took a step back. She didn't need him exposing the fact that she was quirkless, by this world's standards. Mineta stood right next to him, bowing even lower due to his smaller frame while Hatsume fiddled with her equipment beside her.

"Hmm." Placing a finger on her chin, the gears in Weiss' brilliant mind turning like a well oiled machine. A sardonic smirk formed on her pale face.

"Ok then, here's the plan.."

Toshinori Yagi was nervous, well that was the simplest way to describe how he felt. The World Symbol of Peace and Justice couldn't turn away from the two teams that were going to compete next, his gaze focused on a single person.

His two hands intertwined as his left foot tapped against the floor. Young Midoriya was doing well, even managing to get second place in the obstacle course against a monster student like Weiss Schnee. Young Todoroki and Bakugou weren't slouches as well, but there was something off about Class 1A's lone foreigner and idol.

In All Might's decade-long career, he had met many heroes and villains, made lifelong friends and bitter enemies. Young Schnee didn't act like a woman her age, he could see it in her eyes, the way she talked, the way she held herself when she dealt with others. That's not even mentioning how easily she was able to deal with those villains at the USJ, defeating them in less than a minute, doing so without any effort.

Then she held her own against Nomu, who was able to match his speed, and she got away without even a scratch. She fought like a pro hero, with years of experience under her belt.

"I hope you're right." Toshinori mumbled under his breath as he leaned back on the couch in the luxury teacher suite from where he watched the competitions. Principal Nezu said not to worry, but that was easier said than done.

After all, Miss Schnee was living proof that All For One was out there, somewhere. But enough of that for a moment! Toshinori stirred in his seat.

Young Midoriya's team was going first.

The first round passed by rather quickly in Mina's opinion. Midoriya and his team narrowly managed to pull a victory against a team composed mostly of 1B students. Too bad Aoyama was replaced by the judges with that steel guy, that must've really sucked.

"NEXT UP SHALL BE TEAM TWO VS TEAM FOUR." Present Mic screamed through the speakers. Mina felt a large grin form on her face as she bounced on the balls of her heels. The last team she wanted to face was the one that had Weissy in it.

She loved the white haired tsundere, platonically, but she really needed to open up to other people. Plus that was payback for ignoring them the first couple weeks of school, Kyouka agreed to the plan in a heartbeat, while Momo was a bit harder to convince, but it worked out in the end!

"Let's go guys." Kirishima said, flexing one of his arms with a determined look on his face. "We can't let our Ice Ace show us up."

"I think she can do that just by standing there. I feel bad for the team that's going against her." Seto shook his head as they walked to the makeshift dodgeball court that Cementoss made.

"I agree, ribbit, but at least we don't have that handicap." Asui added.

"Yup." Mina popped her p as she stretched her arms. This was going to be so much fun! Giving team four a glance caused her grin to drop just for one second.

That was Kyouka's team, not that it mattered much, they would always be friends, win or lose, but that could only mean one thing.

They were going up against Bakugou.

Maybe she should have joined Weissy's team.


"Ok guys, with each round that passes the chances of us facing Schnee grows higher." Itsuka placed a hand on her hip, meeting the eyes of the three that had joined her team. Shoji from Class 1A was a perfect addition, with his quirk essentially being made for dodgeball. His extra arms just multiplied their firepower, along with her own. Ignoring the sound of explosions and screaming coming from the court, she kept speaking. "Thanks to the handicap her team has, all we have to do is to get Schnee out, so Shoji and Reiko will focus on her."

Pony nodded, excitement practically written all over her face. Itsuka gave her a warm smile. The American was a big fan of the Ice Princess, especially since she recorded her songs in multiple languages which was rather nice and thoughtful. Of course, that was most likely another way to maximize profits, but Pony was happy since it allowed her to practice her Japanese.

Reiko shrugged, but she didn't disagree with the plan, looking bored as always. The end of one of Shoji's appendages formed into a mouth.

"Thank you for inviting me. We may be from different classes, but here we shall be on the same team, aiming for victory." Shoji said, his voice serious. "But with teamwork, I'm confident that we will be able to win."

"Yeah!" Itsuka and Pony grinned as they raised their fist in the air. Reiko still seemed impassive as her lips finally started to move.

"What they said."


The reveal of the team that shall be going against Weiss and company! The fight shall be the next chapter of course, so it's time to work on my word-choreo.

And just a reminder for those on Spacebattles and/or Sufficient Velocity! Are you enjoying Schnee: Hero or Huntress? Want more? Feel free to check out our omakes that range from non-canon to semi-canon to canon! They really make writing this story enjoyable.

The next story I'll update shall be Schnee's Bay.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
Weiss' ice blue eyes casually scanned the current match that was going on, her boredom starting to reach its peak. Though seeing Mina running from the dog's explosions while screaming almost brought a smile to her mouth, almost. Crossing her arms, her eyes turned to the other teams that were waiting for their turn. There was Todoroki and Yaoyorozu's team, the team with that arrogant guy with purple hair, and a team full of 1B girls, plus Shoji.

Todoroki's team would be the hardest to defeat no doubt, with his quirk essentially allowing him to control the battlefield much easier than Weiss could thanks to her Dust limitations. The other two teams would be child's play. That didn't mean that victory was guaranteed though, especially with the handicap. All it took was one person, one ball, getting lucky enough to land a hit on her. The plan she came up with was risky, but if it worked, then victory would be all but assured.

The dog threw a ball as hard as he could, an explosion coming from his fingertips, hitting Kirishima, who was too slow in the face. Seto was already out, leaving Mina and Tsuyu as the last ones standing on their team. Twisting her body at the last second, the pink fiend dodged an attack from Sato, and threw her own ball, hitting the idiot who kept blicking her view in the classroom, in the chest.

This looked like it was going to be close, they just needed to survive the dog, and get one more person out.

"White! I need you to wear one of my babies!" Hatsume slid up into Weiss' personal space. She had a large grin on her face, her eyes wandering around the stadium. Weiss could already sense Mineta and Monoma getting ready to argue with the mad inventor.


"Why not?"

"Because I said so, and we already discussed the plan."

"I'm willing to give you ninety-ten custody, the ten being yours."

"No, just no."

"That looks like it's gotta hurt." Itsuka commented just as the girl from 1A with the frog quirk used her tongue to slam a ball straight into the girl with the short hair from the opposing team. She got back up with a ball shaped red mark on her face.

"TIE, BOTH STANDING MEMBERS OF TEAM TWO AND FOUR SHALL MOVE ONTO THE NEXT ROUND!" Present Mic announced, causing the pink girl to start cheering while the angry blond guy started screaming again. "TEAM THREE AND FIVE GET READY, YOU'RE GOING NEXT."

"Let's go guys, that's us." Itsuka said with a grin, flashing the rest of her team a thumbs up. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Schnee's team starting to move as well, just as Itsuka guessed. "Looks like everyone's going to be watching our match, even if they weren't paying attention before."

Schnee was a popular idol after all, and the UA Sports festival was as big as the former Olympic in Japan, which basically spelled millions of people watching their performance. Pony gave her a nervous smile upon hearing the loud cheers and boos.

"Win or lose, let's do our best! Plus ultra!"

"Plus ultra." Reiko said boredly waving her hands sarcastically.


Schnee stood in the middle of their side of the court, with boredom written all over her pretty face. She was shorter than Itsuka expected, but she was prettier in person when compared to the photos of her online.

Monoma, how he managed to get on Schnee's team Itsuka will never know, stood a few feet away from Schnee's right, his blond hair now composed of a bunch of purple balls.

The other guy on their team was being carried by the girl with dreadlocks, her boots allowing her to float a few inches off of the ground.

"Do ya think I could get her autograph after this?" Pony said in accented Japanese, her smile even more nervous by now.

"Well, she did give Komori one, so maybe if you ask nicely once the festival is over?" Itsuka suggested locking eyes with the Idol of UA. All they needed was to hit her, just one ball and they would make it to the next round.

"Yeah!" Pony held her arms out as the countdown started. Soon, eighty balls would be dropped onto the court, and chaos would reign.

Itsuka narrowed her eyes, even as Schnee somehow even looked more bored, while Monoma only started to laugh maniacally.


Itsuka's hands started to enlarge and her breath started to slow.


Monoma and the purple guy started to reach for their heads.


Schnee grabbed her sword from her side, aiming the point straight up in the air.


The balls were launched onto the court, and Itsuka ran, her hands up to shield her from any balls thrown her way.

It was time to show the world what she was made of!

In her haste to throw as many dodgeballs as possible towards Schnee, in hopes of one landing on the Ice Princess, Itsuka failed to notice one thing. Taking a step back and using her right hand to catch a ball that Monoma had thrown, she felt that something was wrong, even as Reiko sent a dozen balls flying straight in the air towards the other team.

Each balm was intercepted by a black snowflake, and flown towards the back of Schnee's side of the court. Attempting to throw the ball she caught, nothing left her hands. Quickly flipping her palm upwards, her teal eyes widened in shock.

A purple ball was stuck to her. Quickly glancing around the court and holding her hands up to block another shot, this time from the short boy and the pink girl, Itsuka cursed herself internally.

Those purple balls littered their side of the court, with some even on Reiko's, Pony's, and Shoji's clothing, but that wasn't what caught Itsuka's attention.

"Where are the dodgeballs?" Itsuka's eyes darted towards the opposite side of the court as a huge wall of black snowflakes with dodgeballs formed, with Weiss not even having moved an inch. All eighty balls floated in the air casually, as Schnee finally stopped looking bored, a sardonic smirk forming on her face.

Schnee aimed her sword towards Itsuka's team, and a shiver went down the orange haired girl's spine. The black snowflakes turned white, shimmering and reflecting the sunlight, looking as if Schnee summoned them out of some magic portal. The balls started to rotate as Schnee opened her mouth to speak.


That was the last thing Itsuka heard before a dozen balls knocked her unconscious.


Bigger changes shall come after the Sports festival is iver.

And I just want to say, thank you everyone for your support! I wouldn't have made it this far without the help of you dear readers. You guys are awesome. Also, a big thank you for those who work on the TV Tropes page, I always love seeing what tropes I wrote without even thinking.

Fun fact of the day

This story is my magnum opus.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
"DAMN IT SCHNEE, WE JUST SAID DON'T MURDER ANYONE! ANYWAYS, TEAM FIVE IS THE WINNER BY A COMPLETE KNOCK OUT! THEY'RE ALL MOVING ONTO THE NEXT ROUND." Present Mic shouted as several paramedics rushed out with stretchers. Now that earned a light laugh from the lone occupant in the room.

Golden eyes stared at the short white haired girl displayed on the large screen, the one that had utterly decimated the other team, in less than five minutes at that, and the majority of those five minutes were used just to hoard enough balls to knock the other team unconscious in one attack. Was it unorthodox? A bit, but it did work out in the end.

Full pink lips formed a lazy smirk as she leaned back against the luxurious couch that the organizer of the UA festival had so graciously moved into her private suite, her ears wiggling as she felt her body relax. It's been a few years since she had been in Japan, but the young woman would much rather enjoy watching the competition in peace instead of being swarmed by her fans in the bleachers. Plus, this was technically a work trip as she finished setting up their new hero agency in the area. And what was a better way of setting up in the area by having a rival idol intern with her? By turning said rival into a sidekick and eventually a full hero, they could gain a new face for the brand.

"So you're the one cutting into our profits in Japan and America." Her tails swang from side to side as her mind went to work just as the next two teams started fighting. She wasn't interested in them, though Endeavor's boy seemed quite powerful, sending him an invitation for an internship would be a waste of time since he would just follow daddy dearest. No, she was here for one reason, and only one reason.

Stretching her legs like a cat, which were covered by skin tight pants, and running a perfectly manicured hand through her luscious blonde hair, Ahri grinned as her eyes remained focused on Weiss Schnee, who soon disappeared from view with the rest of her misfit team.

"She's so cute."

Weiss smirked from the sidelines as Todoroki's team completely destroyed the arrogant purple hair guy's team. The half and half boy completely iced their side of the court, causing them to slip and slide until they were all finally picked off one by one. It wasn't his fault that he was outmatched by arguably one of the strongest students in the hero course.

And Yaoyorozu did ok she supposed, mostly just standing there following whatever orders were given to her by creepy Todoroki. Distant family member? Really? Was that why he kept staring at her in class? Her blue eyes gave the teams that also made it to the next round a glance. Todoroki and the dog would be her biggest challenges, the others not so much.

Mina was good, but she wasn't a decent fighter yet, and Yaoyorozu took too long to come up with a plan. Everyone else should be easy enough, with some strategy of course. Weiss wasn't going to stomp onto the court and fight someone that could freeze her with a touch of his hand head on, no she was going to have to fight smarter not harder.

All it took was one misstep, and everything would come crashing down, like the Vytal Festival. Weiss' eyes darted around the stadium, her hand on Dolt's hilt. That wouldn't happen again, not on her watch. She ignored Hatsume's mumbling as she hastily worked on one of her machines to Weiss' right. The other two idiots were happily chatting while giving her glances.

"Jeez Weiss, you destroyed them." A familiar voice came from her left, who just so happened to be Kyouka, resting a bag of ice against her now black eye.

"Aren't you glad you weren't on their team?" Weiss said dryly as she turned attention back to the roaring crowd. "And why haven't you been checked out by Recovery Girl?"

"She's busy with the people you knocked unconscious, and the burns from Bakugou's explosions. I'll have my turn soon anyways." Kyouka shrugged with a wince. "Congrats on making it to the next round."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Weiss smirked as she angled her head ever so slightly. She was still mad that her friends ditched her.

"None actually, Mina and I already know you're the best in the class, somehow." Kyouka stood next to her and gave Weiss a smile. "We just wanted you to open up, make some friends and meet new people."

Kyouka stretched her neck to view the rest of Weiss' team. "Our plan seems to have worked in the end."

"I hate you."

"I love you too, now go and beat everyones ass so I can feel like I won through you." Kyouka smirked. Weiss tightened her grip on Dolt as she met her friend's eyes, her own blue ones narrow and serious.

"Please, you do know who you're talking to right?"

"WOOOO! YOU GO WEISS!" Yu shouted, raising a cup of water in the air, spilling a few drops onto her costume. Yu had to admit, she had been extremely nervous about Weiss competing. Not as in, nervous that Weiss was going to do bad, especially with all that extra training she did after school, but rather, nervous about how Weiss would react should she lose a match.

She wasn't blind to the fact that Weiss was arrogant, but the younger girl backed up that arrogance with such skill and power that Yu had completely forgotten about it.

"I'm so glad I didn't go to school with her." Yu heard Shinji shiver next to her. Along with Death Arms, they had been watching intently, cheering on her ward. "I'm sure some of them ended up with concussions."

"Hey, a win is a win." Yu shrugged as she sat back down in the plastic chair she had claimed. "Everyone should be going above and beyond, Plus Ultra! As you UA nerds always say."

"Quiet, Endeavor's kid is next." Death Arms interjected himself into the conversation. Ah yes, the son of Japan's number two hero, second only to All Might.

The screen showed a scarred boy, with red and white hair.

"He's kinda cute." Yu grinned. Now she had ammunition to tease Weiss with once this was all over.

Now if she could only get more free snacks.


A bit shorter than usual, but it was a fun chapter to write. I've been really enjoying RWBY: Ice Queendom, so I definitely plan on adding in some of those elements here. I already have the tournament bracket ready, I'll be using a randomizer to decide the matches, so let's see what'll happen!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
Her tails swang from side to side
To keep your tenses, I'd recommend 'swung'. Though, if you wanted to make it more active, more immediate, you could change it to 'swinging'.

So, you're bringing K/DA into this universe? That could be very interesting. Especially, if they actually like Weiss and claim her as theirs, because from what I remember, succubus K/DA member(don't remember her name off-hand) can be a bit possessive.
After the final dodgeball match, Present Mic announced that there would be a break for lunch, enough time for students and spectators to fill their bellies and to rest up for the final part of the competition. Sadly, Weiss found herself swarmed by a horde of students as soon as she stepped out of the stadium. Thankfully Mina managed to redeem herself by launching a rescue mission with Kyouka, Yaoyorozu and Kaminari's help, thus saving Weiss from breaking her image of the perfectly polite Ice Queen. Apparently Mineta got caught up in the crowd due to his shorter status, and couldn't make it.

Thankfully, the cafeteria UA had set up nearby for the students proved to be Weiss' refuge as she carefully measured a spoonful of rice. She needed to perform at her best if she wanted to win. Today's lunch proved to be the weirdest one yet. While she normally sat with Mina, Kyouka, Mineta and occasionally Yaoyorozu, Weiss now found that half the class wanted a seat at the table, those blood sucking parasites.

"If I had known you were going to do that, I would've been the first in line to join your team, Schnee." Kaminari said from his spot besides Kyouka, rarely being separated from the musician.

"Lucky me." Weiss answered dryly, taking in another spoonful of rice afterwards. She pointed her spoon at everyone she knew that sat with her. "You're all traitors, especially you three." She gave Mina and Kyouka a glare, while Yaoyorozu only blushed softly as they ate.

"Who knew that Mineta was the most reliable person here?" Weiss mumbled, which earned her a round of laughter from the table. It wasn't a lie, despite his rather creepy obsession with her, the short boy did well during the training exercise weeks ago, and his quirk allowed them to trick the opposing team, all while disabling them.

Perhaps she had judged him too quickly-

Weiss' eyes widened mid bite as she balled her free hand into a fist. W-Was she acting the same she did when she first arrived at Beacon? No, that was impossible! She was a different person now, a better one. She wasn't the same old Schnee that treated others as beneath her, right?

That thought made her stomach feel as if someone dropped a rock in it, placing her spoon back onto her tray.

"Excuse me." She stood up abruptly, grabbing her tray, causing Kyouka and Mina to turn to look at her.

"Are you ok, Weissy? Don't be maaaad." Mina grinned as she waved her hands. Kyouka nodded in agreement as she stuffed a steamed carrot in her mouth.

"I'm not mad, I just need to think." Weiss answered flatly, forming one of her idol smiles. "Enjoy your meal." She left without another word, walking through the crowd that kept talking loudly.

She swore someone called her a bitch, but Weiss' mind was too distracted to care.

Was she truly regressing to the way she used to be? Sure she might be mean to people sometimes, defensive too, but she didn't actually look down on anyone right? Well, except maybe for the dog, but that was his own fault for being the biggest asshole Weiss had ever met, here and on Remnant.

Leaving her tray at the cleaning section, Weiss found herself walking towards the entrance, when a faunus, uh, the girl with blonde hair and horns from the opposing team. Her hands were hidden behind her back.

"Hiya!" She grinned, bowing deeply, causing Weiss to take a step back to avoid being poked by her horns. "You were so awesome out there! Oh, I'm Pony by the way."

At least she was brave enough to speak to Weiss directly, unlike those hangerons.

"Thank you." Weiss' idol smile remained on. "You did well too, you almost got me with one of your horns." A lie, she had seen it coming a mile away. Oh, she was doing it again wasn't she…

Pony blushes as she finally revealed what she had hidden behind her back, extending her arms as she bowed her head.

"Can I please have your autograph!? I love you, your music and the message that you spread!" Pony shouted in fluent English, though Weiss couldn't tell the kind of accent she had. Blinking slowly, Weiss turned to the album in her hand.

The English version of the Yellow album, with songs such as I Burn, Ignite, and Armed and Ready. At least Pony was respectful, and that was good enough in Weiss' book.

Plus, she did kinda knock the girl unconscious when she shouted Gate of Atlas.

"Sure." Weiss took the album gently and reached for her pocket, only to remember that she didn't have a pen or pencil on her. Damn it! She should've been more prepared. She turned to the thinning crowd behind her.

"Does anyone happen to have a mark-"

A dozen pens and pencils were already out before Weiss even finished her sentence. She grabbed a marker at random, resulting in cheering and awing.

"Thank you." Weiss turned back to Pony, whos's face was turning an even deeper shade of red. She started writing.

"To Pony?" Weiss started speaking in English, giving Pony a wink. English seemed to be her original language, so that's what Weiss was going to use.


"To Pony Tsunotori, keep moving forward, love, Weiss Schnee, your number one fan." Weiss drew a heart. Yeah, that should be a good enough apology for almost giving her a concussion. After returning the marker back to its owner, Weiss handed the album back to the English speaking girl, who received it with shaking hands.

"T-Thank you so much! I'll be cheering for you!" Pony bowed repeatedly as she held the album close to her chest.

"No, thank you for being my fan." Weiss smiled sincerely. Maybe she should try being nicer to people.

Sadly, their conversation was interrupted by the footsteps of another person that walked up to them.

"Schnee." Todoroki said, his mismatched eyes were hard and serious. "Can I have a moment to speak to you?"

"You're speaking right now aren't you." Weiss said, her annoyance barely being held at bay. What did he want now?

"I mean alone." Todoroki's head turned to Pony and the rest of her fans. They all started whispering. Damn, no doubt there would be dozens of rumors by the end of the day.

How annoying, but it wouldn't hurt being nice for once.

"Very well." Weiss gave him a shrug and a glare, before turning to Pony with a smile. "Take care Pony!" PR skills were such a miracle to have.

But what did he want now?

"Who are your parents?" Shoto blurted out as he stared down the smaller idol, who returned it with her own glare. The two were standing in a hallway that wasn't being used much, similar to the one he confronted Midoriya in earlier.

It felt weird, talking to someone whose music he listened to right in front of him. Schnee's bangs did little if anything to hide the scar that went over one of her eyes.

Schnee scoffed and crossed her arms. "I don't think we're close enough to be asking these kinds of questions, Todoroki. Let me guess, its about that family member thing."

He needed to know, was she related to Mother? Their hair was the same shade of white, and while Schnee's were like a light blue sapphire, he couldn't get rid of the suspicions.

"True." Shoto said plainly. "But it doesn't hurt to ask."

"Hurt you perhaps, my parents are dead." Schnee rolled her eyes. "Is that what you want to hear? I'm German, not Japanese, so there's no way that we're related." She said bluntly.

Shoto paused, and looked away. He didn't mean to have her bring that up.

"And besides, why bring this up when the festival isn't over yet." Schnee took a step forward. "Until this is over, we're rivals, not classmates, and certainly not family members."

Schnee turned with a flip of her hair, leaving without giving Shoto to respond. She was right of course, this was a competition, and it didn't matter how much he liked her music.

Shoto was going to win, without using his Father's side.

He was sure of it.


No updates for any of my stories tomorrow, I'm going to take a small break. Just a day or so before I start writing again. I need to refresh myself before I start the tournament.

Question of the day:

It's been a while, so what songs do you hope to see Weiss sing in the future?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
what songs do you hope to see Weiss sing in the future?

I'll be honest -- I don't care much about the songs. I don't mean that you should remove them. I know you (and other readers) are really into them, and I know they provide a lot of inspiration to both you and others. But for me...

It's the introspections and character development (like we saw this chapter), the interactions with the MHA cast, and the conundrum of an alien girl with alien powers in the high-stakes yet high-school-fun world of MHA -- that's what I like.

So whether or not the songs are there, I'll keep reading. Thanks!
After that extremely weird discussion with Todoroki, who seriously had bad timing, Weiss found herself back at the UA stadium with the other students. Naturally, she walked with her friends, with the addition of Monoma who kept drawing a bit too close for Weiss' taste. Still, Weiss would try her best to be nicer to people, aside from those who annoyed her or obviously just wanted to use her.

That distinction was going to be hard to make wasn't it.


The crowd cheered loudly as they walked in. Weiss smiled and waved of course, she had an image to uphold after all.


Weiss' eyes briefly turned to the girls that formed a line off to the side that danced in ugly orange outfits.

"At least we don't have to wear that." Kyouka said with her hands behind her head. "Can you imagine if someone tried tricking us into wearing that?"

"I think you, Momo, and Weissy would look cute in them." Mina grinned with a lazy shrug. "We could've made it work." Yaoyorozu on the other hand, looked rather wary.


This really was starting to remind Weiss of the Vytal Festival, except she would be performing in the tournament, not Yang. Weiss kept smiling as she waved towards her fans that cheered for her, their white wigs and signs with her face making them stand out. She could focus on her…attitude once the Festival was over. Until then, all that mattered was winning.

"I hope I can make you proud, Ruby." Weiss whispered under her breath.

She would make team RWBY proud.

"Now let's draw lots to determine the brackets." Midnight returned with a box that had lots written on it sloppily. "Once the brackets are chosen the recreational games shall begin! The sixteen that made it to the last round shall have the choice whether or not to participate." She bit her bottom lip. "I'm sure some of you will want to save your strength for later."

Her voice sent another shiver down Weiss' spine. She sounded so familiar, but Weiss still couldn't tell why. A mystery for later she supposed.

"Now for the brackets based off of the drawing!" Midnight swang her riding crop as the large screens around the stadium showed who would be facing each other. Weiss' eyes started from the far left of the screen.

Tetsutetsu vs Ashido.

Monoma vs Todoroki.

Bakugou vs Yaoyorozu

Midoriya vs Hatsume.

Mineta vs Ochako.

Schnee vs Kaminari.

Weiss paused when she found her name, the only one written in English. She was fighting electricity boy huh. She gave Dolt, who was completely made out of metal, a look. Hm, this was workable. She finished reading the bracket.

Iida vs Tsuyu

Ibara vs Ojiro.

Weird, most of Class 1A were the ones that made it in, with only two from 1B and Hatsume the lone competitor from the Support course. None of the General education students made it? This seemed a bit unfair, but that was how the world worked, this world at least.

She would dedicate her halftime show tomorrow for those who didn't make it to the finale.

If she won her match vs Kyouka's friend, then she would end up either against Mineta or Ochako, the brown haired girl that was always with Midoriya. Speaking of the green haired boy that brought back memories, there was a chance that Weiss would end up facing him as well, should he win the matches that were before him.

Such a match would prove to be interesting, but that didn't matter because the future wasn't set in stone. The only two she had to worry about was the dog and Todoroki, with their superior fire power.

She tightened her grip on Dolt's hilt.

"Damn, I'm going to die." An exasperated voice took Weiss out of her thoughts. Angling her head to view the offender, Kaminari was already starting to cry. "Ice Queen's going to murder me. I'd rather fight Bakugou."

You're a murderer.

"Only if you misbehave." Weiss spoke up, causing Kyouka and Kaminari's head to swerve violently in her direction.

"Was that a joke?" Kaminari said nervously. Weiss only gave him a smirk in return.

"You'll find out soon enough." Weiss shrugged.

See! She was nice after all.

In the end, Weiss decided not to participate in the recreational activities, sitting alone in one of the rooms that had been prepared for the competitors, with her headphones on. The last tournament she participated in didn't exactly end the way she had thought it would, with team RWBY as the victors of the Vytal Festival, and making Winter proud with her accomplishments.

No, instead everything was ruined. Beacon fell, parts of the Vale fell to the White Fang and the Grimm, and the deaths of her two closest friends outside of team RWBY. Still, at least Mr. Beethoven's several hundred year old symphonies helped to calm Weiss' nerves.

Each string, each instrument, they felt as if they were talking to her, an ode to her joy. This tournament would decide her future as a hero, it would shape people's perceptions of her as more than just a singer. Sure she had a few more Sport's festivals to attend once she wasn't a first year, but first impressions were always important.

Her timer started to ring, which made her take off her headphones just before the symphony reached its crescendo.

"Yang, Blake, Ruby…" Weiss mumbled as she stood up, perfecting her posture as she moved her bangs out of her sight.

"Please give me your strength."


Nothing much happened here, but it was necessary to set up the fights. The winners of the matches shall be decided at random, since I need to think about who would win a hypothetical fight.

I'm not going to write all of them, skipping a few here and there cause we don't need to see all of them.

After the tournament, I plan on writing an interlude or two before jumping into the next arc which is my favorite. I've been planning it in my head for months now.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
"IT'S TIME FOR THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR BEAUTIFUL AUDIENCE! THE FIRST MATCH IS TETSUTETSU VS ASHIDO BOTH FROM THE HERO COURSE. THE RULES ARE SIMPLE, FORCE YOUR OPPONENT OUT OF BOUNDS OR IMMOBILIZE THEM." Present Mic's ever present narration was starting to grow to become an annoyance, in Weiss' opinion at least. The crowd seemed to like him, so what was her opinion worth in the end? Absolutely nothing. "YOU ALSO WIN IF YOU FORCE YOUR OPPONENT TO SAY I GIVE UP!"

Weiss kept her back straight as she sat in the stands, their area set aside specifically for the students competing. She controlled her breathing as she spotted her friend's pink hair and skin. Mina grinned as she waved towards the crowd, as Tetsutetsu the iron guy marched towards the simple battleground that Cementoss created using his quirk.

"This match is going to be close." Weiss said under her breath, though Kyouka, who sat next to her, caught it. Yaoyorozu sat to the other side of Weiss, watching the upcoming match intently.

"What makes you say that?" Kyouka leaned back in her seat casually.

"Mina's acid might not be enough to get past his metal, and if he gets a good strike on her, she's out." Weiss shrugged. It was an honest assessment, especially since most of her classmates were focused on improving with their quirks, and not a particular fighting style at the moment. "She'll have to keep her distance while spraying him if she wants to win."

Kyouka nodded in agreement as she turned her attention back to their friend who was bouncing on the balls of her heels. "She'll be fine."

Weiss was not inclined to agree. Hundreds of hero agencies were watching, waiting to see who performed to the best in order to send them internship offers, and if they didn't do their best, then the less offers they would have. At least Weiss had Yu as a backup plan, but she didn't want to use her friend in such a manner. Even then, she still had her image as an idol that would surely gain her more than a few offers.

Her friends didn't have such luxuries.


Cementoss formed a seat made of, well, cement off to the side, but still close enough to affect the match if needed. Even Midnight was on guard, her quirk essentially perfect when it came to immobilizing hormonal students, and people in general.


The fight between Mina and the boy from 1B went just as Weiss expected. Though, was it a bit mean that Weiss thought it was a rather boring fight, watching Mina run around the iron boy spraying him with her acid?

It ended in tragedy when Mina drew too close to Tetsutetsu near the edge of the court, and ended up with a haymaker to her face, knocking her out of the competition. Now that must've hurt, especially since she didn't have any aura.

"Don't say it." Kyouka spoke up as soon as Mina was off of the court.

Weiss parted her lips just slightly. "I told you so."

Yaoyorozu started giggling politely as she held a hand over her mouth. "I hope she's ok."

"She'll be fine." Weiss shrugged. She had faced worse at a younger age, and her friends would have to as well if they wanted to be heroes. Winter had left her with dozens of bruises, and her fencing instructor often left her hands bloodied.

What was a scratch when a Grimm could tear your arm off? That wasn't even mentioning how her ballet and ice skating instructor punished Weiss for her mistakes.

The way the teachers taught here was practically a vacation.

"TETSUTETSU WINS BY A KNOCKOUT! AS YOU CAN SEE LADIES, HE ISN'T AFRAID TO HIT A GIRL! NOW THAT'S TRUE GENDER EQUALITY." The screens showed a replay of Tetsutetsu punching Mina in slow motion.

The DJ really needed to install a filter, but the crowd ate him up anyways.

"It's time for that other guy from 1B now right?" Kyouka turned her head to the section where their sister class was sitting. Monoma walked past his classmates, each one of them giving him a high five, except for Shiozaki who was also competing.

"Monoma, and he's competent I suppose." Weiss looked away when the blond boy started shouting in her direction, asking for her blessing. He was more embarrassing than Mineta honestly. Now this match should be interesting, with Monoma's copy quirk and Todoroki's superior firepower.

"Does that mean you think he's cu-"

"Finish that sentence and I will end your boy toy."


Neito formed an easy grin walking onto the court. It was time to show those losers, aside from his glorious Goddess and Minoru who was a decent fellow, that the Ice Princess of Japan truly belonged in Class 1B. He would make her proud!


Not even the son of Endeavor, the number two hero, could match the power of most of Class 1B combined. The Half-and-Half boy seemed rather angry, which Neito's grin grow even larger. Did he also know the futility of this fight?

"You're not worthy of being in the presence of the Great Schnee." Neito said loudly as the countdown started. What quirks should he use first? Fukidashi? Kaibara's?

Todoroki remained silent, and the countdown ended.


In an instant, Todoroki took a step forward, and formed a pillar of ice heading straight towards Neito. Time to use Fukidashi's quirk then.

"Boom." The ice exploded as the large words slammed into the pillar, and the fight began earnestly. The stadium was filled with the sound of Neito's laughter as the ground started to freeze, inching towards him rapidly, but that only made his laughter sound even louder.

It was time to watch him ignite!


A short chapter, but the coming fights should make it worth it in the end. As a reminder, I'm not the best at writing fighting scenes, but I'll do my best to make them creative, and to make them flow well.

Fights that I'm not so sure of will be decided by a coin flip, unless I really need someone to make it to the next part for plot reasons.

Thank you for reading!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!
Thank you for your work! I binge read this everything in one go! It was time well spent.

Found this from your Schnee worm story.

Happy that Weiss got some internal character development. Better if she doesn't get interrupted while she makes monologues in her head about her self discoveries.

It feels like Weiss is trapped by her persona so she can't let her true self out. To emote more, to feel more and be more. It feels like her persona is like a defense mechanism developed to endure and mask her feelings. Like a mask.

Didn't Weiss talk to Yu how it was on Remnant? I feel that there is a serious gap in knowledge what is normal and expected in her old world. I remember that she was on her defense at first because she didn't understand both Yu and that detective at first but its been many months now and doesn't Weiss wish to show more of what she loves (places, people and culture) to Yu?

I mean I think it was a nice consequence of Grimm sensing negative emotion causing people trained in Atlas suppress their emotions to try to both hide from them and not deal with emotions in the field. Not very healthy nor practical in the long term but we don't see any old soldiers with that practice iirc. Why I meantion that is as far as I remember was Atlas on the other side of that color war. Don't know if its fanon or canon but its militerized a lot more than what we see of Vale and I can see old families still following the supress emotion thingy from before the Color War.

Its no wonder that Hound's therapy doesn't work if he doesn't try to build report with her. Everything from his suboptional way of handling, trust issues (I think her arrogance comes from her lack of trust and need to keep her mask up causing her to slip into old patterns), PTSD, and the way she was taught. By that I mean like this:
Girl1: she is bleeding!
Weiss: Just a scratch compared to what my ballad trainers did.
Girl2: And the young man beside her has his arm in a wrong angle!
Weiss: No problem. Just have him practice first aid. My combat instructors did it too.
Weiss: And he needs to train to keep his cool no matter what happens. Do you want me to help your dislocated shoulder?
Weiss: You take his arm like this.
Weiss: Then like, this! *Knack!*
Weiss: and now you know how to treat dislocated shoulders despite him having several broken ribs and a broken hand. Please make sure you don't slip on the blood. It will get messy fast!
Everyone: ....

Maybe a little over the top but I think her culture divide will be clear if she spends her time talking with others with her true home. And I don't mean with her faux talking about her home.

Proud that I read through every single post everyone has made in this thread. Great comments everyone! Cheers!
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What if?: Pyrrha
Pyrrha woke up early as usual, the same way she always had ever since she arrived into this new world. Easily lifting her chin over the bar as she lifted her body, Pyrrha formed a sad smile. She still wondered how the others were doing after her rather untimely demise at the hands of Cinder.

She missed Jaune most of all, and regretted that she hadn't confessed her feelings earlier, until it was too late. Did he still think about her? It hurt, but a part of Pyrrha wanted him to forget about her, and to move on. He deserved that much at the very least.

"I'm still shocked your abs aren't as big as mine." A voice that had grown to become familiar interrupted her line of thought.

"Good morning Cathleen!" Pyrrha said cheerfully as she finished her last lift, dropping down to the floor, and graciously accepted a bottle of water from the 'World's Strongest Woman'.

"Morning." Cathleen Bate, better known to the world as Stars and Stripes, said with a large grin on her face. "I have a present for you."

Pyrrha smiles nervously. The last time Cathleen had a present, Pyrrha found herself joining a raid that busted some members of the Mafia.

Without another word, Cathleen pulled out her phone, and held it out to the former invincible girl. It was some sort of news article-

Pyrrha's green eyes widened as she felt her take in a large breath of air.


Just a what if since Im not bringing in more RWBY characters.

The next real update should come out tomorrow.