Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

Sauron current strategy is actually pretty much out of the box thinking already, but I suppose you are right.

I would argue that shapeshifting into something his targets will fine pleasing and relaxing to convince them to do what he wants is what he did with the Numenorians.

On the other hand, can you think a better way to manipulate sexually frustrated male population of Japan than with Catgirls? :D

Yes. The promise of a better economy and social order, where people have time enough to boink their significant others and where they don't have any of this "lost generation" nonsense.

If Sauron were to sell sex as part of that, it wouldn't be with such a niche part of a nitch fandom as the furry fans. Otaku's are already a very small part of the Japanese population, he wouldn't be splitting that further with catgirls.
I would argue that shapeshifting into something his targets will fine pleasing and relaxing to convince them to do what he wants is what he did with the Numenorians.
Yes, shapeshifting itself isn't unique, but I think cat theme is.

Yes. The promise of a better economy and social order, where people have time enough to boink their significant others and where they don't have any of this "lost generation" nonsense.

If Sauron were to sell sex as part of that, it wouldn't be with such a niche part of a nitch fandom as the furry fans. Otaku's are already a very small part of the Japanese population, he wouldn't be splitting that further with catgirls.
Yes, I suppose, but keep in mind we are dealing with an universe that already runs on anime logic, which would pretty much mean that otaku culture is more prevalent than in reality while their social problems remains mostly the same only ignored for the sake of greater conflict. Catgirls (mostly suggested because it runs with adopted cat theme) would work, plus they are only a little bit exotic rather than full fledged furries, and would serve as a symbol of a change.
Besides, Saruman definitely thought of mixing two species together, so Sauron could to.
Yes, I suppose, but keep in mind we are dealing with an universe that already runs on anime logic, which would pretty much mean that otaku culture is more prevalent than in reality while their social problems remains mostly the same only ignored for the sake of greater conflict. Catgirls (mostly suggested because it runs with adopted cat theme) would work, plus they are only a little bit exotic rather than full fledged furries, and would serve as a symbol of a change.
Besides, Saruman definitely thought of mixing two species together, so Sauron could to.

That is an aweful lot of assumptions we are dealing with here, starting with caveat that a series made in the 90's for girls would have an universe that would appeal to male otaku sensibilities of the Naughts and beyond. And that's also with the assumption that furry fans make a big enough percentage of the otaku fandom to make appealing to the former also appealing to the latter.

Until these things prove true, it's just a something quirky that we might attempt for aesthetic reasons, not practical ones. And even then, it wouldn't be IC because Sauron's aesthetic preferences don't run on "moe".
Keep in mind that until we power up at least a little our army of cats will only be useful for mundane spying around the city
That is an aweful lot of assumptions we are dealing with here, starting with caveat that a series made in the 90's for girls would have an universe that would appeal to male otaku sensibilities of the Naughts and beyond. And that's also with the assumption that furry fans make a big enough percentage of the otaku fandom to make appealing to the former also appealing to the latter.
True. I forgot that it is a magical girl anime and vast majority of characters are female (which may be controversially enough into girls anyway)

We didn't met important players yet anyway so consider this an idle talk.

And even then, it wouldn't be IC because Sauron's aesthetic preferences don't run on "moe".
Sauron's aesthetics preference was pretty much dominated by the fact he inherited everything from Morgoth (who in turn liked a whole spikes and skulls aesthetics)
Cats and Cat
Seems like it is a landslide vote.

[X] Find where the stray cats live so you can later gather them into an army.

You wait for Kino to fall asleep, then uncurl and head towards the door. You use your unnatural strength to jump at the doorknob, twisting it as you fall and causing it to slight open. You push it a little more open then slip out.

Then you look at the staircase, and then the elevator. You make your choice.

You jump up and hit the down arrow next to the elevator. It takes a few seconds, but the elevator door opens. Next time you get the chance you do wish to study this mechanism. In any case, you enter and then jump to hit the first floor key. The doors close, and you begin to descend.

Once on the first floor, you head towards the entrance. This time though, you avoid the door and instead jump onto one of he windows. You push it open, then jump outside the building.

Excellent. You can now begin. You begin walking around the city, looking for stray cats. Strangely, there does not seem to be very many. You run around all sorts of alleyways, but cats are no where to be found. You knew you saw cats before you had taken form, you only need to find them.

Search: 76, Req 30 = Success

You enter various alleyways around the district, getting quite a bit away from Kino's apartment. These are normally where you would expect to find the cats sleeping, but perhaps your assumption was wrong. This is not the terrain you are used to dealing with cats in, after all.

After around an hour or so, you finally find them. A horde of dozens of cats in an alleyway. That does not make any sense, that is definitely not normal cat behavior. Cats are solitary creatures, not pack animals. You know this as a fact.

Yet it seems that they are acting as a pack. They are in a large group, so tight that they are practically touching each other and fill the alleyway. Why they are not attacking each other, you do not know. And how do they get enough food? How are they not accidentally hitting into each other?

In any case, you suppose this is lucky. They would make a good army if they were not domestic cats, though they will still make good spies.

You will have to see if you can investigate this at some point anyway. It is likely a result from being in the city, you think, as the last time you were with cats major cities as dense as this one did not exist.

You begin to walk up to them. Suddenly, they all turn to stare at you. Then they start running, presumedly to run you over and drive you away from their territory, as territorial creatures are wont to do.

That is certainly not going to happen.

You project your presence outward, letting them feel your power and your rightful place as lord of cats. They try to stop, but the momentum of those behind each of the cats pushes them forward until they almost reach you.

You stare at the first in the eyes. She looks down in submissiveness. Next, you do the same to the other cats. They naturally respect you as their proper liege, and you are free to command them.

You tell them to be on the watch for the monsters' activity in stealing energy from people. Without a proper link it is likely they will not be able to completely know what you mean. However, you do not have your full powers back yet, so you do not put your will into controlling them yet.

The sun will be rising soon, and you wish to be there when the Kino girl wakes up so you can cement her loyalty to you. You leave, sure that you can check in on them later and perhaps strengthen the servile bond that ties them to your service.

You move out of the alley, and begin to head back to the apartment.

Random Encounter: 97, Req 60 = Encounter Luna. (Other possibility was Rhett Butler or no one)

While on the road, you cross paths with another black cat, though this one has a crescent shaped yellow fur on her forehead. This cat also has a strangely powerful fea (soul), much brighter than the other cats. Suddenly, she begins to look around.

"An evil presence! I need to find the Sailors quick," she says to herself quietly.


Did that cat just talk? You need to get to the bottom of this.

"Did you just speak?" Direct, in this case, you think is the best. It will also keep her from running away from that evil presense, which is probably you, by forcing her into a confrontation. Interesting that she can sense 'evilness' though. How does she define evil?

"Did you just speak?" She responds, seemingly gobsmacked. How strange, for a talking cat to by surprised by another.

"Of course I did. I am Tevildo, lord of cats. Who might you be?" It would be best to be polite.

"I'm Luna. What are you doing here? How can you speak? You don't look like a moon cat…" she looks at you warily. You suppose moon cat refers to the crescent shape on her forehead. That means that there are more talking cats than just her, and explains why she was surprised you could talk as you do not have the crescent symbol. That could be useful.

"I can speak because I am the lord of cats. I have come here to gather support to fight against a coming darkness. There are more of you talking cats? Where do you come from and what are your plans?" It is best to keep to one story, you think, although it is unlikely that Kino will ever meet this Luna. Answering her demands is harmless enough and will hopefully give you information.

"Yes, all moon cats can speak. You know, I've also come here to gather forces to fight an evil. What is the name of who you fight?" The name of those I fight? Well, the best lies have a grain of truth…

"I fight the Order of the Istari. They have come from a far away land, not reachable by land or sea, to destroy the progress humanity has made. I have reason to believe they already have agents here. I do notice you avoided my questions. Who are you?" You avoid locking yourself into saying the recent monsters are enemies or potential allies, as you can easily say they are or are not the enemies you speak of later. It is best to keep your options open, and your lies secure.

"I also fight evil. Do you know of the Dark Kingdom?" She seems almost hopeful here.

"I do not. I presume those are whom you fight?"

"Yes. Now, I must go. I have no time to waste." This is clearly an excuse as she was not seeming to be in such a hurry earlier, but she still runs off.

You are about to chase after her, when you see the sun begin to rise in the east. It is a new day. If you are to return to Kino's apartment so you are still there when she wakes up, thus possibly furthering her bond to you, you will need to head there now. On the other hand, with another talking cat around, you may want to cement the loyalty of the stray cats to you.

[] Go back to the cats to use your power to allow you to command them from far away. (Learn Invest Will)

[] Try to keep following Luna. (Learn Illusion)
-[] Try to ally her.
-[] Try to get her to serve you.
-[] Optional: Use Bewitching Voice.

[] Return to the apartment so you will be there when Kino wakes up. (Learn Magic Blast)

[] Write-in

AN: So apparently in the Sailor Moon world cats live in groups of like 50 and have turf wars. So that's what we're going with here.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 22, 2018 at 7:55 AM, finished with 75 posts and 11 votes.
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I want to vote for more cat stuff but I have the niggling feeling that returning to Kino would be better to keep the facade.

Troubling indecision. :\
[X] Go back to the cats to use your power to allow you to command them from far away. (Learn Invest Will)
AN: So apparently in the Sailor Moon world cats live in groups of like 50 and have turf wars. So that's what we're going with here.
Yeah, don't know what to tell you but that's normal in cities. They're called Feral Cat Colonies and depending on the food supply can get pretty big. Case in point, the famous Cat Islands of Japan whose large cat populations are a tourist attraction.

[x] Return to the apartment so you will be there when Kino wakes up. (Learn Magic Blast)
remember that luna is trying to gather the sailor scouts. If we don't make sure to keep an eye on Jupiter the moon cats will try to win her over.
[x] Return to the apartment so you will be there when Kino wakes up. (Learn Magic Blast)

I guess this is more practical than more cats. But I'd prefer more cats nonetheless.
Yeah, don't know what to tell you but that's normal in cities. They're called Feral Cat Colonies and depending on the food supply can get pretty big. Case in point, the famous Cat Islands of Japan whose large cat populations are a tourist attraction.

Google has lied to me :eek:

In any case, Sauron's conclusions were correct then.

Edit: To be clear, the cat option isn't more cats, it's being able to communicate with the cats you already have from far away.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 21, 2018 at 9:29 PM, finished with 69 posts and 6 votes.

  • [x] Return to the apartment so you will be there when Kino wakes up. (Learn Magic Blast)
    [X] Go back to the cats to use your power to allow you to command them from far away. (Learn Invest Will)

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 21, 2018 at 10:07 PM, finished with 70 posts and 7 votes.
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Goddamn it Sauron, you could have made this so much easier if you simply stated that you didn't know what the evil was, only that you felt it >_<

Always with the grandoise stuff. Just couldn't help yourself, could you?!
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[x] Return to the apartment so you will be there when Kino wakes up. (Learn Magic Blast)

Stealing one of the Senshi.
[X] Return to the apartment so you will be there when Kino wakes up. (Learn Magic Blast)

This quest pleases me.
[X] Try to keep following Luna. (Learn Illusion)
-[X] Try to ally her.

Let's try to incorporate Luna into our own narrative about the coming darkness. Since we are the lord of cats, we must know about other talking cats out there, and since we can't probably control Luna right away allying with her makes sense.