justinkal, fixed the door. The if else is to just advertise that there are other routes.
At this point, I have no idea where Roa could be.
So, it would logically follow that since I am here already, I should probably check around the mansion grounds.
By moonlight, I am able to see well enough, even in my current state, to search sufficiently.
So, I start searching, systematically.
When searching, if you have no idea where to start, it's usually best to search as much area as you can, bit by bit.
You can't afford to leave anything unturned, when searching for something as difficult to find as my target was likely going to be.
Of course, it didn't help that my target had the ability to move around, too-----
However, I did have one advantage.
Not only was I out for my target's life, but he was out for mine, too.
This meant, that my search had to bear fruit, eventually----
Basically, it meant that he would be looking for me, too, and it was only a matter of time before one of us found the other.
Then, it would just be a matter of who found the other first.
Naturally, I wanted it to be me, but I remained wary.
At this point, and at any point, I couldn't afford for Roa to catch me off-guard.
I was simply out to protect my own life, but he was out to claim mine for his own, as he couldn't really exist any longer, simply preying off of it, while it remained in my possession.
So, by different means, and for different reasons, both Roa and I were out to protect our own existence.
It was up for debate, which of us was more desperate-----
First, I search all around the mansion itself, starting near the actual building itself.
I glance around the open space, and through the gardens basking in moonlight.
But, there's really nothing out of the ordinary to be found.
Soon, I come upon a detached, Japanese style building, near to the mansion, and of course, on the grounds.
I, recognize it-----
But, it doesn't really matter, right now.
With only a moment's hesitation, I step inside.
At first, I would think walking inside this building would be a new experience for me.
But, it's not. Not at all.
Through some faint, but stark glimmer of memory, I am able to tell that this is where I, that is, the real me, lived.
It's a bit too dark inside the building to see clearly, so I try turning on the light.
Fortunately, it works, despite its age.
So, I look around.
The building consists mainly of a single, Japanese room; small, but comfortable in its own way.
Maybe it is that much more comfortable, because I feel oddly at home, here?
Or, at least, I feel certainly more at home here, than in 'my' room at the mansion.
There's also closet space, for the futons and the like.
Besides that, the room is basically bare, and there's really nothing else to this building.
It seems almost as if, it was made to keep a pet----
Is that, perhaps, how the old man saw his adopted son?
It doesn't matter now, anyway.
This, isn't my room any more, and the old man is dead.
Rather than brooding about the past, I need to concentrate instead, on the present.
And, that means finding Roa----
I take a final look around the room, but of course nothing's changed.
So, with a final pang of longing, unable to be fulfilled, I walk back outside.
I look back, into the dense foliage acting as a rearguard to the mansion.
Roa, could certainly be hiding back amongst the forest.
I should check back there----- but, carefully.
There are too many hiding places among the trees, and the reassuring moonlight can only pierce the leaves and branches so much.
If I make a mistake now, I could lose more, than just my life----
Keeping a careful eye out, even in the relative darkness, I step carefully into the trees.
I can't help but feel a bit uncomfortable, despite my eyeful watch.
There are simply too many things, beyond my eyeshot---- too many places to hide.
But still, that makes it only more likely that Roa will be hiding in such a place.
For someone deceitful enough to hide within someone's body, without that person even knowing, would certainly feel at home in any place that provided plenty of unassuming cover.
Of course, there's no guarantee at all that Roa is actually back here, hiding somewhere.
I need to stop thinking around myself, in endless circles----
Instead, I should concentrate on continuing my search----------
Suddenly, without any conscious thought, I spin around and look up.
I hear a faint click of tongue against teeth, as a human-like form disappears into the dark.
I take off running, trying to follow the darting form.
I realize too late, that I shouldn't have talked.
But, I think it hardly matters, since my quarry was clearly already watching me, and thus had evidently already zeroed me.
What matters now, is keeping track of my target.
I can't afford to lose sight of it-----
But, this brings up something important.
My target, is flying relatively effortlessly through the trees, where it appears only as a humanoid silhouette.
It jumps, lands gracefully, and jumps again.
And, I can only run blindly after it----
If my enemy can do something like this so casually, do I really have a chance of winning---?
But, in this case, I think it would be better to die trying, than to just give up without a fight.
Besides, I always have my special trump card----
The form breaks from the trees, and runs quickly toward the mansion gate, illuminated, finally, by the moonlight.
It's a fair distance away, but I can faintly make it out----
The person running from me is thin, and appears to be a male around my age.
His dark hair reflects lightly in the light of the full moon, and his four powerful limbs pump smoothly as he quickly crosses the grounds.
He reaches the gate quickly, and climbs smoothly over in a matter of seconds, landing lightly on the other side, and instantly runs off again.
I have to follow him, and quickly---!
I jump, and grab onto the gate.
As quickly as I'm able, I clamber over the gate, and jump over the top.
The landing is a little rougher than I anticipated, but I ignore the slight creaking in my joints, and unfold my body from its crouched, landing position.
I smoothly unfurl into a running stance, and sprint off after the form just disappearing down the hill.
I run recklessly down the hill, gaining enough momentum from the slope to see the form dart around a corner.
I don't even care at this point, but I don't encounter anyone else as I run, though this part of town is usually quiet anyway, especially in the dead of night like it is now.
Then, I start to notice something.
Every time him and I take a turn, I barely catch a glimpse of him as he does so, but I still somehow manage to keep up.
Some corners are farther away from the corners before them, while others are closer to their initial.
Still, every time, I manage to see him, just barely, no matter how near or far the next turn is.
That must mean, he's letting me follow him-----
But, what does that mean?
Probably, that he is luring me into some sort of trap---- otherwise, he would either lose me completely, or allow me to catch him, so we could finally have it out.
Well, he would do anything other than what he is doing----
Then again, he could be doing something I can't fathom.
In any case, I increase my guard even further.
If I'm right, or even if I'm wrong, I'll have to be extra careful.
I can't afford not to pursue him, but I can't afford to fall into a trap right now, either.
I just have to be careful----
But, since I don't know yet what to be careful of, I just have to rely on my senses and reflexes to keep me alive----
We turn at the crossing, of which I'm so familiar.
We even take the same exact turn that I always do, amusingly enough.
And, just like that, we arrive at the school.
My quarry again hops the gate, and I again follow.
Then, he disappears inside the front door of the school, which is, curiously, open.
Now that he's inside the school, I get the feeling that he won't be leaving, without settling things first.
So, I stop for a moment to contemplate my situation.
Roa is now inside the school, and there's no reason he would have come here, and put himself within a confining structure, if he did not intend to have it out, first.
If a trap has been laid, which I feel confident that it has, it will be inside the school that it is sprung.
Unless of course, this is just some sort of decoy maneuver----
Very possible, for someone as deceitful as Roa.
In any case, I can be quite confident that Roa did not simply come here in order to flee, or else he would have given me the slip a while ago.
No matter what, I have every reason to believe, that the final battle will take place, right here, right now----
But, before that, I should catch my breath.
The front area of the school is nice and open, so I won't be caught unawares out here too easily.
It's a good place to rest, though surely Roa is watching me even now----
It doesn't matter.
The end won't begin, until I willingly walk into Roa's trap.
So, I can rest as long as I want----
Though, I shouldn't take too long, either.
I still don't know how time passes here, compared to the real world.
So, if I take too long, who knows what might happen while I'm away?
I relax my body, and take a few deep breaths, clearing my head and mind.
By now I've caught my breath, and I feel confident enough to step inside the building, though carefully-----
I can't rule out the possibility that Roa might even be waiting for me, right inside the door.
I doubt it, since it's such a painfully obvious ambush spot, but just because of that, it makes it all the more likely.
Carefully, carefully-----
I put my foot within the door, and then my whole body; listening, searching to the sides with my eyes; if I could, and it would help, I would taste the very air----
I notice, but all too late.
From above; in the ceiling! My quarry pounces on me, aided by gravity, and strikes me against the ground.
He then lifts me, and spins me to the side, somehow bringing us both into a standing position, and, using the blade he takes from my hand, pins me against the wall.
The wind is knocked out of me with the force of the blow, and my assailant covers my eyes with his arm.
Dammit---- I try struggling, but it's useless.
For some reason, I am allowed to catch my breath---- I haven't been stabbed, at least not yet.
I've yet to feel that cool metal, ripping through my flesh---- though it could happen at any moment.
Then, strangely, the arm is removed from my eyes, and I am allowed to look at my assailant.
It is like----
Looking in a mirror-----
Though, not quite.
Rather than my dark eyes, his are a bright, sparkling blue-- and his poise suggest that he has some fundamental thing that I lack, or perhaps---- it's the other way around.
"Who---- are you?"
I manage to gasp out.
I don't let my guard down at all---- not that he's stripped me of it anyway.
This--- thing looks exactly like me, except for the aforementioned differences.
But, it could still be Roa---- and even if it's not, this man is still something dangerous.
So, I still have to be careful---- though the fact that he hasn't killed me yet, is still a reassuring sign.
"Tch---- I'm you, of course. The real you, the one who should be in control of that body---- you're even using my knife, you selfish brat. I'm older than you, you know."
I almost whisper the name questioningly, and the man---- I, nod.
"Yeah. I'm that part of you, who existed before you were even brought into being. Though I have to say, for a fake, you're remarkably real-----"
A fake---?
Well, I can get what he means.
I'm living the part of Tohno Shiki, but that isn't truly me.
I, am Nanaya Shiki---- without a doubt.
Though, this proves, that him and I are also separate.
I can't even tell anymore who the real me is-----
"What's going on? What do you want, anyway---!?"
I demand answers, but Nanaya shoves me, quietly, into the wall and covers my mouth.
"Quiet, idiot. Roa really is in this building, you know--- well, that's why I brought you here. And also, to offer you a deal----"
He releases my mouth again, and I speak quieter this time.
"----What sort of deal?"
I'm actually a bit surprised at how calm I'm able to remain---- but, I don't think someone like Nanaya will aim to harm me.
After all, he does have violent impulses to kill, but only towards nonhumans, right?
Here, more than ever, I am completely human---- well, I still have these eyes, but even humans can have supernatural ability.
I've seen that for myself.
So, if he's not here to kill me, what does he want---?
"---Well. Let me begin, then."
Nanaya speaks in a more relaxed tone, but doesn't loosen his grip on my body at all.
He has me expertly pinned---- there's no room for escape.
Though, since endangering my existence would undoubtedly endanger his own, I wonder why he doesn't go a bit easier on me.
"Roa is a vampire. You, are an ordinary human. Well, I am too---- but, we're different. The only advantage you have over me, is those eyes of yours---- since you're the one who's already died once, I didn't acquire the eyes that you--- did."
He doesn't have my eyes?
That, I find curious.
If he doesn't have the eyes himself, then why does he even know about them?
I guess that we are just simply that enmeshed, together----
Though, clearly not enmeshed enough, to only be one being in this world.
I would think, we would actually be one in the same---- especially, since my very existence, is really just a fake.
I guess that this proves testament, to my own existence---- the fake has grown so strong, that I've actually taken on a life of my own, despite everything.
And, I have the eyes---- which, in a way, makes me even more powerful than the original.
It's a strangely broken existence, within me.
I have the eyes, and he has the drive----
Basically, he has the job, and I have the tools.
Together, we would be more than perfect, in exterminating nonhumans---- but, I don't want that.
I never asked for these eyes, though just like Sensei taught me, I can't, and won't live in denial of their existence.
They are a part of me, and I accept that-----
Nanaya continues.
"Basically, even with your eyes, Roa has an advantage over you. I don't think you'll be able to beat him on your own---- and when you finally die, I'll step in and take your place. I'll kill Roa, and I'll finally have my body back, as it should be. But, I'm going to offer you a choice."
I'm intrigued, and listen carefully.
For some reason, Nanaya clicks his tongue when he calls me that.
"You don't have the desire necessary to destroy non-humans---- You even let yourself---- become one."
Nanaya spits in disgust.
"But, you have the eyes---- they're simply perfect. And, I want them for myself. Which is why, it would be ideal to let Roa kill you, and take them for myself----"
I gulp.
Though he won't kill me himself, he'll let Roa kill me---?
And he's totally convinced that's what Roa will do, too----
Nanaya speaks up again.
"---you're a pretty interesting study yourself, so I don't really want you to die. Thus, the deal; if you'll let me borrow those eyes of yours, I'll kill Roa for you. If you don't want to, though, I'll just let him kill you, like I've said. Of course, if you beat him, I'll let you do things your way---- otherwise, this wouldn't be a very interesting gamble."
"Still, it's your choice. I highly doubt you'll be able to defeat him, so I of course suggest allowing me to kill him for you. And, I'll only borrow your eyes for a short while---- once I'm done, you can have everything back. Well? Make your choice, Tohno Shiki. And, please do so quickly."
Make a choice?
But, I have too much to consider----
As if to speed up my decision, Nanaya presses his arm more tightly against my throat, leaving me little space to breathe---- or think.
1. ---I'll let him do it. (SS10o)
2. These eyes are mine, and mine alone. (SS10p)