SAO ideas, fics, and discussion

I would have thought that Sinon would be Archer, because Sniper, but then there's nothing that really fits Leafa... and I suppose her spells could count?

...I don't know why. But I keep thinking Klein gets Hercules for whatever reason...
I would have thought that Sinon would be Archer, because Sniper, but then there's nothing that really fits Leafa... and I suppose her spells could count?

Keep in mind that Sinon is a SNIPER not an ARCHER in her preferred game. She's only an archer in ALfheim because that's the only range weapon available. One of her jobs is picking off high value targets from ambush. While she is a good person, and is honorable in that sense, she definitely thinks giving an opponent an 'honorable fight' is stupid.

She'll use camouflage, do reconnaissance, set traps, ambushes, and do everything in her power to tilt the fight in her favor before it even begins. And she'll absolutely take a shot at an enemy Master if she sees the opportunity. Thus, Assassin.

...I don't know why. But I keep thinking Klein gets Hercules for whatever reason...

Hint : Be careful what you wish for Klein . . .
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<<These Machines Kill Masters>>​

An angry rumble filled the air as a squadron of grotesque wasps dove beneath the tree line, surrounding their victim from all sides with a swarming efficiency, their black eyes and yellow mandibles forming hateful masks. A lone beginner mage might have been able to take three or four, perhaps even a half dozen Coarser Vespidae.

There were a lot more than a half dozen.

A flight of three broke formation, dive bombing the blue haired girl that they had made their target. Three quivering barbed stingers, the size of knives and glistening with venom, attempted to skewer her body. She dodged with a snarl on her face.

In her usual game she didn't typically have such a front row seat to the monsters as she blew them away with precision armor piercing firepower.

And all because she'd gone soft . . .

Try a new game, they said.

It'll by fun, they said.

If not for the esteem with which she held her new friends, Asada Shino wouldn't have even given the notion a second thought. Although visiting ALfheim proved to be a good bit of fun, as one of the most fearsome players of Gun Gale Online, the sniper Sinon, she was in no hurry to make any other game her home, not even for Kirito.

But Kirito wasn't the one who had asked her. It had been Asuna. Shino had found it almost impossible to dislike the person introduced by Kazuto as his girlfriend, it became apparent very quickly that Asuna didn't have a single mean spirited bone in her body, unlike most privileged girls. And when she called Shino 'Sinono!' in that sing song greeting, so happy to have another girl around, it was very hard to resist what was ultimately a fairly modest request.

'Kazuto-kun is going to be busy over summer break. Why don't you try this game with us?'

She'd had a little extra money that month from trading in some rare loot she'd found while dungeon diving . . .

And so, Asada Shino had found herself flipping down the visor of her Amusphere and diving into the world of <<Chalice of Heroes Online>>.

Of course, where someone like Kirito had no doubt jumped right in, Sinon was a more methodical sort. She'd done her research before even touching the game. Which was why she was thoroughly unsurprised to open her eyes in the middle of a forest clearing, at the center of which was situated some circular ancient stone ruins.

She wasn't in any hurry. The online guide had read that the tutorial area wouldn't spawn in its first practice monsters until a player summoned their servant companion. Of course, it was a good idea to be prepared once that happened because the monsters would begin their attack almost immediately.

'I doubt Kirito read that far before jumping in . . . I'm sure he'll be okay . . . probably . . .'

She took some times to acclimate herself to her new avatar, opening the status window and going over the basics. Since she'd transferred her account, her avatar greatly resembled her Gun Gale persona, though, she paused as she touched the sides of her head, it seemed this game took note of other popular games in a player's history, while she had ears of a normal human fashion, her hair style had retained small 'tufts' that evoked her time as a Cait Syth.

'Well, I guess that's not too bad.' She thought, before stretching out and giving her avatar a few test hops, getting a feel for how agility was calibrated in this game.

While 'Mages' were expected to support their summoned 'Servant' and avoid the thick of battle, that wasn't to say they couldn't or shouldn't fight on their own or, equally often, in support of their servant. In fact, Sinon had already assigned her starting skill point to 'Alchemy' in order to get at the enchanted weapons unlock that would allow her to open up 'enchanted musketry'. In the meantime, she had access to a small number of starting spells.

'Well, might as well get started.' She cast her eyes back to the circular ruins that took up the center of the zone. You were supposed to use places like this to summon your servant . . .

"Did I do it right?" Sinon wondered as she spared a glance from the swarm to check on the center of the ruins, where her summoning had seemingly completed. The smoke had just about cleared and she could begin to make out something moving in a haphazard fashion. Maybe there was a <<Fumble>> mechanic in this game. Had she'd missed that part?

No, she thought, while the exact nature of a summoned servant was only partly controlled by the player, it was impossible to fail, that much had been made very clear in the tutorial information she had read.

"So I guess I have to buy time, huh?" Sinon frowned, really, this was such a pain.

Luckily, the basic combat magic of CHO took more than a few cues from the spell and flight mechanics of ALO. Anyone who had become accustomed to those chants and free flight mechanics could mostly translate their skills quickly to the 'magecraft' of this game. That had no doubt been a deliberate decision when trying to tempt players over.

It was useful in any case, as Sinon triggered a basic attack spell from the palm of her outthrust hand directly into the face of an oncoming Coarser Vespedia, the mob moving with such great speed that its shattering fragments passed over her like flower petals carried on a gust of wind. It was a good start, but not enough. Sinon's ears twitched, she didn't need her Cait hearing to tell that the mobs were at her back now too, her sniper's instincts were blaring like a siren inside her head, she couldn't defend in every direction at once.

A wasp to her left began its attack motion, half way between it's starting place and Sinon, it was intercepted by a black dart and promptly shattered. The same started to happen to the others. One by one, and then two by two. The swarm dwindled, and as they did, the survivors gathered for a final kamikaze attack against Sinon.

Seven left, now five, two, one . . . The last wasp plunged straight for her heart . . . It failed to land the killing blow as something much bigger than a throwing knife intercepted it with the edge of a short, straight, sword.

Silken black hair, and golden eyes of such inhuman focus, for just a split second, Sinon wondered if she and Kirito had stumbled into each other. Stranger things had happened. But that surprise passed quickly, she was very certain that this one was truly female, her clothing revealing enough of the contours of her petite body that there could be no doubt.

Some kind of 'ninja' Sinon reckoned. There had been ninja-like characters in ALO, of course, mostly among the Spriggans and Imps she'd encountered. The young woman gave off a distinctly 'impish' impression, in any case.

The wasp and 'ninja parted' and for a moment something seemed wrong as the woman stumbled, her motions becoming erratic, her limbs jerked and shuddered as if attacked by spasms before regaining their fluidity as she sped back up, turning on the staggered wasp and cutting it cleanly in two before it could recover.

And just like that, the battle was finished.

Sinon, well versed in how these sorts of things worked in VR, brought up her menu and confirmed her suspicions. Right there in her setting, the second status sheet for her servant had appeared. Which meant this woman was her NPC partner . . . although perhaps 'woman' wasn't precisely the right word . . .

The Ninja trembled faintly as it sheathed its sword, but it was less like shivering and more like the subtle irregularities of a slightly malfunctioning machine. Unsurprising. Where bare, porcelain, skin was exposed, Sinon observed finely sculpted seams, and the mechanisms of ball joints at the shoulders and elbows. The hands were intricate mechanisms. If anything it was halfway between a doll and a mechanical type mob.

But it was her servant, her new partner, so there was no reason to be rude.

"Hey, you alright?" Sinon asked. Maybe it was a little silly, a little stupid to ask, but the NPCs in this game were supposed to have impressive AI. Certainly a step above what was normal in her home game of GGO. "Can you hear me?"

The Ninja's mouth opened and a grating voice, as if poorly recorded on old analogue tech, spilled forth. "Mana cells at thirteen percent and charging." Then a pause its frame trembled, at that moment it looked far less alive then when it had been fighting. "Conclusion, master detected. Start up sequence complete. Calibrating. Hello." Then again. "Hello." The grating started to fade. "Hello." A last time. The voice now sounded a good deal more human, though with a strong tinge of detachment.

The Ninja . . . doll . . . robot . . . Turned to face Sinon and proceeded to kneel like an actual ninja retainer. " Designation : Kato Danzo, Assassin Class. Danzo asks you forgive this rickety karakuri body, Danzo shall serve to the best of her ability."
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<<Mentorial Mental Model Mediation>>

"Somethin' funny on my face?" The smile of the blond haired beauty standing over him never wavered as she offered a helping hand.

"Not exactly?" Kirito accepted, climbing upright and dusting himself off. "It's just that . . ." How to put this " . . . I'm pretty sure Miyamoto Musashi is a guy."

Not that he had a problem with girls. Some of his best friends were girls. Most of his friends were girls, oddly enough. Was it weird he'd kind of hoped that his next VR adventure would involve a guy? It was just, he was really deficient in male friends his own age.

"Hah?" The young swordswoman, who had very clearly introduced herself as the legendary Miyamoto Musashi, who besides her two swords, she in no way resembled, gave him a blank look. Then shook her head. "So the Musashi of your world is a man?! And how do you know this person? Is he really famous?" Musashi took a step forward with each query.

"Uh . . . " Kirito took a step back with each query. "I guess you could say he's fabulo- I mean . . . famous."

"You don't say!" The girl Musashi wore a big old grin as if this was the best news she'd heard all day. "Wonder what he was like." She gave Kirito an expectant look and was only mildly disappointed when he had to give a shrug. That was p probably a question for his sister, or maybe Klein.

Pausing, Kirito's nose twitched as he reviewed what Musashi had just said. Once upon a time, he wouldn't have given the words spouted by an NPC more than a passing thought. That was before SAO, and the many remarkable characters he had met within Aincrad, had expanded his idea of what AI could be. Parts of the game world, computer programs, yes, but also friends and stalwart allies with complex motivations of their own. Within their own worlds, they warranted a certain respect.

With that in mind he decided to put his best foot forward with his new partner.

"You said the 'Musashi of my world'", Kirito deduce, "So that means we're not from the same world?"

Musashi gave him a strange look, remarkably responsive. "Well yeah? Isn't that obvious? We were both summoned to this world. You mages spiritually project yourselves here, while we servants are incarnated by the Holy Grail."

The Holy Grail, huh? Kirito wondered, so that was what the 'Chalice' in Chalice of Heroes Online referred to. And it wasn't hard to figure out who the 'heroes' were. Thinking to himself, he didn't even notice the concern growing on his new partner's face.

"Uh 'Ur-Thu toh Kirito!'" Musashi said in poorly pronounced English.


"Please tell me you didn't need me to tell you that." Her smile took on a mild urging. "Please tell me my master isn't oblivious to the Grail's Quest!"

"Alright, I won't tell you that." Kirito replied.


While Musashi gave her best impression of a famous abstract painting of despair, Kirito opened his menu and got to work. There was his status sheet, that had now been joined by the status sheet of his servant. It was a bit strange feeling pleased with another person's base stats, but he supposed that was to be expected. In this game, servant and master formed what was almost a composite character. In a certain way, Musashi's stats were also his stats. Or at least he'd be relying on them.

With that done he moved to his inventory and selected the lone item he had very carefully prepared for transfer before logging in.

<<Yui's Heart>>


A moment later, a flash of light and a soft -woosh- enveloped the clearing as the dainty form of his daughter was incarnated into this new world.

"Yaay!" Yui cried as Kirito caught her before she could hit the ground. Or rather, he tried to catch her. He succeeded in getting his arms around his daughter, but it hadn't occurred to him that the starting strength of a mage might be even lower than that of a beginner player in ALO.

They were both on the verge of ending up flat on their backs. Luckily, Musashi was fast. "I gotcha!"

"Ooph . . . Thanks." Kirito replied, suspecting he'd be getting used to saying that. In this world, he'd be relying on Musashi's strength.

"So who's this little cutie?" Musashi asked, peering over Kirito's shoulder at Yui. The two AIs studied one another before the dark haired little girl looked at Kirito, a frown of annoyance clear on her face. "Mama's not gonna be happy, Papa."

"Papa?" Musashi parroted. "Papa!" Unable to contain her surprise, Kirito nodded that it was so, then shaking her head, "What kind of Papa brings his daughter on a quest for the Holy Grail?! Isn't that a little irresponsible, even for a mage?"

"Well, it's like you said, we're spiritually projecting, so it's not like she's in any danger."

"Yeah but . . ." Musashi frowned, a strange and complicated look briefly crossed her features.

"Besides, Yui is important to help me with my work, isn't that right, Yui?" His daughter nodded eagerly.

"Uhuh, I'm linking into CHO's support API right now. Just a few moments and I'll be finished setting up as a <<Familiar>>!"

"Got it!" Kirito turned back to Musashi who seemed mystified by the exchange she'd just witnessed. That wasn't too surprising, her AI would have its own limits, and those limits would be recognizing the boundaries of her world. "So, why don't you finish telling me about that Grand Quest."

"The Grail's Quest." Musashi corrected. "You know, the quest to prove who so ever is worthy of receiving a wish from the Holy Grail?"

"Let's pretend I was a bad student at magic school." Kirito suggested.

Musashi crossed her arms, looking nonplussed, but then relented. "The Grail's Quest is simple, a master heeding the Grail's call projects themselves to this world. Then they summon a servant to participate in the Grail's quest alongside them."

"Right, that's me and you." Kirito nodded.

"And our goal is to ascend the seven layers of heaven and reach the Grail." Musashi explained. "And to handle anything the grail throws at us along the way."

"Throws at us?"

"Yeah, y'know, challenges, 'tesuto uff ka-rakutoru'? And other masters and servants of, of course. They'll want the Grail for themselves." She then looked thoughtful. "Although, I suppose it's possible to ally with other masters, that is, if we all have a wish in common . . . " Kirito was pondering just what kind of reward this grail 'wish' could really be if it was the goal of CHO's main quest.

"Yui." Kirito began. "If you're ready, I'd like to know what kind of extra information you can access . . . Yui?"

"Fascinating." It was Yui's voice, but to Kirito's alarm, it wasn't Yui speaking.

In a soft flash of light and a second -woosh- his daughter had assumed her form in this world. She was . . . well . . . still herself, still a small young ghost of girl with long black hair, but now dressed in something that could only be described as a girl's school uniform.

Brown loafers and knee socks. A tweed skirt. A blouse with tie. And a school cardigan. All very normal. Except she also wore a ridiculously large academic's cap and clutched a large metallic staff festooned with technology, in particular, two large reels of magnetic tap, like something off of an ancient computer.

And then there was her expression, no longer Yui's expressions, the way she held her face, had slightly but noticeably changed. It was enough to set Kirito on edge. His palms started itching, and he thought to ask Musashi for one of her swords. Never to use against Yui, but just in case he could do something about whatever this was.

"Don't worry, Papa!" Yui's voice came to him clearly, just not from Yui's lips. It was projected directly into his head as if she was suing the alert function.


"I'm okay, Papa." Yui replied calmly. "We're just . . . sharing."


"Yui is referring to this body." The person who was not Yui answered helpfully before nodding their head. "Please do not be alarmed, I would never partake in an unwilling possession."

"It's okay with me, Papa." Yui confirmed. "They're here to help!"


"Allow me to properly introduce myself." Not-Yui placed a hand to her chest. "Normally I could not manifest as a servant, that is only thanks to your remarkable Algorithmic Intelligence. I am a pseudo-servant of the Caster Class, I am known as one of the fathers of modern computing, Alan Turing," Yui's face smiled brightly, "My, what marvelous things have been built on my work!"
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So I'm working on an SAO idea and I need some input from people.

So I need to know which skill list people prefer, because the canon is a giant pile of bad. This is combat skills only, btw.

This one copied from Runescape, which seems to be the MMORPG that inspired SAO's actual system: Melee, Defense, and Ranged.

Or this one, pulled from GURPS: Axe/Mace, Boxing, Brawling, Broadsword, Cloak, Flail, Force Sword, Force Whip, Garrote, Jitte/Sai, Judo, Karate, Knife, Kusari, Lance, Main-Gauche, Polearm, Rapier, Saber, Shield†, Shortsword, Smallsword, Spear, Staff, Sumo Wrestling, Tonfa, Two-Handed Axe/Mace, Two-Handed Flail, Two-Handed Sword, Whip, Wrestling, Blowpipe, Bolas, Bow, Crossbow, Dropping, Innate Attack†, Lasso, Liquid Projector†, Net, Sling, Spear Thrower, Throwing, and Thrown Weapon†. Entries marked with a † are multiple skills disguised as one. As an example Shield is two skills, Shield and Buckler.

This is under a regime where the average level of a players combat Skills determines their level and it isn't limited to the above (There are also magic skills, etc.). This level is capped at ten times whatever is the highest cleared level in Aincard (Or maybe the highest level the player has cleared, I'm considering changing it, in which case every player would have top face each and beat Floor Boss once)
Honestly I'd say just use whatever works best for your story. SAO accumulates side materials like a clogged sink accumulates fruitflies. You've gone from various flavors of blade on stick in the OG stuff to all sorts of weird crap the deeper into all the adjacent materials. There's whips, chakrams, there's a side story where some dude mains ballistas.

I've yet to meet a person who stans for the specifics of the SAO game design. Thing's hazy enough that you can put whatever you want on it. There's some throwaway lines about how SAO has no ranged option, but that's proven somewhat incorrect with Chakrams. SAO specifically has no mages, but apparently you can have a bard and sure you can't cast fireballs but clearly there's room for some flavor of magic support.

I think the type of skill list should reflect what you're looking to tell in the story.

OG SAO is Melee fights ONLY but that makes sense for a 1 volume story about a Melee Fighter. There was no need to include a big humongous skill list just like there was no need to write about all the floors in between the first and 75th.

But as soon as you try to expand that to the side materials or turn one off lines about early floors into a real story? Then you gotta expand, and you see that even in the SAO series itself with Progressive just adding all sorts of complicating factors and out there builds.
What @afreaknamedpete said, more or less.

I will caution that making a cohesive skill list may be useful from a personal world building perspective, if only for your own notes, but keep the additions small and concise. Only add them as they become relevant, even if they are one-off uses in story, but keep in mind that if they are one-off uses, you will likely need to explain why they are one-off.
First up, I never planned to use SAO's skill system, because it rather broken, see Mother's Basement video for reference.

At this point this this is all under the hood stuff. It's a Ranma/Love Hina/SAO crossover inspired by Saotome Art Online. Right after Kayaba Ranma, who is in the game doing motion capture stuff at the time, hastily messages another dev (Not in game, alt-tab is a thing that exists now) about some comment he made, and I need to define the scope of how many combat skills there are, because the number at least will be mentioned, if not the whole list.

There is also likely to be a leveling guide produced, so I can coherently explain to the reader how this stuff works, at least in broad strokes, because well thought out and explained to the reader/viewer game mechanics are something SAO lacks. I mean if Switch was a mechanic it would involve a teleporting special power or something.