Saiyan Quest (Two)

Could we join syana if seria slows time around her? Both get time to train up a bit as well as giving her something else to focus on while training.
Berserkslash said:
Could we join syana if seria slows time around her? Both get time to train up a bit as well as giving her something else to focus on while training.
Probably not.

Or at least, you could but it would up the cost in energy to Seria significantly.
GM Note: Micro-update for the win!


You nod and make your choice; destroying her weapon is just un-Saiyan. So is sealing it away. While tecnically she would still have her Saiyan abilities, she doesn't know how to use them yet. It would be like leaving her defencless and no Saiyan should ever be that. Given this reasoning, the only way to go is-

"Time bubble." You say with a nod. " Do that. She will be able to control her powers."

Seria looks doubtful but you have set your mind. She IS Saiyan, whether born or made or anything else. Saiyan blood pumps though her veins and as long as that is true, you know that she will not fail when she puts her mind to something.

And this is a thing that you know she will do.

The two of you then go off to find Syana, not particularly surprsingly you find her in the presence of Garos, who is running tests on her. The chains wrapped about her body appear to be tightly bound for now, but there's no telling when that will change and Garos seems to be telling her as much.

"I really can't make a guess as to when they will decay." He is saying withn a sorry tone of voice. " Just that they will. For what its worth... I wish there was more I could do."

"No." Syana says, though her eyes are dark. " Its not your fault. I don't know what I'll do now, but I won't just stand around and wait for the end."

"Spoken like a Saiyan." You comment, causing her to turn and glare at you. Brushing the hostility aside -- since really, you've been glared at by experts in the field of hostility --you quickly outline your plan. Syana listens, her hostility seeming to melt away as she sees a hint of hope.

Eventually, she nods slowly. "I'll do it. Do you know how long you can hold the spell for?"

"In real time, just a few days." Seria answers honestly, "But for you it will seem like much longer."

"Will I emerge in time to time the High Demon?"

"I do not know."

"If you don't." Garos declares. " We may still have a surprise for it. Saiyan, come here. I've managed to get the drone working."

"Oh?" Curious, you walk over to him as he leads you to another section of the lab. There, the security drone you fought on the planet is standing to attention; its sensors have been repaired and Garos has done several more upgrades -- mostly to the armour systems.

"I've also worked a bit more on the power plant and increased its speed in combat. Amazing stuff even when it was just tech. Now that I've combined it with magic, this baby is going to be fierce."

You take a look at it, it does look quite fierce even now. You remember how keenly its weapons promised death. How powerful it was, even as a low ranking drone.

But a drone is still a drone and so, you have to ask.

"What about its CPU?"

"That was...harder to fix." Garos says somewhat reluctantly. "Whatever you did to it must have made a mess of things, or maybe it was your crash or even a fail-safe upon being disabled. CPU was scrambled almost beyond repair. Almost. I managed to put it back together, though not exactly the way it was..."

"What did you do?"

"I may have...improved it slightly. See, I wanted to up response times but in order for that, I had to boost processing speed. In order for that to work I had to fix about a dozen other things and well.... basically, this isn't really a drone anymore so much as a full fledged VI. A VERY basic one." He adds as he sees your glare. " But a VI nevertheless. It'll learn as it fights, adjusting its tactics to suit its foes. It even has a limited ability to adept its weapons and armour. Nothing really major, but it can put Mana-lances to its weapons that will enable them to pierce certain things more easily and will be able to form basic shields of the same stuff for defence... Not very good ones, I may add. But, well, something is better than nothing, right?"

You are silent, watching the drone --no, VI now.

"Does it understand us?"

"That is...debatable. I don't know if it is smart enough. But it can follow orders OK."

"Unit! Present arms."

In a single fluid movement, the drone draws its hand up, weapon cycling with an audible click.

"Fully battle ready." Garos announces happily. "And it will follow orders. Failing that, or assuming its orders are no longer valid, it'll attempt to achieve its overall object to the best of its abilities. That means if you're separated it'll try to find you and if it sees a weakness it will go for it and try to kill the High Demon, even if you didn't order it to."

"Anything else?" You demand, though you're actually quite surprised by how quickly Garos is working.

"Got some production model piercers out." He announces. " Sent them to the most trustworthy avatars as well as a summery of the situation. When it comes, the demon won't be facing quite the cakewalk it had been expecting."

"Good." Is all you can say to that.


GM Note: Ok, unless you guys have any other things you'd like to do personally, I'll be time-skipping to the High Demon's assault. So make a list of the things you want done in the time skip.
Russell said:
It's not a Saiyan android though, Tetsurou.
Does that matter for the purposes of figuring out what to call something?
Russell said:
Also: I thought we specifically told him to JUST work on putting out more weapons for Avatars to use?

... Goddammit Garos. Get your Mad Science under control!
No reason why he should.
Delivery Ninja said:
Turniz actually isn't that bad, as far as names go. I imagine Parika would probably go for something more utilitarian, though.
Point. Killbot?
Can we spend some time during the time skip training against the VI? Even just a little might help it last long enough to get used to fighting tactics.
Days pass quickly as you race through the final preparations for the coming of the High Demon. After sealing Syana up, Seria goes off to do her own thing and you do yours. You take the drone and begin to train with it, it is little challenge at first. In power level, if you had to guess (Since being a drone, it has none of its own) you rquat it to about 900 to 1000. Impressive, certainly and far stronger than any avatar. But enough to tip the tides of the coming fight? That, you don't know.

The way it fights at first is basic, reminding you of some Saiyan grunt on their first mission. It blitzes forwards and relies on superior power and speed to win the day. This is a habit that you soon shake it out of and after a few fights with you, it is moving and behaving far more like a practised fighter. Still somewhat predictable, but this is probably the best you'll get in the time that you have.

You try speaking to it, mostly to determine its level of intelligence. But it doesn't respond to anything, though it can follow orders well and to your slight surprise, tends to follow the spirit of the orders rather than the letter. Which implies some level of understanding, at least. Maybe it can't talk? You can't imagine a drone being able to do so.

After a long absence, Seria reappears.

You almost don't recognise her; she has changed drastically, there's an aura of power about her, similar to Ki but not quite. Magic? Probably. She's more confident anyway, her every move seems to be lithe and graceful. Other avatars fall into line when she gives commands – and she has to do a lot of commanding, As the High Demon predicted, many avatars are wanting to rush off and fight it. Seria soon debases them of theses notions, though she has to actually knock a few down. After the third avatar fails to so much as even scratch her, the rest seem to get the idea. Garos continues to produce the piercers, giving them to avatars he feels trustworthy. A cursory look reveals that he is also selecting them for their powers. Those with combat based abilities tend to get the most high quality weapons.

You continue your training as well during the time that you have free. Not really pushing yourself b ut more trying to acclimatise to your new level of power correctly. Its hard to imagine that not so long ago you were far weaker. But now your power level reads as 2000-and a bit. You train to get used to this new strength, pushing your speed and mobility up as you do.

Your KI continues to have that strange ballooning effect , after a while you decide to ask Garos who conducts a few tests and gets back to you.

"Interesting." He says, from behind the swirly-goggles that he wears for such occasions. "Seems that your Ki is feeding off the ambient mana that avatars generate. Not by a large amount, but enough that it seems to get a minor power boost from it. Is it any harder to wield?"

"No." You say. " Not at all."

"Well in that case, I can't really say anything is wrong. This could give you an edge in combat."

You just nod at that, your blood is already boiling with the thought of combat with the High Demon. It seems like you've been stuck on this planet for ages, it'll be nice to just let loose and kill the hell out of something.

As the time of the High Demon grows near, your scouter starts to get stranger power readings. At first, you think its just the demon but the readings have extremely negligible magical power. Just pure Ki – of which it clocks in at about 10,000 with signs that some may be being repressed. Naturally, the inclusion of such a powerful being could throw your plans into disorder but each time you detect them, by the time you get there whoeever it is is gone and has left no sign, not even a residual trail of Ki to track.

After a while, you ignore them in favour of the known threat.

The avatars marshal slowly, what Syana said seems to be right. They don't respond well to oversight. But after Seria has beat a few of them down in an almost Saiyan display of power and dominance, they begin to listen to her.

She tells you her plan for when the High Demon attacks. She intends to move out and engage it from beyond the city walls so that it cannot do damage or kill innocents She suspects it was telling the truth when it said that it would come alone – but she certainly doesn't intend to do the same Ideally, she'd have Syana there too but the young (?) Saiyan-descendent still has not emerged from the time bubble so it is looking more and more like you're on your own for this fight.

Seria's plan calls for the two of you to engage the demon when you get the chance, with her hopefully nullifying its temporal powers for you to get in close and defeat it

Any modifications or suggestions?
We could probably just knock out any avatars too stupid to listen. Other than that, make sure we're ready, but we've done about as much as we can.
We could probably get Garos to fix up our scouter to track magic as well, but we don't know anything at all about the dragon balls, if there were rumors anywhere vegeta would probably be looking into them right now, as well as freeza just because he can.
Berserkslash said:
We could probably get Garos to fix up our scouter to track magic as well, but we don't know anything at all about the dragon balls, if there were rumors anywhere vegeta would probably be looking into them right now, as well as freeza just because he can.
IIRC Vegeta had heard of them along with Freeza but until the incident with Raditz on Earth they were just rumors on the same level of believability as the Holy Grail.
I mean that when Piccolo said that Goku would be brought back Vegeta suddenly believed this was true.
When the appointed hour finally comes, all know it. The first warning is a feeling of electricity in the air; a golden hum of power that seems to resound through the very atmosphere itself. Even you can feel it, and you are no magic-user.

"The High-Demon." Seria says, standing up from where she had been sitting since you first assembled the group. " Its nearly time."

"Of course it is." You growl, standing up and brushing some imaginary dust off your armour. "Just when I was getting settled too. I could use Raditz right around now. His giant hair could distract it."

Seria looks at you as though you've gone mad but you just smirk to yourself. "I'll tyell you later. If you survive this."

Seria just frowns. " Survive or not, I don't intend to lose. I'm going to make sure that this demon never harms anyone else."

"Keep talking like that and maybe you will." You say, taking to the air and pausing only to check that the makeshift army is following you. Then, you blast off. Leaving the others behind under the care of the robot and of Garos, who has been working with said robot for the recent past. The only one who can keep up with you is of course Seria, but you could outpace her if you tried.

Not that you're going to try.

You drop back a bit as the outer walls draw closer.

"Stick to the plan." You say, pausing for a second to reflect on the universal irony that a Saiyan of all beings is saying this. "If you go overboard, you'll likely get yourself killed. And we wouldn't want that."

"And why not? I was given to thinking that Saiyans cared very little about anyone not of their own kind. What makes you so different?"

You shoot her a glare.

"I have been doing my research."

"Who says I care if you live or die? I don't give a damn. You're just a handy meat-shield to make sure I don't get frozen out and to keep that demon from playing tricks while I pound it into the ground."

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

"I don't need to convince myself. I'm a Saiyan kid and even if you've read about us you have no idea what that means. Trust me, everyone on this planet could die today and I still wouldn't give a damn. I don't care about you or any of the others."

"Even Syana?"


"That's what I thought."

The rest of the conversation is in silence and before long, you are floating above the city gates, gazing out into the dead wasteland that makes up the majority of the planet. There is nothing there but then, you didn't expect there to be. You suspect that the demon's entrance will bed dramatic. Just arriving on foot is far too mundane for the likes of it.

"Stay on guard." You growl to Seria. " And stay the hell out of my way. I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire. I need you alive...for now."

Seria obligingly floats to the back. "As you wish. Though you may find that I can offer more help than you expect."

The army arrives then, in one large group, all the avatars that could be reached, that could be convinced and that had the combat-oriented abilities to pull it off. Each holding a piercer to allow them to strike at the demon when it shows.

But of the beast itself there is yet no sign. You growl; anticipation cording your muscles. Where is it? It should be here. It has to be here.

And then the ground begins to shake. The energy charge that you've been feeling builds and builds until it seems to crackle about your hands and even the smallest spurt of Ki turns into a raging orb of energy.

" Showtime." You growl, maintaining your position in the air with your arms crossed. A decidedly bored expression on your face.

When the demon appears it does so in a flash of blinding golden light; its entire body shining white hot. A shockwave of power ripples across the landscape, forewarned by your training, you brace and so, easily take the brunt of it. Most of the avatars are, however, thrown off their feet by the sheer power that the thing possess.

"Avatars!" It roars. This time speaking with its actual voice. Though the words bare the lash of mental suggestion about them too. " I am what you will be! Surrender and lay down to die or be consumed. There is no difference to the outcome, only in how well you accept it."

"Well, getting cocky, aren't ya?" You growl, a blazing aura of Ki tracing itself about your figure. "You still have to deal with me."

"Saiyans." It spits. " I have fought your kind before and you are not exceptional specimin. You shall fall as all others did."

"No exceptional specimen eh? We'll see about that!"

With a nod to the army, a hellstrom of piercer fire is unleashed, the demon roars as they slam into it, burning dozens of wounds in its body in a second of intense fire. But the fire cuts off in an instant.

"What the? Keep firing!"

But the front line have been frozen, motionless as thre demons lurches forwards, wounds hgealing before your eyes.

"Thaw them out." You growl to Seria. " This demon is mine!"

You launch towards it with a feral battlecry, exultation pounding in your blood. A swift double-handed blow to the gut sends it lurching back, followed up with a series of Ki blasts to stop it regenerating.;/ A brutally sharp claw slashes past your face, managing to draw blood from a shallow cut but that only increases your enjoyment.

"You can cut me." You almost laugh. "Then try to kill me!"

A blast of Ki and the demon is hurled into the landscape, it bounces into the air and you smash into its back with a kick. Dark ichor-like blood coats your leg as the limp form falls to the ground.

"Is this all you've got? Is the legendary high demon done already?"

"No, I'm just getting started!"

A sudden upper cut cuts a thin line of blood across your chest. A flash of pain is all the warning you get.

Its fast... I didn't even see that!

"You stupid Saiyan. This whole fight was just a test. I wanted to see your power and so far, I am not impressed. "


The demon leaps at you, this time much faster and much more powerful. You're forced on the defensive, back-peddling and giving ground inch by inch. You notice that this time it is not usng blasts or magic or even temporal manipulation. Just plain old fashioned power.

The ground is cracking under the two of you now, both of you are moving so fast ad with so much power that your merest presence is enough to cause the earth to shake.

The rest of the avatars. are unfrozen, but they can't get a shoot off now. Not with the two of you fighting so quickly. A wild shot could just as easily hit you as hit the demon. And besides, this is personal now.

You jerk forward and smash your head into the demon's. The world explodes in a flash of pain and you take a fist to the gut. Doubling up, you give the demon a chance to send you flying with a high kick. You catch yourself and summon your power, throwin ga barrage of Ki down at the beast as the others unleash their piercers. The demon ducks between them however, dodging every burst with insulting ease.

A blinking of an eye and it is in front of you. You roar and leap forwards but it catches your leap and uses the momentum to hurl you to the ground with a crash. You hit your head and the world blurs.

But to your surprise the demon does not capitalise on your weakness and rushes the avatars. You growl and try to get to your feet, but Seria meets it in the air. Her bow sings and a storm of arrows lance down into the demon's body, exploding on contact with massive force.

"Incidre, pierce."

The bow sings as a single arrow leaps out, but the demon laughs with a manic glee and summons its own bow, meeting the arrow mid-air with a duplicate.

"You have no power over me, Seria." It laugh. " Your strength is ended and mine is begun. I have seen this all before. So many times before....your power is nothing!"

"And what about mine?" You crack its back with a lethal kick, enough to shatter a mountain. It only staggers the beast. But a staggered beast is one that allows you to charge it, bringing it low with a second blow.

The two of you met in the middle of the battlefield, auras of Ki and magic sing and roar, lightning crackles between you.

"Your power...." The demon growls, taking a step forward. You increase your efforts but there is no weakness you can find. The beast is strong!

" Is also nothing!"

A flash of agony and one of your knees gives way. The strength of the demon seems to redouble and you struggle to hold it in place.

And slowly, the realization that no Saiyan ever wants to have surfaces in your mind.

This demon is much, much stronger than you.