Chapter 7 Results
The stranger feels like taking a nap...
The stranger has become ill.
There was a lot vying for the stranger's attention, as he ate the meal provided for him and set up his workspace, such as it was. There was the obvious issue of the bombing, which was brought to the forefront every time a far-off shudder from another detonation somewhere in the city made itself known. There was the semi-immediate concern over exactly what sort of place he'd come to; the stranger still didn't know if Faultline and her (friends? employees?) group were aligned with the Protectorate, like New Wave was. The thought of that second hero group reminded him that he needed to retool his laptop and hope that the data-miner was finished. What he was even going to do with its results, he honestly didn't know, he'd mostly been concerned with finding a target for the virus to sharpen its teeth on. Circling his worries back to Faultline, the stranger wasn't sure what she'd meant about speaking more in the morning-- what more could she want to know that he could provide? And was it a good idea to provide it? Did he even have a choice in the matter?
It seemed like enough to make his hair turn gray, and that wasn't even touching on the biggest issue of the PRT.
The stranger sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Worrying wasn't going to keep him alive and out of a cell. Worrying and acting might. The stranger closed his eyes so he could stop looking at the mess of computer parts in front of him and the problems they represented. There wasn't much time to waste like this, but he needed a few minutes of calm silence. A few minutes to unwind and try and get his thoughts in order. Maybe make a list or someth
The stranger woke up.
It wasn't like rousing from sleep. No preamble, no fading dreams, just all of a sudden his eyes were open and he was there. 'There' happened to be Faultline's couch, where he was sitting with all his work spread out neatly on the low coffee table in front of him. The laptop was looking considerably more Frankenstein, having apparently been disassembled, then reassembled with at least half the contents of the broken laptop he'd been given by Gregor; the stranger could see it was held together with rubber bands in a few places, since the case had no chance of fitting over the computer's internals. There was a plate he didn't recognize sitting off to the side, away from all the electronics, as well as three empty water bottles. The notebook, blank the last time he'd looked at it, was filled with handwritten notes.
The stranger glanced up to the closed door and spotted Newter, but the teen was absorbed in his cell phone and hadn't noticed the stranger's confusion. He looked down at the notebook and felt a pit form in his stomach.
Hi there, pleased to meet you. I wish I could say it was under better circumstances, but to be honest, I'm not sure that would be possible. Even so, once everything calms down I hope we'll be able to get along. But, for that to happen things have to calm down first, so we'd better make the best of things, right? Right!
So, to start off, I have to apologize for butting in on your tinkering, especially when you're just getting started, but Bakuda's stunt is more important than courtesy. That's the Tinker responsible for the bombing, if you're unaware. She's a recent ABB recruit and she's very dangerous. Anyway, I went ahead and rebuilt that computer you're using and I'm quite proud of how it turned out, given the available materials. Since you left an executable to recall that data-miner I went ahead and did that, too, and the hardware's holding up just fine.
Oh, speaking of, that program? Very nice work. I poked around in it a bit (I didn't change anything, don't worry!) and while I'm pretty sure I could have done something similar, it would have taken me a whole lot longer to get it together. You've definitely got a knack for this.
Oh, and also speaking of, I went ahead and purged a lot of the info it brought back on New Wave. I left a summary if you really want to show it off, but they're good people and don't deserve to have their everything stolen. I'm sure it was just for practice, but please don't go after heroes, okay? There's more than enough villains and common criminals in the world.
On a more immediate note, I examined the bomb fragments you picked up, and took the opportunity to log in to my systems and get a copy of what the Protectorate has on them. (I covered my tracks pretty well, so they didn't manage a trace on me, but I'm pretty sure they're not going to be at all happy with us right now. Sorry about that.) It wasn't as much as I'd like, but after mapping out where the bombs were going off and when, I think you're on the right track in regards to finding a detonator. Bakuda's targeted cell towers and transformers, which has knocked out a lot of the more modern forms of signals she could be using, but that didn't stop the bombs. In addition, each bomb's effect once detonated seems to be unique, there's reports of gravity distortions, acid, cryokinetic blasts, you name it-- so there's not a lot of extra options for having a different detonation triggers for each type! My money's on a radio frequency, it'd be easy to keep some relays hidden around the city and trivial to install in each bomb, and the bulk of the tinkertech involved is definitely in the esoteric effects, not the shell you provided.
I've left my notes and the data I accumulated on the computer for you. Good luck, and be good.
The stranger thought he was going to be sick. He'd-- he'd only closed his eyes for a moment! His eyes slid past the array of new documents on the computer's desktop, and located the clock in the lower-right corner. 3:26 PM?! Over twelve hours, gone—no, taken. By someone else. Someone else was capable of controlling his body. He felt faint.
A buzzing sound from across the room managed to draw his attention away from the notebook and the horror it contained. Newter was checking his phone, and as the stranger watched, he typed something into it before turning his attention on the stranger. "Hey, Faultline's gonna be here soon to talk to you, so I'd finish up whatever you're doing. You've had more than enough time, right?" Talk about what?
"Sheesh, you look like somebody killed your dog, man. Lighten up a bit. You're a lot happier when you're doing your thing, huh?" Newter gestured at the depleted array of parts in front of the stranger, then turned his attention back to his phone.
It is Saturday, April 16th, 2011
It is Mid-Afternoon.
What now?
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