This is a RWBY god quest, made in concert with Murloc. Inspired by A God From Ash, on Spacebattles.
[] In a snow filled valley, ice crashes. A pack of beowolves are crushed, saving the inhabitants from certain death. And the guardian spirit long honored, in the snowy nights, awakens. Their people truly worship them, now. And it stirs from its long slumber.
Starting Domains: Winter, Cold, Snow, Ice, Frost, Avalanches
[] In a desert, a spirit stirs. Its people pray to it sometimes, but never so much. But when a giant snake crushes a Death Stalker, the people pray a bit more in thanks to the capricious spirit defender.
Starting Domains: Desert, Poverty, Illusions, Sand, Mirages, Sandstorms
[] In the hollow cliffs, the wind whistles. And in the night, when the wind screams, people believe. Just a bit…. Enough. And when the wind knocks a Nevermore out of the sky. The wind howls. A bit more. Enough.
Starting Domains: Trade, Mountains, Birds, Stories, The Fair Folk, Resistance, Defiance
[] A people walk in the desert. And when a Grimm that attacks in the night, is discovered just in time, when a child finds his way home, when a wandering person comes across an oasis. They believe. A trickle, coalescing over years. You are.
Starting Domains: Family, Survival, Waypoints, Nomads, Oasis, Dunes
[] A small town, with fertile soil. Good, for now. It is a peaceful place, for all that the threat of Grimm lingers. And when they come, the trees block the way. They trip and stumble. They defenders make a lucky shot, a dozen times. A million coincidences, perhaps. And you are born, of faith in a silent protector. And you watch, and listen. And wonder.
Starting Domains:
Farming, Food, Crops, Fields, Feasts, Fairy Tales