Just Me
View: https://youtu.be/9kEMzXw7P2A?t=1594
DIPLAT CODEX: Political Thought
The firestorm crisis and the seizure of power by the Sevenfold Summation both upended diplat society, but by no means did they truly unify the diplat politically. By contrast, the diplat are more politically and philosophically divided than at any prior point in their history, and the Sevenfold Summation's hold on power is in a constant state of flux as the High Illuminates try to balance various competing ideologies.--- Measurement is the dominant ideology of the Sevenfold Summation, with both its philosophical and political elements serving as the motivation for its existence. Philosophically, 'measurement' is a materialist dedication to scientific principles -- there is only the physical universe, governed by clear physical laws of energy and matter. Thus, 'truth' is sought by better understanding these laws. Politically, 'measurement' holds that the differences between individuals should be best harnessed by putting them in jobs that their talents and interests are best suited to. To this end and with a steadily increasing understanding of medical and genetic science, the "measurements" are implemented -- through ongoing examinations and assessments at every stage of life, an individual's role is evaluated regarding one of six measurements (castes) into which they are then sorted. Further modifications better improve their abilities in their new role.
--- Traditionalism holds that the system used prior to the firestorm crisis - the large, ever more complex family dynamics of the compacts - was the best way to organize society. Hardline traditionalist factions ("Compact Traditionalists") have fought a number of insurgencies over the past 600 sevupon in an effort to reinstate the compact system or declare their independence, but the crushing military advantage of the Summation and their widespread media influence has made open rebellion an overwhelming bad option. Subtler or more compromising traditionalist groups ("Negotiated Traditionalists") are somewhat more tolerated and respectable, often made up of leading members of compacts that allied themselves with the Sevenfold Summation during the crisis.
--- Genetic Determinism is the most extreme fusion of both 'measurement' and 'traditionalist' philosophical and political thought. Observing the prevalence of certain jobs or industries among particular compacts prior to the firestorm crisis has led some to talk openly of disregarding the "absurd individualism" of the current measurement system, instead recommending a more rigid and lineage-based system in which entire family-networks are drafted into the measurement they're 'best suited for'. It is hotly debated among certain lesser illuminates and has popular support from certain larger family-networks, but is a divisive ideology that has fuelled a number of local hate movements.
--- Thissik-Ka was a popular doomsday cult that sprung up surrounding the firestorm crisis, believing it to be a necessary destruction to lead the diplat species into a rebirth. Needless to say, the Sevenfold Summation's arrival tore the cult in half -- most felt that the Summation were the bringers of said rebirth and joined them, while the more esoteric and conspiratorially minded saw them as the 'last true enemy' delaying the true rebirth of the spirit. Their members engaged in a number of terrorist acts, but were supposedly crushed in a decisive operation approximately 300 sevupon ago. However, rumours abound that survivors simply went underground, working closely with more hardline traditionalist factions.
--- Individualism is the idea that diplat should be defined as individuals first; as families second; and as part of a wider society last of all. It is a relatively new idea, the modern forms of it beginning anonymously after the firestorm crisis through various communication networks. It is widely regarded as a foolish and dangerous ideology, in both of its competing forms: Isolationist Individualism encourages small family-networks or independent communes to exist outside of wider society, living off the land and 'off the grid'. Popular Individualism is a more active political movement, suggesting that societal decisions and laws should be decided on by individuals voting on decisions that they are then beholden to.
--- Inheritism is an esoteric theory among some supporters and high-ranking members of the Sevenfold Summation, specifically regarding the origins of the archive. Linear Inheritism holds that the precursors who left behind the archive were part of a kind of prehistoric, spacefaring diplat civilization (who, of course, were structured much like the Sevenfold Summation are now). Meanwhile, Circular Inheritism holds that the archive was sent backwards in time by diplat in the far future, as a warning of what will eventually happen. Both ideas are overly reliant on theories with shaky evidence at best, but they remain popular subjects of debate and fiction, and both groups generally hold to the idea that alien civilizations are either a past enemy or a future one, and that such 'pretender civilizations' should be treated with the highest forms of hostility when they are encountered.
--- Gardener's Project was the favourite brainchild of "Archivist 03, Oathkept Gardener", a High Illuminate who eagerly involved herself in the restoration efforts on Moumlet. She often spoke of the modifying of other planets to support life and the establishment of vast networks of colonies, but died before any such habitation or biosphere modification projects could begin in earnest. The "Projectionists" are those who hold to this ideal, though they were split over their priorities: Moumlet's Projectionists assert that Moumlet must be fully restored to its pre-firestorm crisis state before any such terraforming efforts can begin on other worlds, while Expansionists eagerly look to the stars and see a thousand new homes for the diplat waiting to be seeded with life.
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