Rolling the Snakebones (Competitive Council RP, Waiting List and Main OOC thread.)

Ok, just an update to let you know. I'm hoping to get updates and stuff sorted out this week. I've been very quiet for a number of reasons, least of which being a rather annoying, though not serious, illness.

This means I can't promise an exact day, but I'm hoping to get started today with some of the dice rolls at the very least.

Again, sorry for taking so bloody long.

You had exams?
I'm just happy that you decided you would continue this game... I've seen all too many games, quests and fics have the author run into a problem, say they'll get back to it and... well... "It's dead, Jim". And I can't say I'm blameless...
I'm just happy that you decided you would continue this game... I've seen all too many games, quests and fics have the author run into a problem, say they'll get back to it and... well... "It's dead, Jim". And I can't say I'm blameless...
I've had to kill a Quest Prematurely because of issues at home...

Shame, but it needed to be done. i couldn't uphold that much work.
Update: German and Soviet Results have been rolled. Will do the American's tomorrow and start writing up the Soviet results tomorrow as well.
Ok, question from the GM that is probably not that confidence inspiring, but well, I have to ask it.

Does anyone have the Dice Challenge for Research laying around?

Mainly (s) (a) and (m) being needed to be met for a degree of success.

I'm 50/50 on whether or not it was 30 or 40 for (s) 60 or 70 for (a). I'm not worried about (m) at the moment, but I can't seem to find where I wrote it down.

Also working on the Soviet results at the moment. Basically lost yesterday due to food poisoning (KFC, never again)
Closest informational thing I can find on the subject is this post, which seems to suggest that M is 70, or used to be at least, if 70 is enough to get a degree of success at the highest difficulty. Other then that the search function has failed me and proven less then enlightening.
Auto-Success is just that, an automatic "Success" result. When used on projects it counts as at least a 61 for purposes of tallying Project average score (I will roll a d20 to decide the exact score in that case) in that given action category.

For being used in research, it counts as at least a 70 (i will roll a d10 to see if it makes 80) in that research action which is enough to result in 1 Degree of Success at the highest level of difficulty for a research project. However any autosuccesses used for Research have to be cleared by me first. This is to prevent them from being abused to ludicrous ends.
I thought Simple was 20... 'goes to check turn results'

Okay, Just found a roll that says that the 20 range of rolls was not a success for research... so yeah, it's probably Simple is 30, Advanced 50 and Modern 70.
Thanks folks. I'll have the Soviet results today and hopefully the German ones too.

After that I'll do up the Americans tomorrow, handle some things in game that need to be cleared up, and with a bit of luck I'll have the pre-turns by Sunday.
German results up.

Will update German master sheet tomorrow and tackle the US of A.

Not gonna lie, having a lot of fun getting back into this.
German results up. US results tomorrow.

Pre-Turn here tomorrow unless stuff goes wrong, faction-specific Pre-Turns during the week.
American results up. More stuff to come later today.

Honestly too warm here for me to function properly, also Father's day so stuff may be late.
Heh... You guys and under 30 degrees Celsius... It's winter here in Queensland, and it's only reaching 23 or so at the most where I live... Which is much better than what was happening in summer when multiple weeks were over 35 degrees... Which was surprising as it's usually only A week over 35 here... The rest of the summer goes between 28 and 33 I'd say for an average...

And will admit that I'm glad I don't live further north, or in the outback/on the west coast...
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Well, it's summer for you there... But I suppose it is a humid 31-34 degrees, isn't it?

Dry heat is bad enough, F*** humid hot...
Well it's still hot here, less than you lot obviously, but considering I live further much closer to the Arctic circle than you *shrug*

Good news is the crushing day star is set to feck off starting tomorrow to be replaced with the more eccentric weather that defines Ireland, so I should be able to actually start being productive again then.

Granted I also have other things I have to do, but I swear, the general Pre-Turn will be up by the end of the week with faction-specific ones to follow.
Good news is the crushing day star is set to feck off starting tomorrow to be replaced with the more eccentric weather that defines Ireland, so I should be able to actually start being productive again then.

You live in the British Isles area. The weather report can be summed up by saying 'look outside you'll probably be more accurate than us'.