Roanapur Quest

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Roanapur. It is a hive of scum and villainy unmatched in the world. It is the very center of the...


Knight of Futility
Southern Virginia
Roanapur. It is a hive of scum and villainy unmatched in the world. It is the very center of the Southeast Asian drug trade, and an emporium for every sort of illegal vice and dangerous weapon. Damned souls, Thai and foreigner alike, flock to its cursed shores in a twisted parody of Ellis Island. If Hell was other people, then Roanapur was the very last and lowest circle of the pit.

So it was only fitting that you had finally washed up here. These were your people, after all. But unlike the teeming masses of locals and the scores of hired killers and traffickers from elsewhere you weren't here to make money in a new life. You had a purpose in coming to this city of the damned.

Once you were part of a proud and ancient Corsican brotherhood. You were all criminals, of course, dealing in heroin and coke and guns and even adulterated olive oil. You extorted businesses for protection and ran the prostitution and gambling rackets on the island, in Marseilles, and other cities besides. But you still had a Code. The old ways continued to prevail, and if it was a twisted sense of honor at least it was something.

You were on the mainland that night when the knives came out. Your rivals would never have dared such treachery, but they benefited nonetheless. In the wake of the massacre the leaderless remnants of the family fled the island ahead of the death squads and effectively disbanded. Even today, to return to Corsica would be a death sentence for you all.

One of those others who survived has called you here. For years that night has remained shrouded in mystery. The brother-in-law of the family head, a man who has quested ceaselessly to discover the truth, trusted you to come here to help him out with no questions asked. And here you are, in Roanapur. But why?

[ ] For revenge. They killed your liege, they killed his wife, and they killed his little children. You will avenge them, once you finally figure out who is responsible.

[ ] Out of guilt. You could have stopped the massacre if you'd known it was coming. But you were off in Paris while the family was being gutted. You owe it to the dead to resolve what you couldn't prevent.

[ ] Curiosity. Who had the audacity to carry out such a ruthless and thorough strike? It wasn't the rivals on the island, you're certain. Someone else was involved, and you want to know who and why.

You're in an expensive hotel, although even the Hilton would earn an adjective like "seedy" in this city. At least the maids cleaned up, and the bathroom is actually kind of decent. By which you mean at least the toilet works without regularly backing up and the shower is free of mildew. And the water temperature knobs on the sink work, which you know after splashing your face with cold water to try to wake yourself up from the jet lag. When you stand straight up to look in the mirror, you see…

[ ] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.

[ ] A pretty face, with noble cheekbones and a brilliant smile, straw-colored hair running over your shoulders, and sky blue eyes capable of piercing steel.

Back when the family was intact, your role within it was well defined. And the lessons you learned then still stay with you today. Were you…

[ ] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?

[ ] An enforcer, sworn to an oath sealed in blood, privy to the ancient traditions of the family and initiated in the old style, responsible for taking on any and all threats to your liege?

[ ] A fixer, one responsible for organizing the activities of the family and overseeing critical logistics of the smuggling operations, sworn in blood but never with the time to go through the old traditions?

Of course Roanapur was a dangerous place, just as Corsica could be. Fortunately you weren't a stranger to mortal combat. Far from it. You were always pretty skilled in combat, and you'd made sure your skills didn't rust away. But what is your favored weapon?

[ ] Guns. Pistols, shotguns, long rifles, assault rifles, submachine guns, it doesn't matter. You're a crack shot and quick on the draw.

[ ] Knives. A subtle knife could be worth a dozen enforcers. You're just as deadly throwing them as you are slipping by and slitting throats.

[ ] Yourself. You're a world-class Savate prodigy, not that you stopped with formal styles. You can improvise killing weapons from almost anything if your feet aren't enough.

But that isn't all. You've got an Edge. Something that makes you stand out even among a cohort of ruthless Mafioso, military veterans, trained assassins, and psychotic killers. And you'll need it badly here. But what is it?

[ ] Call it luck, intuition, or Fortuna's favor. You've always been able to rely on your gut feelings, and that's helped you dodge both proverbial and real bullets.

[ ] You have impossible reserves of willpower. If you put your all into something, it happens. And pity the obstacles to that.

[ ] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.

Of course, an Edge is something innate. In the end you were born with it. And you've never been content to rest easily with just what nature gave you. You've created an Advantage for yourself, with your hard work and foresight. What is it?

[ ] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.

[ ] You've been steadily building favors from all sorts of people in the Underworld. Not just criminals, though plenty owe you, but also retired (?) spooks, mildly corrupt government bureaucrats, information brokers, and gun runners. How far into Roanapur their influence extends is an open question, though.

[ ] You've been saving up for quite some time. The end result is a pretty impressive Swiss bank account. You're not filthy rich, but you don't have to worry too much about trivial costs like first class plane tickets or large bribes. And yet, it still hasn't let you find those responsible for the massacre.

Your greatest asset, though, may well be your flexibility. You've always had a knack for trying new things. And it's usually gone pretty well for you, even if you'd never even considered doing something like it before. It makes you a pretty unpredictable opponent, capable of coming up with new plans or routes of escape on the fly. Now you're not as good as someone who knows what they're doing, but when they don't, being a jack of all trades is better than nothing.

(Merit: Jack of All Trades- Does not suffer untrained penalties to Abilities)

You have to hope all of that suffices in the most violent city in the world.
So how does this work? We're going to be using a highly modified version of STS familiar to everyone from Exalted and the World of Darkness. Your votes are going to influence stat distribution and Merits and other important things. Also a lot about the character's background and viewpoint. And I promise I'll stop using Second Person once the chargen is finished.

First real story post will begin this weekend. I will encourage write-ins by treating them like Stunts in Exalted. You can get some limited shaping of the narrative as well as extra dice. I might also throw in bonuses for artwork, or suggesting soundtracks for particular posts. I'll mostly be writing while bored at work so while elaborate write-ins like on Panopticon Quest are encouraged, they will not be necessary.

Note that this is not a sandbox quest. The city is a tinderbox and on the edge of violence even in the best of times. You are not here in the best of times. It's your choice on what and when and how to get involved, but Things will happen if your actions do not change them. And you probably don't want those Things to happen.

Secondary characters are mostly fair game for cameos and even substantial involvement. The Black Lagoon crew, however, will be mostly absent for the length of the Quest. And there is a twist involved in this Quest. If you want to speculate, use spoilers.

Character Sheet
Welcome to Roanapur (Morning, Day 1)
Early Morning Drive (Morning, Day 1)
Crazy Yolande's Discount Gun Sales (Noon, Day 1)
Grand Theft Auto: Roanapur (Afternoon, Day 1)
Fishing for Information (Afternoon, Day 1)
Splitting the Party is Never a Good Idea (Evening, Day 1)
Little Pierre Becomes a Man (Morning, Day 2)
Is This a Doctor's Office or Fight Club? (Morning, Day 2)
Not on Deadly Ground (Morning, Day 2)
Take Me Out to the Blood Sports (Morning, Day 2)
Your Reward for that Roll is Paranoia (Afternoon, Day 2)
On Your Feet Again (Evening, Day 2)
Grumpy Old Men (Morning, Day 3)
This Loot Drop Suc... Oh Grenades (Morning, Day 3)
In Which Pierre Finally Finds Decent Coffee (Afternoon, Day 3)
Bioware Morality Choice (Morning, Day 4)
In Which Pierre Touches Enlightenment (Morning, Day 4)


I will call for rolls as needed, providing the Attribute and Skill as well as any modifiers. The Target Number will always be 7; that means any die that rolls up as 7+ is counted as a Success. Each roll will also have a Difficulty, which is the number of Successes needed for the action. Difficulty for rolls is determined based largely on how complex the action is. If you exceed the number of successes demanded by the Difficulty, the action takes place. More successes may add an additional margin of victory. If not enough successes are obtained the action fails, with all the consequences (or none) that entails. If the number of 1s rolled exceeds the difficulty of the roll and the roll fails, it is considered a Botch.

Aside from Attributes and Skills, you can gain dice for a roll from other sources. The most common bonuses are Equipment Bonuses, which provide additional dice due to having superior capabilities available. Situational bonuses are also possible if conditions are particularly favorable. Merits may also provide extra dice or even an automatic success (autosuccess) to the roll. Not all modifiers are positive, however. Sometimes bad conditions subtract from the available dice. Trying to multi-task almost always involves a penalty. Certain actions also impose penalties, such as trying to make a Called Shot or Disarm an opponent. Wound penalties may also come into play.

Write-ins can also provide bonus dice. A sufficiently compelling write-in can provide up to 3 extra dice. More than just providing bonuses, though, Stunts also allow a certain degree of narrative control by establishing details about the environment or the setting. Detailed stunts will also be necessary in order to spend XP accumulated as part of play.

Characters have a Willpower Track consisting of dots of Willpower and an equal amount of Temporary Willpower. Players may elect to spend a Temporary Willpower to gain one autosuccess on any roll. The amount of Willpower is always capped by the number of dots of Willpower. Temporary Willpower can be regained by a night's rest, by indulging Virtues and Vices, by making significant progress toward the character's Motivation, or through Merits.

Expanded Combat Rules Here.

Health Levels
Mooks have three Health Levels. Named characters generally have seven Health Levels plus additional levels for every dot of Stamina over 1. The Health Levels have different Wound Penalties associated with them. As a character takes damage the Health Levels are filled in descending order, with Wound Penalties assigned when the first box in a row of Health Levels is marked off. Wound penalties subtract from Defense Values, though never below the lower of Dexterity or Wits. Certain Merits may allow characters to ignore some or all Wound Penalties, but Health Levels are still lost. Bashing Damage stops at the Incapacitated Health Level, but Lethal damage that fills the dying Health Level kills a character.

Bashing Damage heals automatically, at a set rate of one Health Level every four hours as long as the character does not incur any more Damage. Medicine Rolls and rest can speed up recovery to one Health Level every two hours. Lethal Damage is significantly more difficult to heal, and must first be Stabilized by a Medicine roll at the Difficulty of the Wound Penalty inflicted by it or by seeking assistance from qualified medical personnel. Lethal Damage that is not Stabilized may lead the character to bleed out. Once Stabilized the damage heals at the rate of one Health Level every twelve hours, though further Medicine rolls and dedicated rest may speed the process up. Somce Lethal Damage may inflict Crippling effects, like the loss of an eye or a limb, that cannot be healed properly and which will impose lasting Penalties due to the permanent loss of capability.

Experience Points
Experience Points will be awarded from time to time through play. Completing a discrete scene with some achievement, a particularly compelling write-in, making significant progress toward the character's Motivation, or other circumstances may trigger an award. XP can be spent to raise Attributes, Skills, purchase Willpower, or Merits that directly impact the character. External Merits like Contacts, Resources, Allies and so on will also be awarded through play and do not need to be purchased if earned through player decisions. Spending Experience is always dependent on a write-in to justify how the purchase through the character's experience or actions; either as a deliberate action or in response to compelling circumstances not short of a 3-die stunt.

XP Costs
Attributes: (New Attribute Rating x 5XP)
Abilities: (New Ability Rating x 3XP)
Merits: (3XP per dot)
Willpower: (10XP per dot)

Merits cover all kinds of backgrounds and I'll let you propose your own. Nothing that would be tagged from CharGen (aka, inherited Merits) will be allowed; Contacts, Allies, or Resources can be stunted in by spending XP but any write-in to that effect is subject to an absolute veto if it won't work with the existing plot. Generally speaking, the "better" a Merit is, the more dots it is worth; but every dot of Resources is 25k, while with people it represents both a combination of utility and their willingness to support you. And Allies in particular will degrade if you don't follow through with help when requested from them.

Weapons have a variety of stats depending on their class and particular characteristics. The most important are Accuracy, Damage, and Range.

Accuracy represents the equipment modifier of the item on an Attack roll. A gun marked with +1 Acc adds one dice to attack rolls made with it. Most mass-produced items are 0 Accuracy, adding no bonus or penalty to the attack roll. Poorly made guns might have -1 Acc, or suffer a penalty based on extreme recoil or difficulty with operations. Weapons manufactured with excellent tolerances might have a +1 modifier, while a +2 modifier generally indicates that a weapon is effectively hand-crafted or otherwise of exceptional quality.

Each weapon has a Damage tag, as a number of health levels of damage it inflicts and a type of damage that it does. In general guns do straight damage while Melee weapons add to the Attacker's Strength. Guns do however go straight to Lethal damage, and so are usually more dangerous and require less investment in training than Martial Arts or archaic Melee weapons. A gun with 3L damage does three health levels of damage as Lethal. A baseball bat (for example) might have a tag of 2B, which means it adds 2 health levels of Bashing damage on top of the levels inflicted by the attacker's Strength. A defender has Bashing Soak equal to their Stamina; only characters with Body Armor or particular Merits can soak Lethal damage with their Stamina.

Ranged weapons have brackets for attack at short, medium, or long range. Short range attacks are taken at full dicepool, while Medium range attacks suffer a -1 penalty and Long range attacks take a -2 penalty. Weapons may not be used beyond the far end of their Long Range bracket without a particular Merit allowing it.

Other Special Effects
Various weapons may have extra effects which will be indicated in their writeup. For example, fully automatic weapons are capable of Burst and Suppression Fire. Burst fire allows an attacker to take multiple attacks in a single round at specified dicepool penalties. Suppression fire locks down a particular arc of approach and forces defenders to immediately take cover for a Round. Explosive weapons do Splash Damage, which hits any characters within a certain range of the target (or targeted area) with damage.

Unique Weapons
There are actually a great many unique weapons in Roanapur. Such weapons are notable for various features, such as adding 2 or more dice in Accuracy bonuses, being deployable in unusual manner, being specially balanced for dual-wielding, reduced penalties for burst fire, and so on. Unique blades, knives, and so on are also to be found. These weapons cost more than just (lots of) money, however. They require a Stunt or even a full-on sidequest to acquire and must be paid for with XP as a Unique Equipment Merit. Other kinds of Unique Equipment than just weapons exist; Pierre's bulletproof coat is a Unique Weapon of N/A rating, being an extraordinary piece of personal protective armor unmatched in Roanapur.
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Pierre Bourcet
Concept: Ronin mafia enforcer.
Motivation: Avenge his liege.
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Wrath
Initiative: 9
Defense Value: 7
XP: 20/13

Available Cash: $7,810
*Daily Expenses: $120
USAS-12 Automatic Shotgun (0 Acc, 6L, 25m/40m; Burst, -1, -2; Stun; Doorbuster)
Machete (+1 Acc, 3L, Jungle Clearance)

Guitar Case (-1 Acc, +2B; Improvised Weapon)
Night Vision Goggles
Fragmentation Grenade x 3
Looted Bling

8 (8)
*Regains all spent Willpower once per scene played out according to his Virtue.
*Regains +1 temporary Willpower once per scene when succumbing to his Vice.
*Must spend 1 temporary Willpower once per scene to suppress Vice.
*Recovers +1 temporary Willpower after a night's rest.

Health Levels
[ ] [ ] x -0
[ ] [ ] [ ] x -1
[ ] [ ] [ ] x -2
[ ] x -4
[ ] x I
[ ] x D

Mental Attributes
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3
Resolve: 3

Physical Attributes
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 6 (Legendary)
Stamina: 4

Social Attributes
Presence: 2
Manipulation: 2
Composure: 3

Mental Skills
Academics: Untrained
Computer: Untrained
Craft: Untrained
Investigation: 2
Medicine: 2
Occult: Untrained
Politics: Untrained
Science: Untrained

Physical Skills
Athletics: 4 (Parkour)
Brawl: 4 (Savate)
Drive: 2
Firearms: 3
Larceny: Untrained
Stealth: 3
Survival: Untrained
Weaponry: 2 (Improvised Weaponry)

Social Skills
Animal Ken: Untrained
Empathy: Untrained
Expression: Untrained
Intimidation: 2
Persuasion: 1
Socialize: Untrained
Streetwise: 2
Subterfuge: 2

Jack of All Trades
*Ignore Untrained Penalties to Skills.

*Gain two successes for each 10 on rolls directly related to pursuing revenge. Stacks with Specialties to provide 9-again. +1 free WP.

Dressed to Kill (Unique Equipment)
*Stylish black trenchcoat with kevlar-weave providing 10L soak against bullets.

Legendary Dexterity
*Can buy up to Dexterity 6. Provides one autosuccess on all Dexterity rolls. Ignores all environmental, wound, equipment, or other penalties to Athletics for movement purposes.

Enhanced Dodge
*Add Brawling Dice to the lower of Wits or Dexterity to determine DV. Dodge may be used against firearms from a distance if character is aware he is being attacked.

Iron Stamina 2
*Character ignores up to -2 penalties from Wound Penalties inflicted by Bashing Damage or Fatigue/Hunger, but must rest twelve hours to recover from doing so and does not recover WP. The character may spend 1 WP to ignore Wound Penalties inflicted by Lethal Damage for the duration of a scene.

Resources 1
*Each dot provides $25,000 in accessible form.

Contacts 2 (The Family)
*Can call on support from fellow survivors of Corsica.

Contacts 1 (Church of Violence)
*Customer in good standing of the Ripoff Church

Contacts 1 (Steven Donovan)
*Have the attention of a probable crank/information broker

Contacts 1 (Roanapuri Street Urchins)
*Will reciprocate Pierre's attention to them

Languages (French, Italian, English)
*Native language is French.
*Speaks Italian proficiently.
*Speaks English proficiently.
*Speaks Thai badly.

*Slap: +2 Acc, (Strength) Bashing Damage, Dexterity +Brawl, roll for Stun, -1DV dice.
**Foot Sweep: If Kick is successful, player may roll for Knockdown instead of doing damage.
***Roundhouse Kick: 0 Acc, (Strength) + 6B Damage, Dexterity + Brawl, roll for Knockdown, -3DV dice.
****Savate de Rue: Allows dirty tricks, Called Shots, and adds Crippling to the Grapple Crush attack.

Form Weapon (Savate)
*Savate is closely linked to the canne de Combat and stickfighting. A purchase of this merit allows the character to use canes, staves, blackjacks, and other similar weapons with the Savate style. As such the dicepool for the weapon is Dexterity + Brawl rather than Dexterity + Weaponry. All specialties apply and stack on the roll.

XP Expenditures
Willpower 8: 10XP
Street Thai Merit: 3XP
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[X] For revenge. They killed your liege, they killed his wife, and they killed his little children. You will avenge them, once you finally figure out who is responsible.
[X] An enforcer, sworn to an oath sealed in blood, privy to the ancient traditions of the family and initiated in the old style, responsible for taking on any and all threats to your liege?
[X] Knives. A subtle knife could be worth a dozen enforcers. You're just as deadly throwing them as you are slipping by and slitting throats.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.

can the trench coat have a peaked hood?
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[X] Curiosity. Who had the audacity to carry out such a ruthless and thorough strike? It wasn't the rivals on the island, you're certain. Someone else was involved, and you want to know who and why.

[X] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.

[X] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?

[X] Guns. Pistols, shotguns, long rifles, assault rifles, submachine guns, it doesn't matter. You're a crack shot and quick on the draw.

[X] Call it luck, intuition, or Fortuna's favor. You've always been able to rely on your gut feelings, and that's helped you dodge both proverbial and real bullets.

[X] You've been steadily building favors from all sorts of people in the Underworld. Not just criminals, though plenty owe you, but also retired (?) spooks, mildly corrupt government bureaucrats, information brokers, and gun runners. How far into Roanapur their influence extends is an open question, though.
[x] Out of guilt. You could have stopped the massacre if you'd known it was coming. But you were off in Paris while the family was being gutted. You owe it to the dead to resolve what you couldn't prevent.
I like my protagonists to be swimming in angst and have a compelling reason to chase after something that any sane person would have backed away from. I think this qualifies.

[x] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.
This place is a hellhole and the last thing I want to deal with is every guy getting grabby with us until we've built up a reputation here.

[x] Knives. A subtle knife could be worth a dozen enforcers. You're just as deadly throwing them as you are slipping by and slitting throats.
Trying to create a stealth build and the best stealth bids rely on knives plus we get that personal touch of seeing our victims up close and personal while further limiting the kind of collateral damage we'll cause.

[x] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
This we'll help us sneak into places people thought impregnable while also allow us to escape through unconventional paths.

[x] You've been saving up for quite some time. The end result is a pretty impressive Swiss bank account. You're not filthy rich, but you don't have to worry too much about trivial costs like first class plane tickets or large bribes. And yet, it still hasn't let you find those responsible for the massacre.
This gives us a fairly direct way to interact with people outside of scary threats and providing aid to those in need.
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[x] For revenge. They killed your liege, they killed his wife, and they killed his little children. You will avenge them, once you finally figure out who is responsible.
[x] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.
[x] A fixer, one responsible for organizing the activities of the family and overseeing critical logistics of the smuggling operations, sworn in blood but never with the time to go through the old traditions?
[X] Guns. Pistols, shotguns, long rifles, assault rifles, submachine guns, it doesn't matter. You're a crack shot and quick on the draw.
[x] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[x] You've been steadily building favors from all sorts of people in the Underworld. Not just criminals, though plenty owe you, but also retired (?) spooks, mildly corrupt government bureaucrats, information brokers, and gun runners. How far into Roanapur their influence extends is an open question, though.
[X] For revenge. They killed your liege, they killed his wife, and they killed his little children. You will avenge them, once you finally figure out who is responsible.
[X] A pretty face, with noble cheekbones and a brilliant smile, straw-colored hair running over your shoulders, and sky blue eyes capable of piercing steel.
[X] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?
[X] Yourself. You're a world-class Savate prodigy, not that you stopped with formal styles. You can improvise killing weapons from almost anything if your feet aren't enough.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.

effectively, this build makes us the ultimate Lawyer Fu expert. We were our Lieges hidden steel, the person he turned to to confide in, wether in business or personal issues, we were there for him. We helped smooth feathers, insured that people were cooperating, and when worst came to worst, walked into the lions den and came out alive, with the blood of our Lieges enemies staining our feet. This woman was the trusted confidant of her Liege. She's a master of Savate, and anything becomes a weapon in her hands. She's Never unarmed, no matter her state. Her natural dexterity and flexibility, combined with her Savate, means that anyone stupid enough to engage her in close combat has little to no chance of Survival. And her coat allows her to survive to get into range of those who aren't fooled by her good looks and charm, to Demonstrate Why allowing her to get into range is such a bad idea.

i like where this story could go.

Also, she's out for revenge, no stop. Sure, she kind and sweet and charming as needed, but beneath all of that she is Filled with Hate and Rage, and she'll stop at Nothing to kill whoever was responsible for the death of her closest friend, possibly something more...
[X] For revenge. They killed your liege, they killed his wife, and they killed his little children. You will avenge them, once you finally figure out who is responsible.
[X] A pretty face, with noble cheekbones and a brilliant smile, straw-colored hair running over your shoulders, and sky blue eyes capable of piercing steel.
[X] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?
[X] Yourself. You're a world-class Savate prodigy, not that you stopped with formal styles. You can improvise killing weapons from almost anything if your feet aren't enough.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.
[x] Out of guilt. You could have stopped the massacre if you'd known it was coming. But you were off in Paris while the family was being gutted. You owe it to the dead to resolve what you couldn't prevent.
[x] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.
[x] Knives. A subtle knife could be worth a dozen enforcers. You're just as deadly throwing them as you are slipping by and slitting throats.
[x] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[x] You've been saving up for quite some time. The end result is a pretty impressive Swiss bank account. You're not filthy rich, but you don't have to worry too much about trivial costs like first class plane tickets or large bribes. And yet, it still hasn't let you find those responsible for the massacre.
alright here's my reasoning then: I went for a stealth ambush build. this city has so many combat monsters that we are fucked in a straight fight. our best bet is avoid direct combat and to be able to out maneuver anyone hunting us. knives come in a wider variety of shapes then guns which makes it easier to conceal weapons and the ability to kill a target undetected is valuable in a city where EVERYONE is packing something.

the coat is one part useful because it helps counter snipers and keep us alive in gun fights and one part for the hell of it. see the hyperlink in my post.
[X] Curiosity. Who had the audacity to carry out such a ruthless and thorough strike? It wasn't the rivals on the island, you're certain. Someone else was involved, and you want to know who and why.

[X] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.

[X] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?

[X] Guns. Pistols, shotguns, long rifles, assault rifles, submachine guns, it doesn't matter. You're a crack shot and quick on the draw.

[X] Call it luck, intuition, or Fortuna's favor. You've always been able to rely on your gut feelings, and that's helped you dodge both proverbial and real bullets.

[X] You've been steadily building favors from all sorts of people in the Underworld. Not just criminals, though plenty owe you, but also retired (?) spooks, mildly corrupt government bureaucrats, information brokers, and gun runners. How far into Roanapur their influence extends is an open question, though.
I am sorely tempted to get involved here. Black Lagoon? Granted, I never really read the stuff, never found the time, but Revy, oh Revy. She is extraordinarily similar to a character I RP'd as before I even knew she existed. Marisa was a tough as nails bitch, vicious as hell, dual handguns as her main but used anything she could get her sociopathic hands on, ultimately kept just on the side of good by virtue of a morality pet and being pointed at antagonists worse than her.

Hit me like a sledge the first time first time I got introduced for her and left me in an odd state of nostalgia and limbo.

I like these kinds of fucked up settings and people. Sometimes you just want to see what happens to characters that get pushed to the brink and over, are twisted by their experiences, and seeing what they've become for it.

I'm seriously tempted to vote for a similar build, because there's more than a few traces of her even in this chargen, but that'd be derivative twice over.

May make this an official vote, for now just speculating.

Favoring curiosity, because that's a viewpoint I don't often seen played to the hilt. Revenge, guilt, seen those before. Written those before. Curiosity too, but I'm here reading this prompt because I'm curious. I want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. So I'd have a hard pressed to make any other choice.

Curiosity doesn't play well with Enforcer though. Sworn and born into the traditions, but not really caring about them? It could work, but it'd be a much harder characterization than the others. It is the combat build though. I'm sorely tempted by that. Even if experience says that violence really doesn't solve all problems, and this is Roanapur, where the city can escalate more force against us than we individually could ever watch....

I still kind of want it. For much the same reason. Why am I here if not to watch gory, awesome, brutal fight scenes and wade through a sea of blood? Some settings are made for bloodbaths, and I've seen a lot of stories start in hellholes just to watch the heroes rise above greater odds. I see a lot less exploring the drain in the bloodbath tub.

Guns, knives, fists. You honestly can't go wrong here. No matter what, it'll be awesome.

Intuition's utility can't be overstated. It's pretty much the GM being able to lean in and say, "Are you sure?" And having a fudge factor in a Quest always helps.

Raw willpower is also great though. Cutting the Gordian Knot is an excellent strategy, if you can find a blind spot and exploit it. This is the best chance of hitting that blind spot. Of course, absolute dedication to achieve the goal is hazardous to your health if your goal isn't also to save your own ass. Does make for a pretty interesting combination with curiosity though. Curiosity killed the cat, but we keep going back anyway so....why not? Having an itch to know fits.

Parkour's good for ambush, I gotta admit that. It's only good for getting from A to B though and pulling off agility feats. We still have to use it right and outsmart the GM. I feel like this is most likely to backfire. More than misapplied willpower even.

Body armor's pretty awesome. Especially if you keep packets of fake blood/ketchup. Also plays pretty good with willpower because it's most likely to keep us alive through whatever we set out mind on. I like the synergy. But it's the most easily stolen from us and the fear of losing it may encourage paranoia.

Favors are useful. If we use them well. I personally am confident I will not. Still, maybe they'll manifest as someone going out of their way to save our ass if we screw up.

And money makes the world go round. Not nearly as exciting as the others, and people may decide to start fleecing us for all we're worth or stealing our money. But it opens up a lot of options. If we can make it clear that they can't take our money, we can only give it? Well, people will start getting more creative to get us to part with it. Hopefully it ends up selling services to us instead of lead-pipe cryptanalysis.
The Willpower Edge comes with more than "just" a much bigger pool of Willpower to spend than you'd otherwise have. Likewise the "Parkour" isn't really Parkour, it's superhuman Dexterity attribute and comes with some other benefits. Intuition is also very useful, though it won't have quite the same mechanical benefits as the other choices.

Likewise I tried to balance the Advantages carefully. The bulletproof trenchcoat is exactly what it says on the label. It's bullshit anime bulletproof, like Hei's coat or Kotomine's cassock, meaning that you can tank gunfighters and what is blunt force trauma? From bullets, anyway. It is by far the most powerful item I'd allow, but the drawback is that it can be lost. You can't lose money or favors, but those are going to depend on the audience voting to use them properly. And neither are an "I Win" button but they can make things a lot easier for you if used properly.

So really what is best option? Depends very much on what you want out of the game and how you expect to play the character.

Also, people should vote for the character's position in the family. That seems to be overlooked by a couple of voters, probably not intentionally. It's actually very important to determine your stat distribution.
[X] Out of guilt. You could have stopped the massacre if you'd known it was coming. But you were off in Paris while the family was being gutted. You owe it to the dead to resolve what you couldn't prevent.
[X] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.
[X] An enforcer, sworn to an oath sealed in blood, privy to the ancient traditions of the family and initiated in the old style, responsible for taking on any and all threats to your liege?
[X] Yourself. You're a world-class Savate prodigy, not that you stopped with formal styles. You can improvise killing weapons from almost anything if your feet aren't enough.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.

This build is made to be adaptable and practical revenge is all nice and well but it tends to screw you over in the long run and put you on a set path with guilt we still feel responsible but have the option of getting off the path if it leads to bad places. I chose a guy because there's not enough badass guy's in Black Lagoon almost all of the real badass are busty girls. I chose Enforcer because when going solo in a place like this you have to be dangerous in a fight. Yourself because it makes us deadly with ANYTHING. Parkour because it lets you get around, ambush and escape really fast and makes us hard to track. As for the trenchcoat it is the most practical thing on the list and can really save our butt when we need it
This one is sad that we shall not be playing my Consigliere that is also an assassin par excellence.

also, that we aren't continuing the Roanpur tradition that the most dangerous characters in the world are female, a la Revy.
This one is sad that we shall not be playing my Consigliere that is also an assassin par excellence.

also, that we aren't continuing the Roanpur tradition that the most dangerous characters in the world are female, a la Revy.

As I said not enough badass guys in Roanpur besides you can't be an assassin without the proper lessons learned.
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[X] Out of guilt. You could have stopped the massacre if you'd known it was coming. But you were off in Paris while the family was being gutted. You owe it to the dead to resolve what you couldn't prevent.
[X] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.
[X] An enforcer, sworn to an oath sealed in blood, privy to the ancient traditions of the family and initiated in the old style, responsible for taking on any and all threats to your liege?
[X] Yourself. You're a world-class Savate prodigy, not that you stopped with formal styles. You can improvise killing weapons from almost anything if your feet aren't enough.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.
[X] For revenge. They killed your liege, they killed his wife, and they killed his little children. You will avenge them, once you finally figure out who is responsible.
[X] A pretty face, with noble cheekbones and a brilliant smile, straw-colored hair running over your shoulders, and sky blue eyes capable of piercing steel.
[X] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?
[X] Yourself. You're a world-class Savate prodigy, not that you stopped with formal styles. You can improvise killing weapons from almost anything if your feet aren't enough.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.
[ ] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.

[ ] Guns. Pistols, shotguns, long rifles, assault rifles, submachine guns, it doesn't matter. You're a crack shot and quick on the draw.

[ ] Call it luck, intuition, or Fortuna's favor. You've always been able to rely on your gut feelings, and that's helped you dodge both proverbial and real bullets.

[ ] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.
Let's play Lotton!
[X] Out of guilt. You could have stopped the massacre if you'd known it was coming. But you were off in Paris while the family was being gutted. You owe it to the dead to resolve what you couldn't prevent.
[X] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.
[X] An enforcer, sworn to an oath sealed in blood, privy to the ancient traditions of the family and initiated in the old style, responsible for taking on any and all threats to your liege?
[X] Yourself. You're a world-class Savate prodigy, not that you stopped with formal styles. You can improvise killing weapons from almost anything if your feet aren't enough.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.
[X] Curiosity. Who had the audacity to carry out such a ruthless and thorough strike? It wasn't the rivals on the island, you're certain. Someone else was involved, and you want to know who and why.

[X] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.

[X] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?

[X] Guns. Pistols, shotguns, long rifles, assault rifles, submachine guns, it doesn't matter. You're a crack shot and quick on the draw.

[X] Call it luck, intuition, or Fortuna's favor. You've always been able to rely on your gut feelings, and that's helped you dodge both proverbial and real bullets.

[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.
[X] Curiosity. Who had the audacity to carry out such a ruthless and thorough strike? It wasn't the rivals on the island, you're certain. Someone else was involved, and you want to know who and why.
[X] A handsome face, with aquiline nose and square jaw, dark hair kept closely cropped, and eyes of emerald green concealing hidden depths.
[X] The consiglieri, the boss's confident and advisor, a negotiator and a compromiser and sometimes even a lawyer, forever distanced from the initiated blood-brothers of the family?
[X] Knives. A subtle knife could be worth a dozen enforcers. You're just as deadly throwing them as you are slipping by and slitting throats.
[X] Parkour is a parlor's trick to you. You've always been extraordinarily dexterous, whether it was climbing up trees as a child or slipping unnoticed along the roofs of a hostile dockyard.
[X] Unlike all the psychos in Roanapur, you haven't forgotten that body armor saves lives. Your cutting-edge Kevlar-weave trenchcoat is bulletproof short of heavy machinegun rounds and stylish to boot. Of course it also cost an arm and a leg and is virtually irreplaceable.