Alright. What was Aster's motivation for joining the Tribulary Guard?
"To protect people," you say. "My family. Do something good, while I still could."
What was her reason to confront Jasmine when she was offered to back down gracefully? She was not going to take chances with leaving an Anathema close to her hometown.

I'd rather not have her motive for staying reduced to a love story.
Jewel is a mercenary. She will leave eventually. What happens to our oath when she does?

Similarly, hunting down Jasmine doesn't ring true. She is merely "carrying out the work of a Silver Pact". She is the more immediate of the many threats our people face, but hardly the only one. Should she choose to take her pursuits elsewhere, as unlikely as it is, we will have little cause to chase her.

[x] Let Prince Thay know you're still her woman
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I really wish leaving was an option.
At some point, past votes have painted a clear enough picture of who a character is that deviating sharply from it in a single vote ceases to make sense. There's also Essence Fever, which is like... a thing introduced essentially to make it so "I don't go on an adventure today" is not usually part of the Exalted, and especially not the Solar, psychology.

Alright. What was Aster's motivation for joining the Tribulary Guard?

What was her reason to confront Jasmine when she was offered to back down gracefully? She was not going to take chances with leaving an Anathema close to her hometown.

I'd rather not have her motive for staying reduced to a love story.
Jewel is a mercenary. She will leave eventually. What happens to our oath when she does?

[x] Let Prince Thay know you're still her woman
The vote is structured with the assumption that protecting her family, her home and innocents is her primary motivation for staying. These options add an additional priority.
What was her reason to confront Jasmine when she was offered to back down gracefully? She was not going to take chances with leaving an Anathema close to her hometown.

I'd rather not have her motive for staying reduced to a love story.
Jewel is a mercenary. She will leave eventually. What happens to our oath when she does?

Eh. Let me start with: I agree with you. Honestly. All you peeps talking about how suddenly claiming that Jewel is our primary motivation is abrupt/problematic/more-than-a-little-unwise make sense.

It totally is, Aster knows Jewel for how long? A few months tops. Arguably, possibly, probably, this is not more than an adolescent crush of someone who has a looooooooong life ahead of her and who will meet other girls that, as an added benefit, wouldn't consider her very existence to be, well, an anathema to the established world order and everything that is good and proper.

Which is exactly why I'm picking this option.
I think the interpretation of being a Solar Exalt that I like the most is being a legendary hero in Greek sense. They rarely luck out and live to an old age. Their lives are unending struggle full of triumphs but also hubris and vainglory. They feel strongly and indulge strongly in their emotions. More or less, being a Solar is being the main character in a classical honest-to-Unconquered-Sun tragedy.

And what's more tragic than unrequited love for someone who hates your very existence? Now, you can say it's unhealthy, but hey, a lot of things in Exalted are.

Also, about creepiness factor. It's only creepy if we stalk her, lol. Like, there's actually a somewhat altruistic motivation you can get out of it without making it about "winning Jewel over" or some shit. There's a Lunar terrorist targeting the city. The city Jewel is under employ of. She has demonstrated that she will not run from a fight with Lunars, she already marked herself as a Dragon Exalt who will oppose Winter Jasmine, so her life is unequivocally in danger.

And Aster wouldn't like someone who she has a very gay crush on to die, right?

It's not a very good motivation, in the grand scheme of things, but I think it's an acceptable one.
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I don't know if this is a good choice, exactly but it seems like the most interesting one. Also it's gay so I have to vote for it.

[X] Fateful Jewel
[X] Fateful Jewel

Meanwhile, in the division of Serenity, the bronze faction celebrates a victory with little enthusiasm. They have the advantage, but the greatest weapon in their arsenal didn't have the impact it needed to finish the job, and the gold faction is busy indeed...
[X] Let Prince Thay know you're still her woman

Fateful Jeep was only ever a side story for Aster, I don't want this to turn into an Exalted romantic tragedy.
[x] Let Prince Thay know you're still her woman

Protect our people is the primary reason and I like the Duty to be the second, I enjoy the idea of sticking to an Oath till the end.

Jewel isn't a bad/creepy option, I just prefer SOLDIER pick. Cal had a relationship drama, let Aster have the Loyalty drama.
[X] Fateful Jewel

Wow, I loved that interaction! It was heartbreaking and tragic, and it felt like an early culmination of everything that's been happening between Jewel and Aster. Your execution on that moment was absolutely great.

Also fuck yeah Five Days Darkness.
Pretty sure "I'll kill you if I see you again" means we're broken up. You've gotta take these things gracefully.
[X] Let Prince Thay know you're still her woman
Wow, tough choices. On the one hand Aster has her loyalty as a soldier, on the other Winter is a monster that needs to be stopp- ahaha who am I kidding?

[X] Fateful Jewel