[X] Thank Jewel for risking her life to help you

So looking forward to seeing how this works out. Maybe if we have to go on the run we could be wondering heroes alongside Pause? Maybe meet Jewel again one day. I'm assuming Pause'll heal soon and Aster wouldn't let Jewel harm her wounded ally.
I think an apology is a good way to start.

It won't fix the fact that Aster hurt Jewel, but it immediately establishes that she regrets what she did. It gives a starting point to start mending the bridge between them. Jewel will have to be the one to take the next step, but we the readers have no control over that.

And more cynically, it probably will put Jewel off balance enough that she won't report the Anathema she has discovered. Anyone can say they were grateful, but it's rare to get a full, meaningful apology. Especially from someone who isn't supposed to be human.

[X] Apologise for lying to Jewel
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[x] Apologise for lying to Jewel

My first instinct was to thank her, but I think this is the most Aster-like response as I think it through. Aster is the person who selflessly throws herself in the line of fire for her companions, sacrificing herself for their sake. We've established that often enough, and this is the first Dragon-Blood that she's come to know.

The first thing on Aster's mind really isn't even "oh, cool, I appreciate the help even if you are going to shoot me now". It's "I'm sorry, I really wasn't trying to hurt you".

I really wasn't trying to hurt you, I didn't mean to lie, just I'm so nervous around pretty girls and you have that cool dragon sigh wand and you have a neat accent and you seemed to like me back a bit and--
[X] Apologise for lying to Jewel

Ah, this is such a good scene. The mix of Jewels scorn, Aster holding on to Immaculate teachings, the rote phrases used to justify Dragonblood rule, and the gradual destruction as Aster's world comes apart. There's a reason celestial exalts don't immediately ditch the Immaculate Faith, and the three characters here all have such different responses to the challenges it brings up. Jewel rationalizes it, and considers Aster a threat. Silent Pause has her own, heterodox version of the faith. Aster is mostly just not looking at it too hard, which Silent Pause has accidentally supported. It's a very good piece.
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[X] Apologise for lying to Jewel

I thought apologise felt too manipulative and that it was better to just accept things but I've been convinced that this feels more true to Aster and that there'll be clear sincerity in it.
[X] Thank Jewel for risking her life to help you

This is a super exciting development! I'm really eager to see where our story goes from here.

Also absolutely loving Jewel's use of Righteous Devil Style, as well as her Wood Aspect anima. You really made Jewel a force to be reckoned with.
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My first instinct was to thank her, but I think this is the most Aster-like response as I think it through. Aster is the person who selflessly throws herself in the line of fire for her companions, sacrificing herself for their sake. We've established that often enough, and this is the first Dragon-Blood that she's come to know.
My read on her was that yeah, she is kinda just like that, but the reason she's been taking it to the degree she has was because she's been pretty sure she's either going to become a monster of be killed due to the likelihood of her becoming a monster, and so she's been trying to make the most of what little time she has. So, when she's not taking action to protect someone or uphold the law, I would expect her to deviate from that some.