So we failed Intrigue and Depression, but got 2 DCs for Prowess. It's something at least, and given how many different options had opportunities for depression checks, we'll have plenty more opportunities to grind that away at the community center. And intrigue training is going to be easy for us to get as a ninja, even if it would be nice to get a head start on the one non-mystic stat to up our magical ability.
Canon: Veni, Veder, Vici
Veni, Veder, Vici

Greg Veder was always a very sociable boy. Paradoxically this is also why he has always been a very lonely boy. He has no trouble just walking up to a random stranger and talking to them about whatever is on his mind.
However, they never seem to care about the latest Aleph game import or TV show. They never care about old comic heroes or villains. They never care about tabletop games. They never care about Greg, either.

In a city like Brockton Bay, speaking your mind can get you killed you see. The ABB would shiv you in a back alley for daring to besmirch their 'heritage' by enjoying it. The E88 would destroy your life for the crime of liking the wrong kind of foreign media, especially if it had no voice over.
Oddly enough though, speaking his mind has also spared Greg from such fate. Noone dared to get close to him, so noone cared to go that far. He became a pariah, a nuisance, a victim yes, but one that gets to live on in his loneliness.

He still tried ofcourse, tried to strike up a conversation, any conversation, even if it was one sided just so he could pretend for even a moment that someone actually cared about what he had to say. Maybe one day it'd even work. The pretending. Or maybe he was just insane, his behavior did fit Einstein's definition afterall. Just doing the same thing, over, and over, and over again expecting, begging, for a different result. Who was he to argue with a genius?

He created several online aliases, XxVoid_CowboyxX, Greg-Gorey, I_Am_Your_Father, just to name a few. It helped, somewhat. Getting banned over and over again was a rush you see. For just a moment people actually replied, they cared enough to respond, to discuss what he had to say even if it was only to deride it.

He thought it would always be this way, that nothing would ever change. He'd never get his 'you're a wizard, Greg', he'd never get his 'because you're my nakama', never, never, never.

It turns out, you should never say never. When the Oroku Community Center opened up, and he was actually invited to go, ofcourse he jumped at the chance! It was amazing, the people there were so nice, they actually talked to him, even if it was just questions asking him what he was even saying. It was more than he ever had before. From anyone.

To top it all off, then there was The War Room. Finally there were people interested in playing with him, against him, to just enjoy something as simple as a game with. To acknowledge that he was good at it. The feeling that he might actually matter was more than he could bear at the time, but they didn't mock him for his tears. Didn't make fun of him for his weakness. They started another game, and when Greg won, they celebrated with pizza.

Walking home that day, he felt like he was flying through space! No gravity to slow him down or hold him back. With joy in his heart, and the newly minted gamer tag of N-Vader, Greg thought for the first time in his life, that maybe Einstein was wrong, that he wasn't insane. That perhaps, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result isn't insanity.
It's hope.

I was thinking Greg would have a Martial of 16-20 for this. Hope you like it!
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Veni, Veder, Vici

I was thinking Greg would have a Martial of 16-20 for this. Hope you like it!
So this is a wonderful Omake, and exactly the kind of thing that would make Greg just the kind of person that the Community Center would be looking for.

I was thinking having the Omake Bonuses be a flat +10 to a roll, and well there are two major rolls that are sitting there at the moment.

a failed d10 Depression roll, which would procc Depression, and the roll of a 4 for the Prowess stat upgrade, which cannot hit the 38 it needs.

So would you want to spend your reward on he Depression roll?
Start of Turn 1
[X][ComCen] Meditation
[X][ComCen] The Dojo
Stepping into the entrance area, you can see that there are a number of different people milling about. Most seem to be talking to one giant of a man. He has to be at least 6'4", but you wouldn't be surprised if he was actually 6'6".
To be entirely honest, the guy does look a little intimidating, but at the same time... "Alright," The giant of a man says softly, a surprisingly kind smile on his face. "Welcome to the Oroku Community Center, what kinds of community activities are folks looking for today?" Again and again he helps all these different people, the smile on his face never wavering.

"Welcome, young lady." The giant of a man says, holding out a hand to shake. "This is your first time here at the Center, isn't it?" He asks, and you carefully nod, even as you shake his hand. "So, what'cha looking for today?"

"Well, I was hoping to either find Cassie, Max or Rachel." You say, not sure if he would even - But the man's eyes light up, his grin going all the wider.

"You must be Taylor Hebert." The giant of a man says. "I'm Hunter Atilla Jones. Cassie's father, and Rachel and Max's Foster Dad. You can just call me Hun. If you're looking for the girls - Cassie's probably over in the Dojo, working on her self defense, and Rachel is almost certainly out in the Yard with her pups. Max... Max is probably with Anton over in the Media room working on their raps. Of course, there is more still if there is something in particular that you want to do."

You think about it for a moment, trying to decide if there really is anything that you are interested in checking out today, but after a few moments you just shake your head. "Maybe next time, Mister Hun." You tell the giant of a man, "But right now I just want to thank Rachel for helping me out the other day, and I'm gonna pop in and say hi to Cassie."

Hun laughs, the sound is heavy and deep like a drum, and is even a little intimidating, if only because Mister Hun is massive. "Fair enough, just... Something to keep in time, Taylor. The Community Center is open 24/7. There's always someone around if you just need to get away from it all." He tells you. "Be it just getting out of your house for an afternoon, or if you need somewhere you can be safe from those girls that Cassie has complained about at Winslow. This is a place for everyone to feel safe, a place where they can work to become the best them that they can be." Hun pauses for another moment as you head towards the doors leading into the rest of the Center. "...And Taylor," the man starts, his words softer than he has spoken so far."

"I am not trying to imply anything," And isn't that a bit of a loaded sentence already. "But if you ever need a place to sleep for the night, no matter what the reason might be, we have beds here at the Center. Our doors are always open to you."

That... That... A part of you wants to snap at the man, to yell at the man and say that Dad would never do anything that would make you need that. Because Dad wouldn't. He would never do something like that.

...Yet at the same time...

No! You don't want to at the same time any of this. Dad isn't the kind of person who would do anything that would push you to not feel safe in your own home.

But would he do anything to make you feel safer?

That is a completely different question, and one that rankles at the back of your mind, even as you yourself are the one to think of it. A part of you wants to yell at Mister Hun. A part of you wants to scream at yourself, and another part of you wants to scream at Dad for doing... For standing back and doing nothing ever since Mom died. You open your mouth, and you take a breath, before you turn on your heels. "I... Thank you for the offer." You barely manage to bite out, getting the words to slip through your teeth is like trying to stand there and be polite those rare times that you and Dad encounter Alan and Emma out in the world.

"I did not mean to imply anything," Hun says softly, "I just want you to know that you are always welcome."

"...Thank you for the offer." You say softly, before finally stepping out and through. You can't be in the same room as Mister Hun. Not right now.

The man's words continue to bounce back and forth across your head, and you just want to... to...

To be honest, you aren't sure what you want to do. All you know for certain is that Mister Hun may not have meant anything mean by what he said, but it keeps causing your thoughts to turn back to the fact that Dad barely talks to you anymore.

You don't know how to reach out to him, each and every time that you have tried he doesn't even seem to be trying to meet you half way. Dad...

Dad broke when Mom died. But here's the thing. You broke when Mom died too, and you've managed to pull yourself out of the muck and the mire. You aren't better, not all the way, not yet. But you are on your feet, you are taking steps forwards... You are taking steps. At the moment you really don't know which direction you are going, but you are going.

And sure, Emma was there for parts of that. Before she decided that she enjoyed causing you pain more than she enjoyed being your sister. But she was the only one that you had. Dad was broken too, so you didn't have him to help pull you out of your funk.

Dad didn't have you to try and pull him out of the funk, not at first. Instead he had Uncle Alan, he had Aunt Zoe. He had Kurt and Lacey. They all tried to help him, so did Emma and Anne. Once you were't at your lowest, you started trying to reach out to Dad as well.

....Which is what brings your thoughts about around to where all of this started. Mister Hun offered you a bed here at the Community Center if you need one. Dad... Dad isn't going to make things bad at home, but at this point... If almost feels like you are two strangers sharing a house more than a family anymore. You hate thinking that.

So you know what, no. You aren't going to be thinking about that, not any more at least. You shake your head, pushing the worst of the thoughts out to the far sides before you do what you came here to do in the first place. Mister Hun said that Rachel is going to be in the yard, so that is your first destination. You still need to thank her for helping you save Mom's flute.

Had you lost that... Had Sophia... Had Emma managed to actually ruin it the way that she was talking about... You don't know what you would have done.

In fact, you aren't going to think that. Not anymore. Shaking your head, you find yourself letting loose a long sigh, even as you start following Mister Hun's suggestion. He said that Rachel is going to be in the Yard, so that is going to be the first place that you head.
Intrigue Stat Procc = 1d100 = DC 30,60,90,100 = 18
Thankfully despite the fact that the Community Center is absolutely massive, the building is also remarkably easy to navigate, the different rooms connected by trails of painted footprints lining the different rooms together, and the numerous maps that help make sure that you never get lost. Thanks to all of those, you quickly find yourself exiting out into the inner courtyard that is at the center of one of the buildings.

The whole courtyard is easily the size of the entire cafeteria inside of Winslow, which is the largest room that the building has, bigger than even the gyms. Before you have a chance to think anything, of course, there is a sound that is... Well, it's not familiar, but there is a part of you that really wishes you could hear it more often.

Rachel's laughter is course and rough, just like the girl herself is, and even from here you can see her legs kicking in the air as she lays there under a patchwork coat of furs. The girl rolls up, and you quickly spot one, two, three, four, five furry heads all rising up and licking at the girl. The girl is all but pinned under the weight of the different dogs, but even so she barely manages to grab hold of a big thick rope, and with a heave she tosses it over to one side.

One after the next the pile of canines rolls off the girl and over towards the rope. Two manage to easily grab hold, pulling and tugging back and forth as they each try to get sole control of it. Sitting there, Rachel watches the dogs with the softest, kindest look that you have ever seen on the girl's face before. This... this is the Rachel that you've only seen a handful of times, but each time you see her, a part of you wishes that you could see her more.

She seems so much happier when she is with her dogs than at school. Not that you can blame her, Winslow is a shit heap, and each day that you go there there is a little voice in the back of your head asking why you bother.


No that is the same kind of thoughts that you came here to avoid. The dark swirling whirlpool of dark horrible thoughts that keep drawing you in, and every thought that you allow to get hold of you just makes more dark thoughts, which makes it all worse, and then makes more dark thoughts.

What matters is that here and now, Rachel is quite possibly the happies that you have ever seen her, and you want to see her like this more. Which does have that little voice offer up a different idea, one that isn't nearly as horrible.

I should come by here more often.

Really, that is something that you have to admit that you aren't against. Making your way across the courtyard, you wave over towards Rachel.

"Oh! Hey Taylor!" The girl says cheerfully, waving you down. "You've finally come on by, cool!"

"Yeah... Sorry for taking so long." You offer softly, grinning over towards the other girl as she leans against one of her dogs, fingers idly running through the canine's fur.

"Hey, you're here now, and that is what really matters, you know?" The girl says. "Here, let me introduce you to everyone."

One by one, she properly introduces you to her dogs, not just shows you pictures of them.

Brutus, the Rottweiler, Judas the Great Dane, Bentley the Bulldog pup, and Mack the Saint Bernard.

Each of Rachel's dog are happy, playful and seem to want nothing more than to have fun and play in the grass. Rachel lays there on the dirt, watching the dogs play, in and one hand she has that same long length of rope that she threw to get the dogs off of her earlier, now tugging back and forth as her pets enjoy themselves.

"Hey..." You start to say, trying to figure out the right words for what you want to say. "I know I already said this." "But I really want to thank you... again... for helping me with that whole flute thing."

Rachel just snorts, tossing the other end of the rope over to one of the other dogs. "Yeah, you have said that, Tay. And I'll say what I said then again too." The girl lightly bops you on the head, almost more like a pat than anything else. "You're my friend. You're Max's friend, and you're Cassie's friend. We aren't going to sit by and do nothing while Emma tries to hurt you." Despite everything that you are trying to do, you can still feel the heat prickling at the edge of your eyes. "You're one of us now, Tay. And we protect our own. It's just the way that we do things."

"I... I just... This is the first time that I came to the Community Center."

Rachel scoffs, a grin on her face. "You'd still be one of us, even if you never came by. We don't abandon our own, no matter what." Leaning over, you don't even really think about it, just giving the big girl a hug. The moment that you wrap your arms around Rachel, the girl goes entirely stiff, her whole body seizing up. As soon as she does, you let go, glancing down and away from the girl.

Maybe that was too much. Maybe this... All of this, coming here was a mistake. "I'm sorry." You say, starting to get up to your feet. Before you manage to do so, Rachel's hand is there, grabbing hold of a sleeve. The girl isn't looking at you, but she isn't yelling or anything else either.

"No... Don't be sorry." She says, and at this point you are very confused. "I... I didn't have the best time before Mister Hun took me in." Rachel says, refusing to look at you. "I'm not... Good at being touched by surprise. I... I didn't dislike it. You just took me by surprise." The girl says, "I... I know it's weird, but please ask before hugging me, okay?"

That... Rachel and her family have done so much for you, so just making sure to ask before hugging her... You can do that. Yeah, you can totally do that. "Y-yeah, of course." You tell the girl, not really sure what you should be doing now. Everything has gotten awkward all of a sudden, and you don't know how to handle it.

Thankfully, despite it all, Rachel is still on top of everything. "Would you like to give me a hug?" The girl asks, and after a moment of silence, you nod. She holds her arms open, and this time when you give your friend a hug she doesn't lock up or anything. The two of you sit there for another moment, before Rachel nudges you, a grin on her face. "So, have you met up with Cassie yet?"

"Not yet." You admit, "She's who I'm off to go and see next."

"Well, we've gone and had a good heart to heart and everything," Rachel says, "So now you should git and go see Cassie. She's going to be so excited that you are finally checking out the Community Center. She's wanted to show off her martial arts stuff for a while, but there really isn't a situation for her to do that at school."
1d10 DC 10
2 + 10 = 12
It takes another few minutes of sitting there and relaxing in the sunlight before Rachel finally manages to get you up to your feet, before pointing you over towards the Dojo. As you make your way across the rest of the courtyard, you spot...


There are two people sitting there in the sunlight, a board of some kind between them. The first is an older looking man, with long black hair that has started to go silver at the temples. He... He isn't the problem here. It's the other person, the boy sitting across from him.
Greg Veder is...

He's not a bad person, not in the slightest, but at the same time... He's...

He's like a lot of the people at Winslow. You don't really have problems with them, but even though that it true, there is a part of you that resents the fact that he never did anything to stop Emma or Sophia. The boy sits there, eyes laser focused on the board in front of him.

You don't recognize the game that the two are playing, just that there are tons of little white and black stones making weird shapes on the board. However, when you noticed Greg, you stopped walking.

And that caught the attention of both of the players at the board. Slowly glancing up, Greg spots you, and there is a moment where the boy simply stares at you, and you stare at him, and he stares at you. "Master Tsume." Greg says, turning back towards the other man. "A moment please."

You... You really don't want to talk to Greg. You don't want to have to deal with the way that he just pretends that nothing is wrong, like he can sidle right up to you and pretend that everything is okay. You just wish that he'd-

"I'm Sorry."

Those two words are heavier than anything that you have ever heard Greg say before. That alone is enough to bring you short for a moment. "I..." Greg starts to say. "I know that you probably don't want to hear this. That you don't want me just spouting platitudes at you." He says. "But I... I need to say this, Taylor, please." As Greg speaks, out of the corner of your eye, you watch as the older man reaches out one finger, and slowly spins the entire board around so that it is facing the other way.

"I'm sorry, Taylor." Greg says again, and you can hear the weight of his words in a way that you've never heard from Greg before. "For the last year, I've been a coward. I wanted to be your friend,but I was scared of Emma... No. That's a lie. I was terrified of Sophia. Emma was just another pretty girl who talks and talks and talks. I knew that they were bullying you, and I didn't do anything." He says, and that just brings a scowl to your face. "I tried... once. Sophia promised that if I said anything she would give me swirlyies every day for a month. So I sat back, I pretended that I didn't see anything happen when those girls would bully you."

"I told myself that if I just ignored it, it would go away. I was wrong, but I... I should have done more, but I didn't know what to do. I'm not asking that you forgive me, Taylor. I've screwed up, that ship has sailed. I just... I..." He pauses for a long moment, the boy's breath coming in shuddering starts and stops as tears roll down his checks. "I don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to sit back and do nothing, and I couldn't be that person for you."

This is.... You can tell just how much this is effecting him, and not only that, the old man seems to be able to tell how much this is effecting him as well, given the fact that he slowly reaches out again, spinning the board back to how it was before. And... Maybe it is the fact that he is being so sincere, maybe it's the fact that this is clearly eating away at him. That it has been for a while...

But... But... "Thank you, Greg." You say softly, one hand reaching out to lay over his own. "I... I forgive you, Greg. It... I'm scared of Sophia too." You admit quietly. "I'm not going to judge you for being afraid of her, and... And honestly, Greg. You're the first person to have had the courage to actually apologize, but more than that... You actually mean it." There's something light in your tone as you tell him that, a grin starting to make it's way across your face. "I... I can't tell you how great it feels to hear you say this. So I forgive you, Greg. And thank you for being brave enough to say this. But, I've got somewhere to be, and you've got a game to finish. Let's talk sometime later, okay?" You offer, and Greg chuckles, one hand wiping at his eyes.

"I'm over in the war room most days." Greg says with a watery smile. "So if you ever want to hang out, I can show you the rules for Urban Chaos."

"You know, I might actually take you up on that sometime." You say with a just slightly watery grin of your own.

As you start to head out away from Greg and the older man, you hear... Master Tsume you think Greg called him speak up softly. "That was a very brave thing that you did there, Gregory." The man says, and you can hear Greg softly laugh. "But uh... One moment, young... Taylor, was it?" The older man asks, and you glance back to where the two are sitting.

"I am Master Tsume." the old man says, "And just the same that young Gregory here is willing to offer you a chance to learn the games that he plays, I myself teach meditation lessons after school lets out every Wednesday." The man explains. "If you are ever having days when you feel like your head is just too full and you can't think, you are welcome to join the classes."

"I'll keep that in mind, Master Tsume." You offer, and to your surprise, you might actually mean that too. But that... This is what the Community Center is for, isn't it? Finding those people who are all lost and alone, and giving you all places where you can belong. Places where you can get better.

Really, the one thing about all of this that might show just how bad things are, is the fact that there was a part of you that didn't believe that anything like this could really exist. That the idea of people trying to be better than they were being nothing more than the silly dreams of children. Yet here you are, surrounded by others who want to be better than they have been.

You can do this! You can be better than you have been before, you can be more than you have been. Of course, while hearing Greg apologize for what he's done does make you feel freer than you have in the longest time, there is still that weight in the back of your mind. You aren't free of the pain, not yet at least.

You can't focus on that, not without letting that same darkness back in your head again, so you are just going to enjoy the fact that you are feeling better and freer than you have in the longest of times.

1d100 = 80
There is a short moment where you stand at the door to the Dojo, looking at the thin paper door that separates you from the people within, and you just...

You've never seen a door like this. It isn't leaving you stumped or anything like that, you can tell from just a mild glance that the door is supposed to slide sideways out of the way. It's just that you've never seen a door like this before, and you have so many questions. Questions about why the door is made this way, why the door is made of paper? Who came up with this idea, and what is the benefits of it?

Those are all questions that you have, and you just... you aren't sure what the point of it is. Nonetheless, that isn't why you are here at the moment, so with a careful hand, you reach out and grab hold of the wooden frame of the paper door, and try to slide it off to one side. The soft sound of wood against wood is deafening to your ears, and you can't help but expect that everyone is going to be staring at you as you open-

Everyone isn't looking at you. For the most part, everyone is continuing to do what they have been doing this entire time. Kids, adults, even grandparents are all lined up in groups. All dressed in white and wearing cloth belts of purple. Standing in front of them is Cassie, the girl giving short calls of "One and two. Three and four. Five and six." The girl calls out, before repeating from the beginning again. Each number that the girl calls out makes the group move to a different stance. Some are strikes, elbows forward, or knees lashing out, but others seem to be more like blocks, arms crossed and raised, one hand snapping out to one side as if to knock a blow away.

Cassie spots you, and the girl's eyes light up. She gives you a short nod, but that it is as she continues to instruct the group in front of her, before after a few moments another older looking gentleman enters into the room. The man looks stern, but at the same time, there is a hint of a smile on his face. "Cassie." the man says, giving the girl a nod.

"Sensei." Cassie responds, quickly offering a deep bow. "For what purpose have we earned a visit from you?" The older man just snorts, shaking his head.

"Cassandra, The Purple Belt class should have ended about five minutes ago." The man says simply, pointing over towards a clock on the wall.

Cassie's eyes go wide, a look of surprise and shock on her face. "Oh no!" the girl lets loose, "I have once again lost track of time. Everyone." the girl says as she turns back to the now resting group. "You may cease your training for the time being. Class is complete." She says, taking a wide stance and bowing to the group in front of her. They all take the same stance and bow back, before the group starts to splinter apart, the boys heading over towards one end of the room, while the girls go over to the other end.

A moment of glancing around explains that - There are what look to be locker rooms offset from the Dojo, and as the different people filter into the rooms, they soon enough filter out wearing different more regular clothing.

Now that the group is splintering apart, Cassie quickly bows to the man who pointed out that her class was running late, before she makes her way over towards you. "Taylor! You made it!" The girl says cheerfully, wrapping you up in a hug. "I am so excited to see you here at the Community Center. How are you finding the experience?" the girl asks, her words still emphasizing as randomly as ever.

"I like it so far." You admit.

"That is glorious to hear. I hope that you come by more often in the future." Cassie exclaims, and the older martial artist chuckles.

"So, this is the Taylor that I have heard so much about?" The man asks, and you can feel Cassie's face getting warm against your shoulder. A thought nearly comes to be in your head, before you brutally stab the thought over and over like it is the dictator of Ancient Rome. That is not the kind of thought that you should be having about a friend.

Not after... After what happened before.

"Yes, Sensei. This is Taylor Hebert. My friend." The girl says, and there is definitely something strange about the way that she says that, but you still aren't sure what it is. The man gives you a look, before he slowly nods.

"You are one of the students of that hellhole, Winslow, correct?" He asks, and you slowly nod. Not entirely sure what he is getting at, other than the fact that Winslow is a hellhole. Which is just objectively correct. "Have you considered the self defense classes that we teach here at the community center?" The man asks, and that...

To be entirely honest, that isn't something that you have thought about, but at the same time... "Not... yet." You admit, "But this is Brockton Bay." You admit somewhat dryly. "I don't have any money though."

Cassie perks up, about to say something, before the man holds up a hand. "The classes, at least at first, are free." He says. Cassie has an odd look on her face, but she doesn't say anything against what the man is saying. You have a feeling that something more is going on here, but at the same time... well, he's offering to let you take these self defense classes for free, so that's fine with you.
1d100 DC 35 = 90
1d100 DC 38 = 4
[No Success]
Prowess == 7 → 8
Untested Proccs!
Martial Debuff Decreased!
Prowess Debuff Decreased!
Of course, the entire first hour is just getting things ready and set up, finding a Gi (which is what those white outfits that everyone was wearing) that fits you, and getting you one of a white belt to go with your own.

After that is something... Well, to be entirely frank, amazing. Sensei Shimura, the older teacher and Cassie decide to give you a bit of an exhibition match, something to show where you might be able to train yourself up to being one day.

Moving to the opposite sides of the Dojo, each fighter stands there for a long moment before at some unseen signal they explode into motion. Both fighters blur into motion so quickly that you can't see what they are clearly doing at first before they meet at the center of the mat. The Sensei throws punches like drops of rain in a rain storm, and yet despite that Cassie responds in turn. Each strike that the older man throws out is blocked by the younger girl pushing the strikes off to one side away from her. Leaping into the air, Cassie spins, lashing out with a sharp kick, only for Sensei Shimura to cross his arms over his chest and take the hit, barely sliding back at all before he reaches out at a speed you've never seen anyone move before, grabbing hold of the girl's ankle. There is a fraction of a moment, a single spot where you can see the look of shock and surprise that Cassie sees, before the man tosses her over his shoulder.

The girl hits the ground, but even in that first moment, she's already rolled up to her feet, fingers grabbing hold of the mat floor in order to slow herself down. Just as quick she starts to move back towards her opponent. At the most basic of glances, it seems like both sides are evenly matched, but even with that being true there is something rubbing at the edge of your thoughts.

You can't put a finger on why, but you can tell that Cassie isn't doing as well as the older teacher. Each of her blows are pushed aside, and so are each of his, but-

But then it clicks in your head. Cassie is breathing, and breathing hard. Not gasping for air, but definitely winded, whereas the teacher still seems like he is doing nothing more strenuous than a wlak in the park. Back and forth the blows rain down on the other, each managing to keep the other from hitting, but at the same time...

This marks the third time that the Sensei has thrown Cassie across the room, and this time. This time the girl lays there on the ground, gasping for air, before she raises one hand up, and very intentionally slaps the mat. "I give." The girl says. That...

That was amazing. You've never seen anything like that before. Even the cape fights that you have seen online, that's pretty much just people randomly throwing punches and taking the hits. You've never seen people actually block and counter the way that these two have when they fought. And this...

This is something that you might be able to learn?

Okay, admittedly, both Sensei and Cassie make it clear that to get to the level that they are at takes months, even years to get to their level, but that doesn't mean that it is out of your grasp. From there, the group spends about two hours working with you, going through the very basics of everything - From how to properly stand, to the right way to throw a punch, and one of the most important lessons, how to fall properly.

You've never heard of that idea before, but it is something that makes sense. You can get hurt if you fall, but it is possible to do everything you can to make the fall as soft and non-damaging as you can. Already there are things that you are learning, and you still want to learn even more.

Once those two hours are up, you do have to head home for the night. You aren't free to just spend all your time at the Community Center after all.

...But once you get home... Well... Dad's truck is out there in the driveway, but the lights aren't on. It's only eight pm, but Dad seems to have already gone to bed. And he didn't even bother to make something for dinner. Great.

There is just a moment where you remember what Mister Hun said, offering a bed at the Community Center... But... No. This. This is your home, and you aren't just going to leave it.

You can't. At least, that is what you keep telling yourself as you make a box of mac and cheese so that you have something to eat tonight.

Choose Five Four(4) for the next week
[ ][ComCen] The Media Room
- Max and a friend of his named Anton are in the Media room... Rapping? Ok, that sounds interesting.
-- Rolls to increase Diplomacy. Meets Anton
[ ][ComCen] 'The War Room'
- Apparently Hun is a huge fan of some complicated sounding Table Top games, and he went and took over a pair of rooms to play them. They are some table top Miniture games, where you like, control an army and stuff. The rooms have some top of the line tech that makes it so that the two tables, each on in a different room shows what is on the other table, which means that the teams are able to talk with each other without alerting the other team.
-- Rolls to increase Martial, Rolls to Proc Depression, hang out with Greg. Bonus to Martial Roll
[ ][ComCen] Study Groups
- Over in one of the rooms, there is a general 'Study Area' set off with a number of volunteer tutors willing to help anyone with any problems that they are having with their class work, no matter what it is.
-- Rolls to increase Stewardship, Chance to meet interesting people
[ ][ComCen] Meditation
- Not too far from where Rachel is hanging out with her dogs, there is a sand, rock garden thing, and there is an older man sitting there, offering to teach meditation to anyone who is interested.
-- Rolls to increase Intrigue, Master Tsume gives a bonus to Intrigue roll, Rolls to Proc Depression
[ ][ComCen] The Library
- It's not like an actual library, but just Hun's own personal collection of books that he owns, along with books that have been donated to the Community Center. The room itself is still nice and quiet, with super comfy chairs.
-- Rolls to increase Learning, ???
[ ][ComCen] Chem Labs
- Apparently the Community Center has been getting chemistry equipment recently, as so they are offering chemistry classes now.
-- Rolls to increase Learning, ???
[ ][ComCen] The Dojo
- So apparently, the Dojo actually offers entirely free Self Defense Classes. And Cassie teaches the most basic level, so that is something that you could try and learn from in order to be just in general safer.
-- Rolls to increase Prowess, if Prowess roll is met, then Proc Untested
[ ][ComCen] Laser Tag
- It appears that a group of kids have worked together to take over the Gymnasium as a Laser Tag room for the day. Probably honestly for the entire weekend, given just how much work it is to move things around. Still, they've turned the room into a maze of boxes of all shapes and sizes, something to spend time on.
-- Roll to Proc Depression, ???
[ ][ComCen] Movie Marathon
- Cassie has decided that now that you are learning Martial Arts, that she wants you to check out the movie collection that the Center has, particularly the marital arts movies.
-- Chance to increase Martial, chance to increase Prowess, chance to Procc Depression
[ ][ComCen] Talk with Mr. Hun
- Cassie's Dad is a huge guy, and he's the supervisor for the entire building, so there has to be some interesting things that you can learn from him. After all, it is just polite to know your friend's parents.
-- Roll to Proc Depression, ???
[ ][ComCen] Ask about Beds
- One of Four actions required to leave your Dad's house
-- Roll to Proc Depression, work to move into the Community Center, which will open up further new options, such as quitting Winslow
[ ][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
- One day when you come in, you find that Cassie has gotten hurt, she's involved in something... strange.
-- Learn more about Cassie and what may be going on behind the scenes.
[ ][ComCen] The Computer Room
- The Computer Room in here is so much better than the one at the Library.
-- Check up on the News over the last couple of weeks.
[ ][ComCen] Hang out at the Boardwalk
- There's all sorts of interesting stuff at the boardwalk, and getting a chance to hang out with your friends outside of the context of School or the Community Center is something important too.
[X][LOCKED] Friday, April 23rd
- Things take a turn for the dangerous on Friday, when the Merchants find themselves wanting to make a change. And not one for the better.
[x][ComCen] 'The War Room'
- Apparently Hun is a huge fan of some complicated sounding Table Top games, and he went and took over a pair of rooms to play them. They are some table top Miniture games, where you like, control an army and stuff. The rooms have some top of the line tech that makes it so that the two tables, each on in a different room shows what is on the other table, which means that the teams are able to talk with each other without alerting the other team.
-- Rolls to increase Martial, Rolls to Proc Depression, hang out with Greg. Bonus to Martial Roll
[x][ComCen] Meditation
- Not too far from where Rachel is hanging out with her dogs, there is a sand, rock garden thing, and there is an older man sitting there, offering to teach meditation to anyone who is interested.
-- Rolls to increase Intrigue, Master Tsume gives a bonus to Intrigue roll, Rolls to Proc Depression
[x][ComCen] Talk with Mr. Hun
- Cassie's Dad is a huge guy, and he's the supervisor for the entire building, so there has to be some interesting things that you can learn from him. After all, it is just polite to know your friend's parents.
-- Roll to Proc Depression, ???
[x][ComCen] Ask about Beds
- One of Four actions required to leave your Dad's house
-- Roll to Proc Depression, work to move into the Community Center, which will open up further new options, such as quitting Winslow

these are my four choices.
[X] Plan Behold... Friendship!
-[X][ComCen] The Media Room
-[X][ComCen] 'The War Room'
-[X][ComCen] Movie Marathon
-[X][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
[X] Plan Behold... Friendship!
-[X][ComCen] The Media Room
-[X][ComCen] 'The War Room'
-[X][ComCen] Movie Marathon
-[X][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
[X][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
[X][ComCen] The Library
[X][ComCen] The Dojo
[X][ComCen] 'The War Room'
[x][ComCen] 'The War Room'

I have to support recruiting Greg to our team! And games. And Martial. And removing Depression.

[X][ComCen] The Library

That ??? Screams Mysticism discovery in an old magic tome or something, which will be useful when the Merchants roll up.

[X][ComCen] Ask about Beds

Danny (and Winslow) are toxic to Taylor.
Edit: Not to mention this should give us even more Action economy in a week without having to go home or even to school!

[X][ComCen] The Media Room

And we should meet sibling #4. Plus Max is the one that got left out last time.
Last edited:
[] Plan Home Away From Home
-[][ComCen] 'The War Room'
-[][ComCen] The Library
-[][ComCen] Ask about Beds
-[][ComCen] Talk with Mr. Hun

For anyone who would prefer this, also the 2-Vote options are all tied whereas most of us are already voting for 'The War Room' and half for Ask About Beds.
[x][ComCen] 'The War Room'
- Apparently Hun is a huge fan of some complicated sounding Table Top games, and he went and took over a pair of rooms to play them. They are some table top Miniture games, where you like, control an army and stuff. The rooms have some top of the line tech that makes it so that the two tables, each on in a different room shows what is on the other table, which means that the teams are able to talk with each other without alerting the other team.
-- Rolls to increase Martial, Rolls to Proc Depression, hang out with Greg. Bonus to Martial Roll

[X][ComCen] The Media Room
- Max and a friend of his named Anton are in the Media room... Rapping? Ok, that sounds interesting.
-- Rolls to increase Diplomacy. Meets Anton

[X][ComCen] Talk with Mr. Hun
- Cassie's Dad is a huge guy, and he's the supervisor for the entire building, so there has to be some interesting things that you can learn from him. After all, it is just polite to know your friend's parents.
-- Roll to Proc Depression, ???

[X][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
- One day when you come in, you find that Cassie has gotten hurt, she's involved in something... strange.
-- Learn more about Cassie and what may be going on behind the scenes.

Continuining to cultivate a burgeoning bond with Cassie, Max, and Greg. Meeting Anton.

Great for when Taylor inevitably gets involved in a friend group fighting the 'Man'. Not quite sure how well that'll go if everyone stays mundane but this is TMNT. Everyone at the Community Center has skills they can offer to a potential cause.

Last one is Mr. Hun mostly since I feel like it'd be good to better know one of the people in charge before starting the direction of moving in.
Last edited:
[X][ComCen] 'The War Room'
[X][ComCen] The Library
[X][ComCen] Ask about Beds
[X][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
Omake: Green and White and Red All Over
Green and White and Red All Over
New York City was an odd change of pace coming from the point of view of a Brocktonite. It had far more people, far more capes, than Brockton Bay could ever hope to compete with, even after Behemoth paid it a visit. Yet even so, it seemed oddly quieter? Calmer? There was less tension in the air as people scurried about in droves, brighter colors of every shade mingling together in the crowds shining against the dingy backdrop of an urban jungle.
Maybe it was the presence of Legend, leader of the esteemed Protectorate calling it home, maybe it was because the gangs in power here weren't built upon racism, or maybe the PRT just cared about this city more than hers? Maybe it was a combination of all three. It's not like she'd ever really know, having chosen English as her major, and not something like Socioeconomics. Perhaps it was just the difference of a city so full of life versus a dieing one.

Annette shouldn't even be here right now. Her daughter's thirteenth birthday was in only a few hours, and she had made it painfully clear that she wanted this time off, but that utter leech of a dean wouldn't hear of it. Sure the teaching conference was important, but Annette didn't understand why she had to be their representative this year when there were plenty of other capable professors who could have done it instead.

Well it didn't matter now, the conference was over and she was already driving back home to the Bay with a surprise in the backseat. How could she possibly go to The Big Apple and not get her daughter several genuine New York pizzas for her party? What kind of mom would she be then!? Take that Zoe, she was a shoe in for Mother of the Year this time!

Her gaze was drawn to the dashboard where a beautiful white rose sat, a goodbye gift from Danny. Now she just needed a plan on how to also win Wife of the Year and she'd be all set. Suddenly the car jolted, just a pothole you'd think New York could afford better street maintenance, and watched as a petal drifted down onto the floor. Wilting already, how sad.

A buzzing jolted her from her musing, her phone got a text. Glancing up Annette saw it was a red-light so what was the harm? She slowed to a stop and checked her phone, the password was tomorrow's date with Danny's birth year.

'Mooooom, when are you going to get hoooome!?!?'

Smiling she sent her response, closed out her phone, and started forward as the light turned green. Hardly noticing her phone was still in her hand as she held the wheel.

Then everything went wrong.

There was a flash of green sprinting in front of her car. Was it a motorcycle, a cape? She didn't know but reflexively hitting the brake and swerving she did notice what the next thing before her was. A tanker that also seemed to be swerving, T.G.R.I. in bold on the side, sparks lighting up from deflated wheels. Where those knives in the rubber, what?

There was only a moment before the collision. Annette felt the force before she ever heard the horrible sound of screeching metal.
She must have have hit her head despite the air bag because she blacked out. For a few moments? Hours? There was no way to tell.

Her head hurt. She was sideways. There was a puddle? It was so wet. She couldn't see, where were her glasses? Wait, that blur, a flower? Wasn't it white when Danny gave that to her, why did it look like it belonged in Lewis Caroll? Oh, the puddle, it's soaking up the blood. Blood? Why was there so much blood? And glass? Was that smoke, was something burning? What happened, why couldn't she remember?

What was that sound? Like rain on asphalt. Was something leaking? Everything was red, or black, or green. Not the flower though, it was still a little white. She reached for the wilted and drenched plant as tears flowed from her eyes. It just hurt so much. Just as her hand touched the petals, with the aborted names of her family on her lips, the world around her erupted as if sharing in her agony. Crimson flames devouring her life to feed their own fury and greed.

Away from the source of the roaring inferno there lay a phone, forgotten in tragedy that played out around it, still held in the grip of a now severed hand. The device vibrated once more as another text arrived, the screen lighting up to display the words.

'I'm on my way little owl. I got you a surprise for your party! You know I love you too much to miss your birthday.'

'I know that mom, love you too! See you soon.'

@Lunaryon I tried my hand at another omake! 😀
[X][LOCKED] Friday, April 23rd
- Things take a turn for the dangerous on Friday, when the Merchants find themselves wanting to make a change. And not one for the better.

Top Four
'The War Room': 7.
Cassie is Hurt!: 5.
Ask about Beds: 5.
The Library: 4.

Runner Ups
The Media Room: 3.
Talk with Mr. Hun: 3.

The Dojo: 2.
Meditation: 1.
Laser Tag: 1.
Movie Marathon: 1.

Alright. So with the current leading votes, Taylor is...hard speed running getting involved in the plot.

First by going to the War Room, hanging out with Greg, but more importantly getting introduced and familiarized with the idea of just learning about tactics and how to fight properly as a team. Made even more impactful with her fresh off seeing what the Dojo can offer.

Cassie getting hurt is no doubt due to Foot business or something similar so those are early clues and Taylor's reaction to the injuries will likely influence quite a bit. Following that is the question about beds which is the start of moving in...

And realistically, the Library is the only "Breather" action but even then. There's an ??? and it'll help make Taylor comfortable in experiencing a portion of the Community Center that is peaceful. Furthering the idea of it being a safe spot.

After that is the Merchants interruption.

I do hope we get to test out everything the center has to offer, but I don't mind the current winning votes. I would prefer Mr. Hun winning versus Library since getting to know the man who is in charge of the place Taylor may move into is a pretty solid idea, all things considered.

But there's always later, and with the Beds action winning, I doubt anyone plans to stop that train.

Media Room I feel could also replace Library since Taylor seems interested in the idea, and it'd be a good chance to not only get to know Max, unlock a new social link, but in general help with Diplomacy and maybe (?) finding a hobby. Depending on how far that interest goes.
[X][ComCen] The Media Room
[X][ComCen] Meditation
[X][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
[X][ComCen] The Library
[X][ComCen] Meditation
[X][ComCen] The Dojo
[X][ComCen] Cassie is Hurt!
I don't know about the rest of you, but this smells like plot.
[X][ComCen] The Library
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lunaryon on Aug 31, 2022 at 3:24 PM, finished with 15 posts and 10 votes.