Rise of a Republic | A CK2 World of Warcraft Fel World Quest

You didn't state his class.

Thank you for catching that.

Is this correct that the gnome is so crazy it'll even hurt our relation with Dun Morogh by recruiting her?

Oh and yes, she is a distinctly out and out disturbing warlock. Having a warlock be in charge of Intelligence does not play well with the Dwarves of Dun Morogh. Warlocks in other positions might be less disturbing or even if she was a dwarf instead of a gnome, but as a gnome warlock she will even hurt relations with Dun Morogh.
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Oh and yes, she is a distinctly out and out disturbing warlock. Having a warlock be in charge of being the spooks does not play well with the Dwarves of Dun Morogh. Warlocks in other positions might be less disturbing or even if she was a dwarf instead of a gnome, but as a gnome warlock she will even hurt relations with Dun Morogh.
Welp, now this I have to see. :D
Seriously, you know you're doing a good job when your spymaster is hated by everyone. Also, her name is an anagram for "Diablo". I think that's the deciding factor here.
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I added more stuff to the rules, but I am gonna post it here as well.

In order to try and model World of Warcraft as a setting, I am going to add in the idea of Heroes and Adventurers which are decidedly not the same thing.
Heroes are people which can affect the course of the future. Adventurers are powerful, often more powerful than Heroes, but are not driven in the same way. Adventures are often led around by Heroes and can cause shenanigans but they are not Plot relevant.

The Hero rankings will be as follows:

The Adventurer rankings will be:

You are a World-Affecting Hero, your councilors are between Province and Nation Affecting. As time goes on, new Heroes of all types will begin to emerge.
Most of the people who you don't choose as councillors will often(though not always) become adventurers. If your population increases you will get actual soldiers instead of adventurers, but until then you will be reliant on adventurers.

I will add more to this explanation later on while I figure more stuff out.

Also note that the previous for Assistants of Resources and Intelligence is still going on
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Assistants of the Future

STORMWIND: -25+10=-15
DUN MOROGH: -25+5=-20
7TH LEGION: -15+5=-10

STORMWIND: 60 +10 -15 = 55
DUN MOROGH: 60 - 10 - 5 = 45
7TH LEGION: 60 + 10 - 15 = 55


While you have now figured out what your plan is for how to define and survive the present, you will also need to decide a path for your future. Your Assistancy in Technology as well as Faith and Culture will define your paths in the future.

LEARNING: You are going to need to rebuild some sort of infrastructure. Whether its the need to make a way to go back home, find out creative ways to defend against legion attacks, or prepare for the inevitable new threats that you will encounter. To do this, you will need an Assistant in Technology who can help guide efforts for advancement.

[]Jaye Currington:
Human Mage
Stats: 18 Learning


Jay is a brilliant arcanist. He has already tapped into and started repairing the Leylines of this planet, and he says with your full cooperation he can develop a truly fel-free magical environment.He also has several interesting ideas on how to expand to create a portal network.

[]Tesho Fusepride:
Dark Iron Rogue
Stats: 16 Learning


Tesho is a Dark Iron through and through. She has long been a brilliant engineer, and has already established herself a forge and an anvil using scrap gathered during the march. She is focused on how to recreate the foundries of Gnomes and Dwarves on this new world. However, she does not really have an answer to whether or not the use of Fel Lava will have any negative effects.

Draenei Warrior
Stats: 13 Learning
+10 7th​ INFLUENCE

+10 7th​ RELATIONS

Artomat is the best Draenei Artificer you've got. Unfortunately, that is because you do not actually have an artificer. Artomat is instead an apprentice who decided to go into full blown soldiering. Still, he has more of an understanding of the actual bits and bobs of legion tech as well as knowledge of Argus Technology. Both of them chart a course that, on the surface, look likea mix of Magitec and Engineering, but the actual implementation is wildly different from both.

PIETY: Your people need to believe in a purpose here. Beyond just living for the next sunrise, they need a common purpose to bind them together. Your Assistant in Faith and Culture can help steer the group into popular support of a goal of your choosing alongside other duties relating to Faith and Culture. However, if you decline to pursue the cause of popular demand, you will face consequences.

[]Ellinor Fisc:
Human Paladin
Stats: 14 Piety

-10 7th​ RELATIONS

A paladin of Stormwind, she is zealously devout in the light, alienating many of the non-Light members of your group. Even now, you see her in the back of her eyes the distinctive golden of the Light. She has become servant with the idea that the reason why the group was stranded here was not a fluke of chance but instead to serve the same purpose as the army of light once did. She has pushed the group to take up the mantle of being a vanguard of justice across existence.

[]Soria Farstrike:
Night Elf Priest
Stats: 15 Piety
+20 7th​ INFLUENCE


Soria is a priestess of Elune. She has long been responsible for tending to moonwells. In fact, the reason she was part of the 7th​ legion in this area was to specifically test the capabilities of Elune's power on the fel. She has taken the loss of Azeroth quite hard, and she has pushed strongly to do everything possible to get the group back to home and bring home back here.

[]Thytest Halfstorm:
Dwarf Shaman
Stats: 13 Piety



Thytest is a Shaman from the Wildhammer Clans. She has been one of the few to find any semblance of the world that was back to existence. She has pushed the idea that the group should take up the mantle of fixing this broken world. Through communion with the shattered elementals, she yearns to nurture a peace out of this world of tormented fel.
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[X]Jaye Currington:
[X]Thytest Halfstorm:

Seems like the most trouble is gonna come from the 7th and Dum Morogh so I based my picks on that along with trying to curtail the damage as much as possible and by working on the premise that our character is very dedicated to staying in this world, IE hence ignoring the Priestess despite sympathizing with her and thinking she would be useful in other respects.
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[X]Jaye Currington:
[X]Tesho Fusepride:

Seems like the most trouble is gonna come from the 7th and Dum Morogh so I based my picks on that along with trying to curtail the damage as much as possible and by working on the premise that our character is very dedicated to staying in this world, IE hence ignoring the Priestess despite sympathizing with her and thinking she would be useful in other respects.
You picked two for Learning and ignored Piety. Is this what you intended to do? Sp far as I know, this is approval voting, so maybe you can take two picks, but.
Oooh maybe I misunderstood a rule on that front? I am not so good at these technical kind of quests I confess :oops:
Ah so you are supposed to select one learning and one piety advisor. There are three of each, and the three associated with each stat are the ones underneath it.

Its no biggy this can be a bit confusing to read. Actually, I am trying to figure out ways to make it easier to read.

Several interesting?

[X]Tesho Fusepride:
[X]Thytest Halfstorm:


Thanks for noticing that, that was a relic of some weird copying issues I had.

Also I want to convert Wow Classes over to CK2 stats. I am going to ignore death knights (because they make things difficult) but here is my baseplan given a couple constraints

1. I want each stat to have no more than two Major classes and no more than two minor classes
2. I don't want the stat missing a major class to be the same stat missing a minor class

Do Note that I will be seperating a combat stat from Martial

So given the above I have come up with:












If you have any suggestions I would be interested.
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Ah so you are supposed to select one learning and one piety advisor. There are three of each, and the three associated with each stat are the ones underneath it.

Its no biggy this can be a bit confusing to read. Actually, I am trying to figure out ways to make it easier to read.
Ah that makes sense, whoops XD I'll change my vote and follow the group then :D
So given the above I have come up with:
Seems reasonable, you clearly put a lot of thought into this, kudos!
Ah that makes sense, whoops XD I'll change my vote and follow the group then :D

Seems reasonable, you clearly put a lot of thought into this, kudos!

Thanks for the compliment!

One thing I want to note, I figure that adding a spec would add a stat, and those I am much more open about other options.

For now though, specs are too much effort to add and I will deal with them as they come up.

Although if anyone wanted to do specs, I would appreciate it (remember you cannot have double the stats on one class)
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First Decisions of the Council
You have chosen Jaye Currington and Thytest Halfstorm as your Assistant of Technology and Faith and Culture respectively.

STORMWIND: -15+10=-5
DUN MOROGH=-20+10=-10
7TH​ LEGION = -10

STORMWIND: 55-10=45
DUN MOROGH: 45-10=35
7TH​ LEGION: 55-10=45

You had let your assistants know that they had been selected the night before, and told them to meet at your tent in the morning. Already they were annoying you with bickering. Thankfully they did not bicker at you. Their argument was still held in your general direction though, so it wasn't much of a comfort.

"We will need to defeat the demons who would threaten us. So long as they prance around, we are all arguing over pointless details." Emora ranted.

"It is a moot point if we die of starvation or dehydration. Those will kill us far more quickly than demons will. Sending out armies this early is a mistake." Alcott replied. He was in his Worgen form. He probably hoped that his guttural speech would give him an air of authority.

"The wolf is right, we cannot live in this broken world, no matter how many demon corpses we make. We need food, shelter and water. Even more, we need the world healed or else we will be stricken down." Thytest added.

"You entangle your vision of the future with the present Thytest, be wary lest you lose the rest of your sight as well." Jaye said.

"And what would you have us do miss high and mighty?" Thytest sneered in response.

"Everyone please, let's just say our points in order, lest we not make any decision at all." Belraa stated. "First, Jaye, how about explaining your choice for base."

"Here." Jaye said, pointing on a map made using information from your groups scouts and Dalibo's demons. "There is a nexus of arcane energy nearby which will allow us to produce resources needed to fix the planet," She nodded to Thytest "and power useful to defend and defeat demons." She nodded to Emora.

"That won't allow us to defend" Emora hissed. "It will make us easy targets for demons. We should instead take over the base here." She said pointing to a well fortified legion base you had passed by earlier. "We should use the infrastructure there and turn the legions tools against them."

"You would think that the best idea wouldn't ya? But have you thought about how reckless that'd be? We would be risking it all on a legion base which contains horrors we don't even know about, and we would get what? A few green toys that will get us corrupted? Let us go here" He pointed to a spot on the far side of the map. "There is a whisper on the wind about elements being in power there."

"If you think you are too vulnerable to corruption I can slay you right were you stand. It's not worth carrying around dead weight." Emora offered.

"You would both throw yourselves into a fight when we don't even know what we can handle." Alcott protested.

"You" he said pointing at Emora "would throw us at a legion base before we can repair our equipment and with no supplies to speak of."

"You," He said pointing at Thytest. "You know how much danger we would be in if the elementals are not as compliant as you seem to think they would be. Need I remind you that they have been tormented by Fel for who knows how long."

"You." He said pointing at Jaye.

"Oh cease your prattling." She objected.

"You would put us at the mercies of an uncontrolled Arcane nexus on a Legion Death World." Alcott continued. "We should find some place stable and secure before we go off and get ourselves killed by your foolishness. We need supplies lest we die from starvation and drought long before demons get us."

During the entire conversation, they pretty much ignored you. At this point Belraa walks over to you apologetically. "You are going to need to make a decision for them. This will break out in violence if you do not make a decision."

"You think I would win the brawl?" You replied, chipperly.

"Madame Magistrate, I uhhhh…." Belraa stuttered.

"Thanks for the confidence, I appreciate it." You told her with a smile.

You then walked over to the bickering collection.

"I figure we go here." You said pointing to a raised spot nearby the nexus, though not quite on top of it. It's about a days journey and is in a decent defensive spot that can strike at nearby legion bases." I point out nodding to Emora. "It also has good sight of much of the flatland below, and its near enough to the nexus that we can control it without the risks of being right on top." You say giving a motion to Jaye.

"Plus, most important of all" I bring my hands up dramatically "It has seven hills and by some miracle three trees." At this Belraa and Dalibo nod, Alcott looks bemused but everyone else looked at you oddly.

"And that is important because?"

"You know, seven and three, seven and three. The seventh kingdom, the seventh legion, the three armies, the three continents, the three clans. Seven and three, it's just symbolic." I say with a shrug. "Add it to all the other concerns and it just makes sense. Plus the trees mean that it might be easier to heal the area there than anywhere else."

At this everyone but Emora assented.

"And what do you know about surviving against the legion." Emora questioned.

"Well, perhaps not as much as you, but that is why I got all of you as my Assistants. This position takes into account all of your input, and with a strong base we can start dealing with the legion."

"You are allowing the demons to fester. We will soon be beset by them if we do not act decisively" Emora declared.

"There is no legion, just a bunch of stragglers." Thytest protested.

"What are we then? Even if they are stragglers here, they are a legion to us. And soon enough, the legion will form again in its entirety." Emora warned.

"For now I am going to announce that we are marching to make a new settlement. I am going to need you to begin preperations for the march. We can continue after I get that started." You interjected and left the tent to go about some business outside your now overstuffed tent.

You returned to the tent in less than an hour. When you returned you walked over to Dalibo, and watched how, even while they were preparing, your Assistants were still bickering with each other. Dalibo all the while had remained very quiet, only scarcely acknowledging when Emora sent out an epithet in her direction. When you walked over to her, she gave a slight nod to acknowledge your presence.

"You made up your mind a while ago. Yet you still cannot stop them from fighting with each other as if you were not there." Dalibo commented, amused.

You shrugged, and at that moment a breathless Stormwind soldier came in with a tied up imp.

"Madame Kairlen, Madame Kairlen, we captured an imp near the stockpiles. He seemed to be trying to ruin our food and water supplies." He said addressed to you.

At this the rest of the command tent turned towards looking at you and the soldier.

"When did you capture it?" You asked the soldier.

"A few minutes ago, we were doing a routine check of the stockpile when we caught it." The soldier replied.

"Was it acting under orders?" You inquired. Emora was beginning to walk over to you, but you raised your hand to stop her. She nodded and stayed put.

"No, it seemed to be a small group of them who were trying to cause chaos." Bently answered.

"Thank you for your report, what is your name? And was anyone hurt in its capture?" You asked.

"No, no one was hurt thankfully. And my name is Bentley Hammet Ms." The soldier answered.

"Thank you Bently, we will deal with this." You said, as you walked over and grabbed the struggling imp. As it was handed to you, it tried to get away and escape, but you broke its neck.

"Damn, it died too quickly". Emora said.

"Trying to poison the supplies?! Nature's Breaking we would have collapsed if it had succeeded." Thytest swore, his face pale.

"It is clear we need to secure our supplies. If we do not secure them, then the legion will win regardless of how many bodies we pile up. It seems that demons think we are vulnerable in supplies, and I am going to take that advice." You then continued. Emora! I need you to begin set up protection for our stockpiles. Make sure they will make it through the march undamaged."

"It will be done." She nodded.

"Thytest and Alcott and Jaye, I want you to investigate if there is any way we can get supplies that won't be threatened by the legion. We can keep most of them secure on the walk over to our new base. Once we are there though, I want ideas on how to make sure our supplies are secure." You commanded.

All three of them nodded. You motioned to leave before making one final address.

"We are going to need a new name for our group and for our new base. I have a couple of ideas but I am open to suggestions. Alright! Get to work." You finished.

You began leaving your tent before you changed direction to talk with your Assistant of Intelligence.

"Dalibo, I just wanted to say that your work infiltrating the nearby legion bases is invaluable, and I wanted to congratulate you on your efforts. You really are turmomg out to have been a good pick." you said, pulling her aside.

"I appreciate your compliments." She said with a small bow.

You turned to leave, no longer interested in the, now subdued, conversation between my Assistants. Right before you left the tent, you turned back around to say one more thing to the Gnomish Assistant. Her shoulders were hunched just a fraction more than usual.

"Oh, Dalibo, I have one more thing" you whispered "if you try and give me "protection" or observe me without my foreknowledge, I will sick Emora on you. Understand?"

"Certainly" She answered with a small smile.

You left to begin your preparations for the day's journey.


Name of your nation
[] Write In

Name of the capitol
[] Write In
So, crazy gnome is the sanest counselour around. That sounds about right.

Name of your nation
[X] Apokolips

Name of the capitol
[X] Armagetto

Home, sweet deathworld.
Solid chapter, thanks for sharing, hmm, I'll need to think on a name :/ Though something tied to the Republic would make sense.
Given that Valiance is a canon name for an Alliance offshoot, I was thinking maybe Valor or Heroism as a potential name of one of the two, probably the capital.

Still have no idea about the nation name.
Given that Valiance is a canon name for an Alliance offshoot, I was thinking maybe Valor or Heroism as a potential name of one of the two, probably the capital.

Still have no idea about the nation name.
Good insights there I think I have one now!

Name of your nation
[X] Bravura Republic/Commonwealth

Name of the capitol
[X] Bravura

Hmm, thinking on it, do we really have the numbers to call it a nation as of yet, maybe we focus on the city aspect first?
Good insights there I think I have one now!

Name of your nation
[X] Bravura Republic/Commonwealth

Name of the capitol
[X] Bravura

Hmm, thinking on it, do we really have the numbers to call it a nation as of yet, maybe we focus on the city aspect first?

Actually, thinking about it I figure the name for the group and the planet is probably start naturally, but the settlement will be given its own name. I might retcon the post so that you only ask for the name for the settlement. Though I do appreciate names for the group that you can come up with.