Rise from the Ashes

Kalorgath knew that with the prince dead there was little that could match him, best put his skills to use. He scooped up his lost sword with his free hand and returned to the fray.

Quickly spotting the largest concentrations of demons, the war god charged into their mass, cutting through them with wide swings set to cleave as many of the fiends as he could reach. This, this was his purpose, his nature. While he had other talents and a broader destiny, here at the heart of battle cleaving through foes, Kalorgath wanted for nothing and was whole as the thrill of the moment swept him into the fight.

If it was any being besides demons, one might have felt sorry for them as the towering tornado of blades carved through them.

When you and the Orcs return to the village and buried the few dead, a great feast was held. The Chieftain informed you that with the main threat gone, more food can be readily available. So the Orcs ate, sang(horribly), and told tales of their might and past victories while getting drunk. You also had a few Orc females trying to seduce you.

After the feast (and any "other" activities you might have had) the Chieftain wants that story you promised him.

When you and the Orcs return to the village and buried the few dead, a great feast was held. The Chieftain informed you that with the main threat gone, more food can be readily available. So the Orcs ate, sang(horribly), and told tales of their might and past victories while getting drunk. You also had a few Orc females trying to seduce you.

After the feast (and any "other" activities you might have had) the Chieftain wants that story you promised him.
"I suppose I do owe you that. And if nothing else I hold to a code of honor, and keeping my word is part of that."

Kalorgath leaned back on the rock he had taken as a seat, no normal chair could hold him. A moment of reflection, and he pressed on. "The demon didn't know me, but he knew what I was. Rarely do demons and gods get along."

Before the shock of that could settle in, he pressed on. He had never believed in hiding things if it did not benefit him, so he told the truth. "A great cataclysm has rocked the heavens, I do not yet know the cause, but the realm of the gods is in ruins, all it's original inhabitants dead or else vanished. In their wake, though, new gods have been born from the ashes. Thus I arise, to answer the call to arms in this broken world. My name is Kalorgath, I am the God of War, and I am here to make your people strong again."

The silence that followed seemed to carry the weight of the world with it.
"I suppose I do owe you that. And if nothing else I hold to a code of honor, and keeping my word is part of that."

Kalorgath leaned back on the rock he had taken as a seat, no normal chair could hold him. A moment of reflection, and he pressed on. "The demon didn't know me, but he knew what I was. Rarely do demons and gods get along."

Before the shock of that could settle in, he pressed on. He had never believed in hiding things if it did not benefit him, so he told the truth. "A great cataclysm has rocked the heavens, I do not yet know the cause, but the realm of the gods is in ruins, all it's original inhabitants dead or else vanished. In their wake, though, new gods have been born from the ashes. Thus I arise, to answer the call to arms in this broken world. My name is Kalorgath, I am the God of War, and I am here to make your people strong again."

The silence that followed seemed to carry the weight of the world with it.
After the shock fades away the Chieftain asks if you want his people to start Worshiping you. He only grants this offer because you have proven yourself to be a Strong God.
After the shock fades away the Chieftain asks if you want his people to start Worshiping you. He only grants this offer because you have proven yourself to be a Strong God.
Kalorgath nods in affirmative. This was only the beginning for him, he had a long way to climb yet. Still, it was a good start.
Kalorgath nods in affirmative. This was only the beginning for him, he had a long way to climb yet. Still, it was a good start.
(Offical Worship Gained!)
After some debate a stone carved statue was made of you for the villagers to pray to. You felt the Worship energy fill your being.

You look around and wonder, what shall the future hold?
(Actions Closed for this Character)

The day had arrived, the demonic force had begun it's vile assault upon Alfheim earlier than expected and the Warriors lost half their number before they could fight. When they did do battle, the Elven warriors seemed to dance elegantly around the demons, effortlessly cleaving them apart with their weapons as their Rangers took down more from afar with their bows, not one shot missed and no wasted movement. Then the Battlemages joined in, unleashing a powerful wave of conjured water to knock over the Demons. The your roots rose from the ground and skewered all the remaining demons.

Battle: WIN!

The day had arrived, the demonic force had begun it's vile assault upon Alfheim earlier than expected and the Warriors lost half their number before they could fight. When they did do battle, the Elven warriors seemed to dance elegantly around the demons, effortlessly cleaving them apart with their weapons as their Rangers took down more from afar with their bows, not one shot missed and no wasted movement. Then the Battlemages joined in, unleashing a powerful wave of conjured water to knock over the Demons. The your roots rose from the ground and skewered all the remaining demons.

Battle: WIN!
As the battle finished I was impressed how skilful and steadfast the peoples warriors were, they were caught by surprise and had a good number of their warriors killed before they knew what happened, but when they were in battle they were unstoppable and easily defeated the Demons with little help needed.

I feel that this may be the time to reveal myself to these people, so I shall go myself and meet with their leaders and personally tell them the battles outcome. Soon after my body turns to root and pollen, the roots burrow into the ground and move towards the city while my pollen half fly through the air and when I reach the place where the leaders meet I will reform myself.
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The Kobolds report that only 10 Bat demons remain along with a mutated undead Wyvern like creature. You se

"Good. It is time to end these demons, once for all. Here is the plan. The Shadow Blades will strike first, taking any targets of opportunity. They will likely be on their gaurd, so I don't expect many, but every one dead before the battle is one less we have to deal with. Once the Shadow Blades have began killing, we shall charge. I will take the front, and I want ranged attackers supporting me. Healers in the back, ready to deal with any injuries or stop Death from taking their fellows. Once the battle begins, the Shadow Blades are to backstab any of the demons they can. I expect this to be more successful than the earlier attack due to the distraction of battle, which is often a confusing mess.

Finally, I want our strongest, most durable members ready to pull any injured or dying out of the battle and into the dealer's arms. Due to the danger of this task, I want volunteers. And only volunter if you are actually strong. Now, let's begin."
Your journey is not a lonely one as the green slime seems to follow you around like a lost puppy. You find a MASSIVE temple, slowly crumbling from time and erosion. Inside you find a mithril Spear with a fire enchantment, a set of full Mithril plate armor, and a Mithril Shield with a energy absorption enchantment. Also books, lots and lots of books. Though many are too damaged you do find a few on proper agricultural methods that yield the best harvests and a Tome on Holy Magic.
Greetings little one, says the God as she lifts the slime upon her tail. You are persistent to have accompanied me in my journey. Your faith shall be awarded.

But first, work. Seztlinva puts the slime down and surveys the temple foyer. Pools of light stream from holes in the walls and ceiling. They contrast harshly against the shadows which shroud the masonry - broken and strewn about - striking ominous figures in the dark. She had found many items of note in the inner chambers but it was the books which held her interest. Written knowledge.

Dragons and king hoard all they can - gold and treasures and artifacts - but they are lesser creatures, beholden to pretty baubles. Power, true power, comes in the form of knowledge and here the God finds a trove of written knowledge, though many are damage beyond saving. She shall surround herself in books! Tomes and titles and novels and myths and treatises and volumes! Power.

Seztlinva turns away and flies towards her worshiper's settlement, slime in tow.

Cloud Walker, she calls as she lands near the city's temple - how tiny it compares - and begins to walk to it. The Old World still grants its secrets to those who seek. There is a temple where your people will find many worthy items. Bring them here and I shall teach you their creation and uses but hold the books in the highest regard.

The location was placed inside Cloud Walker's mind, as if she trekked back and forth from there everyday, and the God focused on other matters.

She stops at the gates to the temple. A moment in thought then she taps a claw at the foot of the entranceway, shaping the temple into a massive spire whose height reaches for the sky as it digs deep into the earth. Inside, rows upon rows of shelves line the walls, broken only by the chambers which bellies the structure's purpose for worship.

It was to her liking.

And to you my follower, and to all your descendants, is given the role of guardian of this temple-library and all which hold in its walls knowledge and power. She taps a claw upon the slime and transforms it.
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Greetings little one, says the God as she lifts the slime upon her tail. You are persistent to have accompanied me in my journey. Your faith shall be awarded.

But first, work. Seztlinva puts the slime down and surveys the temple foyer. Pools of light stream from holes in the walls and ceiling. They contrast harshly against the shadows which shroud the masonry - broken and strewn about - striking ominous figures in the dark. She had found many items of note in the inner chambers but it was the books which held her interest. Written knowledge.

Dragons and king hoard all they can - gold and treasures and artifacts - but they are lesser creatures, beholden to pretty baubles. Power, true power, comes in the form of knowledge and here the God finds a trove of written knowledge, though many are damage beyond saving. She shall surround herself in books! Tomes and titles and novels and myths and treatises and volumes! Power.

Seztlinva turns away and flies towards her worshiper's settlement, slime in tow.

Cloud Walker, she calls as she lands near the city's temple - how tiny it compares - and begins to walk to it. The Old World still grants its secrets to those who seek. There is a temple where your people will find many worthy items. Bring them here and I shall teach you their creation and uses but hold the books in the highest regard.

The location was placed inside Cloud Walker's mind, as if she trekked back and forth from there everyday, and the God focused on other matters.

She stops at the gates to the temple. A moment in thought then she taps a claw at the foot of the entranceway, shaping the temple into a massive spire whose height reaches for the sky as it digs deep into the earth. Inside, rows upon rows of shelves line the walls, broken only by the chambers which bellies the structure's purpose for worship.

It was to her liking.

And to you my follower, and to all your descendants, is given the role of guardian of this temple-library and all which hold in its walls knowledge and power. She taps a claw upon the slime and transforms it.
(New Pet: Green Slime.)

Cloud Walker send the best scavenger she has, and in a rather freakishly short of time you find a small and rather adorable Saurian child carrying a.....rather impressive stack of over two dozen readable tomes....on their head....... WTF?!

(Temple Claimed!)
(Temple Altered: -1pt)
(Green Slime transforms into Slime King:-1pt)
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The group tends to their wounds and Leona, after kissing Beowulf to the surprise of everyone, leads you to the others. The Iron Heart Clan all had bison like features and numbered in the dozen. You learn that Tarus Thunder-Soul had passed away from injuries inflicted by Vatuu'Asura as an example of what happens when you defied him, you he also feed them very little to keep them weak so they couldn't fight back. You also find out he had....forced himself on Bastet Dawnborn after nearly killing Anhur.

In total he kept 50 beastmen as his slaves.

"If you want Trophies keep his head and mount on pike for all to see. I'm keeping the Sword." Said Leona.

(You've rescued 50 beastmen!)
Vi'kava considered briefly what sort of potential a coupling of two different clans would produce. He let the thought sit in the back of his mind while he looked over the surviving members from the enslaved. What the god looked like to those remaining must have been so strange, the snake like body with all the excess of arms and insect-like chitin. He examined them all closely, noting the emaciation due to the cruelty they endured. "Food, rest, and recovery." He clicks his mandibles. "You will return to better days." He then examines the one who was taken advantage of by a lowly demon pawn. He says nothing, but looks back at the mangled demon in disgust...
"He was a pitiful cur, pretending to be more powerful than he was. Were he truly a lord of domination, he would not need to resort to these tactics. Now..." He claims some of the material used for the demons armor. "Perhaps what little he has left will offer advantages. Beyond this...we should return to your people. If you have respects to those who have departed you wish to pay, consider the preparations. Tend to your recovered clansmen...and if other struggles present themselves, let me know." He looks over the group and the recovered beastfolk. "There is much we may do together, and I sincerely hope you have enjoyed the first taste of change."
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The Dwarves follow you to the farm. When you arrive you find the number of demons have doubled and several times your group is almost found. Thankfully you manage to gather as much food and water as you can carry and spilt before the demons can get their claws on you.

Well that was certainly nerve wracking... We had managed to gather as much as we could though. This should help at least for a little while. Hopefully, once we get back to the hold, I'd like to be able to craft some weapons and armor for the dwarves, they look like they could use new sets... And frankly, I don't think they know of my status as a minor god... How do I go about introducing my self... Well that would be for another time, we're almost upon the hold!
Vi'kava considered briefly what sort of potential a coupling of two different clans would produce. He let the thought sit in the back of his mind while he looked over the surviving members from the enslaved. What the god looked like to those remaining must have been so strange, the snake like body with all the excess of arms and insect-like chitin. He examined them all closely, noting the emaciation due to the cruelty they endured. "Food, rest, and recovery." He clicks his mandibles. "You will return to better days." He then examines the one who was taken advantage of by a lowly demon pawn. He says nothing, but looks back at the mangled demon in disgust...
"He was a pitiful cur, pretending to be more powerful than he was. Were he truly a lord of domination, he would not need to resort to these tactics. Now..." He claims some of the material used for the demons armor. "Perhaps what little he has left will offer advantages. Beyond this...we should return to your people. If you have respects to those who have departed you wish to pay, consider the preparations. Tend to your recovered clansmen...and if other struggles present themselves, let me know." He looks over the group and the recovered beastfolk. "There is much we may do together, and I sincerely hope you have enjoyed the first taste of change."
After burying any of the dead and looting from the demon' s corpse, the group takes the liberated Beastmen back to the others. Many a tearful reunion was had along with mourning of those lost, Nemean used his authority as New Chieftain to have his people begin Worshiping you, after interrogating both Leona and Beowulf on long they've been courting. You feel the new Worship energy flow through whatever past for veins in your strange and slightly Eldritch body.
(Official Worship started)
"Good. It is time to end these demons, once for all. Here is the plan. The Shadow Blades will strike first, taking any targets of opportunity. They will likely be on their gaurd, so I don't expect many, but every one dead before the battle is one less we have to deal with. Once the Shadow Blades have began killing, we shall charge. I will take the front, and I want ranged attackers supporting me. Healers in the back, ready to deal with any injuries or stop Death from taking their fellows. Once the battle begins, the Shadow Blades are to backstab any of the demons they can. I expect this to be more successful than the earlier attack due to the distraction of battle, which is often a confusing mess.

Finally, I want our strongest, most durable members ready to pull any injured or dying out of the battle and into the dealer's arms. Due to the danger of this task, I want volunteers. And only volunter if you are actually strong. Now, let's begin."
The battle was fierce and many Kobolds were wounded, though thankfully there were no fatalities, the Wyvern mutant thing had tried to do battle with you but was quickly despatched like the insect that was.

By dawn all the demons were dead, and many of your warriors were hurt but alive to see another day.
Those who hadn't been apart welcomed you home with cheers for such a victory.
As the battle finished I was impressed how skilful and steadfast the peoples warriors were, they were caught by surprise and had a good number of their warriors killed before they knew what happened, but when they were in battle they were unstoppable and easily defeated the Demons with little help needed.

I feel that this may be the time to reveal myself to these people, so I shall go myself and meet with their leaders and personally tell them the battles outcome. Soon after my body turns to root and pollen, the roots burrow into the ground and move towards the city while my pollen half fly through the air and when I reach the place where the leaders meet I will reform myself.
The three Elder Elves looked surprised and their guards were close to drawing their blades. After seeing you not attacking and your form, they welcomed you. Though they think you to be a powerful Nature Spirit rather than a Minor God, they treat you with great respect and quickly connect the dots and thank you for helping them in their hour of need.
Well that was certainly nerve wracking... We had managed to gather as much as we could though. This should help at least for a little while. Hopefully, once we get back to the hold, I'd like to be able to craft some weapons and armor for the dwarves, they look like they could use new sets... And frankly, I don't think they know of my status as a minor god... How do I go about introducing my self... Well that would be for another time, we're almost upon the hold!
Your welcomed back to the Hold was a cheerful one, and Yorick looked relieved that no one had perished. The food and water are quickly brought to the stores and you are shown to where you shall be staying, with the other Blacksmiths and crafters in the Forge Distract. The Dwarves there welcome you warmly and you are brought to your own room, with a bed(made of stone) and other things normally found there, though it was mostly spartan.
The three Elder Elves looked surprised and their guards were close to drawing their blades. After seeing you not attacking and your form, they welcomed you. Though they think you to be a powerful Nature Spirit rather than a Minor God, they treat you with great respect and quickly connect the dots and thank you for helping them in their hour of need.
"Hello mortals allow me to introduce myself, I am Istal Lord and Protector of Nature, if you have any inquiries I will answer but may I ask, what are you? I...feel a sort of connection to your people, but I know not who or what you are?"
Days pass into weeks and weeks pass into months as the God eases her worshipers on attending their senses to the ores of the earth. They were weaned on her power for it was not a natural thing for them; metals are so closely related to industry.

The God taught them how to move with the earth and find veins of ore and then, again, to know through instinct what kind they were and their properties and how best to use them. She opened her temple-library as well for them to learn from her books - she even answered their inquiries when it suited her - but by and large her focus was spent on opening the Saurians' mind to the earth and metal working.

Give a people fish and they will not starve for the day, teach a people to fish and they will never starve.

(Edit: Third time's the charm. I've given them an affinity to metals and ores so they can sense metals. I'm trying to find a use for my God points which tie in to the past GM posts and kinda, sorta use my domain.)
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After burying any of the dead and looting from the demon' s corpse, the group takes the liberated Beastmen back to the others. Many a tearful reunion was had along with mourning of those lost, Nemean used his authority as New Chieftain to have his people begin Worshiping you, after interrogating both Leona and Beowulf on long they've been courting. You feel the new Worship energy flow through whatever past for veins in your strange and slightly Eldritch body.
(Official Worship started).
Invigoration, and the sating of a terrible need hidden behind a chitinous face. A growing number of worshipers to progress the path of change. It was an exceptional start...yet the entirety of the people was an elusive beast. He needed to learn more about the individuals...the clans, the struggles they know. Separate family lines, yet all part of the same species in the end. Such unique individuals...
Chittering to himself, Vi'kava slithers among the people. What sort of reactions appear? He is not the set in stone animal deities they once worshiped. He, a chimera of animals made in the hurried words and curious music that heralds the new age...what was he like to them? It would be enlightening to see how the race he has grown more attached considers him. And after a examination of the people...perhaps a discussion with the newly made chief to identify the troubles of the people. A leader would know their plights, surely...
Yet, in the back of his mind, twisted into many directions, he ponders a number of improvements. All the while in thought, he considers several otherwise questionable solutions. "So many doors...some far, some close. Behind them all, a sound that drives wild the heart...and beckons the soul."
Days pass into weeks and weeks pass into months as the God eases her worshipers on the creation and use of Mithril. The Clan Storm Callers were weaned into her power for it was not a natural thing she was doing; for what had been the rarest resource, even for the dwarves, and more valuable than diamonds, the Clan would grow like crops.

Mithril, which had to be extracted from the deepest levels of the earth, could be the transmuted by the end of her instruction.

She taught them how to dance and transform soil and rock into metal. Then she taught them again to alter these common metals into Mithril, their nature changed at the fundamental levels. She opened her temple-library as well for them to learn from her books - she even answered their inquiries when it suited her - but by and large her focus was spent on the manipulation of Mithril.

With their Earth magic, these Saurians could will the raw Mithril to Warp into armor, weapons, sculptures, ornamentation, toys, jewelry, farming tools. The God's belly rumbled. It would be amusing when farming tools are made of Mithril.

Give a people fish and they will not starve for the day, teach a people to fish and they will never starve.

(OOC: How much does this cost? Can I carry this action over to the next turn if it passes how much I have?)
(OOC: more than you can even begin to afford)
The battle was fierce and many Kobolds were wounded, though thankfully there were no fatalities, the Wyvern mutant thing had tried to do battle with you but was quickly despatched like the insect that was.

By dawn all the demons were dead, and many of your warriors were hurt but alive to see another day.
Those who hadn't been apart welcomed you home with cheers for such a victory.
The first thing Powana does is order the injuried healed, using this opportunity to show the Kobolds how they can heal better and faster. Once that is finished, she orders 10 Shadow Blades to scout the surface and report back with any information or strange locations/encounters they may find. She also orders ten Shadow Blades to explore the areas of the cavern that they couldn't before, due to the demons, and have them the same orders she tells both groups not to get into any fights, and just report back if they find any hostiles.
"Hello mortals allow me to introduce myself, I am Istal Lord and Protector of Nature, if you have any inquiries I will answer but may I ask, what are you? I...feel a sort of connection to your people, but I know not who or what you are?"
They answer, they name their people the Light Elves. They tell of their long and ancient history, of their once shining cities within the great forests, of their alliance with the Mighty firstborn Dragons and secondborn Giants, of their former glories and how upon the Dark Day all of it was lost. The tell you that they were the Elder Council, and that they were probably the oldest Light Elves still living.
Days pass into weeks and weeks pass into months as the God eases her worshipers on attending their senses to the ores of the earth. They were weaned on her power for it was not a natural thing for them; metals are so closely related to industry.

The God taught them how to move with the earth and find veins of ore and then, again, to know through instinct what kind they were and their properties and how best to use them. She opened her temple-library as well for them to learn from her books - she even answered their inquiries when it suited her - but by and large her focus was spent on opening the Saurians' mind to the earth and metal working.

Give a people fish and they will not starve for the day, teach a people to fish and they will never starve.

(Edit: Third time's the charm. I've given them an affinity to metals and ores so they can sense metals. I'm trying to find a use for my God points which tie in to the past GM posts and kinda, sorta use my domain.)
They take the lessons to heart and find.....a LOT of copper and iron near them.
Invigoration, and the sating of a terrible need hidden behind a chitinous face. A growing number of worshipers to progress the path of change. It was an exceptional start...yet the entirety of the people was an elusive beast. He needed to learn more about the individuals...the clans, the struggles they know. Separate family lines, yet all part of the same species in the end. Such unique individuals...
Chittering to himself, Vi'kava slithers among the people. What sort of reactions appear? He is not the set in stone animal deities they once worshiped. He, a chimera of animals made in the hurried words and curious music that heralds the new age...what was he like to them? It would be enlightening to see how the race he has grown more attached considers him. And after a examination of the people...perhaps a discussion with the newly made chief to identify the troubles of the people. A leader would know their plights, surely...
Yet, in the back of his mind, twisted into many directions, he ponders a number of improvements. All the while in thought, he considers several otherwise questionable solutions. "So many doors...some far, some close. Behind them all, a sound that drives wild the heart...and beckons the soul."
Nemean came to the strange God, he asked of him to help find a true home for his people. Also to pose for his sculpture to which his people will pray to.
The first thing Powana does is order the injuried healed, using this opportunity to show the Kobolds how they can heal better and faster. Once that is finished, she orders 10 Shadow Blades to scout the surface and report back with any information or strange locations/encounters they may find. She also orders ten Shadow Blades to explore the areas of the cavern that they couldn't before, due to the demons, and have them the same orders she tells both groups not to get into any fights, and just report back if they find any hostiles.
When the Shadows Blades you find that one of their number is missing, the ones who returned tell you of an immense bronze tower that ascends high into the sky and is absolutely infested his demons. They also bring news of finding a old abandoned village that had a tribe of Feral Goblins in it, around two dozen. The final one arrives, bruised and battered. He tells you that he had a bad run in with some Trolls, but he took care of them. He swiftly passes out from injuries.

Nemean came to the strange God, he asked of him to help find a true home for his people. Also to pose for his sculpture to which his people will pray to..
The deity leaned down face the new leader of the tribes, an intrigued expression on his face...if you could indentify it there on what account for the god's face. "Do tell..." it began. "For the search of a new home then? An interesting plight...though perhaps one I could delve into with ease given a parting of information. Tell me, Nemean, on the nature of your people. I have seen them to an extent during the training you underwent to face the demon not long ago, but their particular needs escape me. The sort of land I could consider for you, or perhaps even begin working towards shaping to better suit need...well this task can be an easy one." Vi'kava runs a long claw over the ground, creating a tiny channel. "Yet, land is only a part of the problem. Do your people enjoy hunting? A land better filled with game would fit that need..." He pokes small holes around the channel in the ground as he considers them, thinking them like tiny game animals.
"Or...do you better prefer the pleasure of farming? I cannot say...I know you worshiped past gods holding the shape of beasts themselves...but what place they held in your hearts, none have yet said. You seem willing as a people to embrace the idea that a god still exists that is able to aid you. Yet, in comparison to the old gods you knew, I am perhaps far more different than they." The divine turns back to Nemean. "Perhaps the means by which I can better find your homestead is found in the nature of your past culture. Before one can truly begin anew, past ideals must be understood. So tell me, Nemean...what were your old gods like? If you are able to share with me these tales...I cannot say how long they have been...or how long they may yet be. But knowing is half the battle, in this particular case."
The deity leaned down face the new leader of the tribes, an intrigued expression on his face...if you could indentify it there on what account for the god's face. "Do tell..." it began. "For the search of a new home then? An interesting plight...though perhaps one I could delve into with ease given a parting of information. Tell me, Nemean, on the nature of your people. I have seen them to an extent during the training you underwent to face the demon not long ago, but their particular needs escape me. The sort of land I could consider for you, or perhaps even begin working towards shaping to better suit need...well this task can be an easy one." Vi'kava runs a long claw over the ground, creating a tiny channel. "Yet, land is only a part of the problem. Do your people enjoy hunting? A land better filled with game would fit that need..." He pokes small holes around the channel in the ground as he considers them, thinking them like tiny game animals.
"Or...do you better prefer the pleasure of farming? I cannot say...I know you worshiped past gods holding the shape of beasts themselves...but what place they held in your hearts, none have yet said. You seem willing as a people to embrace the idea that a god still exists that is able to aid you. Yet, in comparison to the old gods you knew, I am perhaps far more different than they." The divine turns back to Nemean. "Perhaps the means by which I can better find your homestead is found in the nature of your past culture. Before one can truly begin anew, past ideals must be understood. So tell me, Nemean...what were your old gods like? If you are able to share with me these tales...I cannot say how long they have been...or how long they may yet be. But knowing is half the battle, in this particular case."

"We are a people who are one with Nature, we hunt not for spot but for necessity, we have those among us who are talented in cultivating the land and harvesting it's bounties. Not once had We taken the gifts of Gaea for granted, we thanked the Earth Mother for all she had given us, we thanked the the Silver Wolf for every Hunt, we thanked the Blazing Lion for the Courage to face each and every challenge, we thanked the Stone Bear for the Strength it had given us, the reasons we venerated the Noble Eagle and the Ivory Stag are however lost to me, though perhaps my sister would be better in the retelling of their tales.....on second thought maybe Inari would be a better choice."

"If there is one thing we are in need of for our future home, it would be food. Us beastmen require more food than most, though we are no gluttons unlike the Titan Worms."
"We are a people who are one with Nature, we hunt not for spot but for necessity, we have those among us who are talented in cultivating the land and harvesting it's bounties. Not once had We taken the gifts of Gaea for granted, we thanked the Earth Mother for all she had given us, we thanked the the Silver Wolf for every Hunt, we thanked the Blazing Lion for the Courage to face each and every challenge, we thanked the Stone Bear for the Strength it had given us, the reasons we venerated the Noble Eagle and the Ivory Stag are however lost to me, though perhaps my sister would be better in the retelling of their tales.....on second thought maybe Inari would be a better choice."

"If there is one thing we are in need of for our future home, it would be food. Us beastmen require more food than most, though we are no gluttons unlike the Titan Worms."
"Your past gods held sway over aspects of your lives. A lord in the hunt, the courage in your hearts, the strength in your bones. Perhaps I will consult the others in regards to the Stag and Eagle...though I respect your consideration towards the world as a whole." Vi'kava grins with its toothy maw. "This world possesses a music all its own. For the moment, we are all but deaf to the words it imparts. Yet, I suspect we remain because the will within its life seeks to preserve what little remains." He tilts his head off to the side. "Now...while I may not be your previous gods...I am the will of change. I simply cannot stand to consider that you would have to remain here doing little when you could be doing so much more. To begin those first steps...a place of bounty I must find. Or perhaps recollect? I passed many places and dwellings of forest beasts before encountering your people...it was terribly lonely..." The god looks rather gloomy for a moment... "I knew I would find something or someone eventually...but the dreadful quiet was so distressing. You could imagine my joy when I did finally find someone who could converse with me! Wait...oh no I've gotten off track. I should be remembering the land and the animals and the plants...not the isolation." Vi'kava chuckles, breaking the gloom with a little beam of giddiness.

An interesting thought...was there land he had seen worth cultivation and yet still teeming with game? Or perhaps a river with fish...a forest with fruits and honey from tiny buzzing bees? So many weeks had gone by whilst he wandered...it felt he had passed at least something of interest.

"And we may need to discuss about those Worms." Vi'kava suddenly says, snapping back to Nemean. "They sound rather peculiar. Perhaps something to play with..."
"Your past gods held sway over aspects of your lives. A lord in the hunt, the courage in your hearts, the strength in your bones. Perhaps I will consult the others in regards to the Stag and Eagle...though I respect your consideration towards the world as a whole." Vi'kava grins with its toothy maw. "This world possesses a music all its own. For the moment, we are all but deaf to the words it imparts. Yet, I suspect we remain because the will within its life seeks to preserve what little remains." He tilts his head off to the side. "Now...while I may not be your previous gods...I am the will of change. I simply cannot stand to consider that you would have to remain here doing little when you could be doing so much more. To begin those first steps...a place of bounty I must find. Or perhaps recollect? I passed many places and dwellings of forest beasts before encountering your people...it was terribly lonely..." The god looks rather gloomy for a moment... "I knew I would find something or someone eventually...but the dreadful quiet was so distressing. You could imagine my joy when I did finally find someone who could converse with me! Wait...oh no I've gotten off track. I should be remembering the land and the animals and the plants...not the isolation." Vi'kava chuckles, breaking the gloom with a little beam of giddiness.

An interesting thought...was there land he had seen worth cultivation and yet still teeming with game? Or perhaps a river with fish...a forest with fruits and honey from tiny buzzing bees? So many weeks had gone by whilst he wandered...it felt he had passed at least something of interest.
You immediately recall.

[]-a extremely lush valley filled with all they would need, the slight problem being there's a lot of dead things walking around when your pretty sure that's not something corpses are supposed to do.

[]-a thick forest with green trees and filled with animals, though you believe you saw...something unfriendly in there.
"And we may need to discuss about those Worms." Vi'kava suddenly says, snapping back to Nemean. "They sound rather peculiar. Perhaps something to play with..."
He hands you a picture of one of the "Titan Worms"
You immediately recall.

[]-a extremely lush valley filled with all they would need, the slight problem being there's a lot of dead things walking around when your pretty sure that's not something corpses are supposed to do.

[]-a thick forest with green trees and filled with animals, though you believe you saw...something unfriendly in there.

He hands you a picture of one of the "Titan Worms"
"Ooooo...how intimidating!" He says with glee at the image of the Worms. "Perhaps I'd best not play with them just yet...wouldn't want anyone getting crushed or eaten while trying to make nice with such a pretty thing like that..." He says while looking over at the area where beastfolk gather at this time. "Though to more pressing matters...I do know a few spots from memory. One is...well I could say it is a pleasant place, plenty of everything you might need. They only problem is the current occupants. If I am not mistaken, the dead are not meant to be wandering about in such places...or at all really. Poor things seemed so terribly lost too..." Is he pitying the undead?
"The other...well something back there didn't seem to take kindly to company. I don't quite know what that something was...never did quite show itself. Though I suspect it wouldn't have qualms about that for any of your own...which leaves the dilemma. Go into a valley filled with walking corpses...or into the murky wood of a being thus far unknown?" Vi'kava taps the ground with a perplexed look, before glancing back to Nemean. "Perhaps the answer will come in another shape...tell me Nemean, have you ever put to rest the restless dead? Or ever seen of forces that could force them to rise up from the sweet silence of the grave?"
"Ooooo...how intimidating!" He says with glee at the image of the Worms. "Perhaps I'd best not play with them just yet...wouldn't want anyone getting crushed or eaten while trying to make nice with such a pretty thing like that..." He says while looking over at the area where beastfolk gather at this time. "Though to more pressing matters...I do know a few spots from memory. One is...well I could say it is a pleasant place, plenty of everything you might need. They only problem is the current occupants. If I am not mistaken, the dead are not meant to be wandering about in such places...or at all really. Poor things seemed so terribly lost too..." Is he pitying the undead?
"The other...well something back there didn't seem to take kindly to company. I don't quite know what that something was...never did quite show itself. Though I suspect it wouldn't have qualms about that for any of your own...which leaves the dilemma. Go into a valley filled with walking corpses...or into the murky wood of a being thus far unknown?" Vi'kava taps the ground with a perplexed look, before glancing back to Nemean. "Perhaps the answer will come in another shape...tell me Nemean, have you ever put to rest the restless dead? Or ever seen of forces that could force them to rise up from the sweet silence of the grave?"
The mere mention of Undead started to make Nemean......twitch. "we're going to the Valley, we shall purge the foul, Vile, and Abhorrent undead that would dare walk upon the world. We will find the Necromancer SCUM that would taint the sanctity of life and enslave the dead bodies of the fallen to their command, AND WE SHALL END THEM!"

........You get the feeling he REALLY doesn't like the Undead or Necromancy in general. This appears to be a sentiment shared by the whole Tribe.