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BATTLE: WIN!Kalorgath knew that with the prince dead there was little that could match him, best put his skills to use. He scooped up his lost sword with his free hand and returned to the fray.
Quickly spotting the largest concentrations of demons, the war god charged into their mass, cutting through them with wide swings set to cleave as many of the fiends as he could reach. This, this was his purpose, his nature. While he had other talents and a broader destiny, here at the heart of battle cleaving through foes, Kalorgath wanted for nothing and was whole as the thrill of the moment swept him into the fight.
If it was any being besides demons, one might have felt sorry for them as the towering tornado of blades carved through them.
When you and the Orcs return to the village and buried the few dead, a great feast was held. The Chieftain informed you that with the main threat gone, more food can be readily available. So the Orcs ate, sang(horribly), and told tales of their might and past victories while getting drunk. You also had a few Orc females trying to seduce you.
After the feast (and any "other" activities you might have had) the Chieftain wants that story you promised him.