Rionna Quest - A PMAS OC's Possible Backstory

[X] Answer
-[X] "Once I'm far away enough with her soulgem, I won't have to bother with keeping her connection suppressed. The authorities can deal with the body."
[X] Retrieve her Soul Gem
-[X] Keep it for now.
[X] Find your sister to inform her about Kyubey.
I'm afraid I have terrible news:

My laptop completely fried. I am told the hard disc might be salvageable and it would be put in an old

I get a discount, so that will cost me 35 times what I earn in a day.

Then updating will bevome harder than taking my laptop to visit my parents on weekends and using their wifi.

I'm sorry[/QUOTE]
[X] Answer
-[X] With a question of your own.
-[X] "Why do you want us to stop being magical girls?"
[X] Retrieve her Soul Gem
-[X] Keep it for now.
[X] Find your sister to inform her about Kyubey.

We don't owe any answers to someone who we just overheard talking about how he set this chick against our sister.
Part 14: Conversation
[x] Answer
-[x] "Once I'm far away enough with her soulgem, I won't have to bother with keeping her connection suppressed. The authorities can deal with the body."
[x] Retrieve her Soul Gem
-[x] Keep it for now.
[x] Find your sister to inform her about Kyubey.

"Once I'm far away enough with her Soul Gem, I won't have to bother with keepin' her connection suppressed. The authorities can deal with the body," you reply. You were actually tempted to not bother answering this pile of garbage, but it's not like it can stop you.

You go over to the body and pick up the gem before pocketing it and bounding away, back home and towards your sister.

You track down Sairse and, after detransforming, walk over to her. "I've got some bad news," you whisper.

Her eyes widen and she waves a hand to indicate that you should follow her, before leading you to her room.

She closes the door behind you and faces you. "What's up?"

"I found out I can overhear telepathy," you explain. "I overheard Kyuubey talking to the girl we chased off yesterday. Kyuubey was the one to encourage her to come here and fight you and was still encouraging her to beat us. Kyuubey said that it wanted us to 'stop being magical girls' and that it wanted her to arrange that. Kyuubey then warnd her that I was there and she attacked."

Sairse gasped, lifting a hand to her mouth. "Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine. I could beat her easily," you replied. "She shouldn't be a problem anymore. I just thought I should warn you about Kyuubey."

"I can't believe it." She shook her head. "I can't believe he would plot against us. He said that it was impossible to stop being a magical girl. Was he lying?"

"I wasn't lying. I don't lie. That isn't what I said," a familiar, unpleasant voice filled your mind as Kyuubey crept into the light from the shadows. "I said that it was not in my power to return you to your previous state. Nor is it within yours."

[] Attack
-[] How?
[] Talk
-[] to?
-[] about?
[] Leave
[] Use powers
-[] How?
[] Write in
[X] "So what are you trying to make us in to?"
[X] Examine the soul gem we took to see if it's changing at all
[X] "So what are you trying to make us in to?"
[X] Examine the soul gem we took to see if it's changing at all
Adhoc vote count started by SilverRune on Oct 17, 2018 at 5:50 AM, finished with 113 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] "So what are you trying to make us in to?"
    [X] Examine the soul gem we took to see if it's changing at all
Part 15: Confession
[X] "So what are you trying to make us in to?"
[X] Examine the soul gem we took to see if it's changing at all

You turn to face the intruder and scowl at it. "So, what are yeh tryin' to make us into?"

"I'm not trying to turn you into anything. I merely support those that may facilitate such a transformation."

You roll your eyes. "Transformation into what?"

"There are multiple options."

"Which are?" You lift your Soul Gem to your eyes to see if it's changing at all.

Grief capacity: 240 marbles

Current Grief Generated: 1.28 marbles and rising

Well, the centre of Grief is certainly expanding.

"The one option is into corpses. However, that would be wasteful, so I'd prefer the other option."

"Which is?" You grit your teeth and glare harder at your soul.

Grief capacity: 240 marbles

Current Grief Generated: 1.32 marbles and rising

The centre of Grief is starting to take on descriptions of its own, separate from the rest of your soul. Though the descriptions are certainly similar at least.

Extroverted. Possessive. Retaliatory. Intuitive. Sensing. Judging. Careless. Machiavellian. Closed. Neurotic.

"The next stage of development from magical girl."

"And what's that?" You clench your left hand into a fist and your nails dig into your palm. Dealing with this annoying vermin is infuriating.

"Maybe you can work it out," Kyuubey replies, cocking its head. "'Girl' is a term reserved for those yet to reach maturity. Once a girl has reached maturity, the more appropriate term would be 'women'. And what is the most common term for a 'magical woman'?"

As frustrating as it is to be answered with another question, that frustration quickly becomes horror as the obvious answer dawns on you. "A witch ..." you whisper.

Grief capacity: 240 marbles

Current Grief Generated: 1.46 marbles and rising

Your sister gasps and you swing your head to face her, feeling Grief spike within her soul as she clasps her hands to her mouth.

[] Attack!
-[] How
[] Use powers
-[] How?
[] Talk
-[] To?
-[] About
[] Hug your sister
[]Find a witch
[] Write in
[X] Attack!
-[X] Summon scythe, apply directly to marshmallow monster's head, repeat step 2 as necessary.
[X] Talk
-[X] To Saoirse
-[X] Promise her you won't let that happen to her. You'll protect her, somehow.
-[]Fail to notice the foreboding musical sting foreshadowing her death.
[X] Attack!
-[X] Summon scythe, apply directly to marshmallow monster's head, repeat step 2 as necessary.
[X] Talk
-[X] To Saoirse
-[X] Promise her you won't let that happen to her. You'll protect her, somehow.
Um, I meant we should examine the soul gem we took from the attacker to see if it's actually stable, not our own.

[X] rikalous
Um, I meant we should examine the soul gem we took from the attacker to see if it's actually stable, not our own.

[X] rikalous
Whoops! Misunderstood that! Based on context, I thought "They want to know what they're turning into, therefore they're talking about their own soul gem". I can add a check on her Soul Gem to the next update though.
[X] Attack!
-[X] Summon scythe, apply directly to marshmallow monster's head, repeat step 2 as necessary.
[X] Talk
-[X] To Saoirse
-[X] Promise her you won't let that happen to her. You'll protect her, somehow.
Part 16: Cut
[X] Attack!
-[X] Summon scythe, apply directly to marshmallow monster's head, repeat step 2 as necessary.
[X] Talk
- [X] To Saoirse
-[X] Promise her you won't let that happen to her. You'll protect her, somehow.

That does it! You summon your scythe and smash it into the marshmallow monster's head. You pick up your scythe to repeat the process. No point in holding back, after all. However, you see that its head has split and become mush.

You lower your scythe and pull Saoirse into your arms, squeezing her. "I won't let that happen to yeh!" you whisper. "I promise. I'll protect yeh. I'll find a way."

She clings back. "Thanks. But what about you? I got yeh into this mess! I'm sorry."

"Yeh've got nothin' to be sorry for, yeh hear me!" You pull away to look into her eyes. "We'll get through this together! We can do it! It ain't yer fault anyway. It's the monster's. We've managed so far and we'll carry on doing so."

"I am curious as to how you will do that," came an unpleasantly familiar voice. Kyuubey walked out of the shadows and began chewing on the corpse you had sliced up. "Would you like to tell us your plan? Or do you not have one?"

[] Answer
-[] How?
[] Attack
-[] How
[] Use powers
-[] How?
[] Leave
-[] Go where?
[] Write in
[X] Kill it again
[X] Review our resources and territory, since we do actually need a plan
[X] Check our attackers Soul Gem for stability

I guess this is probably going to end up as Amoral Familism Quest, but that's okay.
Last edited:
[X] Kill it again
[X] Review our resources and territory, since we do actually need a plan
[X] Check our attackers Soul Gem for stability
I better warn you all that

A: I've got a new job (yay!) that has me work on weekends (slightly less yay)

B: My phone isn't working right now.

As such, y internet access is currently far worse even than noral.

So updates will be very slow for a bit.