Rionna Quest - A PMAS OC's Possible Backstory

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Your name is Rionna Mag Aoidh. You have finally discovered why your younger sister has been so...
Part 1: Introduction


Banned Forever
South Africa
Your name is Rionna Mag Aoidh. You have finally discovered why your younger sister has been so tired, miserable and distant lately and you stand in your bedroom before the one responsible. "So, y' say that y' turned my sister into a magical girl?" you ask.

"That's right," says the creature. "I am Kyuubey. Your sister accepted a contract with me and became a magical girl. And I want you to become one as well. That's why I came to you."

You narrow your brow and sit on your bed. You reach your hands up and massage your temples. "Okay. Yer clearly not a normal ... thing. I've never seen anything like y' before, and y've the floatin' earrin' things, but how do I know yer not lyin'?"

"I never lie," replies Kyuubey. "My culture does not have lies. Is it really so strange to believe after seeing me?"

You snort as you drop your hands and lift your head. "Everybody lies. Even Dad lied when he said Scotland would be a nice, peaceful place we could escape to. There's no such thing as a culture without liars. Every culture has assholes. They're everywhere." That was something you learned quickly after your father sent you ahead of him to boarding school in Scotland. The religious prejudice was merely replaced with jeers and racial discrimination, because you were a "dumb Irish". It was the most important lesson of your life. Your father had sent you to that pack of wolves, promising that they were puppies and that it was for you and your sister, when it was really for him and his financial ambition.

"My culture is not like those of humans," came the reply. "We do what we do to protect the Universe."

You raise an eyebrow and tilt your head. "Really? And that involves gettin' people to become magical girls?"

"That's right. Magical girls have important duties."

"Like what?"

"Magical girls fight witches," Kyuubey replies. "Witches are beings of despair who spread their despair to humans around them. They cause suicides and murders."

You frown. You certainly don't like the sound of that. You've had enough of others spreading despair at school. As you thought, assholes are everywhere. You suppose it's good that some of them are actually being dealt with. "And no one knows about this 'cause ...?"

"Witches cannot be seen by ordinary people. They hide in magical barriers, but can still spread despair from inside them. Magical girls hunt them down."

You sigh. "Okay. Suppose I accept that. What kind of powers do these magical girls get to fight witches?"

"That depends on the magical girl in question. Their powers vary."

You snort. "And of course, I'd end up with some utterly useless powers and get myself killed before achievin' anythin', knowin' my luck."

"No." Kyuubey shakes its head. "You would be a very powerful magical girl. Most magical girls are far weaker. You would be much more powerful than your sister. That's why I want you to sign a contract with me and become a magical girl even more than I wanted your sister to."

Your brow creases. "If that's the case then why only come to me now?"

"I met your sister first," Kyuubey replies. "After making a contract with her, I told her about your potential. I told her that she would defeat witches much more easily with your help. But she told me not to offer you the contract until she had an enemy she couldn't beat by herself."

Your eyes widen as the implication of that statement sinks in. "Are y' sayin' that she now has an enemy like that!? A witch!? Or maybe one of the bullies from school?" It was bad enough that they made your own life miserable. However, your sister was Irish too, and subject to the same torment.

"No," Kyuubey replies. "They are a rival magical girl."

You grit your teeth as your frown deepens. Assholes everywhere. You never fail to find proof of what you've learned. "Is my sister in danger right now?" you snarl.

"Yes. She is currently hiding from her enemy. If you make a contract with me quickly, you may have time to save her."

You feel an urge to jump into action, but you've always prided yourself on your smarts and how you think things out first. You take a deep breath. "If I make the contract, will I be strong enough to beat this magical girl?"

"Of course!" Kyuubey replies. "You will be much stronger than her. Though, how much stronger depends on the details of the contract."

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"As part of the contract, you are granted a wish," Kyuubey elaborated. "The wish you make will affect your powers."

"A wish!?" you ask. "I can wish for anythin' and I'll get it?"

"Anything within your potential will be granted if you wish for it," Kyuubey replies. "Your potential is very large. Very little would be outside of your potential, when compared to the average magical girl."

You bite your lip. You could wish for your sister's rescue right now, but perhaps that would be merely a short term solution. It would probably be better to craft a wish that would ensure her continued safety. "So, I could choose a wish specifically to become more powerful?" you ask.

"Some magical girls do craft their wishes for that purpose."

"Why can some girls make bigger wishes than others? Are y' just willin' to spend less effort on less powerful girls?"

"I act as a catalyst. I am the tool with which the girl grants her own wish, using her own magical power. After that, her magical power is connected to her wish and becomes part of her soul, allowing her to use her magic without my aid."

"So, magical power is tied to the soul?"

"From what we understand, yes."

"So, manipulating souls would allow one to manipulate the source of magic itself?" You're starting to get an idea.

"One might hypothesise that."

"Then I wish that I could manipulate souls, so I could gain the magical powers I need, and could punish my sister's enemies!"

Kyuubey's longer pair of ears reached out towards your chest. "Your wish has delayed the Universe's destruction." A glowing, green egg rips itself from your chest. You gasp in pain and scrunch your eyes shut. When you open them, you see something horrifying. Your soul is inside that egg. Also, Kyuubey's own soul appears to be a mere bubble of a massive soul net stretching in all directions.

How do you react?

[] Scream
[] Run away
[] Kill the creature
[] Try do something with your/the creature's soul
-[] what?
[] Talk
-[] What do you say?
[] Write in?

A/N: I hope this isn't in poor taste, especially with the timing.
This is yet another fan-spinoff of PMAS. Because, despite having been banned from PMAS, I am still very much a fan of it. I hope that my past with PMAS is not a problem and that Firn is not insulted by this, as it is not meant to be an insult. I am making a spinoff because I love his creation. Several people have expressed interest in roleplaying Rionna, with @HeroCycle even creating a thread requesting a QM to start a quest staring her (Rionna Quest - PMAS encounters an OC Protagonist ?!? - Crossover). And yes, in some ways, she seems a little like a quest protagonist already. I have been wanting to do a PMAS spinoff for a while, so I decided to try taking up the challenge. (Though I thought I'd mst likely have had Oriko as the protagonist, which would have been fitting for my reputation and would have allowed me to have some fun with Sabrina interactions and Oriko's opinion of her). I may not be particularly sympathetic to Rionna right now, but I'm less sympathetic to Kyouko (as I'm pretty infamous for), so let's try seeing how Rionna may have ended up the way she did. Or maybe you might want to go completely AU and lead her down a completely different path? It's up to you. I'm interested in seeing the results. After all, as I've said elsewhere, I kind of have a thing for heroes with creepy powers. Also, this is written from Rionna's perspective and is not necessarily an accurate description of reality. This is also a version of Rionna I believe she might have possibly been at one point and is in no way canon to PMAS.
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If you want to be sure that Firn isn't insulted by this, the best way is to ask Firn. To be frank, much as I'm interested in Rionna as a character, given that the PMAS has gotten so heated over the issues she poses that the thread has been locked, I don't think it's an appropriate time to create a quest like this. It's just adding more fuel to the fire.
[X] slowly start to let out too gleeful and mad chortles. Because now got real power, and your sister and her enemies don't.

Let's be a less terrible verison of Big mom.:V
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This is yet another fan-spinoff of PMAS. Because, despite having been banned from PMAS, I am still very much a fan of it. I hope that my past with PMAS is not a problem and that Firn is not insulted by this, as it is not meant to be an insult. I am making a spinoff because I love his creation. Several people have expressed interest in roleplaying Rionna, with @HeroCycle even creating a thread requesting a QM to start a quest staring her. And yes, in some ways, she seems a little like a quest protagonist already. I have been wanting to do a PMAS spinoff for a while, so I decided to try taking up the challenge. (Though I thought I'd mst likely have had Oriko as the protagonist, which would have been fitting for my reputation and would have allowed me to have some fun with Sabrina interactions and Oriko's opinion of her). I may not be particularly sympathetic to Rionna right now, but I'm less sympathetic to Kyouko (as I'm pretty infamous for), so let's try seeing how Rionna may have ended up the way she did. Or maybe you might want to go completely AU and lead her down a completely different path? It's up to you. I'm interested in seeing the results. After all, as I've said elsewhere, I kind of have a thing for heroes with creepy powers. Also, this is written from Rionna's perspective and is not necessarily an accurate description of reality. This is also a version of Rionna I believe she might have possibly been at one point and is in no way canon to PMAS.

Probably link to @HeroCycle's original thread in one of your OP's so that people know why this is appearing now as opposed to a less fraught time.

In keeping with the fact I'm willing to give this whole idea a chance if it doesn't explode into the same conflagration... and under the assumption that HeroCycle did vet the basic idea with Firn sometime with that initial thread-

As from my comments in said initial thread:

[x] Talk. Violently.
-[x] What the fuck did you do to me- no, why the fuck did you do this to me? The hell didn't you tell me?

Subject to angry Irish phrasing, of course.
If you want to be sure that Firn isn't insulted by this, the best way is to ask Firn. To be frank, much as I'm interested in Rionna as a character, given that the PMAS has gotten so heated over the issues she poses that the thread has been locked, I don't think it's an appropriate time to create a quest like this. It's just adding more fuel to the fire.

Probably link to @HeroCycle's original thread in one of your OP's so that people know why this is appearing now as opposed to a less fraught time.

In keeping with the fact I'm willing to give this whole idea a chance if it doesn't explode into the same conflagration... and under the assumption that HeroCycle did vet the basic idea with Firn sometime with that initial thread-

As from my comments in said initial thread:

[x] Talk. Violently.
-[x] What the fuck did you do to me- no, why the fuck did you do this to me? The hell didn't you tell me?

Subject to angry Irish phrasing, of course.

Points. Done.

EDIT: Also, thanks for the copliments in the first thread, mCooperative.
[X] run away.
You are a child. Children do not react well to such things.
Yes, but we're an angry child. I think demanding to know what the fuck is reasonable.

[x] Talk. Violently.
-[x] What the fuck did you do to me- no, why the fuck did you do this to me? The hell didn't you tell me?
[x] Take quick look at our soul and it's connection to us

No sense in rushing in without any idea how to do anything, we'd just get killed, but we can't wait to long to rescue our sister. (she's prob. already dead, but whatever)
And Firn has decided to give me permission! He has just requested that I remind everyone that this is not canon. I have neither the authority, nor the insight to reveal anything about canon!Rionna. This is entirely based on guesses I've made about mere possibilities (and of course, you may guide her to be completely different from what we've seen so far in PMAS anyway)
[x] Skelm

(and of course, you may guide her to be completely different from what we've seen so far in PMAS anyway)
Which sets off our conflict with Oriko because goddammit her precog is enough of a hassle without us invalidating her vision like that.
You grit your teeth as your frown deepens. Assholes everywhere. You never fail to find proof of what you've learned. "Is my sister in danger right now?" you snarl.

"Yes. She is currently hiding from her enemy. If you make a contract with me quickly, you may have time to save her."
This threw me off for a bit when I was looking for deceptions, but everything Kyubey says here is consistent with our sister being a witch that's being hunted by a magical girl.

Good job on that @Sereg
Part 2: Interrogation
[x] Talk. Violently.
-[x] What the fuck did you do to me- no, why the fuck did you do this to me? The hell didn't you tell me?
[x] Take quick look at our soul and it's connection to us

You squirm with horror and fear, before settling on fury. "What the fuck did y' do to me!? No, why the fuck did y' do this to me!? The Hell didn't y' tell me!?" Your hands shake while you yell.

"You might want to keep your voice down if you don't want me to erase the memories of those around you," says Kyuubey. It still hasn't wiped that dumb smirk off its face. And you're glad you've assigned it the pronoun "it" in your mind, now that you've seen its soul. The threat to mindwipe is making you even more upset at what you and your sister have gotten into. She had better still be alive when you were done with this creature.

"Start talking. Now," you growl. You lower your hands.

"I turned you into a magical girl, just like we agreed."

"Not what I'm talking about." You rise to your full height, not that that's much, and tae a firm step forward before leaning down and glaring into Kyuubey's eyes. "And I'm sure y' knew that already. My soul is inside this egg. Explain. Quickly."

"Your soul is placed inside the Soul Gem as a feature of becoming a Magical Girl," Kyuubey said. "You should be thankful. It is a big improvement."

"Thankful!?" You grab an ear and lift Kyuubey to your face. Part of you wants to run away, but a bigger part wants to let out the many frustrations life has dealt you onto this creep in front of you. "You dare say I should be thankful!? Why should I be thankful!?"

"Human bodies are very fragile. With your new upgrades, you'll be able to repeatedly repair your body as long as your Soul Gem remains intact. It is the real you. You are now a small target. You are also more resistant to pain, which should help you fight your sister's enemy in particular."

You drop Kyuubey and then your hand. Of course. Your sister. She's in danger. But you need to learn more before you're ready to save her. It won't do to die making a stupid mistake that could have easily been prevented by checking some information beforehand. "Okay. That's what you did. You haven't finished."

"I told you that Magical Girls fight Witches. It would not do to have Magical Girls fight witches with weak, soul-filled bodies. They would die too easily. As for why I didn't tell you, it's because humans often react badly to that information for some reason. I did not want you to be upset about that when it could delay you making the contract. Your sister is still in danger, remember?" Kyuubey cocked its head to the side.

Your sister's safety is important and urgent. That's true. And you really don't want to deal with this right now. You want to run away. But first, you pick up and take a closer look at the green egg. As you first noticed, your soul is inside. It is transmitting a signal to your body. That was something you were particularly interested in. Like one would expect from a signal, it gets weaker with distance. You can't get too far away from it. There's more. Wisps of darkness are slowly filling the egg. You narrow your eyes and concentrate. The darkness is negative emotion. You know that just from looking. In fact, you seem to be getting a lot more information as you get used to this soul-sense you have acquired.

Expanded Capacity: 240 marbles

Current Grief Generated: 0.15/2 for Enhanced Grief Efficiency = 0.075 marbles

You lift your eyes. Souls surround you. You can sense them everywhere. There are the wisps of animal souls, the lights of human souls, Kyuubey's net with its many bubbles, eggs like your own, and balls of tortured, negative emotion that you don't recognise. They feel extremely unpleasant. However, there is something more urgent to attend to. The eggs are magical girls like yourself. Two of them are close.

[] Talk
-[] What do you say?
[] Leave
-[]Where do you go?
[] Try something with your magic
-[] What?
[] Use your cell phone to call your sister
[] Attack Kyuubey
[] Write in

A/N: I'm using marbles as a unit as it's one PMAS players would be familiar with.

Also, @Skelm, good guess, but that is not the method Bunnycat is currently using to be a dick.

EDIT: AN: Also, I had to suddenly shift the numbers there as Firn just revealed that my estimate was way off. At least it was easy to do.
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Hmm, if she's not a witch then one of the the two magical girls has to be her, and the other is presumably her attacker. We could try to find out who is who with our power, but that could fail depending on what information we can actually get. We could ask Kyubey, but we know IC that he's untrustworthy. We could call her, but I don't know how she would distinguish herself from her attacker and the phone might give away her location. We could use telepathy, which might also let us draw off the attacker to us. Finally, we could just move in and use our eyes.

Whatever we do, it's probably safe, and a good idea, to ask Kyubey what powers this girl, and for that matter our sister, has.

Edit: We could also forego identifying them and just try to suppress the soul-body signal for both, but that would mean doing something we don't properly understand to our sister in the hope that we could safely reverse it.
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@Sereg the threadmarks' order is a bit messed up.

There are some important questions we need to ask Kyubey first. Calling our sister with the cell phone is one way for her to get spotted and attacked. The magical girls we spotted are more than likely to be our sister and the other MG but we aren't quite sure yet.
So compiling that into a plan.

[X] Talk
-[X] "Are there any magical girls here, other then my sister and her attacker?"
-[X] "What are my sister's powers? And the other one's powers?"
[X] Leave
-[X] Approach the nearby magical girls that we sensed.
--[X] Don't make contact, determine first if they are our sister and the magical girl chasing her down.
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Idea: if we know what the powers in play are, we might be able to tell who is who by seeing which power they each have.
[X] Talk
-[X] "Are there any magical girls here, other then my sister and her attacker?"
-[X] "What are my sister's powers? And the other one's powers?"
[X] Leave
-[X] Approach the nearby magical girls that we sensed.
--[X] Don't make contact, determine first if they are our sister and the magical girl chasing her down.

Okay, I'm dropping the question about who this girl is, since we don't really give a shit. Likewise, I'm replacing the question about the city with right here, because anyone not here doesn't matter, and also because it looks like we can actually sense more magical girls, they're just further away. I'm not sure about the observation plan, I'll think some more about it.
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You can just delete all the threadmarks and recreate them. It's better to fix it now rather than later when there is going to be a lot more threadmarks.
I'm sure it's possible to reorder them in place, since PMAS had its chapters out of order at one point and I'm sure Firn didn't fix it by deleting and recreating them all, but I've never had cause to use the interface myself.
Part 3: Interruption
[X] Talk
-[X] "Are there any magical girls here, other than my sister and her attacker?"
-[X] "What are my sister's powers? And the other one's powers?"
[X] Leave
-[X] Approach the nearby magical girls that we sensed.
--[X] Don't make contact, determine first if they are our sister and the magical girl chasing her down.

You need more information. "Are there any magical girls here, other than my sister and her attacker?" Based on what you're sensing, you think you know the answer to this one, but better safe than sorry.

"You are the only magical girl in this room," Kyuubey replies. "There are other magical girls in the city though."

You sigh in annoyance. "In this suburb?"

"The three of you are the only magical girls in this suburb."

That matches what you sense. That means that, in addition to the three of you, there are another seven magical girls in Edinburgh, spread out. You frown. You can sense magical girls in neighbouring cities as well, but their concentration is far lower than Edinburgh's.

Still, you have more urgent business to concern yourself with. You shake your head and look back at Kyuubey. "What are my sister's powers? And the other one's powers?"

"Besides the powers I already mentioned to you," Kyuubey begins, "they also have the typical powers of: Transformation to enhance their abilities, the ability to sense and track witches, to detect the potential of another to become a magical girl, enhanced strength and speed, the ability to sacrifice speed to dull pain, extra-dimensional storage, the ability to see witches and their effects, the ability to see and communicate telepathically with me, the ability to enchant objects to grant them magical properties and the ability to create and modify magical weapons.

"Your sister typically uses a staff she splits into a three-piece staff. Her assailant typically uses an axe she sometimes enlarges into a halberd.

"Your sister also has the ability to pass through solid objects and escape any restraint. Presumably, this is how she has been able to avoid being caught so far.

"Her assailant can project beams that cause the target to feel illusionary pain."

Then you need to get there quickly. "Y' said that it is normal for magical girls to have super speed and to transform to enhance their abilities even further, right?"

"That is standard, yes."

You pick up the egg containing your soul. You lower your eyelids and concentrate. Your egg glows and you feel it dissipate as your clothing transforms into light. When the glow fades, you are in a green, hooded robe. Your egg has transformed into a star-shaped pin. Your muscles certainly feel more athletic now.

You race out, into the night, locking the door behind you. It isn't long before you reach the parking lot underneath the local shopping mall. You duck behind a pillar to see what's going on without being spotted.

A girl is slowly walking between the cars. She wears her black hair in pigtails that stick straight out from the sides of her head and a tiny hat sits on her head. Her dress is red and the skirt looks a bit like a frilly umbrella. The whole outfit is frilly, in fact. She has buckled shoes and long, white socks. Her sleeves are long and barely attached to her top, which resembles a corset. She is also carrying a red axe over her shoulder. She has red eyes and freckles over a small nose and her gaze slowly sweeps the parking lot. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" she calls out in a sing-song voice.

You feel another magical girl hiding underneath one of the cars.

[] Jump out
[] Sneak in
[] Summon your weapon
[] Sneak attack!
[] Use your magic
-[] How?
[] Yell
-[] What?

A/N: Fixed the threadmarks issue. Thanks.
You frown. You can sense magical girls in neighbouring cities as well, but their concentration is far lower than Edinburgh's.
This seems like a Hint. Perhaps Kyubey has been recruiting in an attempt to cause a conflict that would justify contracting us? We know from PMAS that Kyubey, at least some of the time, tries to maintain good relationships with his contractors, so it's plausible that he would prefer to engineer this scenario instead of just ignoring our sister's request. Obviously this isn't working out for him, since we got soul sight.

Also, that is an amazing range... is what I was going to say until I remembered how tightly packed the UK is.
Edinburgh is in Scotland, right? Huh. Anyway, I'm not sure about our plan of attack. Sneak in behind her and take her out/'peacefully' threaten her to leave our sister alone?